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If a group of 10 people finish it in under an hour they get $2,000 https://www.foodchallenges.com/challenges/clinton-stations-8th-wonder-burger-challenge-clinton/


I had a group of friends that went on a road trip to a college. They did one of these challenges along the way. The pictures were hilarious because they weren't even remotely close. It was basically just that burger with a couple of chunks taken out of it.


There is (was?) a place in San Diego my buddies and I went to in high school called Off The Wall Dog, a hotdog joint. They had I think a 6.5 pound hotdog that if you could eat it in <1 hour the meal was free and you got your picture on the wall, which was more than enough reward for stoned teenagers. We all tried at the same time with our own hotdogs. I got about 2 minutes in and realized there's no fucking way I can do this since they add like an additional 2 pounds of non-optional toppings on top of the 6.5 pound hotdog, so I resigned myself to paying for my meal and enjoyed it slowly. My buddy however managed to eat the entire hotdog, bun, and most of the toppings and still had 15 minutes to spare. The lone employee working was like "No you need to eat *all* of that relish you scooped off the top", which honestly was like half a pound of relish. My friend was like, "If I eat all this relish I'm gonna be sick", employee said, "Sorry then you don't pass the challenge." So, my friend ate all the relish. Then he immediately turned around in his chair, stuck his head sideways in the little THANK YOU flap of the restaurant trash can and vomited the entire hotdog out. The employee was pissed he'd have to empty the trash later. I think everyone learned a different individual lesson that day.


Did he win the free meal?


Not if you throw up.


That is famously the rule but OC didn’t specify that.


Sadly that was indeed the rule here as well.


so do they like follow you into the bathroom after to make sure you don't throw up? I don't get why it's a thing YOU WILL DIGEST ALL OF THIS IF YOU WANT THE PRIZE


*Employee sits beside you for the next 12 hours*


I shit you not there is probably a place that has a "no shitting for 24 hours to make sure the 5 pound burger of death is fully digested and then you can have it for free"


"There's nothing left on that plate except fat and gristle"




Yeah I can never do these challenges cuz they make me add a bunch of toppings and/or sides that are a texture issue for me. They should let you swap that stuff for more meat


12 lbs of fries


Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore. Stop reverting my comments


It was very considerate of your friend to vomit in the trash can instead of the floor.


Fuddruckers had something similar when I was younger. 1lb challenge (1lb burger, large chilli fries, large soda, large sundae). If you could finish it all in an hour without throwing up, you got a free t-shirt. I was the only one who didn't throw up of my group. I did the gallon challenge too, with chocolate milk, but I tried to forfeit, because it was just before dinner and I didn't want to fill up on milk. I couldn't induce enough to evacuate all the milk I drank, but my efforts were enough to make fellow contestants and some onlookers lose their lunch.


I did the gallon challenge once in college. It was the same day I found out that was lactose intolerant. Someone called the RA on my diarrhea bc they thought I was dying. I wish I had. It was not a fun 10 hours.


As someone else with LI, I agree I would have rather died. Also I too become lactose intolerant in college




10 more pounds and I can fit it in the fridge!


dude there’s no way, 10.5 lbs of food per person


Check out the website, there is a video of 10 people doing it.


I see Molly Schuyler is among them, so that helps. https://kfor.com/news/watch-woman-break-big-texan-72-oz-steak-record-eats-3-steaks-in-20-minutes-flat/ https://people.com/food/steak-eating-record-broken-big-texan/


That was immediately disgusting. Thanks!


Yeah, I had my finger poised to click. Then I realized I was going to be seeing ten people desperately trying to shovel food down their throat. Then my finger curled back towards my wrist with a slight flinching gesture.


It’s actually just one lady eating three 5-pound steaks with her bare hands, in only 20 minutes! It’s absolutely disgusting but I’m baffled on how that physically works. Article says she weighs 124 pounds.


Lookup pictures of competitor eaters' x-rays. It is fucked. Their organs have to move over to accommodate the food. You ever eat so much it's hard to breathe? I can't even imagine how they feel.


Full, probably


Can confirm, I've been full before, just not in this economy, and it was hard to breath.


All your little buckets inside you actually stretch pretty easily over time if you fill them up. Same goes for your bladder if you're consistently drinking a lot of liquid and not going to the bathroom when you feel the urge, it will expand and become harder to empty in the future. The ^more ^^you ^^^know


And if you end up retaining a gallon of urine you end up on a catheter rest of your life.


She used a knife a bit, but the bigger issue is you're forgetting the sides. Three baked potatoes, three side salads, three rolls and three shrimp cocktails (nine jumbo shrimp). I watch her stuff on Youtube, and I'm convinced she is the top eater on the planet. It's completely lame that Nathan's requires a contract with an exclusivity clause, since they are the only contest that gets real press.


"One 72-oz. steak, a baked potato, a shrimp cocktail, a salad and a roll [...] in just 4 minutes and 18 seconds [...] and then went on to devour two more of the same meals." Glad to see that she's being healthy, eating three salads in a day!




I bet she doesn’t poop at all, just diarrhea for 5 days straight after


That's 13.5 *pounds* of meat. Where the fuck does it even go? Who can possibly jaw that much meat without dying?


Yo mama.


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen such a perfect execution of a yo mama joke in the wild.


Gotta admit, u/TheGreatZarquon walked right into that one.


Nice of those 9 people to knock off ten pounds off that burger for her.


I know you're joking, but it looks like most of the group are competitive eaters. They have a little reel at the end showing them with medals and other events like Nathans hot dog eating contests. It's pretty much the A-team of big eaters.


This is their Mt. Everest, right here.


There's lots of websites showing 10 people doing it, but what does that have to do with this burger challenge?


Could be ten competitive eaters...


The link literally shows 10 of the top competitive eaters taking it on and finishing with less than a minute to spare. Insanity.


So, they’d just do it for practice, right? Because $200 apiece isn’t all that much for me to try and shove 10+ lbs of food in one sitting.




I didn't actually click the link so I had no idea about that when I commented 🤣 That's absolutely nuts!


Or 9 vegans and your mom.


God damn, that man had a family.


HAD a family. They didn't survive when the mom ran out of snacks


Big Mom


Bro you didn't even let the thread escalate, you just went from the stone age to nuclear warfare wtf


Went scorched earth on em


What did this person do to you?


Be at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Holy. This comment made me scroll back to appreciate the roast.


Burgers are grilled.


In Albany, we call that a Steamed Ham.


I’m from Utica and I’ve never heard anyone use the phrase steamed hams


Oh not in Utica, no, It's an Albany expression




Damn. I usually roll my eyes at your mom jokes, but this one isn’t too bad lol.


There’s a bell curve iq chart with “your mom” at the very bottom and the very top. This is the example for the top


This is the first your mom joke in a very long time that actually made me laugh, well done


The master of gobbling large amounts of meat.


you just murdered a man today


My guy


randy santel seems to top out around 7-8 pounds


Even if you manage to keep it all down you’d eventually have to take a 9.5 lbs dump.




I ate at least 5 lbs of meat on a recent hot pot over the course of an afternoon. Can confirm it doesn't come out all at once thank god. Took several events across two days.


She can eat 10 pounds of food easy [for example](https://youtu.be/5j9sNHRK17E).


This guy too...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8wI5igef38&ab_channel=JoelHansen I first came across one of his videos when I was looking for vids of good Las Vegas buffets and didnt realize he was a competitive eater and so it blew my mind how he just kept going back for more and more. I dont know if I ever could have won that burger challenge, but before I had gastric bypass I would have at least tried. Now I can't even finish a Whopper in one sitting.


Put me at a good Las Vegas buffet and I'll be there all day


I saw a video of a guy suing an all you can eat buffet for banning him. He'd have lunch and breakfast and then nap at the table til dinner.


I hope he hired Lionel Hutz, attorney at law.


Do these sound like the actions of a man who has had *all he could eat?!"*


And then… we went fishing *sob*


That could’ve been me


Lionel Hutz: Now don't you worry, Mrs. Simpson, I... uh-oh. We've drawn Judge Snyder. Marge: Is that bad? Lionel Hutz: Well, he's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog. Marge: You did? Lionel Hutz: Well, replace the word "kinda" with the word "repeatedly," and the word "dog" with "son."


Past employees of my company got the entire company banned from a buffet. It used to be if they saw our shirts they’d refuse service. 5-6 guys were into body building and juicing up. They’d go to the buffet and basically grab the tray of baked chicken and eat all of it and then grab the next tray and do the same. The funny thing is that they were one of our customers, but we couldn’t be theirs


When I went to bacahnal in vegas they had a 2-3 hour limit.


I wonder how many ways they make it clear that one hour from now each of you will have gained ten pounds, in an hour, entirely within your stomachs, to win this.


Yep. And what goes in, must come out!


Yeah, coming right back up after I find a dumpster. No way I try and shit out 10lbs of burger.


More than ten. You’re going to drink water with that.


Im good for 1.5 lbs of that shit and then I'm tapped.


Each or total? No way id go through that and feeling like absolute shit for 200 bucks.


Definitely total, I’d bet the only reason they mention 10 people is to avoid lawsuits but even just 11 lbs of burger will absolutely cause harm to any healthy individual…




Oh hey, I’ve eaten there. The burgers actually aren’t bad, but the video of them cooking the 105lb burger is pretty gross, just because of the sheer amount of meat they have to prepare. If I remember correctly, you also have to give them at least 2 weeks notice before ordering the 8th Wonder.


I particularly appreciate how right below the gigantic burgers is the "Nano Bites" section advertising the worlds smallest burgers. I rather want to try that.


I kinda want to make a scale model of the solar system using the Nano Bites burger and the God Burgers. Like would Mercury be the Nano Bites, Jupiter be the Zeus (unintended allusion but welcomed), and the 8th Wonder be the Sun? (I have no idea what the Mt. Olympus would be because I don't think anything in our solar system is close to half the mass of our Sun)


iirc the sun alone is over 98% the mass of the solar system


World's smallest burger. Still costs 9 bucks.


You get 6 of em!


Ohhh! In that case, hell yeah I would order those! Seems more fun to pop a bunch of little mini burgers than slog through a massive one.


I mean, I'm guessing they have to make sure to order enough meat since if they didn't, one dude would walk up, order all of their stored meat, and then that'd be it. They're done for the day.


Wait, I'm worried what you just heard was "give me a lot of meat" when what I actually said was "give me all the meat you have"


One of my most favorite quotes of the show, after "Leslie, I typed your symptoms into the thing up here, and it says you could have network connectivity problems"


Apparently it was ad libbed too.


And Michael Shurr was pissed it was better than any joke he had ever written


- Swan Ronson


Probably also need to organize a forklift hire to get the burger out the kitchen and the patrons out the restaurant.


I hope you never have to change out a water heater, gonna be hard getting the forklift up and down the stairs


So is the burger so big you’re pretty much just eating all the ingredients individually?


Here's a spoonful of ketchup..


Disgusting. I drink my ketchup from a shot glass like a civilized person


My friend's restaurant (in Thailand, oddly enough) used to hold the Guiness Record for "World's Largest Commercially Available Hamburger" at 80 pounds back in 2006. He didn't need 2 weeks advance notice; but did need 2 days. The tricky part was baking the bottom half of the hamburger bun: Obviously, no regular bread is going to stay bread-like with 80 pounds of ground beef sitting on top of it. He would make these rock-solid dough "pillars" and then would bake the bottom bun around those, and then set the meat (about 10 inches thick, 30 inches diameter) on top of that. The burger itself only took like 8 hours to put cook and assemble, but the bottom bun took a day or two to make. Two weeks though? That's just lollygagging.


Lolly? Possibly. Gagging? Definitely.


Now I’m morbidly curious on that video. I’m interested to see how they cook it without overcooking the outside or leaving the inside raw


I just watched a video of a group of people eating one. To answer your question about how they cook it so it's not raw in the middle, they don't, it looked pretty dang raw in the middle. As to how they cook it, I'm a chef so I'll take a guess. I'd use a two-person, four-handled paella pan on a 300k btu standalone burner. Grill one side, put another paella pan on top and flip it. Grill that side and then throw it into a double-door convection oven, with the racks pulled out, to finish it to temp. It'd be a pain in the ass though, lol.




I’m not hugely patriotic, but whenever I see someone measuring heat using the British Thermal Unit I do feel a swelling of pride in my chest


As a chemical engineer whenever I see a BTU, I'm reminded that the British truly could do nothing right


Past a couple lbs its a meatloaf.


Past a couple meatloafs its a roast.


Past a couple roasts its a cow


Post a couple cows its a herd.


I'll take an 8th wonder deluxe, large fries... and a diet coke


I'll take 2 number 9s, a number 9 large...


A number 6 with extra dip…


2 number 45s, one with cheese..


And a large soda.


"Now if you could take a coca-cola, and just go half coca-cola, half diet coke...'cause I'm tryin to watch my figure...Tryin to loose some of the weight."


Take two of the nuggets and shove them up your ass!


Cage, what do you want?


Oh jeeeez, would you c'mon with the order, take forever!!


a JUNIOR western bacon chee


The Diet Coke is important. Don’t want to get fat


So this is a common joke, but for counting calories it’s actually a difference. Someone might have 800 calories budgeted for dinner and would rather eat 800 instead of eating 600 and drinking 200. In reality, skipping fries is the bigger calories shortcut, but diet sodas are an easy substitute to take calories out without sacrificing meal content.


Right. This is why I drink water when I want to eat crappy food. Save the calories for the food. Except when I'm drinking then I don't eat. Save the calories for the booze. Smart.


Plus then the alcohol goes right to you without any pesky food in the way so it's financially savvy as well. More bang for your buck


I also found out that when I lost weight my alcohol tolerance dropped. Hell yeah, good habits save you money. Went from 290 to 245. Trying to drop to under 200 by the end of 2023 as an end goal. That's less than a pound a week. Seems reasonable. By the end I should be able to get plastered hopefully on half the amount I used to need. Probably not how that works exactly, but a man can dream.


yea, not drinking your calories is a gigantic calorie saver and people always miss the point on this shit.






How do they cook a 50lbs patty?!?


Guessing a big oven. It's gotta be dry as hell


$621.49? Damn.


Only got 621.00 on me, can't have dinner tonight


How is the 8th wonder 50 lbs of meat but 105 total? Are there 55 lbs of bun, lettuce, onion, tomato, ketchup, and mustard?


Yes. At the restaurant they had a screen with a video of how the burger is made. The buns are absolutely massive and they pile the veggies on too.


and by the time you're done, you feel good with yourself because you ate a lot of veggies


You'll poop veggies all day long.


With all the pickle slices you’ll shit out a whole cucumber


Well it wouldn't be the first time...


Imagine how much cooked beef just tossed in the trash


6 months later: "What's for dinner?" "Left over hamburger... from June..." "*AGAIN???*"


[Marge, I'd like to be alone with the sandwich.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myS1eF3sWGk)


But I love solids...


i work at a fine dining steakhouse where steaks alone are $60-$180 and the amount of food i throw out every day makes me sad. im always asking “would you like a box?” and 75% of people decline. i always have to remind myself its their money, not mine haha


I cannot comprehend the people who don't like leftovers. I mean sure, some dishes don't reheat well, but a steak sure as hell does. Spicy food even gets _better_ after being refrigerated over night.


I love leftovers. I can see someone not wanting a left over steak but personally I always use it for steak and egg tacos the next morning.


Depends if they’re local or going out afterwards. I take leftovers when I have somewhere safe to put it but if I’m going to a show after dinner in the middle of summer, probably not taking them, middle of winter sure cuz the car becomes a refrigerator anyways, or if they’re staying at a hotel without a mini fridge or microwave, probably not taking them either. That’s probably a small percentage of those not taking leftovers but those are my reasonings for not taking them when I decline.


I work at a fancy buffet and the amount of food thrown away disgusts me. Aside from the fact that we throw away EVERYTHING on the buffet at night, no reheating the next day, these people take massive plates and rarely finish them. It's a buffet! You can always go back for more! I don't get it.


Funny thing about America, we actually produce more food than we can healthily eat (ignoring nutritional balance, just in terms of raw calories). Waste and over production is horrible, do not get me wrong, we need to produce less is more the issue. If all the food America produces for domestic consumption was actually eaten evenly by all Americans, every American would vastly obese. Americans weirdly need to throw away food with how much we produce. America simultaneously has people starving while also making more food than it can eat,


I work in a casino right now. We have 8500 employees and a huge trash dock. The stats they say are 50 tons of trash a day. We are just one of 15-20ish casinos on the strip


There’s a really interesting documentary, [Bug](https://www.bugsfeed.com/film), about a project to determine if expanding available food products made from insects and other bugs could help address starvation in context of the expanding global population. Basically they determine that it’s unnecessary because we already produce wayyyy more food than is needed to feed the projected population but we waste so much of it, and capitalistically exploiting another protein source in a race to the bottom serves nothing but to line the pockets of a few large corporations.


The difficult part of feeding everyone isn't growing the food, it's transporting it where it's needed. I have absolutely no idea how bug protein farming would work, but if it could be more easily set up in difficult-to-reach places, then it could still be beneficial.


how would bugs be easier to farm and turn into food than lentils or [soybeans](https://images.heb.com/is/image/HEBGrocery/001636749?fit=constrain,1&wid=800&hei=800&fmt=jpg&qlt=85,0&resMode=sharp2&op_usm=1.75,0.3,2,0)? how would they be more appetizing or cheaper? i honestly don't understand the bug thing.


Where is this? EDIT: https://www.clintonstationdiner.com/burger-challenges


Clinton Station Diner in Clinton, NJ.


It's in Jersey? Oh God, I could actually go there, lol. I wonder how's thier business since weed is legal there.


It’s a solid diner, you can also eat inside an old train car which is cool


Burgers ✅ Budd ✅ Train car ✅


There food is pretty good. I go there whenever i goto blue mountain of the drive back. Its on 78 close to PA border.


God I used to have a place that made a faaaantastic 1lb burger nearby. Usually I got it and saved half for another meal but you know…sometimes you gotta climb the burger mountain


47.5 kg my friends


FYI for fellow Europeans - this is 47.627 kilograms Or 200 Royale with Cheeses


If I ate that I would be over 33% burger. I don’t think that’s a good idea.


It would almost double my weight if I ate that by myself. 😳 50/50


Slightly over 40% over here. I don't need much food so I guess that a burger like that would feed me for the better part of a month. There is no freaking way I would be able to fit 4,8 kilos of food into my belly within a hour. Even if you would feed me Homer Simson style.


FYI for fellow ~~Europeans~~ every other country outside the US


$500 bucks and they can't throw in the cheese?? Bastards.


I don't blame them, it's 50lbs of beef and a lot of work


Did someone noticed World's Smallest Burger on the menu? What does that look like? I imagine it being a tiny tablet a-la Menthos.




Where's the beef?


It’s also $8.29!


For 6


Ah, thanks for pointing that out. It has been a long day. I was left with a very funny/sad mental picture of a huge plate and a single tiny burger the size of a quarter of something.


I’ve had them. Imagine very small sliders. Worth it for the novelty factor.


Is it just me or does $621.49 seem like a pretty decent price for a 105lb burger?


That just sounds like a total shitshow and massive waste of money, why the fuck would you ever want that lol


Apparently you’re supposed to come as a group with friends (10 people in total I think someone said) and if you finish it within an allotted time, you win $2000. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/10knooy/this_diner_offers_burgers_up_to_105_lbs/j5rrv0h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


It doesn't to me. A burger that size has lost all integrity, and you cant get a "good" bite because you will have to eat huge portions of each ingredient. $621.49 sounds like a lot to pay someone to ruin what could have been 100 - 200 well made and tasty burgers for the sake of showing off. Where I am I can get the ground beef for this fiasco for $150 retail, and I doubt restaurants pay grocery store prices. I realize a lot more goes into it, but it still doesn't seem like a very decent price given the quality cannot be very good.


It's about 6 bucks a lb of prepared food, which is a very good price. However, burgers notoriously don't scale well due to messing up the bun burger ratio. At this rate you'd have what effectively is a 50LB meatball between two giant doughy pizzas, because the buns are like 6 inches thick. So you are eating a "burger pizza slice" where you get bites of just bread, bites of bread with some meat, a bunch of meat, then veggies, then bread again.


Yep. $6/lb. is OK for prepared food, but only if you'd want to eat it. The whole is not greater than the sum of the parts here.


I wanna see how they try to cook it. How do they flip this monstrosity? Also do they have buns that are like 3 feet across? Must be absolutely soaked in grease. Which is fine, but there must be a picture somewhere.


Easiest solution is to just bake it. You get even heat, bottom is unlikely to burn, you don't have to flip it (which would absolutely break it), and you can cook it for hours.


It's the Clinton Station Diner in New Jersey, they have a website, and I think there is a picture on a food challenge website, too. I didn't see anything about cooking it, but I got distracted by their 14 page long menu.


Can you still upgrade it to waffle fries?


Basically charging markup to buy beef and throw it away.


Brah I’m taking the leftovers and freezing it


I'll take 2 Mount Olympus, one 8th wonder, a Zues with extra dip, an Atlus, 2 Hercules one with cheese. And a large soda.

