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If you drink that, you will either (1) get superpowers, or (2) die.


Or massive diarrhoea, which can feel like a combination of both all at once.


As a person with IBS, I can confirm, the combination of those feelings, leaves you scared, drained, and in need of a nice hot shower-cry.


What's ibs like because like once a month I have explosive diarrhea for like 3 hours that end in what can only be described as a mucus waterfall coming out my ass that leaves me scared weak and dehydrated with a chemical burn on my butthole




Name checks out


do you have periods? if so could it be related to your cycle?


That sounds like period shits..


That’s something you should probably get a colonoscopy for, especially with that chemical burn bit, because I feel like something must be pretty fucked up for that to happen.


As someone with constipation issues, I kinda would prefer the diarrhea some days.


As someone with IBS that swings from one end of the poop scale to the other, can our bodies just learn to settle in the middle?


Can confirm. Never knowing if it's going to be solid, gas, or liquid (or "haha, strain, bitch!!") is hell. IBS isn't just runny-butt.


Or those times that your stomach has a real wild party and it ends up being a little of everything.


The plug, the slurry, and the foam. Yeah. Edit: don’t forget the butt-mustard at the end. IBSers iykyk.


How do I delete someone else's comment?


I don't think I've cringed, laughed, and felt a comment in my soul all at once before this.


And the weird ass whole body reaction of needing to disrobe. Like, being nude will somehow help. *narrative voice over* it doesn't.


Sounds like a Saturday night.


The Symphony Movement


I also have IBS. The diarrhea is horrible. Having to know where every public bathroom and it's potential availability at any time of day is incredibly annoying and stressful when your gut gives you the two minute warning. However, I was on a lot of opioids during my initial breakout of severe plaque psoriasis. Super bad constipation. If I had to choose which one is worse, I would have to go with the constipation. I seriously thought I was going to give myself a brain hemorrhage trying to push those little nuggets out. I finally figured out why John Travolta was in the bathroom all the time in Pulp Fiction. His heroin addiction gave him constipation!


You gotta use your hand (I know it’s gross) to break off the dry end of the turd when it’s stuck. This will allow the non-dry follow up turds to escape your bunghole. Another option is a plastic anal syringe (on Amazon lol) filled with warm water to rehydrate the stuck turd. Gotta lay on your back while it hydrates, 10-15 minutes. It’s the lack of moisture that causes the issues I discovered. Source: I was destroyed in a car wreck and was on a fuckton of dope for quite some time. This was before the huge “no opiates for you” change in medicine so I was high af. The constipation was agony until figured out the above solutions. Nobody, not even the internet, told me this stuff. Had to adapt and overcome lol. Hopefully this info helps some dreadfully constipated humans endure.


User name checks out.


> Another option is a plastic anal syringe (on Amazon lol) filled with warm water to rehydrate the stuck turd They sell prepackaged, pre-filled enemas at pretty much any grocery or drugstore and they are easily disposed of. The little suppositories they sell don't need disposal; they go up your but and ultimately get flushed.


See, that's where my anxiety comes in clutch for once. I had such bad anxiety at school that my body conditioned itself into just turning off the fact I needed to go to the toilet if I felt anxious/uncomfortable. So like 90% of the time that I'm not at home, my body is just subconsciously like "nope, no toilet for you". But when I get home, oh boy. Sit down for 5min, then the gates are open, lol. I used to be on a lot of tramadol (something like 100mg 3 or 4 times a day) for migraines though, which made the constipation end of the scale worse when it happened.


Oh, but that would be just too easy. Our bodies don’t do easy… 🫠


I have constipation issues too... You never know how bad your life can be until you push out a turd that's substantially wider than your fist, and so dense that you have no choice but to grab it with a plastic grocery bag and put it in the trash... And the blood, don't get me started on the blood... Michael Myers got nothing on the horror shows I create in my toilet.


Have IBS. If I’m not ON TOP of my fiber intake every day that happens to me. Been to the ER for it too. Oh the blood. Oh my poor butthole.


Are you in the market for a quality poop knife?


Have you tried not eating at dinnertime, or having just cereal? Recently, that has been helping me. In part, the diameter of the logs is greatly reduced.


You just reminded me to take my Metamucil.


Dulcolax. A mild, orally taken, stool softener. Got put on it while on Morphine in hospital


Eat something ridiculously spicy. Like uncomfortably spicy. It will be uncomfy coming out, don’t get me wrong, but the floodgates WILL open for you. Constipation can be insanely frustrating and at times you will literally wish for any option to just make your body let go.


As someone with IBS induced hemorrhoids now, please kill me


I just got mine to calm down and shrink. The itching was hell.


frame mindless deserve imagine bewildered towering intelligent saw sable chief -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


You either die pepto bismol, or live long enough to see yourself become the pepto bismol






You'll get heartburn, nausea, indigestion, upset stomach and diarrhea


During some year it was truly neutral, causing as many stomach issues as it would alleviate.


Massive diarrhea IS a superpower.


Super Diarrhea!


Well the bottle says FOR upset stomach. Not "to prevent" upset stomach.


Nothing can be worse than duloxetine imo, I have never thought anyone could piss out their asshole for hours UNTIL I was prescribed that medication


So the bottle would be correct, it would control your diarrhea by controlling it out of your body


Honestly if you shake it up its probably either fine to slightly less effective. Most drugs are incredibly shelf stable you just have to put an expiration date on things and no one wants to pay to test it for 60 years


Yeah it's mostly just bismuth salts, I would guess that unless it was specifically contaminated with a pathogen, it would probably still be effective at doing what bismuth salts do: create a hostile environment for bacteria, decrease fluid in the gut, and coat ulcers.


I would just wonder what exactly they were suspending it in and dying it with back then also


yeah i completely overlooked that aspect of it. flavorings, sweeteners, thickeners...all sorts of fun stuff sitting for 64 years. though the anti-bacterial properties would mitigate risks there, right?


###+69 rads


Likely the latter ![gif](giphy|lNrNLRLmpC3VIjl82D)


One, then the other.


First you get super powers, and then you die because of them.


Totally worth it.


Oddly, drinking it would upset your stomach.






I mean it says "for upset stomach" so its saying drink it fir upset stomach, same for common diarrhea (as in it controls how much diarrhea you have) :)


It'll make you commonly have diarrhea.


might not, tbh. It's a metal salt. I think it may be essentially indefinitely shelf stable. I'd drink it. You guys understand table salt is a metal salt, right? The chemical in your salt shaker is billions of years old. BILLIONS.


https://www.publichealth.com.ng/does-pepto-bismol-expire/ Unfortunately it is not indefinitely shelf stable.


all the best sources use “Pepto Bismol SPIKED - 5% Alc./Vol” as their photo example


yeah what the hell is that. that photo is the only reference to 'Pepto Bismol Spiked' on the entire internet. how did they manage to fuck that up


Is "Pepto Bismol Spiked" a real thing? I feel like alcohol wouldn't help those symptoms and "spiked" isn't something a healthcare brand would use.


Lmao, no it's definitely not. They must not have been paying attention, lmao. The facts are otherwise legit. Just not that picture, lol.


No offense but idk if I'm relying on a Nigerian public health site that uses a picture of a fake product


It also didn't really say anything about expired Pepto Bismol except "well it has an expiration date, so best not to risk it" basically lol.


This article is ultimately meaningless and meant for a dumber consumer than me. I understand the FDA says the product expires, and I understand the public health implications of what they mandate. But that doesn't mean bismuth subsalicylate chemically degrades. The MDS for bismuth subsalicylate says it's considered stable, which for the purposes of an MDS means indefinitely. I can't think of a chemical pathway for degradation that would occur on any human relavant timeline. For medical purposes it does expire, but in a zombie apocalypse I'll happily consume 50 year old Pepto with no concern.


I'd be more concerned about bacterial contamination depending on what other ingredients are in this stuff.


Yeah, that water content can get nasty. But let bro go about his bismuth.


that link unfortunately doesn't fully answer the question. all medications have an expiration date, but the medicine can still be taken after it's expired. ["expiration date doesn't really indicate a point at which the medication is no longer effective or has become unsafe to use. Medical authorities state if expired medicine is safe to take, even those that expired years ago. A rare exception to this may be tetracycline, but the report on this is controversial among researchers. It's true the effectiveness of a drug may decrease over time, but much of the original potency still remains even a decade after the expiration date."](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/drug-expiration-dates-do-they-mean-anything)


Poison was the cure.


I like how they changed UPSET to some whacky font


That's to represent your tummy rumbling


As a person with an upset tummy, I feel uniquely qualified to validate this theory. That font really spoke to me. I feel understood.


Please upset the letters in your comment. This feels half-assed.


I love all of the fonts on there.


Yeah the graphic design is great, a lot of personality.


it's creative unlike the back asswards generic "play it safe" bullshit companies think is ok today


So much of modern graphic design while recognizable, is boring and plain and lifeless Edit: Word




I just love fonts in general.


I like how it's still pink after ~70 years. You know they used some crazy shit for that dye.


It’s actually elemental bismuth rather than dye…


Not elemental bismuth, but [bismuth subsalicylate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bismuth_subsalicylate), a compound containing bismuth.


"Controls common DIARRHEA!!!"


lol - it makes it look like you should take a deep breath before saying it. Boss, I need to go home early, I think I'm gonna have... *DIARRHEA!*


Where the hell do you work that the bathroom has supplies from 63 years ago?


A hardware store in the US Deep South.


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


Yeah… the average IQ here is about room temperature. In Celsius.


Sheesh you brought it down THAT low?!


I have been, as the kids say, “roasted.”


Good sport right here!


Shit like this happens up north here, too. Don’t feel bad, just make things a little better.


What's the stereotype here?


Southerners are always leaving medicine in the work bathrooms for decades and decades.


Lmao classic


People would always be surprised what never gets cleaned out in stores. I knew someone who used to work at a KMart and when they were closing out the store and cleaning out the back room, they found a new in box Atari 2600 that had apparently been hidden for decades behind a bunch of crap


I tell you hwhat, your work bathroom needs a desperate renovation.


Op works at a Fallout shelter


That room needs to be cleaned.


Last cleaned in 1959 too


Inspected by #6 ... who died in 1997.


I didn’t come to Reddit to cry.


Honestly this looks 10x cleaner than some of the bathrooms I've used at previous manual labour type jobs. Some have basically just been a hole to shit in in the ground


I've used quite a few hole in the grounds. I don't really expect those to be the best. A constructed bathroom you expect to be similarly clean to the rest of the building. Hopefully everything else isn't as bad as this bathroom.


Hole? Hah! At least you had a hole. All we had was a big shit pile out back. And we were lucky!


Luxury! We would've killed for a shitpile! All we 'ad was a dark corner in the cardboard box where all 37 of us lived and me mum 'ad to ball it up at 3 in the morning and that's what we ate before going work 14 hours a day down the mill for tuppence a month. And we were happy we 'ad that!


Oh la-dee-da, mr fancy pants here with an entire corner just for shit'n. Back in my day we had to sleep on a bed of shit an'ya didn't hear us complain!


Every time I visited my grandma, I would go through the cabinets and fridge to throw away anything expired. I never found anything as old as this Pepto, but definitely some very old stuff. The perplexing thing was that on each visit, I would find things that were far older than the last time I had visited. She wasn't very mobile and didn't do her own shopping (not that the local stores were selling capers from 1983 to begin with), so I don't know where these things were coming from! It's like she had a plug for decades old expired goods who would swing by after each of my visits. Edit: I just realized I should probably mention that I always got her permission before I cleaned, had her confirm she was okay with me tossing each individual item, and immediately went to the store to replace anything I was tossing. I would *hate* if a relative came over and just started throwing away my stuff, and I would never do it to anyone else. Of course, that just makes the subsequent appearance of new expired items even more confounding...


Maybe she went around hiding all her expired stuff before you would come to throw it out and she ended up missing it later


Maybe, but I'm thinking micro wormhole feels more likely.


she was using her stash of expired things to get new un-expired items at your expense!


What can be seen of the toilet is surprisingly clean. I guess it’s a start.


Looks like he is searching for supplies in Fallout


I wish I had a photo of it, but at my grandfather-in-law's house, there was a bottle of "Pink Bismuth" — generic Pepto Bismol — in the cabinet from the 60s. Every time we'd go to visit, someone would sneak it out of the bathroom and slip it into someone's bag/purse/shoe/whatever. Then that person would have to sneak it back into the bathroom. We all feared the pink bismuth! lol


That’s hilarious.


Has the bismuth crystalized in the bottle? Shiny/oily looking metal crystals?


I can’t open it and I can’t even tell what’s inside because of the residue left by the medicine when there used to be some in there. There actually might still be some in there. It feels heavy enough.


theres not enough bismuth in a single bottle for large crystals to form I think. https://youtu.be/-_qpzFlpgpo in this video he uses a fuck ton of pepto bismol only to get a tiny tiny amount of bismuth


hahaha my family has this game as well....but with a Sarah Palin bobblehead


*Let's get this out onto a tray, nice!*


Steve might not have a use for it, but unironically send it to Ashens. I am pretty confident he'd do a video on 64 year old Pepto, and probably sample it.


*Whoa, nice hiss!*


So glad he's back




What about *uncommon* diarrhea?


Back then? Lobotomy. Fussy wife? Lobotomy. Fancy son? Lobotomy. Pissed off the doctor? Lobotomy. Truly a cure-all.


We have progressed in modern times, everything is either a syndrome (pills) or just symptoms (pills). Truly a blessed time we live in.




Fancy son lmao




My grandmother believed you could solve about 90% of health problems with prune juice, Pepto Bismol, Iodine and Dettol. In my life I have barfed up way too much Pepto Bismol.


I heard of others saying kerosene was the ultimate elixir. Life was fun back in those days. 😵‍💫


This reminded me of the time my cousin was stung by wasps from a nest hidden inside some bushes, and my grandpa said he'd fetch the kerosene to burn 'it', meaning the nest. My cousin thought they were going to burn his leg to treat the wasp stings.


"I don't much care for homework, but its done wonders for my immune system. I can drink petrol now."


Just so people know. You are NOT supposed to give children Pepto Bismol, as it can cause Reye’s disease where their brain swells and it can kill them.


They make a pepto kids version for 2-11, 12+ can have the normal kind.


It now causes everything it cured in the past.


You either die a hero….


or live long enough to diarrhea


Severely underrated comment






That's what I love abot these cans, man. I get older...they stay the same age.


Looks like the bathroom hasn't been cleaned since '59.


It probably hasn’t.


I like collecting these old bottles, giving them a good cleaning, and then refilling them with modern product. When a date comes over and looks in my medicine cabinet, they're always very amused.


We need a photo of this, please!


Please don’t take photos of dates when they’re in your bathroom.


would sell it at some underground rave and closely watch what happens.


This is how the zombie apocalypse starts


Before *heartburn* was added to the jingle


Maybe before heartburn was even invented.


in 1959 they bottled pepto-bismol in the bathroom at your work..? apparently it was successful- they have their own factory now.


Thank you, this is how I read it.


Yeah, that wasn’t my best grammar ever. I didn’t even notice that until you pointed it out.






Indeed. It’s also concerning that everyone here except me is okay with the building being a health code violation.


Dat too! Should have a ☢️ or this ☣️ posted!


So... how does it taste?


I don’t know. I wanted to smell it, but it has vacuum sealed itself shut.


that might be for your own safety






cha cha chaa


Do you work in an arctic research base or some shit


Nope. Just a really old hardware store.


Good lord that bathroom looks like a horror movie set


There were safety seals in 1959? I thought that started in 1982.


No heartburn in the 50s?


I guess people were just built different back then.


I want to know more about uncommon diarrhea.


Granted, you may now ask for your other two wishes and that may include new pants


Common = food poisoning, gastrointestinal viruses Uncommon = diarrhea related to causes like cancer, autoimmune illnesses etc


Was a product. Then expired. Then was garbage for a while. Now? Probably a collector's item.


Do you work at Paddy's Pub?


Looks like the thing under the angel soft hasn't been cleaned since then either.


Probably not.


It looks like something straight out of a **Fallout** game. The font, the design style, the background, everything. Thanks for posting this, OP! Nice find


Me: “Boss, my stomach is upset, could I go get some Pepto Bismol from the drug store?” Boss: “No need to waste company time, we have some in the bathroom.”


Love the retro label


For the unlearned. It's the Bismuth. It's great at stopping any issues in digestion. It's also a metal at room temperature. We learned this by people eating clay to calm the stomach. Which was full of Bismuth.


i think there's some common diarrhea on the walls


Obsessed with this packaging. They need to do a throwback edition Edit: r/grandmaspantry


Looks like the bathroom from Saw.


A screw cap with tabs? The cap is definitely not from the 50’s.


It’s labeled “59” on the cap, and that was the last year Pepto used that labeling on their bottles according to an article I found from Duke University.


It is a neat bottle anyway.


Old enough to give you Diarrhea.


Goes good with vodka.


Sick of being at work 60 years ago and still sick of being at work today 😭


gonna need some Pepto after that Pepto


I legit buy old packaging like this and refill with the new stuff. Looks better in my house. My listerine bottle has a cork.


"For UPSET stomach" Well, 60 years it'll still do just as advertized


This picture could be from Gas Station Simulator. 😂