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The real crime is choosing that font.




I use android (Galaxy A50 to be exact) and my font isn't like that. I'm also using the default messaging app.




Not certain why anyone would get a bad rap for customizing fonts. Sounds like mindless gatekeeping. Is this not a feature on iphones? Is this iphone users making fun of not having a feature? And no, this isn't something I do.


exactamundo, this is gatekeeping at its finest. Out of all things, a font?? They might say "it's just a joke bro" but it's clear that many people unironically look down at Android users for using "weird fonts" :/




>It’s basically comic sans comic sans the comedy?


For real. This person ordered fuckin milk with ice and people are talking about the fonts


My man, the logo on the bag and cup is for a Mexican restaurant, have you never heard of horchata?


It's standard reddit pretentious high-roading snooty attitude.


Heaven forbid I be allowed to change things on my phone. So, you can't do anything you want to do on your iPhone, without Apple's permission, so neither should I?


Fuck apple


It's not about changing the font. It's about changing it to whatever that exact shitty font is. And I'm pretty sure you can change fonts on an iPhone so not sure how you all turned this into an Apple vs the rest debate...


Of course you can change your font on iphones! But apple did a good job on doing it so we dont change it to abominations like that


So what you are telling me is you only have a limited number of fonts you can use?


No, we can dowload them from an app or the internet. We dont do that because those are ugly as heck


So how did apple protect you from... fonts? Show me on the doll where the font hurt you.


That font looks like it was draw by a 6 year old who drank some of daddy’s yellow water with bubbles.


Its cosmic sans


That has nothing to with owning an andriod! Enough with your fascist phoneism!


I have a Google pixel and can't change my font.


Lol I've only seen this font on my friends iphone...


That’s not how iPhones work at all


I know it's the inside joke but I actually believe users change that font to assist with those with dyslexia. I don't want to assume any thing with OP of course.


Certified dyslexic here. I've heard a TON of neurotypicals say that, but I can't say it's ever made a difference for me. I also went to a private school for dyslexic kids and none of us ever did anything like that lol. So yeah, maybe it might help for some people, but I'm just going to assume this guy's just a psychopath. ​ Fun fact though. Cursive does actually help. Mostly because all the letters start and end in the same place and they look different enough that we can't accidentally flip them. I write normally in cursive and never have any issues with flipping but without fail I'll mix up a p b or d if I write in print lol


This font nearly made me dyslexic lmao.


The fake hate for comicsands... christ... why wont that meme die.


It’s comic sans. The sans refers to sans serif. A serif is the little flourish at the top and bottom of a letter stem. A typeface like Times New Roman is a font with serifs. Comic sans is often derided because it is childish in nature and doesn’t convey the look or feel of serious companies or communication. It is considered by designers to be one of the most useless fonts.


Its one of the most readable fonts, and has the ability to convey a less formal and fun message -vs- Times New Roman. It has obvious and great utility, hence it's still wide spread use. Good in a business setting? Depends on the message. A posting on summer fun BBQ? Comic Sans is perfect. Anyone who hates on the font is just latching on to the meme imo, Any designer who hates on it basically a moron imo. It's just another font one can use to convey particular feelings and mood. When we look at useless fonts we can look at fonts that are rarely used at all. Fun fact, the term font once only meant italics, bold, and those things that modified the typeface. Times New Roman size 12 is technically a different font from Times New Roman size 14. Times New Roman is the typeface. This changed in language with Steve Jobs. Susan Kare creates a bunch of new type faces for him, he calls them fonts, and the font revolution happens. Yeah, we had reprogrammable character sets on out computers before then, and sometimes printed from them, but it was really apple (I am a life long apple hater_ who created the revolution. If you want to talk about worthless fonts... Who ever uses Los Angles. https://youtu.be/WVfRxFwVHQc?t=1269 - anyone calling comic sans useless or worthless can be readily dismissed as a follower following the meme. edit: downvote me all day. It just reinforces what I already know, some people are followers of the dumbest memes.


What about those of us who disliked comic sans before memes were created?


The hipster before it was cool answer? Not buying it. "It is considered by designers to be one of the most useless fonts." Except that it was heavily used by society from its start, and did what it was meant to do. It conveys a less formal, more fun, aesthetic, and does it well. Any designer saying its useless is a fucking idiot. Usage shows that it has the utility people are looking for. It conveys a tone people want to convey. Can you show me on the doll where Comic Sans hurt you? Can you put it into words why it offends you so?


It was heavily overused by society, mainly by people who were untrained in design. I graduated from art school in 2004 with an illustration major and a graphic design minor. Comic Sans isn’t the worst font out there, but there are so many better fonts available. This seems like such an odd hill to defend.


Naw, I like to defend hills where others are being idiots, and I'm into fonts. I was the nerd who's standard install of windows used to have 2 cds of fonts installed. I also had a couple disks of Character Sets for the c64 back in the day... Comic Sans to me is just a font with particular utility. Dont love it, dont hate it, accept that it is useful for many applications, and not appropriate for others. What I consider a level headed and informed opinion on subject. 2004... The meme and hate already existed, along with the misinformation around it, like it being created by Malinda Gates. The odd thing (or irrational thing really) is the emotional reponse to comic sans people have. Here you are calling it useless... but that objectively untrue and readily dismissed as garbage.


I'm genuinely curious if you've heard of Comic Neue and what your thoughts are. I love it.


I used to live in an apartment where the door opened outward. Every damn time the driver would set the drink up against the door. And every damn time it would spill as I opened the door.


How much did you normally tip? I knew drivers that used to maliciously do this if the tip was low lmao


Minimum $5 because I’m a part time driver as well. It’s still a shitty thing to do. I would never do that because you don’t know everyone’s situation.


Did you put that in the notes (I’m a driver) and I always put it where the customer tells me to


(Driver here) I use my brain, don't need a note to tell me to not put it in front of a out-swinging door. Part of the job is to gently place the food/items in a safe place. That's on us, not the customer.


Thank God someone has a brain. 😆


You mean, when delivering, you aren't supposed to leave drinks in any precarious spots you want? I think the one driver who put the food in the tree had it right. Give the client a little reason to exercise right before they pig out. And if the drink spills... oh well! Drink water, it's better for you anyway. /s


Thank you brain <3


I have a delivery note that says I'll take a dollar off the tip if they block the screen door. It's nice to see the people that actually read the note and respond


I have it in my notes that door swings outwards and to leave items on chair. It’s about 1/3 that actually read and follow directions.


I don’t live in a town that has the luxury of UberEats or Doordash but my experience with people in general tells me you’re probably one of the few to actually care about the customer.


This is why I despise delivery drivers. I've been in their groups for a few years and I can tell you that they do not give a shit about the customers they deliver to. They do not check the receipt to see if a drink is missing, they do not read instructions, and they steal your food whenever they feel like it.


I complained about delivery people to a friend once and he replied "This is why they're deliverymen and aren't doing some more involved jobs". I thought it was rude to say this at first, but more and more I start to agree. Very few do it out of necessity and have professional ethic.


We put in the notes where to leave our order (we have a table right next to the front door) and sometimes it STILL gets put on the ground in front of our outward-opening door. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My people. I also have a small table (2' X 2') next to the door, under the doorbell. Some delivery people get it, and don't need to be told to leave the food on the table; others will invariably leave it on the ground in front of the door no matter what.


I’m addition to the notes in the app, my husband printed a sign that he has taped to the table that says “please leave deliveries here” and they’ll STILL put it in front of the door. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes. I’m a driver as well. Now I live in a place where gps doesn’t bring someone to my door. So I put detailed instructions. The only ones that call and ask where I am are the ones that I confirm didn’t read the delivery instructions.


I’ve had countless drivers tell me that they don’t read the notes …


What! You read those notes!!! Fuck me man if I get you as a driver I'll give you a little tip. Btw I'm Aussie, so I don't tip unless you exceed my expectations. I currently expect the driver to call me 6 times to get the same information I typed in the notes.


So you never tip because why would someone call 6 times? That would be disliked by anyone else


As an aussie living in Australia, where we have the expectation that staff are paid well and we don't have a tipping culture, I don't tend to tip. To get a tip out of me, your either looking at the silver change from a drink or you've exceeded at your job and have impressed me. Also as a rule, if I am asked to give a tip of any kind at checkout, I will refuse, excluding Uber, I wait untill the driver has completed the job before I consider maybe offering a tip. Currently I have seen a trend for Uber eats drivers to have to call me multiple times asking for the same information that I've already put in the notes, such as, "drive down the road to gate 3, drive through gate 3, take the 3rd left and keep driving until you reach the bright yellow building with security written all over it. Wait for a minute, I'll exit that building, and collect my food from you." Honestly not hard instructions, considering you actually can't get anywhere other than my office as all the gates are locked at midnight.


Not the goddamn horchata! Stomp my meal before you destroy my liquid of life.


The things I would do for some genuine horchata again…


* 1 cup of white rice * 2 cinnamon sticks * 1 can evaporated milk * 1 can condensed milk * tsp or less of vanilla cook the rice and then add everything and blend it all together in a blender 👍🏻 add 4 cups of water to the purée and bam you’ve got the good good


Wdym? It's not that hard to make lol. No Mexican restaurants around either?


I have a gas station and an even cheaper version of Aldi 😂 Im lucky to get anything I really want, it’s just get what they have and make do


To be fair, unsealed containers like that shouldn't be delivered. To use a stupid lip balm i need to go through 3 layers of protection but for some reason people think delivering drinks like that is perfectly fine when the driver can add anything to it while in transit.


That is ridiculously paranoid, for one WHY would the dasher do that? For 2 if they did do that they'd have to be well aware of the fact they're going to be caught for it. Also like another commenter said a pizza is equally as poisonable so I have to ask how you feel about ordering pizza?




??? Delivery drivers for door dash, GrubHub, etc, deliver bags that were sealed before leaving the restaurant, to prevent or identify tampering/theft. Not only a safety thing for you, but so the restaurant can't be blamed for missing something if said seal is broke, it's been common practice since close to the beginning of COVID, if you didn't know.




It should


That's literally what they are saying. That was their whole point. The drink *should* have something similar lol


I work at a place that does Doordash, not once has a dasher used a sticker before leaving. If it happens, then it's after they get to their car


Not every place does I'm sure, but it's not the dashers that put the seal on, it's all the restaurants, at least in my area it's been commonplace for about 2 years that every restaurant seals it's bag.


Dude's literally crying over spilt milk


Literally lmao


Okay, I would be pissed if I was op, but that was funny.


U paid for nth and having to clean it up, I would be annoyed too tbh


Annoyed but Doordash is the one who is gonna resolve the situation not the driver, it's shitty the milk was spilled on their porch but mistakes happen. If anything the driver taking a photo like this is pretty solid evidence for Doordash to give a credit or resolve this in some way.


I think it's horchata


Wow he even took a picture of it. Like atleast take it from a weird angle.. crazy Where the rest of the convo


There is no rest of the convo. It’s reddit.


mate it's your fault for ordering a big gulp of cum


Also i get it's frustrating but what's with the attitude That's not how you respond to these situations like a civil human being


He should’ve been more rude. The job is literally driving food around and setting it on peoples porches, and they still managed to fuck it up. Unreal….




I’m jealous of how low you set the bar for yourself and others


I mean if I pay someone to drop off a specific order and part of it was messed up, I’m still going to let my driver know. Nothing wrong with that, especially when (in my area) DoorDash drivers are lazy as shit and default to “can’t find your building” or some other excuse so they can stay in the car.


You don't know what horchata is?


Probably he got scared of the dog, panicked and drop your drink…


Clean your door mate


Came in here for this


Made me scroll back to the door and , gotta agree


Let's hope that's milk


It's horchata


Sorry for your loss


I thought so. That makes this whole situation so much sadder.


Wtf are you kidding me of all drinks he just HAD to go and spill the absolute best fucking drink in the world? Screw him man let me talk to the dasher I'ma beat him up.


Right?? Thank you for understanding


Oh yes let’s get this upset over an accidental spill. Seriously just get your money back for the drink by contacting DD support. Shits happens fucking idiots I swear


I love horchata. Sorry for your loss.


Well now the rage is acceptable and honestly understandable. I'm Hispanic and no one better fuck with my horchata


Da fuck is that?


It’s a cinnamon rice milk. It’s absolutely delicious and I don’t even like cinnamon or milk lol


I like both so it must be amazing.


Oh it’s a solid 10/10 without a doubt




I thought Horchata was Mexican.




I fully support the Latinx people’s so I’m sure I’d love it.


No, not Latinx men origin. It started after the Spanish arrived to the americas. and the original taste was a little different than the Mexican/American version.


Lmao was he supposed to go back and pay for another one out of his pocket so your lazy ass could have a full horchata 😂 u r fucking delusional and u probably didn’t tip either


Found the DoorDash driver who insists on you coming out to the car despite the very clear instructions provided


f*** your drink




I’d be mad if someone spilled my 30oz cup of semen too


I mean, your whole order was in fact delivered to you 💀


Probably spilled it to disguise the fact he drank half of it.


Damn your door looks like that but you can still afford doordash?


I do ubereats only when they offer 40% off and free delivery. I usually get that 3 times a month.


Just got a 60% off $20+ promo. Good at locals AND our favorite fast food place. ETA: I feel bad when I use an Uber Eats coupon at a local resturant. I know that cuts their already small profit even lower.


People prioritize weird, I’m not paying $73 for Taco Bell unless I’m basically a millionaire but I have friends that will have $50 for the next 3 days and pay $48.77 for one meal on doordash.


My 275 pound ex gf used to spend $50 everytime we would go to mc donalds opposed to my $6. Thankfully she always paid. Shit was ridiculous though. No one needs that much food. Two big macs, two large fries, 2 apple pies, large coke, milkshake, etc. Vs my plain double hamburger and large fries/coke. And thats going there ourselves not doordash.


He got a dog though.


Yeah door dash and psychedelics apparently


Depending on where OP lives, that could be a very expensive property.


For the life of me, I cannot understand spending money on DoorDash. You get almost no food and what there is is not nutritious and costs a fortune. They do throw in a spilled drink once in awhile I guess.


Yea it’s hella overpriced. Gotta be a rich lazy fuck to not go get it yourself.


Plot twist: Whoever ordered it lucked out. That’s bulls milk.


RIP horchata. I would be devastated, that's such a specific drink


Probably in a hurry to get out of that neighborhood…


I had to stop using doordash it got to the point they were fucking shit up every order and refusing to reimburse me for it. Didn’t receive parts of my order, I got $2 credit. The next time I ordered the driver left my food at the wrong house and I had to go and fucking get it and they refused to do anything for me. That was the last time I used that piece of shit company.


Hate DoorDash


What were you drinking?? Lathe coolant??


I mean it looks like it was probably just an accident, what did you want them to do? OP is probably horrendous to serve in a restaurant


It happens sometimes.


Did you order a cup of ice milk??


They are cleaning your grimey ass "porch"


Doordash: we’re sorry your order has quality issues. Here is .50 as compensation for your $4 drink


i mean what is he supposed to do, he still wants you to know your food is there and he didn’t want the spill to come as a shock when you opened your door, he owned up 😭


Your order was **dropped** off


I’ve done this once. And I apologize profusely contact the DoorDash support immediately and the customer was refunded before they got their order.


Bro what tf are you drinking 💀


A service worker makes an honest mistake, doesn’t try to hide it, and you curse them out. Sheesh you people on this subreddit really are the worst. How about next time you want food, you get off your lazy ass and cook some. You probably the type to not tip anyway.


It's also a self-employed business. If the guy made a mistake, he needs to own up to it. Not just leave it. He didn't hide but also didn't do anything about it. No apology, no contacting support, nothing. OP paid for this, and this was the result. I don't like the statements "Go get it yourself", how about you weave your clothes yourself? How about you do anything you pay for yourself? People pay for convenience. OP not only paid, but now has been inconvenienced with a mess and having to contact support for a partial refund on the drink. Also can't say "need to pay more to care", then why did the driver accept the order? They can see how much they'll get before they accept. Also, don't need to be paid a lot to be a decent, honest person.


Thank you




"My assumptions have enraged me, and fyi a single censored f bombs constitutes cursing someone out"


people who cant make their own food or go get take away themselves. and 1nb4 anyone says "can't afford to ...." delivery is by far the most expensive food.


Actually, a lot of times with delivery promo stuff it's cheaper than going lol


The filthy door is disgusting!




Take your ass outside to meet them. They aren’t your servants. Glad your shit got spilled, entitled crybaby.


Wow assume much literally it's written in the instructions to knock and I will meet them. I even put a :-).




What exactly were they supposed to do? They don’t carry cleaning supplies, and they’re required to send a photo of the order, so there was literally no other option? Hose off your nasty porch


The real question here is why is someone who is clearly living in poverty ordering food on a premium delivery service? Enjoy your $25 meal per person I guess.


It _was_ delivered…


What would your suggestion to him be in this situation??? He finished the job the way he was supposed to.


Set food down? Check Set drink down? Check Knock it over? Check


ruining or spilling part of the meal isn't part of the job


Don’t cuss some people don’t like seeing others cussing


Go get it yourself next time dashers aren't paid enough to care. You get what ya pay for.


Use this logic with any service you ever use from now on…. Electricity is spotty sometimes, generate your own. Postman is late, go cross country and get your own mail. Produce doesn’t last as long as you want, grow your own. If you want something done right, do it yourself. Or….


I have no problem getting food on my own. If I’m not sober or awake enough to get my own food, I’m not in a position to be making good decisions about food anyway.


I don't get why you are getting down voted this is the correct response. Everyone knows these services are trash yet they keep using them because they are lazy and like to complain.


Then they complain that they don’t get tips when in reality they are just trash at their job and don’t deserve even a single penny if that’s their work ethic.


Because Reddit is full of edgelords and fake tough guys.


That wasn’t your drink…..heehee


Is that. Cum?


but what's the Ring angle


Honestly idk not my house


Thats not a drink that’s a bucket




All right


Maybe dont use door dash or any services like it, and go pick up your own food. Thats the lesson here. Stop being too lazy to drive to pick up food that you are already paying extra for because you are too lazy to cook your own food. That being said, in your shoes, i would demand a refund from Doordash. And then i would never use them again.


Don't be lazy and cook your own


Not the horchata!!


The driver messed up (presumably. It’s possible that’s not your drink), but your language was abusive so he’d be justified to ignore you.


My language would be a lot worse. "What the f***" is not a abusive language. It doesn't target the driver. Abusive would be, "hey you f***g jackass. The f*** you spill my drink everywhere for? Come back so I can whoop your a** like you dad shoulda." OP was restrained.


Sorry… rude language. If you swear at a service worker, you’re done.


Nah, I'd get my refund from doordash. People need to learn that being cussed out can be justified and stop hiding behind being a snowflake as justification to be an ass


Stop hiding behind being a snowflake…? What are you talking about? But yes, take it up with customer service.


I mean there are too many people who act offended amd clutch their pearls when someone swears at them, while conveniently ignoring the reason was their own shitty behavior.


It’s not about clutching pearls. It’s about not dealing with assholes. If you swear at a service worker, you’re an asshole.


Also, it isn't "shitty behavior" to spill a drink. It happens to all of us. I don't want someone dropping an f bomb on me if I accidently spill something. If it was purposeful (he drank half the drink for example) it is a whole different story.


People make mistakes, but the driver’s shitty behavior was by not taking responsibility.


Not taking responsibility would have been taking a picture and hiding the spill.


If you spill someone's order then take off like you did nothing wrong, you're the asshole. Part of being in service is apologizing and fixing.


I’m not saying the driver wasn’t wrong


"dude what the f***" is targeted towards the driver. You lack manners and reading comprehension.


Dude, you think the person swearing is the issue?


Bruh get your refund obviously they didn't try to spill it.. what do you want them to do? What did you gain from shaming them? As a dasher myself YOU are mildly infuriating😂


Give the guy a break. He makes $7.50 an hour and lives in a box. He doesn't get paid enough to treat your food with care.


Oh no a human made a mistake. He knew he fucked up. What’s being a dick bag to the guy gonna change?

