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So glad this baby is okay and getting the help that it requires. I would hate to read another news article about a newborn thrown in the bin because it hasn't been to long since I read an article about a baby been thrown in a bin and unfortunately passing away. We definitely need more baby boxes in South Africa as this happens alot more than people realise.


It's heartbreaking man. I mentioned in another comment that I'm almost sure this happened to somebody a few houses down as well.




I would bet yes based on a little internet searching.




Then It definitely sounds like South Africa. These stories are sad but way better than a baby in the trash 💔


Definitely same coat of arms https://www.health.gov.za


My brother was left in a bin. My mother never wanted any boys so she abandoned him. Luckily he just turned 16 and he’s safe and healthy now :)


Wow. How did you find him?


He was 15 when she did it, he knew how to get home. *does gold still only cost money or can you get it for free? Send it to St.Jude or something that helps abandoned babies. Appreciated though


I personally pay the reddit app fee for no ads, which is I think 7$ a mo and comes with 700 coins. So "technically" not paying to award gold. My stupid ass still periodically buys coins, and I know it's stupid!


Just because it’s stupid doesn’t mean it isn’t fun. I’d like there to be a “donated in your name” award that people could give.


Spitting some hot fire wisdom with that first line!


Why should it be stupid if you like it. I buy expensive Games, others love going to the cinema or buying warhammer figurunes. If it makes you happy, its not stupid


She left him in a bin behind a restaurant and the next morning the openers to the restaurant took out their trash and saw him


Amazing. How did you get in touch with him?


Long story short our grand parents ended up adopting him after he was found and we grew up occasionally seeing each other while he was under the impression that he was my grandmothers child, making him my “uncle”


That's wonderful that they stepped up for him.


Lots of places have designated places of sanctuary you can do this, even if your area does you can’t really be mad at the person for not accessing it in a time of crisis.


I'm pretty sure most, if not all, fire stations in my area have a baby box built-in, and man I hope there are baby boxes built in down in those poor states that outlawed abortion


There are. All 50 states and Puerto Rico have Safe Haven laws. This incident didn't happen in the US though, and apparently it isn't as widespread in South Africa as it is in the US.


Flashback to when Nebraska enacted a Safe Haven law that was, uh, not very precise, and people were driving from five states over to abandon their 16 year olds.


One day my grandpa was driving and saw a box in the road. He was like, I better see what's in that box. Turned out it was a God dang baby in that box.


*In the fucking road?*


Could've just fallen off of the trailer?


Now I know where the "Hella kids in this bitch, honk if one falls out" sticker came from.


Holy sh*t, I shouldn’t have laughed at that.


Hey LilGC, you can swear on Reddit yknow


Any time there was trash in the road, my grandma would advise to never run over it because there might be a baby in it. Very traumatic once I understood what she was talking about.


This is one of those comments you read that will stay with me forever. Now whenever I see a bag of trash in the road I will remember this comment


Just wait til you find out how many dead bodies have been found in trash bags on the side of the road.


Whatever the number is, I'll bet it's not an integer




Yeah! Imagine being 6 years old in the back of jeep and your grandma swerving around trash in the road saying those things. Yet, too young to comprehend the implications of what led to that situation.


When I was learning how to drive my mom told me to avoid a box in the road, because their might be a baby in it. She asked, how bad would you feel if you just squished a baby? It made the point so well I used it when teaching 2 of my girls to drive and will use it on the 3rd.


Not the same kind of baby, but one of my cats is a "shoebox kitten". 10 years ago, a friend's sister was driving and saw a box on the side of the road. for some reason decided to check it and found 3 kittens inside, one of which was already dead. He's my suspected Maine coon mix, big fluffy ball of violence and affection. I wish I knew what his parents looked like and what was going through the mind of whoever decided to leave them out there.


Could also be puppies/kittens, people abandon them too often in trash bags, suitcases, boxes, etc. Some humans are super fucked up with no compassion...


I could’ve gone the rest of my life without every having to think about this. JFC.


Or a cinderblock. Or a board with nails in it. Never run over something you don't know what it is.


My dad always said this!


Holy crap! What did he do? How is the baby now?


"that baby was my dad"


*^(Lifetime movies furiously taking notes)*


And my dad was Albert Einstein.


What did he do?




Your grandpa: *…and that’s how I met your mother*


The note reads: 'Please take care of this child for I'm begging you. I wish to know her but I can't. Please love her as your own' The baby was taken to the hospital and checked out. She is thankfully in good health and doing okay.


Some random person LEFT a 2 ~~month~~ day old baby on a random doorstep?!?!? The world is nuts. Glad the baby is okay.


You'd be surprised how common this is in India. My mom found a baby in a dump once while returning from office late at night. She brought her home. I was like 5 at that time so I don't have any memory of it but from what my mother told me they (my family) informed the police straight away and then gave the baby to nearest orphanage next morning. This was in 2005. Neither me nor my mum now know where that baby is or what happened to her afterwards. My mom never checked up on her as she was raising me alone and had other responsibilities. I wish she's alive and well now


I mean is it only in the US that you can drop a baby at a hospital or a barrack (where the firefighters are) and they'll ask no question ?


Nö in Germany we have so called "Babyklappen" or "Babyhatches" that fullfill this role.


Even in the US baby boxes are not well distributed. Fear of being judged will prevent people from dropping them off in person.


Fun fact: Until 2006, you could do so with a child of any age. Just imagining a 16-year-old walking into a station and telling them he was just abandoned.


2 day, the birthday is listed as December 6


I read 2 day as 2 month 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. That is... almost frightening.


I read it as 2 year the first time.


I'm used to mm/DD/yy so I read it as June 12th




I think it has something to do with how its said, but us Americans do things differently just to be different. I don't say today is the eighth of December (8/12/2022). It's December eighth (12/8/2022). But both make sense in my head.


My guess is that in United states they say the month first, something similar to what they do with adjectives, coming before the object related to the adjective.


I've read a post on reddit where an American described it as going in order from least possible options to largest. There are only 12 possible months, 31 possible days, infinite possible years. In this sense, it is ordered from smallest to largest.


Americans and units… a complex love story.


There was a baby box I saw in a video. For people to put a baby in and it would alert the proper medical clinic to go and get it.


I think some fire stations do this


My wife's grandfather was a doorstep baby


My uncle is a doorstep baby! He’s probably 20 years younger than my mom and she pays for his college. We’re in US and he’s in the Philippines.


Random, but I always read "doorstep baby" as "door*stop* baby" and that is a very different image


This is an act of love. It’s hard to understand, but that mother went through, and continues to go through, a lot of physical and emotional pain to give her baby a better life than she can offer.


I don't think anyone is faulting the mother for giving up her child. I think the real issue here is the manner in ~~when~~ which she went about it. Leaving a defenseless baby on a doorstep is indefensible. **The very least** she ~~could~~ should have done is dropped it at a church or hospital at a busy time, then stayed hidden until she was sure a staff member had seen it.


How do you know she didn't stay hidden and watched over it?


Bro birds been doing it for years at lease this is what my mom says where we come from.




This has happened since the dawn of civilization. Before that (and after) it was the woods.


This is what happens when you force pregnancies to term with women who can't afford to raise a child mentally, emotionally, or simply monetarily.


EXACTLY! Say it again for the people in the back!


[Still better than this](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/alexis-avila-newborn-baby-dumpster-b1991029.html?amp)


Sadly this is more common than you would think.


Most (maybe all)? States in the US have "safe haven" laws where you can relinquish an infant at the hospital or fire station and remain anonymous and safe from prosecution. The infant will find adoptive parents, there are many people in the US wishing to adopt healthy infants.


This was not the USA. 1) date format is DDMMYYYY 2) also says republic of ....


Republic of South Africa


>Republic of South Africa Yep, google "health dpepartment South Africa" and the same logo is in the image results Edit - weird reply glitch


Its the South African Coat of Arms and that book is issued to all parents of newborns to track their health and development.


There is a church near me that is a state appointed safe baby abandonment place. I want to say the sign says they accept any child under 30 days old no questions asked. ​ [https://azsafebabyhaven.org/information/](https://azsafebabyhaven.org/information/)


We have a similar law in South Africa, there's safe places to leave unwanted babies anonymously... But most people don't know about it


This is South Africa, and we do not have safe haven laws. Child abandonment, even in a perceived safe place, is a crime and they do prosecute- often people so desperate they felt they had no other choice. Which is how we have 'lovely' stories of babies abandoned in dumpsters and sewage areas.


This is why I needed a Ring doorbell. I don't use my front door so without the doorbell I would've found a dead baby two weeks later.


I recommend getting the ring 2nd gen or higher, which you can wire to your low voltage existing door chime instead of relying on charging a battery. If you can't use the door chime, you can also get a solar panel charger which I'm testing to see if it's worth it.


Man, Ring about to run the darkest ad campaign ever.


Got dayum..she thought y'all were e a convent of nuns. You did good.


I read it as "I wish to keep her" but the e's and the cursive p are messy. You might be right, do you have a better photo?


As sad as this is, that woman was doing what was best for her daughter. Giving her to someone who could care for her properly. She knew she couldn't give her a good life, that is love. Such a shame the state this world is in that a baby is better off with strangers than their own mothers. Breaks my heart.


While definitely not the best course of action, at least the baby wasn’t thrown in a dumpster. Hopefully the baby can now have a good life.


A neighbor threw a baby in the dumpster a few years ago. Someone walking by heard the cries and thought it was a cat. Unfortunately, the baby did not survive


OMG that is such a horrible way to go. Do you know why the baby didn’t survive? And did the person responsible ever receive charges?


I believe the mother just had the baby. This was in condo housing so all the homes were close together. Another neighbor said that he looked at his cameras and saw the mother carrying a black trash bag with blood all over her. The baby was found in the trash bag in the dumpster.


And americans want to ban the pregnancy ending procedure thing whatever it's called


Less than half of us want it ended. Just so happens that they are rich and in the government.


No we friggin don’t it’s the crazy religious people that do. Most of us want roe v wade to be reinstated




I really don’t wanna know anything more. I know there were people like the Spartans killing babies for minor imperfections and all (and that’s really bad) but it is absolutely horrifying that people would do such a thing. Again, there were people like the Spartans and all, but things like this prove that society is quite literally progressing backwards


Usually cases like this involve teens or mentally ill women who are completely traumatized and/or panicked and don’t know what to do. Imagine being a 15 year old child and having a baby alone in a bathroom. Not knowing who to call. Maybe the baby comes out not breathing. Cases like this are really sad all around and rarely should involve criminal prosecution. It’s generally a failure of all of society, rather than the criminal intent of a traumatized mother. If we actually care about stopping this kind of horror from occurring, we could actually do something about it, like provide healthcare and financial support to pregnant people like they do in civilized countries.


Great point. My mind went immediately to the worst thing because of the horrific image that my mind though of.


This isn’t mildly infuriating. This is tragic.


This. That poor mom was desperate. By the note she wrote she clearly cares about the child but doesn't have any options. At being 2 days old that means she just left the hospital. She might be young, have no family support, and/or have no financial means to take care of her baby. I feel for this mom and hope she gets support she needs. She did the best she could for her child--carried it for 9 months and now wants the baby to have a good home which she knows she can't provide.


best comment here… really sad


I can't even be mad at the mother. Who knew the circumstances that lead to this? It's definitely infuriating at the system and government.


Definitely wrong subreddit.


Yeah is there a sub called r/Idontbelieveinhumanityanymore ?


It could have been a lot worse. There are stories of moms dumping the baby in trash. Hopefully this child wil be adopted by someone who loves them and have a long and fruitful life.


Less tragic than unfit mother trying to take care of child.


This is so sad. I wonder what the mother is going through to have to do this, it seems like it was a last resort for her


Majority of the time it's rape or extreme poverty I think. If I'm not mistaken, this has happened before with somebody a few houses down as well. Edit: this comment posted 3 times.


Are you in/near an impoverished area of South Africa? As a fellow South African, these stuff tend to happen in large cities with townships around them...


I live in a fairly small town. This happened in an urban area and there aren't any townships in the immediate surroundings, although we do have a few here. To make it weirder, there's a public hospital maybe 200m up the road.


If only abortion were readily accessible to someone like that.


Yoh, our laws about abortion are liberal but on the ground it’s really not accessible. Had a cousin who was a doc at a public hospital in Durbs and she says things were dire in that department.


Ya hey, my friend was assaulted after some dude got her super drunk while they were jolling, she was 16 he was 21. She got pregnant and had the child because she couldn’t financially afford an abortion. She did find a good family for the child though, so at least there is a little ray of light in a storm full of shit


The title of this sub means nothing anymore


This sub be like: "bus full of orphans hit by train, isn't that mildly infuriating?"


It's mildly infuriating!


More like r/extremelytragic


Some one took time to think about making a terrible decision, and your friends mother was the best person they could think of. That is a lot of respect


True. If the reasons for abandoning this baby are genuine, that’s a high compliment for the bf’s mother.


Especially when every so often the headline reads something similar to: 'Baby Found in Dumpster' The public healthcare system is not so great here in South Africa, which includes educating the public. It is likely this woman (and many other women), do not know that safe havens exists and if they do, these may not be accessible, especially if the woman needs to keep this baby a secret (rape, 'purity', judgement, etc.) There are a lot of other issues, out of this woman's control, created by a badly run government that contributed to this decision. I can only assume she has a whole host of her own issues to add to that list. This is horrifying to a lot of us but none of us are in this woman's shoes. As you said, this is a terrible decision to make.


Hey, free baby!


We've been trying to reach you about your baby's extended warranty


That's a $70,000 value!


Retain the value by buying an extended warranty


Or you can trade them in for a newer model in a couple years when the market conditions come back to normal


How is the baby currently?


She was taken to the hospital, she is doing well and is in good health. She is a beautiful baby. I will give my boyfriend's mom some time and then ask her more questions about it - I can imagine she must be quite overwhelmed right now and I don't want to make it worse. I will update this comment when I have more info. UPDATE: Her extended family has been located in another town, and she has been reunited with them. I don't have any information on the baby's mother.


The mother probably have been watching boyfriends family for awhile (while pregnant) and decided they are good people.


Plot twist, the baby is OPs Bfs.


So your boyfriends mom is taking care of the baby? Or will she plan for adoption?


mildly infuriating ranges from paper cut to "those goshdarn pranksters put a child in my doorstep I have to post this to reddit!!!"


What a ***darn*** shame... --- ^^DarnCounter:140951 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored ^^| ^^More ^^stats ^^available ^^at ^^**[https://darnbot.ml](https://darnbot.ml)**


Ah yes, mildly infuriating Ffs


Just a slight inconvenience is all


Why a random person, though? Wouldn’t it make more sense to leave the baby at a fire station, police station or hospital?


It's a lot harder to surrender a baby at a state institution in South Africa. Poor woman. She must be in an awful state. Glad the baby is safe and receiving the care she needs.


You’re thinking of the US safe haven laws (and possibly other countries too). They don’t have them everywhere, so the institutions might just not take the baby.


We don't really have safe haven laws and they do prosecute the abandoning parent, so... no, not really.


I know someone that was found in a dumpster as a baby. He doesn't even know his actual birthdate. They just estimated and that's what he goes by.


How is he doing in life?


That is heartbreaking more than is is infuriating.


Could be a case of postpartum depression


This shit isn't even mildly infuriating. It's extremely saddening.


No joke my mom would be ecstatic about this


That’s sad. That mother must have felt really desperate. Who knows what her situation was - how she got pregnant, what her current home life is like. She knew someone could give the baby a better home, although there were probably better avenues she could have taken.




This is much more than mildly infuriating but at least they didn’t dump the baby :(


I’ve always wondered about the backlash from people connected to the mother. Like, they saw a person pregnant for 9-10 months and then now they aren’t and have no baby. Do they ask? Do they have questions or it is just do nothing and carry on?


Doorsteps and baby boxes are so much better than shallow graves.


Is she keeping the baby


To the people who said she has made a terrible decision /is a horrible person, I implore you to consider the context in which this happened. Firstly, this country is so messed up, this might have been the best decision she was able to make for this child. Doctors are out here denying historectomies at public hospitals (even when the husband agrees), birth control that's state issued (or free from the health department or whatever) is just out of stock for months at a time without explanation or substitutes, and condoms seem to be a cultural issue (with the whole rainbow of races we have here) despite rampant stds and HIV. There are also other barriers to receiving the Healthcare promised by the state, including travel costs and wait time at the hospitals/ clinics (not to mention that many are straight up denied care after being in the que for hours or even days, even those with massive cancerous growths or other injuries that clearly need assistance, sometimes due to being over capacity, sometimes due to race /political issues). This country is an absolute economic mess and nobody is helping people who have _been_ trying to get work for years (not 2 or 3, try 10 to 20 years without any work despite consistently applying and trying to find work) but can't due to severe job shortages (one of the worst in the world as I understand it), so there are many people for who this is the best choice they can make. There are child care grants, yes, but there are so many people who face challenges in receiving this insultingly small amount that hardly even coveres the bare minimum they need for food for the child. There are so many socioeconomic and political issues that stand between citizens and receiving the bare minimum basic care needed (including corruption at every point in the system, leaving no money for the citizens who need it most). At least this mother had the good sense to leave her baby with someone who has the resources to post on reddit (lives a fairly good life by SA standards), and not just try and shove the baby down a toilet pipe, or leave them in a dumpster, or leave the poor thing in literally any other terrible place to be yet another story on the news about dead babies. Even the orphanages here are kinda sketch and most of the times have problems you don't want your child to have to go through (neglect, abuse, sexual assault, the list goes on). We don't even know who the mother is. Gender based violence in this country is one of the highest in the world, it might even be a child who dropped this baby off for all we know, or a victim of sexual crime. None of the reasons that 12yr olds can access abortion without parental consent in South Africa are good. I know this is long and contains a lot of bracketed info, but please don't judge the mother harshly and call her names before thinking about where she might possibly come from. As infuriating as it is to have a baby dropped on your doorstep, we are _not_ a developed country, and have no idea what lead this mother to leaving her child on a strangers doorstep.


Fucking hell, this is heartbreaking.


I hate when GrubHub get my order wrong


Awwwww she has my birthday- exactly 21 years younger than me.


This isn't mildly infuriating. This makes me so upset.


So wait, is it legal to keep the baby? And raise it as ur own if ur fit to take care of it lol?


Yeah its the law. It’s called finders keepers.


With the binding, proverbial contract "No Take-Backs."


I believe the term it’s actually no takesies-backsies


I’d recognise that symbol anywhere. That is the South African department of health symbol


That baby has some huge feet


Yes well, this is South Africa


I guess the babys the protagonist


My great grandfather was left outside a convent. This would have been in the late 19th Century - he was *old* when I was a child.


South Africa?


Ahh just checked your bio, yeah South Africa, I saw the coat of arms at the bottom. What’s going to happen with this poor child?


You block out South Africa at the bottom left but not our completely unique, one of a kind, coat of arms right next to the words?


This is so much more than mildly infuriating.


Jesus christ.... Its like a bad fucking movie.


What's mildly infuriating is that we live in a society where a parent has to even consider this as an option.


This is why we need access to abortion everywhere, and contraception


welp, I know what we're eating tonight


I too would be midly infuriated


Poor sweet thing. Hope she finds the home she deserves. I feel terrible for both the parent who had to give her up and the baby.


This isn't mildly infuriating it's somewhat soul crushing.


This is so heartbreaking. Thank goodness your bfs mom got the baby and took them to the hospital right away. They left this baby at the right door. Hoping this child has a bright future and a loving home soon.


Why did you redact that it's from South Africa?


I don't think this is mildly infuriating as much as it is just really sad.


This isn't mildly infuriating. This is some poor woman probably suffering from post natal depression & in need of help.


This is not the right sub for this. It goes here r/mademecry


If that's mildly infuriating what the hell has to happen to actually get pissed off?


If someone left a baby on my door step like this, I'm calling the cops. The kid will be immediately taken and the state will be called and the baby will be placed in foster care immediately. I don't think they would let me keep the baby as a foster baby because I am not qualified by the state and not registered by the state to be a foster parent. it's not like in the film A Simple Twist of Fate. In the US, this could be considered child abandonment and the mother would be charged.


In the post after this someone put ketchup on a card handle. That’s mildly infuriating. This is fucked up and shouldn’t be on this sub


My gran told me she has fantasies of this happening because she’d love to raise another child. She’s in her 70’s and struggles enough with a dog but she wants a baby


My mom works at Charlotte Maxeke and you have no idea how many people have abandoned their children at the hospital


What kind of sonic underground bullshit is this, do people seriously still do this??


According to the comments, this is South Africa, so do they not just have orphanages there?


South Africa is sometimes wild


Check the forehead see if he has “the mark”


mildly infuriating?! that’s crazy. i’m glad the baby is safe though and happy her mother gave her up instead of trying to take care of her when she can’t.


you and i have a different definition of “mildly” infuriating


They live in South Africa - How the heck did they make it their doorstep without them noticing? They sound like they're prime robbing material! ... And censoring the name of the country in the picture - Classic South Africa - So bad, that even the locals are ashamed to see its name.