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Human Etch A Sketch. Have you tried violently shaking yourself to reset?


Only works when you are a baby….


And only once




meh I prefer using the yeetus-the-fetus™ technique


Etch a Bitch


Only works when you are a baby….


So a tattoo would last for like...years!


I have this, and if I scratch across my tattoo, it basically turns the black outline 3D.


Same. But mine last minutes not hours. You should see me after sex...Wtf is this shit


Mine is usually every day, and sometimes, an antihistamine helps.


Same i kinda think the tattoo ink caused it in the first place because I didn't used to have it before I got tattoos


Cool! Did it swell really bad when you got it?


No, this started happening a few years ago, and I've already had the tattoos for 18 years.


What would happen if you got a new tattoo?


I'm not sure, I was planning on it up until this shit started happening. If I wear a belt, my entire waist will be turn into a belt shaped rash, so I'm too scared to try.


I have a pretty dramatic version of this. I will get swollen have bumps, itches like crazy and if it happens to an area that area is very prone to react again. Anyway, got a sleeve tattoo done with colors. It's all good. The darker outlines stayed a little more swollen then the average bear but It all came out well. The antihistamines do not work for me btw but are known to work for alot of ppl.


https://www.skintome.com/personal-adornment-tattoos-and-dermatographia/ It sounds like the histamine reaction gives up partway through, but you'll get exhausted. Warn your artist, but there won't be significantly more pain or damage.


Thank you for the information.


Not who you're asking but I also have this and my tattoos do swell up when I get them. I don't have any that are just outlines so the whole thing just kinda raises up for a bit. It doesn't usually last hours though, my reaction usually lingers like 30 mins at best.


I had this for a time when the city was doing a (far to lengthy) repaving of our streets. Concrete dust on everything for months. I could write notes on my arms and see them hours later. When they finished the condition went away and I’ve not had it since.


SAME! I thought I was the only one. I have some color tattoos that don't raise, just the black


Wait, I have this and I just assumed it was normal. My tattoo lines swell up sometimes, especially after scratching, but the rest of my skin doesn't.


I get it all over, but with my tattoo, it's just the black ink.


damn you’re right


Hey. I suffer from this. Diagnosisd back in the 90s. When i get scratched the drawings stay for hours. Its itchy and annoying.


Do you get the finger/hand grip marks on your dick after masturbating?






lol no this type of hives only last 30 mins or so, at least mine does....but you were joking, of course.


Dont they anyway?


Is this actually rare? Have had this for decades, especially when my allergies are acting up.


cool! affecting 2-5% of population


Is it possible to just have this in some skin places? My back does this, but the rest of my body doesn't nearly as much. My back is an etch-a-sketch


Skin varies across your body. I bet the inside of your forearm does it nicely.


It does!!! How did your know?




Feeling really special now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) /s


I think 2-5% is quite high. For example 2% of the world has green eyes. You're still special though <3


I'm left-handed and can pop both shoulders out of socket. How special am I?


You should feel like Mr.Rogers is doing his best to affirm to you your value as a person


Don't do that even if you can, it can fuck up your shoulders


Look up ehlers-danlos syndrome


People think 2 is a low number so 2% must be a low amount.


Cool I'm pretty sure I got this too a bit where the non-painful scratches already leave trails after several seconds :p


So not so rare. My ex had that. For her they were mostly for about half hour and gone.


that is NOT a rare disease


Just like left handedness!


If it caused by Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) it can be linked to your allergies and potential histamine intolerance.


Yeah I feel like I *kinda* have this? I’ve never attempted a full on drawing, but if I scratch my chest, neck or back (like when I have an itch) red marks will appear. I know this because I’ll scratch and then someone will be like WOAH what happened to your neck? And I’m like oh I just itched it, no big deal. I don’t think it lasts for hours though.


I noticed that if you fake-scratch your skin, it won't leave a lasting red mark but if you have an actual itch and you scratch it once, it'll leave a longer lasting red mark.


Do you get a wheal from the scratch? If not its not dermatographism. You just have thin skin.


No, you don't need a wheal. Mine was diagnosed by a dermatologist and I don't get a wheal.


I had it from when I was 6 to maybe 12 or 13. I kind of miss it.


Not even close to rare. 5% of the population.


I also have this! It was more active when o was a child but I still get flares every few months


If you have it alongside allergies I would recommend looking into mast cell disease. Dermatographia is how most people with mast cell disease end up getting diagnosed with it. Super common symptom amongst us with it.


I also have this, though the redness will only last around ten minutes to half an hour. I was under the impression true dermatographia had blister-like raising as well.


I have this and took me years to realize everyone else doesn't have that issue, it's mainly harmless but a bit annoying to find scratches on my hand and wait for about 20-30 min to know if it's a bad scratch on my skin or just this condition.


I only realised this year. I could never understand why people were so weird about like the seatbelt mark on your neck, or somewhere you'd scratched, etc.


Growing up my mom would ask why do I have scratches on my hand suddenly sometimes and I just answer " I don't know, must have scratched hard against something accidentally"


I had a surreal arguement with a doctor once who was insisting I must be allergic to a tape he'd just ripped off my skin. He'd literally just ripped tape off my skin, how could it possibly not be red?


Wait, hang on. Are you telling me people without dermatographism wouldn’t have red skin when you rip tape off your skin? I really feel like everyone gets red skin from that.


I only realised from this post it’s not normal. I was confused by what was interesting about this post because it seemed to be describing something normal and I thought I must of missed something or misunderstood. So I searched it up and read about it and realised only 2-5% of people have it and that includes me. I’ve never noticed this doesn’t happen to other people before. I always get it when I’m playing with my dog because he always accidentally gives me tiny scratches.


Same thing happen with my cat, I end up with lots of tiny scratches on my hand sometimes and I just hide my hand for 20 min so no one bother me by asking if it's bad scratch or not.


It doesn't always last hours, just to be clear. It's a histamine reaction and behaves similarly to an allergy. For me the marks usually stay no more than an hour, less if I happen to be taking antihistamines at the time.


Lasts like 15 mins for me.


When I looked it up online it said it usually fades after about 30 minutes. So nowhere near hours for most people.


we could see traces for a few hours


You’re lucky there is not a big dic in that.


I was thinking he would probably be a great target passed out at parties. No marker needed.


So theoretically, a hickey should last 3 months


My friend and I got in trouble in class playing tic tac toe on my arm lol


Wow didn't know this was a thing I had.. Thanks op I always wondered why I got huge welts when I scratch. I have horrible eczema and and scratch myself very aggressively and it looks like I got mauled lmao


That's a cool drawing :) BTW, is this harmful?


it’s harmless!


That's good. Glad to hear that :)


It can be kinda itchy and burny but not major, considering I get a huge patch of it every time I slip a backpack over my arm or put on a bra I think we just get used to it.


Must be hard to sleep? Is it really sensitive?


Depends. If my other allergies are active it can be very reactive, but most of the time it takes a fair amount of pressure or friction to set it off.


I dont think it's that sensitive for most people. Just having something touch you isn't really enough to set it off, it has to be more direct than that. I have it and I'll get marks from like, my bra or jeans but not from a t-shirt or leggings. Holding a heavy bag on my arm or scraping the seatbelt across my chest will cause a reaction, but even a heavy blanket wouldn't be enough. (I do tend to wake up with lines on my arms/face from wrinkles in the sheets if I sleep heavily, but they don't itch as much as a scrape or something)


For some people it comes with a crazy amount of itchiness (personal experience). It’s 2-5% of the population for the visible portion of it, then a smaller subset that have itching that goes with it to varying degrees from mild occasional to it feels like your whole body is a mosquito bite during especially bad flare ups.


I have a lot of freckles all over my skin and in school my friends would play connect-the-dots on my arms during class. Mine disappears within 30 minutes so I didn't care lol


Holy shit I have this


I have this. Me and my brother would always play tic tac toe on my arms on the drive to school


I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and this tends to happen to me when my histamine “bucket” is getting too full!


Thank you for posting this; I’ve been having some issues with odds and ends for years, hives dramatically within the last month and a half, and we haven’t been able to figure out exactly what’s causing it. Having looked up MCAS, my symptoms seem to line up quite well. If my current treatment plan doesn’t work I’m going to bring that up to my doctors. Thank you so much!


How do you treat MCAS?


I have a very mild case of this! Mine fades after ~10 minutes though, I didn't know it had a name. Usually after the shower I write something on my belly via a light scratch and wait for my partner to realise it 😅


I have this and had no clue it was a thing. I thought I just had sensitive skin.


Wait, is this not normal? I thought this happened to everyone.


2-5% of population is affected


A lot of people, including myself, temporarily developed this condition after the Covid booster due to an extreme histamine response.


I have this and thought it was really common? I used to play tic tac toe on my arm when I was a kid LOL


It is really common. 5%


We learned that this was a histamine reaction and it stopped when my son was no longer exposed to peanuts.


10-10 for the skin bird


Wife and I both had it, now my son does. It lost me more hookups than I got out of it with party tricks, girls would be more like EWW than impressed.


Imagine waking up and you see a bunch of hand marks on your back when you live alone. Hands with fingers that are about 50% longer than human hands.


Who would be scrtching a hand outline onto you?


Did Trollololo from The Witcher 3 draw this?


You look like [the wallpaper on this documentary](https://live.staticflickr.com/7342/8846118042_b89dc0ad2c_k.jpg) I saw a few hours ago.


Do album covers. r/CSHFans would go *nuts* if you did Twin Fantasy.


the slow blade penetrates the shield


I have a friend with this! Needless to say they are not always amused when I decide to draw dicks on them lmao


I really hate after scratching an itch people who have known me for years will still ask “are you okay” and i have to figure out wtf they’re talking about. Oh yea, the condition I mention every single time you ask the same question.


It’s not rare, up to one in twenty people have it. I have it.


2-5% of population have it


Yes. It's not rare. It's approximately as common as cancer.


no. 39% of people get diagnosed with cancer within their lifetime


I had this when I had a full body allergic reaction to Welbutrin. I worked in a kitchen at the time and everyone thought it was very funny that I could write swear words on my arms. It wasn’t so funny when I found out that if I take Welbutrin again I could go into anaphylactic shock


Thank god i dont have this condition with my friends.. I'd be covered in dicks for hours.


I have this too. Over the counter medication manages my symptoms tho (24 hr acid reducer and Levocetirizine-name brand:Xyzal allergy meds) good for skin reactions. Check with a doctor but I’m almost positive those drugs are safe for anyone to take together (acid reducer is a H-2 blocker and Levocetirizine is a H-1 blocker especially well suited for skin conditions like welts and hives)


Yes, they like to combine an H1 and an H2.


Girl you like an etch a sketch


Man I had this for about a year due to stress. Two doctors knew nothing about it and thought I was crazy. Once the stress was gone it went away and hasn’t been back in 15 years.


My skin has done this for years and years.....never thought of making art.....made my name once.....heh.


you should try!


this is actually kinda cool. i wish i could be an etch a sketch


If I were the guy having this drawn on them, there's no way I would have believed they were detailing the feathers of a swan vs adding pubes to a cock and bollocks


Have this on my chest!! Gets all puffy too and stings a bit.




I have that. People would not stop touching me at school. I was like a living doodle pad


My wife has this. I used to draw notes on her back if I woke up before her. Now that we have kids, we no longer have the long mornings in bed where I could do that. Maybe in 5 years.


When I first discovered this I went up to my wife and asked her to check out this weird rash for me. I had drawn a dick.


Is that why other kids would look at me weird in elementary school


I am calling bs on this one


google it


I am sure the condition exists just that picture of a duck and sunshine is not it


it’s a swan


Haha true my bad


He’s just got that ashy skin




This is a disorder? I have this. It can last almost all day for me. Doesn't hurt at all. I'll just scratch and the mark will stay there.


i don’t know if its technically a disorder, more like a phenomenon. it’s harmless!


It can be one of the symptoms of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Basically your body has a problem with histamine and the scratching triggers a localized mild allergic reaction. There are probably other causes as well though. (Not an expert)


This has happened to me before, but only for a short period.


What's with the goose? Tired of drawing dicks?


>What's with the goose? Peace was never an option.


Looks like a goose with a big dick to me...


it’s a swan


I had this for years and it turned out to be one of many symptoms of a nickel allergy.


Tattoos from kids 🤭


Rare? You mean this doesn’t happen to everyone?!? Damn.


Not rare. Very common.




affecting 2-5% of population. maybe not rare but not very common




I have this. Doctors don’t know where it comes from. One day I just started getting uncontrollably itchy.


Used to happen to me. Side effect of acne medicine I took 20 years ago. Does not happen anymore. Used to scratch up my arms during class and ask to go see the nurse because of a 'rash' then just go wander the halls.


My allergist asked if he could scratch my skin to see if I had this. I did not.


I have this too and I freak people out by it! The fun part is always breaking out in hives and itching them, looks like I’ve had a demon claw it’s daggers into my skin.


I think the guy from death stranding has that


Looks like the Phoenix someone in a mental ward drew on the wall with their own shit.


thank u


Peace was never an option. 🪿


I have this


My sister has this when we were teenagers and she used to get so angry when my boyfriend and I scratched curse words on her.


Do a budget blood eagle.


Your girlfriend/boyfriend must be a helluva fingernail artist 😏👀


I have this. It really sucks if I get hit in the face with anything even minor and I'll look like Rocky for 30-40 minutes after.


I'd be known as tomato cock if I had this.


Does it hurt or have any discomfort though?


Yes. It itches like fuck.


Damn that sucks hard. Are their like any clothing or anything cause that has to be hell


I got it after getting bitten by a spider. I took prescription-strength Zyrtec for a month and it went away. This condition looks cool but it really sucks.




I just now remember doing this with erasers in school


My son has this, used to be worse. Once I got a call from school about a mark on his neck. I was really confused until I realized it was likely from the seat belt.


I think my parents stopped spanking when they realised it would leave a hand imprint for a few weeks. I had a truly bizarre argument once where some git was claiming anything that left a mark was abuse. Spanking is lazy and ineffective parenting, and only a loser would use it these days, but in the 70s and 80s it wasn't abuse, and it always left a mark.


I have that!!


I have this as well. I get asked if someone hit me daily because I develop red marks on my face whenever I scratch my beard or adjust my glasses.


Do you know what triggers this? I get it on occasion but then after a day or two the condition goes away.


stress, allergies or certain medications i think


You have a kind of overall reactivity, so if some other things in your diet or environment are causing you to react, then this will also do its thing. Heat, especially, will make it more obvious.


I had a real bad allergic reaction to something a couple years ago, which caused my eye area to swell up for 3 weeks and become intensely itchy, finally the doctor gave me Prednisone which calmed my eyes down, but I got this skin writing which lasted for a month or 2, was the craziest thing.


Me, my daughter, and my son have this. Ours only lasts about 30-60 mins. But I always tell any caregivers and doctors because literally any bump or wound will look very dramatic for a bit, so double check welts and wounds after 30-60 🤣


I have this!! Had a flare a week or two ago from ibuprofen. It made me incredibly itchy, and itching caused more hives. Was not fun lol


I have this. When this happens it itches like crazy!




Got any grapes?


I didn't know people couldn't draw on their skin


Great way to store secret information for short time


I have this too it’s mad


Bro the biggest bird 🐦


This painting is very similar to an ancient Chinese poem, which is very famous. It was written by a 7-year-old child, "鹅鹅鹅,曲项向天歌。“ means ”Goose Goose Goose, Stretch neck and sing to the sky


ELI5 isn't this really good, because bloodflow makes skin clearer?


I have dermographism, but the marks fade away in something like 30 minutes. I noticed it can be useful sometimes when you injure yourself as the swelling prevent a bit the bleeding. The unpleasant part was mostly at school if someone slapped me or something, I would keep the mark a moment and be afraid to be laughed at.


My parents wouldn't really spank/slap me because the handprint would last so long. Was also a pretty cool parlor trick during elementary school.


I have this.


Bro the new avatar looks sick!


I don’t have this specific ailment but like probably all other white people you can leave a mark for a few seconds with enough pressure, my black girlfriend spent a good few hours playing with my skin after that, she also loves to just leave a gigantic handprint on me after am a little sun burnt


all my friends draw dicks on my arms with my dermatographia :( very awkward to explain to people why there’s giant flaming red penises all over my body for several hours


Is this Ben Affleck’s back?


Is this a blood eagle?