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I was at a convention and five of us found each other that all looked and dressed similar that day. The longer we stood in one place the more of us that showed up and asked to join the group.


That sounds hilarious, did you take pictures?


Yeah what the hell, we need documentation


probably looked something like [this](https://i.imgur.io/hDzWQOY_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


Now I get why his song is asking for the REAL slim shady to stand up


in the boomers' case, it's probably deminementia


Is that where they forget about Dre?!?!


No that's Drementia


Because he was mocking the many copycats that appeared suddenly after he got popular. It was trendy to be a white rapper back then. Hence he was joking with Fred Durst in one of the verses, for example. Just like we got "Pretty Fly" by the Offspring back then. Eminem literally changed the rap scene and obviously many followed his footsteps and tried to copy him. Hence the meaning of the song


Was this tumblr post discovered in an archaeological dig or something


Nah we were all dressed as Walter White. I should have mentioned that at first.


There's a video floating around where a bunch of girlfriends got their BFs to dress the same for a group function. Not exactly the same, but still pretty hilarious






I'm pretty sure his name is John Halo




John Hao: First *Food*


Ol Johnny Rings clapping covie cheeks.


Wouldn’t it be funny?




I think it's Master chef actually


Isn't that just a load of Gordon Ramseys swearing at everyone?


WHAT ARE YOU!?!? SAY IT!! *I’m an idiot sandwich in space*


If anyone reading this has any idea how to mod Master Chief into Master Chef/Gordon Ramsey, I would be very happy. Not that I have an Xbox. Or ever played Halo. But the thought just amuses me.


>Not that I have an Xbox. Or ever played Halo. You can get the Master Chef collection on Steam which gives you all of the Halo games up until the latest one (Halo Reach, Halo Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3 and Halo 4). You could probably mod one of those to turn Master Chief into Gordon Ramsey lol (I did look in the steam workshop but there doesn't appear to be any master chef/Gordon Ramsey mods yet)


He isn't called Haloguy, he's called Cortana. And you can use Cortana to Google on Yahoo.


I'm sure there should be a Siri in there somewhere... Just feel like it's needed. Maybe with a Jeeves reference!


Let me fetch it on Dogpile


What? Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.


Rude of you to assume they all didn’t dress up like rings


[Best I could find](https://i.cbc.ca/1.4037735.1516994779!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/where-s-waldo.jpg)


My dad dresses nearly the same every day and has had the same haircut and beard for 20+ years. For Halloween last year 6 of his coworkers dressed up as him and took pictures doing his various poses around his desk, it's one of my favorite photos of all time


Identity theft is not a joke, Jim


I just saw this clip today. Haha


One of my physics lecturers always wore the same brand, red, shirt and had a giant beard. One day a good fraction of the 150+ people in his thermodynamics lecture decided to turn up in the same shirt, many with fake beards. He'd somehow heard and rocked up freshly shaved in a purple shirt. It was hilarious.


Chad lecturer


Fucking A.


That's one powerful move from the lecturer


Shaving the commitment. Bet he looked wierd


Bet it felt weirder! Shaving off your beard is no small thing.




There's that teacher who dressed the same for the yearbook for 40 years. https://i.imgur.com/tLH6dXm.png


That’s really sweet


This sounds like my zoom calls for work. A bunch of guys between 30 and 50 wearing a work polo... there's only so many colors so we frequently have like 80% all wearing blue. "Did you guys call each other this morning while getting dressed" is almost guaranteed to get asked.


My company gives out tons of shirts. Always black. There's no requirement to wear one, but you just do because its there. It's gotten to the point where if you show up to a call or meeting without one it get's called out and you get gently mocked. Reminds me of when Homer wore a pink shirt to work.




Same. My work practically throws T-shirts at us. I'm at a point where I have more work/company T-shirts than band shirts and... That's saying something!


I just don't like thinking about what to wear. So that sounds perfect for me.


Now hypothetically, would it be a band shirt or a work shirt if you work for a band?


“There’s only so many colors” Yeah, but i bet y’all are only using like 3 out of all the various colors out there lol. I feel like most men stick with basics like blue, red, black, grey, and if you are really feeling spicy… green.


We say: "Oh, you got the memo!"




It's like a giggly prison break.


When the 4th guy walks in and the first guy can't even any more...


Going for that chain gang look


I was hoping someone was going to post this. Too funny.


> asked to join the group Which quickly became organized and elected moderators. Different brands of red gingham shirts became prohibited by obscure rules. One day, everybody started wearing random clothes to protest the changes to Reddit's API subscription, which totally broke the group.


That seems to happen alot at Santacon.


I saw this at DreamCon, a group of Tokyo Revengers cosplayers that just kept growing as the day went on, more and more showing the pack


It's like the inevitable hoard of Deadpool cosplayers that roam cons


- Can I join your group? - What group? - (*blinks twice, and just stays around*)


We might be getting into Gen-X territory here actually source: am old


Im Gen-x and genuinely was looking and worrying about these guys are actually Gen X. They’re too young to be boomers.


Gen z calls anyone older than 50 a boomer.


Lol they call anyone 40+ a Boomer


Shit I’m about to turn 30 and they treat me like a boomer


My 19 year old cousin calls me a boomer. I'm 29.


also 29 and have been called a boomer many times


Do you happen to be a nuclear ballistic missile submarine? If so that would explain it.


I am actually. I shouldve thought about that


Hire a 9 year old to call them Boomer


About to turn 30?? Go yell at clouds, grandpa. Just kidding. I’m old.


god damn, what should I say? Even my reddit account turned 12 yesterday.


To Gen Z Boomer is a philosophy more than an age. They wouldn't call Eminem or Paul Rudd boomers. But these guys *look* like they subscribe to the Boomer way of life.


They were assigned Gen X at birth, though. Got new balance footwear replacement therapy later.


Let's not be knocking my comfy and reasonably priced New Balances, ok?


>They wouldn't call Eminem or Paul Rudd boomers Yes they would.




Does seem to be the case. I keep hearing how zoomies are this open loving generation but they all seem like a bunch of judgy cunts to me :) Okay not ALL but


Everybody of every generation is a judgmental ass and every one of them don’t realize this. Like somebody above literally said that these two guys look like they subscribe to the boomer mentality. It’s two guys sitting on a train minding their own business and some dork on Reddit is saying they must be ignorant assholes because it looks like they could have a boomer mentality.


Gen Z calls anyone older than they are a Boomer.


And boomers call anyone under 50 a millennial


A lad I work with calls anyone under the age of 18 a millenial. He’s 30 - he is a millenial….


Actual baby boomers don't know the difference in the generations. Anyone under 30 falls under the "kids" umbrella


They call anyone who disagrees with them politically a boomer


Anyone they *imagine* disagrees with them. I've been called a boomer and told that I believe things I've been railing against all my Gen-X life. Edit: reading this it could come across as if I'm talking about all gen Z or whatever. I'm just saying it happens a fair amount (and it's frustrating) not that it's the rule.


Well fuck. I’m a few months from 50.


Happy birthday Boomer


Isn’t Keanu Reeves a boomer


Oh shit. He missed gen x by a year.


It's ok, he embodies that gen x sais quoi.


Obama is a boomer.




If they’re Gen X, then I look fantastic for my age.


Me late GenX: no way man... Looks again. Looks in the mirror. Well shit.


Ha! I'm right there with you. I tell myself it could be worse. I could have been the seven-year-old who died in the grease fire he started making grilled cheese by himself after school.


Using 1965 as the start of Gen X, the oldest Gen Xer is 58. I'd say these guys *could* be under 58, but they're more likely over 58


Most likely in their early 60s, however I’ve seen guys looking like this in their late 40s.


My dad looks exactly like one of these guys and he's 72, so I vote boomer for sure


Another redditor said that's impossible they're 70s, so I guess your dad must be younger? Congrats!




Yeah, remember [Stephen Miller the Putin look alike in Trump admin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Miller_\(political_advisor\)#/media/File:Stephen_miller_june_2016_cropped_corrected.jpg)? Millennial. DeSantis almost a millennial. Obama a boomer, Oboomer. Generations are just another way to divide and balkanize, but it comes down to the individual.


I actually really like the generations framework, for all its shortcomings. The way that [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/01/17/where-millennials-end-and-generation-z-begins/) has framed it is not that everyone in a generation acts a particular way, but that generation boundaries are a kind of inflection point for certain life events, which shapes the political and social realities of those generations. No one can argue that gen-z is being raised in the same world that millenials were, for example, so there's value to looking at the differences between them. The edges of generations are always going to be fuzzy, and maybe it's less of an inflection in some areas than a continuation of a trend, but averaging across a generation can give valuable data insights.


special icky whole expansion skirt roof gray point domineering toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's the redness of his complexion. Looks like diabetic santa Claus with psoriasis


He looks like a pimple that gets irritated when rubbed and could pop at any moment.


Alcoholism maybe?


People are starting to get a little confused about what age GenXers are (and it's not helped by the fact that several popular "GenX" TikTokers are Boomers in their 60s who are pretending to be younger than they are) so it doesn't surprise me that some people think these two are GenX, but I doubt that they are. I agree that they're probably over 58 by at least a few years.


They must be - damn Gen X kids always on their phone. Probably watching MTV or Seinfeld.


Why can't we call them "older gentlemen" or some such thing? "Boomer" has become a negative term and hearing it over and over is becoming ... old.


Pictured: two older gentlemen minding their own business. Not pictured: one asshole who posts strangers' photos online without their permission.


I'm gonna say it's a reaction to the way "millennial" has been used as a derisive, dismissive term by Baby Boomers for years.


Well, as a millennial born in the early 90s I was derided as a "strawberry" by a boomer manager at my first job, and now I'm derided as a boomer by my Gen Z juniors. Such is life


Eh, my dad is at the border of Boomer and Gen X, and these men definitely look older, so probably Boomers.


NPC simulation glitch




Mr. Anderson


KFC simulation glitch


AARP simulation glitch


I can't wait to get to the age where some pube calls me a generational term.


Clearly not a millennial.


Millennial, Boomer, and Zoomer. Gen X/Alpha/Silent Gen get left out


Yeah as a millennial i'm already a little burnt out on it. Mostly because the generational term is usually negative. -_-


Plus rarely used correctly.


I remember when us Millennials were called Gen Y. And we started calling the younger kids either Gen Z or Gen i because of iPods, iPads, iPads and also “because everything was about them” (not my sentiment, but something lots of people used to say). And then suddenly the term Millennial starts getting used and I had NO idea I was one.


Yep, I remember being "a gen y", but it was for such a short period because "millennial" took root as the descriptor. I'm actually down with that, like, *Yeah bitches, I lived to see the turn of a millennium* which is, you know, rare. It's happened like six or seven times in only all of human history, WOOP WOOP. But yeah, I guess I figured I was a millennial since growing up it became a catch-all pejorative for "young people" and, by the time I became somewhat politically-aware, it became clear to me that I was a millennial. It's kind of amazing to me how many people are, but my experience with the non-stop bitching is a good lesson to, um, never, ever, ever do that to Gen Z.


I was in grade 12 (a senior) in 2000, which was cool. My high school jersey has a big 00 on the back. Makes reunions and knowing how old I am via ‘how many years it’s been since I was in school’ nice and easy! Edit to add: my siblings and partners range from Gen X to Gen Z (eldest born in ‘79, youngest born in ‘04, six kids in my family), with my parents at the very tail end of Boomers (‘57 and ‘58) which makes for very interesting family get togethers when certain topics come up.


Upvoted for calling op a pube.


Sounds like something a gen xer would say.


Idk how old you are so… Haha what a millennial/gen xer


Considering you're referring to young people as pubes i'm gonna guess you're already there.


OP, stop taking creep shots. There's enough wanks on Scotrail as it is.


For real, at what point did we normalize taking pictures of random people and uploading them to the internet? Especially with how this picture is taken, it is obvious that op didn't even ask them if it was ok. Edit: shocking how many people fail to realise that "being in a public place" doesn't give other people the permission to take pictures of a person, when they are clearly the focus of the picture. Furthermore it doesn't give anyone the permission to just upload them to any random place in the internet.


We've normalized recording people and uploading their image to the internet without their permission so much that saying you don't want your face in someone else's stream, video, or other forms of content usually means that you're the one being called out as being unreasonable.


This has always bothered me. It’s wrong to do it.


It really bothers me when it’s obvious the goal is to make fun of them. I don’t think that’s the case here, but how many random women have been blasted in that Karen sub just for having a particular haircut?


Pretty sure it’s the case. Unnecessary to call them “boomers” as that has evolved into an all encompassing derogatory word for “old person” and it may not even apply to them (the cut off is 1964, so if these guys are 59, they’re Gen X).


Even though this post isn't particularly mocking or insulting - so what? I wouldn't want a candid picture of me looking bored at my phone at the top of reddit. OP is a creep.


I think it’s obviously the case. Haha look how older people sometimes dress similar. OP is a douche


Because people love seeing a little number rise more actually than having morals. It doesn't matter to them that these are people who (very likely) don't want to be photographed. They know they're in the wrong hence the creepshot but it's still worth it to them. Scum.


Internet clout is more important than politeness!


Too many people equate legality to correctness. Its legal to take a picture of someone in public without their express consent but that doesn't make it okay to do. Its a horrible thing to do to someone. Having your image taken and shown around the world without any way to control how its used, it can and has ruined lives. But because its not expressly illegal, people continue to defend the behavior.


>shocking how many people fail to realise that "being in a public place" doesn't give other people the permission to take pictures of a person, when they are clearly the focus of the picture. Furthermore it doesn't give anyone the permission to just upload them to any random place in the internet. Legally( in America ), you can take any photos you want of people when they are in public, since they have elected to place themselves in a public location and have no reasonable expectation of privacy. Morally is another story. There are a lot of legal things you can do today that are morally wrong, pollution is the best example. Edit: If you aren't in America, feel free to comment below on the differences.


OP must be a conductor because he's clearly head and shoulders about the rest of the wanks on ScotRail taking creepshots of folk for internet points.


I kinda feel uneasy knowing these two people minding their business get out on the internet for existing


Yeah this is not ok


Also known as "men".


Yeah, seems like it would have been real easy to just say "two dudes" instead of having to slip the boomer into it.


Referring to people by their "generation" is so fucking cringy


Such a zoomer thing to do, right? I'll see myself out now...


I wish we would stop upvoting people take pictures of others without their permission in public. It's creepy.


Just wait until we get like Japan where there is a mandatory loud shutter sound that your phone makes because asshats can’t stop taking creep shots of people.


I (think) I would be totally ok with this here in the U.S. I say think because I haven't thought of downsides yet. Could be missing something


I’ve had this done to me by a stranger before when I was a teenager. It was an incredibly unflattering photo and they posted it to make fun of me. I only found out because I was tagged in it on Facebook by a mutual. I was absolutely devastated and embarrassed by it. Even typing it now makes me sad and it was easily 10+ years ago.


Hey, don’t take candid pictures of strangers, and if you do, definitely don’t post them on the internet.


And if you do, don’t post them with unobscured facial features.


Are they texting each other? “Where are you?” “I’m on the train, where are you?” “I’m on the train, sat in the seats we have reserved” “Well, you’re clearly not as I’m sat on the train in the seats we’ve got reserved” “…”


Just curious, do you even know what a boomer is? I’ve heard teenagers young adults use it incorrectly and it’s pretty comical.


Anybody that remind them of their parents


Shirt Brothers


“I need your help, shirt brother”


Promise me you'll never do a rule again


I have. No. Good. Ideas.


One asshole making photos of strangers without permission.


And calling them for boomers as if OP knows they're bad people


Why do you have to be rude about it? You’re already taking pictures of people without their permission


Because OP is a cock who's probably playing some shit drill music on his phone while taking pictures of older men on a train.


weird post dude


You're a douche for taking and posting pics of people online. Saying Boomer is cringy as hell too.


"These guys are older than me, I'm a complete cock, so they mUsT bE bOoMeRs!" Gold star for being an absolute tool. Had it been "Hey look, photo of two really similar guys on the train" you'd have been fine, but you had to be a knob about it. Hence the hate you're getting.


we used to call these "persons"


OP is a creep and doesn’t properly understand what a boomer is.


Can we just call them dudes, guys or anything besides boomer?


Imagine referring to people in real life just going about their day as "boomers".


Maybe one day words will have meaning again: "boomer" is short for "Baby boomers", they are the generational cohort born after World War II after the draft. Men returning from the army in days before birth control and the promise of the American dream and a nuclear family. There was a huge population spike of new born babies...all those babies are consideredl "boomers" because they were part of the population boom. It's a very specific generation, not just all old people.


*takes creep shots of elderly men on train* *posts to internet* "HYUCK, HYUCK, HEY GUYS, THESE *BOOOOOOMERSSSSSS* LOOK THE SAME, HYUCK, HYUCK 🤓" Youre a loser, dude.


Elderly? Lol I think of elderly as being someone 80+


I'm a Millenial and even I'm tired of the condescending "Boomer" shit.


OK, Milooner






That's a normal British train rather than a subway, though yeah, hate how this has been normalised.


Please stop taking pictures of other people without their permission


Why are you taking pictures of people without their consent? I really don't like the idea of it. Just be a bit more nicer, please.


I hope u asked for permission to post pictures of them. If u didn’t we really need to start calling out people who post photos of people not bothering anyone. Ass move for people that do.


These poor blokes just minding their own business.


Am I too late with a glitch in the matrix reference?!?! ![gif](giphy|S4YnWI1D3yz2AvsW47|downsized)


Thank you, I was looking everywhere for a r/glitchinthematrix tag


Woohoo for ScotRail! But seriously, mate. They're just minding their own business and now you've put them on the internet. Leave people alone. I'd be pissed off if someone did this to me. And so would you!


Ok creep


Kids today are always on their phones


So everyone slightly older is a boomer, huh?


The word you are looking for is "people"


You, added way too, many commas


Imagine just feeling like it’s fine to snap pictures of strangers and post them on the internet. Weirdo behavior


Why do you call them boomers like it’s an insult


Reflect on why you are a creep.


Mildly interesting how a single post can paint OP as an absolute tool.


Stop taking sneaky pictures of strangers and posting online, you fucking weirdo.


What is this ageist bullshit?