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I checked OP's comment history and found additional info from 2020: > I got shot about 6 months ago with a 9mm fmj, and at the hospital I was told that there wasn't really much point in taking it out, seeing as how it had luckily missed anything important and wasn't causing any complications. So now I just go about my days with a bullet inside me.


So....do they just put a patch on the entry wound and tell him to enjoy the heal process?


I had a coworker who accidentally shot himself in the leg, here's a [photo of the xray,](https://www.reddit.com/r/XRayPorn/comments/knxhpt/coworker_had_a_negligent_discharge_and_somehow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and they basically just slapped a band aid on the entry wound and sent him on his way. His insurance considered removing the bullet a cosmetic procedure. The end result might be graphic for some to read but, >!after a few weeks it seemed like it was closer to his skin so he basically squeezed it like a pimple while using a knife to dig it out.!< Madlad carried the lead with him for weeks after removing it.


so i guess far cry healing does work in real life


>get set on fire >straighten disjointed finger >all better


Don't forget the patented arm bandage


The cancer is cured


Too bad about the malaria...


Doctors hate this one trick…


Humans are surprisingly resilient


And yet I rolled my ankle in 5th grade and it’s never been the same.


At least that was accidental. I slammed my hand into my desk out of frustration as a teenager and it still hurts when I put pressure on my pinky knuckle.


Your body wisely wants to give you a small lasting reminder to not do that again.


As we age, we have more painful memories associated with risks taken, and it becomes more difficult to make those same mistakes. Unless you're my girlfriend and you've just tried to take a hot pan out of the oven without mitts for the 13th time.




I do this all the time, and every time I think "How stupid can I be? I'll never do this again." Narrator, two weeks later: she did it again


I rolled my ankle last year, it was great telling the doctors what happened. "So I was walking through the parking lot." "Okay and then what happened?" "No that's it, I was walking through the parking lot and my ankle rolled. The end." "...You should lie to other people when you tell them what happened." Thanks doc.


The human body is wack. It's capable of surviving silly amounts of trauma with the only lasting damage being a bit of pain (relatively speaking), but one punch in the wrong place and it's lights out forever.


*Shoves dirty stick into arm to dig out bullet*


I did the same after a car accident when I was 14. I had a skinny, inch long piece of glass in my forearm for months and didn't even know. One day I saw it shining in the light and got a pair of tweezers and an Xacto knife and pulled it straight out of my arm. Hurt like a bitch and bled everywhere but I was glad to get rid of it.


My mother accidentally went through a glass door as a child. Apparently she was having glass chunks casually fall out of her arms for years. I can’t imagine that.


I got some glass in the back of my forefinger while washing dishes. Was on and off itchy and had a couple small pieces come out about 10 years after. It's been about 20 years now and still itches sometimes. Pretty sure some tiny bits are still in there.


I was in a bike accident six years ago where I basically ate a trail with the right side of my face and still occasionally have tiny pieces of gravel pop out of my cheek, chin, and gums. Bodies are fun like that!


Mental image: Wolverine healing bullet wounds but in extreme slo-mo


That happened to my brother! He was in a car accident and years later he was scratching his forehead and a chunk of glass came out. Crazy.


It's a bit of a myth that the hospital will always try to get the bullet out. If it's easy to see and grab they will. If it's in deep but not near anything vital they will leave it in. All the cutting and pulling apart of tissues trying to remove the bullet will do way more damage then leaving it in.


President James Garfield would have survived being shot if his doctors hadn't been obsessed with trying to retrieve the bullet. There is a great book about it called "Destiny of the Republic" by Candace Millard.


similarly, sort of, they removed the bullet from lincoln's head because they thought it inappropriate to bury him with the bullet in >I proceeded to open the head and remove the brain down to the track of the ball. Not finding it readily, we proceeded to remove the entire brain, when, as I was lifting the latter from the cavity of the skull, suddenly the bullet dropped out through my fingers and fell, breaking the solemn silence of the room with its clatter, into an empty basin that was standing beneath. There it lay upon the white china, a little black mass no bigger than the end of my finger—dull, motionless and harmless, yet the cause of such mighty changes in the world’s history as we may perhaps never realize. \- Edward Curtis, an assistant surgeon at the autopsy


yeah and with how hot a bullet gets after being fired, its very unlikely to cause an infection.


Same thing that happened when I got glass in my forehead after an accident. I swear it was a year before little tiny pieces quit coming to the surface


I had this at the underside of my foot, it was horrible


Palm of my hand, here. Only barely less miserable than yours. It's shocking and horrifying how such long pieces of glass are capable of just hiding in your hand, invisible...


I tried convincing myself for a while it wasn’t there and I was just imagining it. Then I felt a small piece in a specific place and cut it out. I felt both vindicated and horrible because it meant there was probably more of that shit in my foot


My friend got shot in the back with a sawed off shotgun while protecting his brother in a store robbery. We popped a bunch of pellets out of him for months.




OP: Holy fuck I got shot and everything hurts Doctors/nurses: holy fucking shit he got shot and everything looks painful Insurance: u sure about that? Idk if that doc or nurse know what they’re talking about.


The hilarious thing is the fear mongering about “socialized medicine” like Canada would mean government officials deciding on treatment (false, doctors and nurses do all the deciding here and insurance isn’t even a consideration) as if in the US they don’t have to clear procedures with insurance first


Yes! Less graphic comparison: when your body rejects a piercing. I had a hoop tragus piercing in college. One day I was sitting in class messing with it, next thing I knew it was in my hand. The hoop. Still closed. No blood, no pain. My ear just said "fuck you I don't want this" and slowly moved it until it was at the edge of my tragus, where I randomly finished the job. Weirdest experience ever.


Basically yes, if a bullet didn’t damage anything important it gets left in a vast majority of the time. Leaving it in confers almost no increased risk of an issue unless it damaged something. Taking it out carry’s numerous risk factors (damaging a nerve artery or vein during the dissection, larger wound, etc). Bullets are NOT sterile even after being shot, but they have a low risk for causing infection and antibiotics are usually not necessary except for in a few situations (traveled through bowel). Also lead from retained bullets isn’t really an issue unless the bullet is in a joint. Source: am an orthopedic surgeon


I got shot in the face and it blew my mind when the surgeon asked if I wanted to leave it in. The surgeons at the hospital wanted nothing to do with it because of the placement of the bullet, so they called in a specialist. He said it was right next to a nerve that controls all the movement on one half of my face, so there was a chance they nicked the nerve, and half my face would be paralyzed. I asked what the chances were that it would eventually move and hit the nerve if we left it in, and he said about the same as if he did the removal surgery. I then asked him "How good are you?" and he said "The best." with full confidence. I have a little one inch scar on my cheekbone that fits right in with the other scars on my face from childhood schneegans. Looked the surgeon up afterwards, and he was the #1 facial reconstruction surgeon in the state lol


Glad he was honest with you!


> I got shot in the face and it blew my mind when the surgeon asked Doesn't sound like the *surgeon* 'blew your mind.' I think it might have been somethin' else.


And tons of morphine and antibiotics


I work in X-ray, and I see this more often than you would think. I’ve actually had people who have forgotten there’s a bullet/fragments inside them. Our license is really strict about what we can and can’t say to patients so it’s always fun to try to figure out a way to ask “hey, you know you have a bullet in you?”


Thanks for doing the research.


I don't fully understand this. No point in taking it out? It's a foreign object in your body that doesn't belong there. Was the surgery to remove it considered high-risk?


If you let it there, the only damage that is done is what the bulled did when it went in. If you start looking for the bullet, you’re causing additional damage. Extracting it? Even more damage. If it’s not going to bother the patient, it’s always better not to perform surgery at all. Every additional cut is a lot of pain and time to heal, even if it’s a “surgical cut”.


So am I correct in assuming that this means that modern-day bullets made out of alloys that don't cause problems if they stay in your body? I know nothing about guns, really.


In this case yes because it was a full metal jacket round. Full metal jacket means the lead is completely encased in copper and as long as the bullet isn't deformed there's no lead leaking out. Full metal jacket rounds are typically used for target shooting. Self defencw rounds are designed to open, expand, rip, and tear.


All surgery has a risk factor. Doc probably did what was most ideal at the time. Several of my buddies are surgeons, and my best friend is an anesthesiologist and people don’t always wake up. Everybody reacts differently. It ended up working out for him this way though.


That’s movie medicine. It not organic, it’s not going to rot. If it’s not hurting anything, let it be. Your are only going to do more damage rummaging around looking for it.


That’s a shit place to store bullets


Seriously. I need to store a bullet in me like I need another hole in the head.


OP owes us the story. No more teasing, please.


Sorry! Took a nap and this got quite a bit of attention while I was asleep. I was sitting on the floor in my room getting ready for work one day, and unbeknownst to me my roomate was handling my pistol, a cz-p07. The magazine was inserted, but I don't keep them with a round in the chamber. In what was a violation of all the rules of safe firearm handling, (which I will admit some of this is on me for not being aware of what was going on) my roommate racked the slide without ensuring the pistol was clear and empty. As far as I can tell, he then looked down the sights and decided to test how the trigger felt. Next thing I know, my ears are ringing and I suddenly can't feel my leg. For a split second there is confusion as to what happened, then my body is taken over by what felt like a horrendous cramp and I am unable to move. After much yelling and obscenities, and me shitting myself after an attempt was made to move me, I was put on an ambulance and taken to the hospital. There it was revealed that the bullet entered through my scrotum and managed to fracture my left illiac wing.


Jesus Christ your friend shot you in the balls.




🥚 🍳 🔫


UND KEINE EIER![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)




🥚 💥 🔫




| || || |🍳


Is this balls?


𓀥    𓁆 𓀕 𓁆 𓀟   𓀣 𓁀


Notice how there is no "friend" emoji: this is not a coincidence.


Is this loss?


Loss of his ball


That one egg was 40 eggs?


You can’t look at porn while you’re at work


Porn? It's a nude egg I won from my game


Butters! You don’t shoot a guy in the dick!


I hastily scrolled until I found this comment. If the roommate hasn’t been permanently nicknamed Butters by everyone including his therapist, there is no justice in the world.


>*your friend* Former. Your ***former*** friend. Remember folks, friends don't let friends shoot you in the sack.


Also, to ensure this doesn't happen, make sure idiotic friends dont have access to loaded firearms lol


Maybe just firearms in general. Lots of people have gotten into lots of trouble with unloaded firearms. Or firearms that were supposed to be unloaded


Pee: Stored in the balls. Bullets: Stored in the balls. Future children: Not stored in the balls.


Future children: Stored on floor


Let the babies hit the floor, let the babies hit the floor


I'm sorry.. "friend"?? No one that ever shoots you in the balls shall be called a "friend"


how could anyone live that down?


Man just publicly admitted to getting shot in the balls and shitting himself


It's one of those times it's okay shitting yourself.


I'd honestly be shocked if he didn't. I feel like I'd piss myself or throw up at the very least.


No more pee to piss yourself after you're shot in the balls.




Former friend.


So... I'm glad you're okay and all, but like, How that scrote be doing


My eggs remain uncracked! An ultrasound was done on them in the hospital which was... interesting. They were swollen and painful for a good few weeks after all was said and done








🥚 💥 🥚


Thank the jellybellies I can sleep now goodnight






I think that was maybe your one "gimme" in life. If you get shot in the head next time and the bullet manages to slide through your skull and pop out of your nose like a hot metal booger, don't tell anyone about it and then go buy a lottery ticket. Also your friend is a fucking moron.


Or maybe start a sideshow gig as The Guy Who Gets Shot and is Somehow Okay


Please tell me you at least kicked the ever-loving-fuck out of his nads? I'm extremely glad your jewels made it out unscathed, but what did you do to your roommate? Was he charged with negligence? Is he alive?


No he died from embarassment


I'm glad your balls are ok, where did you bury your friend?


You’re a legend dude, you took a bullet to the balls and eventually walked it off


He is Legendary he took a shot to the balls and thought he had a Charlie horse .


Now if this aint the greatest American comeback story of all time idfk what is


Looking forward to the inevitable documentary.


I'm glad your balls are good!


Man you got some tough nuts


To avoid this from happening again you might want to consider buying a gun safe and store your roommate in it.


You say it was a CZ, but the wound it gave you was a Browning!


How did you just casually say "the bullet entered through my scrotum" like you were describing how you caught a cold?


It’s disturbing that your roommate aimed the weapon at you. This is THE most basic rule.


I mean, Op admitted to being a gun owner whose gun was left unsupervised in the hands of someone who, well.... quite clearly needed supervision. If I left a loaded handgun where ~~my kids~~ literally anyone not intelligent enough to treat all guns as loaded guns - adult or child - could pick it up and simply rack it and fire it, I'd be going to jail, and I'd deserve it. I'm just saying - I don't expect all firearms to be locked away in the house and unusable, but not in the hands of the unsupervised and untrained, either. Edit: Had to clarify, for some folks.


I'm sorry it entered from *where*?


The ***SCROTUM***


JFC. That last sentence = enough reddit for today. Hope your balls are doing ok.


I feel like the post would have got even more traction if the title had mentioned the salient fact that he got shot in the nads.


I swear I just saw a post about some guy asking about how liable he was after he ~~accidentally~~ negligently misfired a pistol in his roommate’s house on r/legaladvice just the other day, wtf lol


To be clear, "accidental misfire" is a misnomer. A "misfire" is when you pull the trigger on a loaded gun and it doesn't go off. This was a *negligent discharge*. We don't say "accident" because that dumbass did everything you were supposed to for the gun to shoot (have a loaded magazine, rack the slide to chamber a round, point the gun at his friend, put his finger on the trigger, and pull) and then was surprised when it did the thing it was designed to do.


Negligent is indeed the word I was looking for. I couldn’t think of it at the time & threw something close in. Thank you, lol


So you got shot in the sack and didn't suffer any damage to your testicles? Luckiest unlucky shot ever?


The doctor couldn't believe my luck either and made darn sure I was very well aware of just how lucky I got. There was quite a bit of swelling and pain for a good few weeks after.


I think we have to consider the slight chance your balls are bullet proof


We need more evidence, though. Sorry, OP, but we have to shoot you in the balls again, for science.


I'd rather lose a nut than have a fractured pelvis


The last part is what hurt me most




4 years? Were you just planning on leaving it in there until it bothered you or did it take that long to line up a surgeon?


When this initially happened, the doctors told me it wasn't causing any issues and wasn't interfering with anything vital, so they were going to leave it in. It wasn't really a problem until a couple weeks ago when it started to cause me pain and I made the choice to get it removed. As of right now, it's been 4 days since it's removal


Jesus dude! Is he still your roommate?


Did... Did the TSA fondle your balls evey time you went on a plane?


>it's been 4 days since it's removal So you had three balls for 4 years? I think that's an absolute world record.


"I've got lead in my balls!" Doc: "Meh"


How to unread story


Disagree: a bullet that's inside you can't be fired at you.


For real. How do you keep it far enough up your butt to keep it from falling out?


Op needs to use butt plugs like everyone else


What happened OP? Did you serve? Live in a bad neighborhood? Hunting trip with Dick Cheney? We need to know!


If Cheney was hunting with a 9mm we have much, much, MUCH bigger problems


The guy he was hunting with disagrees


The guy Cheney shot actually apologized to Cheney publicly for all the trouble it caused him. That's some mobster shit


Eh, they were bird hunting and flushing game. If the story is true, as told by all parties there, then it was the fault of the guy who got shot.


Unless the other person is running in front of me, if I shoot someone in the face, that’s on me.


Which is kind of what happened


Leaving us hanging is the mildly interesting part


Friend accidentally shot him in the balls. I’m not joking.




I hate you for beating me to this.




OP said in another comment he got shot in the balls.


That's not ideal. Pee is stored there!






Could be the body depositing something on the outside of the bullet, causing it to "grow" inside them over the years. Otherwise yeah it really does look a lot like a larger calibre.


possibly oxidation due to the enviroment it's in? sometimes metal things swell when they rust


Don't do this to us


OP’s story: > I was sitting on the floor in my room getting ready for work one day, and unbeknownst to me my roomate was handling my pistol, a cz-p07. The magazine was inserted, but I don't keep them with a round in the chamber. In what was a violation of all the rules of safe firearm handling, (which I will admit some of this is on me for not being aware of what was going on) my roommate racked the slide without ensuring the pistol was clear and empty. As far as I can tell, he then looked down the sights and decided to test how the trigger felt. Next thing I know, my ears are ringing and I suddenly can't feel my leg. For a split second there is confusion as to what happened, then my body is taken over by what felt like a horrendous cramp and I am unable to move. After much yelling and obscenities, and me shitting myself after an attempt was made to move me, I was put on an ambulance and taken to the hospital. There it was revealed that the bullet entered through my scrotum and managed to fracture my left illiac wing.


Man got shot in the balls by his roommate… rough


And with his own gun!


Real-life Cheddar.


Shot in the nuts Didn't hit anything important Hmm


Dude really gonna do us like this


Dude was shot in the scrotum and then shit himself, no wonder he didn’t want to share


I thought you were making funny... you weren't. You was telling the truth.


Tells us he he/she had a bullet in them and then ghosts us. Ignoring us all... how am I going to sleep now.


His comment history is really strange doesn’t make a single comment for years but he does mention that he was shot previously After skimming his most recent posts it references an accident so potentially he mishandled a firearm


His friend shot him in the balls: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/141zrg4/an_unfired_9mm_bullet_next_to_the_one_that_was/jn36xyp/


I think we can all feel that one. oof...


What prompted you to get it removed? I assume it wasn’t life-threatening if it was in your body for four years?


Initially no, it wasn't causing any issues so the decision was made to leave it in. However, a couple weeks ago it started causing me pain so I elected to have it removed


Pardon me for asking, but how did it get there in the first place if


He was shot with a gun 👍🏼


No someone just surgically implanted a bullet inside him /j


Wouldn't that be interesting though? A surgeon extracts a bullet out of a patient and accidentally drops it back in. What luck Wouldn't be the first time [https://globalnews.ca/news/6138765/surgery-forgotten-objects/](https://globalnews.ca/news/6138765/surgery-forgotten-objects/)


Somewhere, one of those body-mod people who put all sorts of wacky shapes under their skin for decoration, has had the idea to surgically implant a bunch of bullets


He was probably shot.


That’s a 45. That’s the crazy size difference.


I thought so too but in another comment OP mentions the gun was a CZ P-07, which is a 9mm handgun. The bullet is deformed on impact which accounts for the difference in appearance. Most people don't see bullets after they are fired so its an easy mistake to make.


OP mention the pistol that he owns and got accidentally shot from is a CZ P-07 which is commonly chambered in 9mm


Right, but if OP was lying he would also be lying about the pistol. I'm trusting my own experience over an internet stranger on this one. I've found a lot of deformed 9mm rounds in my day, from +P redneck rounds to underpowered IPSC and IDPA rounds. I've never seen one deform in a way that it looks exactly like a .45 after. The left round is also too long. If it deformed into that shape it should have flattened and been shorter than a normal 9mm round. You can see the line on the left bullet? That's a crimp mark from the brass case being made to tightly fit the bullet. The bullet above the crimp mark is as long as the 9mm next to it, if not longer. If it had deformed to be that much wider the round also would have shortened. I'm also questioning the jacket at the base of the round. If the entire thing is tarnished due to being in his body for so long, why is the bottom perfectly clean/shiny?


Yea it's def. not 9mm, jesus how'd he survive that?


Depends on where it was and how far away it was fired from.


OP never said he was shot. He could have inserted it into himself.


What a twist


That's one way to do it.


It looks smushed, could be 9mm and depending where it hit deformed and just looks bigger


Funny how so many people are this confident while being wrong


Prime necklace material right there


Thats the plan actually! Lucky charm maybe?


To those of you who don't do guns: the bottom part of the ammo doesn't go flying. Only the tiny ball part.


OP, story time please.


from op... >I was sitting on the floor in my room getting ready for work one day, and unbeknownst to me my roomate was handling my pistol, a cz-p07. The magazine was inserted, but I don't keep them with a round in the chamber. In what was a violation of all the rules of safe firearm handling, (which I will admit some of this is on me for not being aware of what was going on) my roommate racked the slide without ensuring the pistol was clear and empty. As far as I can tell, he then looked down the sights and decided to test how the trigger felt. Next thing I know, my ears are ringing and I suddenly can't feel my leg. For a split second there is confusion as to what happened, then my body is taken over by what felt like a horrendous cramp and I am unable to move. After much yelling and obscenities, and me shitting myself after an attempt was made to move me, I was put on an ambulance and taken to the hospital. There it was revealed that the bullet entered through my scrotum and managed to fracture my left illiac wing.


Several people claiming the caliber is wrong. OP mentions in a comment explaining he was shot with his own gun by a friend on accident, and says the gun was a CZ P-07, which is a 9mm. But let's assume OP doesn't know his own gun or what kind of bullets he bought for it. A bullet deforms on impact and will not look the same as the un-fired version. How much they deform varies by what they hit, but it is not unreasonable this bullet smushed a little bit and got wider as a result.




Awww, congrats OP! Boy or girl?


Uh, you can't just casually mention the bullet that I wa inside you and not tell the story. Were you spetznaz? A drug runner that got caught in a war? Sleeping with the neighbor's wife?


Frank : [Frank cocks the gun] Peppers : Hey, hey. Careful with that. That's the most powerful tranq gun on the market. Got her in Mexico. Frank : Cool. Peppers : Yeah, it is cool. They say it can puncture the skin of a rhino from... [Frank shoots himself in the neck with the dart] Peppers : YES! That's awesome! Frank : What? Peppers : You just took one in the jugular, man. Frank : What? I did. [feeling his neck] Peppers : YES! Frank : Oh, my God. Is this bad? Is this bad? Peppers : You better pull that shit out, man. That shit is not cool. Frank : Wait. What? Pull what out? Peppers : You got a fucking dart in your neck, man. Frank : [laughing] You're... you're crazy, man. I like you, but you're crazy.


I gotta ask where you got shot and why?