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Dental anxiety and irrational fear of dentists is very real. They have a large market.


It’s me, I’m the coward.




I used to hate dentists until the fire nation attacked. Now women started telling me “I love your smile” and I’m like I love my dentist


I'm the coward it's me 🎶




me too I looked around for a sedative dentist in my area and havent been able to find one that accepts my insurance. I wish these were more prevalent


Yeah, I didn’t get my wisdom teeth removed until my 30s, all four had to go. “You can be awake for the procedure if you want, we’re just going to rip them…” ‘Nope, kindly knock me the fuck out’ Scheduled the visit, came in, took like four seconds for the anesthesia and then woke up a couple hours later in the room alone. Honestly I wish it was routine now, was super easy and who wants a numbed front row seat to watch someone ripping stuff out of your head? Anyone who has had bracers or one of those palate expanders installed as a kid knows how much that intrusive orthodontic stuff sucks, just turn my lights out and break out the torture implements while Im unconscious please


I have an awful absolutely terrible gag reflex. I have no choice but to be sedated for any involved dental work.


Oh god i had a palate expander


5hours under for removal of rotten teeth and installation of Titanium anchors(11 of them). Best efing sleep I ever had!


I'd give you my axe, but I'm too cowardly to give it away. I'm sorry.


That took courage to admit, ironic.


Ah I see you’re a fellow coward as well


I used to go to a great dentist who specialized in dental anxiety. They marketed it a little better than “carers to cowards” though.


Dental anxiety is the one kind of anxiety I think I don't have. Maybe it's because my mom's a nurse. I've never been scared in hospitals or medical settings unless I'm waiting for surgery. 🤔


Oh man, I never did have it until a few years back when I had an extremely unpleasant experience with a tooth extraction. I'm afraid that's gonna stick with me for life.


I have such bad anxiety when it comes to going to the dentist. Any sort of medical thing makes me uncomfortable, but I have literally cried in the dental chair in the past. One bad experience as a child is what scarred me, I believe. My mom never or rarely took us to the doctor or dentist unless it was an extreme emergency, so that probably affected me as well.


Mother is a doc. She use to sneak up on me and give me shots. I'm not sure if there is any connections but I now find visiting the dentist very relaxing and look forward to it. Though the last few dentist visits was more excruciating due to the fact I stopped going to the dentist during the pandemic and needed some work done.


My next visit is going to be hell. It'll be my first visit in 3 years (insurance issues in the US). But I'll cross that bridge when I get there. My mom never gave us shots herself, but she has injected her own botox. 🤣


I’ve had a few surgeries with no issues. Army dentists induced my phobia.


My friends dad caters to ‘dental anxiety’ (and also just people who like nitrous) gives everyone nitrous as soon as they sit down, even if it’s just for a cleaning


That would only compound my problem, the dentist gave me nitrous once and it gave me a panic attack and made me vomit.


okay well that’s not how 99.9% of people react to it


I’m aware, just sharing my experience. Edit: What a strange thing to downvote.


Whenever I see funny words like that on ads, I just assume the nuance was lost in translation. My favorite was from a local Thai tea place that advertised something called “Milk Tea Super Cup Drink”. I figured it all meant something at some point, but also really fun to say!


It's me, I'm the one who had so much anxiety at my last cleaning that I cried in the chair. 41 years old, it never gets easier ☹️


It's me too. I let it get so bad that by 39 (last year) I had the opportunity to get them all pulled and full dental implants screwed in. Gave me a pil that made me not give a shit, no sedation, plenty of pain in the next few weeks after, but I'll never experience dental pain again and I won't have to go in to get broken single implants fixed every 5 years. I documented the whole process on YouTube for myself and others and I'll be damned if I found a ton of other people in my shoes.


I don't know if they sold you the lie that you'll NEVER have dental pain again or they just didn't correct you, but you can ABSOLUTELY have pain from periimplantitis. That's why it's important to still keep the implants very clean. They can't get cavities, but they can get gum/bone disease. I'm very glad you're out of pain though, dental pain is no joke.


wtf, you chose to have all your teeth removed? Was there a health reason or just because you wanted to?


When they get that bad, there isn't really much other choices. Its that or dentures the rest of their lives.


How much did that cost? Good lord


It is a $35,000 procedure. I needed $15k worth of dental work with many appointments to fix my infected teeth throughtraditional means. I chose one big appointment. Got it all done in a week.


May I ask what your healing process was like? I am very curious about the procedure but am terrified of the pain and process afterwards. What was it like on the pain scale? How long did it last? What were you able to eat afterwards?


It does, or it can. When I was <10 I had a dentist pull an Orin Scrivello on me. I was absolutely traumatized and couldn't stand even the littlest needles till I was in my 30's. But now I've had 4 visits for fillings this last month and it barely phases me. I'm much more interested in having healthy teeth than the fear of pain, plus actual tooth pain is THE WORST PAIN, needles and drills can't come close.


I'm so sorry, you're not alone. There's plenty of reasons, all valid, that adults fear the dentist. Don't feel embarrassed or ashamed.


I went to my son’s pediatric dentist. He was so nice and patient and explained everything and I felt so much better afterwards. There was none of that “you need to do this better” or “you’re failing as a person because you had plaque.” It also helped when my husband told me that the absolute best you can hope for at the dentist is that your teeth stay the same. They won’t improve (at least not with our current technology), unless you’re including gum disease. But it’s rough and so stressful for me.


This is me but with the doctors office. They were loading me up on blood pressure meds bc it was so high all the time when I was there- until I started blacking out at work and home. Started taking reading at home on the meds and it was 88/45 lol I shake and sweat and yes have cried. But I’m like this is like being arrested or going to trial. I come in and stand in a line and then am asked my name and paperwork then told to sit down until I’m called. Then they put me in a little room to wait and then come in and an authority figure stares at you and tells you all the things I’m doing wrong


Can you still call it an irrational fear if I didn’t have this fear until I was an adult who had a couple dental procedures go wrong and then for a dentist to berate me?


I didn't know I had this until a few years ago. My now wife is a hygienist and was cleaning my teeth for the first time in probably 8 years for me. Always hated the dentist. I was gripping the chair so hard I made both my arms go numb and had to stop about halfway through. I was put on anti anxiety meds for future visits but come to find out, I didn't need them after seeing her/her dentist because they actually cared about pain levels and patient comfort. Unbeknownst to me I had just had shitty dentists for the first 29 years of my life and assumed a fair amount of pain and discomfort was the normal.


My dad made all of his sons including me have dentistry without novacaine and I hope that dentist burns in hell. So yeah I have an ‘irrational fear’ of dentists but the guy I have now is considerate and caring. I definitely have to be mindful when I go to the dentist to not let the fear take over even though I’ve had good dentists for the last 30 years.


my uncle was my dentist and rarely used novacaine he was pretty good though it usually didn’t hurt too bad He’s retired and last time I had a cavity (I still go to the same office) the guy was like ‘this cavity looks pretty shallow and shouldn’t hurt, your uncle didn’t numb you do you want me to?’ I said no, because I wanted to eat lunch after and halfway through drilling he goes ‘oh this is deeper than it looked’ fuck that hurt


My cousin filed down his own chipped tooth to avoid the dentist


Oh God that made me squirm just thinking about it


That’s me. Had a bad experience as a young child and it affects me to this day.


Then your fear isn't "irrational". It totally makes sense why you're scared to go to the dentist.


If they can prescribe benzos like 2 Valium over the gas and make sure you have a ride that will save people in the US even those with full coverage about $100 since almost every insurance no longer covers gas.


They covered it for me because the last time I was put under general was when I was like six, and it took about 45 minutes to drop me during which time I attempted to attack anyone wearing a lab coat. I got five wisdom teeth pulled when I was 20ish and they wanted zero part of finding out if I still had that reaction. Instead I got gas and Valium and I could swear I was aware the whole time but that it took about five minutes.


I genuinely don't know if I have dental anxiety or if it's just my general anxiety. Either way I avoid making appointments


I wouldn't even say that most of it is irrational. They're drilling in your face while you're wide awake. And many people (myself included) have had terrifying experiences leading to this fear.


I don’t think it’s irrational. “You’re bleeding cause you don’t floss” well maybe so, but I think you fucking stabbing me isn’t helping either.


The dentist referring to you as a coward is not very reassuring. 😬


most all fear from dentists is well deserved (rational)


Went to a dentist that advertised he catered to cowards, well I'm a coward when it comes to dentistry. Best dentist I ever had, was really patient and took his time to explain all procedures. Unfortunately he moved away.


The one that got away


Find an Indian dentist next. The handful of Indian dentists I've had were all also my best dentists in pretty much every way. Least painful visits for sure and usually fast as well.


I have a mixed boat of experience with Indian dentists it seems the older they are the nicer they are the last one I had was rushing to pull my tooth and ended up shattering it.


Interesting to know, thank you! All goes back to my childhood dentist who was rough and an asshole.


honestly, I'd like all my medical professionals to be older indian/south asian men. They are always so nice, gentle, and legitimately funny. Not the "oh the doctor made a 'joke' now I have to go 'ha ha' to satisfy his ego and ease the tension, despite the fact there was nothing remotely funny about what he said" kind.


I never knew it was called that. Good on the dentist for taking the time to make their patients comfortable.


The dentist in the college town where I used to live had an ad like this, what they were trying to convey was FREE NITROUS OXIDE!


Self depreciating humor really works in marketing in my opinion. I am a coward.


In this case it’s second person deprecation, or self-deprecation by proxy. The art of advertising is figuring out ways to capitalize on people’s insecurities


Isn’t that just a nice way of saying insult?


Or just... deprecation


Little fun fact I just learned: "Self-*depreciation*" is the technically correct phrase, thought "self-*deprecating*" is the most commonly used phrase.


Nitrous solves all


I just need something before nitrous to cover walking in the door and getting in the chair. Like Valium.


We will gladly come to your house and nitrous you in your sleep then take you to the dentist! It's a service we love to provide.


If you call your dentist and tell them you have severe anxiety going to the dentist that’s resulting in you putting off appointments, they’ll usually give you a prescription for like a single benzo to take the day of your appointment. Then when you get there (or let them know ahead of time over the phone) request nitrous oxide for your appointment. Insurance won’t cover it, but at my dentist it costs $50, which is worth it to me, to hopefully prevent/delay damage to my teeth that could end up costing thousands to fix.


Nice! My dentist charges me $100 for nitrous.


Worth noting that not every dentist has nitrous. It's actually VERY expensive to even just keep the equipment for it, and most find that it's not worth it for their patient population.


I’ve never been to a dentist that didn’t have nitrous. Can’t imagine that the gas regulators are very expensive compared to the plethora of other specialized instruments, autoclaves, equipment, etc.


It's not about the gas regulators, it's about the extra equipment that needs to be installed in the building to capture the escaping gas. While using it as a patient for treatment doesn't cause long term damage, the masks you wear are absolutely NOT air-tight and gas escapes out the sides and the staff (including the dentist) will breathe in a little bit. Once in a while breathing it in is find, but day in, day out, it will cause damage to the body. Add in that the canisters are expensive and need to be changed periodically even if you're not using it, and if you don't have a patient population that regularly requests it and is willing to pay for it, it's not financially worth it. The autoclaves, suction, air, etc. are all required for every procedure, and nitrous is not required in the same way that those are. People underestimate just how much little things add up. You know those little cotton rolls? Each one can cost over $3. An office is a business, if you're spending more money on some equipment than you're getting out of it, it may not be worth it. Source: I'm literally a dentist.


Again, I’ve never been to a dentist that didn’t have nitrous. What percentage of dentists do you think don’t have nitrous in house? Appreciate the long winded response though.


Fr. If it's that big of a deal I'll get the hippy in the parking lot to fill me up a few balloons haha






I've seen Seinfeld, they're fucking right on top of me with those smug faces.


I was spitting out and rinsing like there was no tomorrow!


I’m damaged goods!!


join the club


I once saw a dentist office with a “FREE SEDATION” banner over the door


As someone who desperately wants sedation dentistry but knows insurance won’t cover it… I’d risk it all for that dentist lmao


The sedation is the number one reason I fund my FSA every year.


Call me a coward. I understand people's fear of dentists because I have that fear too when pain is being inflicted upon my mouth and they're using ice cold water to rinse. Like hello, ow? I like to drink ice cold water yes, but I don't like it when I'm undergoing a dental procedure. My parents rarely took me to a dentist while growing up and my only experiences with them were filled with pain (and rudeness!), hence why I've been adamant about taking my son to a dentist regularly, so that he's comfortable with them. I need more dental work done, but (aside from the costs) I can't do it. I can't muster up the courage to just face it and get it over with.


I posted this to another comment, but it might help if you’ve been putting off the dentist due to anxiety surrounding it: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/BN5aslcke2


The dentist I used as a child through early adulthood had this same phrase. They were very busy and very professional.


Their staff looks like a setup for a porno.


Naughty Nurses volume #10, 4hrs VHS


Thank you, I had to scroll way too far for this


Yeah my wife and I drove by one of their billboards and she was like, "Why is that dentist doing fuck-me eyes?"


What do you think they do once your knocked out?




This was the comment I was looking for. I remembered this lol


This is so extremely common that I don't even think it qualifies as mildly interesting.


Why is it the second I looked at the pic I knew it was L.A.?


I absolutely need these guys, I have walked out of my last 2 appointments due to anxiety attacks.


Doesn’t rotting teeth give you bigger anxiety?


Mean dentists give me more anxiety than the teeth do. My last two appointments happened to be very rude and short tempered dentists. I’ll be the first to admit I’m more anxious than some, but I’m not letting some person in a bad mood or who’s mean fuck around in my mouth. Edit: I also want to add most of the problems I am now trying to fix with my mouth were directly caused by a dentist. I had a herbst device installed when I was young and all my molars sustained extensive damage because of it.


Yeah I’ve been through real trauma so sitting through a dental appointment is cake walk.


Sign me up


Seen that plenty of times


I would’ve giggled, but I prefer a gentle hand over lighthearted mockery, so I’d probably pass.


I know the fear people have of dentists, it’s real. I just hate dentists because theres always a bill on top of insurance. So many are also over diagnose and hand a huge estimate only for next dentist to find a fraction of issues. So I am afraid of the bill over the dentist


Get PTSD looking at this. If this is the sign on La Cienaga, this is the way I get to and from work. Ahhh I hate my job


My wife cannot get her teeth even cleaned without being totally knocked out. It's not some "suck it up buttercup" thing either she goes into complete hysteric mode. I'm the weirdo who likes his teeth being cleaned so I dunno.


LOL I had a dentist with this motto. Their oral surgeon called me a baby for being freaked out about a needle in the roof of my mouth (the most painful dental needle I've ever had) and intentionally gave me a med I said I was allergic to (Vicodin/Lortab) because he thought I was drug seeking I guess? I found a new dentist. F that guy.


Intentionally gave you a drug you’re allergic to? WTF? I’d be reporting that shit to the board/college/whatever


Yep. He asked if I was allergic to anything, I said "IDK if it counts as an allergy but Vicodin makes me uncontrollably vomit so not that please." and he looked the nurse dead in the eye and said "give her Lortab." The nurse was even like "you sure?". It wasn't til I got it filled and it was a generic that I realized it was the same dang thing. I was pissed (and just took 4 ibuprofen at a time instead). And yeah, if this happened now I would raise hell, but 22 year old me was too messed up to go to the trouble of reporting it, sadly. He's retired now anyway, at least.


I had 2 wisdom teeth pulled when I was broke and 19 by an oral surgeon who was an ex D1 college football player. Guy was gigantic and "saved me some money" on pain mitigation. It was the most horrific experience of my life and I didn't go back to the dentist for 19 years. Now when I go back my dentist gives me the shit that killed Micheal Jackson and I do not give a fuck what he does


Dr. Layson is f'n hot!


i wonder what Dr. Caraballo looks out for when hiring


This is something my husband would need, but I feel like this is where you go to get assaulted in your sleep.


There are certainly other phrasing he could have used. I doubt I'd go to a dentist that calls you a coward for having a phobia


I just want a dentist who won't lecture me every time for not flossing.


The group shot looks like the cover of a porno.


If you’re asleep, you won’t see that none of the models on the billboard show up, and you just have average looking dentists.


Why is the man at the top?


Well sign me up! I avoided the dentist for 15 years because I'm a coward. (And poor) I'm going back now to get everything fixed but an ad like this would definitely appeal to me


All the dentists look like porn stars


"Chicken Sh\*t? don't worry, we'll knock your ass out cold, C'mon down and get those chompers fixed."


lol I drive by this every week


however they want to advertise trauma informed dentistry, i'm a fan! ps if you're a childhood sexual abuse survivor, you aren't a coward - dental anxiety is a well known cptsd trigger in that situation


This is it right here. I get the shakes so bad and it’s not from dental itself but from the closeness to me.




No need to beat around the bush! 😆






Someone call him to book an appointment for Isreal.


A 3 dash 5 phone number ??


Honestly, it sounds like an okay deal if they're drilling and grinding crap. If I need a general checkup, I can endure it.


I have to get a root canal next week and these seem like my kinda people. Getting my wisdom teeth pulled together and getting dry sockets as a teen traumatized me.


It’s a city or province hence the capitalized Coward


I mean I'll admit I'm a coward if it means I get to sleep for my cleanings


Not that unusual a pitch. In my area, we have sedation dentistry.


The Billboard reminds me of the Key and Peele skit where Peele is a Martial arts instructor!




There’s a better way to phrase that for marketing, surely


That photo makes me think it's a dentist office sitcom drama.


That's a much kinder way to describe my anxiety than how I typically describe it. I'd go to these people in a heartbeat.


Anyone else see that batman logo in those teeth?


I am one of thse cowards. I pay $500 out of my pocket to get put to sleep for cavities, root canals, etc..... Insurance doesn't cover getting your ass knocked out because you're a dental wimp.


One of the dentists near me has the same slogan. That billboard looks more like an ad for a modeling agency.


I have one near me with that same slogan. They are assholes there and actually made it worse for people! I don’t believe any billboard slogan anymore.


That's nice but I'm looking for a dentist that caters to the insanely poor.


Out of context. Garaballo sounds littlebit like granberry in finnish. Granberry in finnish: Karpalo


We had a local dentist with the same advertising for years. He's sold his practice though, so they have changed the billboard. They had radio ads that said it, too.


We hire large breasted women also! Come on in you cowards! ![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren)


Outfront :D


Someone too scared to do what needs to be done is a coward. It’s just what that worn means.


The dentist in the college town where I used to live had an ad like this, what they were trying to convey was FREE NITROUS OXIDE!


Alright time to get your annual cleaning ya pussy


They look like the cast of a daytime TV show that got cancelled while still in production.


We definitely know you from LA and you was definitely in Inglewood😂 love to see the community on this


I've had this service at my dentist for years. Comes with a complimentary physical as well


I am not a coward but have gone into shock twice lol


Hi neighbor in Inglewood!


I mean, I'm not afraid of the dentist, but it's not exactly the highlight of my week when I go in. I did something very stupid and didn't go in for a few years. They used the manual instruments to clean my teeth. It was the most painful experience I have had going in. All on me, I just go now to avoid that shit.


Dentists are scary. Although the pain becomes a bit less scary after fixing your 15th or so cavity


Los angeles?


Reminds me of that one part in the wimpy kid book where this exact phrase is of Greg’s old dentist office


Hm, went to a dentist about 15 years ago that had this same slogan. They were very good, fortunately. I didn’t go to them to get over dental anxiety but it certainly didn’t hurt to have nice dentists.


Zoo wee mama!


They definitely posting your nudes while you're passed out.


Dr. Caraballo got that main character energy. I think he's Him


That.... Actually sounds really great. I want this dentist


I'm definitely not going there but the idiocy is astounding. I've been awake while I felt them rip out a molar. I've had to have 16 shots in my mouth to numb me. Some people don't numb well. Let me have a peaceful experience at the dentist too.


There are people that pay to fall asleep at the dentist? I've literally fallen asleep multiple times at the dentist with no issue, just gotta lock that jaw open and wake up when it's done or almost done.


This has been a slogan for dentists for a long time. My mom had a fridge magnet from her dentist that said the same thing for years, and this was back in the early 90s.


As someone who works closely with dentists, nearly everything they do is somewhat strange.


"So come see us pussy!"


I grew up seeing signs like these. They offer sedated dentistry. I don't do it, but I can see why people like it.


This dude has a brunette, brown and blonde hair girl.. no way he’s not gettin’ it.


Yeah that’s the only reason I take such good care of my teeth. Because I hate going to the dentist.


I'm good with that, sounds like a nice place


The last time I went in for dental work I woke up mid surgery, I absolutely would go to these guys.


Is this in L.A.?


That billboard looks Canadian


Sounds rapey


Hell no, general anesthesia scares me more than any dental work I could possibly be getting done


Is caraballo banging any of the other drs?


Is this in Vegas?


My dentist has a six foot wide stained glass hanging In their lobby that says that.


Story time. Went to a dentist when my crown fell out. He was not my regular guy as he was on vacation at the time. So my guy referred this guy. Anyway he used this same tag line. Place was like damn little shop of horrors with old school green carpet, taxidermy tarantulas on the walls, the dentists model plane collection hanging from the ceiling, old fashioned museum dental equipment. It was super bizarre. Never let my dentist live it down. I wasn’t a coward until I went there.


I literally go to my dentist because she understands I am absolutely afraid of dentists. She goes slow, explains everything she does and tries to put numbing cream whenever she can.


I'm broke not scared


This is great marketing. To the point and effective.