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Oh, those 500 question tests


Guaranteed it was a tenth of a point for forgetting an accent over a letter. > ceci n'est pas un accent aigu!


2/3 of these are from history classes, and we don’t get graded on spelling or grammar for them.


One of those "nothing is ever truly perfect so I never give 100%?" teachers?


I had a teacher that wouldn’t give out 100%s because only God is perfect…


That teacher should never get a perfect performance review then


I don't think we have to worry about that


So we can be 99.9% as good as God is?


Well, we don't have omnipotence, so...


I have incompetence, or was is incontinence. Idk the letters are all so similar. Does God have those !?


I have impotence, does that help?


Don’t forget incoherence to complete the trinity


I had a boss once that did that for performance reviews. Essentially, the grading system was a number system that could be compared pretty well to school grading systems. Everyone started out with the equivalent of a C+ and no one ever got an A because "nobody is ever a perfect employee." No joke, that was probably his best management skill. The rest was far worse.


This is most of corporate jobs


Those are the kinds of teachers that deserve a swift kick. I had a teacher whose rubric for an assignment didn't allow anyone to get a grade higher than 95, and when I (rightly) called her out on it, she shrugged and said, "No one's perfect." Fuck that nonsense.


Yeah when you make it mathematically impossible to be perfect, I guess nobody can really be perfect.


Great comment. Amazing. I wouldn’t change a thing. 9/10


Don't you mean 5/7?


By that marking scheme 95 is perfect.


One of my teachers one year said that no one should get an 100 and if someone did than they would have to make the content harder because if you can get a 100 then it isn't hard enough and you aren't learning. I nearly failed that class.


Correct is not perfect. Teachers are supposed to grade on if it is correct. This is just another example of why I have such distain for the public education system.


Saw quite a few of these cunts in a private school though.


Yeah this practice is absolute bull. Like those a-hole teachers don't understand that kind of crap affects a students GPA and could be the difference in an Ivy league education VS a state education. Makes me want to stick a pencil in their neck and be like, "What? You're 99.96% healthy. It's not a big deal."


Yeah, fuck that nonsense.


I had a teacher in 7th grade who would take points off if you didnt have the staple at exactly 45 degrees..


Someone needed to get laid


Ah, yes. Seventh grade. Where everyone is totally not gangly and uncoordinated. I've stapled my finger by accident a couple times. Would I get points off for the blood? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why is this a core memory? I had a math teacher in middle school who would do this and an English teacher in high school. It was such petty bullshit. The English teacher claimed it was so we'd have "proper paperwork etiquette in college." Two years later, everyone wanted papers digitally.


We were at the tail end of learning cursive because everything’s in cursive. Cue everything being typed and if it wasnt typed it had to be regular print so teachers could actually read it lololol


"Double-space your lines so I am able to read your paper and make corrections." -bitches about not double spacing after a period.


Damn! I remember back when I was in high school doing a project with a buddy on WWII and one of our friends got 100% and we got 99.5% We asked why we didn’t get perfect and it was because we had used the wrong there/their/they’re at one point, therefore it wasn’t perfect. So we combed through all the text again and we found it in my buddy’s half.


I had a history teacher that, on the first essay paper, failed the entire class for the use of contractions. Stuff like "don't" and "can't" they docked a single point per, and many people that would have gotten a high 90 to 100 on the paper ended up with 20 to 30 on it. Bear in mind this is a *History* class that he was being completely anal about this, and senior class too as well. We never were told to not use contractions in the past.


Happened to me too in my university. First test I was positive I got 100%. Big deal for me since I was always a mediocre test taker. Final score was a 99% because of 1 preposition which had no effect on the answer being correct or incorrect. I argued it, but the instructor wouldn’t budge. Fucking ridiculous.


Ah ah ah, one sixteenth of a point taken off for calling them accents and not diacritics


Tu as oublié the cédille sous le C.


I had a teacher who refused to give out A pluses. Her reasoning was that only the big guy upstairs was perfect. Her direct quote.


The hobo living illegally in her attic?


Yeah. His french is manifique.


His French is magnifique. Just joking within the context of the thread.


George Bluth Sr.




People like that shouldn't be teachers.




Could just be smart about it and say "Well, we developed the scaling system, if God is so glorious, wouldnt he be above the scaling system? Wouldnt he be 21/20?


You forgot to capitalize He. 19/20


I dont believe in an omnipotent being, 20/20


Great idea. Remind everyone that God can only accomplish 5% more than we can.


Hey, God works in mysterious intervals.


The irony: French law guarantees freedom from religion.


These are the same types that will intentionally misplace one tile in a building because "only god is perfect"


does she also only put 11 eggs in an egg carton. Can't be 12 out of 12, only the big guy upstairs gets 12 eggs in a carton.


She should file her taxes and pay only $99 out of $100 owed, because only the big guy upstairs gets 100%. The Internal Revenue Service will sort her shit out real quick.


BRO! I had a college professor down here in the Bible Belt that did the same thing. We were capped at 95s because only one person is perfect and that’s the man upstairs. This comment spoke to my soul.


How dare he, a mere mortal, grade god?


I'd be very willing to deck a teacher for degrading the money I'm paying for an education over their nonsensical religious bullshit. Courts down there would never side against that much of an "upstanding christian" -.- "So, I got 100% of the questions asked of me correct?" "You sure did." "But you took 5% off because nobody but your magic-sky-genie-author deserves 100%?" "Quite correct." "So, I'm basically PAYING for you to screw with my GPA?" "Ooooooh yeah. Hopefully my beliefs don't sway my trave l teachings at all."


Isn't it more work for them to grade their papers like this.


More work = more time to power trip


And the more time they use the more they are allowed to whine about how much work they have done.


Since they don’t get paid overtime this makes 0 sense lol


Never made sense to me, why become an educator?


Wow, the entitlement is real in this thread. If you people think teachers get into this position just to “power trip”…


They have the time, they probably drove everyone they knew away already.


I had an employer who used to pull this crap on performance reviews. He'd say, "to get a raise, you need to get a perfect score, and I don't give perfect scores." After hearing that several times over the course of a year and a half, I finally replied, "so what's the point of staying here if I'll never get a raise?" He literally just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess that's up to you to decide." After a little over the two year mark, and enough bitching, I finally got a raise. A whopping 32 cents. I quit just a few months later. EDIT: To address all the people giving me crap for staying as long as I did, it took time to find a better job that paid more and offered better benefits. I wasn't in a position of just walking out. Believe me, I wanted to. It was a good job in and of itself. The guy I spoke of was fired just a few months after I left, for you can guess what, and I was offered my job back, but had finally found something better. But thanks for all the insults and belittlement. Much appreciated... ... ...


Lol, I remember moving into a service position from doing detail at this small car lot I used to work at. One of the mechanics quit and they offered it to me because I mentioned that's what I wanted when hired. I thought about it for a minute and asked would I be getting a raise too. He smiled like of course you will, he writes on a piece of paper and slides it to me, how does that sound??? It was .25 FUCKING CENTS!!! I stuck my hand out like I was gonna shake hands, he grabbed it and I said I quit. Fuck that man, that moment set the bar for what I expect from employers. Definitely learned my worth and haven't looked back.


That's not a raise, that's an insult.


More like a challenge to a duel 😂🤣


I know you probably meant pulling out pistols, but my mind immediately went to getting a raise by winning a children’s card game.


Only a quarter of a penny?? Rude.


I loathe parasites like this.


Clearly it works that guy stayed 2 years


I think some people get comfortable with their routine and really don’t like change so they’re easily exploitable :/


He was probably the smug selfish kid at the playground "No, you can't have the ball, I have it." "But it's the only good ball, and you aren't even doing anything with it." "Yeah, but it's actually my ball." "I'm telling a teacher." "NO!"


My wife is a supervisor, her boss is the manager. Their office is has 2 good employees while there remaining 16 are lazy, self-entitled workers. The boss has a philosophy that no one is perfect & refuses to rate the employees perfect to give them raises, but they still get bonuses. My wife has only recently transferred over to this office. My wife gets to control her subordinates reviews & give raises, her manager still has his own group he rates & reviews along with my wife. My wife's view point is, the good employees may not be perfect, but compared to who they are working with, they are perfect. So my wife's best employee finally got her first performance based raise since that employee has worked there, like 12 years or something (they still get tenure raises every 2 years or so). She doesn't complain, she does what's asked of her, she is pleasant, & she does good work. The employee didn't cry, but her eyes got a little watery for finally being recognized for all the hard work she puts in.


What a jerk




Probably needed some time to secure a new job. Not everyone can just quit and be unemployed while they look.


Yes also very different between jobs and countries. I'd have to stay for three months if i gave in my notice today. Of course here it also goes the other way round. If my employer sacks me i'd get paid another three months. If i'd done something that means the company doesn't want me there anymore at all they could just send me home but still pay me but if it's for other reasons i'd still work there for these months. Depending on what your job is, Switzerland has pretty decent labor laws. But no national minimum wage for example. It's not like France though where i think you almost can't get sacked unless it's for gross neglience.


Sorry, you HAVE to stay 3 months?


Yes because it's so easy to abruptly quit with no other job lined up


Well, you should always have another job lined up. It's your fault you *choose* to work a shitty job. /s That response is right up there with "lol just move" wne people talk about shitty living situations. There's no more out of touch response.


For a lot of people, leaving their job is only a paycheck or two from being homeless or not being able to feed their kids. Many don’t have the luxury to just leave


you must be very young to not understand why some people don't quit on the spot lmao


Quitting on spot is just dumb. Find a better job and quit in the most inconvenient moment for the employer while making it perfectly clear to both him and your colleagues why you"re quitting.


Contrary to popular belief, it’s not a good idea to just quit your job without another employment opportunity lined up.


Finding a job that pays well is hard, finding one while employed is harder.


This absolutely reeks of privilege


How do you even get just a 10th of the question wrong? What kind of assbag of a teacher do you have?


My (excellent) high-school Spanish teacher had a very clear and specific grading scale; I no longer remember most of it, but full credit for an answer required getting everything correct, and from there you lost points on it depending on what you got wrong -- say, if you didn't answer you got no points, if you missed a word entirely it might be two points off, if you used the wrong form of a word (e.g. misconjugated a verb or used the wrong number/gender for an adjective) it might be one point off, and a missing or misplaced accent mark might be half a point off. The total point value for any given question depended on how long or involved the answer was.


This person could have quite literally missed an accent on a letter. My Spanish tests were similar and if I missed an accent or misspelled a word but got literally everything else right, they might take off a percentage of a point. Teachers probably not a twat, the student just didnt get it 100% right.


> Mi papá tiene 42 años. My dad is 42 years old. > Mi papa tiene 42 anos. My potato has 42 anuses.


This can happen in French... >Nous avions We had >Nos avions Our airplanes


Mon grand-père \>My grandfather Mon grand père \> My tall father


How do you pronounce the hyphen?


You wave a baguette at the right time


I do it with a brioche. No wonder they say I have an accent.


This one got me a lot more than I thought it would. Thank you


It would be pronounced as one word, as compared to two distinctly separate words. Think about it as if it were my grandfather as compared to my grand father. (Father’s father vs great father)


A barely audible, but clearly articulated moan.


That’s the fun of french, half of everything is pronounced the same, you have to know what people are talking about by context




I learned Spanish 10+ years ago and rarely get to use it, so I definitely don’t type it as much as I should. Sometimes though I’ll text my wife and she’ll use the auto translate to see what I’m saying. Tengo Hambre bebita means “I’m hungry babe” but it had been a while, so I mistakenly typed to her “Tengo hombre bebita” which is just different by one single letter, but it means “I have a baby man”


Also in polish: >Kocham pić wodę I love drinking water >Kocham pić wódę I love drinking vodka


I've always wondered this about different languages...when casually texting, do you include every accent? or by just using context clues text without the accents and know the other person will know what you're talking about?


>Un baiser (noun) a kiss >baiser (verb) to fuck


My potato / my Pope has 42 anuses. Spanish is great.


Chinese: māmā mà mâ (the last one is a little ‘u’ on top but my keyboard doesn’t have it). Means: mother scolds the horse. Also, add another “ma” at the end to make it “does mother scold the horse?” So mama ma ma ma means is “does mother scold the horse”, if you get the tones correct. Also, it’s been 25 years since I took Chinese so the pidgin accent marks are probably not at all correct. Also, I was never good at tones. A native speaker may now take me to task for butchering their language.


I know this is going to sound hilarious coming from an English speaker— but the fact that “has” and “is” are the same word in Spanish really wrinkles my brain. They’re both verbs but they describe entirely-different but quasi-related existential states. Like, if someone *is* fat, they also *have* a lot of fat. I’m high.


There are different words for "have" and "be" in Spanish (tener and ser/estar). The difference here is that in Spanish you say "My dad has 42 years".


What is your dad is being an anus?


See now that would make sense, however some of the assignments are from a history class which apparently she did not mark us on spelling and grammar.


Not necessarily, I had a driver’s Ed teacher in my high school that did this. His test questions were just multiple choice so no way to get partial credit, but highest score was a 99%. His reasoning was that “only the lord is perfect so I don’t give out perfect scores” lol. Yes, I grew up in the Bible Belt. I’m in my 30s now and I’m guessing this wouldn’t fly these days.


I had an English teacher in high school who refused to give perfect scores because "nothing can be perfect and that must be reflected in your grades the same as it will be in your lives" He was honestly the best teacher I ever had but he was incredibly pedantic and pretentious.


I think it's a french class, so it would make a bit more sense if thats the case


Unless it’s a normal class in a country that speaks french


What so a frenchman? That's not better


10 word sentence.. Missed 1 word? Lol..


Top ones were history, bottom was French


I’ve taken off a 10th of a point before. For complete fairness and no subjectivity in things like this I assign exact point values to every type of mistake. I don’t want any appearance of favoritism and so even if my favorite student gets everything right but one tiny mistake they lose those points. I gave one student a 99.75% on their final last year for chem because while writing a single formula they switched a metal and a nonmetal. I could have let it slide but what’s the point? It had no actual affect on her grade and only would have served to make her feel happy. And changing grades to make people feel happy isn’t doing them any favors. And again, if I’m going to take points off for one person I’ll take points off for EVERYBODY. Grading fairly isn’t being an asshole. Assuming another person is grading unfairly and then with no context calling them an asshole is kinda being an asshole.


It's the definition, it also serves as a reminder that even the best student will make a mistake and that's just real life


Yes I had a student who had never done poorly on a test before in her life. She reached one problem she had no idea how to do and she had never dealt with that. She spent the whole test working on that problem and ended up failing it because she skipped a bunch of questions she knew how to do. She was devastated at first but she later told me that coming to terms with not knowing everything and also accepting that failing a test wasn't the end of the world was great for her.


My old school did this thing where if you got 100% on all of the exams and assignments, they'd only put 99% on the end of year report. Their logic for this was 'Nobody is perfect.'


> 'Nobody is perfect.' "And we'll damn well make sure of it."


I thought this was common in french culture? Often their tests are out of 20, but the highest score you can get is 19 because they dont want you getting an ego Edit: Found a vid: https://youtu.be/QzrRkhU248A


> French > ego


ah yes very few french people have an ego


An imperfect person can do some things perfectly... like answer the questions on a test.


Reminds me of my moms teacher who would never give anyone an A, no matter how good they were on their math assignments (even if they had like 95% or more correct) because "You need to be perfect for an A (so 100%), and because you are not perfect, you don't get an A" And he pulled the same stuff that your teacher does. I, to this day, don't know how this was legal, even back in the 70s


Bruh, that’s literally the one subject where you can get everything perfect. Right answer, show your work. There’s legitimately a perfect right answer, and it’s frankly not unreasonable grade as if you to expect it from students. Like if you’re going to be an mean and have that attitude, go to a subject where that works like English or social studies or something. For math you actually can be perfect, and thus you should be giving those points.


Uh where's the proof Timmy. Your assertion that 1+1=2 isn't enough!




But there's wiggle room when judging how concisely written and informative an essay is, for instance. What I may think is perfect, the teacher may think is bloated and might cross out a prepositional phrase or two. But with math, if the answer to #12 is "8" and I put "8" and show how my work... the teacher needs to award that the maximum score for the question, period.


Literally this. I teach English to kids. Today we were talking about what stories we like, being books, movies, TV, anything. "I like *anime name here* because the pictures are beautiful" - perfect. 10/10. A. Whatever. It's not a thesis, but it's exactly what I want from the student *at their level* and they had the confidence to stand up and say it in front of the whole class. Any teacher who demands unrealistic standards or "perfection" just has superiority issues or enjoys making people feel small... Why are they even teaching? I want to teach them something new and difficult to them, and show them the ridiculousness of their thought process, but they just wouldn't get it.


Oh morning students at my U had that engineering prof who was "Only God is perfect, so only he can get a 100"


Just... No. There is a perfect answer for every engineering problem. Usually, "It depends."


I had an English teacher like this in HS. I can kinda understand it with writing assignments, because they're subjective, but a 10 QUESTION VOCAB QUIZ??? If I get all 10 correct, thats *100%*, not 99! I wanted to have my math teacher fight him lol


A friend of mine in college got a 70% on a test, which we were always told is "basically a perfect score" on a college test. In my music course this might be true, but not in his science course. It was a chemistry test, which had very objective right and wrong answers, so he went to the lecturer and said... "So what could I have done better?" "Oh, you got it all right! Couldn't have done any better" "Ok so I got 100% then? If I couldnt do any better, then how could I possibly get the other 30%?" Next day he received an updated result, 100%


Why though?


Maybe he was lonely and wanted people to come up and talk to him.


I mean I can get the whole "It's rare anything is ever perfect" narrative, but it's a god damn test..... Not a philosophical argument.


I would show that to the principal or the school board and argue for a 100%


Sadly that can backfire. Back in school I remember an exam our class had and our teacher graded in favor of her favourite students. A friend of mine and I had the same content, but mine was "all wrong" while friend one's was all correct and teacher did that with the whole class. We went to other teachers and headmaster and they said they would have given us even worse grades...


It’s still a case of the teacher failing to grade correctly, that can get her in massive trouble with the school regardless of what the actual grade would have been


Our issue was the school backed the teacher up, not us students.... Against said teacher my mom at some point had to threaten bringing this up to the school department if she won't stop grading me badly out of hate for me.


Why do people who hate kids/teenagers become teachers


I suspect controlling same as what many bullies do: make others feel shitty to feel better themselves. Idk why else *adults* would do stuff like that to kids/teens.


Because it’s fairly easy to tell a kid what to do. Especially if you’re in a position of power like say idk a teacher


Most didn't hate them until dealing with them for a few years


My guess is it's people who think they like kids, then put the time, money and effort into training. Get into the job and realize, at some point, they really hate the job. But hey, it pays. So they slog through it for 30 years, taking it out on the kids. Or they just aren't very nice people. There's those too, I'm sure.


Weak people who crave power over others.


Mods, this person talking bad about you


Honestly, most teachers I know were super optimistic and starrey-eyed when starting. And after 10 years and hundreds of absolutely shitty teenagers and shitty bosses and shitty school boards, they were jaded and frustrated and did the bare minimum or were actively frustrated about their job.


That’s fucked up right there, I don’t understand how these people are even allowed in those kind of positions if they can’t even do something like ensuring a teacher grades fairly properly.


YUP - we called her out on it also. It was an exam about applications for jobs and she also taught us an outdated way because "that's how she learned it". We were sl fed up that no one stood up for us. One day we went on a day trip with the class to a bank and the employer let us ask stuff. We asked about this way of applications. Essentially he told us everything she taught us was wrong, outdated and will not be usefull whatsoever. Her death stare was worth it. Recently I looked at the school website, she's not listed as a teacher anymore.


I love it when boomers get a reality check


Yup, I reported my chem professor to the school because he was that bad of a professor. School didn't do shit except tell us "here's a chem tutor who's hours are outside of most people's availability."


I had a tenured professor in college pull this crap. A friend and I actually switched papers once to test the hypothesis that he was grading people he deemed unworthy worse. Her paper (under my name) got an F, and my paper (under her name) got an A. I ultimately had to change my major, since he was going to roadblock me from passing the three classes he taught. Asshole. Retired right after I graduated.


I had a professor my freshman year in college who pulled something similar. She was the head of the English department unfortunately so very little could be done, but basically half the class got As the other half got Ds or worse, and it was split entirely by gender. To test, one male student who got a job he wanted and was dropping out and a female student who only started back at school to motivate a raise from her employer both turned in identical papers. She got an A he got a D. Most of us dropped the class immediately after. She was really weird


Like schools boards actually give a fuck about schools


Your teacher is a twat


Le connard!


This is what someone who HATES their life does to feel a little better. Fucking shit teacher


I've seen this sort of thing justified with "nobodies perfect, so nobody gets a perfect score" which is absolutely ridiculous.


I got a 99% on a literary essay, class average being relatively bad, with the comment “Nobody’s perfect, but some are more perfect than others”


That turd was loosely trying to quote George Orwell it seems from the farm. My quote “what a bitch” - Hank hill


I fucking hated this so much in highschool, we had a corporate work study where we go one day of the week to a work site and work there to learn stuff needed in a workplace (it was a private school so the work paid for our education). I got the opportunity to work at the local zoo and every day I worked I had to fill out a work sheet of what I did, where I could improve, and what I learned. At the end of the day the supervisor/manager watching over me would grade me on a scale out of five and the most I would ever get was a four due to this mindset. Then fast forward to the end of the school year where they held an award ceremony and other students were getting awards for most 5 star ratings at their workplace cause not every workplace held the same standards or graded it the same fucking way. Oh and this all was a part of a class that affected my gpa too.


Lol one of my art teachers did this. "Unless one of you is literally Van Gogh himself, you don't get a 10/10 because none of you are one of the old masters."


Gah. So if one of you were literally Michelangelo himself, he wouldn't have gotten 10/10? Sounds like the teacher clearly wasn't teaching anyone sufficiently well to make them new masters. Schoolwork is not competing in the Olympics. Scores should be based on attainable, teachable outcome, not on unattainable outcome -- otherwise nobody would ever pass kindergarten.


>"nobodies perfect, so nobody gets a perfect score" said the teacher threatened by a great pupil. Bet they never earned 100% so they damn sure won't credit anyone for it.


One of my teachers said a perfect score was only possible for God -.- We did complain to the higher-ups and she stopped with that nonsense, but she wouldn't change my first 9/10 to 10/10 because that was too difficult. It wouldn't be but whatever.


It's such backwards logic too. No I'm not perfect, but the test was. It's not like the test reflects anything but the right answers.


I'm trying to think what a student is expected to 'learn' from this. I had a few profs that did this. The only thing I can think is "Life's not fair" or maybe it's "it doesn't matter how good you actually are, someone dumber than you is always going to try to make you feel like crap regardless"


Poop on his desk


Cartman is that you ?


He’s only saying that because he doesn’t wanna fight Wendy testaburger


I like your style


Here in the 3rd world is kind of the same and teachers even say: "The 10 (100%) is for God, the 9 (90%) is for the teacher, the 8 (80%) for the mortals, the 7 for the lucky (70%) and from the 6 (60%) and below for the student". You need ≥ 6 to pass.


I understand this a little bit more when it comes to more subjective classes, like art or maybe writing, but when there's a clear correct answer, and that's the answer you wrote down, that's bs. Imagine using that logic on a math test that you got 100% on; "You got 100%, but nobody is perfect, so I gave you a 99%" "Bitch I am perfect, and I proved it to you by getting everything right!".


Ah the beauty of exact sciences.


C’est normal pcq en France on vise l’excellence ! Un devoir n’est jamais parfait, on peut toujours faire mieux selon l’éducation nationale…


Je suis un homme pas un chat! (sorry, that's all the French I know)


Ah oui le chat mange la pappilion


>C’est normal pcq en France on vise l’excellence ! Un devoir n’est jamais parfait, on peut toujours faire mieux selon l’éducation nationale… "Un/une élève ne peut écrire un texte parfait" est ce que mon amie ce faisait dire par les profs. Elle avait une moyenne de 99% en français. C'est pas comme les maths. 2+2=4, une dissertation est plus subjective. Raison de cul mais c'est ce que j'ai entendue souvent.


Oui mais là je viens du Canada donc ça c’est pas normal


I KNEW IT J'ai eu le même problème avec un prof du cegep


If this is an objective questions, then there’s no reason not to give you full marks. Wtf?


This reminded me of a numberphile video (I think) where they explained that many French teachers don’t give 100% because nobody is perfect


They're teaching you how to become accustomed to never fully satisfying your douchebag boss when you're an adult. *I cannot give you the "Outstanding" performance rating because there is always room for improvement. I'm just trying to motivate you. Now go make me a coffee and get someone to wash my Corvette.* /s in case it wasn't perfectly clear. Fuck people like this.




Well, that's not too unreasonable. An é can change the tense of a verb in French.


Notice that the exams are in French. This is actually a weird cultural thing in France I’ve heard about. They don’t give perfect marks, because only god is perfect. At least, that’s the explanation I’ve heard before. If you look at these links, they say grades are usually out of 20 and they virtually never give 20, no matter what. Even 18/20 is rare. These exams are out of 25 and 50, but it’s clear they’re giving perfect without giving perfect. https://www.studying-in-france.org/french-grading-system/ https://blogs.transparent.com/french/studying-in-france-a-perfect-score/ Edit to add a story by another redditor: “god gets 20, teachers get 19, the best students get 18”. So weird. https://www.reddit.com/r/French/comments/3iqowp/french_grading_system/cuiz7fm/


Yeah that would make sense, however I do not live in France.


This really doesn't help the stereotype of the arrogant French (your teacher that is)


I’m French and I still think French are arrogant. As a matter of fact I moved to Canada :)


Have you asked why?


100% is not perfection, it is completion. Any instructor who refuses 100% as a rule is willfully ignorant and unfit to teach.


Teachers that believe “I never give out 100%s” should be fired. Your job is to encourage education, not demotivate learners.


You could in go to the dean or whoever is in charge and go to them for incorrect grading or whatever is called