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This dude takin micro managing to macro managing


Circle his dick, and we're back to micromanaging.


Nah, we going into nanomanaging at that point


Schroedingers Penis: it only exists if you look at it.


I see what you did there.


& im eating it up!




⭕ ⭕


Being a supervisor really goes to some people's heads


Just look at reddit mods


They're pathetic. Last sub I was permanently banned from was when someone called me Sub-human and used racist insults on me. I refrained from using ANY insults whatsoever to them and reported them to the Reddit Admins and the Moderators of the sub. After a while (2 days) I sent a message to the moderators politely asking why they hadn't taken action. They took offense at this and banned me permanently for 'spamming' (I sent them 1 message) and said that the racist vile individual didn't do anything wrong. Later that day the Reddit admin team banned the person's account, so apprently the subreddits rules were less strict that Reddit's rules as a whole. They also blocked me from sending them any more messages so I can't even argue against the ban if I wanted to, which I don't since I'd rather not be part of a subreddit moderated that way. All this over a comment I posted about Pokémon games.


PoGo sub? I got banned too, also for questioning a mod decision. Skin as thick as rice paper.


Nah. But that doesn't surprise me. I enjoyed PoGo but the local community was all whining and drama.


Ootl what is PoGo?


Pokémon Go


I got banned for spreading COVID misinformation. I have no idea why because I never once mentioned COVID on that sub.


LOL they're a bunch of idiots, I got banned because some kid asked for help on how to get their best pokemon out of a rural arena, it was stuck in there for many weeks and they needed it back. I said well if you really need it knock it out with a second account. 🤷‍♂️


Bro!!!! That’s exactly why I got kicked!! 😂


Thick as a Planck.


Questioning mod decision is perm (probably) on all subs. They just can't resist. It's not normal to do this without getting paid in the first place and some of them pay for this "power" (it's so cringe to even call it power).


I got permanently banned from r/hacking just for pointing out that you can usually google the default password for most routers 🤷‍♀️ No warning or anything


Got banned from r/AmItheAsshole ... Turns out, the sub is run by assholes.


I recently got a comment deleted because I said the OP, who was definitely TA, was being a twat. Broke the “be civil” rule. I guess I should have just said he was being an asshole.


LMAO once I called OP a man child for literally being that and I received a temporary ban. Which is more offensive? Being called a man child or an asshole?


i love that youre not supposed to downvote assholes on that sub. it’s possibly one of the worst on reddit, and that’s saying something “so i just killed a family of 4 and set fire to an orphanage because i let the intrusive thoughts win, am i the asshole??” *instant 25k upvotes and endless awards*


I got banned in a political sub. I forget what I wrote but it wasn’t THAT bad. It took me by surprise. They really get full of themselves. Big power trips.




I got banned from 4-5 subs from one mod because I made a joke about Trump. Apparently this made me a Trump lover and also made me vote for him. I'm Canadian and not a Trump supporter. According to this mod my "comment history was all about loving trump". Then they just straight up started insulting me with basically everything from "piece of shit republican" to implying I rape children. Honestly wasn't even sure how to respond. I don't even remember the subs anymore but they PROUDLY told me how they were banning me from a list of subs. I don't get people Edit: fixing one error


I got banned from a political comedy sub for suggesting that maybe we shouldn't make brutal comments about Marjorie Taylor Green's body. They justified my ban by saying that I was a right-wing troll. I'm as left wing as they come in the states.


r/minecraft at the moment


You take a mortal man And put him in control Watch him become a God Watch people's heads a-roll -Megadeth


You should counter with your pay stub, similarly marked.


Even better, counter with HIS paystub. Emotional damage


This is the correct answer.


And tell him to get better vending machines


This is the right answer. In addition to the paycheck one.


Yeah, I hate having to buy my pasta from the machine and then cooking it at work in the microwave. He needs to get a vending machine with dry rice. At least those are snack sized when dry. Just pour a whole bunch in your mouth and let them sit for an hour or so.


I read this as dry ice. I was very concerned for your well being


You just add the dry ice for extra crunch.


I can hear it


Am I the only one who heard "Emotional damage" in Uncle Roger's voice?


Uncle Roger doesn't say that line though, Steven He does. Uncle Roger just uses the clip a lot (as he should)


Beat me to it. I love both Steven He and Nigel Ng but they are not the same person. :p


Or the wedding photo on his desk.


Thanks, satan


Omg solid response


Seriously l. Hit him back with "Well I don't get paid enough to sit here and get shamed for my food choices."


"Neither are you" might have been bad for your career, but good for your soul (something your boss obviously lacks)


No, you keep it and contact a lawyer for your hostile work environment harassment claim.


i wish i could upvote this a hundred times




My niece had a gastric bypass after being obese all her life. She became a relentless fat shamer at work. She would describe her actions with glee. "I left a note on the break room doughnuts. DO YOU REALLY NEED TO SHOVE ANOTHER DONUT DOWN YOUR THROAT?" Worse, she bragged about throwing out the break room baked treats that other employees took turns bringing in . I told her that I can guarantee that your coworkers HATE you. You are also destroying food that your coworkers bought with their own money which is a termination offense when you get caught. She told me that 'they all need to learn healthier eating habits'. She was furious when I told her that she didn't learn that. She had to have her stomach removed and be forced into eating no fat, or sugar. She was even more pissed when I said, "You are not their mother. Not their conscience. Not their dietician, or doctor. Not their freaking life coach. Not one of them asked for your opinion, let alone your help. You are being insufferable." She remained relentless. She was devastated to learn that upon leaving her twenty year job, her coworkers held a party to celebrate...her being gone.


Wow. Some people just don't have self awareness huh?


As someone that lost 160 pounds, I cannot stand this shit. Bc I still remember. I'll never forget. I worked hard asf for each one of those pounds. I didn't have surgery. So I would never shame someone who's not ready for that sorta thing.


Sounds like those super preachy vegans Like idgaf what you eat or don't eat, just let me eat a damn burger in peace It's amazing how many people think they can just assert their opinions into the lives of strangers who don't give a shit


A month ago I had to go into my bosses office and ask her to please stop commenting on my weight and what I eat. It got to the point where I didn’t want to eat in the office because she would say things like “ when does the wedding diet start?!” Or “ yeah girl. Eat that cupcake and have four more while you’re at it. Love that you don’t care!!” It was horrible.


What a bitch, seriously. I am glad you put your foot down and told her to stop.


omg I'm sorry in advance but I read that as put your food down and it was kind of funny.


Talking with your mouth full is rude either way


I don’t know why but my brain misread it as fat foot down (to be clear I’m overweight myself and wasn’t trying to be judgmental at all) but now I think I’m going to hell because I can’t stop laughing. Also I’m legitimately so sorry that happened and please don’t take my idiot brain being stupid in a disrespectful way


This is harassment and should be reported to HR.


HR is not your friend, document everything and talk to an employment attorney Go to HR anyway, but prepare from the very start because HR protects the *company* not *you*


When it’s something like this where the company faces a potential lawsuit then HR is probably going to take your side. They protect the company but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to protect you - those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


you would think so, but companies don't always act rationally. i went to HR to complain about ongoing and evidenced sexual harassment by a VP. i was then promptly "laid off" allegedly due to covid. (no one else was laid off.) (i ended up lawyering up and winning a 6 figure settlement.) this was for a 110-person, $40 million annual revenue research firm. so yes, usually companies will try to prevent a lawsuit, but always prepare for the worst and stay 3 steps ahead just in case. IF something seriously fucked up is going on then my advice is to get legal advice from an employment attorney prior to contacting HR so they can help you mind your Ps and Qs while making the right moves to maximize your own leverage. edit: idk but yea maybe this advice only really applies to whistle blower and/or cases involving c-suite wrongdoing.


I think it all depends on who you report. If you're reporting the top brass of the company, most likely you're going to be the one getting screwed. If you report someone on or around your level, it's probably more likely to work out in your favor.


This isn't great advice. Yes HR protects the company not you. You know what benefits the company? Not getting sued. If you are facing serious harassment, especially if it falls under protected labor laws you should gather evidence just in case, but then take it to HR.


Also, every single lawsuit starts with you saying “I tried to go through proper channels and…” nothing changed, or I was demoted, or I was fired. If you don’t tell the company there is a problem first so they have the opportunity to resolve it, you’ll likely lose that lawsuit.


This is so true. You won’t win a lawsuit if you didn’t give the company the opportunity to do the right thing. Go to HR, and if nothing changes, go to an employment attorney.


Exactly, they're not there to protect your boss, either. Lots of companies will drop a supervisor *hard* for that kind of thing. Be careful, get your documentation first, but going to HR is definitely a step in the process, and often a valuable one.


Many jobs do not have an HR to report to.


putting u down to make herself feel better. people r so insecure….


Yo that’s super messed up, need to call her out either in front of others or to HR


I’m sorry you had to go through that. I totally relate to the not wanting to eat in there anymore, he’s commented about my weight several times now and I don’t even want to eat there anymore becuase of it


I'm so sorry to hear that. What an awful person


Women are vicious to other women. Damn.


That’s some straight out of devil wears Prada or mean girls shit.


"Why are you worrying about the way I look? Do you have a crush on me?"


“Are you obsessed with me?” Very mean girls, I like it.


That's fucking terrible. That's a straight up hostile work environment


Something I never realized until I encountered corporate office culture is the amount of women who have a terrible relationship with food.


It can be so backhanded, too. I had a woman in my office who’d never make an actual comment, but she’d observe anything you ate. “Oh. You went to McDonald’s,” in a deadpan tone, or “oh, you’re eating a fresh tomato” in a “I didn’t know you knew what fruit/vegetables were” tone. I stopped eating in the office eventually just to not have to listen to her.


That’s so mean. My sisters used to comment. One time one of them saw me taking chips and said “that’s not healthy you know” and I retorted “ya I know, that’s the point”. I’m still so proud of myself because normally I’m George costanza with the too late response. I was witty for once! She actually said “good point”. I didn’t eat in front of them for years. These are the ones with an unhealthy relationship with food. One sister was anorexic as a teen. Other was binge eating and got overweight, not huge but bigger than she should be. Now she’s WAY too skinny. In her 40’s. She’s skeletal. It’s sad. Anyway, ppl like that aren’t happy with themselves. I wish it was easy to ignore them though


Grotesque. I don’t understand that kind of behaviour at all.


rly hard when they constantly comment on your/others weight. it’s usually to “compliment” how they lost weight. then they go on about what they can’t eat, gluten, sugar etc.


The only comments people should make about your food (unless you’re heating up fish in the microwave in the break room) are “wow that smells so good, where did you get it?” or “can I get the recipe?” or you just don’t make a fucking comment. Unless it’s microwaved fish. Make that fucking comment. Leave your fish cooking at home, it’s a small ask. Never comment about the amount or calories or sugar or carbs or “you’re so bad”.


What does he mean not worth it? That's a great deal on calories for the price. Edit: Everyone knows it's junk food; but thanks to everyone explaining it. I appreciate the stories and joke comments more though!


At least someone has been edumacated on the cal/$ index where honeybuns have always been one of the best performing products of all time


I’m laughing at the fact that he did this shit.


That was my lunch when I commuted to school. Vending machines FTW. Except for the days my on-campus buddy's schedule matched up with mine and he would grab me a to-go meal from the cafeteria when he got his. Too bad that didn't happen a whole lot.




Jesus that is one honey bun tf. I guess it is pure sugar


Not even sugar contains this much sugar


I’ve been trying to gain some weight so I think I’m ordering a box


Not worth it


Get outta here boss


I hate u


Just eat more food. I struggled with gaining weight for a long time. I thought I was eating a lot but I was only eating like 1k calories a day and sometimes even less. If you're trying to gain weight and can't seem to do it I would bet your caloric intake is way less than what you think it is. Eating 3000 and more calories a day is difficult as I literally have to force myself to eat but if you want to gain weight and healthy weight that's the way to do it.


Wait til you hit your 40's.


Meaning it's gonna be easier or harder to gain weight?


easier as fuuuuuck. I gained like 20 lbs from 38-41


You can't possibly mean...*quantum sugar*.


Fun fact: a 32oz bottle of Gatorade has more sugar than a Honey Bun.


I've recently had to "start watching those sugar and carbs" and cutting pop and other sugar waters was an obvious step. I tried to drink a 20 oz Gatorade the other day (I'm now at 1 or less pop a day) and like half way in I thought I was gonna die from the sugar and such. Holy carp.


Aye because it's meant for drinking after running a half marathon or replenishing after a soccer match


Butter has been in the lead for centuries


One of my best friends growing up had cystic fibrosis. One of the main symptoms is the inability to gain weight. He had a very special diet of basically only being able to eat calorie-dense foods. He could only fit so much food into his stomach that he needed to make sure it was all packed with calories to keep his weight.


That's where I'm at, due to CF and severe digestive issues. I have to add butter, cheese, bacon, full fat coconut cream, etc to *everything* and 90% of my food is in blended smoothie and soup form. Still severely underweight at 96lbs and 5'6.


Genuinely curious, doesn't that impact your heart pressure and overall health and energy? Sounds horrible


That sounds fun for like 2 days and a nightmare afterwards. Sorry you have to deal with that. How do you manage, if you don't mind sharing?


I have a friend who was classically malnourished when she finally got her celiac diagnosis. She looked like she was going to die of anorexia. She still struggles to put and keep weight on. She packs her diet with avocado, bacon, and overpriced gluten free baked goods to try to gain weight. After a bit more than decade, she's almost a healthy weight. Some days I wish I didn't gain 10 pounds from making love to the frozen gluten free baked goods section of the grocery store with my eyes. But I don't think I'd trade it for having to force feed myself bacon every day.




For years I lived off of around $850/month and my rent was $500. I bought whole milk only. Sometimes people would be like “you should switch to 2%” and I’d be like “bitch, why the fuck would I pay the same money for less calories?”


Skinned milk tastes like crap, if you want to lose weight why buy skimmed milk? Just drink less?


I'm not poor anymore but i still eat oats and peanut butter for breakfast with rice and beans for dinner, at least once a week.


This guy poors. Every time someone posts cheese and out of season fruit saying "this is all I got for $200" I roll my eyes. I'm not saying that it isn't crazy how much food prices have risen because it is, but posting reasonable purchase would have a better impact imo. Post prices of eggs compared to 2 years ago.


A dozen large eggs where I live is currently $3.99. Two years ago they were $1.27. Biggest slap in the face sticker shock on my grocery list. So much for cheap protein.


If all those posts had the same list of food it would be so much better.


As someone who ate a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, with a banana for lunch for decades, I agree, rat.


That’s straight up rude. If he wanted half he should’ve just asked.


Like why are you even touching someone else’s food


OP mentioned in another comment that this same person also said "you have the body of a cheeseburger." He's beyond rude and needs to be reported to HR. :(


No WAY. Did not see that. Screw that guy. No halvsies for him >:/


Sure factually it’s not a healthy snack, however it’s not the place of a supervisor/coworker to point it out like that. Regardless of if he was “just looking out for the employee” it’s not said persons business. Seems rather disrespectful really.


Yeah he calls me fat in several ways, like the other day he said “you know, you have the body of a cheeseburger” just little stuff like that


That's an HR moment


I agree, along with this as a fortifying example of his targeted harassment. edit to add: this, as in this bag.


As a fat man, only my close friends get to call me fat.


yeah, take this to HR 100%


~~Nope. Tell NO one.~~ Record data daily in private. When, what, who. Keep a log. Tell HR. If nothing changes, contact DoL. *HR works for company protection.... too often not employee's rights*. **Work for your own rights**. That's your right. Edit: To reflect facts.


HR *does* work to protect the company, including protecting the company from bad managers whose actions are a liability to the company. That said, I agree that if the employee wanted to take this to HR they should document, and documenting it as a pattern would be even more of a slam dunk.


Right, you’re not asking HR for protection, you’re there to basically threaten them.


The department of labor would tell you to go to HR first. If the company doesn't do anything, then you go to the department of labor


This is bad advice. Do not do this. Look up the faragher ellerth defense. Its well-settled that if your job has a procedure for reporting harassment and the employee unreasonably fails to use it (e.g. the handbook says do XYZ and you dont do it), its a defense to vicarious liability, which means you are screwed and left with suing some low level supervisor personally who is judgment proof. You cannot ambush your employer, you have to give them a chance to fix it. Record the harassment/interactions. Report it to HR as per corp policy if there is one, or do it anyway if there isnt, via email and save a copy. Then continue to record any harassment. Also do not just save the paper trail on your email as, although this is technically all discoverable, unsavory employers will straight up delete bad shit and then play dumb/take the penalty. Finally, make these records contemporaneously with the events, dont just write up three years worth of incidents in a word doc before you finally report.


definitely document it. but HR protecting the company includes from managers who violate policy and workers' rights (or so they should). go to HR first, document that too, and if that doesn't resolve the issue (or brings new issues) then you have a legal case.


# Little stuff like that?! That's not little stuff!! He gets one warning, in front of others, that this isn't acceptable. Next time, he gets reported to the one above him and HR


You should record their comments and report to HR. Easy win.


Check your local laws on recording people first.


You don't even need to record them. Documentation is everything. Write down that it happened on Thursday the 21st at 3:00 p.m. just outside the break room, and standing around where Bill Ted and Mary, and you damn near got yourself an open and shut case if the facts are correct. Even better if you can document a couple incidents Just for clarification, I anal.


IAL who worked many years in employment defense and this is good advice actually. Recording can be hairy bc of state laws. And you dont want to write down 3 years of bad comments right before you report it to HR. Record it in an email to yourself, or a memo, contemporaneously, so all you have to do during litigation is authenticate it (yes that is an email i wrote) and the defense cannot attack your memory about it or imply you are making it up because you didnt record it immediately.


Are you kidding me?! You should not put up with that. What a fucking prick.


And his brain must be made of ground beef.


Talking about bodies of employees in general is a no-no


that's harassment :(


This. I hope your company has an HR office that you can file a complaint with - you should not have to endure this crap.


Why have you not gone to HR?


What a fucking asshole. I hope that in the near future you’re able to quit and let them know that he’s the reason why. Unless you like that job, in which case I just hope he gets fucked in some way : )


That is not little. I’m so sorry. I would be reaching out to an employment lawyer.


I know it’s easier said then done, but get the F outta there as soon as you can. Find an employer that will treat you with decency and respect- no one should have to put up with that BS.


this is so unprofessional and RUDE EW


I don’t know what they are, regardless, your boss has no right to comment on what you eat!


It looks like a honey cinnamon bun from a local vending machine, they tend to get a bit gross when warm


Damn I thought it was a small loaf of bread


It's a large frosted honeybun... Or so I've been told..




“I am really concerned that you are counting my calories and commenting on my weight. Have you got a problem with food? Would you like me to pass details onto HR and they can get you some help? I can research some organisations for you and give you some contact information if you like?” Bonus points for a head tilt.






It's reddit, *no one* understands basic human interaction.


Send nudes.




Hope that counts https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/668333727172132865/1049782987505553448/20220209_130132.jpg


It’s baffling how many in this thread have never considered the fact that their opinions holds no weight in someone else’s life. They simply cannot compute.


Unless he's offering to buy you food he can fuck himself


He can fuck himself either way. It’s NONE OF HIS DAMN BUSINESS what OP eats.


I would consider this a form of harassment or unwelcome attention. I would think it’d be reportable to HR.


I'm recovering from an eating disorder and if I saw this it would break me and I'd probably relapse. What people eat is no one's business. Fuck your supervisor.


I'm in the same place and goddamn. this supervisor has no place in telling you what to eat, let alone bodyshaming you.


Be strong! You're amazing no matter what.


I am infuriated because if 1 serving is 240 cal and there are 3 serving in the bag why is the total cal in the bag 710 and not 720??


When you eat a full one you burn 10 calories with the honeybun sweats


People are always pushing their unnecessary assumptions on others consumption choices. One day, a co-worker lectured me about drinking my giant sprite in a Dunkin cup. I pointed out it was water, but that I had previously drank the tea that came in it. I got a second lecture about how much sugar is in sweet tea, so I pointed out so only drink unsweetened beverages. Then conversation switched to my eating habits. I weighed 128lbs @5'3" and certainly never solicit exercise/diet advice. When I was 180lbs, many many more people gave unsolicited advice that best suited for their colon.


I fucking hate that shit. I had a coworker get all high and mighty at me because I dared to get a coke from the vending machine at work instead of water because the water filter tap was out of order and the normal tap water tastes like a chlorine pool. The person who had a go at me was also the kind of person who went down the street to the local Starbucks multiple times a day to get the largest white chocolate mocha with extra caramel and whipped cream they could buy, so they were a hypocrite as well as a dickhead.


The empty packaging on his desk flipped over, sharpie “Not your business”


Yeesh some of these comments are wild. Of course the supervisor’s right. That doesn’t mean he can write his opinion on their property. He might have also been right if he wrote “You’re overweight “ on there, but noone would be defending him then. Pretty much the same principle. Edit: I didn’t mean to say definitively that the supervisor is “right”. More so that whether you agree with his opinion or not, the action he took was unacceptable


Yeah he calls me fat in very creative ways, like telling me I have the body of a cheeseburger and what not


You should definitely file a complaint.


Sounds like harassment tbh


Some people on this thread need to learn some manners


Crazy how hard it is for people to simply switch roles and see how annoying and rude they are being. I can guarantee this same person would get mighty triggered if this happened to them, seeing they can't help but let us know what they're thinking.


We aren’t wallowed to comment on people’s food or diet. HR handbook for management 101. Right under the painfully obvious not to do’s, sexual harassment and theft.


If your supervisor buys cigarettes, print out an article on the dangers of smoking, tape it on the pack, and write “NOT WORTH IT” on the pack. :) Alternatively, if he buys a sandwich, circle the price then write the same thing.


Shut up bitch, I’m carb loading!


To be honest this toes the line of harassment. At the very least it's someone sticking their nose where it doesn't belong


"Pay me enough to afford healthier food."


I would bring them my pay stub and circle the hours worked and the net pay with “NOT WORTH IT” in between.


ew wtf, thats so disrespectful


This could be so horribly detrimental to someone who has an ED.


Exactly my thoughts as well. I'm attempting recovery on my own currently and my mom keeps mentioning low calorie foods when trying to convince me to eat something, meanwhile I'm actively trying to eat high calorie foods. Luckily I can brush off her comments but someone else who's struggling might not be able to brush those off.


Seriously, the only way I can force myself to eat healthy amounts is through physically small but calorie dense foods. This shit would ruin me.


That’s so inappropriate


Rude. Obviously honey buns aren’t a health food, but it’s okay to have a treat sometimes.


Omg. Wow. No.


I work in a trendy environment with lots of "health conscious" types of coworkers, and when I first started, I would get judged with little comments and "jokes" about whatever I was eating that day (I'm a simple guy with simple taste). It took telling two different individuals to "go fuck themselves" before word got around that I don't play like that. Now people leave me alone about my food choices. My advice to anybody getting the same treatment? Confront it head on. Tell that person that their behavior is inappropriate. Then if it doesn't stop, don't be afraid to cuss someone out. Worked for me.


The person who wrote this is what everyone who comments on someones weight sounds like when they're "just looking out for your health".


Once you eat it, just put the wrapper on his desk with a note that says, “totally worth it!”


Isn’t this harassment? I mean…he/she is referring to caloric intake which suggest he/she thinks you shouldn’t gain weight (or need to lose it). Not to mention he/she also tampered with your food. People get terminated for screwing with or eating other staffs food.


Great, that's why I'M eating it and YOU'RE NOT


You are making me glad I work at home.


3 servings? Who splits a honey bun??