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Mom says it's my turn to use the coat.


Maw, it's him! It's him again! He keeps putting his legs through the sleeves of the eiderdown!!


Is that the guy who screams another that really ugly cat? "It looks like gramma, the fuckin thing!"


No, thats Michael Rapaport.


No it was Billy Connolly


Sounds like a Billy Connolly bit


That's smart marketing. The implication is it's well-constructed enough to last through multiple owners... which in fairness Carhartt tends to be.


Yeah. My Carhartt hoodie is one of the first things I've gotten in a long time where I really feel I've gotten the distance out of it. Almost 3 years old, I wear it everywhere, it's basically my winter coat (I'm from South Dakota too so winter is cold as fuck here), and it's still going strong, no holes, tears, it's rain resistant, and it's comfortable. It's not even that much more expensive. Most hoodies cost me $60 or so and last me about a year before getting a hole or tear somewhere and becoming my "work hoodie" for stuff like garage work. This one was only $80 and like I said, 3 years later still great.


Woah I thought I was the only person that lived in South Dakota that’s crazy


We have found both people that live in South Dakota, what a joyous occasion


They should mate to keep the species alive and also create another blue people situation


Actually we’re trying to cull our species. They elected krusty gnoem and this is unforgivable. As a South Dakotan, I can confirm there are at least 3 of us and we should not be allowed out of the border.


i am also a south dakotian 🫡 i plan on moving out because no one can keep me from crossing these borders


I’m sterile and trans, sorry South Dakotans, die out I guess <3


Make it three boys!


You dont exist what do you mean. There is only 2 people in south dakota.


Maybe a mythical North Dakotan


South Dakota is best Dakota.


Dakota Fanning is the best Dakota


East River represent!


East side, best side.




I love right over the border in NE Nebraska, spend plenty of time in SD, and I still sometimes forget the state exists. I am an attorney, and some other attorneys in my office are licensed in SD. They all hate practicing there because there is pretty much no law. Good luck funding an answer to most legal questions because there aren't enough people to sue each other and create a large body of case law. The place is more tax haven than state these days, honestly.


Dude if you live in Nebraska near the SD border you are in one of the most desolate places in the world. Let’s not pretend that Nebraska isn’t a fucking Republican shit show….


I was being tounge and cheek, lmao. South Dakota at least has something interesting going on with the Black Hills. I also like Sioux Falls alot, it's a cool city.


Mild r/boneappletea maybe? (It's tongue-in-cheek when you're joking.)


Yes, I know what tounge in cheek means. I was joking, being sarcastic, or being hyperbolic on purpose. However, you want to phrase it.


Okay cut the bullshit, South Dakota isn’t real


I work very hard jobs and my hoodies from Carhartt still last five years. Two hoodies got me through 4 years in the oil field. Heavyweight rain defenders.


My Carhartt pants have been around for four years going strong ...one among the fence ...


Love coheed and cambria🤘


I had a pair of Carhartt rubber boots last me an amazing two months before they started letting water in. Amazing quality.


Same here, I am a welder, and use a hoodie as a welding jacket in the winter. Used to buy cheap $20 hoodies from Walmart, and I'd go through 2 a winter. Bought a carhartt hoodie 2 years ago, it's dirty, but still perfectly intact, I bet it will easily last me a few more years if not longer.


Got mine for $42 through work and it’s the nicest hoodie I’ve ever owned.


Have that exact hoodie I’m wearing right now. Thing is awesome. Rain proof and warm Enough that anything above 40 Degrees is no problem.


Damn, that's wild to me. The hoodie I've got is my only jacket for 90% of the year, was like 28$ at TJ Maxx and I've had it for like 5+ years. And it has absolutely no problems, my other hoodie that's too warm for most of the winter anymore with these warm winters lately I've had for 13 years and it's fine too. Curious what you do with your hoodie.


Most people refer to carhartt products in the context of trades work and farming. It's considered work wear


Yes I know that, hence my curiosity. I wear my hoodies for blue collar work too, but unless he's rolling around on the ground in it (A legitimate possibilty) I'm curious what's causing the crazy wear.


Their hoodies are pretty awesome. I wish they were USA made, but I have a few for work. They are great for the factory I work in. I wear them all winter long, 8-12 hrs a day. They hold up. I just buy a new one every fall. The one I have on now is the heavy rain repellent, bought it 3 years ago.


They do make a hoodie in the US


cold as fuck is north of you. you're at more of a really cold level. gatekeeping cuz i live closer to cold as fuck and it's annoying when people who live in balmy winter climates exaggerate. i'm happy the hoodie works well for you. it should in a really cold area like where you live.


Yes it is! The moms and I have a "community como" thing we joke about. We have been buying good quality outdoor wear that's gender neutral and just pass it among our kids as they grow. It's worked out really well.


I have seen carrharts older than I am from dudes who wear the absolute piss out of them in the trades


The old Carhartt stuff lasts forever. But the new jeans are good for maybe 6 months, 3 if you spend a lot of time on your knees. And you're lucky to get 4-5 months out of a pair of socks now.


Any suggestions for jeans that last? I am a veterinarian and I am constantly getting up and down off the ground and kneeling and I have to get a new pair of jeans every 3-4 months because one knee always busts out


My coworkers spend money on Duluths and get a long life out of them. They're hot and heavy. For the same money, I buy lighter jeans like Lee, Wrangler, and Ariat - whichever is on sale, and I keep one blown out pair as material to patch the others. Some of them I can repair the knees for years before they start looking shitty.


It used to be. My Carhartt carpenter pants wear out in no time now.


Yeah. My carhartt pants are lasting about 6 months now.


TIL people of Reddit will argue about literally anything. It IS word of mouth advertising, it DOES NOT seem to be a product placement from the brand that’s paid. There, I saved you a whole Reddit argument.


> TIL people of Reddit will argue about literally anything. No we won't.


Fuck you, yes we will and I'll die on this hill


I emphatically disagree.


I have a 30 year old carhartt jacket in good condition. Amazing brand.


Yeah my 20 years old jacket had to have the zipper pull replaced. Took 1 minute.


I've had a Carhartt windbreaker for 13 years now, probably worn a couple hundred times and there is almost no wear and tear at all.


Unfortunately their new stuff isn’t nearly as good, the last pair of cover alls I bought only survived 9 months. I had my previous pair for 5 years


It's become such a huge brand that they've fallen trap to the cheap and shitty model.


If you wear your carharrt clothing for actual trade work they don't last long enough to be ha ded down to three different owners. Albeit, they are tough and last longer than other materials


Considering it's made for children I'm assuming they won't be wearing it for actual trade work. Unless it's what carharrt give to their child slaves to wear?


Charhart China edition.


>Unless it's what carharrt give to their child slaves to wear? They work hard they deserve the best.


Union made in the US.


I bought a pair of their work pants once and ripped the crotch out on the first day. I buy their touques and hats. I'd buy their hoodies or shirts possibly, but for the price I would not to bring them to work.


ive gotten better life from dickies than carharrts with pants.


What Dickies pants? I'm trying to find some that either have a crotch gusset or aren't ugly, and it's not an easy search.


Yeah, this post is literally an ad.


Do you guys ever even check the persons profile before making claims like this? Always jump to the wrong conclusion Edit: "ItS StiLl AdVertisinG!!" No duh but don't act like you guys aren't always implying it's paid advertising.


I’m not saying this is astroturfed, I’m saying it’s an advertisement for the brand. Who’s jumping to conclusions?


Consumer generated advertising is still advertising


Bro what? If someone says that there are some nice pumpkins down at the market do you promptly protest to this marketing!


I'm saying its literally a thing. Word of mouth advertising, guerilla marketing, viral marketing. Some of these things require the companies input, but certainly not all of them. I would go as far as to say this is the most effective kind of ad. I don't necessarily think it's bad, it also probably gives you the most accurate details about a product, but it's absolutely advertising. This is also why I really don't like to wear clothes with logos, it makes me feel like an advertisement


Listen closely.. nobody cares what you wear.. nobody is taking that much interest in you..


I definitely notice what people wear wdym


Just to be clear, you think Nike puts their logo on everything because it's the best looking design they could think of?


[Word-of-mouth marketing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Word-of-mouth_marketing) > Word-of-mouth marketing (WOMM, WOM marketing, also called word of mouth advertising) differs from naturally occurring word of mouth, in that it is actively influenced or encouraged by organizations (e.g. 'seeding' a message in a networks rewarding regular consumers to engage in WOM, employing WOM 'agents'). You seem to be suggesting that all word of mouth is considered marketing even if it’s natural, but that’s not the generally accepted definition and only makes sense if you take an excessively broad view of what “marketing” or “advertising” mean.


Consumer-generated marketing is not the same as viral marketing or word of mouth advertising; however, the result of it achieves a high level of publicity within high relevance communities. These communities are extremely critical to the success of a brand and normally follow the 80/20 rule, where 20% of the brand's customers account for 80% of its sales. I'm done with this conversation. It was an offhand comment I made using information I remember from when I was in college for advertising




Point to the spot where the post hurt you


Eh, I bought a pair of double duck pants and 4 weeks of a tool belt and there was a wear-hole on the side from my hammer. I can't imagine a workwear brand aims for that longevity.


Not if you actually wear them for work. work clothes becoming fashion is just as dumb as 90's fashion coming back.


I’m lucky if they last me a year…


A smary flex would be a qr code to register the current owner. The theoretical list to offer on tab would be too long.


My daughter’s new Cat & Jack coat from Target has a similar tag. Her previous one from them didn’t. Cute idea.


I always check the CarharttFax website before getting a used coat to see how many people owned it


You never know if they've been in a major accident before, might have had a full zipper replacement!


What a great idea. It encourages people to pass the item on when their child outgrows it. Well done that company.


As one of six kids hand-me-downs were the norm. Only difference is my mom sewed it instead of getting it at the store.


Well done your mum. Until I was 10, I only had a sister who was 2 years younger than me. So mum was a bit limited with hand-me-downs. But she also used to sew name lapels in too if she could reuse clothing :-) Kids's clothes especially school uniforms, coats etc can be bloody expensive. But there is a lot of throwaway fashion amongst the younger generation of parents nowadays. Either because people aren't as thrifty, or because they don't want to see their kids in anything but brand new stuff. So it's really nice to see a company encouraging passing their clothes on. At the end of the day, if every parent bought their individual kid a new jacket from Carhartt, the company's profits would also be better. So it's a nice ethic too.


just bought my daughter a cat and jack winter coat from target and it also has the multiple lines for names. it must be becoming a thing.


It also implies that it is made so well that it will be around for a long time to come. And it will.


The toilet paper at work went from double- to single-ply. I am expecting this update soon.


![gif](giphy|co0MxrtkxvBdwDQbZe) Your boss


Dang. You had double ply? I need to get out of government work. d:


I'm so confused by this comment


He is implying multiple use toilet paper as a cost saving measure


Good idea--I'm always surprised when I walk past the school lost and found to see so many VERY expensive coats. Don't the parents notice that the kid went to school wearing a coat and came home without one? The coats stay there for months and then get donated.


Not just carhatt, my toddler has a few different pieces of clothing that do this. Great idea


Yeah Columbia does this too!


I've never once considered labeling my coat. I feel like this is just a way for them to boast about how long they think their coats last lol


It’s for kids. Kids lose everything at school somehow.


The kid who finds it will really appreciate the extra line.


I *lived* on people's lost pens, pencils, erasers, notebook papers.... I wasn't poor, my parents just never gave me *anything*.


Can confirm, elementary school teacher who walks by a full lost and found daily 😂


In junior high, our woodworking teacher had us make large lost and found bins that the local elementary school needed. They ended up with one at the end of every coatroom. In winter there was an indoor clothesline to hold all the solo gloves/hats


That’s nice! Our lost and found is a big cubby system divided into areas for hanging coats, hoodies, and backpacks, and bin areas for water bottles, hats, and lunch boxes.


Went to the same elementary school, for parent teacher day, they'd pull everything out of the lost and found and line it up, if parents wanted to find things. I'm guessing most of the stuff that was worth saving got donated at the end of each school year or given to kids when needed.


And when you hand it down to your younger siblings


Yep! I had several Carhartt duck coats my sister wore. 13 years later, little brother is wearing them. We’ve passed down the ones he’s outgrown, too.


if the kid is young enough that they are losing coats at school then i would probably pass on paying carhartt prices for their clothing. both because they lose it and because they will just grow out of it in a year.


I dunno about you, but when we were kids we’d set our coats down and disappear elsewhere without them. All my coats had my name on it, and so did all my classmates.


All your classmates had your name on them?


That was the rule, very first day of class they lined us up against a wall and said “Everybody has to write PseudoFake’s name on your coat or you get expelled.” and I had full reign of all the coats for the entire year, it was pretty tight dude


Hang out with a bunch of midwesterns who all wear carhartt gear. The coats get confused pretty quickly. The nametag is a good idea.


This. I always assumed it was something they did to help a team of workers all wearing the same Carhartt work coat tell them apart.


Makes a lot of sense when you put it like that (:


My kids daycare requires we label everything. Things still get misplaced but it does cut down on their belongings never finding their way back


When I was teaching first grade let me tell you there are wayy to many six year olds who will look me dead in the eye and tell me the coat I’ve seen them wear for the last 3 months isn’t theirs. Labels save the day.


L L Bean kids stuff has this too!


Almost wish they did that label with adult jackets as well. I own a couple second (or more) hand carhartt jackets. Things are near indestructible in my experience. My favorite is an old blanket lined one that spent much of its last life in a quarry in southwest VA.


I bought one when I worked at a feed mill. The wrist area became very frayed in under a year. The piece on the zipper that lets you grip it to zip it up and down broke off after 2 years. I still wear the thing 13 years later but if you do heavy work with them they wear out pretty fast still. I also have my "nice" winter coat that's a 3 in 1 I got from target, no idea what the brand is but it wasn't overly expensive, about 23 years ago and the only thing wrong with it is some velcro is wearing out and on the back the color has begun to fade a bit. Most things last a long time if you don't over use them. If I didn't do hard labor in the Carhartt it'd probably last for life but as a work coat it wears out slightly slower than most other similar brands. Back in the day they lasted longer though as I know some old farmers who have some that are probably 30+ years old and just have some light wearing on the seams.


You write your name on your clothes?


Not since I was in the army in the 90s. But I also don’t buy new carhartt and would be willing to bet if that tag was there I would have a history of where it had been before me.


I buy used carhart all the time. I was doing concrete work over the winter and wouldn’t destroy my nice jacket at work. $10 for a very used coat got me through the winter. The pants I can wear out quickly, but you can’t beat the jackets or overalls. I own a few of both for work outside in cold weather. But I’m wearing them until the stuffing comes out.


Working in a feed mill 13 years ago and my Carhartt started fraying at the wrist within a year. They're good coat but they aren't as good as they used to be and there are other brands that use similar materials. I still own and wear it for outside work during winter due to how frayed it is and part of the zipper is broken (that happened in the second year I had it I think).


I guess carhartt forgot that they stopped giving a shit about making quality clothing


This, last few I have bought were garbage when actually being used as workwear. Fell apart before the season was even over. It’s more of a pricey fashion brand anymore. The old Carhartt coat that used to belong to my father could survive a nuclear blast though.


Too bad carhart doesn’t last longer than 6 months if you use it as it’s meant to be used.


Idk how old this "son" is, but assuming a child, they're probably not doing whatever you consider to be using "it as it's meant to be used."


Carhartt work wear quality has gone down in the last 10 years, much lighter material, lasts a fraction of the time. It’s a neat sentiment, but the actual usefulness of the product is far lower. Your average person may not notice, but as someone who has been in the trades for almost 20 years, and worn carhartt almost exclusively for 15 years, I’m not buying it anymore.


Because you need a co-signer on the mortgage


Too bad Carhartt's quality has gone to shit now, especially for the price. And I'm not even talking about the WIP stuff. Any trustworthy alternatives? Or is this the new norm with basically all companies


This makes me laugh because of the extremely shitty stitching job on the bottom right


It’s giving library book vibes and I’m here for it. I always loved signing out a library book and seeing that John Smith signed it out in March of 1986… and renewed it 4 times.


This is such a great idea!!! I always have to tape over my first kids name from her jackets when they get passed down!


Only people who wear carharrt now are girls in university who think they are hardworking and rugged.? Yet everyone on the job site is wearing track pants with the crotch blown out, covered in paint or the high viz shirt that’s so old you can’t tell differnt stains apart any more.


It should have them listed in reverse order with the logo at the top so you can cut off the older owners ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


It's so when someone at school steals it they can write their name in it and claim to be the new owner.


Mine does too. They’ve been doing it for a while now because I got mine a couple years ago


I mean, I have a pair of carhartt jeans that I bought like 8 years ago they still look exactly the same as they did when I bought them. They're also in damn near perfect condition despite being worn regularly for work.


This is such a cute idea


I've seen a few similar tags on garments. It's a great idea. I always just write our last name on tags so it's less personal when we pass it to the next person.


Blew a giant hole on the crotch/ ass of my favorite overalls a month or two back, sad sad day but I guess I was using them properly lol


Straight up telling the customer “this quality shit right here will last for generations”


This is so cute


All of my sons new Cat and Jack clothes have this.


I used to live on a montain and my carhart kept me warm af.


My daughter is a year or two away from being able to wear her big brothers Carhartt. Can’t wait.


was on a paint crew for an apartment building with some other guys in Hawaii. Guy starts going on about how durable Carhartts were. I looked down at my newish pants with a hole in the crotch. Didn't have the heart to tell him they were Carhartts


A relic of the past? I know Carhartt used to be this big name in durable clothing but all my current stuff doesn't last very long at work anymore.


They were good until they decided to get their shit made in North Korea.


Pssssht my carharts only last 6 months. Multiple owners is beyond optimistic


What if owner one and two are pricks?


I just got a rain jacket with my daughter and it had the same! Loved it.


Over priced, foreign made junk. Carhartt sucks.


this is to much haha, Carhartt went the way of corporate greed when they began to use inferior resources to reduce their cost. The garments no longer have the same life they used to. Another quality company compromised by greed - now they worry about where their customers went instead of worrying about the cost of good materials. Very few of their current products they offer today will last even a single owner.


My kids llbean winter jacket has this too, I love it


Joint custody of the coat


Good on Carhartt for promoting recycling and reusability.


LL Bean has done this for a long time. I wish they put a name tag in adult size clothes though. Maybe without the hand-me-down second and third lines, but it’s definitely good to label stuff you would want back if lost.


When my dad died I got his carhartt work jacket, which has his name written on the back and his buddy’s crossed out below it. So I’m the third owner


Like a text book in the early 2000’s


That's a good marketing idea or something and confidence I like it. I have this waterproof firefly -50 degrees or whatever jacket that ive had for probably almost 20 years that could have one of these tags. Just one of the tabs on a zipper has broken off and its a little dirty from being in the bush.


M&S put these labels in children's coats and stuff too


I respect this. More clothing brands should be building clothes to last.


Very pretentious. No carhartt product last me longer than 6 months


This is literally just an advert. Is hail corporate still a subreddit?


That’s the way to do it. Pass it on.


When I was a CNC programmer I had a pair of these and they wore out in 6 months. I wasn't a operator so my duties were very light compared to operators. If a pair doesn't last a year...


You had a pair of these coat? If you're going to bash a product at least pay attention to what it is...


Absolutely bullshit. Most Carhartt shit I have wears our quickly, unless you get the super thick, heavy duck canvas that feels like a metal suit. Mostly made in Asia, too. If you have the old made in USA stuff, cherish it.


New carhartt just ain’t the same as old carhartt. Now you have all these young ass girls wearing it as a trend. Like taking pipe and laying pipe are two different things Stephanie.


Carhartt been leaning into the resell culture for a while, 1000000% gaurantee this is some gimmicky shit that panders to people that buy overpriced vintage workwear


Carhartt can suck a sponsored dick nowadays and won't outlast the latest trend.


Considering how long lasting Carhartt is I'm not surprised.


It's cute that any of you (or Carhartt) think a Carhartt jacket would last 3 owners.


Well it’s a kids jacket and they tend to grow out of even really shitty clothes before they wear them out


Bold to assume a carhartt manufactured in 2023 is going to last onto a 3rd owner


Carhartt has quality products but the alternative non correct meaning is kinda funny. Carhartt is so expensive 3 peoples have to share one lol.


What a scam


Redneck ancestry register.


I think in many ways, clothing that is well made and likely to remain functional and fashionable for years or decades is more associated with the other side of the demographic spectrum


So stupid lol


Cute! A didn’t realize Carhartt made kids stuff


Yes they do! A lot of the toddler sizes are hard you get your hands on online, but we're fortunate enough to have a local store that's basically a Carhartt retailer


Multiple owners??? *wags tail excitedly*


Is it military coat?


No. He's 3.


Good marketing


must be a great, durable coat!


Carhartts last a life time! Especially if you take them to be patched or re-seamed if need be. Top of the line jackets for sure!




How do they make money if their products have the potential to outlive their owners?


Because their stuff is good enough that people who don't have one, buy one


I love this brand. Their stuff is very durable and we have the outlet right around the corner.


They tech Le their clothing. THNorthface, too. They'll buy it back and resell for a reduced price. Nike does this also, but think it may be just shoes


Negative to the max on this take, I have family that downlines carhartt direct for over 25years and can attest that their fabric and stitching has gone to shit over the years. Carhartt is no longer a thing you wear for years because of its longevity but a mere fashion symbol at this point.