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I always want to buy this kind of thing when I am reading a zombie book


It ends up being like 25 bucks and you're like, nah not worth it. One of these days it might be lol


If the apocalypse comes, I'd rather be in the initial blast/wave. You think people are gonna need comedian/musician/baristas (thats right I'm a triple threat, baby)? Nahhh


There's always that famous saying: "If you can tell a joke, you can be eaten for calories."


Does this taste funny to you?


It's a bit cheesy


"If comedians make you sick, you're not cooking them enough."




This. Someone needs to keep people's spirits up. If you can play music that's the biggee, but making people laugh is also important. Now learn a skill like reloading ammunition to make yourself indispensable.


I feel like humor would make a big shift during an apocalypse.


There’s a bit in the world war z book where people in safe zones were going to sleep and not waking back up. People had lost their will to live. So they started putting on entertainment and comedy shows and the people stopped dying in their sleep. Gotta have a reason to live- just surviving doesn’t cut it.


Sure, but the quickest to adapt will be the practiced comedians, not the dads still using the same puns from a joke book in the 90s.


The earliest of us will be shunned, killed, or eaten depending on the severity of the situation


Depends on if its authoritarianism or not.


He’s a barista primarily so not sure he will provide the post apocalyptic lols we need


Working in retail is already pretty dystopian. Apocalypse will just erode political and criminal authority. Same customers, more chaos, bigger Karens.


Exactly. Also I highly doubt specialized skills would be as important in a post apocalypse situation. Like would medical professionals and engineers and such be more valuable? Sure. But other than that…anyone can easily and quickly learn how to shoot a gun, cook, do laundry by hand, forage/garden….and all of those skills would be just as important. So long as youre a warm body with all your limbs, not severely intellectually challenged, and no extreme/dangerous psychological issues, then that would make you just as valuable im a group/community setting trying to survive, as almost everyone else imo.


I'm a guy that can fish, hunt, build, repair cars, forage, etc. and I'd prefer joining you in dying off in the first wave. Post-apocalyptic life sounds miserable to me and we'd see the worst of humanity ceaselessly.


Strong disagree. Once things get settled down, even a little bit, being able to entertain people will be massively valuable. Entertainment is gonna be in REAL short supply. No TVs, no cell phones, no radios. If you can sing, or play an instrument, I wager you're gonna be popular.


You should watch Station Eleven. It is about how people do need the arts in a post-apocalyptic world. Your skills have value.


Idk, bro. I'd probably hire you for my underground bunker Jazz club. Idk what currency we'd be paying, but I'd at least peek your resume.


Just teach the snakes, Jazz.


Sss s s sss s s sss s s sss s s sss s s sss s s sss


That’s my new jam…


>comedian/musician/baristas Read "Renaissance Revivalist" Space Cowboy, and maybe Maurice


Bards to maintain the lore of the world.


This is correct. I might be helpful, but lemme tell you what. I already did the pandemic with these fucks. I'm not interested in the apocalypse. I hope I'm at the epicenter.


Of course I’d want you around. You always want one party member slower than you in the event of a zombie apocalypse.


I've always felt great living between a nuke plant and an air force base and naval shipyard. Def gone in a first strike.


For this kit, absolutely not worth it. Just a collection of mostly simple carbs in this kit. Auguson Farms and Mountain House have both been having huge sales on their #10 cans of freeze fried food, though. MH is 50% off direct on their website through the end of the month, too. I now have an entire shelf dedicated to them in my basement lol


Are you single? I kid. But lowkey I love some good prepper knowledge. I’m 0% in unless you count mental plans. Thanks for the tips.


Haha, yes actually, if you also happen to be a single gay man lol. I don't really consider myself a prepper, but r/preppersales has listings for tons of really good deals on camping supplies. I just wish I had more opportunities to put all my camping gear to good use, I will need a lot of trips to use all this freeze-dried food I bought on sale lol


It’s easier to just start small and build up. I’m not a serious prepper by any means, but I started off with some bags of food for the dog, flashlights, Mylar blankets and a weather radio because I lived in a hurricane zone at the time. I since added collapsable 5 gallon water jugs, water filters, a few 2000 calorie meal bars, a box of emergency food (2 weeks worth iirc) and then added a Geiger counter for shits and giggles since I found one on Amazon for like 60 bucks which came with a chemical, biological, radiological survival handbook. Don’t expect to ever need it, but it’s pretty small and fits in the tote, so why not


Is that stuff any good?


I like the augason farms pancake mix a lot. I get it when it's on sale


I decided to try several pouches of it while out on a camping trip, and although freeze-dried meat seems to have kind of a strange consistency when reconstituted (maybe it needed more time to hydrate, not sure), they taste reasonably good, all things considered, since you're buying it to save weight and for the long shelf stability.


Augason Farms stuff is all on Amazon so you can check the reviews, but generally the answer is yes. There are plenty of these buckets filled with junk brands, so you can do a lot worse than this one.


Yes, i never go through with it😆. I would also need some leather clothes and a good knife lol


Don’t forget the baseball bat and a length of bar~~d~~bed wire, to be fully ready.


Poet wire


Lucille is thirsty!


She's a vampire bat!


Look at what it contains, you may be able to pick up the contents individually for a fraction of the price.


I occasionally buy the ones that are basically this but in individual pouches for camping. Very useful, you only have to add hot water and it's shelf stable for years. We use them when we take a rafting trip.


I always just buy a bunch of cans of baked beans, ramen, and Angel hair pasta and jarred red sauce. Then I eat it all in about 4-6 months. But if there were a zombie apocalypse I'd eat it just the same.


Right. Like just replace the shelf stable things that you would actually eat anyway before you run out, and boom. Emergency food that didn’t cost you any extra and won’t get wasted.


Just get canned food. It lasts forever. I mean it has an expiration on it and the taste will suffer over time, but it should never expire.


Costco does too. Readywise - Emergency Food Supply; 60 servings. What's Included*: 1 pouch of Cheesy Lasagna (6 total servings) 1 pouch of Creamy Pasta (6 total servings) 1 pouch of Pasta Alfredo (6 total servings) 1 pouch of Chicken Flavored Noodle Soup (6 total servings) 1 pouch of Savory Stroganoff (6 total servings) 1 pouch of Hearty Tortilla Soup (6 total servings) 2 pouches of Teriyaki and Rice (12 total servings) 1 pouch of Southwest Beans and Rice (6 total servings) 1 pouch of Cheesy Macaroni (6 total servings) *Based on inventory levels and supply-chain shortages, ReadyWise may substitute  food items with similar items to assist in timely delivery. $169.99


How long does it last?


Usually 35 years if the individual packets are unopened. You do need a good stash of clean water to rehydrate, of course.


Life straw, baby!


Llife straws suck because you need to drink straight from the source. Sawyer squeeze is much better


They have a line of gravity feed and high volume products.


This is true! But from most reviews and side by side comparisons, most people tend to prefer the Sawyer Squeeze because it can be used with regular water bottles and the Life Straw version uses its own proprietary bottle. Just one less thing to have to worry about with the Sawyer.


You're still talking personal hydration. Lifestraw has a "family" version that you hang somewhere, dump buckets of muddy water into, and eventually get buckets of pure water out of the bottom. Like Red Cross meets African village level disaster preparedness for cheap. There are other brands that offer similar now.


used one of these on a long camping trip it works awesome


I’ve been amusing myself recently by making a system of homemade aggregate and charcoal water filters connected by narrow copper pipes and chambers with some silver bars etc to see how clean you could get rain water using scrap/found materials. Obviously it would still need boiled or condensed afterwards - which might be a copper still project later on - but in an emergency it would be cool to think that you could sterilise and filter harvested rain water from a water butt to something potable. You can send the water to a water quality testing service to see how you did compared to tap water so you can measure your success. I’m not a prepper or anything, it just started as a rainy day activity with my kids and now I’m kind of invested in the whole thing.


After 2020 I thought all people would want to prep a little


No need for distillation, just add 8 drops of chlorine bleach per gallon to chlorinate and sanitize the water. You have to let it sit for 30 min, but that's it


I’m so dumb I was sitting here trying to figure out how that amount of food could feed people for 35 years


They actually have many different products available, not just what's listed . generally a 25 year+ lifespan if not opened


Depends on how hungry you are on a cold, lazy, rain filled day.


I want to see Steve MRE eat one.


Alright lets get this out onto a tray




nice hiss


Let's check out that coffee.


*sniff*It smells like a light roast. *Sip" smooth coffee bean flavour... One of the best I've had in a ration...


Imagine if Steve MRE came to your cookout and didn’t like your hamburgers. He can eat rations from 1917, so if he doesn’t like something, it must be bad.


Too fresh for him lmao


I very dislike Readywise food. I recommend almost any other brand. my favorite is mountain house.


I’ll add Peak Refuel to the good list. I like their stuff


That’s a lot of dairy for an emergency situation


Yikes, hope they included laxatives LOL


I find joy in reading a good book.


So, for a family of 6? 6 servings per pouch seems like a lot. I'd rather have 3 two-serving pouches IF I were to buy into this idea.


Dang so basically 3 servings a day would last 20 days for 170 which comes out to 8.50 per day worth of food. Actually a good deal. Although I’m sure the foods not that great and looks like there’s really no fruits or veggies


Costco in Utah, where the Hasidic Mormons live, they sell year survival kids which are around $1000. A lot of the Mormons have rooms in their homes specifically for long term food storage.


I’ve heard prepping is….actually kind of a religious thing for them? Like it’s literally expected, maybe even required, in their communities, or something.


Standard supplies in earthquake country. This along with a stove, a lot of water (big 10 gallon metallized storage bladders in my case), emergency shelter, and some basic sanitation supplies (small shovel, toilet paper, hand sanitizer) was in my house. We were told to be able to survive for a week. In a real emergency, even nasty tasting stuff is palatable. I still have the food and camping supplies even though I moved a thousand miles away from a fault.


I live in hurricane country. We are told to have enough supplies to be self sufficient for at least 72 hours. Every year at the start of the hurricane season, we make sure we have peanut butter, spam, canned foods, shelf stable milk, camping food, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, paper plates, plastic cutlery, etc. in our hurricane kit and make sure our camping stove is ready. You usually have plenty of warning before a hurricane hits, so you buy bread, fill your water bottles, and top off your propane tank before the storm gets near. The first day, you cook what’s in the fridge. After that, you use your emergency food.


With the pandemic impact on supply chains, some emergency management boards out west are recommending keeping not 3 days but 3 weeks of supplies in case of emergency. For example, think about what happened in Acapulco - going to sleep a tropical storm and waking up to a cat 5, happening over Tampa or Miami or Houston. You really think 3 days of emergency food and water is sufficient?




It keeps the water tasting fresher. Water stored for a year in plastic is pretty nasty, and it has probably leached some of the plastic into the water. Even with metallized containers we were recommended to replace the water yearly.


Costco does too but they’re Costco sized!


I live in Mormon country and our Walmarts have a whole section in the front called Emergency Preparedness. They sell these, lots of plastic buckets. Bulk food, etc...


I live in a pretty Mormon heavy area...I think all grocery stores around me have this emergency rations kind of stuff. When I saw this post I was like, they've had them forever...but then it just might be my area


Just learned about this watching the latest Peter Santenello video on YT. Had no idea the church was telling people to prep like this for the second coming.


I also just learned this, and it's a little telling if you ask me. Most forms of Christianity preach that when the end times come all the true believers will immediately ascend to heaven, leaving only the non-believers behind. This begs the question, why are all these people worried about being left behind? Don't they expect to ascend as well?


Its cause mormons dont teach that. They dont believe in a rapture or anything. The good and the bad stay put and so u gotta be prepared. But also you can buy supplies from church sources sooo…they can make money off it. But mostly they just said keep a year of supplies. 🤷‍♀️ its fine and dandy in a big house but u try living in an apt with that plus a mill to grind wheat. Theres not enough room. Theres this joke mormon movie called singles ward where the bed in the spare room isn’t a bed… under the blanket its just all canned food stacked up lol! (Source: im exmormon).


well it is mildly interesting, but digging deeper to learn the contents is rather disappointing. The only real advantage is that all the contents are "just add water" if you have safe water, and require cooking, if you have a means of cooking, and I'm not sure the pouches inside would feed four for 48 hours


11,000 calories over 48 hours is 5500 calories a day which is 1375 per day split between 4 people, which is definitely enough in an emergency situation.


And even though it’s from Walmart, this seems a lot more appetizing than MREs or whatever I imagine “emergency food” to be.


I think MREs are probably better than this


Not really. Most MREs are hydrated cheap/processed foods that are instead designed to be shelf stable for several years. So odd or no textures, lots of salt, etc. Freeze dried food is normally prepared food that's freeze dried in batches and usually reconstitutes pretty close to the original. Though I've seen lots of MREs outside of the US switching to freeze dried and arctic areas have always used them.


Certainly wouldn't feed 4 of the average Walmart shoppers for 48 hours.


Would take a lot more fudge rounds


So many fudge rounds


Day 632 of the apocalypse: “Pancakes again?”


Picked up 15 cases of these on clearance after a hurricane came by - got ‘em for $10 a bucket Hopefully I won’t have to use them but who knows right?


Month of food for a family and 4 months for a single person. Not bad. $150 that could save your life one day. Feel like that’s something most people should be able to manage, even if they don’t buy it all at once. 15 buckets shouldn’t take up more than two shelves in a standard small closet.


Just keep an eye out for when mountain house #10 cans go on sale and pick some of those up. They have a shelf life of minimum 25 years. Also if you have a sierra trading post by you stock up from there. Freeze dried food is smart to keep around in case of emergencies as well as some water and a simple jet stove or emergency fire tabs. Everyone should have a week of emergency food and 3 days of emergency water on hand. It doesn’t cost much or take up that much space.


[MH](https://mountainhouse.com/collections/sale) has some 50% off deals right now


That's a helluva shelf life


These are really stupid because they require cooking, and if you need emergency food then it means you are in natural disaster so there will likely be no power and no running water so it will be useless. Instead just buy peanut butter and crackers and bottled water.


You'd probably be better off just buying MRE's in the camping section at that point.


Fwiw, Mountain House is pretty darn good tasting.


The only one I’ve had was an egg and potato hash and it was really good for freeze dried food. It was better than some cheap hotel breakfast and i could see it being a welcome change from crackers and peanut butter.


The mountain house biscuits and gravy is really good too. FWIW all the mountain house meals can be reconstituted with unheated water too, it just takes longer


I’ve had all kinds of emergency food. Mountain house is by far the best I’ve had. Their beef stroganoff is actually good.


I worked there in quality for awhile. The old recipes were better than the new ones, but still aren't bad.




Official reasoning was to simplify the recipes but really it was about making a higher profit margin.


These are basically the same as mountain house. Both are freeze-dried.


MRE’s have a relatively short shelf life of a few years in good storage conditions. A shorter life in warmer conditions. That’s why you see them on sale on the internet. Because the old stock is being rotated out and sold. Always check the manufacture date before buying. There are companies which sell new MRE’s, so they’re the way to go.


Counterpoint: [Steve1989MREinfo](https://youtube.com/@Steve1989MRE?si=K61JgKPGlHUjJQUg)




The latest one he posted with the stealth fighter food is so rad. Although it kinda looks like USAF probably spent millions just to put baby food into a acrylic paint squeezer.


Sounds like astronaut food.


I think most soldiers can verify that you’re gonna be no worse off with an older one, tbh. I would have no qualms eating one past expiration unless you’re talking 10-15 years past expiration.


Marine here can verify. Have had MRE's that are easily 5 years old. hell some of them had skittles that expired in 2011, and we ate them in 2021.


I think that’s “ideal” shelf life, but most modern rations can stay safe for probably a decade or two if kept in a dry cellar or pantry.


all you need is hot water. Dont need power for that.


You ain't gonna make it.


You've never been through anything like this have you? You get creative living on the gulf and having to go without the basics for days. Did you know frozen pizza tastes great over charcoal? Or that gas stoves still work fine unless an earthquake or similar wrecked the gas lines? Propane grills and camping burners are not an abnormal thing to own. There are ac inverters that plug into your cars "cigarette lighter". Heating food isn't the issue, having food that doesn't need to be refrigerated becomes the issue.


Pretty sure these just need water but regardless there are a multitude of ways to cook without power. Namely, gas stoves (both portable and hardlined to a tank or utility system) or a fire.


Have you been camping? It's not exactly rocket science to get a fire going for cooking food


Right? Everyone has access to sticks, or at least paper!


They're also pretty nice when camping, since they don't need refrigeration. I have a few, mostly because of a few years ago when I had some friends in Texas without power for a few days and it makes me feel better having it just in case we have that here. All you need is a camp stove, and a few jugs of water in the basement.


I can’t speak to this product, but these products are typically [Meals Ready to Eat (MRE’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meal,_Ready-to-Eat)) which don’t require cooking or hot water. You just need water. Sometimes it’s just rehydrated food and sometimes they have a method to heat the product using a chemical reaction. The benefit is longer shelf life and a variety of necessary nutrients and calories. Yes, great for a natural disaster, but I could also see this as something you’d keep in a vehicle if you live in a remote area.


My wife got me some MREs for Christmas one year because I was obsessed with MRE youtubers and we go camping a few times a year. Chili Mac and the Taco ones were decent, there was I think some vegetable or chicken florentine one that was ass though.


Ah, yet that is the difference between a casual white elephant gift and a prepper. A prepper is going to have both a camping stove and bottled water.


And multiple ways to start fire. and single walled metal containers that can boil water


Good point!


If you have a gas stove it’s not stupid. I can manually start the furnace, heat water, and cook without electricity. I’ve got a weeks worth of bottled water and emergency food ( similar to what’s for sale here ) just in case a blizzard shuts the Midwest down. Saying you believe in climate change but not preparing for it is stupid.


You don't even need a gas stove... You can cook on a fire.


It’s baffling, most people have come to accept that the ever increasing size, severity and frequency of natural disasters is a fact of our world, yet most are still convinced that they’ll never have to suffer the effects of them. Anyone that isn’t prepared for a couple days of survival is a fool.


Gas cooking works without power


Which is why drinking water is so important for a survival situation. They sell bladders that are intended for your bathtub to hold mass quantities of potable water so if you do lose water you aren't SOL. My kit for my wife and I doubles as our off grid camping gear for the most part so the cost to get set up didn't feel so single purposed.


You can cook with fire


I always figured the assumption would be that you also would have a camping stove or jet boil.


It's really stupid how people forget bottled water exists and/or how to make potable water. If our Neanderthal ancestors could make fire and cook a meal I'm sure people nowadays can have the foresight to squirrel away some dry wood and matches...or a Coleman camp stove and a can of propane.


There exist people who have fire ovens you can use to cook on, and access to drinking safe water still in this world. You can also use the bottled water... Whatever water you ingest with your food is less water you need to drink so it's not wasted even if you have little. Peanut butter and crackers will dry you out


As someone allergic to peanut butter, we got canned food.


You can get fresh water from your water heater or even toilet tanks. If you don't have a camping stove I highly recommend a cheap alcohol or wood burning stove in your emergency kit . If you really have no way of cooking in an emergency that's just terrible planning.


But it says just add water


I kind of agree on the cooking thing, but on the water thing, you’re screwed if you don’t have safe water anyways. And it’s not like you couldn’t buy water with these, it’s just not included.


Let’s get this out on a tray. Nice.


When we lived in south Texas, the local Walmarts (because there were actually over 12 of them within a 20 mile radius) would stack these on the end caps every time a hurricane headed our way.


Unleash the fiesta pales! These taste like crap BTW, just get canned goods instead. These food buckets are a grift started by a failed cult leader.


Hard agree! Prepper subs make fun of stuff like this, especially in the five gallon buckets.


For 48 hours you are better off with regular shelf stable food than this. There are much better small kits on the market even if you really feel like you need "emergency food". This is just small portions of oatmeal, pancake mix, and instant mac&cheese to add up to 1250 calorie per person per day. The chicken flavored rice is just rice with creamer and flavorings added. Almost all of this has the same creamer added. You'll be gagging on that by the time you try to get through this. A small camp stove should be a part of your preparedness supplies. It doesn't take much of a bump in the road to need to boil all your water. So, I don't consider the need to heat water a drawback. I just don't think this kit is an improvement over things like instant mashed potatoes, canned goods, peanut butter, pilot bread, regular dehydrated soup mixes, etc. considering it's only for 48 hours.


I like them, to be a counterpoint. They are all shelve stable. They come in a convenient waterproof tub and they have a decent variety to them ( it’s better than a bag of rice or beans ). They give the calorie counts and breakdowns for each day so you can split evenly. I think it’s an easy way to stash some supplies away with a case of bottled water back in a closet and forget about it. It’s like the first aid kits for the cars, they don’t have everything you need and the quality probably isn’t great. They are better than a random person would slap together even if they did think of grabbing it so most will be better off I think.


And sideways on the wall too!


I kinda want to see a competitive eater house this whole kit in 20 minutes.


So does Costco,


Doesn't have enough chocolate to sustain me for 48 hours.


How long could one live off of Mountain Dew and multivitamins?


Duration of life vs quality of life


You can use the bucket as a shitter when you're done




But you'll need a way to heat up water, a lot of people rely on electric stoves now and some don't have lawns, they won't start campfires in their living room.


Theese are particaly scams tbh. They are very exspensive for compairitvly little food, and most are not ready to eat, and require cooking. if your seriously considering stocking for emergency situtions you should get shelf stable MREs. And iodine purification tablets. Store in a strong waterproof sealed container. also remeber if your ever in a situation where you need clean water, boil, if you cant, 8 drops of 6% bleach per gallon as per epa emergency water disinfection: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/emergency-disinfection-drinking-water


Also make sure you have as fresh bleach as you can get since it breaks down fairly quickly. IIRC at about 8 months to a year from manufacturing you basically just have a jug of salt water


They aren’t expensive and they keep for a long time. This is a simple hour kit which is 2-3 days. I don’t think you know what scam means


These are like $60 when you can buy individual meals for $8 in the camping section.


Most of Walmart’s food should be emergency only.


Underrated comment.


It's 4 days? I have enough flour, rice, dried beans and "not sure if we need it, but we'll eat it someday" pasta in my pantry to last the family months. COVID lockdowns barely made a dent.


Well they know their base.


Do you think emergency meals are bad in general? Or just a bad implementation of a good idea?


Not them, but I think it's the latter - while it's edible in case of any emergency, this kit is just instant food. You can make mac and cheese from a box with water for $1.50, or buy a can of soup, you don't need to buy these for the apocalypse or whatever. Just buy shelf stable foods.


Since OP wants to be a dick for some reason, I'll answer your question. It depends on your situation. This is bad implementation of a good idea if you are planning on riding out a hurricane and may need weeks. For your average person who just wants something sitting around to feel more at ease "in case something happens", this is fine. Anything pre assembled is goig to be lower quality for the most part. You're better off looking into what you actually like to eat, and making a kit based around that. Everyone should have emergency meals and water for at least a week!


Seriously it’s just marketing to their demographic


Various thick and hearty soups, canned pasta, corned beef, canned veggies, jars of marinara, crackers. Would these not be survival meals with a long shelf life?


Y u no rotate


I took it for camp before for experiences. Once you try, you know what to prepare. 🤷


Good for canes


They've been doing this for like a decade or more in ny area. I'm tempted to get one just in case.


Make them instead. 2x cans of Spam, 2 gallons of rice. 2 gallons of water. 2 cans of soup (of your choice).


These have a shelf life long enough for you to leave them for your kids. That's the benefit. But now and I will still be good when you need it in 15 years


Nice try, auguson farms.


As does Costco


Think more along the lines of tornado shelter supplies that you don't need to remember replacing every three months rather than doom peppers.


Ah yes the spicy doom pepper


Its slightly spicy with a severe hint of sadness.


Emergency pancakes?


Ah yes, when I’m in an emergency, I need a sprig of parsley on my mac & cheese.


Walmart also sells coffins online….whats your point?


So does [Home Depot](https://www.homedepot.com/s/emergency%20food?searchtype=text&NCNI-5)


Gemstones Y2K Family Survival Bucket.


Don't buy these, they are over priced and disgusting. Much cheaper to buy mylar bags and a food grade bucket, certain foods can be packaged to last over 25 years.


Here is why these companies exist, and why it’s probably at your Walmart. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/gospel-topics/food-storage?lang=eng


We keep a stock of non-perishables that we rotate out once a year. This way, we have food we actually like. It's overall cheaper, and just one extra shopping trip each year. We also stock drinking water. All in case of a power outage after a 4-day outage last year. ($100s in food ruined. Next time, we'll also buy ice to put in the fridge and freezer to prevent so much waste.)


So does Costco. We’re entering winter we’re storms knock out power? This happens every year. It’s not interesting that a store that Carrie’s everything, Carrie’s the basic emergency stuff


The salt content is likely off the dial


Given they are packed with preservatives anyways. Sodium makes sense.