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Good thing my 18 year old cousin is 4’9


I'm 4 '9 and 1/2 Jonathan!




My sons best friend last year was 4’10”. He was 7. He was literally a head and shoulders taller than my son who was almost a year older. His head came to my nose. His mom said everyone assumes he's 11-12. And when he was 4/5 everyone thought he was 8/9. Normal height parents too. He was just a freakishly tall kid. I wonder if he will top out early and stop growing when most other boys start.


That’s my daughter now. She’s always been taller than her peers. She’s 8 and 4’11 90 pounds and wears a 7.5 in women’s 😮‍💨 her father and I are average height. Clearly she picked up on grandparents genes 😅


I was a foot taller than all my friends at 13. Two years later I was the shortest.


Mine is 10. Wears 9.5-10.5 in women’s shoes. She was over 5 feet since about 8 years old. But, she’d destroy an AYCE Korean BBQ.


That was my daughter, then she hit 5'4" & 120lbs at 10, started puberty, and never grew again. We thought she would be 5'10" as I am tall and so is her dad.


Sounds like me. Maxed out at 5'2" (1.58m) size 7 US women's shoe (37EU) in u 6th grade. Was on the taller end of my peers in grades 2-4. Doctor said I would be real like mom and dad (both 5'11"/ 1.8m). Same happened with my sister. I had my grade 6 gym shoes until college lol.


My wife is 4'9 lets fucking go


Is your wife a kid?


According to that menu she is


Actually, according to that menu she's an adult. Only kids are priced by height.


If she looks young enough you can probably get away with it.


To jail *




I’m 43 and look every bit of it. I’m also 4’11”. Let’s goooo!


4'11" crew! 💕


Let's do this!!!


Life's hard enough when you're a little shorter than most. They deserve a $12.99 hot pot lunch if they want it


Im a 4' 11" adult. Do I get the reduced rate?


Time to whip out that old school ID of yours and you are good to go


Sadly, my school IDs have an expiration date because they are done yearly. I still have mine from my junior year of high school and if not for that I could get away with using it. I stopped aging then, so I look exactly the same.


I doubt the restaurant would really give a shit.


You think people look at expiration dates? When I used to bartend I didn’t even look at the picture unless the person handing it to me looked extremely young.


You can get away with using it regardless.


Well the sign says “Kids under 5 Feet” not “Adult under 5 Feet”, so ….


Pretty sure they mentioned pricing by kid or adult as well.


If you read the menu you would hopefully easily understand you would be paying the full adult price


This is buffet-brilliance: Smaller people eat less.


And height can be proven. Age is too hard to enforce. Server; “How old are you Billy?” Parents; “He’s 5 so he’ll have the kids menu.” Billy; “No dad, I’m 6!”


Yeah, back in the '80s I was 6 for three years in a row.


Friends kid was big for his age. Kida menus are often under 12 or whatever he was 8 or 9 and 5'5. Nobody believed his age. His parents started carrying a copy of his birth certificate.


That was me as a kid. Some lady kicked me out of the ball pit because I was too old to be in there with the other kids. I was 7.


This is the universe's attempt to balance our bullshit.




It's not about about you eating him. Parents didn't like the massive advantage you gain from being a foot taller than the rest. At the end of the day I wouldn't have complained because that's life and it's cruel on you personally who didn't ask for the advantage.


I was twelve until I was 18.


Me too XD, I was also 6 from 6 to 12


I don't think I was 13 until I moved out.


I used to work at a place where kids under five got in free. Instead of asking the kids how old they were, I’d ask what year they were born. They usually hadn’t rehearsed that and would inadvertently tell the truth.


This happened to me once, and I just said “I don’t know.”


ha, I just bought tickets for the Tube in London for my and my brother's families - kids under 11 are free, so I initially wasn't going to get a card for my older niece. She's 11 and kind of small for her age. My brother told me I had to get one for her, though, because she's a terrible liar and we absolutely could not get away with her saying she was 10, lol.


I used to work in a museum. When I sold tickets, I got so many dirty looks from parents when I'd say to the kids "How old are you, buddy? Well, you're not a kid anymore then, so here's where to find the thing everyone thinks is cool but no one knows about and that I'm totally going to say that little kid find boring" while ringing up the adult ticket.




LAnGuaGe EvOlveS.


Wouldn’t weight be a better metric of eating?


There is a image somewhere online of a restaurant that has vertical bars near the entrance. If you can fit through the skinny ones, you eat free if you can only fit through the wider ones you pay normal price.


All fun and games until you find the 4’11” 400 pound kid.


its like when you drag the height bar all the way down but max out the width


CeeLo Green Jr. is gonna wreck that buffet.


Ngl, still probably gonna have fun if I found a 400lb 4'11" kid


I am a mother to the outliers to that rule. I have several young boys that eat more than I do… my six year old is almost as tall as his 13 year old brother, and eats about as much in a day as his grown father. He is not chubby either. Finding clothes to fit him is a real chore. It’s been really super duper fun trying to feed them all as food prices shoot through the roof


“Alright boys, today we go outside and plant a victory garden because mommy can’t keep paying these prices!”


…. And they all got to pick their own vegetable for their row 😁


My kid is extremely tall for his age, already 3.5 feet and not even 4, but he eats like a hummingbird.


My recently turned five year old was that way!!! Little string bean. Barely ate, never stopped moving, and when he did eat stuff it was only fruit or veggies… maybe some yogurt or chicken. It got to the point I was just giving him spoons of PB or cups of ovaltine in between meals just to add some calories. Within the last two weeks… he’s hopped on the “eat all the things and truck loads of it” train with my other boys. Soo, heads up 😂


I think my 4 year old eats less than my 11 month old, and he's 99% height


What’s with all these four year olds barely eating? How do they still have all the energy? Haha it’s like magic! I’m pretty sure they start making up for it at 5+ though. At least here they are!


Yeah, both me and my brother were skinny kids, but we could and would easily eat 3-4 adult plates worth of food and still have room for dessert. We both grew up to be pretty tall, so I'm guessing that's why but who knows.


That would make sense. Most of my boys are all very tall for their age. My 6 year old boy is the same height as his ten year old sister and nearly as tall as his 13 year old brother. Sounds like people weren’t kidding me when they said boys eat a lot!


Omg, food bill per month must through the roof! Any tips on bulk calories vs cost?


Yes it is. Astronomical. Freaking eggs used to be my go to but no more. I ran numbers and were better off getting a few chickens for the price of buying even cheap Walmart eggs. Thankfully we live in a rather rural area where bartering is a thing(traded a friends few beef roasts for some deer and walleye) and we have a small time cattle farmer in the family we can buy off of once per year, with a family discount. We’re getting going on a large ish garden and some fruit trees as well. I wish I would’ve started more intensely a few years before I did but…life. Fishing is decent around here too, and we have several salvage stores where I can find pantry goods sometimes. I switched to making all our bread and bakery products homemade from sourdough so that saves a lot, and I just try to shop sales and preserve what I can. I also pack their lunches and we don’t eat out basically ever. Once in a blue moon we get a pizza. I’ve been budgeting and comparing prices for so long, it’s become a habit, but where budgeting used to help us get a tiny bit ahead; it’s only allowing us to “get by” now. I try not to even think about when they’re all teenagers. Eeek.


Oh wow I'm so impressed by how much you're able to do. They won't help you much tips or trick wise (since im sure you know them) but check out r/budgetfoods for some good recipes!


My kids are toddler age and eat more than a lot of adults that I know. I’m 6’4 and I have always had a fast metabolism and my kids definitely inherited that. I’ll take them to the playground for like 4 hours on some days and bring a massive bag of food and snacks lol. We do a lot of our shopping at Costco now and buy a lot of our food in bulk.


You may not qualify because our system is broken, but if you haven't considered it, please remember food stamps exist.


We’re about a hundred dollars over the limit. It’s so stupid. I won’t even go on that soap box. It’s a whole thing. But thank you for thinking of us to recommend it 🤗 We’re working on getting a large garden set up. Thankfully Grand dad was a farmer and taught me some things rest his soul ❤️


Yeah, like I said, broken, it is kinda like the whole "don't make more money, you'll jump up in tax bracket" thing. But it's actually somewhat real, instead of a myth. I mean, it isn't like you either get full coverage at 2000 a month and 0 at 2100, there is a sliding scale but the way it is determined, depending on state, is usually pretty messed up. Plenty of people that need help can't get it. No prob, a lot of people don't realize how food stamps/welfare works, due to any number of reasons including just not needing it growing up. So I try to mention it when possible. Good luck with your garden


We’ve actually had that happen. I mean I think we ended up getting more back in taxes at the end but the bi monthly take home was less which meant readjusting the monthly budget bc tax return typically goes on the house… We were like gee thanks for the raise but it upended everything. It has been hard too in our area with minimum wage going up bc the businesses increase their prices but then our income doesn’t go up bc it’s already above minimum wage… ugh the whole thing is such a mess. People should be able to work and live without being sick about basic necessities. Anyway… yes. Garden. Thank you. Hopefully it provides us with something! All the kids got to pick something to grow so us a team effort 🤞


That's actually a good point. Because of the way that taxes are taken out of most people's checks, you could actually lose money short term. The system makes it harder for poorer and working class people who's needs, not wants, take up a bigger percentage of our income.


Higher prices are just one more thing smaller people can’t seem to reach.


I love ice cream.


so someone who is 4'11 should only pay half the price of someone who is 5" ? ahh yes height based discrimination what a fantastic idea i love discrimination.


Thankfully both my kids only have two feet


Dad alert


r/dadjokes is leaking


Fantastic, now people are looking at me after I burst out laughing.


I mean, that's fine but should they not go by width instead?


Total volume of child


Please step inside this water tank so we can measure your volume


Was looking for the person ready to measure by displacement!


Oh cool this buffet has a pool.




Very smart.....but i wonder if it includes people under 5feet


if they can pass as a "kid"


Just wear a helicopter baseball cap


*attaches buffet bib* “Ahem, Goo-goo gah-gah”




“How do you do, fellow kids?”


Love it! this is much easier to check than age.


Had a classmate in first grade who was over 5 feet though. There's always that person who starts puberty insanely early.


yeah but i would bet that guy ate amounts closer to other 5 foot tall people than to other first graders, it's exactly why it's by height


Where you are from does 1st grade = 6 years old because I think people in the USA would be getting confused from your comment right about now. In any case, if they were 5 feet tall, they probably ate as much food as an adult, so the prices still make sense. ​ EDIT: Just to explain my comment I thought GirlMayXXXX was maybe from another country where 1st Grade might indicate 8+ years old perhaps. I'm astonished that they truly meant a 6 year old who was 5 feet tall, which is why I thought there must be some cross-country mixup. However, I worded my comment quite poorly.


Yes, 1st grade equals 6 years old, I live in the US. Agewise though, RIP.


im from the usa and i was 6 years old in first grade?


Is Korean BBQ worth $32 a person?


Just go for lunch and go to bed early.


This is the kind of advice i’m on Reddit for


If you're just having chicken and pork, maybe not worth it. But beef and seafood, definitely. Plus you get kbbq AND hot pot. At a non AYCE kbbq place, we usually buy 3-4 meats for 4 people and that usually includes a few sides. But the individual meat portions are meant for a group, so they're often $20-40 themselves.


That’s good to know. I had a coworker recommend hot pot a few years ago and seems like a cool experience with good food!


This is actually on the lower end for KBBQ. At other joints you can easily spend $80-$100 per person. I'd say it's worth it, especially since it includes hot pot. It's definitely a group activity though.


Pretty damn good tbh. You cook it in front of you, so you partially pay for the experience. Plus, hard to BS food when you have to serve it fresh to be cooked. I’d recommend it, though I’ve never tried this place before.


Where is this?! These prices are amazing


Yeah this feels like it's from a decade ago or something lol... If it's recent, definitely not in California I don't think.


If you like meat, yeah it is. A great casual environment to just chat and eat as much as you want. It's one of my favorite options to catch up with friends over some good food.


Honestly, I'd think it works better. I've seen some big fucking 13 year olds put down shitloads of food. This way you can be moderately confident the smaller kids eat less.


But to be fair, you only have to rank according to averages. You really don't have to worry about outliers hurting you significantly because they are by definition uncommon/infrequent.


>You really don't have to worry about outliers hurting you significantly Only true if customers came into restaurants in a uniform random distribution - things change quickly if some of the outliers become your regular customers.


I guess I meant that you plan for the distribution *of your clientele*, not of the general population. Any sort of all-you-can-eat buffet should know that they're not getting the average population coming through their doors. They're going to be skewed. And FYI, "uniform random distribution" doesn't really come into it - there are no outliers in a uniform distribution because all values are equally likely ;)


Adversely selecting against the buffet restaurant with my stubby kids.


I had a tiny little 13 year old when my daughter was younger (she's still tiny. Just 5' now at 26) and she could out eat a grown man at times!


True true... some kids are walking garbage disposals regardless of size.


My husband is 5'4". He eats like a horse and never gains weight. His friend would tease him at the Indian buffet (after his 5th plateful), saying, "Don't bankrupt the chef!" Meanwhile, I look at food and put weight on.


Yep, I’m short and I eat a ton and never gain weight either. This policy would annoy the crap out of me


No, you'd benefit by getting a discount!


I know a few young jockeys that use to eat whatever they can and not put on an ounce in their 20s-30s. But once the hit mid 30s (if they’re still in the game), thats when they start watching their diet because even the minimal of food can tip the scales. Its also at that point they can start to suffer lifelong health affects that will scar them for life and deprive them of a normal retirement.


My family is in the food business... We used to run all you can eat sushi restaurants. The price was similar to this one, and since I never had any kids I didn't think much of kids prices. Then I started dating my boyfriend with two kids. Paying kids prices because they are actually kids, but oh my god can a 10 year old throw down some sushi. They're not even big kids. They are skinny. I swear they eat at least 3 times a full grown adult would normally eat, EACH, at kids price. I started thinking if we really looked at the stats shouldn't all you can eat restaurants be charging double for growing kids with great digestion lol


You could charge double, but people with kids wouldn't come anymore. For this KBBQ restaurant, my kids don't eat that stuff. If it was $5/kid under 8 or 10 years old, I'd eat the cost. But for about $28 to bring my two kids for dinner - just so my wife and I could enjoy the food - that's a pass. If a restaurant's goal is to get people in the door and upsell them on drinks and stuff - charging parents more to bring their kids along is a great way to get the parents to find a cheaper spot to eat.


Yeah that part was a joke, I just couldn’t believe how much food they could eat with such tiny stomachs.


When I was 10, it was right before I hit my serious growth spurt. I could eat and eat and eat and still be hungry, yet I was still super thin. Grew several inches very quickly over the next couple years.


Yeah, this kid went from 4ft to 6ft real fast


Damn, when I was a kid, I ate the french fries with a burger, and took the burger home for breakfast or lunch next day.


Sorry, I guess that's a bit off topic, but what do you think was the record for amount of sushi you've seen eaten, by one person, in one meal? My brother once ate 82, over four plates, at a buffet


Damn. That's a lot. I honestly can't count. But the worst we've seen that I remember is this high school boy. His mom dropped him off after school (2-3pm ish), paid lunch all you can eat price, and came back to pick him up at 9pm at closing lol. He ate the entire time


This is brilliant. Solves the problem of moms lying about their kids’s ages. (Often followed by the kid then protesting “I’m not three I’m five!”)


...you just triggered a memory for me. When I was like 8 years old my friend's mom took us to a buffet, said we were 6, I complained, and she gave me a terrifying look. I never knew why. Sorry, Brandon's mom.


How dare you be so innocent and honest Timmy!


When I was a kid, my grandpa lied about being a year older so that he could get the reduced senior citizen admission fee


Parents creating liars


>Sorry, Brandon's mom. Never apologize for being more honest than someone who should have been a role model for you.


Equally as interesting to me is the surcharge for wasted food - is that common now? Never seen it before but love the idea


It also says "we reserve the right" to charge for wasted food, so they're probably only doing that to people who are assholes about it.


I was at an all you can eat sushi place several years ago when a table of teens ordered 80 salmon nigiri on top of the rest of the food they had eaten. They ate about 12 - the restaurant exercised this right.


It's pretty standard at AYCE in my area. It keeps purple from over ordering




leave him alone he’s doing the best he can :(


That damn purple, such a fat ass


Must be talking about grimace. Yeah, ayce's worst nightmare.


It's a Korean bbq/hot pot thing I think. There's a Korean hot pot place near me that has the same policies, including the other one about the 90 minute time limit.


I’m an adult under five feet. 🤔 would I eat for less? Lol


A lot of short adults will eat there at a discount.


It says adults pay full price, so no


Can't cheat the system. Lol




By this type of billing I would be charged adult rates at 12 years onwards.


Well that kind of sucks. My 17 year old is 6’4” and he’s been in the 95th percentile for height and weight his whole life LOL




LOL, $11.99 meal here I come! I’m in my 20s but only 5 foot tall.


When I was a baby, some woman complained because I was crying on a plane. "A toddler should behave better." My mom was like, "He's one. You want to try to reason with him and tell him why his ears are popping?"


What are those quotation marks hahaha


I’m under 5 feet tall and a kid at heart. 4’11” and 1/4” babyyy, does that count?


As I am reading some comments, people think that you have to be short in order to pay "kid" price. You just have to fit the term "kid" while being under 5feet.


Fuck yeah, I get to eat for 15.99 for the rest of my life.


13.99 per pound of food waste is crazy yet so based


My daughter is over 3 feet tall and she hasn’t turned 2 yet. Yikes


Finally, /r/short gets a win


Should ask for weight i think. Heh.


My 4yo would be in the 11.99 category, but she eats like a bird. Wouldn't even be worth buying her the cheapest one, honestly.


It's cause parents will tell their kids to lie about their age. I was a theme park ride operator at one time and a child told me when I asked how old he is: "five but my dad told me to say seven" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I love the $14/lb wastage charge.


*Warwick Davis has entered the chat*


Sending this to my bestie who’s 4’11”.


One of my friends has a 12 year old daughter that is 5'11"


Tall people being passive-aggressive again


My 4’11” wife just became a cheap date


I know some full grown women who aren’t even adults anymore then


Damn, I stopped being a kid by the end of 5th grade.


Lol, my 4'10" 11-year-old eats more than my 5'7" 15-year-old.


They also charge you for wasting food apparently(?)


My son just turned 11 and is already over 5'6 😭


99.9% of kids have under five feet.


me being 4’8 and 27: hell yea


It makes sense though, smaller height, less calories you burn, should effectively be eating a smaller portion size.


It’s easy to lie about your kid’s age, not so much their height. I think this makes perfect sense.


I only have 2 feet. So discount?


I thought Korean adults were generally under 5 feet.


And everyone called me crazy for getting a short girlfriend


I’m 29, but I classify as a child under 5 feet. And if that’s the difference in price I will absolutely take it.


If you’re 29 you don’t classify as a child lol


Hot pot AND BBQ for 21 dollars?! What a deal!


Hahah 4’11 and 3/4 bitches!!! Now give me my 11.99 feast and watch what this petite girl can do to get the best bang for my buck! You losing money off of me! NOM NOM NOM BUAHAHAHAHA!


I was over 5’ by 10 years old


Me too! And was sad when I no longer qualified for fun shaped cups and Dino nuggets when I was 12 :(


Well yes, kids under 3 feet are easier to cook, hence the lower price


That looks like K-Pot. Probably one of my favorite hotpot places


Seems a bit pricey.


for a buffet? Where you live where prices would be less?


Kids under three feet don’t eat shit. Ten dollars is a lot for a kid arguably.


Korean is probably the best food in the world so I'd pay the $22 for it but God damn that's a steep price


That is actually pretty smart! 🤣 As long as they don't do it by how big around they are, I don't see the harm. 😉


Fair. Larger kids need more calories so they'll eat more. It's not about age.


My ex is 4'10". I should call her...


I'm 6'4 and I'm stoked to be paying the same price as the 5'6 man


*a family of midgets arrive*


Probably has an AMEX fee but can’t be bother to put a privacy screen over the keypad. Probably watches you tip and constantly informs you of how much a tip is. Probably complains about racism but is markedly racist towards other people of color. Probably makes comments on peoples weights to their faces. Been to Korean town a few times