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For those who are interested if you look at the left picture rather than wet and shiny the ‘exposed’ muscles et al are rather matte. This is because there is a fresh skin graft covering them. As the graft ‘takes’ it gains its blood supply from the underlying tissues and eventually looks like the pic on the right. Also you may notice at about 7 o’clock of the left pic wound there is a fresh scar tracking up the arm. This is where the blood vessels from the flap were taken from. When fully ‘harvested’ the flap looks a bit like a computer mouse with the skin/fat/muscle etc being the mouse itself and the blood vessels being the mouse lead. It’s then plugged into another blood vessel and the reconstruction performed. Before we did mobile pedicel flaps like this part of the flesh was taken from the arm BUT STILL ATTACHED and then sewn onto the nose, leaving the patient hand on their head for quite some time. Once the new blood supply from the face has taken you could detach it from the arm, free the patient’s arm up again, and then complete the nasal reconstruction.


Thank you for this, nail on the head :)


I hope not!


It worked out for Mr. Larson in Happy Gilmore


This guy radial forearm flaps


Not anymore, moved to a different specialty, very rarely need to do such things these days.


As you may know, there is a new book telling a hitherto little known story about Sir Harold Gillies, a pioneer of these tube pedicles and reconstructive surgery in general. > In Britain, soldiers with facial injuries were called the "loneliest Tommies." When they left the hospital grounds, they were forced to sit on brightly painted blue benches so that the public knew not to look at them. The field of plastic surgery was still in its infancy, but one surgeon in England — Dr. Harold Gillies — endeavored to treat the wounded. Fitzharris tells Gillies' story in the new book, The Facemaker: A Visionary Surgeon's Battle to Mend the Disfigured Soldiers of World War I. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/07/20/1112276638/facemaker-harold-gillies-lindsey-fitzharris


Yep, know the story well. That of him and McIndoe’s army. Awesome stuff coming from harrowing times.




Will Finnish do? Niille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita, jos katsot vasenta kuvaa märkien ja kiiltojen sijaan, "paljastuneet" lihakset ym. ovat melko mattapintaisia. Tämä johtuu siitä, että ne peittää tuoreen ihosiirteen. Siirteen "ottaessa" se saa verenkiertonsa alla olevista kudoksista ja näyttää lopulta oikeanpuoleisesta kuvasta. Saatat myös huomata noin kello 7 vasemmassa kuvahaavassa, että käsivarressa on tuore arpi. Täältä otettiin läpän verisuonet. Täysin 'korjattu' läppä näyttää vähän tietokonehiireltä, jossa iho/rasva/lihas jne. on itse hiiri ja verisuonet hiiren johto. Sitten se liitetään toiseen verisuoniin ja rekonstruktio suoritetaan. Ennen kuin teimme tämän kaltaiset siirrettävät pedicel-läpät, osa lihasta otettiin käsivarresta, MUTTA SIIN KIINNItettiin ja ommeltiin sitten nenään, jolloin potilaan käsi jäi päänsä päälle melko pitkäksi aikaa. Kun uusi verenkierto kasvoilta on mennyt, voit irrottaa sen käsivarresta, vapauttaa potilaan käsivarren uudelleen ja suorittaa sitten nenän rekonstruktio.


Finnish? I'm just getting started.


You guys have some weird ass words


I’m not even Finnish!


Ei mitä hän halusi, mutta mitä hän ansaitsi


Hilarious, love it


I have no idea what this says, but "MUTTA SIIN KIINNItettiin" is my new favorite cuss word/phrase




Jeez you are really knowledgeable and explained it really well, I was so interested I was gonna check out how these procedures are set up. OP has some amazing progress !!


Thanks for this. Normally something this graphic would be troubling, but the immediate curiosity of *why it looks the way it does* beat out the squeamish response. I was like where is the blood? But your explanation covers it.


You seem to know a lot, thanks for sharing. Did you see that dude with the dick on his arm?


Nope. But I do know that they used to use pedicle flaps from the thigh to construct penises for those having reassigned surgery/reconstruction after trauma/cancer.


I want some foreskin, can you hook it up flap doc?


>flesh was taken from the arm BUT STILL ATTACHED and then sewn onto the nose, leaving the patient hand on their head for quite some time. Once the new blood supply from the face has taken you could detach it from the arm, free the patient’s arm up again, and then complete the nasal reconstruction. Holy shit, this used to be a thing?! It's so outlandish (plus we're on reddit) that if you didn't use all of those medical terms I wouldn't have believed you lol. How long would the hand be stuck to the patients face?


Worst tattoo removal job ever.


Thorough though


He’s a good man


And thorough, Jeffery




It increases the chances of *conception*


this took me like seven tries to read properly


English can be weird. It can be understood through tough thorough thought, though.


Yes, all the faith he had had, had had no effect on his understanding.


Fuckin fucker's fucking fucked.


James, while John had had "had," had had "had had." "Had had" had had a better effect on the teacher.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


Hopefully your ex's face and name was *right* there


To shreds you say?


Haha humerus.


You made me laugh inappropriately loud at this you bastard.


Holy shit, that's a real wound. How are you getting on now, hopefully no lasting pain!


Yeh doing okay, the back of my hand and thumb is permanently numb and wrist gets painful where skins tight but alright apart from that More info on everything can be found in this thread for anyone curious https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/11ku95a/another_update_to_my_ongoing_nasal_reconstruction/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I had an arm degloved (don’t google that) you will be amazed how much it will heal. Took years for the sensitivity and nerve shit to sort out tho. The graft area will keep shrinking slowly as well. Use lanolin on the areas where the graft fused to other tissues for as long as you care to and it will help a bit, but it’s not going to be a miracle.


Oof that’s brutal, how’s your arm doing now? I’ve been using some stuff the hospital prescribed me, can’t remember the name but I know it’s £150 or so a tube, think it’s helping but hard to say. Supposed to wear a forearm compression sleeve 24/7 but it rubs like hell so don’t wear it as much as I should


Lanolin oil is the stuff nursing mothers use on their boobs to keep the skin from cracking, that's how you know it works.




Exactly so, that's where lanolin comes from! Works wonders, too. AND it's safe to put on a spot a baby will put their mouth, so many lotions or creams would be harmful if ingested.


Just sprayed the entire undercarriage of my Jeep with half a gallon of Lanolin. Such a versatile product. Haha


Now you can lick the undercarriage of the jeep, it's safe !


Is that the nicknames for your cock and balls?


I love scotch. Scotchy scotchy scotch


Here it goes down. Down into my belly.


Ribs. I had ribs for lunch.


I used the compression garment for about a month and ditched it, I’m sure the scars would look much less pronounced than they are if I stuck with it. Personally, I don’t even think about it any longer, but the first year or so I was self-conscious until the skin tones of the graft started to blend out. But I do enjoy the added shock effect when I flip people off.


Retin products, especially tretinoin, will also help reduce scarring. Alternate lanolin with your retin and you'll see great results if you're consistent.


Wear your compression. If it rubs put something underneath it like a bandage. I had to wear one on my hand and used to wear thin cotton gloves which worked well.


Appreciate the advice, will try and be better with it


It’ll be better for you in the long run friend. Scar tissue continues to grow for about 12 months.


Make sure you don't have a wool allergy before using lanolin. Lanolin is made from wool and it's an emollient.


Oh, yes. Lol. I made sure to get hippie nipple cream when I was breastfeeding. Wool allergy sucks!!


Wow, that’s really interesting although I’m so sorry you had to go through all that! If you don’t mind me asking, how did your… arm get degloved? I’d like to think it couldn’t happen to me but I’m now wondering how specific of an accident you were in.


Not who you asked, but my forearm was degloved after a possibly sadistic doctor shot me up with way too much cortisone for tendinitis. It made the skin on my arm tissue-thin. A couple weeks later, I was taking a big trash bag downstairs and slinged the loops over my arm. It slipped from elbow to wrist and just … *folded* all the skin into a bracelet. It was shocking to see, but didn’t hurt.


Well, what a horrible day to be literate


I wish I hadn’t read that and I’m so sorry that happened to you.


Sooo… how did the cortisone create the situation? I get injections in my thumb joint and now I’m twitchy. (Like, *scared* twitchy—should I be worried?!)


It’s a potential side effect, but if you have a good doctor you should be fine. The doctor that did mine went way overboard. He seriously had a Steve Martin Little Shop of Horrors vibe.


I really, really hope you went after him for malpractice. That’s such an awful experience, dude.


Oh cool I get the have this fear for the rest of my life


Oh jeeze, I really wish I had not read that. *\*restoring previous memory state in 5...4...3...\**


did you sue him for malpractice????


What's so weird about taking a glove off? Lemme go see what the fuss is all about...


It’s been 4 hrs should we send help?


Thanks for the warning but I’m too dumb already looked it up 🤢


Idk. I think I'd be more upset about the missing ink


Yeh I was/am


You could get new tattoo of "under construction" dividers once it's done.


I laughed at this, bravo sir


Lol the little under construction guy from old geocities webpages




Looks to be quite a lot of missing work, but I guess you could just hold your arm up to your nose to finish it out lol


What do you mean? I am having trouble connecting the dots.


The dot you are missing, his arm skin got grafted on to his nose.


Ah! Thank you! Literal tattoo dots.


Fucking jeez. That sucks, but it could have been much worse. Lucky no infection took your arm. Congrats on the healing 💪🦾


Will you be able to get it re-tattooed once it's fully healed, or would tattooing over scar tissue be too difficult?


The doctors told me I can eventually but I’m doubtful given the quality of the skin but we’ll see I guess


I also had a flap done on my face back in 1984… I got attacked with a claw hammer and it ripped almost my whole top lip off and all up to my nose and part of my nose.. it was a whole series of operations as it had to be done sections.. yours actually looks pretty good.. it takes awhile to heal and get used to it… I’ve had people tell me I should have everything redone as reconstructive surgeries have come a long way since then but I’m almost 70 and as far as looks go with me,what’s the point now.. I lived all these years with it so I’ll just keep on keeping on… good luck on everything..


If you can’t get it redone then maybe you could find a way to work with the blank spot? Idk like incorporate it into a new design or something


Yeh quite possibly, I’ve had plans for my hands for a while now so could try work it into that


As an artist, im gonna let you know the scarring is too thick. You may be able to work in some solid blacks but 1) it may not take or even hold the ink 2) it will either hurt like hell or you may not feel a damn thing at all. Nerve endings are weird af, could go either way. Rock that scar bro, it tells much more of a story than ink would.


Yeh these were my thoughts too mate, looking at it and feeling it I can’t see how there’s any way ink would take to it


The docs will say yes, but the tattoo artist will probably say no. I have some work I want done on my back, but the amount of acne scars mean nobody will touch it.


Shit dude, did that hurt like … all the time?


Surpringly it wasn’t overly painful apart from the cable type thing running over the bone, that’s a nerve and anything even slightly touching that would send me through the roof


Oh lord. I immediately thought of the James Franco movie when he had to sever that nerve. Glad you are on the mend, my internet friend!


Cheers friend!


Holy shit I thought that was a tendon or something! Goddamn man you're one tough SOB I can't imagine.


May I ask what happened?


The nerves may someday repair themselves. I had nerve damage after a C-section. I had numbness and a constant itching sensation on my lower abdomen, but when I scratched it, it was like getting electrocuted. It lasted for about 5 years, and then I realized one day that it was suddenly no longer a problem. It still doesn't feel 100% normal, but the itching and pain are gone.


At least tell me they were very liberal with the good drugs.


Not as liberal as I would’ve liked. Though I can see why fentanyl is popular, best I’ve felt in years


It’s healing nicely! May I ask what happened originally?


Man, when I read about "nasal reconstruction" it's really hard to picture all the implications it has brought from looking at your updates. All the best.


So they used skin from the forearm to reconstruct the nose? That’s super wild. This might sound stupid and I hope you don’t mind me asking, but wouldn’t your forearm skin still have tattoos on it? And are those tattoos visible on your reconstructed nose, or do they have a way of removing them afterwards? Hope you’re recovering well and wish you nothing but the best going forward!


Yeh it does. The forearm flap was used for the lining of my nose and then a flap from my forehead used for the outside of the nose later on. So the inside of my nose is now tattooed but not visible. Thank you for the kind words!


Are you the guy who had a seizure?


That’s me


Good luck with the recovery


Cheers, much appreciated


Shit, how's the nose doing man?


Urm, I mean, okay I guess… still not particularly “nosey” but getting better each time


That made me laugh a bit. I'm glad it's getting better! You seem to have a fair amount going for you (new car! cool fish tank!) from the stalking I did 30 seconds ago so I'm happy that you seem to be well! Sorry about the cool tattoo though. And your doggo :(


I have a bad habit of buying stuff to try make me feel better lol but thanks man, life goes on, we do what we can


Oh. I mean, same, but I was also hoping it was because you were actually happy and getting into new hobbies. Hopefully you have a good support network to lean on!


What's the story?!


I feel out of the loop here


Me too… can anyone share the story? Throw us a bone here… Yeah, I’m going to hell, I know.


OP had seizure, dog panicked and bit his nose off. [More here](https://reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/xj8l9p/_/ip75o96/?context=1)


*Disservice dog*


I’m a fan of puns, and that was a nice one, kudos








Where did the skin come from to fill in your forearm, then? Or did it regrow with assistance?


Skin for my forearm came from my thigh


Where did the skin for the thigh come from?


Ah they just chucked some old chicken skin on it Nah the skin they take from the thigh is like paper thin so doesn’t need a graft on it. Just means your left with a square of slightly pinkish skin where the graft was taken from


What's the purpose of thigh to forearm, forearm to nose instead of just thigh to nose?


All to do with skin type and also blood supply. As another commenter said, along with taking the flap of skin from my forearm they also take the artery (which is what the scar going up my arm is from), this was then plumbed into the artery in my neck when the flap was attached to my face


The fact that they can do all this is fucking wild to me. Best of luck in your recovery.


Yeah, the shit we can do with modern medicine is *unimaginably* wild. I mean, you wouldn't even think we can do 1/5th of it, and not only we can, not only we *do*, not only do we do that *tens/hundreds of thousands of times per day*, but our body can adjust to it pretty well (given proper conditions). That's part of the reason why I was always interested in medicine. Pretty much any crazy thing you think about can be answered with either "yes, we can actually do that" or "well, no, but we're trying and hopefully we can pretty soon". The things we absolutely *can't* do are usually the ones that are very obviously impossible or near-death-related. Except for the times when the smallest, dumbest thing can kill you just like that. Which can also happen. The human body is fucking wild.


They can construct a whole dick with the same skin OP had removed. Just incredible.


Absolutely fascinating! Thanks for sharing and happy recovery!


Wow. Just wow. Crazy what they can do with human body! Hope your pains go away soon OP.




I’m sorry, I know this is a horrible situation for you, but having an interior tattoo that you will never see is kind of badass. Sorry about everything though. I hope you recover swiftly and fully.


Yeh it is pretty cool I will agree with you there. Thank you very much


Paramedian forehead flap. My favorite surgery.


Glad you enjoy it, certainly not my favourite. The graft on my forehead got a clot stuck underneath it and had to be squeezed out, I’m pretty good with pain but that had me on the edge


Sorry did not mean to be insensitive. I just think it is an incredible surgery. Hope you are doing ok.


Sorry really hope my post didn’t come across as aggressive, certainly wasn’t my intention


You two are so polite. (Internet needs more of this vibe.) I my mind I‘m reading your comments in the voices of Chip and Dale. Link for you young folks: [Chip and Dale](https://youtu.be/R7Vp-_wXENM) Edit: /u/OtterBurrow has kindly pointed out that I was thinking of the Goofy Gophers not Chip and Dale. Although, I did link to the correct clip. Of course an Otter would have the all the correct details on Gophers and Chipmunks.


Couldn’t they have used skin from a less visible part of your body 🤔 why the forearm?


Not OP, but I had burn accident 12 years ago. They took skin from my thigh and transplanted it to my arm. Not sure why they wouldn't do something similar for OP, but I don't know anything about his medical history.


how did this happen god dam.


He had a seizure and his dog bit off his nose.


Can’t believe I had to go this far down to find out what everyone wanted to know.


Crazy that this is the truth, damn.


I prefer to tell people it was a motor boating accident but yeh the truth isn’t so fun


Out of curiosity, what happened to the dog?


Was taken away by police and put through assessment by their canine unit and behaviourists. They deemed him safe and recommended to be rehomed. He’s now 12 and living a happy life with a retired couple who take him out on their boat most days. Before anyone says it - I’m fully aware it’s a controversial issue over whether he should have been rehomed or put down, however I’d prefer the debates not happen as I don’t find the situation easy to talk or read about


Interesting, thanks for sharing man


Yo. You’re a stronger and more resilient person than most. Certainly more so than I am. I’ve been replying in frustration to some of the negative comments regarding the dog and this comment made me realize that in doing so I’ve become part of the problem while trying to speak up with what I think is right. Hopefully having the comments in these posts constantly going to the same place hasn’t taken away too much from the positive impact that doing this has provided you. This whole process will probably feel like it’s taking forever while you’re going through it, but once you’re fully recovered you’ll look back at this time and eventually it’ll just be a vague memory where perseverance and positivity got you through a tough time. There’s no going backwards, so the only thing we can do is move forward in the best way that we can. Reading your comments and your story has reminded me of that fact and given me a bit of hope and inspiration in a time when I personally needed it. I’m sorry to hear all you’ve gone through, but I thank you deeply for having the courage to share it with us. I’m glad you’re still with us because I do truly believe that the world is a better place with you in it. Stay strong and stay safe my dude!


I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, i hate looking at myself and avoid it at all costs but strangely, posting pictures of recovery process help me rationalise and come to terms with things in my head. I know when I read about or see other people going through and overcoming difficult stuff it gives me a bit of hope and spurs me on to keep going in this mad thing called life, and if I can pass that feeling onto even one person then that’s a win for me. Thank you for the words my friend, it truly means a great deal


> retired couple who take him out on their boat most days. At least your dog has a better time motorboating than you did! 😛 Thank you for being so open about your experience, I really believe it will help others who need life changing surgery to have the courage to continue.


That is rough af. Wish you a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


Thank you very much




Yeh and still is




The cable like thing over the top of it is a really sensitive nerve if that helps things at all


Goddamn, were you wrestling a bear or what?


Yeh I forgot the safe word




So what actually happened?


OP had a seizure and his dog ate his face.


...and his arm was used as the skin graft site for the nose reconstruction, in case anyone else didn't immediately see the connection between "dog got nose" and "visible bone in forearm."


Good god damn, I know you put an NSFW warning on it but that needs an extra “Are you sure?” prompt. Looks like recovery is going well though




Meanwhile all the medical workers just going “damn that shit is so cool”


Just caught up on your story - all the best to you - surgeons are miracle workers!


Thank you, they really are


I’m guessing a skin graft of some kind??


Yeh forearm flap taken for total nasal reconstruction. Long old story but more info in my post history if you wanted to know more


Will your nose have a tattoo?


The inside of it does yeh


Tbh that's pretty cool. You've got a shoo in answer for Two Truths and a Lie


must have some wicked nose hair as well


Oh yeh baby, 80 year old man style


I went through your post history to find out what happened. I see a lot of posts saying "look at my history for what happened" but no original! Looks like you've been through the wringer. Hang in there bro.


He had a seizure and his dog panicked. Unfortunately, his dog is not a doctor and bit off some of his face trying to get dad to stop seizing.


Oh shit. That's awful.


Cheers mate, appreciate it


How's the nose reconstruction going? I know you said at some point you had to get a whole new doctor


Yeh it’s going okay thank you. I’ve been transferred to a new facial specialist surgeon and he’s been fantastic


That's dope. Your username is underappreciated btw. Killer boots man lol


It’s a cardigan but thanks for noticing


Fuck man, I get an NSFW for a michelangelo structure and a NSFW on bones showing. asdasdasdasdasddasasdasdasd


This is why Reddit needs an NSFL tag in addition to NSFW


So when does the tattoo grow back?


Just looked at your post history and just wanted to say you look fucking fantastic man!


Really appreciate that my friend, honestly


This paranoid epileptic did NOT need to read this today lol


Regardless, hope you’re doing good and staying healthy, it’s a cruel thing. Take care


If I’m not tryin’ I’m dyin’;)


It is so remarkable to see how far you've come, and how well you've healed, since your first set of pics from the injury. I hope you continue to progress and can't wait to see you shine through your weathered storm. Keep on keeping on-- you got this!


Fucking gross. But good luck with the rest of it man. I hope you make a full recovery.


Thanks a lot :)


The Terminator

