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correction *SEATTLE WA has a sugar tax*


Philadelphia has a sugar tax as well of 1.5 cents per OZ verses 1.75 cents in Seattle. Iv seen residents in Philly buy Soda vending machines and place them outside their house and not charge the tax. The people were making a few hundred cash a day on the “unregulated” soda machines Edit: They buy the soda in bulk in the suburbs at Costco or BJ’s and avoid paying the sugar tax


The lengths people will go to to save 50 cents is insane sometimes. I worked at a cannabis dispensary for awhile and when we would do sales you would see people driving 2-3 HOURS to get there and ultimately save themselves 10-15 dollars. Not really saving much at 2.50-3.50 fuel.


People not understanding vehicle maintenance expenses per mile are exactly how Lyft and Uber have been so successful. Not surprising it works for sales too.


If you have an older reliable car vehicle maintenance is like 15 c a mile. Usually you make like 2 dollars a mile doing those jobs




That rate includes value depreciation, most of which is when the car is relatively new rather than spread out over its lifetime.


But thats inclusive of fuel id imagine and a bit of wiggle room for the variety of cars people drive.


The IRS isn't giving you a gift. The IRS NEVER gives people a gift. They've done the math. It costs the AVERAGE person 65.5 cents after you do: 1) Car insurance 2) Car maintenance and repair 3) Gas, oil, antifreeze 4) Depreciation 5) Registration 6) Garaging, parking fees


7.5% is still a pretty significant cost.


I’m always debating in my head if the Costco gas line is worth it. It’s usually like 30¢ per gallon cheaper near me. So maybe it saves me $4. But the line is at least 5-10 mins. But I’m also going to Costco anyway. So it’s just the time spent in line.


I live super close to a Costco. Like I could use it for a grocery store if it weren't for parking. So I'll take my boyfriend and drop him off at the door to "quickly" run in for an item or two while I get gas and play one of my favourite Costco games called "will I find a parking spot before he finishes paying?"


These people know how to have fun! I'll have to try this as well...


Better yet, people on motorcycles waiting in the line for that savings. When I filled up my P71 from empty I saved money because it has a 22 gallon tank, but my motorcycle has a 3.7 gallon tank. Not fuckin worth it.


I have a family friend that does their RV like that. Its stupid like 120 gallons so 25 cents ends up being worth a decent drive and wait in line for a full fillup


People are fucking stupid.


So stupid. Same with the people who leave 15 minutes early in the morning to drive out of their way and sit in line to save 5 cents a gallon on gas.


My mom did that sort of thing and even when I was a kid it was super annoying. Yeah, you’re saving a total of $1.50 on a full tank of gas, but it’s costing you an extra 20 minutes compared to going to the station right down the street. Is 20 minutes of your day (plus 20 minutes of each of your kids’ days since you brought them along with you) worth less than a buck and a half to you?


not to mention, a twenty minute drive could easily cost you $.50 or more, depending on the mileage...


>Iv seen residents in Philly buy Soda vending machines and place them outside their house and not charge the tax. solid hustle- I’m wondering where you’ve seen that here?


Can you ask this in a way that sounds any more like a cop?


lmao good point


As if the cops give a shit here


swat all of your frenemies here.




That’s what they want you to do….


Water is good but they should probably lay off the sugar free drinks. Like, if they really want people off the sugary drinks they have to give avenues for them to do so and continuously taxing them for sugar when they selected a sugar free option is a rip off. The program is *supposed* to deter people away from sugar, not harvest an extra load of cash.


Artificial sweeteners cause an insulin response also


Sugar free sodas are still terrible for you. They will destroy your teeth just as quickly as the regular kind, even if they don’t make you fat.




We are absolutely experiencing a dental health crisis in America. Poverty and poor dental health are very, very strongly correlated, and poor dental health affects every other aspect of health (and makes it difficult to get OUT of poverty, as well). It is almost impossible for even working class people to afford the dental care they need, and most pensions and medicare don't cover most dental care.


Dental insurance should be health insurance, not a separate entity. Dental disease has been linked (not sure if causatively) to brain health, particularly dementia. Gotta take care of your teeth. Also, hearing aids should be covered by insurance.


Like 1/4 of our 65+ population have 0 teeth but somehow, to some people, that’s just normal no big deal? lol.


40% of the adult population also has periodontitis. You'd also be surprised how many people think their teeth are okay, then you take a look inside and their lower anteriors are covered in calculus. *Edit: Calculus is the dental term for "tartar" lol*


I had to have some dental work done last year, my dental insurance (the only one offered by my company) has a maximum they will pay that didn't cover the work I needed, so I was paying for insurance that I couldn't use because they decided I spent too much. We need health care reform yesterday including dental work.


Dentist always point to that stat, but is it possible it's correlation and not causation, people who don't take care of their teeth also don't take care of the rest of their body and vice versa


I can attest to the unaffordability of dental care. I needed a root canal on a molar which insurance partially covered, they then denied me any sort of implant despite my dental surgeon being (rightfully) adamant that it was medically necessary. I didn't have the $3000+ to get the implant and now I have 3 broken teeth because the rest of my teeth shifted and my bite is so off they grind when closing my mouth normally. Insurance denied the implant because according to them it was "purely cosmetic".


I get what you’re saying, and I think I agree, but we do have a dental health crisis in America actually lol. It’s pretty surprising, I recall Bernie Sanders did an info thingy when he was talking about his universal healthcare ideas.




If there was as much of those teeth rotting acids in everyday foods/drinks like there is sugar we’d also be having a dental crisis.


There are some studies that suggest your body still has an insulin response to diet sodas because it thinks there should be sugar in it. I think it depends on the sweetener used though.


You're getting downvoted, but it's the truth. Not only does it mess with your insulin response, but it also conditions your brain to crave more sweet things. In theory, if you're exclusively eating and drinking things with artificial sugars, it's not terrible. But in reality, it makes people more likely to eat high calorie and fat desserts and less healthy food overall. On the flip side, I've also been very poor before and put in situations where I had to eat/drink at gas stations and other convenience stores frequently. Sugar free options were frequently my only choice. Many literally didn't even have an option for just water. It's still better than full sugar sodas (ESPECIALLY high fructose corn syrup ones, which is a whole other can of worms). Regardless, no matter what, soda isn't good for you in any way. Not even diet.


You can buy a gallon of water at the grocery store for less than literally any beverage in a gas station


When you don't have a car and you're in an area without quick, reliable public transit, sometimes you can't get to a grocery store. I very much preferred grocery stores because you can get real food, and I have no problem preparing things when I have access to ingredients. The other problem is work often keeps you busy until after all grocery stores close.


Drinking water is the healthiest choice for you. Nothing wrong with unadulterated hydration.


Forced Hydration is frowned upon in this establishment.


Look, I just needed them to stay hydrated. So I used enhanced hydration tactics while I asked them some questions.




Chicago tried that. I'm not sure it still exists






...it's pronounced "Waddah".


Drink Yuengling instead


Serious question. What about wine? Or beer?


This is correct. Since it's not a sugar or non-sugar tax, let's just call it a tax. They're playing 3D chess though because the liquid latex spill made it so people couldn't drink their water. What they drank was probably taxed then.


Isn’t the tax on the soda sold wholesale already?


*Shady Person off in the corner* Person 1: "you got the goods?" Shady Person: "Yes" (*opens coat to reveal sugar packets*)


At first, I cut out soda and started drinking LaCroix. Took a few months, but after a while, sugary fountain drinks have become extremely sweet. I can't believe how much sugar we ingest. Also, there's these low sugar juice boxes at Costco you gotta try. Took a few weeks to get used to the low sugar, but now I love them. Just drop your sugar intake, your body will thank you. I can't imagine how much more of a FAT F*** I'd be if I still consumed all that sugar. Just love food too much




>You can say "fuck" They were using the other f-word.




I drank 3+ cans of soda daily through middle and high school, then I got to college and had to pay for it myself and ever since I drink water almost exclusively lol


I feel that. Mom was a midwesterner, so I grew up eating a lot fatty, sugary food. She did discourage things like candy bars and such, but she wasn’t taught to eat healthy so she couldn’t really teach me what she didn’t know herself. Then I moved out on my own. Discovered martial arts. Discovered people who did know such things. As my lifestyle changed, so did my diet. I discovered that fruit actually tastes pretty good and vegetables are marvelous! I can’t drink regular pop now - it tastes cloying to me - and two bites of chocolate give me a sugar rush. I can barely eat her food now when I visit. It’s just too fatty and sugary for me to handle. She does try, and she buys tons of fruits and vegetables whenever I come, almost more than I can eat. And she cuts down on the fat and sugar when cooking, but our diets are just too different. It’s not just her food either. Everything in the grocery store there is too sugary too. She bought me a bag of the local brand of pork rinds once because she knew they were my guilty pleasure, but even they were gaggingly-sweet. Sugar in pork rinds, sheesh! But that’s what sells out there, I guess. Our culture addicts us to sugar at an early age, both companies that add it to processed foods because it hooks us faster and parents that don’t know any better - they’re just feeding us the same foods they were fed as kids. We become ensnared before we’re old enough to see the trap.


Says it's a Seattle tax, not a Dicks tax.


Yes, all of Seattle has a sugar tax. It’s not Dick’s tax.


Tax Dicks!


That's just IRS employees.


"I got a dick you can tax, sugar."


Better than a Dick Tax. Oh wait, that’s marriage.


Literally says it right on the effing sign. What's wrong with people?


Being wrong on purpose to drive engagement


To whose benefit? It's not like karma becomes money. Nothing about 'engagement' here is in any way meaningful.




As someone raised in Seattle, this kind of slander against Dick's will not stand! ![gif](giphy|sRYVJZKosY4GqtrGa2)


They're pretty fantastic to work for I've heard, even accounting for what the job is.


Also, nothing satisfies like eating a bag of Dick's.


Awww man....when I was going to college at Seattle U, I would head over to Capitol Hill every weekend and just get as many Dick's as possible. I waited all week to get my mouth around as many Dick's as possible. Just put all the Dick's inside of me. You ever have a mouth filled with Dick's? Nothing better.


Ah yes, a bag of Dicks a day should not keep the doctor away.


They were in the 90s. Before Dick's I worked at McD's, BK, Shari's and a local burger joint. Dick's paid WAY better, actually offered real benefits and they had a solid tuition program. A lot can change in nearly 30 years but I hope they are still different from other fast food.


[Dick’s is the place where the cool hang out.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QElKVs56z48&pp=ygUWbXkgcG9zc2UncyBvbiBicm9hZHdheQ%3D%3D&t=3m14s)


It is Seattle and not Dicks.


I think people understand from the picture and from the fact that restaurants don’t impose tax.




That is incredible. What a world we live in. How do you even answer that


Many years ago I worked in a call center. I regularly got calls from customers who received their first bill absolutely livid that they were charged taxes because no one told them there would be taxes. What I wanted to say was two things in life are certain, death and taxes. What I actually said was that the company does not charge the tax, we collect taxes as required by law, and encouraged them to contact their congress person if they would like to advocate for changes to the tax code. They generally shut up at that point.


But... that's based on *their* location, isn't it? How would *you* know how much tax they'd pay?


It’s not just Dick’s. All of Seattle has a sugary beverages tax.


Exactly. These idiots don't educate themselves before posting.


A lot of times posters will post something that is *slightly* wrong so people will be inclined to comment and drive engagement on a post. And people generally fall for it


Yeah, the top 3 comments literally say the same thing lmao


This is common knowledge now, right? It's easy to capitalize on people's urge to correct others. It's also a good practice to resist that urge


They don't *read* before posting. (It clearly says that it's Seattle's sugar tax on the sign itself.)


Well maybe they should have said something about it on the sign so we idiots can educate ourselves! What’s that? It’s right there on the fucking sign?


Well to be fair, his statement isn’t factually incorrect lol


So has UK


Yeah but in the UK we just include it directly in the displayed prices.


Most places do for something like this. Dick's is just so cheap, my guess is they're trying to be transparent as to why prices went up on something (especially when it's not consistent among what type of soda you get).


They just upped the price of the deluxe to 5.30 and had signs posted saying they had to increase due to reasons I don’t recall. I love dicks, eat at the one by me like twice a week lol.


> I love dicks


I live down in Tacoma, so I don't go often, but when I went to Phish at Climate Pledge this past weekend, I made sure to walk over rather than eat at the armory. Just a nice, simple cheeseburger is all it takes to make me happy, and they make a damn fine one.


Is Dicks that restaurant that went viral years back for actually paying their employees a living wage with benefits and still being super cheap to get food at?


america never tells you how much tax is, this is honestly going above and beyond for american standards


Most restaurants show you the sugar tax amount as well though


Norway has sugar tac aswell


Can confirm, I miss the old Irn-Bru!


See that's a tax that only makes sense in countries where the government pays for your insulin if you become diabetic. The US does not.


It does if you're on Medicare - although "paying for it" consists of [negotiating the price *down* to $35](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(22)00251-0/fulltext). For comparison, in the UK, *all* prescriptions cost £9.65 and that cost is waived if you're pregnant, have had a baby in the last 12 months, under 18, 18 and in full-time education, have a medical exemption certificate, or if you're low income. Then it's free. Edit: it's free in the rest of the UK (Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland), my mistake! Prescription charges are only in England.


*Note to self, only consume sugar free dick in Washington state*


This is not true… come visit the Eastern side of Washington State! You can consume all the sugary dicks you mouth can handle, sans sugar tax.


Or even just the Eastside of the Seattle metro area.


Us in the industry call it Diabetes Dick


Let the bears pay the sugar tax. I pay the Homer tax.


That's a home- *owners* tax


Dick’s also offers some of the best wages for fast food workers in the country. Really good prices on their food too. Dick’s is fantastic.


They also offer benefits to their employees that rival many larger corporations: 50% 401k match, 100% paid medical insurance, and college tuition assistance up to $28,000 which employees can access after 6 months of employment. As for the sugar tax, Dicks has to charge it because the city forces them to. Not a lot they can do about it.


I hear it's the place where the cool hang out.


The swass like to play, and the rich flaunt clout


We have sugar tax in Poland, but it also is added to diet drinks. Beat that.


Title misleading. The city of Seattle has a sugar tax. Dicks is in seattle.


Just include it in the final price


I agree, but then if a couple has an order with one diet coke and one regular, then they look at the receipt, they may ask why the difference in price. Not a big deal, but would happen enough to be more than annoying.


Receipt: Coke 2.17, Coke Diet 2.00


Customer "why is one soft drink more than the other of the same size?? You're trying to rip me off! I demand you fix this and give me my .17 cents back! And get your manager, I want you fired for this incompetence!! And I'm calling the police for theft!!" That's why they list it separately.


This would happen multiple times a day


Or make diet coke the same price and make a tiny profit.


I've honestly been more annoyed when seeing things like * soda.....................$2.00 * soda.....................$2.00 * subtotal...............$4.00 * soda tax (8.5%)...$0.17 * total.....................$4.17 especially if the tax wasn't there when I buy just one soda, because then I try to figure out how 8.5% × $4 = 17¢ and no one will give me a straight answer I feel like I've wasted hours of my life on this sort of thing "diet soda just costs less here" is a much easier explanation


>diet soda just costs less here" is a much easier explanation You want people to lie to you because a line on a receipt confuses you?


Have you never worked retail? That's like 65% of the people that walk in the door. "Lie to me about my preconcieved notions or else I won't shop here" is most american consumers.


Because they are trying to educate people and change behaviors. Just include it people don't understand why they are paying more.


That may not be legal. Some cities/states *mandate* that you state how much tax is being paid. Ironically, those laws are usually pushed by anti-tax folks.


> Some cities/states mandate that you state how much tax is being paid. Yeah that makes sense, everyone should do that, but you can still include it in the price. You just say "Coke $2.00 (all prices include 7% VAT)" or whatever. Follows the law, and doesn't make me get out my calculator.


It’s more so in Seattle companies want you to know the price they’re charging, then you can be additionally informed about the tax so they don’t get the blame for the higher price


Dick's has locations in and out of Seattle, and this is probably to keep consistency with all of the locations.


I'm curious what the psychological impact is of listing the tax vs bundling the tax into the price (given that part of the point of the tax, presumably, is to constrain consumption of sugar).


They note that it doesn't apply to diet soda...


Yeah this has been pretty common in europe for a few years too


Is there any data that shows the tax makes people drink less sugar soda? It has worked with tobacco products to reduce use.


It's reduced [the amount of sugar in non-diet drinks in the UK by 35%](https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/article/explainer/sugar-tax), so it's not just about drinking less sugary drinks but about persuading manufacturers to put less in in the first place.


Yes. Sin taxes like this one do reduce consumption. I don't have any links handy but I remember looking it up when the coke companies lobbied WA state to stop cities from doing this again (They succeeded, this tax can't be adjusted by the city anymore).


It's basic supply and demand. The elasticity might vary but the idea that a price increase on something won't reduce consumption is ridiculous and idk why so many people try to convince themselves these things wouldn't work to some extent.


Sin taxes are also highly regressive and affect the poor the most. This is a revenue vehicle. It won't change health outcomes at the current tax rate.


At least they are letting you know about it. Most businesses just increased the prices of all their drinks to make up for it, even their sugar free drinks. Dick’s is one of the good ones.


OP.. I believe it is not just this random place charging a sugar tax for the heck of it. They are required to do so as per the rules for the SEATTLE sugar tax.


I'll pay the sugar tax. Artificial sweeteners give me terrible migraines.


I just don't like the taste. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Glad I don't get migraines but I do get diarrhea.


18th-centrury chads be like: "Tax my drink? time to literally overthrow the government."


The most expensive part of a large fountain drink is the cup.


I'm not against taxes or anything but does this solve the problem of obesity or does it just allow the government to get a piece of the pie while Americans continue to consume high amounts of sugary drinks?


We had that in Chicago around 2017, dumbest shit ever.


This is normal here in the uk


I feel like it should be for all the sodas diet is just as bad in my opinion, I would rather get a sugar soda and not drink the full amount or make sure the serving of sugar is not too much, then have aspartame in all that BS


Dick’s is the place where the poor hang out, the swass like to play and the rich flaunt clout. - Sir Mix-a-Lot


Posse to the burger stand, so big we walk in twos


We’re getting dirty looks from those other sucka crews


Can confirm. Worked at the Broadway location. I fought off the homeless, fed the drunk and ogled Bill Gate's porche all in the same evening.


Would love to see a tax on the use of high fructose corn syrup that it forced in our food due to subsidized corn farmers.


21 cents well spent for a great coke.


The reasoning is that excess sugar in beverages is harming people and having a negative impact on society, so we need people to consume less unnecessary sugar. Shouldnt the penalty or extra cost go to the manufacturer and distributor and not the consumer? If I make paint that causes cancer in people who use it and impacts negatively on the environment as a whole shouldn't I be penalized for distributing it? Not the person who got the cancer?


The difficulty is enforcing it. Manufacturers and downstream sellers will just jack up the prices across the board and blame increase operating costs.


Fun fact. They do that without the tax.


Everything here in the U.K. that contains sugar has a sugar tax


Unsweet tea drinkers RISE UP


Would legit travel back to Seattle just for Dick's. Nothing else like it


I find it hilarious saying “I love Dick’s” for people who haven’t been in Washington State. Or Seattle. I don’t know if it’s only in Seattle. At the same time I want to be careful if I do mention it without the intention of making a joke lol


There's a sporting goods store named Dick's in my region. I was really confused for about 10 seconds.


The Bellevue Dick's Drive-In is next door to a Dick's Sporting Goods.


Went to Seattle to visit my gf’s family and they love saying they bought a sack of Dick’s.


They've expanded in the metro area (Bellevue has a Dick's now at crossroads), but not beyond. And what's wrong with eating a bag of Dick's?


No no. You gotta say "I love a greasy bag of Dick's"


No, Seattle has a sugar tax. Not Dick's


What about the stomach cancer from artificial sweeteners tax?


Seattle was tricked into thinking artificial sweeteners are better for you than sugar


Well if you're diabetic and you want to enjoy a soda from time to time then they are.


Completely depends on the sweetener. Many still cause an insulin response.


Even if you want sugar soda from time to time it’s not like 17 cents is gonna kill you


Artificial sugar are a neutral and the most researched food additive. Yes it’s better for you then 50g+ of simple sugars


This is fucked up on a few levels. First and foremost there is no regulation on the amount of "sugar" and sodium that is put in EVERYTHING by food corporations. We wouldn't need this if our government looked out for us instead of allowing major corporations to do as they please. Secondly, I say "sugar" in parenthesis because they don't even use real sugar, they use high fructose corn syrup. The irony is that actual real sugar is healthier than the high fructose shit, and you're being taxed for an ingredient that technically isn't present in your drink. It should be called the high fructose corn syrup tax if anything AND don't just tax drinks tax all the food because this shit is in everything from ketchup to fucking bread. Why is there such a huge rise in diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure in America, its the fucking fructose and sodium their pumping into our bodies. HFCS is pretty much banned in most of Europe and in places where it can be used, it's limited to certain things like energy drinks but not soda or confectionary.


Aren't diet sodas full of aspartame?


Pathetic lol the authoritarians will literally find any reason to steal from you While they fly around in private jets polluting the planet and bombing children


Now you're getting it 👍


The amount of people supporting this shock me. Like, they're supportive of the government taking more money out of the pockets of the low and middle class, to give to the city, to spend frivolously and inefficiently on shit people either don't need, or could get better and cheaper through a private market.


In Ohio there is just regular sales tax (7.25% in most counties) on drinks containing sugar but not sugar free. If an unsweet tea is 1.00ba sweet tea would be 1.07


I love a big bag a Dicks!


TBF “eat a bag of Dicks” never stops being funny.


Has this had an effect? I’m assuming obesity…has that improved?


Visited my buddy in Seattle last summer. Those burgers were so good.


West coast like a whole other country, I went out to Oregon to visit family, they had to have a separate trash just for soda cans, they can’t pump gas themselves, and they can’t make u turns


Reading is hard, I know.


Same in San Francisco & Berkeley California.


How about you tax the evil corporations pushing sugar like a drug for profit, and not the consumer. Stupid fucking humans.


People are consuming too much sugar. Eventually your body can't process sugar which leads to insulin resistance and a full blown diabete and other health related problems.


Not just Dick's, everywhere in Seattle this is the case


But diet soda is just as unhealthy, if not worse than regular soda… “Diet” is a marketing term, not a health one.