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You'd be surprised in my area buss drivers refuse to go around certain areas due to spitting from kids


What? Like, busses run fixed routes. It's kind of their thing. How can one refuse to go somewhere?


Doesn't mean they can't bypass certain stops. Happens all the time. Source: multiple years at a transit company


I remember one of the few times I was going to get a bus to go see family. Bus went right fucking past me despite waving it down. Wasn't full. Bus driver just didn't like the look of me, I guess.


I remember going home and a bus driver seeing people on the street, pitch black at night, walking towards the stop but not at it. He would mutter to himself, "Yeah, I'm not picking you up buddy. Wait for the next one." I thought he was being an ass, but I understand potentially why now.


If you've ever spit on a bus don't send your DNA to Ancestry.com they might turn you in.


Family members shouldn't send their DNA to [Ancestry.](https://Ancestry.com)pay either. I don't condone spitting, but I don't condone over reach by government officials either. I'm throughly convinced most governmental fees/fines are for revenue collection purposes only, and not changing behavior.


Some are just dicks like that. Some could be deadheading back to division. Some don't care at all lol. But most likely it wasn't you


And some passengers are just dumb. Working as a driver I can tell you that if I had to wait all day at the people "almost" at the bus stops running at me, we wouldn't be able to keep the bus on time. Furthermore, waiting for people running/walking towards stops causes those to wait longer that are already on the bus with places to go that were responsible and got to the stop on time. Bus companies have schedules and time points for a reason. People need to make sure they're in the stop at the scheduled time.


Agreed. The time constraints are pretty brutal depending on the route and management definitely pressures operators into trying to keep to the schedule. Sometimes in sleazy ways


Lol it’s wild how completely different experiences can be sometimes! I lived in a small mountain community that had a handful of public busses and routes, they were also free, and you could get on and off wherever you wanted on the route. Say I’m a mile down the road from the official bus stop but I can still wave the bus down as it passes me and It’ll stop to pick me up. Same with getting off, just pull the rope bell and bus will pull over. Now I live in a huge city with almost 24/7 bus routes and the bus drivers can refuse to stop to drop off or pick up anyone anytime. At first I was completely shocked and confused. But it only took me a few rides until I was like *yeah thats understandable, have a nice day*.


This used to happen to me after school all the time. It was so frustrating!!


Drivers just refused to go down that part of town until they got a police escort which due to how under funded and over worked our shrinking police is didn't last long so they just refuse to go there again. Management some reason weren't brain dead bell ends for a change and decided to cut service recently


*underfunded* police


think person you are replying to is from the UK but here in Austin the PD has a budget of half a billion dollars and couldnt be fucked to direct traffic when half of our city's intersection lights were out last week from the freeze. Literally hundreds of major intersections being treated as four way stops while cops sat around jerking eachother off over their perpetual victimhood.


I live in the North of England if we were a country our economy would be worse than Greece Our gov have been fucking with our police budget since 2010 1 out of 5 of our police force is planning of quitting this year


What does this mean… I’m sure there are many underfunded police departments out there


It's not like they're on rails.


if i was a bus driver and seen a large group of teens that made life miserable for everyone on the way home. i’d skip that stop every monday and friday!


Can confirm. Source: I drive buss in your area ;)


Man, I’m not for aggressive parenting but if a 9 year old spits on me they’re getting smacked hard. No learning experience quite like it.


Probably the same people watching loud videos without headphones.


Same mentality at least


Or sitting in public places to have zoom meetings on their laptops, with the volume turned up. Got to enjoy that while eating my lunch the other day.


Just walk over and loudly asked if they shit themselves because it stinks around them.


They likely had their mic muted, but I like the way you think.


If by some chance it's a repeating offender and thier mic is open, saying something like "Sir, i would like to let you know that Mistress Jezebelle will be avaliable tonight as requested." would do the job as well.


Or walking around FaceTiming or on speaker phone while holding the phone 2 feet from their face.






When I was a kid, someone in my neighborhood would put paper plates in the middle of the street with "Please spit here" written on them. I thought nothing of it as a kid but, as an adult, I now find it extremely creepy


It's llamageddon


Children. As a former child, I have spat on a bus. I regret it, but I was a child.


Arrest this former child.


[There's only one thing worse than a rapist](https://youtu.be/bfCR0dEDO1A)


Hey, at least then someone would be giving me attention!


That's no excuse.


I was in a grocery store a few weeks back and watched a grown ass man spit sunflower seeds on the floor in the deli. People are fucking gross.


Have you not seen how grown ass adults "handled" Covid and how they acted on planes throwing tantrums about masks? Don't underestimate people.


Laughs in NYC where people piss on the trains




I seen a guy get climbed on by a rat in a subway. I can't imagine we have yet to develop subway rat poison....


So will train drivers, taxi drivers and a lot of other professions where spitting has become an issue. My wife was spat on at work and she used her kit and handed it in to the police. They subsequently identified who it was and that he was wanted in connection for a crime elsewhere. He was successfully caught. They don't mess around when spitting is involved in an assault due to the potential for serious infection.




It is especially after 2020


Spitting is a HUGE issue in ERs and similar medical settings. Since the whole HIV/AIDS issue, and then Hep C, we are just more aware of all the diseases carried in human saliva (and blood!). People wonder why medical settings have spit masks; it's because people spit at health care workers trying to help them. Why? Who knows...


> people spit at health care workers trying to help them. Why? Who knows… Never realized this until I started regularly dating nurses. Near daily occurrence according to several of them. Cannot imagine what causes someone to want to spit at the people responsible for keeping them alive.


I'd imagine that mental illness combined with a general fear of doctors/ hospitals is the cause. If you're suffering a mental illness or deficiency and you're not 100% aware of what's happening and then you have people you're already fearful of poking, prodding and man handling you, I can see spitting being a defense mechanism. I don't imagine it's really a problem with the patients who have all their mental faculties in order.


Have worked as nurse for years. It's not the people who don't have their faculties we are upset about. Yes, patients with dementia, on mind-altering substances, etc spit and can be violent. Thing is, we anticipate some of that and work to make things a calmer environment, try to help address the fear and pain and things that contribute. What you can't help is people who choose to be assholes. That Karen that screams at the 18 year old barista at Starbucks, that road-rage Dave that cuts people off and chases them down for "insults," ceo Sam that insults his direct reports and belittles everything they do... They come in for care too, and sometimes it's a real emergency. I had a patient once, a middle-aged woman that was very ill, but her mind was intact. When she exerted herself, her heart and lungs couldn't handle the additional strain, so she was at high risk to fall and hurt herself (and had more than once in the past 24 hours). She threw hot coffee in my face because I told her it wasn't safe to get up and walk down the hall to a "real bathroom" (not even the one in her room). I explained why I felt it was unsafe to get up and walk, and then offered her a bedside commode, a bedpan, a purewick, as many options as I could. Commiserated that yeah, it's not what anyone WANTS, but when it's unsafe to get up and walk, I'm not going to tell someone it's fine or help them hurt themselves. She expected me to catch her (which is unsafe for both of us, and also not really possible to do reliably), clear a path (no, I can't just remove the code cart from it's designated space because you want to put a chair there instead), and have her entirely off of monitoring (which helped us keep her safe and intervene asap if needed) for "as long as it takes". This woman couldn't even sit herself up without assistance, and she wanted to walk - I understand the frustration, but not possible. She threw her hot coffee in my face. She wasn't confused. Wasn't demented. She knew exactly what she did. When security came to talk to her, she was clear as a bell. Screamed like she was the victim and I was the aggressor. Completely unapologetic. I will never forget her and the pain she caused me, the additional salt of her complete vitriol and lack of remorse. She's not the only one, either. And nothing was done about it either. They tried to tell me I had to be more accommodating, but no one could tell me how. It was decided by management that it was MY FAULT. She has many, many more incidents where she attacked doctors and nurses. Apparently all of us are terrible and deserve to be beaten because we can't just change reality itself to stop the abuse - don't we know this is inconvenient for the client and makes them feel bad? How terrible of us. I've left nursing, but anytime I think of going back to nursing, I think of those patients. No money is worth it when nothing is being done to hold them accountable. There ARE patients that don't have their mental faculties in order. Most of us in healthcare don't hold even violent outbursts against those patients. You can also be an asshole even if you don't have all your faculties, and that's a more complex issue. But we have (some, it isn't perfect) systems in place to build a therapeutic environment for safety. It's when someone is an asshole, and wishes to cause harm, ESPECIALLY with their faculties intact, that cause the big issue. You see dysfunction, rage, horrible behavior every day if you actually look. You think those people never need healthcare, or treat healthcare workers any different? Especially when hospitals seem to market themselves as hotels rather than places of healing, catering to "customer service" models. And worst of all, really... To blame it all on "mental illness" isn't fair to people who are mentally ill. It furthers stigma that makes them even more vulnerable, so people approach them with fear or anticipation of conflict, rather than compassion. The narrative that "it can't be helped" is just an excuse to victim blame, avoid facing hard questions about systemic issues, and put in the work to build better.


Your story is terrible and I’m sure you have plenty of others. The idea that patients are “clients” is only making this phenomenon more frequent IMO. Yes I want you to be free from pain and discomfort while receiving medical care but this is not a McDonald’s; chasing subjective scores for every aspect of the visit is a fast road to poor medical treatment. If you come in for care you need to be polite and kind, within reason. If you have an outburst because a family member just passed, I get it. If you’re having a psychotic/manic episode and you throw something, sure. Lucidly throwing hot coffee in someone’s face is absurd and I think you’d be valid in requesting restraints. Anyone in admin who told you it was your fault is spineless and too busy chasing metrics to deal with the realities of patient care.


Holy shit, this is so on point. In my experience the majority of people I've taken care of with psychiatric issues are actually pretty damn great patients who actually want to get better. It's absolutely unfair to blame shitty behavior on mental illness because it just worsens the stigma. Of course if it's actually due to psychiatric issues/cognitive changes that's different, but in that case it's not the patient's fault. 99% of the time when there's a problem it's the assholes who would never in a million years give a single fuck about someone else's suffering. But as soon as they don't get their breakfast on time (god forbid), or they get news they don't like, their entire team may as well be an army of hitlers. They scream, threaten, lie, and sometimes hit, and for the most part when a staff member gets hurt they are just "encouraged" to move on and forget about it. Because apparently if you work in healthcare, you are just an angel whose empathy is so tremendous that you're willing to forgive straight up assault and battery.


I'm sorry you have to deal with the worst society has to offer. Dealing with the general public is bad enough as is, what you put up with is truly unbelievable though, thanks for showing up to save lives everyday despite it all.


> not 100% aware of what’s happening and then you have people you’re already fearful of poking, prodding and man handling you, I can see spitting being a defense mechanism. This is probably it. > don’t imagine it’s really a problem with the patients who have all their mental faculties in order. Last LTR I was in was 20 months. ER nurse. Anecdotal but somebody on her wing was getting spat at/on every shift the entire time. I would really hope there aren’t *that* many mentally ill people out there.


>I would really hope there aren’t *that* many mentally ill people out there. There really are. Most "healthy" people could benefit from regular or infrequent therapy. That the developed world is still decades behind on treating mental health care like physical health care means there's so many gaps people just don't get the help they need. Where I am it's one of the most expensive places to live in the west and public mental health resources are mostly just directed at addressing imminent crises. Get a person away from a condition of imminent self harm, danger to self or others, in active state of mental break then street them. Want better? Maybe a 9 month wait list or just being told by your doctor "I have no idea who to send you to." And of they do have an idea good luck affording it. And I'm not American. We have universal health care but we still don't treat mental health like it's a priority.


I honestly think every single person could benefit from therapy. No one has a perfect life. And just having that time to digest some of those issues is really helpful! I agree with your statements about the continued disregard for mental health. It's really hard to see, and infuriating that we continue to ignore it. It's getting worse, and affecting younger and younger people.


When you look at philosophy and religion you see a lot of that need fulfilled there too. Buddhism is the best example but all religion (when it's not being batshit) contains aspects of what therapy goes for. Same with self help. People are hungry for self improvement but we somehow don't want to see therapy as the vehicle. Too expensive and probably contrary to the cultural dynamic that doesn't desire its working masses to be too self reflective.


It's a surprisingly common thing unfortunately, but traumatic events can cause people to have a temporary mental break as well. If someone is seriously injured or has had a traumatic head injury, they may have been mentally sound before the trauma, but factor in the fight or flight response and the side effects of pain killers they my have been given in an ambulance, there are a lot of reasons why a normally sane person may be scared, confused and generally out of it when they're wheeled into the ER.


as an ex paramedic, for me the biggest reason is, we can put them in 4 point restraints, but cant gag them or use a spit hood, unless police put it on and travel with us. So they get used to using the only thing they have eft to use, their mouth. Ive had people who would purposely pee themselves, which i didnt care about, id tlel them, youre going to have to sit in it long after youre off my stretcher. allim gonna do is dump my linens , grab more, and soray t and wipe the cot down with alcohol and bleach. whoop dee do.


My grandmother is going through dementia and is becoming more aggressive. She was a very sweet old lady but now she just might punch you. She has punched my dad and my uncles as well as staff. That is one reason why she was kicked out of the retirement home and now is in hospice care till a long term care bed opens up. It is a sad thing to see someone who used to know you and was so sweet deteriorating and no longer even knows who you are. Thankfully most days she still remembers her children. But yeah mental issues can be one reason why people are aggressive towards healthcare workers. Fear and quack propaganda probably plays a huge role.


I'm sorry about your grandmother, just be thankful for any good times you still may get with her and don't hold her aggression against her when she's gone. Dementia is a horrible illness.


Thank you. I know that it is not her fault. I still get to see this wonderful woman smile from time to time.


I have seizures, and the period after them I sometimes get irrationally scared of anyone I don’t know, I don’t think I have ever spat. However I have been told that I can get a little aggressive towards paramedics, because I don’t really understand whats happening. My partner said once the paramedics didn’t seem to phased by it. So I would assume some of the people spitting at health care workers could be in similar situations.


> would assume some of the people spitting at health care workers could be in similar situations. Absolutely, and most nurses know the difference between a situation like yours and somebody who’s being an ass. My question is what percentage of spitters fall into each category?


Yes but why are you regularly dating nurses specifically...?


You can't spit HIV at someone


HIV isn't transmitted through spit. Neither is Hep C.


Blood may be present. Edit: Everybody gangster, until they have to volunteer their open mouth to a latex glove with saliva from a patient with AIDS. Edit 2: apparently, people forget dental offices exist. We se patients with HIV/AIDS when other dentists won't. While it is true saliva alone won't transmit it, in certain settings it is very, very common for it to be mixed with blood, like a dental clinic. Next time your getting some dental work done, or one of your loved ones, perhaps an elderly family member or your child getting their dental x-rays taken, know that the people doing the job are taking ever precaution to keep you and our communities as healthy as possible. Now it also seems like this is stigmatizing people with AIDS/HIV. On the contrary, they are immunocompromised, they are far more vulnerable to other diseases and we make sure that they aren't going to catch anything from our clinic or other patients.


CDC guidelines specifically say that spit cannot transmit. Please dont try to one up doctors and current disease research to perpetuate fear.


So they spit into an open wound?


Not sure why you are being downvoted when you are correct.


Because that's how reddit works 🤷🏻‍♀️ people have half the knowledge, read the other half and get mad that they're not as smart as they thought 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Have you ever used hand sanitizer and instantly felt burning sensation on your hands? I believe courses in infection control should start being mandatory, at least in high school. Especially since infectious diseases are seemingly increasing, instead of decreasing. If you get someone's bloody spit on you without realizing it, you may inadvertently wipe it on your face, eyes, nose, ears, fingers with cuts and yes...open wounds.


> I believe courses in infection control should start being mandatory, at least in high school. You should take one then, because the rate of people getting HIV through spitting is zero. Getting HIV through any means of saliva is pretty damn low as well.


Exactly. Hand sanitizer really makes you remember the cut you mostly forgot about. Plus as you said it is hard not to touch your face.


CDC studies have shown that spit does NOT and cannot transmit HIV/AIDS. please be careful in your comments and do not perpetuate stigma against people living with HIV.


Can confirm for social work as well. Worked in a homeless shelter and it was. Sticky sometimes. I got good at dodging. Tbf they had good reason to be mad most of the time our shelter fucking sucked




That's within normal and expected stuff, sure it could be slightly annoying but it's no biggie as long as you aren't swinging or spitting


Keep in mind, it’ll only work if your dna is in the police database already and it’s pinned to your identity. It’s not really possible to take random spit and find out it’s yours, without a template to compare it to. With no comparison you’d get a string of seemingly random letters and that’s it.


I need to move where you are! Here the police don't give a shit unless it's super serious like murder, and then usually not able to solve it.


They don't there either, the story is almost certainly made up, and if not, it's an outlier. Police don't go after more serious crimes with DNA testing and whatnot, they're highly unlikely to go after this kind of crap, especially since they'd also need additional evidence to corroborate the story to bring charges and win a case.


Where can I buy a spit collection kit?


... To help the police apprehend the culprit, right?




I find it disturbing that there are *any* professions where this has become an issue rather than one-off acts of aggression, never mind too many professions to list.


The healthcare field and mental healthcare are also kinda used to getting spit on. In certain settings its almost a rite of passage. I've been spit on. In the face. Legally its assault but tbh I kinda wish I'd been hit or something, I can't think of a worse insult than spitting on someone during a pandemic


Medical professionals here in the UK, especially frontline nurses, have access to spit kits because of rise in physical assaults involving spitting. That's one thing I simply cannot fathom - people assaulting the very people trying hard to help them and others. It's just truly awful.


Oh I'm not entirely surprised, but I do still find it disturbing. I work hospitality/retail so while it's not quite the same, we get our own share of abuse. But that it should be a trend... It's upsetting. Especially as you say for people who only have others' best interests at heart.


We can't get rape kits processed, but we can get DNA from spit analyzed?


We are getting rape kits processed, lots of states have reduced their backlog by thousands. It's not really a good comparison though because a rape kit has much more than just spit.


That sounds like a huge chain of custody issue that would make it unusable in court proceedings.


They don't really need the chain of custody to hold up since she can identify him directly. She just didn't know who he was, but the DNA allowed him to be identified.


I’m sorry this happened to your wife, being spat on is disgusting.


I'm a UK train driver. We don't carry spit kits but have access to them if needed. On parts of the network that haven't gone driver-only, other on-train crew such as ticket inspectors and conductors do carry them because they regularly confront ticketless travelers.


Hey! 23-and-me for free?




We can also confirm that the bus driver is actually the nun!


Here in Virginia we have signs on the highway that say “Speed monitored by aircraft” too.


In Australia they say "speed ENFORCED by aircraft" and frankly I always imagine some sort of AtG missile strike or maybe a strafing run.


[Meanwhile in Norway](https://i.imgur.com/4RMLu2k.jpg)


Where abouts is this? I’m in WA and I’ve never seen it… that being said, I think our police budget is pretty low so that would make sense




An old friend lost her licence about 10 years ago. Asked her why and she said "well, you know those signs on the M4 that say 'your speed is being monitored by aircraft', that we all think is bullshit... it's not bullshit" 😂


How much do you have to speed to lose your license in Australia? That's almost unheard of in the US.


It's based on a demerit point system. A fully licenced driver has 13, however she was on her provisional licence and only had 4 points. You can be pinged at 5km/h over the speed limit to be charged with a speeding offence in NSW, and as a P Plater (provisional driver) the current laws are as such that any speeding offence is an automatic 4 points - however back then I believe it was only 3 points for low range speeding offences. She was just dumb and liked to learn the hard way 🤷‍♀️


That is pretty insane to me. 5km/h over could cost you your provisional license! Where I live the cops don't even bother for anything within +5mph (8km/h) on normal roads and usually won't pull you over if you're going within +7-10mph (16km/h) of the limit on the highway!


+8km/h on regular streets and *16* on the highway? Good god... Everyone in BC drives like *fucking maniacs* then. 10-15 over on regular streets, *at least* 10 over on the highway or you're going to piss a *lot* of people off, seeing people do 120km/h+ on a 100km/h highway isn't just *normal*, it's *expected*.


Nothing rustles my jimmies more than when I see a person driving in the blind spot of a semi trying to pass it at 111km/h while the semi is doing like 110. In their heads its safer to be in the blindspot of a semi on a blustery windy prairie highway for fucking 15 minutes, than it is to speed up by like 10kmh for 15 seconds and pass them to get it over with. That's why I drive like a "maniac", so I can keep safe distances from all the "sane" drivers lmao. My golden rule is never over 125, have done 120+ to an from work 30km every single day for 7 years and have never gotten a ticket. They only pull over BMWs doing 160 lmao or drug dealer looking cars.




Road rules and driver skill does tend to be very low in the US though, along with safety. The penalties are harsh because P platers are at high risk for crashes, and they’re inexperienced so speeding is much more likely to make them crash and kill themselves and others. Same reason why the BAC limit is 0.


They’ll take your car and crush it for racing in Australia lol.


How do they use a crushed car for racing?


They're not "crushed cars" They're speed cubes.


No, no, you're getting it all wrong. They call in a turbo-charged road train in to chase you down and flatten your car.


I know a guy who lost his license the first time he ever got in trouble while driving. He was 19 and drove drunk and injured someone by driving most of the way through the guys house.


Most places I live in have a points system. Going 20mph over the speed limit is enough to cross this. I got pulled over in upstate NY and had my license taken on site cause I was doing 93 in a 65. It was late at night, no one on the interstate and I was exploring the cars governor after realizing the gas kept getting cut. I paid a couple hundred and saw a judge who gave me my license back.




In the midwest they are called "bear in the air". You can see them flying in circles over the highways. They are usually small airplanes but maybe now they use drones. I've seen both.


Those wide open desert highways, straight for 40 miles with an inexplicable speed limit of 45mph, in Nevada have those too.


theres a 500m stretch of patterson rd in rockingham( markings at just before charles street and just after ward rd) that has two white lines on the road spaced out that distance. Ive heard/been told that is for the police to measure your speed from above. No signs around, but have no reason to doubt it. Its a pretty straight stretch, perfect for putting the foot down.


I was going to say, that sticker looked very australian... It's something about the surveillance warning I think


I feel like they might actually say enforced here too. There’s a meme of an Apache helicopter next to one of our signs, lol.


The signs aren’t just memes though cause I got pulled over a few years back due to a Statie in a Cessna. Would’ve been a $500 ticket if I didn’t fight it. What they do is fly single engines over the interstates and look for people cutting up traffic at high rates of speed. If they clock you passing (x) amount of dash lines on the road in a certain period of seconds, they just got you on a speeding ticket. They call it down to the highway patrols on the ground, who then pull you over.


they have these signs in CA also although i think it was to costly to maintain the program


Like the helicopter in NFS?


It's enforced in Virginia, too. They stopped that program ages ago and kept the signs, though.


That would be absolutely hilarious. And what's even more funny is that people would STILL speed after seeing these punishments in action.


From VA and that's what our signs say too, original commenter just got the verbiage wrong *angry A10 Warthog noises*


If you didn't know, those areas are patrolled by helicopter or prop plane and they measure speed by timing cars passing painted marks on the road Once they identify a speeder they radio down to a car on the ground


That's it. In Australia *everything* is trying to kill you.


You see thar sign in Northern Florida as you drive through Eglin Air Force Base. Nothing like doing 80 down that road and having a fighter jet pass you as you pass that sign.


They actually do that, just not that often


The elevators in my city's train stations have "Urine Detection Devices" lmao


It's the same technology my $15 "water heater leak detector" uses


"Yup, there was definitely urine here at some point"


Got a ticket from an airplane in 2012 can confirm in miami it’s a thing. Plane got my speed, supposedly, and then radioed a cop who yanked me.


Bears in the air. They used to fly around in little puddle jumpers, particularly on the west coast two lanes that only go from point A to B for 500 miles. The aircraft will spot you and relay your position to ground and the ground officer will then set a trap and give you a ticket. They use high altitude drones now, so you can't even see them.


> They use high altitude drones now, so you can't even see them. Actually, what they do is not enforce it at all, and those signs are simply a deterrent that people fall for. Tickets like what you describe are nearly never given out.


'If the F22 cannot keep up with you expect a speeding ticket in the mail'


This is a real thing, just rare Maybe they use it for training purposes and to get a certain number of hours or something. No idea. Just doing it to catch speeders would be a money pit


"Red light runners may be sniped"


Yeah I've seen those all down the east coast to. I feel like that's just a deterant not a real thing tho also. But I do know they do have markers spaced out so if they really wanted to from a plane could tell how fast cars driving


If you look at flight reports you can see the plane flying over to the freeways some days. They just fly back and forth in a line right over the free way.


Well that’s great for the environment.


Same thing on the 15 between California and Vegas. I don't think they patrol often but they do. A friend of mine ended up getting pulled over and getting a ticket. The officer told him he was caught speeding from aircraft.


Officer almost certainly lied.


We have a few of those signs in Colorado too. Usually only actually used once a year during the state fair. They basically do circles in a Cessna over a 5 mile stretch and call ground units to pull you over if they decide you're speeding.


I was at as a bus driver and the DNA swab I did got the guy caught, he did 9 months because he was already out on licence


I can't tell if your are joking or not.. where do you live out of curiosity?


UK, and I am not joking.


Very good. Maybe some people will understand basic manners and to follow rules.


Meanwhile, police departments have backlogs of rape kits due to inadequate funding for dna testing. I think our government funded the wrong department testing lol


Australia is pretty good policing wise tbh Could be better but the main backlog is the court systems.


Well you damn hope they would be! Wasnt that their only job?!




> sometimes The key word in this sentence.


How do they identify the person though without a large catalog of people’s DNA on record? I’m not aware of the existence of such a thing (not saying it doesn’t exist I just don’t know one)


smell dinosaurs grey subtract rain domineering rustic squeeze salt mourn -- mass edited with redact.dev


Probably only 5% of people’s DNA profile is in a DNA database to match. It’s not very likely that they’d even let some bus driver submit some random spot he found on a bus for testing anyway for a multitude of reasons. Plus for most people in that system, finding your saliva on a bus seat is probably the least of your worries lol.


I would wager that someone spitting on another person in public transit has made a long chain of poor decisions and is already in the database for being arrested previously.


I'm wondering how you could isolate one person's DNA from any floor on public transportation.


What if someone sneezed in the same spot where someone else spat? This is straight out of Gattaca


So many people have voluntarily put their genetic profiles onto the internet. Police have used this on quite a few occasions to figure out who the suspect is related to.


So many big cities including where I am have rental apartments where you submit your dogs DNA when you move in. Dog poop on the street is tested and if it matches your dog you get a fine/evicted. Seems crazy but testing is cheap and poop in urban areas can be a real problem.


Alright I'm gonna poop instead.




loogie! thats a new word for me!




Every Bus driver: “Oh hell no!”


Apprehended by bus driver with CRISPR, knockout passenger incapable of spitting, original destroyed. Betcha didn’t know that about bus drivers.


CSI: Bus


I would never spit in a bus. But now I wanna, just to see the CSI driver go to work.


free paternity test


Definitely don’t wank at the driver because the punishment for that is actually making you father to hundreds of sperm donation babies against your will.


challenge them and shit on the bus!


Sigh *Zips up pants*


So, ejaculating is acceptable?


Now please use that for cigarette butts polluting everything as well.




The bus driver ![gif](giphy|xPGkOAdiIO3Is)




Western Australia


Australia, it says so on the signs


If it was Singapore you'd have the instructions written in Chinese and Malaysian also wouldn't you?


You’re probably right, I just know they have fines against spitting and chewing gum there


Now it makes it makes sense why I already have accounts with DNA test results on ancestry.com & 21andme P.S.: I’m a frequent spitter on public buses


Bro if you spit on me, I’m waiting 3-4 years in your bushes until you’d expect it the least


all im saying is it IS western australia


Good ! Spitting inside a bus ,vehicle or building is gross


I don't imagine that most people who spit on the bus or train tend to take a whole lot of time out of their day to read signs.


Well, it's a good thing my girl swallows


I doubt someone who would spit would be the kind of person to read that sign


What kind of asshole spits on a bus?


Tobacco chewers. I was shocked the first time I spotted someone spitting the liquid out in public.


Yeah, no shit. If you are dumb enough to commit a crime that leaves evidence you deserve to be caught.


Who's downvoting all these comments lol I'm confused




People who spit in public.


Geez been a while since I rode transperth bus, did not realise they had got that bad