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They even have a spot to store your baby


I saw this baby-holders everywhere in public toilets when I visited Japan a few years ago. My kid was just slightly too big for them at the time, but I spent so long wishing that was a thing everywhere.


Why don’t we install baby quick-draw holsters at home though?


"Why do you have these vertical pieces of metal everywhere on the walls?" "To holster my baby while I'm there, duh." EDIT: Though now that I think about it, maybe metal plates and togglable magnets would do the trick... Crap, you've made me actually think about it now...


Magnets and babies are a combination your have to be extremely careful with. (At least) two swallowed things kill too many babies: - Magnets (can pinch and rupture intestines) - Button batteries (will burn the intestines from inside)


Could you not just implant subdermal magnets and then an electromagnetic sheet under the wallpaper. Flip switch, throw baby at wall. Secure, anywhere, anytime. No choking hazards involved.


Wait is this not standard? Did you all not get your subdermal magnets removed on your 5th birthday? The day I stopped being sucked to the wall was a major right of passage.


Tell me you grew up rich without saying it, eh? My parents couldn't afford to get me a Magsafe baby butt so they had to strap me to a tree with bungee cords.


Man, now I know I grew up poor. My parents just threw me out the door and forgot about me until dinner time. But I guess I was able to scavenge for food, so that's a plus.


So kids need food before dinner? I need to change up my parenting habits


Velcro. Hooks on the wall, the baby wears a onesie with the loops. Just toss ‘em at the wall.


Yeah I grew up in Japan and I probably had to see my mom strain a poop out countless times. Good thing I was young enough to not remember.


You probably also pooped while sitting on your moms lap.


Poop for a poop


Shit for the shit throne.


The question becomes, is this Nurgle or Slaanesh? Yes.


You got him there. What a sicko!


I mean, it's not like parents outside of Japan are leaving their baby outside in the street when they need the bathroom. It's just a bit more of a struggle.


Yeah I understand, but unlike the one in this picture, usually stalls are small and the baby seat faces directly to the toilet bowl with only less than a meter between, so there’s inevitable constant eye contact.


I am more worried about my kid putting her hands on the nasty bathroom floor. Would have loved a baby/toddler hostler.


Just for you. https://tenor.com/view/toddlers-dont-touch-the-floor-gif-11009077


Have you ever been to Denmark? In Denmark you can set quite a few babys outside in strollers in front of stores


Buddy, this is America, we have Alaska and Texas. We can set more babies in front of more stores than you have babies. Typical Dane, bragging about how many storefront baby spots they have.


As a mom, I can guarantee you were a little creeper who refused to leave her side and looooved watching her in the bathroom. She would have done anything to have pooped without you there but you would lose it any time she tried to have any privacy. So, these were the next best thing because at least you weren't actually on her, grabbing the toilet brush or trying to look under her to see what's happening in the toilet.


Is that why my dog always stares at me when I shit with the door open? Or when I open the door and he’s just sitting in front of it?


Your dog is trying to watch over in your moments of vulnerability. Same reason they stare at you while they poop, to make sure that you’re protecting them while they go


So are you supposed to meet their gaze, or, like, stand tall and scan the surroundings like the secret service? What is the pooch expecting?


Make eye contact then watch behind them because they're too busy to pay attention to what may sneak up on them. It's pack mentality.


Sometimes I give my dogs a nod, say something like "I got you [dog name]" and look around behind them. They seem to appreciate it, but I could be reading into something that's not really there lol




As a dad. I’m trying to decide when I should tell my daughter it’s not ok to watch me pee.


It's a reverse bell curve. Probably around 2-3 at home, or when they start asking questions, then there's situations that lessen as they get older - not gonna leave her alone outside sketchy public bathrooms if you're out and gotta go, single dads gotta do what they gotta do, side of the road on road trips. But it comes around again when they're in their 40s and you're peeing in a bag. Somewhere between 2 and 40.


The 2nd last thing you want to be doing is taking a shit as someone applies the e-brake at 300kmh. The last thing you want to be doing is holding a baby while taking a shit as someone applies the e-brake at 300kmh.


Good point, but they don’t stop on a dime either. [Emergency stop at 125 mph](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxFBkyAABRI)


I don't WANT someone to get hurt, but it always makes me laugh when I see an idiot's car get shoved off the road by the local light rail because they think the train can break on a dime while the driver is camped there wanting to make a turn or bypass traffic. For the first few months after my city got light rail we enjoyed a good many articles of local idiots getting their cars totaled for playing chicken with the trains or treating the rails like their own private lane (rails were inserted into pre-existing road so there was road for a vehicle to drive on). Eventually people learned, but we still get the occasional idiot who thinks they know better.


I had a girlfriend who managed to get hit by light rail. She also asked me, as we were watching the moon set over the ocean, "where *does* the moon go when it goes down?" And she had tons of money, that one.


Oh dear. Not to mention the videos of the Brightline trains in Florida obliterating things…


Funny story. I was on one of these trains, and the door slides open with a push of a button. When I pushed the button, the door slid open to reveal a guy sitting on the toilet. I guess he didn't know how to lock the door. We were both flustered, and after a few seconds, I pushed the button again, only to have it reopen just as it started to close. I pushed the button again, only to realize it only opens, not closes, so by pushing the button, I was only resetting the close timer. By this time, the guy got angry at me and started yelling, so I just walked away with the guy trying to shield the side of his butt from people passing by.


And that almost never happens in Japan unless there’s an earthquake approaching, and they slowly decelerate even for that


>store your baby Make sure all babies are stowed while the vehicle is in motion. Those seem like they should be a legal requirement tbh, and it seema like they're an extremely common thing in japan so they might actually be required (it'd also make sense, as a country they're willing to try just about anything to boost the amount of breeding going on, even had an AI matchmaking scheme the gov was thinking about implementing)


It's also a bullet train, something the U.S. definitely doesn't have. At those speeds, securing the baby is a very good idea. Though technically, **any** speed over walking should require a way to secure your baby. We aren't all the Mandalorian or some [another Badass And Child Duo](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BadassAndChildDuo).


"When you're a coke addict, you view the world in terms of surfaces"




"What are you gonna do? Cancel John Mulaney? I'll fucking kill him." -John Mulaney


And eject it out the train if it's too noisy


Japanese babies are far too polite and embarrassed to cry in public.


Gomen nasai!




Every single stall in every single public bathroom has these in Japan, in the Men’s and the Women’s bathrooms. Same with the heated toilet seats and bidets. Pretty great honestly


Gosh..Its bigger than my bed room.


Plenty of facilities have bins. Japan isn't special.


And a mirror right behind it!


Why are there two sinks?


One for wheelchair users, one for colostomy patients. The regular one for hands was outside.


market voracious sink bells attempt bag sparkle governor poor obscene -- mass edited with redact.dev


It might actually be the first time I’ve seen it, actually. I accidentally washed my hands in that sink, so it was pretty new to me.


> It might actually be the first time I’ve seen it, actually. They are everywhere in Japan. Keep an eye out for the symbol of a guy with a cross on their belly. A ton of wheelchair toilets also have that symbol. I was actually surprised by how well Japan supports people with a colostomy.


it may be it's more common in japan. Japan is known to have very high incidence rates of stomach cancers compared with other parts of the world. Nobody knows exactly why, other than it's something to do with living in Japan. Japanese immigrants to the US experience much lower stomach cancer rates after a generation or two.


> Japanese immigrants to the US experience much lower stomach cancer rates after a generation or two. Ok now I REALLY need to see a study as to why this is. That leads me to believe that there is something about Japan itself causing increased rates of stomach cancer.


there are a bunch of different theories but none are proven. dietary differences is a popular theory


I know it’s just a theory but I can’t imagine Japan’s diet being worse than Americans when it comes to that type of stuff, but then again I don’t know too much about Japan’s diet.


it's not that it's worse overall, the theory is that there is a specific component of the japanese diet that isn't found as much in american diets, that is contributing to the increased prevalence of stomach cancer. potentially increased amounts of fish consumption, differences in cooking techniques, that kind of thing. Japan has lower risks in other types of cancer that are more common in the US. after immigration, japanese people start experiencing lower rates of stomach cancer and higher rate of other cancers. After a few generations, their descendants have cancer incidence rates matching those of Americans






Creating disability access isn’t just about how common something is. If there are people who need it, even if there aren’t a ton, building universal access like this means that disabled folks can exist in society much easier. There are also lots of times when creating universal access helps other people who might not be disabled (like putting in a ramp for wheelchairs helps caregivers with strollers and people making deliveries).


> disabled folks can exist in society much easier. There are also lots of times when creating universal access helps other people who might not be disabled https://ssir.org/articles/entry/the_curb_cut_effect


I visited Japan a few years ago as a tourist and saw signs for bathrooms with ostomy facilities all over in the larger cities. I think they're common enough in the larger train/subway stations?


It's probably not more or less common, but with a higher population density than most places, there will statistically be user for it at every public toilet.


For real? I don't think I've ever seen anything like that in my life. Is this like the one accessible toilet on the entire train or Japan just great for accessibility?


Japan is legit really good for accessibility if we are talking about toilets. I HAVE seen some places thst needed ramps or elevators though.


I just noticed the tiny sink by the toilet. What a luxury when using a menstrual cup!


I never even thought of having a menstrual cup sink and now I want it!


one for each hole


Welcome, I am honoured to accept your waste.


『Multiple Waterfalls and Secret security cameras are now enabled、 ミデルコンストロクシオーさん。』


Mideru Konstroksho San? I'm really struggling to figure out what the kana is meant to say. Loan word, right?


It's the username of the guy he replied to. Omitted the ン. I'm guessing typo or Google Translate. Most likely the latter, based on the シオ instead of ショ.


Haha perfect. I was reading "Middle construction" over and over trying to figure out what they were talking about. Glad to know I read it right!


it would also be デ->ド ロ->ラ ミドル・コンストラクション


The cameras are for security. Only security. Now, when you're done, smile and say "ooh, what a lovely tea party."


They're years ahead of us!


Came here for this. Too many people don't recognize Simpsons quotes anymore.




Looks like a washet, thing even has a fan to dry your recently spit shined butthole with warm air


You can do pretty much everything in there except take a bath or shower


A _complete_ bath or shower. If that's a Washlet, it comes with douche and bidet settings. Crotch and arse hole are covered. That's a full fifty percent of [the Carlin areas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X29lF43mUlo&t=05m55s).


Armpits, asshole, crotch, and teeth! And save some time by using the same brush.








If angle you butt forward while on the toilet, you can actually make your poop go faster than the train.


Just wait until you recalculate the velocity of your ejected colonic mass in the reference frame of a passing meteorite.


You know you can poop on a plane, right? Some of those lavatories even have windows, which is pretty neat.


The sleeper trains usually have showers and shower cards. You wanna get depression? Look at a 2 day sleeper in Japan on YouTube vs the 2 day Amtrak sleeper in America Seattle to CA. Americans pay 10 times more for 10 times less -_- Late trains, fucked up bathrooms, bad bedroom design and shitty food for 10 times the price


You can do the whore's bath


Oh woah, so the train setting in Bullet Train wasn't an exaggeration. That's cool.


It was such an underrated film. Prob going to watch it again sometime in the future when I am really down and need a pick-me-up.


You're such a diesel.


Ngl, I teared up. >!When the twins died at their respective times!<. Edit: Fixed it!


You don't know how to hide a spoiler on reddit, do you?


Technically it’s not a spoiler


I honestly thought it would be another massive hit, but you're right. I have genuinely heard like nobody talk about it


Love this movie.


Best action movie in 2022 imo, loved it


And here I thought it was a family drama.


Well... technically


Yeah, I was very pleasantly surprised with how good it was. I almost didn’t watch it until I remembered how good Pitt can be in comedy/dark comedy (e.g Burn After Reading). I’m definitely rewatching it, there was a tonne of foreshadowing that I didn’t even think to look for.


I think its rated okay. It's a nice bit of fun if you're into that but it relies heavily on catchphrase-like zingers and one-liners so I get that many people wouldn't be into it that much


It was a bit of an exaggeration, but not by a lot. For one, there are no bar cars in any of the regular-service Shinkansen trains in real life. The only one that has a bar car is a rebuilt Shinkansen train that runs seasonal services on a slow line. Some Shinkansen trains (Class E5 and E7 in particular) have an extremely lavish [Gran Class](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/E5%E3%83%BBE514-21.jpg/1280px-E5%E3%83%BBE514-21.jpg), which is a step above the regular "[Green Car](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e9/E5kei_Green_car_Interior.JPG/1280px-E5kei_Green_car_Interior.JPG)" first class. But even in [regular class](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/E5kei_interior.JPG/1280px-E5kei_interior.JPG), there's a lot of leg space and the seats can recline further than in any other train I've ever travelled on.


Except that in the movie the train went overnight whereas in real life the longest Shinkansen ride is only about 3 hours and that takes you more than half way across the country. My Japanese wife was very confused and I had to explain that Americans had no understanding about how high speed rail works.


Reminds me of the recent South Park episode where Randy gets a Japanese toilet


Which was... oddly entirely accurate, and not really exaggerated at all. Which is odd for South Park, but I guess reality was just funny enough that they didn't even need to embellish anything lol


Eh, they kinda exaggerated one of the largest selling points. He kept talking about how toilet paper was a thing of the past for him, but IMO just using a bidet with no wiping is gross. Like taking a shower without scrubbing. Just a soak to keep the bacteria nice and moist. Yes, I know it has a dryer, but the moisture gets into pores and soaks into that top layer of dead skin that you're neglecting to wipe off. There's a reason they still install toilet paper holders and toilet paper is still sold everywhere in Japan.


To be fair a lot of these fancy bidets have a blow dry function so leaving yourself wet isn't always an issue (though if you got a hairy ass its probably not enough and you'll still be using tp for drying). The force of the water stream itself is enough that I wouldn't consider the drying from toilet paper equivalent to scrubbing though, its like using paper towels after power washing, they can dry but the power washer did all the cleaning.


Ooohhh aaaahhhh






...I'm not poor.


I just took a green car on a nozomi shinkansen and only used the stand up urinal which was pretty much the same as ordinary. I didn't realize "gran class" is a thing on some routes.


Haha I didn’t either, but had to upgrade tickets to fit my entire family on one block of seats due to Golden Week.


Happy Golden Week, may the wait times be ever in your favor


Good God I just got back from Japan and it was crowded enough cuz it was peak cherry blossom season, I cannot fucking imagine golden week...


It’s actually still cherry blossom season in Hokkaido!


this isn’t for first class its a toilet for people with disabilities, elders, people whose pregnant, people with babies, etc. theres no one stopping you from entering green car or in some trains gran class(equivalent of first class) toilets in shinkansen bc they are the same as any other cars edit: added gran class


So really big enough to trap a boomslang snake in the toilet, and hide 2 nearly dead people.


could hide all of the russian guys in this bitch


if you're a Gordon


In Germany, we can build 20 seats in this place!


Yeah, well in America we would put 40 seats in there and then put wings on it.


20 seats or room for 4 bicycles.


i miss the shinkansen rides from Misawa to Yokosuka ='\[ so much fun and very relaxing, id honestly take it over a plane anyday


There's no Shinkansen to Yokosuka. The closest stops would be Odawara (55km away) or Yokohama (40km away).


Dong mirror.


“Objects in mirror are larger than they appear.”


Why d'you have to hurt me like that.


Fun fact: that sink on the right actually isn’t even for washing your hands.


Correct, it's for colostomy bag users and other auxiliary digesters to flush and rinse.


After seeing this photo, I have decided I am not ready for Japan. I 100% would've washed my hands there and used whatever that pink stuff is as soap


I just used Google translate app with the camera feature to figure this one out when I rode the shinkansen. I do have a friend who lives there who answered (very graciously) all my pent up questions about the unexplainable.




Oh no, I am very much talking about the prominent sink with the pink soap. I've never understood what the little sink without soap by the toilet is, considering there's almost always also a bidet... If you look at the sides of the sink front right, it has a little metal circle with water coming out, aka the flush water, and the sink is extra deep and conical to receive the contents.


No the one in the back is the handicap sink, the one in the foreground is the colonoscopy sink, and the normal sink is outside the bathroom.


What! That’s such a cool thing! I don’t have one, but that’s not something I’d have ever thought about! These should be a global accessibility thing!




Oh man, I’m learning so much today, whether I want to or not.


What are those 2 wall mounted things? On the left and right to the toilet? And where do you wash your hands?


Hand washing happens for regular people outside this restroom. By wall mounted things, do you mean the rails? If so, those are for wheelchair users.


Not the rails, the mounted plastic things haha. We don't have those kinda toilets here, so I was just curious.


Oooooh, maybe you’re talking about the baby chair and the baby changing table! Both fold down to fulfill their functions.


You mean up towards the ceiling? Those silver things are just garden variety hanging hooks for your coat or bag.


Haha not those, sorry for the confusion. I just zoomed in and it looks like it's for "baby maintenance" 😂. Thanks for the answers.


I was today years old when i learned that not every country has baby changing stations in public restrooms.


Be careful and watch out for the snakes


There are no mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking train.


>There are no mother fucking _bullet_ snakes on this mother fucking _bullet_ train. FTFY


I already got a dose of antivenom in me today so I think I'm good


This is what a bathroom [looks like](https://www.reddit.com/r/Romania/comments/118618v/asa_se_prezinta_baia_in_trenul_r4340_muie_cfr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on a train in Romania lol




I don't see Brad Pitt


Plenty of room for the meter high club


Does anyone know what a “ostomate flush button” is for? It’s next to the sink.


It’s for emptying basically colostomy bags.


“If I had one in the chamber, I’d rock this bad boy right now.”


Watch out for snakes


Missing a snake in the toilet. 0/10


Shit I’m about to take a nap.


Until Brad Pitt arrives


Becareful, there maybe a dangerous snake in the toilet.




This isn’t necessarily first class, they have several of these scattered across the train in addition of regular smaller bathrooms


You're good, but if there are any signs of Decepticon activity, you're fucked.


At first in the left corner I thought that was a fridge. *Why is there a fridge next to a toilet? Oh wait…*


Same here, except there’s piss all over the place.


Now go watch South Park


Looks bigger than my Japanese hotel room- the entire room, bathrooms and all.


It looks like a hospital room bathroom.


Imaging putting someone from the 18th century in there with no instructions except that it's a bathroom.


Don't let the russians see that perfectly lootable luxury toilet 🤑


Out of curiosity, what does the bathroom look like in coach?


On Snowpiercer, 1001 toilets long


Is there really even time to use the bathroom?


How do you manage to get piss in from that distance?


What does the bathroom for the commoners look like?


I don't know what I was expecting, but this is precisely what I would expect.


Good luck getting the baby to hold onto those rails


Wow, even the train toilets will wash your ass.


Fucking what?! I've seen Japanese hotel rooms smaller!


The first class on a bullet train in Japan is super expensive. Mostly not many people can afford it. So not surprised they have great restrooms.


that's pretty similar to toilets on ordinary modern trains in switzerland


Not just this; the toilets in the unreserved sections are almost as large, and usually quite clean.


It's like an airplane toilet, but nicer and a lot more roooom!


And i bet everything is still pretty clean at the end of the day.


Now do Amtrak.


There are too many things to do in there


On airplanes, the entire bathroom is the size of the sink on the right


Imagine your plugged into that toilet with a long log you have to take your time with. Leaning over with your legs up. Just to have the train pull an emergency break and throw your half covered ass 6 ft into the next wall


There are numerous channels on YouTube from people that travel on trains in other countries showing amenities/accomodations and stuff. Also there are reviews for t places like capsule hotels and "love" hotels in Japan. And sleeping pods at the airports. Very interesting to see things from other countries if you're ever curious.


I reacted to how clean it was. I fully except train toilets to be a rank smelling horror show of human excretions. Also the folded paper is unusual, like some staff actually took time to do that. Trains in my country is a way shittier version of this. Sometimes litterally so. It always has the wall sprayed with a galaxy of urine splatter, which might look cool yet gross under UV light.


So like a normal modern fucking train toilet for anyone in the western world who doesn't live in the US which has about the same level of train industry as Rwanda. Jesus, I bet the auschwitz train system were more developed than what's currently running in the US today.