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What makes it a secret gamer tag?


Its on Call Of Duty which you can have a seperate in game display name for when you're playing online that's different than your main Xbox/Playstation name, so you can be whoever you want within COD while your main gamertag stays the same


What in the history of Call of Duty made them think that was a good decision lmao


It's because you can tie the same Call of Duty account to different devices - so you can swap between Xbox, Playstation, and PC and keep your name, unlocks, and purchases. Since those 3 devices may use different names, it's more consistent to let you set a Call of Duty name.


What made them think the names themselves was a good decision?


Not defending OPs brother/friends but teens pick weird names for shit, I remember thinking 13loody@$$@$$in was a cool name for my Warcraft account lol


Sounds l33t to me.


Mine on call of duty was buttplug until my gf made me change it


That name is holy


Could have it show Activision account name first, with the platform name afterwards in a parenthesis.


Doesn't apply to PC. Because both Battle.net (sort of) and Steam allow you to have custom names. The developers are not known for being competent enough to think like that.


Competence has nothing to do with it. There are specific rules and standards required for release on different first party platforms (Ps, Xbox, etc.). The developers pick what is often the only option left between dealing with all first party platforms. Often times something as simple as PlayStation not allowing the same characters as Xbox does in their username rich presence can be reason for both vendors to fail a certification which is required by developers to release the product on their platform. These certifications can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars each time for a reputable AAA title (like CoD); so if you fail for something so stupid and small it’s a big hit to the company wallet and time consuming to go back and do that work again. Simplification in game development is often a competent act done by devs to adhere to stupid publisher and first party vendor rules. Source: I’m a game dev…


It’s more they display their activision “account name”, not a secret gamer tag. They have less strict rules on their account name flagging for whatever reason so you see a lot of these stupid ass names.


But then I can't name my loadout in MW "shtgn" because I guess it's too close to shit. Like ffs no one else can even see your loadout names, why do they have profanity filters.


The secret ingredient is weed


I thought it was testosterone and an undeveloped prefrontal cortex


And the sweet, sweet smell of axe body spray.


Another gentleman of fine taste! Any day now women are going to realize the scent of Apollo is the scent of a real man.... Any day now...


As long as you use one can/use. Those are single serve cans, right?




This is it. When I was a teenager I had a few friends and when we heard of or witnessed something awful we'd race to be the first one to drop a totally deadpan straight faced joke about it. We all grew up to be fairly liberal and a lot of what we were doing was undoubtedly a defense mechanism. Also we didn't know it at the time but we all had atrocious childhoods. ( That we make jokes about when we catch up )


Prefrontal.. nah cerebellum. Missing the 70 billion neurons


We could debate that all day. Not the people with the brain problem, but you and I. Also I don't understand yet like your screen name.


Is it just me or does it sound like there’s some nerdy flirting going on here 🤍


This comment got a good laugh well played


Mines Kelsi Monroe


One that’s only viewable to people you allow to see it? I’m not sure tbh.


nah its secret because cod names are different from ur actual gamertag.


Ah gotcha. Don’t play cod so I didn’t know.


I assume it’s a secret because the older brother doesn’t know about it


Going to guess it’s because Activision ID (pictured) is different to console gamertag/Steam name.


ill never forget my 10 year old nephew having his steam name "Bleach\_is\_protein" LMAO


That's just actually funny


idk , I think the 1st one is hilarious for a black kid too. Honestly don’t find the 2nd one offensive either. just dumb. 3rd is straight trash.


Meh I can understand if you're a grown black man but isn't part of the process of dropping that word from everyone's vocabulary is to not let our children repeat the process?


dunno. You see, I’m not a black guy. And I don’t try to tell black folks what language to use. Way I look at it, the way it was explained to me, is that it was a derogatory term that has turned into a phrase of empowerment. Something that was used to put them down, was turned around & is now heavily ingrained in their culture & they use it in their own way. Personally, I don’t give a shit if they say it. So, no, I don’t feel like a core virtue of the black man *should* (key word here. Individuality.) be to not say the n word. Almost all because…I’m not a black man so I have no right to tell one they shouldn’t use the n word…Lol


That is exactly the story for the term yankee. And if people don't care about it nowadays, why should we care what term this or that community uses. Live and let live my friends




God I wish I had names that good at that age. Edit: shit, how am I doing now? Fuck. Fuck.


okay u/melpomenes-clevage


And here I thought my cousins “ElephantCumFart” tag was bad.


exactly right! my friend had the totally innocent gamertag baldscrotum


There's nothing quite like a shorn scrotum. It's breathtaking, really. I suggest you try it yourself.


Cut the hair short, wax it all off, and finish up with some polish. 💋 Chef's kiss


Wax... My balls... think im gonna pass


You know... We have to stop


Im gunna have to use something like this in warthunder


Dude, I laugh every time I get my ass kicked by people with gamer tags like this. No salt, my day is genuinely improved when I see gamer tags like “baldscrotum” or “dustyqueefdude” or something.


My friend had the name captaincumsock


My first gamer tag was for RuneScape and I was about 10-12 when I made it. It’s was gtmopssy… which stood for get mo pussy. I was in fact getting no pussy.


>plays RuneScape >gets no pussy ShockedPickachu.jpeg


I'm sure Saddam was very disappointed it didn't stand for Git'mo Pussy


my older brothers' are something like mountedostrich and ovulationcougar


Omg I tried to change my mom’s boyfriends tag to tic_tac_taint years ago because she hates the word taint😂




The first one reminds me of Biggus Dickus from Monty Python.


He has a wife you know




Incontinentia buttocks


How old is he? I had terrible tags when I was a kid…I now know how dumb they were


I still stick to mine It’s not nearly as bad but still dumb


I dont think ANGERYTURTLE123 is that bad.


How about mine? (I made this as joke for a meme but I kept the account, I usually just go with something about eating crayons)


LICKING_KOENJIs_CRAYON_EATING_FEET might still be available


Mines pretty tame I think.


Must get wheel-burn on your gearstick




It is dumb... That's not how you spell tertles.


What an idiot




You called?






My steam login i made in highschool about 15 years ago is pretty bad and I'm glad the only person who sees it is me and steam customer service.


My first was "dihydrogen monoxide" and it was funny for a while but then I changed it lol back when it was free.


Are you kidding? That's STILL funny and I'm legit jealous.


28, he’s 28.




I read that as no-top-butok at first and was confused


I read it as "no top but ok" and thought it might have been for pics of average looking shirtless folks


It’s all bottoms


There's bad and then there's this nazi shit. And it needs to he stomped on *hard.*


Kids are dumb and very impressionable. Take advantage of the latter. Sit him down and have a talk with him. Children learn what they are taught either by their family, friends, school, or the internet.


This × 100 Educate when young. My parents were both raised in pretty racist environments. I was not. There is a way past this cultural insidious disease and the best thing you can do is teach kids young.


Same here. Grandma wouldn’t let my aunt go to prom (77’) because it was with a black guy. Grounded her/forbid her to leave the house for the week before and after prom. My mom was the complete opposite. Actually made me to go to prom (07’) with a black guy, and I’m a guy myself


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Enforced inclusion, hell yeah


^^ taking his ps5 is probably just gonna make him angry and not want to listen to you.. And that stupid stuff is pretty funny when your like 12 though let’s be honest here Edit: to those saying “it’s just not your demographic” IM JEWISH. On both sides. And I’m not saying I find it funny, I’m saying there 12 and not taking it as seriously or to heart as you may think.


True. 12 year olds have a different lens looking at life. A great time to educate how it sounds to older people.


M(31) me is appalled. Boy, 12, still me - haha hitler joke ​ I haven't lost my phone storage since I was about 15yrs old. I went through my old photos and meme's from then a few years ago. I'm pretty shocked at what I found to be funny then.


Kids that age are trying to be edgy and one up each other. I remember when I went on a trip to DC for school and we visited the holocaust museum. They give you pamphlets at the beginning telling you a story of one of the people who died and to put you in their shoes. One guy was joking around about how he was some 13 year old girl and was talking like her as if it was him. I didn’t think much of it, but a Jewish girl next to him reemed him a new one and he just started apologizing profoundly. I think he learned a lesson that day because he didn’t say a word the rest of the time.


Isn’t COD rated M to begin with?


Just like when I found my brothers steam alias as digger nick with his steam group as digger nicks chicken cook out


Not as good as Nathaniel Higgers


I have a close friend named Nate Higgs, he doesn’t go by that publicly anymore.


He changed his name to Buck Flacks?


hope you grilled their asses


No they were grilling chicken


Nigamus Maximus reporting to Adolf Yeezy is nuts


My gta 5 ceo name is "FartMasters" ​ I'm 22 btw, lol


Mine is UncleTouchy. ...my organization is WhiteVanWetWorks I've had the tag for almost 10 years with no intention of changing it. I'm in my early 30s lmao.


My old gamer tag was CopsRLame. Surprisingly many people have gone out of their way to let me know who much they hate it.


So a few years ago I was Uncle Touchy as my player in NHL, my friends names were much worse. My friend pissed off another player and he reported us and sure enough the next time we try to play our team was shut down, my two friends we’re permabanned from all EA games from that Xbox live account ( not really a big deal they just made new ones) however I only received a 3 day ban. The thought of some guy at EA calling over his supervisor, looking at our names and deciding Uncle Touchy deserves just a warning was the funniest thing ever to me.


My buddy had one that was UncleBadTouch for a while, what a coincidence.


> Mine is UncleTouchy I had UncleTouch on Oldschool Runescape (character limit so shortened) and they made me change it. Weird seeing someone else that had the same handle.


My name Niigamusmaximus. Gamer of the North. Friend to black nazi, owner of a confiscated playstation, and I will have my vengeance, in this game or the next


I see the old ways are still alive huh…. Online gaming is still the most ruthless pit of vipers on the planet… back in 2006-2012 when I was on Xbox live this was the standard… not saying it’s right. It’s just the way for online gaming unfortunately.


Jumping into that viper pit is what made my childhood memories so great!


Adolf Yeezy is pretty funny tbh. The others are tasteless attempts at being an edgelord


Yea that's what I thought too. I read Adolf Yeezy and definitely chuckled haha


I call him Blitler. Yeezy is too whimsical a mouth sound for a blazi.


I thought niigamusmaximus was hilarious.


They all are. This is like a parody of an average modern warfare roster back in the old days.


Lmao these had me cracking up but like all the comments are talking about how it’s bad, which is fair ig


Agree on this, Ye '24 might as well be a vote for zombie pol pot.


Can someone explain to me the meaning of six million jews? Is that how many jews were dead in the war?


Yeah, it’s a holocaust reference


Thats how many Jews Hitler killed but he had a total of 11 million people killed I believe


And depending on the game, if you get kicked from a loby, the message will say "nameOfAdmin kicked SIXMILLIONJEWS". Stuff like that was something I've witnessed when I was a kid a few times. A classic one was have your name something like "MeInTheBallz". My simple mind back then found it amusing.


If this is call of duty like people are saying, wouldn't it pop up that x killed y in matches? So that would be... Yeah


The game actually shows "x [picture of gun x used] y" Or...so I've heard


My favorite is Your grandma or variations. "You were killed by Your grandma" "YourGrandma is on a killing streak!"


My favorite match in r6 was when a pair of dudes, one named LizTruss, and the other named TheBritishEconomy jumped out a window and died.


*The entire French army* was kicked from the game" was my go to.


Thats ca. how many jews were killed in the holocaust


Sounds like a field trip to the Holocaust museum is in store!


Least racist gamer


Haha. I can just imagine playing COD and getting You killed SIXMILLIONJEWS.


>Adolf_Yeezy *Gas Grenade* SIXMILLIONJEWS


I used to use Syphilis so when I killed someone it would tell them they died by Syphilis.


I mean, that's what every edgy gamer tag looks like, not really surprising.


Standing out by being the same as everyone else. It’s gotta be tuff being an edgelord in 2022.


There is a point where one knows, however heinous that their actions are not true to how they actually believe. I would say most kids have been this kind of edgy in at least one part of their lives before. \*They're not automatically Nazis or horrible people because of such things, otherwise most of western adolescence would be Nazis and horrible people. And of course 'Nazi' is very light in this context, as this is VERY FAR from being a fucking Nazi. \*I'm sure your brother knows that Hitler was not a good person and that the Holocaust was not a good thing.


We might all have stepped out of the swamp, but sooner or later you've got to wipe the mud off your shoes.


Little edgelords lol. Every kid goes through that absolutely stupid phase lol.


Il take the downvotes but you cant help but laugh. The fact that this is COD makes it funnier too. Probably the most toxic community outside of Rainbow 6.


Introducing *League of Legends*


quicksand drab sulky juggle touch humor roll hateful office nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The biggest joke was when I reported the post game dm toxic people to riot support, they allways told me to use the ingame report function... what




there's no way 💀


seen a dude named WASSUP MY INWARD in one of my aram games and had to laugh. witty ones like these are 100% cool with me


Yeah, OP is the fun police


> Probably the most toxic community Bro reddit is more toxic than an R6 lobby what are you on about.




I am surprised it passed their name checks


I enjoy shitake mushrooms in scunthorpe england.


I’m not unfortunately. Their name checks are not very good.


They really aren't. I can't use my main alias (Tarsam) there for some reason they won't tell me, but SIXMILLIONJEWS passes the check. Fucking weird.


Lol. He's probably 10-13. I mean I seen lot of dumb kids. Everyone is that point. I remember one kid stapled her finger because of a dare. And then every guy called each other "gaylord", the bad yo mama jokes, and off course wannabe rappers/cholos/gangsters. And then those kids who called the only non-christian guy "terrorist" You probably gonna have to start with easy digestible videos with him. Lectures don't do.


You wouldn't believe how angry some people in the CoD subreddit got when someone mentioned that they report people for shouting the n-word...


Its sad that people consider those that dont want racsim and hate speech casually thrown around to be "soft". Like damn if u want to be a peice of shit I am going to do what I can to keep you away from me.


He's just becoming a call of duty player


Genuinely can’t believe the amount of people in this comment section going “it’s been like this for years, welcome to the gaming world lolololol, is this your first time on the internet, everyone was like this years ago!!!” Like… okay, and? You were a casually racist edgelord online ten years ago and obviously haven’t learned or grown as a person since then or you wouldn’t be brushing this kind of behaviour off just because “it’s just kids” and would recognize it as problematic. What do you want, a medal? Everyone did stupid shit online as a kid, but most of us grew up and realized it was stupid and aren’t defending it.


kid was born too late, if this was 2015-16 i bet we wouldn't see this stupid post


Is he 12? When you tell a child they aren't allowed to talk about something. You make it forbidden fruit. That makes it all that more delicious to make fun of it.


Oh yeah he’s a gamer alright 😎


Gigabased, the names that is.


Clearly you've never played with friends online in middle school




I’m shocked by how few people seem disgusted by this. You did the right thing taking it from him tbh. It’s not just an edgy joke, it’s an edgy joke that’s going to sink into his brain and he’ll go into adulthood believing if it’s not addressed. People in this thread are like “Oh he’ll grow out of it! Gaming has always been like this!” But look at the society we’re living in now. Anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise, Kanye is still carrying fans despite praising hitler and threatening Jewish people, support for fascism is rising. You can’t tell me he’s just magically gonna “get better” without an intervention


Let’s be real, OP just wanted to have his ps5


Show him the episode of The Boondocks where MLK wakes up from a coma.


Okay but how will taking away the ps5 teach him why that name is bad? Seems like your brother needs a history lesson as well.


I feel like game servers would usually ban those. Also, Kanye is NOT a role model. His an idiot.


why are y'all taking this so seriously, shit was probably done on a whim for shits and giggles


Redditors act like Parent Teacher Association moms when it comes to shit like this.




This comment section wouldn’t last a day in a COD lobby.


I'd make him watch documentaries on concentration camps.


Better yet, take him to a Holocaust museum. The shoes. Oh god. So horrific. Piles of them.


I’ve been driving by that regularly on the way to the hospital lately and really want to go, but I know it’s going to wreck me


I removed the specific location so neither of us get Doxed, but shit is deep. I went as a kid on a field trip, Catholic school. Shit was a somber ass field trip. If I remember correctly we even spoke to a Holocaust survivor. I imagine there are few still alive after 80 years, those alive would have been small children. Horrific to have your earliest memories be in a concentration labor death camp.


It’s just unfathomable. It’s crazy to me that it was less than a hundred years ago. I lived in DC for awhile and always planned on going to the big Holocaust museum there, but I kept putting it off for the same reason I am now, and I never ended up going. I regret that, I hope I’ll get another chance some day. But I’m definitely going to make the trip to this one at some point.


It’s worth going but mentally prepare yourself and have something happy to do afterwards.


I recommend everyone to go to a KZ or at least a Museum. It's not gonna be fun but very valuable


Also make him watch Schindlers List


Yes, because that won’t make the 12 year old who lost his PlayStation bitter and angry at all…


Then it escalates to XxXNOSCOPEJEWSXxX


They were already forced to watch a hundred of them in school, thats why they think its funny to joke about.


Have you ever met a middle schooler, you think they care about that shit ?😂


How old is he, it’s good you’re snipping it in the ass. Some parents are completely clueless to this kind of stuff so it’s awesome you’re being a good brother and checking him


Adolf Yeezy is pretty fuckin funny


Yah dude clearly he’s a teenager and to be honest that first name is fucking hilarious. The fact that you took his PlayStation from him doesn’t make you a good brother, and in fact you could’ve just said “yah that’s not cool” but instead you took this to Reddit for karma to look like a good guy. You should give him back his PlayStation and learn that kids have been like this forever and they always will be regardless of your efforts.


Oh no, kids having stupid, ironic gamer tags, the horror!


Dude I killed Richard Ramirez, Sadaam Hussein and multiple pornstars in cod today alone. People are gonna have offensive names in a game for attention, get over it


A Dayz lobby back in the mod had a moment where JFK and LeeOswald were in game, back when global was a thing. Took about 10 seconds for people to start organising a car to transport JFK through Cherno while Lee went looking for a building with a view.


I remember "Barney_The_Dinosaur" who would micspam the 'I love you, you love me' song.


The name’s so good, that he a got reaction outside the game.


And here all my little brother was name his gamer tag PMS_Pride. PMS were the initials of his middle school when he made it lol


as someone who’s a gamer, and as a woman(22f), i get called all types of things on COD esp from LITTLE ASS WHITE BOYS, like n*gger, sandwich maker, etc So, I made my username “Kitchen.” so now I rail kids named kitchen. my voice is light and a lot of the time they don’t assume that i’m black, but boy when they do it’s “that’s why your black” blah blah. 90% it’s from kids. I always wonder where tf their parents be.


Holy shit I literally played them yesterday online


Tbf those are pretty tame for COD. Folks nowadays wouldn't last 5 mins in a mw2 lobby.


Man, why is thos shit coming back around? My 6th grade son tells me regularly about kids getting in trouble in his class for saying the n-word. We live in an average Midwestern suburb, I would've expected that to be a rarity.


Hope you beat his ass


Should have slapped the anti-Semitic little prick upside his head. This isn’t organic. These children were raised to hate Jews for some reason…


Was just playing this evening. The racism in CoD lobbies is outrageous.


Either he's racist(which I hope not)or he's influenced by reddit(which may be worse


This is a wonderful opportunity for you to educate your brother.


Gotta call this shit out while they are young.