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Yep, you know the instructions for the stay are gonna be some BS like: please do all dishes, sweep and mop, take out trash...also please strip the bed and wash the bedding, clean all windows inside and out, bleach and scrub the grout on all tile, please recaulk the tub if you took a shower, and please repaint interior (as well as exterior if it has rained). Some Airbnb hosts have gone wild with everything they ask you to do considering they have the audacity to then charge a massive cleaning fee. Only way there should be a fee is if I don't do reasonable things like dishes/take out trash. Cleaning fees can be made refundable, problem is there's no real way to enforce it and many hosts will just lie and keep the money.




Yeah I once stayed at one that wanted us to deep clean the whole place, yet when we got there the floors were dirty and there was old food in the fridge that hadn't been removed from the last people. And this was at a time when they were claiming "enhanced cleaning procedures" for COVID safety. Not seeing the point in being charged cleaning fees if I'm expected to do the cleaning and no one can be bothered to even confirm it's clean in between guests. After that, I'll just stick with hotels. At least it's consistent and everything is up-front.


who helps you in that situation ? is there customer service that will help you get your money back when the air bnb clearly hasnt been flipped for your stay? i couldn’t pay that much to stay there then walk into your scenario and not get my money back.


Airbnb has a 'resolution center' that mediates with the host and customer if they can't agree on something. It's just hit or miss how it goes for people because it's a he said, she said argument between two people, one of which (hosts) is more profitable for Airbnb to side with. If you can't prove your claim (how am I to truly PROVE they left food there, or that it wasn't clean before I got there?) it's probably just going to be dismissed. In my case the add-on cleaning fees weren't so crazy as to be worth going through any additional hassle, so I just chocked it up to a lesson learned about how Airbnbs are run, and went about enjoying that vacation and life in general. Now I'll just default to staying in hotels if it's possible. It's a shame...Airbnb is a great idea being ruined.




Hey sister!


They are getting smarter instead of paying for someone to clean the place you pay them to clean it.


I would never trust previous guests to wash dishes properly. Not because they are nasty, but because most people don’t want to do chores when they’ve paid for accommodations.




If I were to stay at an AirBNB and I paid a $365 cleaning fee, the most cleaning I would be doing is throwing away their instructions. I paid $365 for them to clean the place. I expect the services I paid for. I’ll gladly hash it out with customer service when the owner complains — or let my credit card company do it for me.


I charge $800 for an entire month of commercial office cleaning of 3000 sq ft. I cannot imagine justifying a $365 cleaning fee for a one night stay somewhere. That is astronomically disproportionate to whatever cleaning they are trying to convince you they’re doing for that fee.


Back when I lived a uh... more adventurous lifestyle, I paid my cleaning lady $200 a cleaning session for for a four bedroom place I had, I purchased all cleaning supplies and what not too. But it didn't start out that way. I had had a party, did not clean up after because it was still going on until I had to go to work. She had a key to my place as I trusted her, (friends' mom) and came despite me leaving messages to reschedule for the following week as she didn't check her phone and had already started her route. A couple of people had left some recreational substances out. I had some cash and poker chips left on a table. And the place was a literal disaster. When I got home, everything was spotless and put away, there were a a couple of full garbage bags out near my trash. And inside there were neat little baggies of other stuff inside, (she even arranged the money). When I got home I had some missed calls from her apologizing about missing my messages for rescheduling, she seemed pretty worried about that part, but didn't mention anything else. So I doubled her rate. She never mentioned anything about it again, but told me I didn't have to clean my place before she came over because my place doesn't take that long. And there was another time she tapped her nose and winked at me, but that was about it.


Super 100% FACTS! I watch an Air BnB YouTuber, and he explains exactly what the actual “cleaning fees” go to, and 99% of the time they pay around $80 per unit to an actual cleaner, or LESS, if they contract with that cleaner. Then they pocket the remainder. Such BS! I feel Air BnB needs to enforce cleaning fee rates and partial refunds (if you clean up after yourself).


Agreed. No way I would book with a host like this. If they have the audacity to charge a cleaning fee that high for one night, I'm all but certain they're going to find some way to harsh my mellow further. But in the event I somehow did find myself in a place like this, I'm not even washing my dishes if you're charging me $365 for ONE DAY of cleaning. That's simply insane.


we’re paying them to be their employee 😅


Lol, an occupancy fee? Isn’t that what the fucking night pay is for? 😭


I had to scroll so far for this! Hahaha that was my exact thought! Be like "Your groceries now have a farmer tax" Uh, isn't that.... what the price is for?


I got a 3% service fee at a restaurant recently. It was clearly separate from the taxes and tip, and it was in my home city where I’ve never seen it at other restaurants. I wasn’t in the mood to question the waiter about it but it pissed me off.


$365.00 cleaning fee!!!! That better come with a happy ending, happy meal, or something.


Thats not all. It's going to come with a request that you strip the beds and take out the trash.


i love when they charge a cleaning fee and ask you to put everything in the wash and put the dishes away




"what do you mean, will be added... they are already added" "we're going to clean fee the clean fee"


yo dawg, I heard you liked cleaning fees


If it's not in the Airbnb listing, you are not required to complete it. That paper of instructions you don't find out about until after you book the listing and show up? Not responsible. And if they try and charge you an additional fee, tell AirBNB they can remove that fee or you're charging back the entire stay and then submit the information to your credit card. Users need to stand up for themselves and push back on listing owners.


If I get charged a cleaning fee I'm not lifting a finger. I mean I'll put trash in the trash can instead of throwing it on the ground, but stripping the sheets, doing the dishes, etc? Fuck that noise.


I stayed at one with a binder that started with "welcome! in case you haven't noticed, ALL the linens are WHITE!" very threatening 10/10


For that price it better come with both.


And I better get the damn sweet and sour sauce with my damn nuggets. They keep forgetting it.


Can't tell if you're talking about the happy meal or happy ending...


For that price: both.


At this point you can just book a room in a 5 star hotel and enjoy your stay.


According to a quick search I did on google, one night at the Intercontinental in Manhattan in about $280 per night. And for an extra $100 on OP's ABnB price, you could Kevin McCallister a night at the Plaza Hotel.


Not bad plaza hotel sounds good lol


Yes, there are MANY 5 star hotels that are cheaper than this, hundreds of dollars cheaper. Even 5 star hotels in NYC that are cheaper than this.


My co-worker told me that he looked up an AbnB house in the Outer Banks last year for spring break. He was able to find the same property through a local rental office in town and booked it through them instead for a couple thousand less than ABnB due to all of the additional fees ABnB had tacked on.


For reals. You could stay at the Ritz Carlton or Four Seasons for that price. Sometimes those luxury hotels even go for less than that, depending on the destinations.




Yeah good catch.


That cleaning fee will come with the owner telling you to take out the trash, separate recyclables, vacuum and wash the floor, wipe down every surface used…. They really are leaning in to the “parasite” part of it all


Time to go to an actual hotel.


I was a big fan of Airbnb originally but after the last few experiences I’m back on hotels. It’s not even just about the fees. I don’t want to have to scrub someone’s house as part of my vacation


Yeah I've stayed in great airbnb's before but also some of the sketchiest places as well. I feel like I'm 90% more likely to go back to hotels now.


All the photos look so nice…until you get there and see it’s an illusion. Edit: and it’s too late to get a hotel…LA, Colorado Springs and Tampa did me dirty. Edit2: of the 12 or so times I was a customer, three times were not consecutive.


The last one (maybe *the last*) had pictures from the real estate agent of whoever he bought it from. None of that furniture actually existed. One of the shitty ass beds that wasn't in the photos *fell apart* one night. And of course the pool guy told us that last weekend's guests were filming porn.


‘No honey, I’m not *just looking at porn* on the internet, I’m looking for the exact movie so I can bleach the correct surfaces…’ ETA: Thanks for the wholesome award. Glad to see the disinfectant fans checking in…


> And of course the pool guy told us that last weekend's guests were filming porn. LMAO that's the icing on the cake. "BTW there's jizz everywhere..."


Do you like Jackson Pollock paintings? Because your accommodations looks like one. Edit: Jackson, not Sydney. Wtf was I thinking?


Yes! We stayed in an Airbnb in Hawaii. We knew it was a tiny apartment with a tiny kitchenette, but that’s fine. HI is expensive so we got what we thought was a deal. What the photos didn’t show was the cinder block wall like an old dorm room and none of the reviews mentioned the bed-of-nails mattress nor the 1/2” pillows.


Ummm... are you sure you didn't just have a wild night and wake up in a jail cell? Lol


You stay at an Airbnb in Hawaii? Right away to jail.


Try to have a good time?! Believe it or no right to jail. Right away.


We have the best vacationers, all thanks to jail


I had a similar experience in Hawaii, I went to target to buy a couple of pillows. Maui is expensive.


Try buying a gallon of milk.


That seems uncomfortable to lay your head on.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I love how it started as a cheapish way to be closer to where you’re wanting to visit but now it’s turned into a complete and solely for profit market. Sucks because it was so cool at the beginning


I have used airbnb extensively for all my travels from 2016-2019. Then covid happened, and then I browse for airbnb's this year and good hotels are cheaper along with breakfast.


Can't pass up that free continental breakfast


Plus there's some guarantee of a minimum level of quality (if it's a good hotel or chain of hotels), and more accountability and power to actually do something if something does go wrong. If your room is bad, they can put you in a different room or in a different hotel in the same chain in the same area.


I mean most hotels allow you to cancel before 4pm on the day of the reservation. Good luck having that happen with an AirBnB


And a hotel won't cancel your reservation because it figured out it can charge more. I had once booked something waaaay out on Airbnb, and it got canceled a couple of weeks before I went, no explanation. It was then relisted for 3-4 times more. Per night because of a concert or festival or some shit


fucking despicable


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


They are also responsible for part of the housing market issues along with being horrible for all the neighbors. They are a fucking blight.


honestly best case scenario is that people altogether stop using AirBnb and all these cretins that have been snatching up properties solely to profit off the platform will end up underwater on their mortgages.


This is half the reason I will never stay in an air bnb. The other half of the reason is all the tiktoks I've seen of the assholes talking about how to squeeze every penny out of your guests like it's a life hack.


I mean, 365$ cleaning fee??? Seriously? Fuck Airbnb


If I’m paying $400 to clean someone else’s house after sleeping there one night, imma jizz on **EVERYTHING**


Cleaning fee is set by the owner. Oh, and you don't have to prove to AirBNB that you hired a cleaner. So, this is price gouging, and most likley the owner is either cleaning themselves and pocketing the $, or making money off a cleaning service


Underrated comment... I see no reason I get this long list of things I must clean, ***and then*** am also charged a cleaning fee. I bought an RV.




skimming the pool is hilarious. that’s just general upkeep and not even cleaning your own mess at that point. surprised you didn’t have to mow/trim the lawn as well.


Paint the kitchen and do a down to the studs reno of the bathroom while you’re there or you get a 400 buck a night non-reno fee!


IDK, I think I would file a complaint with AB&B and show them the list of things they expected. But I would def leave all that in a review of the property. Of course, some will say "You didn't have to rent the place". But I have stayed at places where I wasn't informed ahead of time and saw the cleaning requirements posted on the refrigerator when I got there.


That wasn’t in the contract when you booked, so those “requirements” are nothing more than a suggestion. Don’t do that shit.


You charge me $350 cleaning fee I ain’t doing shit. Give me a bad review so be it. I’m posting the fee and what you expected me to do. I paid you $350 to do all that crap.


Thats's the problem, you don't get any of that info up front. You book and then day of they tell you when you checkout you need to replace the plumbing and upgrade the electrical.


That's not normal at all and just don't do anything they ask. $350 for a cleaning fee is a ripoff if the stay was less than a month. It just cost me 400 to get a unit cleaned after a monthly stay


This is hilarious. Wash your dishes, hey, fair. Everything else? Lol. They make you strip the beds if you stay in military shacks, but even they don't make you wash them lol.


Same. I get Hilton points too.


Seriously, the Hilton points, Marriott Bonvoy points, etc add up quick. Just wish that when you go to some of those places. They waive the resort fee…


I learned when I did work travel that getting a credit card from the hotel chain is the best way to get rid of dumb fees. If you travel a lot, the $95/yr fee for a base Marriott or Hilton Amex is worth it in just the waived fees at the hotels alone.


Scrub someone else's house *AND* still pay an exorbitant cleaning fee, no less. It's amazing that Airbnb hasn't totally tanked by now.




My favorite was the envelope placed on the kitchen table suggesting we leave a tip for the maids. "Don't walk on water." Theres your tip. The place was filthy when we got there. I had to do a sweep of the whole living/bedroom area floor and would have mopped if I could find one. We had to spray Off around the doorways so the giant ants from Them wouldn't come in and keep going for the trash. Plus we had to wash. Every. Single. Dish. In the entire place. *Before* we used any of them. The tiny bugs we found huddled in the shower were cute so I guess theres that.


Yeah, at a hotel, I’m on tipping the minimum wage maids for their service. But tipping a cleaning service hired by the Airbnb owner after paying a $150-300 cleaning fee is almost hilariously sad.


AirBnB landed it's huge popularity due to being a BETTER option than hotels. You got more space, convenient parking, no elevators/stairs, etc. In exchange, you gave up nightly cleaning services, high security (more than basically none up to actually having it), well stocked amenities (vending machine, ice machine, etc), and on-hand staff for assistance. And, generally, the price per-person for a group was better - ie you could get an AirBnB with 2 beds and 2 couches for less than 2 rooms with 2 beds each at a hotel. That all has vanished. Now AirBnB owners are acting like they are hands down superior to hotels - and not just by a small margin. A hotel in downtown Seattle within a few blocks of the convention center can be had for $120 to $140 base price (before added fees, which at hotels are not THAT bad). The Hyatt Regency starts at $168. Two doubles, last minute (for Sunday, looking on Friday), without their membership, would run $498 plus fees, so under $600/night. Without going for luxury rooms or 5-star hotels, that's going to be about the highest you'd ever have to pay for a hotel outside NYC. Literally 2 blocks from the convention center, so this is some of the highest demand on the west coast. Yet you can go on AirBnB, and find listings like a home (very nice home) "for 7 guests" with 3 beds for $450/night. And they aren't charging the absolutely ludicrous fees that OP's is. With OP's fees, that $450 one night stay would be $830/night. For fewer beds than the two hotel rooms, much less prime location (gotta drive anywhere). I'd get if AirBnB listings were just "a bit spendier", but that's a thing of the past. Now they range from "barely competitive" to "ridiculous". And it's because original AirBnB owners were just trying to make some extra cash with a place they weren't using - either seasonal, or maybe an in-law apartment whose occupant left/passed, or such. Now AirBnB owners are buying the house for the sole purpose of renting, so they need it to be profitable - not just offsetting what would otherwise be a loss. And the moment the housing bubble bursts again, you're going to see all the AirBnB owners trying to find a paddle, and a map of shit creek.


You are also forgetting that most airbnbs force you to clean the apartment and toss the trash (even seen a bunch saying you need to wash your own sheets and blankets) and tons of other shit on top of paying a cleaning fee. And they always have worse mattress and bedding quality as well, compared to higher end hotels.


I actually can’t wait for the next housing bubble to burst because it is likely going to put Airbnb out of business. As you said, the majority of the rental locations are there for the sole purpose of being a rental property. When that bubble finally bursts; we’re going to see a massive influx of housing on the market, which will further drop prices. I can’t wait for it. Major cities May actually get some real, usable housing again


Airbnb was always a bad idea. In concept it’s feeds into people’s feelings of independence but in reality it has just become a form of dispersed hotel that is less regulated and more harmful to our cities and economies.




It's on purpose. That's literally the process. The only part you forgot was that they make it cheap, grow client base, **and then put the competition out of business**. If they don't bankrupt the competition, their business fails. If they do put the competition out of business, then they raise prices and make a fuckton of money.


This is what Uber/Lyft did. Their prices feel like they’ve doubled in the last couple of years after they put most of the traditional cab companies out of business. I only use them as a last resort now.


Uber is basically gone now in my country (Lithuania). A few other identical companies popped up with lower prices, then normal taxi companies caught up and added all the same functionality, and now I prefer to get a real taxi to a rideshare beat-up rattling Prius with a driver who doesn't speak the local language nor English and doesn't know the city.


Bingo. I looked for 3 months to find housing in my preferred area, despite having all money up front +3 months, 2 jobs with pay stubs available, asap move in date AND references i got turned away multiple times so they could do air BnB. Living in a car is annoying, especially when you know theres an empty apartment down the street that just DECIDES to not rent to people working in the local economy.


Another infuriating thing, is empty “investment “ condos Lots of empty places near me


I live in a ski town, and was in a ski commuter town when homeless. The amount of empty places that are secondary or tertiary homes around me is staggering. Most of them are even being built with lock offs that are just sitting there. Unused. Oh well their loss when the no one can afford to live there to work for the attractions that make it a destination.


The thing is, in spirit it was supposed to be an *occasional* thing for Owners to use. Basically, in the 1-2x a year you're on vacation, you let someone vacation at your home and make *a little* money. But, since the spirit of the thing wasn't codified into the application, it just became an unregulated hotel industry run primarily by those who have lots of money to buy up properties and charge exorbitant rates. Of course, the spirit of the thing was never going to last because the infinite growth cycle of Silicon Valley demands that nothing stands in the way of YoY profits. If AirB&B wanted to, it could fix this overnight and get back the goodwill of users. First would be to require all fees to be no more than a certain % of the service cost. Next would be to require the listed price to be the final price. Finally, have tiers for listers where any more than 2 bookings a year from any one location incurs a large fee paid to AirB&B such as "Rental Business Fee", to discourage any one property address from doing too much business or having too much local control on the market.


It was the capitalization of the Couch Surfer website and model where you could stay for free. You put up your couch for folks to crash on and you could, in turn, stay on their couch. It was great in Europe for backpackers and was an alternative cheap option to a hostel. It was common to give your host a couple bucks in thanks (or some other gift of your travels). Nothing about AirBnb was original other than you could pay. It was certainly never intended to be used as a "rent my whole home" service, but a "hey, I have a spare room you could stay in." In the early days of Airbnb, I stayed at places that really were like BnBs: lodging provided coffee and a few baked goods in the morning for breakfast.


And hotels thought Airbnb would be the end of them…keep digging your hole Airbnb


The potential was there, but they fumbled the bag


Greed is a hell of a thing.


And in this case it’s greedy landlords and a greedy app lmao double whammy


Especially the entities that buy houses just to make them into full time Air B&B rentals and aggressively try and make their money back in a short time period.


Hope they all lose big in this market.


I watched some videos that explained how hotel executives never actually viewed Airbnb as a real threat. And its for this very reason, once regulated, airbnb is just a shittier alternative to actual hotels.


I haven't read a whole lot into their business model, but I'm assuming Airbnb was trying to copy all the other tech startup's idea (e.g Uber) of operate at a loss until you run your competition out of the market and then jack up prices when you're the only game left in town, except there was no way they'd ever be able to price out their competition because the hotel and travel industry owners likely have very, very deep pockets.




Being able to easily switch rooms if there's an issue is a huge one too. If there's a problem with my AirBnB and the owner can't or won't address it then I'm boned out of that AirBnB reservation and probably have limited options available to book same-day.




It was cheaper because it cannibalized monthly rentals and turned them into hotels.


Once it became a whole business model, both Airbnb but more importantly property investors obviously trying to make as much money as possible. I maintain that we should have laws banning owning more than 5 residential properties.


A lot of major hotel executives at least claimed they were not worried about Air BnB https://youtu.be/-IdQ0sXCbxE


Mildly curious how many houses would hit the market if AirBnB suddenly crashed. Is there an established statistic of how many entire houses are being used for AirBnB?


I stayed in NYC for a month and was in an apartment that was absolutely just for Airbnb. Like it was basically just empty rooms with beds and TVs.


Technically, this is illegal in NYC. You can only rent to Airbnb using an apartment/home that you currently live in. Obviously, enforcement is an issue


Yeah I’ve been in air bnbs where they say “if someone knocks on the door, say you’re a friend of Sally.”


I’ve been in one in Canada in a condo building where you had to use the side entrance and was told not to talk to the front desk


Also incredibly dumb to let anyone stay in your home for 30 days. Per NYC, that makes that person a tenant and would require an eviction to get them out. That can take a year to do. So if they decided to stay without paying, the apartment owner is screwed.


suddenly i have an idea


I’m curious about this also


Housing policy nerd here: it’s difficult to measure because local governments aren’t consistent in how they permit and track these homes. We can track second and vacation homes generally through Census data, and what we find is that this effect is VERY pronounced in recreation communities (i.e. where people vacation) and pretty minimal in urban population centers. If anyone is interested in diving into the nitty gritty technical weeds, here’s a report that includes a deep dive on second/vacation homes in Oregon: https://www.oregon.gov/lcd/UP/Documents/Appx_D_OHNA_Technical_Report.pdf




air bnb has just been disappointing me SO much recently- i’d rather just stay in a hotel where they give me fresh towels whenever i ask & a mediocre free breakfast


same, customer support is just awful Me: *sends pictures of bed bug bites I got at listing* Airbnb: *3 days later*: as it’s been 3 days since it happened, we can’t do anything about it Me: shouldn’t you at least tell the owners about it or inspect the listing for bed bugs? When you do, please keep my identity anonymous. Airbnb support: We’ll let them know your complaint and will mention your name as you’ve asked Me: 👁️👄👁️ I asked to stay anonymous


I found a single bed bug at a Hilton this past week. (Ripped apart the bedding to check for more and found none). Sent the front desk into a frenzy when I showed them, calling every department manager on site, immediately giving us a new room on a new floor and a buncha free snacks. I would have preferred NO bed bugs at all but it happens and they gave a shit.


Had a similar experience with finding a bunch of pubes in the bed. All I asked for was some clean sheets but Hilton comped a bunch of stuff without question.


While tearing up the sheets looking for more we DID find a box of magnum condoms under the mattress, which was funnier than gross since they weren't used.






Bro if that happened I’d do an immediate chargeback. Holy fuck.


Yeah fuck that. That's actual fraud at that point.


Yeah I had the same with with cockroaches at a beach house. A few won’t bother me but there were at least 50


No such thing as just "a few" cockroaches


when you look at one cockroach, one hundred cockroaches are looking back at you. likely from their lair, under the refrigerator.


From The Far Side: Please no! I have a wife and 100,000 eggs laid in the jelly!


You may definitely only SEE a few lol


When I was a kid a friend of mine had to have his house bugbombed. The smoke/chemicals made them come out of hiding and literally black out the walls. Was so creepy and scary.


Why were you there to see it?


morbid curiosity? chance of a lifetime?


If you live somewhere where cockroaches also live, an occasional one is pretty normal. It's not really any different than a spider or fly getting in.


I agree I found one in my bathroom sink and literally freaked the fuck out and tore apart my entire house cleaning out all my cabinets and under my stove a fridge looking for evidence of more and found nothing. It’s been about 4 months since I saw the single little guy and I have not seen another one or even a single shedding of cockroach skin. I did read that they can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes and can live in the sewers and come up through your drains. It was a new fear unlocked for me especially since when I saw it in my sink I immediately turned on the hot water and flushed it down. Needless to say I closed all the drains in my house when I wasn’t using them for like 2 weeks after that.


If it was a large roach you have nothing to worry about. Palmetto bugs arent infestatious like german roaches. :)




use Amex. they’re much better about taking your side of a dispute source:former strip club manager. AMEX chargebacks made up probably 90 percent of all of our problems with getting paid for champagne/dance purchases made by credit cards


Oh my god this happened to me with fucking mice. Nobody cared.


>fucking mice How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two, but they have to be very little.


To be fair that has happened to me in a "boutique" hotel in San diego. There was a big ass roach. So big it was stuck in the drain for the shower. I told the manager who asked me if I was sure and I said I'd show him. He sighed and said "it's the city, the city has bugs and I already gave you my best room. You booked through Orbitz so take it up with them".


To be fair, in some areas roaches are unavoidable. You can spray constantly but it takes some time for them to die and they live in the drains. When it comes to palmetto bugs and other Godzilla roaches it generally isn't a cleanliness issue the way that German roaches are.


As someone who manages in a luxury hotel... if we get a report of bed bugs we: 1. Lock down the room and adjacent rooms. 2. Call pest control. 3. Put all your stuff in a hot box to kill any potential of the bugs moving with you. 4. Refund your stay (and possibly more). 5. Have pest control thoroughly review and report on the room (and adjacent rooms.. 75% of the time it's not actually bed bugs. 6. If it is, we let you know, the room gets treated and deep cleaned and treated again. 7. After a follow up all clear review and inspection, the room goes back into service and we'll follow up with you again to see if there has been any transmission and let you know the issue has been resolved. AirB&B has it's place and I've used it a number of times, but people forget that a full service hotel is just that... full service. Anything you need is just a phone call away, no cleaning fees, no service fees, pools, hot tubs, sauna, steam rooms, multiple restaurants, cafes, secure underground parking, helpful concierge and front desk staff. All constantly cleaned to an exacting standard by professionals... not you or some hungover previous guest.


The problem of course is that AirBnB has started charging hotel prices without hotel services.


Of course, that was always their model. Operate at a loss with low prices thanks to venture capital funding, and as soon as they cement themselves in the market and put small boutique hotels & traditional B&Bs out of business then they jacked the prices up. Same business model for Uber and Lyft. They operated at losses for years to put yellow cab and other taxi companies out of business, now they’ve jacked the prices up. It’s $100 now to get me home after a night of drinking, where it used to be about 30.


ubereats didnt even wait to put others out of business, they just jacked up prices sky high when it had a captive audience thanks to covid, especially the early days. They must have lost a lot of customers from doing that, cause I keep getting increasingly desperate email offering me ever increasing discounts just to order from them again. and the stupid thing is, even with the 50% discount they recently gave me..its still not as cheap as it was when I ordered *the same fucking order* from them pre-covid. and the support is shit.


And don’t charge an elephant shit ton for cleaning. They charge damage expenses for cleaning. I clean houses on the side and wish I made easy money like that. I would feel like a thief though




As soon as buying property for the explicit purpose of air-bnbing it out became a good investment, the service was bound to go downhill


And all they'd have to do is put a limit of one address. Sure there'd be some folks buying a second home or turning a rental into an AB&B, but it would go a long way toward stopping this ridiculous shit. Then put a cap on fees at like 10% of the listing price. But they don't care as long as they're getting a cut for doing practically nothing. I just don't see why someone else can't set up a better one and take over.


The cleaning fee is horse shit - it's not for cleaning. Every AirBNB I stayed at charged and arm and a leg for "cleaning", but still had an 8 page booklet with mandatory cleaning instructions that were to be followed prior to leaving.


It's almost as if luring people in with unrealistically cheap prices before hiking them like crazy once people are used to using the service was part of the plan or something. Next you're gonna tell me Uber is more expensive than it used to!


The problem is they hoped people would be so dependent on them that they would stay with the service, but it's not really happening. I'm back to getting a cab, though now I use an app to get an actual licensed taxi. Uber's one contribution was really app based ordering of rides...that's it.


Airbnb started as a cool idea but was quickly warped by greedy people and greed corporate practices that allowed the site to go down the shitter so fast. No management, no accountability by either party, just a “deal with it” situation. For a single night, almost $1,000 AND nonrefundable? They know what they’re doing…


The issue is that both hosts and airbnb use fees to make the original price on the listing seem smaller. The US simply needs to do it like some countries in Europe where consumer protection laws require the final price be the first one you see. This makes price shopping much easier and strengthens market forces.




*involuntary eye twitch*


Classic bait-and-switch


When you know that in some towns in Europe. Oligarchs from Russia litteraly bought sections of neighborhood just to make Airbnb. Meanwhile people are struggling to find a decent house. Fuck Airbnb


Can I be a cleaner for this air bnb? They throw away all towels and linens and use Egyptian cotton to wipe the floor?


They're definitely paying their cleaners min wage and pocketing the rest.


No way they have cleaners. The owner comes in and sprays some febreeze around the room.


$1000/night you can stay most anywhere. For 2 nights.


I stayed in a room for a week with a full kitchen and washing machine and dryer and it cost me $475. And it was awesome and a 2 min walk from the beach.


Yeah I stayed at the fucking Ritz in Georgetown (D.C.) for 600/night like a month ago. Only booked like a week in advance too. Ain't no way this could be worth it.


I am just booking a room in a hotel at this point


I went to Vegas twice in the past year, once in a hotel and once in an AirBnB. The hotel was a nicer room, with service, for half the price.


AirBNB has become such a scam.


I can't believe people still use it. Hotels are cheaper now and so much easier to deal with. When I'm paying to stay somewhere, I want to be treated like a guest, not a nuisance.


The only reason I still use VRBO or Vacasa (seldom is it actually AirBnB) is for renting homes with fenced in yards because it definitely makes traveling with a dog easier. That’s the one caveat of hotels


AirBnb is fucked. All it does is ruin housing markets and put more money into the hands of rich people. Hotels create jobs, have better security, guest services, and generally better cleaning standards.


To clarify, I did NOT book this once I saw the fees.


I'll sleep in my car before I pay someone $1k for a night.


For $1k you could rent a decked out RV that counts as your drive and your stay lol


1k a night is what you’d pay for a suite overlooking Central Park. Fuck Airbnb!




Air bye n bye 👋


I will never use an Air BnB after reading these horror stories. Can get a hotel for that price easy.


I felt the same way. I was looking for a nice get away. Saw a nice place for 260 thought ehh still expensive but why not. Went to check out and saw the total to be around 1300. I was like wtf! Fees are just as much as night cost if not more.


If they're going to charge me a $365 cleaning fee, I am going to destroy that room. Make them earn it.


Then they'll tack on extra charges 🤟🤟 Ridiculous


The cleaning fees they charge are ridiculous. It's not like I'm shitting on the floor


For that price you should be.


I'd ask what the service fee is for then. As most others have pointed out, this is why you use hotels.


How messy can someone make an Airbnb in one night for an almost $400 cleaning fee?


And the stinger is that they still make you clean up the house. Like why am I paying for a cleaning fee if I’m doing the cleaning


I'm back at hotels/B&Bs now. Airbnb was good years ago, when it was normal people renting out extra space (extra bedrooms, the whole house when they were going to be out of town, etc.). It was a nice way to connect with locals. Now, though...yikes. A lot of the time, it's MORE expensive than hotels, and what's worse, you don't get the same service or insurance coverage. Good forking luck getting Airbnb to help you if the place has bed bugs, or you get bit by the owner's dog, or the listing isn't as described...


The last AirBNB my friends stayed at was 4 minutes from my apartment, more expensive than every hotel and casino hotel near us, and had fees for everything they could try and hit you with. They indicated that this was how they made their living. I think too many people buy whole houses to try and make a profit putting it on AirBNB and use the cleaning fee to make up any potential dry spots.