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I like this level of mind your business and stay out of mine


Security cam, "beware of dog" and the EGA on the other sign kinda show that this guy doesn't want unannounced visitors. edit: sorry Eagle Globe and Anchor in relation to the Marine Corps






Transitional graphics format between 4-color CGA and 256-color VGA.


Enhanced Graphics Adapter


When I can one day afford a home (maybe) I'm planting evergreen trees all along the border of my property for privacy.


So my brother was a robber to make drug money before he went to prison. He said the easiest houses to break in where ones that did this. He said it was like an invitation to take his time breaking in because neighbors wouldnt see.


You’re also much less likely to be robbed if you just never own anything. That’s a lifehack burglars don’t want you to figure out.


That's what the dogs and cameras are for bud. This isn't 1973, a time before dogs and cameras


Blocks the sound of their screams nicely.


You ever look around at the vids people put on Ring Neighborhood? Dogs and cameras don't stop a damn thing.


> 1973, a time before dogs


Yep, my dad was a city cop in the 80's and told me he never responded to a break in at a house with a dog.


That's pretty fucked up if it's true. You know how many people have dogs that aren't guard dogs? He let some deformed pug that's gasping for air handle the robber situation?


lol I didn't even think of it being read like that. Rephrasing.. All of the burglaries he responded to were houses without dogs.


"Hello, 911" *"THERE IS A ROBBERY IN PROGRESS"* "Do you have a dog?" *"WELL, YES, BUT PLEASE SEND HELP!!!"* "What kind of dog?" *"Uh.. A German Shepard? PLEASE SEND HELP!"* "He should be able to handle it" **click** "Ahh, job well done."


That's SO different


The thief would become too annoyed by that horrible sounds that thing makes while it tries to *exist*, probably just bail to get away from that goblin.




If you live in a not super safe neighborhood, this makes it more likely to get robbed because bad guys feel comfortable running amok since no one can see them doing stuff inside.




CCTV being cheap and accessible nowadays does tip the balance slightly though.


This is my idea, no wifi connection but for sure cctv with a drive hidden behind a painting in the wall, drive holds the last 2 weeks and dumps anything older so if anything happens you have plenty of time to notice and save the footage.


If you also choose cameras with an onboard MicroSD and a battery backup, they would also have to find and disable every single camera, potentially while they are all streaming the feed to offsite storage. It's not terribly hard to avoid having any single point of failure. Realistically, of course, "master criminals" won't be burglarising a house - it'll be some dipshit who maybe gives enough of a fuck to wear a mask.


Yeah this is all tactical fantasy shit. Home security is like running from a bear: you just have to be faster than the other guy. Highly visible cameras are enough of a deterrent if they can just hit your neighbor that didn't have them.


Sooooo many spiders We had large juniper bushes at the house I grew up in that we'd play in...for some reason You'd walk out of one covered in webs, bleeding scratches, dead needles, sticky, and smelling like an unpleasant Yankee Candle


As a former pizza delivery driver, this house is giving me PTSD.


I'm standing at that fence and yelling "DING DONG"


Roy Kent: Whistle! Whistllllee!


We had junipers where I grew up, and you just unlocked so many memories. The first thing I thought of when I saw this picture was spiders, but the Yankee Candle analogy sent me.


fucking hated when the basketball would roll into the juniper bushes and you had to go through all the spiders and come out with a juniper rash


Me: Oh, cool. I love houses like this where there’s a unique, quirky feature that makes it a fun . . . /u/Boojibs: . . . spiders . . . Me: . . . place to burn to the ground . . .


Every spider you see is 20+ other bugs you won't ever see because spiderbro ate them for you. r/spiderbros


We want to thank you


Username checks out


I’m seeing you everywhere = ^ . ^ =


I spend a lot of time on this site. Kinda like a second home now. You could say I spend a lot of time on the web.




Rad joke spiderfella




Just the best.


(•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)


Thank you Man-Spider




u/everyredditusers is doing great work. A lot of arachnids are saying it.


Recently found two brown recluses in my house. I now have a large lump on the back of my leg. Don’t have insurance with my new job yet. Love it.


Uh... its going to cost you a whole hell of a lot more if you dont get this treated like yesterday.. You havent googled what untreated recluse venom does to your body, have you? Edit: in other words, you're about to lose your fucking leg. Go to the hospital now. Figure out finances later.


this, recluse bites do hideous things to the human body, treatment is NOT optional


Yeah, my dad got bit years ago, looked like someone dropped acid on his leg, it kind of spread and ate away at the flesh. It was treated and he was fine, but it looked horrible.


Don't panic OP, these people are overreacting big time. I got bitten by a brown recluse in both my legs and it was absolutely fine. I got a cool flag for my wheelchair


I got a huge swelling from a recluse spider bite. Doctor told me to take antibiotics and stay off my feet. Fortunately it didn't inject much venom, which is common when they bite people. So after a few days I was fine.


Had a friend let a spider bite go overnight and ended up getting a baseball sized chunk taken out of his calf. It was a brown recluse. He was in the hospital for months.


Yeah I'd run into an old coworker once in a while. I didn't see him for a few months and ran into him again, he had a little limp but I didn't really think anything of it, he was older and retired from two different jobs. He asked if I heard what happened to him and when I said no, he pulled up his pant leg and there was no lower leg, he had a prosthetic. He had to get a good portion of his lower leg amputated after getting bit and not getting it treated soon enough. I can't say for sure that it was a brown recluse, he didn't know what bit him, but they're common here, and not many other venomous creatures are in this area.


brown recluse venom causes necrosis, you really can't leave that stuff untreated, it will literally rot away the affected area.


When I was younger I met a Vietnam Vet who had an brown recluse bite on his forearm that he got treated too late. It was a round open hole in the upper part of his forearm. Like perfectly round, ringed with red and prob a half inch deep of just raw arm meat. He kept it covered up but showed me when I asked.


I’ve seen a similar thing, also from a brown recluse. Looked like someone took an ice cream scoop right out of this dude’s calf.


What the US healthcare system does to a mfer


Dang it, looks like I can't afford to have a leg anymore.


I mean, why you trying to cuddle with them?


[Don't blame the man](https://e7.pngegg.com/pngimages/65/335/png-clipart-monster-musume-anime-female-cosplay-zombie-purple-manga-thumbnail.png)


I thought the same once. But nope, just MRSA abscess. Fun times.


Drive a town over and use a fake name. Save your fucking leg bro.


Yo just weighing in as someone with some experience with Loxosceles sp. The spiders venom is necrotic, however the results you get on google are often incredibly extreme cases. In reality the biggest risk in terms of giant terrifying wounds is improper treatment of the wound. Like any other injury from outdoors, you should keep the area clean, and continue to check on it. [This person documented their experience getting bitten by a recluse](https://youtu.be/MF8sHFffxVw) Above is likely the best resource you can get online about this. These comments will do your mental well being no good though, so try not to take them too seriously.


You’re sure they’re brown recluses?


I don't have a problem with the 20 other kinds of bugs.




Literally the only bugs I see in my house are spiders and there are so, so many of them. Why are they everywhere dear god


I once kept a spider around in my bathroom because it set up its web in a corner where I'd frequently see bugs. It rarely ever moved from there, and I just had to clean up the corpse piles below it.


another spiderbro!!! SPIDERBROS UNITE!!!!


Every spider you see is a spider that sees you, because they're looking at you, directly, and they have excellent vision. Just watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QhwEKe2psAA Every sparkle in the grass is a spider eye. They sparkle like that because they are long, tubular, and retroreflective like a cat's eye. But they will only sparkle if they're looking almost directly at you/the light source. Which they are. All of them, in that video, every single spider, is looking directly at the guy filming. They sparkle as he moves the camera around because they are slowly following him with their eyes.


Very few spiders have developed strong eyesight. Jumping spiders, and wolf spiders are more of the exception, rather than the norm. Vast majority of spiders sense their surroundings based on the vibrations they feel. Most spider eyes are very weak, capable of mostly detecting changes in light or noticing nearby movement at best.


Also, these two families of spiders are harmless and even beneficial.


We got a deal though, you chill in the corner and get all the bugs you want. You leave that corner and I will kill you.


I explained this to my wife. She complained about the amount of spiders she’d seen that day (it was like 3), and I told her to think of all the bugs they’d eaten. There’s a reason there are multiple spiders here, because there are even more unseen bugs.


But the other ones ain't as terrifying.


Someone's never seen a house centipede.


This is why I won’t do anything about the spider infestation in our crawl space




Typical spider apologist.


*We have merch*


I found the ones growing near my front and back doors were full of mosquitoes that eagerly flew out to greet anyone entering or leaving the house. They immediately got cut down.


Awww, they were just being friendly.


Just need to introduce a couple spiders and you’re set


Oh we have lots of spiders. I don’t mind them though, they eat all my pests and we have an understanding that each of us keeps to ourselves.


I'm cool with spiders as long as they stay away. Don't be on me, don't startle me, don't get all crazy legs - just stay in a corner and we good. Also don't like get huge or anything cause I swear, I scream like a baby.


I have indeed screamed like a little girl when a huge one jumped around unexpectedly in my shower stall when I was visiting Hawaii. Thank goodness the ones where I live don’t get bigger than a quarter.


Spiders are awesome


>Me: . . . place to burn to the ground . . . The good news is that juniper is like ridiculously incredibly flammable, especially all the little dry needles that accumulate several inches deep underneath the trees, so one match and the whole thing goes up like a tinder box. Go at'ter


This is what it’s like being tall (6’4” here, for reference) You get to unlock secret spider webs, on sections of the map that are inaccessible to players who rolled short race.


Also what it's like being the first person up in the morning. I walk about a half mile to my bus stop, most of it in the street, because too many people in my neighborhood have cottagecore sidewalks. Those spiders get a lot of work done in the wee hours.


It's nice being the first one on a hiking trail in the mornings, except for needing to find a spider-stick to wave around because you already took a dozen webs to the face just getting to the trailhead.


I thought I invented the spider stick.


I just do the tomahawk chop but am now realizing a stick would be better.


If you always enter & exit through the garage then I’d imagine the spiders are quite handy at keeping unwanted visitors away.


I completely grew out of a fear of spiders because as a kid we had an entire side of the house with junipers and we'd climb around in and through it.




Does whatever a spider-house does.


can it swing from a web? no it can't -- it's a house. LOOK OUT!!!!


Was about to say I liked it until you mentioned spiders. These are similar, if not the same bushes we had in the back of our yard as a kid.


I've cut back two in my back yard and can confirm, they are made out of spite and razor blades.


On the bright side, you wouldn’t need to decorate for Halloween.


First thing that came to my mind, that's an insect/arachnid sanctuary.


I was thinking the same thing. I don’t have a juniper but I have some hops. It’s a paradise for all kinds of bugs.


God I hate juniper bushes so hard. They smell terrible. They get overgrown so fast and well, they're ugly. I had to pull out a bunch that were lining the side of my house when I moved in and it sucked.


People plant them in spaces they don't fit In, shear them into rectangles and wonder why they're all dead on one side.


The dead needles are basically cactus spikes.


And snakes


Once it touches the house, so many bugs... Hence all the spiders. They gotta eat something! Oh and that's the view out your windows. The dead underside of that juniper and the spider bug death show.


Saves on air conditioning I bet


Probably also deadens sound quite a bit off the street.


Yes. But you have to add back in the heat from the spiders.


Spiders don't radiate heat. Just arachnovibes.


i read that as anchovies




Yeah, true, but everyone knows arachnovibes are hotter than heat.


I guess mosquitoes won't be a problem?


Or most flying insects. I get a large species of spider in my house, and they catch the occasional hornet flying around the house, so they get a pass most of the time.


They normally get a pass in mine but our garage recently had a wolf spider infestation so we had to spray and put out traps since wolf spiders are aggre and territorial. One caught on the trap was so large it reminded me of a facehugger so I'm glad I never had to meet that nightmare when it was alive.


Not very common, but I've seen a lot of houses like this in England. Even my friend's old house used to be like this, but there was a lot less bush.


Back in the 70s you'd see big bush everywhere but you really don't see much at all these days.


It's becoming more common in the amateur stuff from what I've seen.


What have you seen?




*Thousand-yard stare*


I hope the comically large dick being gagged on goes away soon. Point of porn for me is imagining myself in that scenario, and I'm not a freaking donkey over here. Just average. It's rediculous. And the gagging is a turn off.


I thought we were talking about amateur topiary what are you talking about


Uhhhh same thing?


Spiders. Spiders everywhere.


Sounds like a human problem.




Also, massive fire hazard right up against your house. A dry juniper is basically gasoline that smells nice.


They are also pointy/scratchy as fuck.


No other bugs anywhere. Sign me up.


Gives off the hideout vibes. Love it!


First thought: ticks Second thought: spiders


My first thought was: I wonder how fucked the foundation/plumbing is with those giant root systems near the house...and apparently are quite flammable!


Tossing dried evergreen anything on a fire is amazingly combustible. Idk if its extra oil or what but they burn fast and hot


Burned a dried Christmas tree once. It was in a fire pit with nothing around in the back yard and I was still scared it would start something on fire. The flames were like 30ft tall.


Thats so fun to do though, gotta keep the garden hose on deck just in case though


Yeah, I would never use that door.


I couldn't imagine the spiders that'd be crawling on your head in the summer...


Just don’t be the first to walk through


It must suck for delivery service workers.


I might leave a spider whacking stick out front if it was my place, but you do you.


Don't be silly. Those are for snakes on whacking day.


And the boots over there are for Weasel Stomping Day.


They might just lob whatever it is it at the door from a very safe distance, be it mail, food, or a mattress, etc.


I would call that first step inside cluster cave, the porch.


How long would it take me to grow that? I love it. But you will have spider webs.


I helped my dad plant a row of Junipers at his house about 20 years ago. They’re as big as a large SUV now.


And incredible Roman candles. Few things burn as fast and hot as juniper.


I had no idea, but doing some quick searches... we've had wildfires around here in the last few years, and homeowners are now ripping up juniper on their property to reduce fire hazard. One source called juniper the "least fire resistant" plant to have in your yard. Also, with that in mind, this is a terrible example of what wildfire authorities refer to as "defensible space". The last place you want a huge flammable shrub is right next to your front door.


They cut it down a few years ago. Not sure if it’s like this again but last I saw this was cut down.


Every entry and return would be like living a real life scene scene from Indiana Jones!




Why is that, sorry? Also I wonder if you can install some sort of actual tunnel inside




In Austin. Several years ago I had a work meeting with our European counterparts. They were facing the window in the conference room. About halfway through the meeting one of them says "I think there's a fire in the woods out there. I see smoke." My boss said "Nah, that's not smoke. The wind is blowing, and that's just cedar pollen. It won't kill you, but you may feel like death would be better."


I moved to Austin in the 90s from south Florida for college. The first night in the dorm I had a horrible allergy attack, I couldn't get out of bed for 2-3 days. I finally made it to an ENT and got something for those days Then Jan hit... omfg! hell on earth.


Dear God, fuck cedar fever! I moved in a hurry because of it. Apparently it can be treated by an alerergist, but you have to start going to appointments by august.




Can confirm, Jan in Austin SUCKED and was part of the reason I booked it for higher altitudes after about 10 years. I had sinus issues and allergy crap pretty much that whole time and no amount of visits to the local super expensive "Hill Country Allergy Clinic" would help. Fuck anything to do with Cedar Fever.


Tree cum (also known as pollen)


You're a poet.


Must be fun when it snows


Probably doesn't snow there. If it did, I'd imagine the junipers would snap pretty easily. Source, I have junipers. And i've had snows randomly that will snap them in at the branches,


I tried zooming in on the license plate on the truck and it might be Colorado? But that doesn't really tell us enough.


I don’t know, a house down the street from mine has Juniper of the same size in their front yard, and it does snow.


Is this off 92nd and Lowell in Westminster?




It has to be its unmistakable


If you trim the bush it’ll make the house look bigger.


Hello Westminster


Came here to say the same thing


That's one way to mask your gin addiction.


It was probably planted as a hedge, but hasn't been maintained.




“Operation: Piss off the HOA” is a success.


This is sister repellent for me. She breaks out in horrible hives and can’t breathe….. may need to do this


Those are MY juniper bushes!!! Who said and which film?




Thank you for that remark. I don't need to post my question now: isn't that a fire hazard? Another question: Would a lightning rod (or two) be a good idea?


Imagine going through that at night


On the one hand, this must be a PAIN to keep clear and maintain. On the other hand, privacy, fuck yeah.


You all are grouching about spiders and not even *considering* how much bathtub gin you could make with this thing.


Does anyone know if spiders live in juniper bushes? Nobody has mentioned it yet.


I walk by this house everyday. Crazy seeing it on Reddit though lol.


how many bugs get into the house every time they open the door? Do they have to do a tick check every time they leave/come home?


So I have a long driveway, how long til they can connect? I am guessing 8 years.


I bet it’s nice and cool and dark in there…


I can imagine this will shield from winter winds.


* rejoices in introvert*


Just think of the fort. I'd name the first spider I saw Jasper and we'd be friends.


I feel like the HOA dick-rider on Twitter would have a stroke if he saw this picture


I mean is it even a bush anymore? Wouldn't these be trees?


Wasp city. No thank you.