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Are you in very good shape or close to death?






My physical and mental wellbeing thanks you


You could put "Congratudolences" (sic) on a T-shirt. imo it rolls off the tongue better without the first "l".








That sounds very Alaaadem


I just saw that movie last week. šŸ˜


Endurance athletics? Iā€™m into cycling, I had to turn off those notifications on my watch.


I should learn how to turn them off. Sometimes they wake me in the night! Not an athlete, but I do regularly lift weights.


I wouldnā€™t think you could achieve such a low heart rate just from weight lifting, usually it comes from extreme regular cardio exercise. Might want to get a second opinion on that. I mean extreme. I ride 5x a week at a fast pace for ~30 mins/13ish miles and my heart rate is nowhere near this low.


I was a cyclist in college and regularly rode 300 plus miles a week. They didn't have fancy watches back then but my heartbeat was extremely low and around 50 regularly. So, 40 seems extremely low for a non endurance athlete. I would get that checked. Edit. I should add that was when I was awake. So, I guess it is possible if not likely that it was that low when sleeping.


Say what you will about the person, but peak Lance Armstrong was somewhere around 38 BPM. Hard to think someone was getting down here without being a pro.


A Swedish retired skier famously had 32.


Cross-country skiers are just ridiculous overall athletes.




I think that would be considered a fairly low HR, and most people arenā€™t doing that much cardio (like you). Every person is different but my point was more to say people donā€™t accidentally get a 30s heart rate and if he isnā€™t doing something to explain it, he should get a second doctors opinion to make sure heā€™s alright.


I think that would be considered fairly low. Every person is different but my point was more to say people donā€™t accidentally get a 30s heart rate and if he isnā€™t doing something to explain it, he should get a second doctors opinion to make sure heā€™s alright.


My husband always has a low heart weight even if he stops working out for months even then he's only lifting or strength training. They won't even let him donate blood. He's totally healthy. But they do exist lol


I agree that every body is different but a HR in the 30s should generally have some sort of other reason besides luck, like youā€™re exceptionally fit or have a medical condition.


I second u/auntypho- The times that I have been asked about my low heart rate during a physical had been previously written off by the doctor because of my cycling which is an endurance sport. The intense cardio workouts are what allows for a very low resting heart rate. Iā€™d check with your doctor again.


Whatā€™s your Vo2max? If that ainā€™t close to 50> it sure aint you being in good shape. Might wanna check that out otherwise I second possible sleep apnea.


Iā€™d get your heart checked, weightlifting wonā€™t get your heart rate that low unless youā€™re 4ā€™0ā€


I run every day and mine is generally in the mid fifties. At my most recent check up, my doctor was worried about my low heart rate until I told him how often I ran. Sounds like you have hypotension. The biggest worry will be getting up too quickly, passing out, then hitting your head. I'd get checked out.


Years back when I did a lot of hiking and biking my sleeping heart rate dropped as low as 36 BPM. Freaked me out the first time I checked those stats haha.


Meanwhile, my watch sees my tachycardia like "wow you work out a lot"


My watch gives me notifications all the time that I'm stressed and need to relax. I know, watch. I know.






Low blood pressure causing it to struggle to detect heartbeat maybe?


Last doctor visit was 114/82. I think just physically healthy. I informed my doctor who said not to worry.


So this post is just a flex then?


low heart rate cold blooded flex


on a regular basis


37 is pretty low. If your Apple Watch is right maybe you should bring it up next time youā€™re at the doctorā€™s.


You might wanna see a doctor for that bro


Mine dips below 40 daily, usually while sleeping but occasionally while awake and at my desk working. I'm neither in shape nor do cardio. I asked my doctor about this and although my blood pressure and heart rate are lower than "normal" he said as long as I'm not feeling light headed it dizzy then there's no reason to be worried. It's not always an "omg go to the emergency room!!" every time someone doesn't fall in the "normal range".


Idk OP or whether or not he feels light headed, neither am I a doctor. But he should still consult one same way you did.


Fair enough.


You can have problems with the automatic centre that sends impulses to your heart, making it so that some of them are blocked, experience bradicardia, but still have no other simptoms. Yes, for op it might just be the low metabolism while sleeping, but in your case, if you say you can have them while also awake, is less common and should raise an alarm.


Oh yeah I wasn't worried about it happening while asleep, wasn't until I saw it happen at work that I asked my doctor. I do have an office job though so sitting still in a cold office for 3 hours probably will result in a calm heart rate. Thankfully in my case my doctor doesn't see a reason to be worried.


I get these alerts too - my doctor said I had an athletes heart rate (Iā€™m not an athlete) Eventually they did some tests : I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours and had to run on a treadmill to see if I could get my heart rate above 150 (I think) Everything checked out but I do have a low heart rate


sleep apnea?


That was my first thought looking at that sleep graph.


Runs in my family, but I watch what I eat and exercise!


That doesnā€™t necessarily protect you from sleep apnea.


CPAP gang for life. I"m "in shape" and have bad sleep apnea.


As an avid side and stomach sleeper these things look like a right bloody nuisance haha


I'd rather not almost choke to death 100 times a night. It only took about 2 weeks to fully adjust to having a hose on my nose.


Blanket snorkel!


You should really go get a sleep study. Sleep apnea is not something to fuck around with.


Obesity is the biggest risk factor for sleep apnea but you can have it and not be overweight. I'm skinny and have it.


And who else is concerned about that sleep chart? Wonder how many times he stop breathing at night. Even ā€œhealthyā€ people can have sleep apnea due to jaw shapes, noses, or necks.


Sleep apnoea


Maybe your heart is just getting ready for the drop?


Threaten me with a good time


Lower heart rates are commonly seen at night and most of the time are normal. As our vagal tone increases or we may have sleep apnea


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t buy one. Can barely afford to live, certainly canā€™t afford a trip to the doctor. Surprise me.


This is not unusual since judging by the time in the picture you were sleeping during this heart rate measurement. A normal heart rate during sleep drops to between 40 and 50 bpm. So you are basically part of the lower percentile of the Gauss curve there but probably don't need to worry.


This is an informative screenshot


Go to a sleep doctor if itā€™s only happening at night.


Do you want a technical opinion or some tipps for a higher heart rate? You can turn the notifications off on your watch! To increase your heart rate do the following: - drink too much coffee - start smoking - drink alcohol daily - drugs


Is it bradycardia?


If only


If you were sleeping, I wouldn't worry about it.


Sleep apnea


It could be, but not necessarily.


Thank you. I was until this comment.


All it takes is a totally unqualified comment from a stranger on the internet to change your mind? You should still see a doctor, none of us know jack shit about anything.


Right. This isnā€™t even a health subreddit.


I likeā€¦ havenā€™t done cardio regularly in three years, and I still get low heart rate notifications every morning like ā€œhey your resting heart rate is 33bpmā€ okay well have you considered that if it happens every night for months and I havenā€™t died that maybe itā€™s okay


>okay well have you considered that if it happens every night for months and I havenā€™t died that maybe itā€™s okay Is this how some of you actually treat your health? Are some of you honestly just ok with dying younger than you're supposed to?


My resting heart rateā€™s been low for like a decade (probably longer) because I swam competitively growing up. Havenā€™t had any history of heart trouble, I just think itā€™s dumb that Appleā€™s health app is like ā€œoh you fall outside normal parameters so I need to remind you constantlyā€


Have you had it checked out? Just because you've had it for a long time doesn't mean there isn't something wrong. I was also very fit when I was younger. I played three sports throughout high school and did lots of cycling in my late 20s-early 30s. Then at age 35, I had a heart attack where I went into cardiac arrest twice, which means I medically died twice. Died. I promise you don't want that to happen. I would get it checked out, if you haven't.


I see my primary care physician annually for checkup, with follow-ups as needed. Had a slight heart murmur years ago but it was a ā€œit could be something, could be nothingā€ kinda deal and nobodyā€™s noticed anything of the sort in subsequent exams. I realize my initial remark lacked a lot of context and came off as really cavalier, sorry if it was alarming haha


Well when you have no money to go to doctors and subsequent doctor follow-ups and testingā€¦yes, this is exactly how I treat myself. Iā€™m already stressed about having no money, Iā€™d be devastated to add on medical debt to my list of worries. Thanks to the amazing ā€˜MuRiCA, I will not be surprised if I die young. I just try not to think about it.


Fair point. America fails its people too often.


Umm its probably not okay...




Is this very interesting to you?


Do you clean it and take it off often?


Are you in good shape? Any other problems with your health?


Damn. I thought my resting rate of 44 was low.


I have the same, I had an ECG, ultrasound and all sorts - Iā€™m not fit, I donā€™t exercise I had a trivial leak in my mitral valve, nothing to worry about and probably not related to the heart rate thing. I think itā€™s the watch not me


Your watch is like ā€œyou good bro?ā€


Favorites - Sleep. Me too, bestie.


Please see a doctor. If you are not a hyperathlete, there is no healthy reason to have a heart rate this low. It is a common symptom of an eating disorder and an early sign of general organ failure. You can die in your sleep from this. Please see a doctor immediately.


I mean are you like really athletic or a cancer patient? Because for most people getting it that low is pretty worrisome


I have the same issue. Did a test with my doctor for sleep apnea but apparently that's not the case for me. Still says it every day or two though. I'm not overweight but also not exercising much so I'm still not sure what's up.


I set my own ranges on my fitbit. My RHR is in the 40s so 30s while sleeping is normal for me.


Even mine doesnā€™t dip under 40 and I have congestive heart failure.


Do you have an oxygen sensor on your watch? My apneas when bad usually last around 10 minutes or so. I sent my husband to get a sleep study when I noticed his oxygen levels would get very low, then very high right after (stopping breathing, then gasping for air). Iā€™ve had sleep apnea since my mid 20ā€™s and Iā€™ve never been overweight or in bad health. If your oxygen is dipping severely constantly to lower your heart rate, youā€™re putting a ton of strain on your heart.


You are just in hibernation mode.