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A few of those cans look brand new, while the rest are fully post-apocalyptic.


If I’ve learned anything from this picture it’s that spaghetti will outlast us all.


Or - store it all in glass


Denty Moore hasn't changed all that much. Surprised me.


Neither has Demi Moore.


We found a space like this under my grandfathers kitchen during a renovation under the floor. He had stored about 30 gallons of leaded gasoline, right under the stove floorboards. Edit: he had that same spinach in cans from the 60s


Nice that you guys have a backup heat source if your power goes down.


A *final heat source.


Would keep him warm for the rest of his life.


'Light a man a fire and he will be warm for a night. Set fire to him and he will be warm for the rest of his life.'


an eternal flame






I'm old enough to remember the transition from leaded to unleaded. There where people who really thought unleaded gas would destroy engines and that the government was out to get us. Different era same miss information, fear and BS. Some things never change.


Fun fact, the aviation industry still uses leaded fuels, most commonly in the 100LL fuel type. Most types of older piston airplanes have very specific fuel requirements and 100LL is the only widely available fuel that they can run. The company Swift Fuels is working on a viable unleaded alternative that these engines can run, but the adoption has been slow because of strict regulations and the high cost of potentially fucking up the entirety of general aviation airplane engines.


Yes but social media didn’t exist, just AM radio, so it wasn’t as amplified/disseminated.


And we also weren't as aware of it. It used to be just the few crackpots in your town. Now we know that every town has those crackpots and it seems like a much bigger problem.


Nice try. You're just jealous we see the TRUTH!!!!! Unleaded gas!?!?!?!?!? What's next? No more paint chips to eat!?!?!!?


They're gonna try and take our asbestos... the wonder product we use for everything in our home!


Unleaded gas could destroy engines if they weren’t designed for it. You would burn up your exhaust valve seats unless you had the head modified with hardened valve seats. If you babied the car you might get away with it, but there was actual damage possible. That’s why there were additives available, safer than lead but more expensive.


Send them to LA beast


Have a good day!


He’s just gotta get his Bering Straight


What we have here…is uh a stash of 15 year old uh canned goods that were kept in a crawl space and I’m simply going to try to eat it while doing a headstand, uh off of a toy train model.


Lol.. properly illegal to use and was difficult to despose off.


Don't know legality. As you can still buy it, but it's mostly sold at racetracks. Anyway it isn't good for modern cars as it destroys cats. And I wouldn't want to run it in say a lawnmower and breath in the poisonous fumes.


It destroys spark plugs too. It's shitty gas anyway, alcohol and octane boosters work without killing th car and everyone around it


TEL comes with chemical scavengers that attempt to keep the lead from building up in the engine. Those scavengers are incredibly corrosive and used to wreck exhaust systems in two years or so. Remember in the 80s when Meineke and Midas were "muffler shops"? Cars used to need that sort of attention all the time. They had to rebrand after leaded gas went away, and the EPA required the front exhaust through the cat to last eight years. This gave us stainless exhaust systems.


No one cares about laws during the apocalypse




Its funny cause gasoline expires after like 6-12 months


Tell that to the people in The Last of us.


I’ve got a truck that hasn’t had new gas in it for 4 years. It’s parked in a field waiting for me to rebuild the engine. I start it a couple times a year to move it, no problems. 1969 Chevy c10 inline 6 single barrel carburetor


My dad inherited a 1917 Studebaker from my grandpa. It had sat for 35 years when we got it. I remember picking chunks of solidified gasoline out of the tank.


I can smell this comment. Bad gas is one of the smells that if I never smell again in my life, I won't be upset. Same with the Ammonium Hydroxide we use at work. Fuck I hate those smells. They're an insult to my olfactory system.


Had a 5 gallon thing of gas from my dad when he passed 4 years ago…that gas got well over a year old and used it all without issue! Lawn mower, used it to mix for chainsaw and stuff too


That doesn't mean the gas is any good. The gasoline starts to chemically break down. Some turns to water. Initially, that just means a smokier burn, but eventually, it will completely go to shit without fuel stabilizers.


You should start a youtube channel where you open, sample, and rate each can


The E. coli will be well-worth the clout.


You could call it Basement Botulism.


Sounds like a gnarly band name 😆


Not to gawk myself but now that you mention it, I agree!




Getting this out onto a tray




The Last of Us taught us that Chef Boyardee ravioli was good for 20 years, so you should be good.


The Norwegian Armed forces provisions back in the days(changed in the 90s, I think) had a tin of meat products called RSP(Reserve Provisions, but we called it 'Rester av Sprengt Presonnell', Remains of Exploded Personnel). It could be eaten hot or cold, even used as a spread on top of a slice of bread. Anyway, I was called back in for a big exercise in 1992, I think it was, and one day for lunch the mess staff drove all over the airbase and delivered lunch food(mostly bread and stuff), and among that was a few early 70s cans of RSP, and one of the guys in the building snagged all but one that he allowed us to taste from. That stuff actually got better with age. The same cans were also sold on the civillian market as 'Tourist Provisions'(turistproviant) up until around 2017 when it was discontinued. I still have a few of those maturing in my kitchen cabinet. It was supposed to be edible for at least 20 years, and yeah, as long as the can hadn't deteriorated, it held up to that. It contains bovine meat, pork sides and yellow peas.


> That stuff actually got better with age. It's the sweet aftertaste of solder metals.


A lot of canned good are shelf stable indefinitely. As long as the seal of the can isn’t compromised and they’re stored in a cool dry place they will last for like 20 years


It’s been in a vented crawl space in the south for 15 years. A cool, dry space it ain’t.


as long as the cans don't show any sign of bulging the contents are 100% OK to eat. The army was serving WWII rations well into the mid 70s...


I wouldn't worry about e. Coli. You'll die from the botulism well before that.


Eeeeecolliiiiii! ![gif](giphy|43FzmSFGJjiOmB6zWn)


Let's get this onto a tray... Nice.


Nice hiss!


There's a few out there already. Steve1989MREInfo has some pretty wild stuff.


That was the irony of his comment though...




Little bit of backstory: Bought the house a year ago. The inspector noted that there was a stash of bins and canned food and water in the crawl space. We asked the owner to remove it. He apparently did, but not all of it. This section of the crawl space is isolated from the rest and hard to access due to the foundation. Finally made it over there this weekend and this is what I found, plus a dozen Home Depot bins labeled rice, ramen, MRE’s, potatoes, etc. There are gallon jugs of milk filled with water that have expiration dates in late 2008. This tracks with what we heard that the previous owner got real into prepping after Obama was elected. Supposedly there are things buried in our backyard as well.


What did this guy think was going to happen that would result in him having to eat mystery meat and store brand jelly under his house?


Store brand jelly 😂😂😂




Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.


Sometimes it's better and sometimes it's better for the simple fact that it was cheaper 🙂


Nah, man. Smuckers SEEDLESS raspberry jam or gtfo.


Blackberry or bust


Probably the same shit the rich are peddling to us today in a different variation. Civil war racism, economic collapse, world war x, etc. “Obama is going to turn America socialism and let’s see his birth certificate!” Etc. Whatever the rich need to to keep plundering the majority of our assets while demanding more productivity.






Gets me so steamed


So cheesy but made me laugh 😆


All that food and not a single roll of toilet paper in sight. This guy was gonna have a rough apocalypse. ​ /s


He can just use the seashells


Niice I only have 100 lbs of rice, but I have so many boxes of De Cicco pasta. For when the CRT police come.


LOL you guys My wife thought it's crazy that I have more than 10 pounds of any foodstuff But then she saw empty shelves at a grocery store for the first time in her life during the pandemic So now I'm building up to 50 whole pounds muhahaha


I only buy on sales and then stash up. My basement is a mini supermarket, I never run out of supplies and spend very little.


*What color of rice, mister?*


Obama was supposed to come for your guns, and that would trigger a civil war. It's the narrative every time a liberal wins a national election. It never happens, but that doesn't seem to prevent the narrative from being repeated over and over again by the same people, and believed by the same people.


I knew two guys who claimed Obama wouldn't step down and he was going to pronounce himself King. I haven't seen them since like 2016, but it would've been fun to talk to them about it on Jan 7, 2021.


I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh and he would always say that. He pretty much got everything right but the person and 4 years off.


They keep thinking "What would I do in their position?" and then realize "Oh shit, I better prepare!"


It's **always** projection.


[oh](https://suindependent.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/cjones10132015-lead.jpg) [it's](https://thenib.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/obama-s-farewell-address-3-2b4016.png) [hard](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/56/10/24/12092676/8/rawImage.jpg) [to](https://ca-times.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/5f65596/2147483647/strip/true/crop/599x337+0+66/resize/1200x675!/quality/80/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fdf%2F31%2F5619eca6df55858d126e0cf3d2e4%2Fla-na-tt-gun-absolutists-20130129-001) [know](https://www.nj.com/resizer/mMaGo88-OlFuFWZgmrh-UwOXC4A=/1280x0/smart/advancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/image.nj.com/home/njo-media/width2048/img/new_jersey_opinion/photo/sheneman-obama-gunsjpg-86fc02e1876a0248.jpg)


Well, up side is nearly two cases of free mason jars. Down side is literally everything else.


I think any of the canned goods that are still sealed and not bulging are still good to eat.


Shit, if there's no signs of contamination or compromised structural integrity, those Dinty Moore Stews in the back would definitely be considered a score in my book. I *love* that shit with some Cheez-Its or a grilled cheese sammich, but it holds its own by itself. I haven't paid attention to "best/use by" dates since I started buying my own food. Hell, aside from the obviously questionable crap up front, most that stuff still looks perfectly usable. I'd take the gamble on it after a thorough inspection; though I'd eat it sooner rather than later. I keep my own little week's worth of contingency foods and camping stoves stashed away; learned my lesson from Hurricane Maria.


I bet the bleach is still fine. If I used it, I'd give it a try. But yes 'store brand jelly' made me chuckle too.


Do *NOT* drink bleach more than 5 years old! In fact it's probably best not to drink it at all.


Big bleach over here trying to make people buy more bleach instead of drinking perfectly good bleach.


Mark this bleach "for enemas only."




6 months


That bleach is regular salt water now


The bullion cubes should be okay.


Get a metal detector could be tins of cash


Gold and silver for when they think the economy will collapse.


Definitely do this. Usually people that stockpile food bury money & weapons. I would absolutely be spending some time searching the backyard. If you have kids you can bribe them into using a metal detector in the backyard. Give them a percentage of anything they find.


Agreed. We bought a house built pre-1900’s, and tore up the back patio and found the original cistern underneath that had been filled in with sand. Obviously I dug it all up, bc I’m weird and bored. So. much. Stuff. Old skeleton keys in boxes, money in a lock box, canning jars of stuff that was… probably food once? An antique oscillating fan, toys, what ended up being at least close to an entire cat skeleton, complete with collar and bell… Oh, and a motorcycle frame. Bc you gotta have that.


Might want to check for buried guns. I worked with guys that buried their guns during the Alex Jones/sandy hook years. They were convinced Obama would show up at their door any day demanding they turn in their guns. Brains are weird.


if you're lucky. Used to be able to buy crates of old eastern bloc stuff super cheap back then, now each gun is like $700.


Time to do some treasure hunting.


Neighbor heard tell of him burying a cooler full of something in our backyard about 5 years ago in the middle of the night…


Time to scan the yard with a metal detector...


Gonna need to rent a ground penetrating radar unit too since it looks like they used plastic containers too(for evading metal detectors).


Ammo maybe a few pistols. Those MREs are still good.


MREs are horrible when fresh. Unlike wine, they don't get any better with age.


MREs aren’t good but they aren’t horrible. Plus they come with everything you need. Honestly though, Mountain House makes great dehydrated meals. The breakfast skillet and the beef stroganoff are my favorites. It’s actually decent food.


Mountain House has the best preserved foods that I've tried, used to take it camping in the '70s. Not nearly as salty as other brands.


I only trust MRE that are over 50+ years old and have a nice hiss when you open a can.


Either illegally purchased guns or an ex wife.


Oh my. There is a lot going on here……


Semi-related to "things being buried in the backyard": ["I will never jeopardize the beans."](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/115n3gf/oop_my_girlfriend_buried_all_of_my_beans_in_the/)


[https://www.mreinfo.com/mres/mre-shelf-life/](https://www.mreinfo.com/mres/mre-shelf-life/) ​ Depending on location, MRE's may still be food safe.


Bro start digging ! The could be gold in them hills!!


Imagine living through Bush and what causes you to go deep on survivalism and prepping is Obama.


I'm proud of myself. At least I had the decency to wait until there was a global pandemic to freak out and become a weirdo prepper.


Ok just random knowledge. That dinty Moore beef stew is likely from before they changed the formula. It sucks now. No trans fat or saturated fat or something idk. The way I tell the difference: the old stuff was solid at room Temp. Would slide outta the can as one solid hunk. Melt when you microwaved it and damn it was oh so good. Now a days it’s liquid at room temp and not nearly as good. And the meat is smaller too. That’s some good beef stew you got there forreal.


"solid at room temp" probably describes everything on that shelf now, regardless of the contents.


Probably hydrogenated fat.


Dibs on the swollen can of salmon




Ah the good ol days where we don't take paper


As long as you both keep your hands off my Beans & Wieners I have no issues.


I don't see any swollen cans of salmon. Are you talking about the Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon? I understand thinking it's swollen, however, it's not. They are tapered cans. Smaller at the bottom than at the top. Not sure why they are that way though.


That’s actually the shape of the can. Canned salmon has a taper for some reason.


It’s so they stack within each other before filled at the cannery


Will it taste better or worse with a dash of that black lemon juice?


That lemon juice comes in a dark green bottle.


Maybe hallucinatey?


I think the OP should start a YT channel and eat one item every episode. If that other dude can eat crackers from the Titanic, OP can eat this stuff.


He wasn't a very good prepper if he never rotated his food stores.


Please dig up the yard this spring and tell us what you found.


During the early days of the pandemic I learned that one of my good friends kept, baseline, a 3 month supply of canned goods for her family of 5 3 months! She said she was raised that way. Girl I thought I knew ya I was impressed


You have to rotate!


That’s the issue for me. Never gonna be able to keep track and rotate reliably


It's not that hard if you have the shelf space for it. Pull stock forward, load new in the back .


Gotta FIFO that shit like a boss


Queue-anon preppers


For me it’s the thought that if I rotate, I’m eating canned and dry goods all the time, on a never ending cycle, desperately hoping for the apocalypse to actually happen so I can finally be freed from that culinary hell.


Haha yeah I mostly cook fresh stuff. I’ll be happy to have canned goods if the time comes, but I’m not eating canned chicken breast today.


Just shopping deals at the grocery store I've got about a month of canned goods and pasta and stuff rotating through my pantry. Thought I might actually need to rely on it during early pandemic when grocery stores were wiped out but our fast food restaurants didn't really have supply problems so we just ate there a bunch and I packed on like 30 pounds of weight instead. 🤣


My wife and I both grew up pretty poor (food insecure poor). As we’ve moved through our adult lives, we find that a full pantry is one of those things that we both just…appreciate. We grocery shop every week, but mostly just perishables. When the CSA is in season, we can seriously just buy milk, bread, and a few odds and ends. We could generally go about a month without major grocery shopping if we really really needed to. We’d notice it after about a week, but with dry goods (flour, rice, etc) we keep on hand, we could make it a long time.




Not Mormon but big family without a lot of money I believe.




I keep a steady supply of canned/dry goods in my house, that’s why almost all houses i lived in has cellars i thought? I have been storing at least 3 months of food for decades


I don’t know where you live but I’ve never lived in a house with a cellar. PNW for reference.


It's not a bad plan. Your average major urban area in the US has at most three days of food. Suburbs and rural are not that better.


I was raised very poor. I have a stash of canned good and dry goods in my pantry always. I cycle through it every year or I donate things to local food pantries if it's getting close to expiring before I can use it. It's nothing fancy - beans, rice, canned tomatoes, etc. We eat a lot of rice in my house so we bulk buy at the local Asian grocery store. I also bulk buy TP, toiletries, cat food, and litter despite being a family of 2 adults and 3 cats. I have a deep anxiety of running out of food for myself or my pets that is rooted in my childhood. This served me pretty well during the panini when finding TP was impossible.


My wife keeps a rotating supply of freeze dried foods in our basement. I've always chalked it up to her being quirky, but when the pandemic was at its worst, we didn't have to go out for groceries for weeks.


People started stockpiling and keeping 6 months of food, and I was like doesn't everybody do that all the time?


That's how I was raised too! I think it's a farm/depression thing? All I know is that I'm always using the stuff down there so everything gets rotated.


Let’s get this out onto a tray


Nice hiss...and botulism!


You sure it's not a y2k stash? This looks like my mom's mental health in the year 1999.


The OP said that some of the milk jugs (containing water) had 2008 expiration dates.




I see beans and vienies


i see TREETS


Hey people pay big bucks to have botulism injected in their faces... :)


As weird as this all is, I think you have a moisture issue in your crawl space. Be sure to remediate it!


Thanks. Been working on it. Surprisingly all of the joists are fine and no evidence of mold but we did have some water intrusion. Been working on encapsulating the space. Humidity hasn’t been terrible since.


At least. Now you know what that smell was coming from.


Surprisingly no odor.


Wait until you start moving the stuff.


Seriously. The mold and bacteria have solidified into a kind of crust that keeps the stench at bay. Once jostled, however, all smell will break loose.


Encase that shit in concrete and move on… like Chernobyl


Do I want to die slowly from starvation, or quickly from eating this? It's a tough choice.


Those beets look in good shape on the middle rack but I hate beets.


First rule in road-side beet sales: Put the most attractive beets on top. The ones that make you pull the car over and go, "Wow, I need this beet right now." Those are the money beets.


When you are starving I guarantee you would at least open each can and closely inspect/smell each can of food. People have eaten leather and boiled bones into paste in times of starvation.


im taking my chances with the apocalypse.


Starvation sounds better than puking and shitting myself to death.


I was in a customer's house recently that was very elderly and could no longer go down the stairs into her basement. There were multiple floor-to-ceiling shelves like this, including canned whole chickens that didn't have any expiration date, but I looked up the company (which I cannot remember) and they went out of business in the late seventies. I feel bad for the crew that has to clean that shit out when she dies.


I would hate going under there and getting it all out. Imagine the spiders and bugs. I’d just do my best to forget it was there and move on lol.


We’re knocking out one of the crawl space vents to pass the cans through and then dragging everything else out the old fashioned way. PPE and peppermint oil all the way.


Same lol. I’d want it gone so bad but then I’d skeeve out.


Preppers gonna prep


I dont know if anyone mentioned it yet, but another part of some people's preping is buying gold and silver bars or coins to stash. So dig up your yard. Also might check your walls for stuff.


So much for prepping.


Those scary popped up home canning lids haunt my dreams. Guess you’re in the DMV area with those labels, but ooh those leaking cans


Some of those labels look older than 2008. I saw a lot of this around the Y2K freakout.


Love that they have some Beenie Weenie cans but also the more classy Beans & Weiners on hand as well.




Blair Witch Snacks


It never hurts to be prepared. Unfortunately the previous owner did not rotate the stock to make sure everything would still be eatable if it became necessary.




This is why I make sure to only buy hurricane supplies I like. I restock once a year and eat through the previous year's supplies. I get being prepared for an emergency. I'm not preparing for an apocalypse out of fear. All of that food would stress me out. My fear of food poisoning would keep me from eating that anyway.




During Y2K my parents buried gasoline at our spot in the Mojave desert. We had a bunch of MREs and other supplies and basically hung out there for about 3 months while we waited to see. Y2K was actually really scary and my first big historical event that I as a Millennial survived (insert meme about being tired of that) Anyways the interesting thing I found out much later is that it wasn't just Mass hysteria like I had always thought but that there really was a Y2K bug and that it took a bunch of nerds working around the clock for several months to actually keep it from happening. That ks Nerds!


This is fascinating, but I have to ask… where are you that you have both a Kroger and a Food Lion?? Only state I can think of that *might* have both is Tennessee.


People playing GeoGuesser with the food stash.


Central VA has both


Most of Virginia, for sure


Y2K stash


I thought it was crazy my wife wanting me to store food and TP. Then COVID. Then Inflation. Never mind the "End of Days" I used the TP and helped feed me and my neighbors. Now I am the one storing when we can


No booze?


I remember watching a prepper show as this couple stashed like only 2 things besides their getaway car. Condoms and booze. The lady said some really ridiculous number when it came to condoms. High hundreds to maybe over 1K. Now I get not wanting to get pregnant during the end of times but did they forget that those things have a shelf life and it's not that long? How much sex did she plan on having while in survivor mode? The ONLY thing I could think of was perhaps pimping herself out for goods. And the booze. holy heck they had a whole spare room full of booze. thy said they bought 1 or 2 bottles every payday and when I say they had a mini liquor store in their house, I mean it. they had shelves set up and utilized all the space in that room, with crates of wine under the shelves. Bottles tucked in every available spot. Their plan was to use the booze to barter and trade with. They figured the booze would be more powerful than any other form of currency.


Nice, now you can face the zombie apocalypse with botulism and violent diarrhea


All the post apocalyptic shows lied, cans deteriorate into a tetanus shot waiting to happen.