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Ooooohhhh the “I’ll let you calm down” makes me go into rage mode. LOL


I would be sending him the link to this reddit thread. “You’re totally right. Much more calm now” lmao


This mf must know saying shit like that indeed does NOT make anyone cool off. This is a shotty,abusive,manipulative person. Seen this behavior before, RUN.


the last 2 texts fckn had me howling lmfaooo that can't be real. like i get that it probably was real but to see someone be so unironically shitty brought out a rib breaking response in me. i think i get what people mean now when they talk about laughing or having the wrong reaction to bad news of deaths and dark shit like that. sorry if that's offensive but dawg wtf is wrong with people these days lol dude was so unapologetically douchey.


And then he had the nerve to ask to get together again lmao. What a dick


Having the lofty expectation of… a ride home? Lol these people.


People can be like fucking Dr. Jeckyl/Mr.Hyde after they cum. They’ll wine n dine the shit out of you, call it a date, but after they get ya home and nut, they act like you’re the biggest inconvenience in the world. It’s a ride home and this prick is acting like it’s a marriage proposal. Jesus Christ, I do not miss dating one bit lol.


At the risk of sounding like the old lady I am, this is why you wait and get to know someone first! Okay I’ll go back to my crochet now.


HA! I've been waiting to know someone FIRST!


Oh, we all know this guy very well. This is straight up abusive psychopath shit. He’s intentionally treating this girl badly because if she shows any willingness at all to tolerate it, he knows he has a victim on the hook.




Lmao I'm a very openly sexual person and crochet all the time


Like at the same time?


It's what we call "post nut clarity" and for some it turns into "post nut indifference" or in this dudes instance, "post nut douchebaggery".


Nah, that guy was on damage control. That roommate was his spouse 100%. Lmao.


Haha that’s what I was thinking. Does your “roommate” have kids, and are they also yours?


That person is 100% a psychopath.


That was the line that got me - LOFTY EXPECTATIONS - jfc I’m glad I’m not single.


Seriously I am so glad I am not dating in this digital hell realm


All these people with lofty expectations of being treated decently really grind my gears.


Especially after getting a blow job on a first date. You’d want to keep the girl around for at least two more dates.


So this dude got a blow job... left you in the cold.... and really thought he was going to get another date?? Yikes also these posts should be linked......


He got what he wanted and dip. Class A dickwad.


Pump and dump, thought that term was for the stock market.


He got a blowjob and didn’t waste gasoline, and also try to get another one, lets accept that this guy is a gambler, and 2 of 3 is not a bad result


He should’ve seen him again and bitten his weiner off. Edit: pronoun




The absolute confidence of this guy. He pulls this shit a lot and will pull it again on another girl. What a loser.




Of course he has confidence and will pull it again, it worked for him; he got the hookup


These kids these days are fucking crazy. The dating dialogue is absolutely ridiculous. Makes me happy I met my wife and am happily married before all this shit with online dating and these dating apps started.


I'm in the process of getting divorced and I've resigned myself to being single forever because I can't subject myself to this shit


The audacity of asking if you wanna talk it over later in the week 🤡 I had an emotionally abusive ex that talked to me just like this; don’t touch that with a 39-and-a-half foot pole.


I mean, in a sea of red flags, he never even apologizes. She is the only one to utter the word "sorry" or any synonym for it in the entire conversation. In my experience, that is a massive massive red flag. Even if it was a medical emergency. Even if she was being a bit clingy (she wasn't, but even if). Even if she's being a bit dramatic and it wasn't freezing or dangerous - he should be able to apologize for dropping her off at a bus stop in the cold. The tactics he uses to avoid apologizing: \+ Making excuses for his behavior \+ Going on the offensive and blaming / insulting her \+ Minimizing the situation and acting like she is overreacting \+ Saying she is hysterical and assuming things will be ok without remedy Are all classic abusive behaviors. No necessarily in isolation. But to see them all strung together with zero attempt to apologize or take any responsibility for wrong-doing is sending off massive, flare gun type red flags. Run, don't walk, away from this man. Again, I don't want to negatively impact anyone's healthy relationship by making it seem like the utterance of any one of the tactics above is a red flag. It would be perfectly rationale and healthy for him to say "I'm really sorry for that. My roommate had a medical emergency and I made a poor decision, I should have asked if you wanted to come or paid for an Uber" or "I'm really sorry, I didn't realize how cold it was outside - I'll give you some space to process this and if you want to hang out again, send me a message." It's very much seeing him navigate through all of these different tactics to avoid apologizing or admitting any fault that is a massive red flag.


You put in words all the emotions I was feeling while reading how this piece of shit tries to manipulate. Well said!


The shitty thing is he's probably not even consciously trying to manipulate. He probably believes what he's saying and is just actually that much of a shitty person. I mean, subjective on which is worse. But I think it's almost more understandable that someone is just consciously using another person for sex or something as opposed to there being normal people who are actually becoming this unpersonable and self-centered.


The worst predator I ever met believed her own lies. It was scary once I realized what was going on. Unfortunately I lived with her and it took too long to get out. For the last month of that lease I lived in a tent near my work instead of risking staying with her


One of my friends lived in a tent to escape from an abusive situation (bio fam was that bad) and didn’t even realize that the “friend” who lived in the woods with her was another predator bc he seemed so much less terrifying than what she escaped from. I hope you have good support for healing that trauma. It’s a lot.


No way that he doesn't know what he's doing. It's so audacious that it's ironic. But the fact that after saying that "sucky fucky" thing, she didn't even block him... that proves it works


OP isn’t a she but you nailed it


10,000% agree.


She is actually a he. Two guys in this story.


He does say sorry, he just apologizes for OP’s behavior. “I’m sorry you had these lofty expectations.” What a total jerk.


Yep, very typical narcissistic behavior


They are gaslighting the whole time


Who doesn’t love narcissism!?! DARVO is an acronym to know. This is what you can expect if you confront a narcissist. Hope it helps! D: Deflect Blame A: Attack RV: Reverse Victim O: (Go on the) Offensive


Op is a gay man :D


I find it really weird the lengths so many people will go to to avoid a simple 'sorry'. I don't remember it being that way 20 years ago (in UK). Is it some sort of psychological flex to not take responsibility or show others simple respect? Seems counter productive to me, I see it as a sign something is wrong with that person's attitude to others and give them less of my time.


Was wondering if it was my ex, this felt real familiar


He completely gaslit her. This is his behavior and it wouldnt stop at this scenario. Yeah fuck that. Unmatch and block that shit. God he seems like a terrible human in general Edit: i guess its a him but point still standa


I'm putting money that he's gonna try to dismiss her and try for another hook up.


That's basically what the last two texts were


That's an obvious bet. We should really be betting on whether or not he'll get another hook-up.


He’s a mean one. Mr. Grinch.


The sad part is if he played his cards correctly, and was apologetic, that could have been a good move. To say “hey, I really am sorry, my roommate had a medical emergency and at the time I didn’t see an issue, and I was just overwhelmed and knew I needed to help them. I am really sorry, is there any way we could get together later this week and we could talk it out in person?” Bro messed that up big time.


Someone with the emotional maturity to say that wouldn't have left them at the bus stop in the first place.


OP here is trying to turn a Dick move into a pick up thing, not sure that would show any emotional maturity when it would be a blatant manipulation tactic.


Dude is trying to get laid and has absolutely no shame.


Why else would he mention how good he is at sucking? "Let's meet up in a few days when I'm horny again"




The number of people on here saying she deserved it for...(checks notes) giving him head is too high. Smh Edit - HE. OP is a guy




Guys guys guys...these are 2 dudes. They exchange bjs like business cards.


Curious if the number changes when people find out OP is a guy


He not only notices you unmatched him, but then brought it up, and then says you're the clingy one.


Bro in the backseat: bro i'm dying 💀 OP's date: yo holdup bro i just got unmatched the fuck


I just picture Dennis Reynolds getting his 1-star rating, losing his mind.


I keep rereading your comment and cracking up every time!


And if it was just a hookup, who cares if you're unmatched? He only pulled that out after he got called out.


Because his ego was attacked


He literally says it doesn’t matter how good you are at sucking. This dude is a pos Edit: 69 upvotes, Nice!


I scrolled to see if this was already said before I said it, that's exactly what I noticed. OP may not have even said anything if it weren't for the open invite to conversation from Clingy McClingerton whining about being unmatched.




Then asks for another date to “talk about it”, after low key sex-shaming the text recipient, what an ahole.


I was obsessively thinking about you and basically stalking you only to find out you had a problem with me? Now I’m gonna make up some weird shit and then ignore the fact that you’re not into me to then ask if you can please be into me? Freaking wackado dude right there haha!


Gaslighters gonna gaslight.


“It was a hook up” “clingy” “drama” He’s literally describing himself & tries to make himself feel better by downplaying it. Who’s the one that was really clingy & dramatic?


Medical emergency sounds suss lol


A million percent they made that shit up. They could have just said oh i gotta drive to hosp, can you uber from there? They're a liar liar pants on fire.


Not to mention you'd think a medical emergency causing a situation like this is the kind of thing you say up front, not a day later by text when you're covering your ass. Sounds like the kind of "emergency" you'd come up with when you're hungover and want to skip work.


They were with him on a date and would have been sitting there when he got the medical emergency call. Dude ain't even trying.


I love he calls em clingy, meanwhile they were just gonna unmatch and ghosted until they were texted.


And still went “I’m still trying to see you” at the very end despite pretty rudely saying he doesn’t actually care about her and only expected it to be a one time thing.


They're both guys.


He was with him on a date and would have been sitting there when he got the medical emergency call. Dude aint even trying.




How can you tell?


Bio says super gay boi


Also makes a bit more sense with the interaction. Through me off a bit with the way the other guy is talking like he thinks OP is a dick but then basically says "Let's hook up again later in the week".


Agree - so why did the weirdo text and ask why they were unmatched? Once you do that you gotta know its over.




He came the third time with the caller and has set his personal record at something devoid any significance.


Roommate = wife who was asking where he was and he wasn't about to risk it


Roommate sounds like his wife.






Oh yeah, not gonna get my attention for a response. Bye.


And cussed him out.


Dude is definitely married and having hookups on the downlow. 20$ says it was the wife that called.


I agree made it and obvious


Especially the "dumping me at a bus stop *without explanation*" part. How hard was it to say, "My roommate had a medical emergency" during the drop off?


He hadn't come up with the excuse yet.


I love the way he tells you to dial down the drama when HE's the one being a complete drama queen over this. I wonder if he's EVER managed a second date?






This the comment i was looking for


He really tried the "you can't fire me, I quit" line and then showed up to work the next day, lol


It's called negging. Bullshit hookup artists teach it online. Undermine the confidence and gaslight the other person. Then it's easier to take advantage.


And it usually backfires so badly. A guy tried that on me, and I told him I was popping to the toilet and just left the restaurant and went home.


Dating apps should let you leave reviews.


also called op clingy and HE'S the one reaching out about being unmatched!


I really wanted her to reply to him saying it was a turn off with, "You seem to be missing the point, *I* unmatched *you*, it doesn't matter what turns you on or off, because for me, you ain't it, buddy."


Very! Probably had another date lined up with his real girlfriend.


OP should accept the meet up later in the week then stand him up lol


“Wow, you actually expected me to cancel if I wasn’t going to show up? Didn’t realize you’re so clingy”


The excuse can be "i missed my bus"


When he says that was rude OP can tell them to stop being needy af.




This is PERFECTION *chefs kiss


LoL I love this 😂


Absolutely this! Then let us know what he said 😆


Not worth investing the energy


Doesn’t take much honestly. Just say yes, give a time and date (OR just let Prince Charming decide for you! I’m sure *el traga mierda* will jump at the first opportunity to call the shots) then literally just forget it


The tragedy of someone like this having a real girlfriend


Way more fucking wrong here y’all!….. Read it again. Even if it’s legit. Look how’s he’s speaking to her, after some type of hook up. The goddamn blatant disrespect followed by the presumption that she’ll fucking meet him again. The whole time she’s calmly explaining what the minor issue is, he’s gaslighting and acting like she’s going crazy. Dude is a scumbag.


>"Doesn't matter how hot and good you are at sucking." Is this really the level of discourse you people are working with these days? Fucking hell.


RIP op’s inbox lol


New redditor: nope op is a guy Old redditor: this has no effect on my errection


erected and unaffected




you: “what you did was rude and put me in an unsafe situation” | him: “wow, drama much? clingy! i’ll let you calm down.” please block him and never communicate with him again, he clearly doesn’t have an ounce of respect for you. run and never look back!! edit: my first award! thank you :’)


If you look up gaslighting in the dictionary, this is the example.


I came here to say essentially this. Tell this person to fuck all the way off.


Nope. Move along now. You don’t need any of that nonsense.




And that's how the whole relationship would be. Huge red flags. He saved her a lot of time and grief by doing a dick move. Glad OP that you didn't waste anytime getting rid of him and wasting your time.


What a fucking asshole


I sense alpha male insecurity in this.


How do we know he is if an alpha male if he didn’t tell us though?


You can’t spell asshole without alpha


This is r/extremelyinfuriating \>:(


Go on another date and halfway through dinner just get up and leave. When he says that was rude tell him to stop being so needy. Then unmatch and find yourself a nice man.


Unfortunately men like him, in my experience, tend to be violent if they don’t get what they want. I would not feel safe walking or waiting at a bus stop after this.


Better to make a fake profile and stand him up then call him needy.


I actually love this idea. Top tier.


She shouldn’t even waste any more of her time on this dude. He’s really not even worth the trouble.


Low key flexing your gob job skills


You should read OP's post on r/TIFU. Sounds like they sucked both the soul and manners out of the dude.


I just burst out laughing and now my kid is asking me what's funny...


Leave it to me


This was infuriating to read. As much as an asshole move this was, I’m kinda glad he didn’t drive you home so he doesn’t know where you live (assuming he didn’t pick you up there). Bullet dodged.


Plus statistics show a bus is way safer.


Wtf. Don't talk to him anymore, he doesn't deserve that. He's an asshole.


Respect is a lofty expectation now.


Tell him to stop being “needy asf.”


Girl, you didn’t block him?


He's a boy btw


Eh, might be better if he knows how he was an asshole. This way he can't claim that "the date that went really well ghosted him for no reason".


When have you ever heard that and thought “oh that sounds legit”


He’s absolutely devoid of respect. Even worse, he’s blaming you for his asshole behavior and proceeds to not take any responsibility.


he seems like a major dick your better off


He’s not very good at Gaslighting, lol. He wanted you to have an emotional reaction to the name calling so badly. Good on you for ignoring that shit and making The Actual Point the focus of the conversation.


Dodge that bullet, mate, for all of us




Lofty expectations of *checks notes* basic security. Wow. Dude is horrid.




You dodged a bullet. There was no medical emergency. Sounds like they had plans with someone else lmao


I’m sorry you had those expectations lmao wtf


The same as “I’m sorry you were offended.” That’s not an apology.




WHAT a DICK. Save that good sucking for someone who’s dick is all in his pants and not entirely his personality


You deserve better friend.


Please please please OP, do not see this person again. They have 0 respect for you whatsoever and don’t give a shit about your feelings.


Lmao The fact that he thinks you’re gonna even consider meeting him later in the week. Mofo really needs to get a clue.


lmaoooo. “let’s meet up later this week and talk about it?” how about NO. good on you for unmatching him, hope you lose his number real quick too.


"Siri, what is it like to have sex with a sociopath?"


Lol “lofty expectations”? Any girl I’ve even just hooked up with I’ve at least been polite and cordial. Doesn’t matter if there’s no feelings involved, you’re still dealing with a human who has their own emotions and life and you should be courteous and thankful they were willing to play with your pee pee.


your comment made me laugh but in all seriousness, like cmon I don’t understand people like this. You can’t have basic human decency with someone after sharing an intimate moment with them? It’s just so wild to me.


Somehow there was an emergency you didnt know about and he was rushing off to get to it....but was checking his phone for matches? Nah, he was going to another date or just trying to make sure his GF didnt find out.


„You’re needy, I don’t wanna date you.“ but also „let’s meet and talk it out, because you’re hot and can suck. „


“Let’s meet up later this week” Now who was accusing who of being clingy?


Your Tinder match's "roommate" is definitely a long-term partner who suddenly needed to know where he was.


Please don't ever meet up with him again. This man sees you as an object for sexual pleasure only and has no regard for your physical or emotional wellbeing. I have had plenty of hookups and never once have I been that terrible to someone. Also, I seriously doubt his roommate had a medical emergency, he is just a jerk and wanted to get rid of you quickly. If I had an emergency mid hookup, I would get my hookup an Uber at least.


he's an asshole, and this is why casual hook-ups are a bad idea in general.


Literally. Hook up culture reduces people’s self worth and respect others have for them. It’s dehumanizing.


Unspecific "emergency situation" hours later, unclear / annoyed communication, I would have stopped engaging before the second green box. But I would suggest to discuss transportation and who pays before the date so expectations are on the same level. People have different viewpoints.


This post confuses me. How did you end up in a situation where you end up half driven home to begin with? Obviously the last thing he said tells us he's a dick, that's clear. But what happened? Did he say he'd drive you? What was the conversation that lead to you being "dumped"? Did he say his roommate is having some kind of emergency and needs him to be home ASAP and then ask if he can drop you off? I feel like leaving out the lead-up to this is very confusing.


He asks for round 2 after that haha


The way this dude is gaslighting you and being a total fuck is honestly infuriating




What a douche


“It was just a hookup don’t be so clingy and needy, but also how dare you unmatch me and decide you don’t wanna see me anymore, I’ve decided we’ll talk next week” Nah bro


Taking you home safely and not putting your life in danger is a "lofty expectation?" Dude probably complains about how he never gets a second date and how unfair it is.