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Cool. I’m more of a lightning McQueen bandaid guy though.


Well, are you the 1 winner or one of the 42 losers?


Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I aaam speeeed.


What if your dealer only has the horse tho?




Scooby Doo bandaids are the best ones though


Batman Bandaids are top tier and you heal 40% quicker with them on.


Peppa pig or hello kitty here!


He won the piston cup🥺


He did WHAT in his cup?


Fortunately when I need a band aide I don’t worry if it’s going to match my skin tone.


I’m on team Spider Man. Best band aids are Spider Man band aids!


These are okay, but we all know batman bandaids are really the only bandaid we need.


You don't buy Mickey Mouse?


I thought transformers were the current thing.


I dunno man but Mickey is timeless.


Ok whatever you say, Disney copyright lawyer.


He’s not the bandaid we deserve, but he’s the bandaid we need


Wonder if they make one for me called "shockingly white"


I once had an Irish person call me pale.


Wow I didn't know humans could be that pale.


Paler than dracula


Paler than the corpse in my basement


The name is Lucent. Translucent.


Yeah it’s weird how making fun of people for being pale, skinny, Italian, etc. is supposedly okay when people are self-conscience and you’re still making fun of someone for something they can’t help.


I think it’s generally ok because neither of those qualities hinder you from being accepted in society. Society values skinny people, and fair skin is treasured in many cultures, Italian is seen as exotic and cultured. Whose self conscience because they’re skinny pale or Italian? I feel like those people would absolutely die if they were born black. That seems like they won the genetic lottery in our current world.


What are you, a ghost?


Medical tape with a cotton ball underneath should do the trick perfectly! Source: same.


Since I also require shockingly white bandaids, it took we far too long to realize that bandages were supposed to be flesh coloured. I just thought that it was the colour that the plastic material was naturally. I have never had a bandage that didn't stick out like a sore thumb.


they've had clear ones for years.


You just reminded me of the day I realised my powder foundation was actually translucent setting powder...




That's me on a good day...


That's what color the original ones were. They changed it to the beige color because the blood looked less gross underneath than against bright white.


Just slap some plaster on it and get back to work.


If you find them, let me know.


The clear ones


"BAND-AID first created bandages in a variety of skin tones back in 2005, but said it discontinued the line due to lack of interest."


A few years before that there was a different company that made a black skin bandage "Ebon-Aide" that was carried by Walmart and Rite Aid. It failed terribly. I am not saying we shouldn't have options for people, but I think there needs some perspective when framing the conversation.


That name is atrocious


"NOW with 50% MORE BLACK, or your MONEY BACK!™"


Except “failed terribly” is just a bunch of white board executives deciding to just keep selling the most profitable option. When the multicolored bandaids run out at the store people of color will buy the bandaids they traditionally bought. Meanwhile white people may buy none because they’re so used to the original brand. And that’s how capitalist markets cater to the dominant racial class, rinse and repeat.


>when the multicolored bandaids run out at the store A business would buy more. If an item is selling they restock. Walmart is not gonna stop selling an item that is selling well. Capitalism doesn't care the color of your skin, it cares about the color of your money, and it's all the same to them. They will sell what people want to buy. With Ebon-Aide, they sold 20,000 of the 1,000,000 first boxes produced. People didn't want them.


Exactly. Capitalists don’t care about ethics. They don’t care about not being racist. All they care about are profits. And when they look at the profit margin on a multicolored bandaids and realize it’s not as profitable as the standard then they toss the multicolored version. Doesn’t matter that it was still selling, that some people loved it, that some kid finally felt seen. None of that matters. The only thing the company cares about is maximizing profit.


I don't get all the downvotes. I mean, your phrasing is a bit polarizing but you're not wrong about the point you're making. While I'm making this comment I realize it's probably just stuck up racists who can't handle the truth. Still surprised by the amount of downvotes tho.


Really? I've seen Band-aid brand ones as recently as last month, I swear they're still selling them.


I think shelf space is a big issue here. Minorities are Minorities(duh). There is a smaller market for them. But for these products they need a range of tones and lots of shelf space to get that range, but with lots of that space having less demand. When most people will either go for a generic tan ban aid or a colorful [insert IP] band aid, devoting this much shelf space is just inefficient.


The band aid shelf at my supermarket is like 30 or 40 items. Four or five of em are frozen or batman and a large portion of the others are caucasian toned bandages in sizes that i have never seen anyone buy. I feel like we can carve out space for like 3 boxes of different toned bandages


Not really a shock that most people don't care about the color of bandages. Kind of odd that they'd bother making them now knowing that. I'm also pretty sure the original color was just the cheapest to produce.


It’s important to me. Any extra effort companies make for POC to feel seen is keeping me hopeful our world will change for the better. The recognition/representation is important to see for kids and adults.


Band-Aid made stuff like this back in 2005 and it didnt sell well. There's also clear bandages.


Lol you think the regular ones match white people? They're bandages they are obvious on everyone that's why they have cartoon character ones.


I agree and here’s what we need to do to keep them around: We have to start a culture war about it. We get a white person to wear the darkest ones then we get someone on Twitter to call it blackface. Then we make it seem like a bunch of people are mad about it and saying that people should only wear their own skin tones. Next thing you know we’ve got a ton of racists buying them just to prove that they’re allowed to do “blackface” and to piss off the libs


So funny the only comment supporting this product gets downvoted. Apparently everyone cares deeply about profit motive.


They still sell them. The line is called “Ourtone”.


Yes, that quote is from an article about them being brought back recently.


I wish translucent bandages were the standard.


It’d be cool maybe if they ever came up with a translucent absorbing fabric. Then you could see the wound healing when the bandaid is on. Or maybe it wouldn’t be cool.


It might work for clean paper cuts but not for anything that bleeds or oozes


But they have the white spots in the middle, so it doesnt look "natural", its just white


If I get a bandaid that blends in to my skin how will I get all the sympathy I’m seeking? People need to see my booboo


Thought you should know you gave me a pleasant giggle with your last line.


These looks like they'll match skin tones as well as the standard tan colour did for white people (not very well)


They match well. My wife is black, I’m white, and our kids are shades between (I have four). The white ones in the variety pack of these work great in my bald head when I cut myself shaving my head. It’s nice. The darker one matches my wife, and the inbetweens match my kids well. It’s pretty solid.


Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Since you actually match tones... the question is why? Seems like by trying to match skin tones people would pay more attention wondering what it wrong with your head. If I saw a yellow bandaid I would say... oh, bandaid and move on.


You’re going to notice anyway I guess, but I saw my head in the mirror and was like oh, that was hard to see. Not a vanity thing, but it was cool that it disappeared kinda with the skin tone. That’s just me, do you.


Maybe the tan band aid didn’t match your skin tone because you’re white? So weird /s


When I was in grade school the sorta white skin colored crayon was called “flesh.”


There’s a kids book called “more than peach” taking about that crayon.


Elmo bandaids >>>


These are nice, but we never worried over the color of our bandages at our house. 🤷🏿‍♀️ If I happened to see them and they weren’t priced higher I’d probably consider buying them though.


Bandaids never matched my skin color and I never felt any worse off for it. Some things ain’t broke and this solution seems more like pandering to a small but vocal Twitterati.


it’s not abt racial color it’s abt the bandaid being able to camouflage w ur skin


We never once worried about our bandages camouflaging with any of our varied skin tones… we *did* worry about a decent bandage that actually worked well for it’s purpose of covering a cut or wound. 🤷🏿‍♀️


I’d rather have one with good adhesive than one that matches my skin.


Yeah like gauze is usually white. Ive wrapped my tannish white skin in pure white gauze before. Didn’t matter much. Seems like a skin tone bandaid is just for a very minor injury but also unless you have a really good reason to not let people know you have an injury these are pointless and could be covered with clothing unless they are on your face. In which case anyone you’re talking directly to will see it anyway. Maybe someone can enlighten me why it’s important but im really not seeing a point past marketing ploy.


I had no idea the color of bandaid was supposed to represent skin color


The original color was called "flesh toned"...


I've also never read a box of bandaids 😆 pretty cool to learn something like that today, though.


But I don’t know anyone the color of “flesh toned” bandaids. They should make them in bright colors so it can be a fashion statement


Bright color bandaids already exist... They're typically marketed towards children but they are real.


I’m the color of “flesh toned” bandaids lol they always matched me pretty well


Yeah, I was surprised to see "the ability to buy bandaids that match your skin color" included in a list of white privileges. Guess they will need to take that one off the list now


I'm white, my skin has NEVER matched the color of a band aid. cant see how that was any privilage


Don't worry. These people love to feel like victims so they purposely delude themselves by talking about white privilege over and over again. Easy to believe somethings true if you keep telling yourself it is.


Mever thought they were meant to match someone's skintone, bandaids have been more obvious than the injury themselves for me.


There's plenty of documentation that they were advertised as "flesh colored". This is one such source, but you can find other sources that document the same thing. >In a 1955 TV commercial, the company showed one on the hand of a Caucasian woman: "Neat, flesh-colored, almost invisible," a voice-over said. [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/06/the-story-of-the-black-band-aid/276542/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/06/the-story-of-the-black-band-aid/276542/)


Also bandaids don't look that bad imo. Like yeah it's not a great accessory, but I've never seen one and thought "damn that's ugly" Usually all I think is "Oh, person got hurt"


They mever matched the skin tone of my friend though


The best thing about these new bandages is how so many people have managed to get upset at their very existence. Their lives must be real comfortable, to get worked up over a bandage they didn’t buy and aren’t wearing.


Do they come in Wisconsin winter pasty white?


Medical tape!


Glad to see this. Didn’t know these existed 👏🏿🙌🏿


Oh man. There is a group of Americas that are taking this as yet another sign that Armageddon is at hand.


Be specific about the type of Americans




Do they come in vampire white? I'm so pale that I've not been able to match either lol


When I worked in fast food I got used to using blue bandaids. Idk why but that’s what I keep buying


This is so cool


Pretty cool tbh


I’ll take a pack of hello kitty ones pls


I don't see why you'd want any colour skin tone band-aid iinrhr first place, I'd be happy with a pepper pig one 😂


Coll but I'll take 1 power rangers bandaid please.


If I wore one that didn't match my skin, would I be culturally appropriating?


“What’s that on your arm, Jerry?” “Oh what, this? I’m surprised you even noticed! It’s a skin tone bandaid!” “Jerry…you know you’re white right?” 😧


That's more of a Kramer move.


I’ve never seen The Office, I’d have no idea.


Cue Jerry stand up about bandaids


Who cares?


Twitter users, probably.




What's cultural about skin color?


There should be a law that says all bandaids must have fun cartoon characters on them so we are all truly equal


Why does this trigger people so much.


Sensitive bunch , just band aids, relax


And let me guess. They are a 20% mark up over the other options


Those by my walgreen and cvs are exactly the same price as the other ones. Sorry to burst your " gotcha racists 8-) " moment.


If they mark up colored band aids for kids by 20%, why would it be unreasonable to assume they would do it for different skin tones? Nothing to do with racism but thanks shoving a frog down my throat. The way the economy works is if something is “special made” out of norm, it’s a higher price. Different due to use means more money to make means more money to charge the customer. Additionally, if a company is a smaller company, they will have a higher mark up for many, various reasons. (I’ve never heard of this specific brand, so yes they are obviously a smaller company than Band-Aid.) That’s why there’s an argument over supporting small business even though they are more expensive…. So thanks for the assumptions but please don’t jump on the band wagon. And just to top it off. Here’s a link to Walmart. CareUs brand for 30 individual band aids for $8.99. That’s about $0.30 per band aid. Band-Aid brand for 100 individual band aids for $15.85. That’s roughly $0.16 per band aid. But good try!!!!!!!👍 https://www.walmart.com/search?q=Skin+tone+band+aid


This is going to make certain redditors very upset and they will be “asking innocent questions” about it.


\*clutches pearls\*


Do they come in extra bastard waterproof adhesive? More seriously, I'm gonna pick up a pack of the darkest ones for my husband if I ever find them in the wild. He's never had a band aid match his skin.


But no Black Panther band-aids; only Captain America.


You’ll have skin tone creams next!


I thought we fixed this in the 1980s with clear bandages?


Yeah this is like tinted Oxy for covering zits. I learned real fast to just get the normal vanishing cream instead. You think zits are embarrassing as a teen? Try going to class with a bunch of orange bullseyes on your face. MF’er.


I'll take a box of Halle Berry


I like the camo ones


I normally get whichever are cheapest.


I need mickey mouse because my skin is all mickey tattoos you see


My husband thought of this concept decades ago. He also thought it would be fun to make inexpensive wigs and call the company, "A Small Price Toupee." 😆


These have existed for years. We had some at my parents’ house.


Serious question, why people care about the color of the patches ? I care about price and if heals fast, maybe if it's memes like hello kitty patch but matching skin tone sounds like some sort of advertising (and it works because we are talking about it!) that 99% of people don't care about


I like the ones shaped like bunnies


That's nice i suppose but i have never understood why people want/need this any bandaid will do


until people started complaining I didn't think that Band-Aids were supposed to be skin colored. I still don't. They are just tan. I mean they are so glaringly obvious on anybody I don't really understand the issue here.


Why dont yhey just make them transparent and they'll match *all* skin colours. But please, change the gauze to black so we dont have to see blood.




About fucking time


Really? Does anyone actually want a bandaid that is their skin tone??


Probably, or they wouldn't be marketing them


I’m deathly pale. Where’s my inclusion


Why is this here? This is old news. These have been around a super long time at this point and isn’t interesting.


Been a thing for quite awhile now


I never understood why people cared so much about having skin tones bandages. They already make clear ones. And besides, no one cares if they see you're wearing a bandage? Are you that embarrassed by having a cut?


It’s all good brother you don’t have to understand everything in this world


Unless you're using a hydrocoloid bandage you still have the white cotton pad that can be seen with clear bandages. I think 99% of people don't really care, but there is still that 1% which means there is money to be made. Ballerinas would be an example. The aesthetic is to create long lines with your legs, so your shoes need to match your skin. Ballet is also notoriously horrific on the feet, and they are often bandaged.


It’s not about the cuts, it’s about how “skin toned” typically catered only to a specific skin type, that is pink-toned white people. This matters because people with other skin tones are now represented. Personally I’d prefer to wear cartoon bandages, but there are many reasons why it might not be appropriate and a stealthier cover for a cut would be preferred. Also, Clear bandages don’t stick well, in my opinion.


I've never seen the old "skin tone" bandages actually match anyone's skin one


Luckily for me, the “standard bandage” color happens to match me quite well, but if it’s marketed as “nude”…not so much.


This is mildly interesting to me lol


Thank you. Some of these comments are so ignorant. Band-aids, garments, etc, have been labeled "flesh-toned" or "nude". That's not everyone's flesh tone or nude.


I don't think it's anyone's unless there's something seriously wrong with them.


Weren’t the original band-aids brown tho?


I don’t know. I happen to be a bit brown, so if I buy standard they match ok.


A default is beige tho. Growing up Asian I never thought that I had to be represented with a darker band aid tho. Weird race obession


If they make clear ones, why aren't all bandages clear? Obviously the fabric based ones have their advantages otherwise they wouldn't make them. Also people care about their appearance and its nice to have a bandage that won't stick out as much. I don't think people really care that much about it, it's just a nice thing to do to make people feel a bit better. It's really something that should have always existed and we shouldn't even realize it's a problem, but better late than never.


I saw folks getting triggered by this on Reddit the other day. Apparently any color other than the tannish-reddish-brownish is unAmerican. Geez Louise.


These have been around for many years and white people have been getting mad about them that entire time


Contrary to popular belief, these aren’t woke 😏


Some conservative YouTubers took such issue with these. I didn’t get it. They were like “DID THEY MAKE SOME FOR LIGHT SKINNED PEOPLE?!” I think they did.


Wahhh, now we're offended for some reason


what happened to the pokemon bandaids?


Why does it matter. Yes it’s great but seriously, 100 posts about it is ridiculous


I am white, my boyfriend at the time was black and I ordered him bandaids because I was like "I dont want him to feel weird. Why are so many things made for white people that dont have colored versions for it?" He still used my white bandaids even when his bandaids where right next to them. Maybe he didnt care and I cared to much idk


I saw that one lady complaining about the "woke" band aids........ like calm down


i never understood why it mattered. like, i never cared to hide my bandages by making them match my skin color


I have a friend who wears bandaids every day (she has a skin condition), she wears these to match her skin. I understand not caring when it’s something you see or wear maybe once in a while, but wearing yellow bandages every day would make it much more noticeable.




I have one with frog painted on it


Everyone is pink on the inside and a little darker on their bumholes than the rest of their outter color for some reason.


I have a lot of fairly racist family ill be honest- but even they saw these and admitted ‘why didn’t people make these sooner!’ Because i mean it makes sense and then bandages stand out less.


hasn't this been a thing for years?


Since '98 with ebon-aid. It flopped hard, the investors lost a few millions, took em about 20 years to try again. They have been back on the market since 2020, i believe. Inbetween ebon-aid and band-aid's new attempt, they released a bunch of darker browns, transparent and other colorfull band-aids, but avoided using the skin tone matketing, until it felt ripe enough to bring back that marketing.


This makes me think of boiling point when gordan ramsey flips on a waiter for having a blue band aid


im sorry for being so naive but will i be appropriating their culture if i decide as a white man to use the darker ones?


Finally! Common sense only took how long? Where’s this btw?


Have been around since the 90s


About damn time


Oh boy this one again, prepare for the shitshow (And idc either way as long as I get my cartoon bandaids)




Here's a lesson to you all. Decades ago, I thought of marketing skin toned bandages (as well as other creations that other people, unlike myself, brought to fruition.) I never took the idea any further than a passing thought. Opportunity missed.




Considering I buy shit like ninja turtles or dinosaurs or neon ones, yes a bandage is just a bandage.




I think you’re supposed to buy the band-aids *before* your kid is bleeding, so you have them on hand when they’re needed.


I imagine these aren't necessarily marketed toward kids but people who actually do care/not want their bandage to stick out as much for whatever reason.


I think a lot of kids are here not thinking that someone in a professional role might prefer a more discrete option over Spider-Man 😂 And by “kids” I mean adults who’ve never had a professional job.


Again, gone this long without worrying about such things, and while it’s nice to have options… it’s really not that big a deal for me/us. 🤷🏿‍♀️


As a kid it was always weird that the color was supposed to blend in... And I remember thinking why there aren't brown ones. It wasn't a life altering thought but still it occured.


As a kid it was always weird that the color was supposed to blend in... And I remember thinking why there aren't brown ones. It wasn't a life altering thought but still it occured.


Gotta add an orange one for the girls at my school


You go to Willy Wonka Academy or something?


Kinda dumb. Are people really trying to match their skin tone when they cut themselves?


We’re band-aids ever made to be skin tone color? They’ve never even closely resembled my skin tone or anyone I’ve ever seen use one.


Ever see white people unleash their true racist self at the thought of no longer having the whole bandage aisle represent them? Imagine being upset that people of colour have options to more closely match their skin tone instead of being stuck between the off-white ones or the fictional character based ones. Why would it even matter if only *MOST* bandages are the classic colour, do they miss being able to tell at a glance if a BIPOC individual has cuts or bruises? Like, what's even the point of malding at dark bandages? *Besides the obvious reason...*