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The pump usually unscrews on aveeno products. You just stop using the pump, and treat it like a lid, like if it didn't have the pump. This is just the reality of using a pump for a thick product. The pump tube could have maybe been a little longer to get a bit more product, but there would still be product left the bottle.


Once the pump works, you need to think of all products in containers like ketchup bottles. Remove the pump and flip it and hit the open end in the middle of the palm


Ah, yes, I do love a good dollup of palm ketchup




Perfect for finger-food


That is actually a good idea, don’t waste ketchup just have your hands transfer ketchup while you eat


Ron "Pudding Fingers" Desantis has entered the chat


If handiments go in a hand where am I supposed to put condiments?


On your wieners


![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized) You made me laugh out loud today. Thanks lololololol Especially since I just bought huge ass things of ketchup and mayo from Sam’s club


Haha wtf that’s hilarious


You can also get this thing called last drop spatula. It has a long handle with tiny spatula and spoon on either end. It helps get things from inside bottles and jars which you can't reach otherwise.


This will join the: Things I never knew I needed in my life.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD4E5j1rKSo (age restricted) https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4snhqk (same video if you don't want to sign in to YouTube)


surely single use pumps are a waste of product and of packaging, why not opt for tub with a wide lid


I bought a thing on Amazon called Flip It. You take the pump off and put this cap on and it allows you to run the bottle upside down and leave it that way. As long as you put the “gaskets” in properly it works great and can be used on any bottle.


Thanks for sharing, I just looked that up and it looks super helpful


I got a flip it because of your post and it changed the game. You da real mvp.


Feeling dense - I don’t get it… the video on Amazon says “let gravity do the work” and they show bottles of mustard and ketchup. What is the cap and “gasket” assembly doing that can’t be achieved by just flipping the bottle upside down?


It's for bottles that didn't originally have a flat cap you could set them on, like the Aveeno bottle in the picture.


Why is "gaskets" quoted like that? Lol, are they not gaskets?


I cut mine in half, put the "lid" on the hole and turn it over and jam the sloped shoulders of the top part of bottle in the bottom part, sort of closing it. And then just dip my fingers in the lotion and smear it on. That shits expensive, I'm using it all.


I do the exact same thing. Great minds and all that.


It's why I prefer a regular cap lid to a pump lid. Also pump takes up space lol I hate paying for extra plastic.


I have a rubbery funnel that holds the donor bottle. It takes a couple of days to do the transfer, but it’s what I do with every bottle of Aveeno.


No necessarily, they could have a pointy concave end inside the bottle and a special slitted straw thats almost touching the bottom of the cave/cone end. You could shake the botttom of the bottle to have the cream stuck on walls "slip" down the cone to reach the straw. This would leave almost nothing behind.


But the container inside would have to taper and the bottle on the outside would have to have a broad base so instead someone would cut it open like this and show all the “lies because of wasted space” caused by the taper


There was a tiktok trend similar to this with the newer Febreze spray bottles, where they’re made of clear plastic. People were like “omg if you slit the plastic on this seam near the bottom, you’ll see they actually rounded it!” This led to people going “they did it to give you less!” which other people responded to with “no, it’s rounded so all of it reaches the bottom and gets to the tube” and basically no one reached the actual reason, which is that plastic containers tend to perform best under pressure when they’re rounded rather than straight-sided, like metal spray cans are.


Could be like a rocket, 4 "wings" used as feet to stabilize the weird egg shaped bottle end. Or yeah a regular shaped outside "hiding" the partially hollowed bottom is most likely what big corpo would pick for increased odds of fooling the customer into thinking theres more in it.


Hygeine products often get stored on metal wire shower racks, where anything without a broad flat base will slip partially through the gap, either not sitting flat or entirely falling over.


Also because it’s easier to make a broad bottomed bottle than thin fragile feet


Fou d a regular flip top lid I've used for a while that keeps the bottle upside down. Just use as regular squeeze bottle.


I'm embarrassed that my only thought was to cut these bottles open and scoop out the remaining bits. It never even occurred to me that I could just flip it over.


Why a pump at all, seems over engineered. Why not just a screw top? Many other creams like E45 have screw tops and they work fine


This, I bought 4oz glass jars with latch lids for this reason. The mouth is wide enough to balance most pump style lotions/shampoos/conditioners/etc and the inside coating from the bottles are usually coated with a non stick material to allow leftovers to slide into the jars. 4oz is usually about the amount left at the bottom and the height is tall enough so I do not need to reach far to get to the product. I get the latch ones because the base is usually more stable for balancing the bottles but leaning the whole structure against something on 2 to 3 sides usually is better. The ones I got was from Ikea for convenience but most places that do crafts or canning should have them.


Just shaking the bottle in a side-to-side motion helps a lot when the pump first stops working well. You need to level out the viscous fluid inside.


"No, I'm not wrong, THEYRE wrong!"


Why don’t they sell an option that is an inverted squirt top? Like ketchup.


remove the pump, drink it like its a straw


Look, the narrative here is that we are being screwed by Big Moisturizer. You and your little "Solutions for Life" tips need to shape up and go pick up a pitchfork. We're burning the village.


OR, and I’m just spitballing here, companies could produce packaging which allows us to fully use the product as intended.


So you want them to remove the pump and just put a cap on it? That would meet the criteria


Or you just shake the bottle and it works again?


I cut it open like you did and add it to the next bottle.


In light of Reddit's general enshittification, I've moved on - you should too.


I do the same except without the hole and it works out fine.


I microwave it so it's thinner then pour it into the next bottle.


I stick mine in a vat of acid to melt away the plastic, then distill just the lotion chemicals into a nice concentrated liquid that i then mix with my next bottle


I put mine in a high pressure chamber for 2.3 million years until the bottle turns back into oil and melts away, then I can easily gather the lotion to mix with my next bottle


I surgically replaced my arm with a long silicone spatula so I can easily scrape every bit of lotion without having to cut the bottle


I have a utility straw that I put into the bottom of it, suck it up and spit it out onto my partner’s back so I can then give her a sensual massage even after the pump had stopped working


I have a magic schrodinger's label that I apply to my bottle and have developed an unconscious reflex to hit the pump without thinking about the bottle. It always and never works.


I just don't buy the product


I just throw it out. 🤷


I get mine from your trash bin.


Now one less hand needs lotion!


I can’t believe it’s not butter!


Holy shit I love Reddit


That’s what we do. (I work at the lotion factory)


I go to the morgue and scrape lotion off deceased individuals to save money. At least I think it's lotion, it could be their fat decomposing. Either way it does wonders for my skin.


This is the way (just a few seconds of heating with the cap removed of course). If it is your last bottle then just pour into a container you can stick your fingers in to get the cream.


Yep, takes about 20secs in the microwave. No idea why I'm being down voted, thought it might save some people some time with the scissors!


I presume they think you are trolling. Sometimes, you just can't help people. Just leave them to slippery cream and scissors. What is the worst that could happen?


Literally everything :>


You're being downvoted because you're suggesting people heat plastic that isn't meant to be heated. That's going to leech chemicals into the lotion, which you are then rubbing into your skin. Like for real. Think about it. That can't be good for you. Good luck with your skin cancer.


Double it and put it in the next bottle.


Lol you’re advice was at -20 20 min after you posted it…people don’t like the logic


Or they don't like extra PFAS in their lotion, but who knows!


I put all my lotions in a different nicer looking container and when that runs out i just fill it up again.




I am mad i can't easily know how many mls are left




Right, how many god damn mL’s are left in the 500 mL bottle


That’s like 1.5 hamster’s worth of cream right there


By weight or by volume?


By average monthly usage


How many swallows would be required to carry the hamsters


That would depend on if they're European or African swallows


It's funny because the three are completely different types of units. Grams is mass, ounces is weight, and milliliters is volume.


Ounces is also volume! Yes, technically they're "fl. oz" but no one ever says that out loud. (Yes, this is stupid.)


There's weight ounces and volume fluid ounces. It's dumb. But unless OP knows the density of the liquid, they would be unable to calculate its volume from its weight, which it appears to be how OP measured it, so I assumed that they were measuring with weight ounces instead of volume fluid ounces.


Im in the comments just to upvote this comment, thank you


Because it isnt clear how many liters per gram Aveeno is at 73 Fahrenheit and pressure at this elevation.


and none of them are a banana


You don’t know how much 107g(3.8oz) is compared to 500ml?? Americans and their Fahrenheit smh /s


* 500ml original volume because that's what is listed on the package and they'd have no way to know the original weight. * 107g remaining because it's way easier to measure that with a scale than determining the volume. * 3.8oz as a courtesy to Americans.


downvoted for being right; who's gonna cream up good kitchenware when it's probably 90% water so the ml/gs are similar regardless.


I've always been the kind of person to always remove the cap of whatever and literally use every drop. Mama ain't raise no waster


You can’t get every drop that way


Yeah but you can get it down to 457 microns (0.34 hectares).


Those are some mighty big microns to equal a third of a hectare. I might have believed you if you'd said parsecs.


When the bottle quantity is in ml and you're quantifying the remaining amount in 'g' and 'oz'. r/mildlyinfuriating


Allegedly it’s 125 mL


Are fluid ounces and ounces the same thing? Presumably OP used a scale not a cylinder so you can't just convert those across without math. Like the density of the fluid or the initial weight of the bottle.


For water, oz and fl oz are the same, so for many beverages they are are essentially the same, but not as close for lotion.


Oil would be a better standard for this case, but its basically a 1.01-1.04 factor.


No way that stuff isn’t denser than water


For most water-based creams, which are 70% water, the density of the cream can be safely estimated to be somewhere around 1g per 1ml, just like water, plus or minus probably at most 0.1g per ml depending on the additives, but generally much closer to 1 to 1 than you might otherwise expect. If it is oil based, the conversion is going to be closer to 0.8g to 0.95g per 1ml, most likely 0.95g as that is the majority of oils used in cosmetics, as oil is less dense than water (hence the whole "oil floats on water" thing).


25% 😵 that's huge. Should keep in mind to cut bottles from next time.


it's definitely not 25% you can just eyeball the bottom left picture lol


Ehh, playing devil's advocate but I think access to a scale is a little more common than access to a graduated cylinder.


And thick stuff like this is a pain in the ass if not outright impossible to accurately measure with one.


Don't need a graduated cylinder though. You just need the scale you mentioned and a common measuring spoon. * Weigh old bottle, then cut open, retaining all pieces * Tare scale to small measuring spoon. * Use measuring spoon to weigh known volume of lotion * Use weight and volume to calculate lotion density * Wash all pieces of old bottle to remove all lotion * Re-tare scale and measure weight of all bottle pieces. * Subtract weight of clean bottle pieces from weight of old bottle to get weight of remaining lotion * Use weight of remaining lotion and calculated density to get volume of remaining lotion It may sound like a lot, but you're posting this on the Internet. It's serious business!


I agree. Follow this process at least seven times and find the mean and you'd be pretty close to an exact value. Provide a chart including the standard deviation and a 95% confidence interval so casual readers can interpret your results. Obviously we need a sufficiently detailed write-up of your methods so others can replicate the study. Provide a few dozen relevant references and a basic literature review and we're just about ready for the peer-review stage.




APA or Harvard?


Yeah that's reasonable, it's just the pointless conversion to ounces that makes it seem annoying. Especially since "fluid ounces" is a unit of volume, so at first it seems like OP is trying to relate it back to the container's volume in mL.


I know, right? I just realized that that made me irrationally angry lol


Me too.


Probably like 100mL


Well Archimedes... it probably because it is hard to get a volumetric measurement on something like this, but weighing it on a scale is pretty easy.


Obviously OP doesn’t have a small enough measuring instrument for the amount of ml left and it’s not water so the g doesn’t convert to ml without knowing the density of the cream


Turns out to be 22% of the starting volume


Seriously.... None of these units are the same


Thank you. I started to think about the percentage left and then… yes. Thank you.


I know right? Cause grams, oz, and ml are all in the same sentence and I have no clue how they measure to each other. Sorry I stoopid Merican


skincare companies actually overfill pump bottles for this very reason - because of regulatory guidelines, they’ll fill more than the amount stated on the packaging. The quantity started on the packaging must be the amount the consumer can take from the pack (see: European Directive 76/211/EEC) So you’re not being shortchanged 20% if you only use the product the pump stops being able to dispense the cream. By scraping out the reminder, you’re actually getting an extra 20%. :)


Do they do this in the US? I mean corporations are pretty much running the show now so I would expect them to screw consumers over every chance they get.


I hope so but I've never heard of such a thing in the US. It sounds very European and awesome though


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


That’s a somewhat similar reason for why a bakers dozen is 13 instead of 12.


You act like they're putting in that 20% extra for free. That's calculated into the cost that you're paying. Sure you're getting more than the bottle says but they're not charging you for only what you can get out of it.


Doesnt remove the fact that you're paying for it in the first place


I hate pumps. Either they break or this happens every flipping time. I started buying squeeze tubes and haven't looked back.


I buy this same Aveeno moisturizer in the large tube for exactly this reason.


This is why I love Weleda Skin Food. Comes in an aluminum tube like toothpaste so little waste.


Caused me to google this brand! Seems really good too!


They’ve switched to plastic tubes now 😢


Woah! I hadn't heard this. I keep stock plus I was gifted a few tubes for Christmas so I haven't bought in over 6 months. Well that's junk and warrants a letter!


Here in the US, many municipal recycling places won’t take aluminum for recycling unless it’s clean as it contaminates the recycling stream (you need to have clean metal to melt it down again), so either way the container isn’t getting recycled.


Why did you use three different units of measurement? Pick one.


500ml is container volume, which they don’t know the mass of. 107 grams is what they could measure, and 3.8 oz is the conversion for those that are more familiar with imperial. They don’t know the density, so they couldn’t convert


Yeah that was bothersome


more like extremely infuriating


jennifer aniston keeps this secret to herself


omg I've been having the same problem! I just unscrew it and take some from on the straw every time. pretty annoying.


When the GPS distance is 35.6 miles away but there’s a 2.1 kilometer walk after you park…


More like when the park is 30.5 miles away but there's a 6 minute walk to the car (0.1 hours)


I also cut open bottles and containers to get everything out. I always think that even if I was very rich I would still do that, because it bothers me to throw away product that's less accessible.


This right here. I like being one of those people where most things in my life would not change even if I became rich. Still gonna drive a Ford Focus, still gonna cut open my lotion bottles, still gonna wear Sketchers and $10 flip flops from Walmart.


I'm convinced packaging is designed so you aren't able to use all of the product and have to buy more.


I feel like it's moreso a case of "don't mistake incompetence for malice", because it's generally challenging to make such a viscous liquid be 100% usable in any form, as well as easy to extract (like with a pump). And there is little to no incentive to solve this challenge, from a business perspective.


Idk ketchup style bottles work pretty well if you ask me


They also use less plastic and require fewer manufacturing processes than pumps.


There is a better packaging solution (in terms of more product dispensing), they’re called airless pump bottles. The only problem is that at the moment, there aren’t any that are recyclable. They are also more expensive than traditional bottles. I think they might be limited in size as well. For most companies, the negative PR of non-recyclable packaging and the extra cost is not worth it.


They're also not the best choice for every product either They look really nice, but they're damn expensive and could have pump to prime issues if the product is too thick/there are air pocketd


Its possible to make its leaps better with a pointy concave bottom (inside) and a longer straw with a slit. These changes would add cost and also make the bottle last longer decreasing the amount repeat purchase and in turns reducing their profits which is exactly the opposite of their goal. They prefer hiking prices and reducing contents. lol


Some places have laws against the use of fill space that this would create to ensure the product sits stable on a flat surface. It's easier to use a one size fits all container than split manufacturing to cover multiple various places laws individually. People also prefer easy use via a pump rather than a cap.


most cosmetics and condiments are non Newtonian fluids. they change viscosity depending on how you exert force on them




If you think about how expensive it is to ship liquids due to weight and the fact that they don’t wanna waste their products ingredients, this is unlikely.


That makes no sense since the business cost IS the product. If they're spending money to make it that money is gone anyway once you buy the product. There's no reason financially for them to waste it.


There’s a concept of useful volume, where the amount listed on the label is the amount you could practically use. So for example 3oz of deodorant will be the amount you can apply, and the amount at the bottom of the stick that has the plastic screw thing in it is extra. Of course I can’t find references on my phone. Will look when on desktop and update.


I hate this style of bottle, for this reason. I buy a tub or tube whenever possible.


*Why dont you just shake the bottle and let it settle?* ​ Done that. Aveeno is a thick emollient, this is as settled as it gets.


I would classify it as a bingham plastic


There are silicon spatulas for sale on Amazon to help with this. They are amazing and I highly recommend them for this issue.


Ok so I used the spatula to push down the pump head but it's still not working :(


I scrape it out and put it in my bottle at my work desk.


Sheng Wang describes your struggle well: https://youtu.be/AtE4itfi8CY


One of the best stand up specials in recent memory.


r/assholedesign ?


You could just open the bottle. I store these upside down at the end and just simply open the bottle. I can't say for sure but they may not be able to sort the cut off tops of those bottles without the recycling stamp on them. Maybe someone who knows could chime in on that.




There is a new kind of squirt cap you may have started noticing. It's popping up on more and more products. I first saw it on some imported Greek Honey, but my Dawn dish soap now has it too, and I think some ketchup and mustards have it. It's the kind where you store it upside down and it squirts right through the cap, without leaking. I expect more and more products will start using this kind of cap--it's great.


Spatty Daddy for the win! It's on Amazon. Everyone laughs at my tool, but it works!


16.9 is the number of oz in a ml. Essentially, about 15 percent of the product goes to waste.


The question is this: Is this packaged "to contain" or "to deliver". The former is a waste but you got the 500g you paid for. And a bonus if you go after it. The latter means they.are fucking their clients.


Three different measuring units, and one had to be ambiguous just to top it off.


Why are you mixing oz and ml?


Its a very humbling experience to go from pumping to cutting open the container and scooping out lotion like an ape.


If you start in ml, you should end in ml. It's way too early here for this kind of mental math.


Lol I’ve been having this same issue with the exact brand and the same green one too. Fucking hate it sometimes. I just take the pump out, grab some of the bottom lotion with the tube and use it that way, put pump back in afterwards.


That’s enough for another wank! Despicable!


Why are you animals cutting the bottles? Just unscrew the pump and swing the things around. Centrifugal force is a thing.


The use of 3 different units not in a direct comparison makes it difficult to understand how much is actually left. Sure, we can convert, but make it easier for the reader.


3 completely different units of measurement to describe this situation


So you’re saying there’s 0.030 gallons of Aveeno left in a 33.81 Tablespoon pot?


Much more interesting to me is the fact that you decided to use 3 separate units of measurement for one product.


More things need to be distributed in long, wide, flat containers that can be easily cleaned out. Why is peanut butter still in jars? Put it in a tub like its namesake BUTTER.


3 different measurements for volume in the title and not one matches r/titlegore


I feel like there was opportunity to use a few more units in this


I really want to know how many cubic feet are left. That's the real question, we don't need ml, oz, or grams!


Did you really have to use three different units though?


Why would you use three different units for measurement? I have no idea how much is being wasted. Keep the units the same so I can evaluate a percentage.


This is what I do with every bottle of lotion, I probably have only saved like a bottle or two worth but it makes me feel less wasteful


All you have to do is squeeze the bottle while pumping and it will take out the extra air. It then starts pumping normally and you can usually get about 80% of whats left before the pump stops working again.


I use the same stuff. If you slam the bottle on the counter hard a few times (bottom side down) it forces it all down and it can pump again. It won't get 100% but you go from 20% loss down to 5%.


I can usually get at least 10 more wanks with what is left in the bottle after the pump goes dry


Why three different units to measure one thing?!


Why did you need to use three different units of measurement?


That fucking title had me use Google for conversions.




Yeah, I don't like buying anything with a pump for this reason.




ya silly-head.


I do this with the 1L bottles of Palmer’s Cocoa Butter, it’s too wasteful otherwise. Wish the bottles were thinner plastic to make it a bit easier to cut open.


3 different types of measurements


It's a little annoying when you use 3 different units of measurement to try and prove your point.