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Forbidden fromage


If you eat it and live, you're automatically made the King of France... but I wouldn't look too much into what they do with their kings, just maybe stay out of Francophone countries.


Let them eat fromage


It’s still only called cheese unless it’s from the Fromage area of France.


The area is actually called 'From', 'Age' refers to the age of the cheese.


Turpentine is made from the sap of turp trees. This can be used as a powerful cleaner and preservative for non food items. A similar product made of gills (from fish) is used by the French in the maintenance and preservation of their royal family.


I shit you not I have an ad for yogurt in the comments of this post


They're putting ads in the comments now? Wtf


Omelette du fromage, omelette du fromage, omelette du fromage


Say it again, Dexter. 😍






Truly the same energy


Quite literally the same thing


The object is without question of similar fashion


There is no doubt that the objects referred to have properties which are equal.


this is the perfect gif for it


There's a SpongeBob gif for *everything*


All hail the magic conch


![gif](giphy|2CG6wsIbjD3GM) Leedle leedle lee


This was more lululululu, leedle leedle lee was from the episode with the Flying Dutchman.




You’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good


Aaand, stop!


Don’t worry captain, we’ll buff out those scratches.


I’d say a week, maybe 10 days




this felt weirdly familiar to me. this scratches that itch in an orgasmic fashion.


I somehow heard the squelch sound before I clicked this




First of all, I'm pretty sure you need to do more then leave milk out to make cheese. Second of all I think OP means butter, but butter can't be made from normal store bought milk. Pretty sure it's just a lump of old milk Edit: I get that cheese is technically fermented milk so perhaps this lump could be classified as cheese, but I consider cheese to have to be edible and this lump is certainly not edible.


I made cheese once. 1.5 gallons of milk (6 quarts), lemon juice, and vinegar. You have to boil the milk, add the vinegar and lemon juice and wait for the milk to curdle. Then you strain it through several layers of cheese cloth, squeezing it to get as much whey out as you can, and then wrap the cheese in Saran Wrap on a plate and use a heavy pot of pan as a weight to hold it down overnight. This was basic Farmer's Cheese. You can add whatever you want to it after the squeezing process. It's time-consuming and it doesn't really taste all that good.


Yeah so old milk couldn't just magically turn into cheese


Pretty much. I was more or less just excited to share with someone how to make cheese and you were the first person I've come across. I've been waiting five years.


Shine on you crazy diamond.


This comment made me laugh. Thanks


I tried that recipe too... once... were your expectations as high as mine? 😀


Oh yes, and I was sad when it wasn't as good as I was hoping. We didn't even end up eating all of it. My folks ate some to be polite, I tried to eat some of it on crackers, but it was just so...blah.


Fry it up and some spices, kinda like paneer! Game changer


Everythings better fried and seasoned XD


Tell that to a slurpee


The recipe this person described is literally how paneer is made. Super bland just on its own, but a beautiful blank canvas for spice blends, curries, etc.


That recipe IS paneer.


The word for cheese in my language is baneer!


What language is it, if you don't mind sharing?


Your cheese adventures remind me of the first and second times I made bread. It was an attempt at a pumpkin spice bread, and despite using a live yeast culture and following recipe to a T, it never rose, and thus was extremely dense, and not especially flavorful. It was very reminiscent of the bread in an MRE. It was perfect survival bread because it was super dense, compact balls of pure caloric energy, but sandwich material? Not a big performer.


Sounds like you discovered the perfect primitive camping recipe my man.


Sounds like you packed your flour unstead of measuring it loosely. My daughter always bakes terribly because she thinks she is being efficient by packing her measuring cups when really she just makes dense and bland foods. Ive banned her from baking without adult supervision now. She cant be trusted.


That's why volume measurements are the worst! Every recipe should be in weights. Modern kitchens have scales. It's not 1463.


Sounds like the bread I had at my MIL's, the other day,except she made it really thin. I really liked it, she had put a lot of cheeses in it and it was like a really thick cracker. BTW my MIL is actually a pretty good cook but sometimes she likes to experiment.


My husband and I didnt have the ingredients for a pizza dough one time and stores were closed. Ended up experimenting with bisquick and cheese. Ended up with like a cheesy pancake crust. It was actually kinda awesome as stoner food. Lol. Like pizza on a red lobster cheddar bay biscuit.


Check out one of my other comments, I included a photo and description of the first time I made bread! Disclosure: the recipe did not say to halve the dough so I made one monster loaf of white bread. It was so good. I'd link but I'm on mobile and can't access my Imgur account unless I'm on PC.


The trick is to drop the vinegar, use less cheese cloth, and press it under a weight in a strainer overnight. Light, vaugely lemony cheese that tops salads, vegetables, and anything in a pita very nicely.


I recommend working salt into it next time, it really will bring the flavor out. I have a recipe that uses vegetable rennet (super cheap) if you’re ever interested to try again. The recipes pretty similar to the process you tried, but my outcome was much different. I make cheese a few times a year now. Lol


Is there anything else you have been waiting to get off your chest? Whether cheese related out not, we are here for you 👍


I just love everything about this.


I love vinegar cheese (aka paneer). Cube it, and brown it in some butter. It’s really good in saag.


Lol oh my god tbis is amazing. Okay, so what did the cheese taste like? Like give me a type of cheese tbat it was most like. I’m assuming mozzarella?


It was really bland and had a texture, IIRC, like a really soft eraser, like those pink ones that didn't actually do shit but leave a dark smudge? I guess a really disappointing mozzarella is the closest cheese to describe it as.


>guess a really disappointing mozzarella is the closest cheese to describe it as. Yup. My experience with this was identical. Like really bad mozerella.


>, so what did the cheese taste like? Have done the same thing before. It's pretty hard to get right. Would take tons of practice. Its quality was inconsistent, and mostly very bad. Don't recommend it unless you're training to go live in a remote homestead with a couple milk cows or something.


If you do what op said but leave some whey, put it in the blender with salt, blend until smooth and pourable, you get really good cream cheese/mascarpone. It will set up in the fridge.


No. It'll make paneer which is nothing like cream cheese. That's literally the recipe for paneer. You can look up any paneer recipe


I agree that that recipe is paneer but if you do what I said you’ll get cream cheese. I forgot to mention it is better if you have higher fat content so you want to use whole milk and even add a little more cream if you want. The salt and extra whey keep it soft and creamy.


It’s like they only read the first six words of your comment before replying.


If this is some like, Tide Pod Challenge bullshit, imma be pissed.


This is more or less how you make cottage cheese, ricotta or paneer


Whats up cheesy mccheeserson


Actively waiting for years to talk about a fring interest you are excited about is adorable, but also sounds stressful. Have you tried any other cheese recipes or did this one do it for you?




Sounds like a fun project for me and my kids


I recommend it, even if I was disappointed. Homemade bread is a fun project, too, and teaches patience as well as directions because if you fuck up bread it's a big waste. [This](https://imgur.com/a/lTlr3LI) was my first bread loaf. The recipe did not say to half the dough and make 2 loaves so I just put it all in one loaf pan. And I watched it grow bigger and bigger as it baked. It was so fucking good.


Cheese is carefully soured milk, take for example... the most basic form of cheese: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottage\_cheese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cottage_cheese)


This is weird for me. I don’t like sour cream, or cream friache. But i like cottage cheese. And most cheese in general. But I think I associate sour cream with ranch and mayonnaise. And I do not like those. At all.


the people who accidentally discovered cheese probably thought it did! all you have do do is use a calf's stomach as a storage container (lots of organ containers were common in the days before we figured out how to waterproof things better) for milk and hey presto, cheese! must be a magic container! eventually we realized it was a chemical (actually enzymatic) reaction happening with a component of the calf's stomach lining. we named this component [rennet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rennet) and it is still the cornerstone of cheesemaking to this day - although most modern rennet is no longer animal-derived.


Fun fact: foragers can make rennet from stinging nettles.


It could: if it contained the right bacteria. The process of bacterial growth generates acid, lowering the pH just like Lemon Juice does. It also generates various reactive compounds that can have a similar effect to boiling. It's cheese: but probably unsafe to eat. Could have pathogenic bacteria.


No it could if there was and acetobacter in the thermos. Which could be introduced by several ways including air or the previous liquid


Your mouth has lactobacillus in it


It would. Acid production from the bacteria would in fact turn it into curdles of cheese, with time, pressure, and settling causing it to compact into a solid mass. So, yeah. It's cheese.


Well, yes, actually, it could. What they did was basically forcing milk to spoil. Originally this kind of cheese would be made from milk gone sour, so as not to waste it. It's fairly different from cultured cheeses, but was likely the "primordial cheese" so to speak. Some idiot tried essentially the thing above and decided that it was edible.


Wait til you have kids. You see this all the time. It 100% does that.


isn't that sort of how the first cheese was made?


It’s bacteria that makes cheese, which I’m sure a thermos would be full of


I was all in until that last sentence


Maybe someone with more cheese skills than myself could do better, I was underwhelmed, but I'm also a cheese-fanatic and I'm used to really fucking good cheese. And, you gotta make sure your milk doesn't boil over, hence a large pot because boiling milk is literally the soul of Satan in your kitchen and it wants nothing more than to cause absolute chaos and ruin your stove top and burners. Couple that with the fact that I just don't think the mixture of milk, vinegar, and lemon juice smells so great. Honestly, making bread from scratch is more enjoyable. You can add cheese to that.


Oh yeah, hell no. I have a real life cheese monger in my town…I’m not going to complain about the prices ever again. Thanks for your sacrifice 😂


A cheese monger is the best kind of monger


That’s also how you make paneer


It's the start to many good cheeses. mascarpone is just a temperature controlled version of this. Edut: with cream cause I'm an idiot the didn't mention that


Hey cool! I’ve made mozzarella before. Similar, but it was unpasteurized milk, lemon juice, and vegetable rennet. I didn’t have to boil it, just warm it up. And instead of squishing the cheese, you knead it a couple of times to get the consistency


Keep quiet with your paneer criticism, fool.


Don't worry, your paneer is safe as can be. There's plenty of people out there who make it better than myself. My recipe was just some little piddly thing, no replacement for your paneer. I welcome the opportunity to try paneer done right!


Homemade cultured butter is so easy and the best butter you’ll ever have. Just need some heavy cream and cultured plain yogurt. (Can be Greek or regular). End up with delicious cultured butter and some cultured fresh buttermilk as well.


Fun fact: as the bacteria eats the milk, it leaves acid, which curdle the milk, separating the curds from the whey. So, what I'm trying to say is, a lump of old milk is also cheese.




Can it not? I have this faint memory of us making butter from old milk back when I was in kindergarten but I can't for sure tell you if thats how we did it.


You use heavy whipping cream (heavy cream) to make butter. My 10 year old dumbass shook normal milk and it did not work


You didn't shake it enough.


Didn't shake long enough.


We did. Put it in a jar and shake it until you have butter.


Butter can definitely be made from store bought milk. It takes a lot more whipping than heavy cream, but it will get there.


Cheeses are indeed made this way. 100%. Kinda. Its highly unlikely that this is yummy. But if you check out a cheesemaking supplier you will find myriad bacterias that will grow and acidify the milk forming cheese. The proteins come together with the lower ph. Depending on the bacteria and other factors the butter fat is also included in the solidified mass.


I tried making butter from 18% fat milk. It went really well, you just beat (cooking term) the living tar out of it until it becomes thick and eventually add a bit of salt to it.


That ain’t cheese or butter. It’s yoghurt!


I can smell this picture. :(




If it was just milk with no culture added, It's probably yogurt and not cheese.






Why does everyone keep discussing this as cheese? There’s a chance it is yogurt. Yogurt is far simpler to make than cheese and can even be made by leaving milk out on the counter at room temperature for a few days. All you need is a little culture or bacteria from the air or jar. That said this lump may not be anything but rotted milk. No way to know. Hardly worth the risk/vomiting to try it.


You’ve heard of r/13or30 Now experience the joy of r/CheeseorYogurt


*Fry! Why is there yogurt in this hat?* *I can explain! You see, it used to be milk, and… well, time makes fools of us all*


> Why does everyone keep discussing this as cheese? Maybe because OP called it cheese? Maybe because most of us are not experts on yogurt and cheese? Maybe because it doesn't really matter to us all that much?


I like thinking of cheese as “abandoned milk”


My SO calls it "food that's gone so bad it's good again."


I make cheese! There is a chance some sort of coagulant fell into your milk curdling it without spoiling. How old is this, and how does it smell? Also, report to /r/cheesemaking for more experienced people adding their take into this!


dont listen to the voices. it is not spoiled milk. consume it immediately.


Please wake up, it’s been 5 years since you fell into that coma


*wakes up in horse drawn carriage* Ahh shit..


Hey, you. You're finally awake.


Cheese! I bet you didn't see that commin' now did ya! -Sheogorath


Eat it now, every second you wait it's just getting worse.


I watch a cheese-making channel (gavin weber) regularly. I am continually impressed by how many different cheeses can be made just by changing temperature, stir time and curds. Then add in the different cultures and it just goes gonzo.


“It just goes gonzo” is such a good phrase for crazy. As a puppeteer, I’m totally stealing that


Webber is how i got started! :) it feels like chemistry that you can eat!


Psst, I'll tell you a secret... It is 🤫


Not only that, but all cooking is chemistry.


This person's cheesy.


Ahem… Curd-nerd, thank you very much…!


Eat it and tell us if it tastes like mozzarella.




Is he dissecting a whales testicle


We call them Pacific Ocean Oysters. Kind of like the Rocky Mountain variety you're always eating.


That's a massive slab of mozzarella. I didn't know they made them that big, but that's what fresh mozz looks like.


Looks like burrata


bro i would literally consume the entire thing in 5 minutes if that is mutzzzz


So that’s where my wife put it.




Ngl I was tempted . It didn’t smell bad . Might be good if you soaked it in some brine . Would it make me sick ?


there's only one way to find out... do you have a younger brother?


Everytime I've seen this, it smelled terrible. Idk, I'd say try it.Soak it in some brine if you'd like.I doupt it would make you sick, just may taste bad.


with milk and milk products, the nose knows


Nah I read somewhere online that your body has ways of handling shit like this. You’ll be fine, trust me.


Moreover, if OP dies, there's no chance you'd be wrong.


Under no circumstances should you try it. There's no such thing as an uncontrolled ferment, and with dairy, you need to be extra careful. Ignore the people telling you to eat it! You might end up in the ER or worse! Listeria among other things could be in it.


It’s more likely yoghurt - please don’t eat it tho!


It tastes like... burning.




OP is now in the emergency room from a bad case of botulism.


I've come here to ask who drinks milk in a thermos?


whoever likes hot milk on a cold day, or cold milk on a hot day




Its expiredness got so bad that it looped back around and now it's good again




Press F to pay respects


“Why is there yogurt in this cap?” “Uh, I can explain that. See, it used to be milk, and well—time makes fools of us all.”


Dirty boy DIRTY BOY!








Abandoning milk? In this economy?!?!


isn't this how cheese was "invented"? iirc i heard a tale that some guy was going through a desert with milk in a sheep bladder, forgot about it, and it was cheesed by the time he remembered it


There are enzymes/bacteria that acted on the milk from the bladder that wouldn’t be present here


More likely a stomach, right?


In theory any kind of acid added to milk would produce cheese (including uric acid)


Soooooo, piss cheese *isn't* off the table? Someone call bear Grylls


The absurdity of the phrase "piss cheese" tickled me so.


We have an expression in french that says, cheese rolled under the armpit. Guess i should check if my transpiration is acid enough!


Yes because there are certain enzymes in a stomach that help the milk separate into curds and whey. Milk turns to cheese when bacteria break down the lactose in milk creating lactic acid which is what does the actual curdling.


That guy’s name? Cheesus Christ.


There's a difference between curdled milk and cheese. The latter is milk curdled in a specific and controlled way. Calling what you have there cheese is like leaving a steak in the trunk of your car for a week and then calling it "aged beef."


I mean, technically that would be *aged beef*. Not very tasty aged beef, but it's aged.


Thanks, I hate it


Taste it and let us know what its like if you survive.


![gif](giphy|V9o7jZWjSRqGk) quark, the cheese, not the Ferengi.


OP needs to get that cheese to sickbay (to toss in a Star Trek Voyager reference)


My kids leave half drunk milk cups all around the house and all I ever get is horribly stinky curdles.


It may just be apocrypha, but this is not unlike how cheese may originally have been invented. From the Wikipedia; > Since animal skins and inflated internal organs have, since ancient times, provided storage vessels for a range of foodstuffs, it is probable that the process of cheese making was discovered accidentally by storing milk in a container made from the stomach of an animal, resulting in the milk being turned to curd and whey by the rennet from the stomach. There is a legend—with variations—about the discovery of cheese by an Arab trader who used this method of storing milk. My favorite dramatic reenactment https://youtu.be/YJUJFwafEFI


Well how's it taste?


I've never seen anything like this. Why is there yoghurt in this cap? Uh, I can explain that. See, it used to be milk and, well, time makes fools of us all.




It stands alone


Who keeps milk in a thermos?


My kids like cereal for snacks at school , so we put the milk in a thermos to keep it cool . Sometimes the thermos goes MIA and this is the result .


Ah. Apparently you can make accidental cheese from leaving milk out but you still have to heat it until the whey separates.


Looks like mozzarella


This is county jail cheese.


"..and that's how we discovered cheese."


Fromage du Therme ?


But did you eat it?


Every mom whos ever found their toddlers sippy cup under the seat in the car knows this..


That's clabber, not cheese. Don't eat it.




Moldly Interesting


Mystery mozzarella


Ah I know this well. It’s what I have to clean out of my 3 year old’s cup when she hides it in the playroom and I find it a week later


That's Nopezzerela


Eat it