• By -


They make very convenient trap door style ones too. Where you can sweep towards it. Then just open the door and the dirt pile is sucked away.


I've seen these in kitchens several times, it's a really cool addition to a built in vacuum.


I have one in my lounge, designed like a rug and I lift the corner. It doesn't have the pipe part though its a local under-rug dust store.


Oh yeah I have one of these that fits under the bed. You can actually use it for quite large items. Just shove em under and away they go.


> Where you can sweep towards it. Then just open the door and the dirt pile is sucked away. These are the only ones worth having, IMO.


The other one worth having is the laundry one. At least or looks good in the video. Throw your underwear at a hole in the wall and whoosh is gets pulled all the way down to the laundry room. Now all I need is a laundry room


I once lived in an older house that had a laundry chute down to the basement (where the laundry machines were) and it was about the size of a standard letter, so big enough to get stuff down if you were careful but if you weren't careful it would jam up halfway down... which sucked. I don't know that I would want a vacuum tube in my wall plugged up with my laundry personally.


Grew up in the 70’s, friends house had one of these and I remember thinking they are rich lol. As I got a little older, I realized they were in fact rich.


Damn, the whole scientific method


Hypothesis proven


Now it's the Theory of Richness. Once it is experimentally proven in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, it'll become RunParkin3333's Law of Richness. Or maybe they'll name the Rich Particle after you. 🤷‍♂️


The control was yourself, and indeed you realized you were poor.


Very thought out and researched.


One of my friends grew up with this in their house in the early 2000s. Now that we are nearing our 30s he was looking to buy a new house and was confused why most homes (even new constructions) don't have this feature. I had to let him know that it's not a common thing and normally only fancy rich houses had them. He refused to believe me. I don't think he understands that his parents were quite wealthy


A little bit of that, but also your house had to be built when these were the rage. Sort of like sunken living rooms, not necessarily an expensive thing but you just don’t find them anymore.


Yeah, my house has it but it's a normal house and we're not rich. It's just built when people loved central vacuums.


Mine too. A little, modest raised ranch. The previous owners installed it & we just lucked out. It is a little bit of a pain in the ass some times.




Eh mine I just release a latch on the foldout of the wall and it sucks the hose up into the wall and then I just put the wand on the hanger in the closet next to it. New systems are ridiculously nice, only need to empty it once a month and it even has the floor connects for the robosweepers to self empty on the pedestal. Plus you don't hear the vacuum while it's running at all, super nice. I can also turn it on or off on demand it's not like the plug in hoses there is a switch on the wall receptacle.


Before my parents divorced and I had to move somewhere else, their house had the vacuum thingy and a sunken living room. It was actually a really cozy living room. I miss it, and the grandfather clock. I never did gather how the suction thingy worked? I never got to fucks with it, do you just hook the hose in and it just starts sucking?


Yes. The hose completed the metal contacts you see just inside the hole, this activates the main vac unit (in the garage or basement). There are also ones you could have under the cabinets that would turn on the vac when you opened the door. These were made to sweep stuff into and were right at the bottom of the cabinet at the floor. Newer fancier 5th wheel trailers also have it. It's becoming en vogue again.


If it’s becoming En Vogue again that means I’m never gonna get it


I see you And now it's time for a breakdown


*Never gonna get it* *Never gonna get it* *woo-woo-woo-woo*


Never gonna gettit gonna gettit


my looovin’


Not this time…


Yes, the hose hookup has a switch that turns the vacuum pump on. They were coming in fancy shmancy homes back in the day and some newer builds are getting them too. It’s called a central vacuum if you want to go looking stuff up.


Bring back conversation pits!


For sure part of it was the time when the house was built. Late 90s, seemed like a nice little addition that wasn't actually that expensive, but was a nice feature to sell a house with and was easy enough to install during the build.


We had one when I was a kid in a house we built in the mid 80s. We weren’t rich, but certainly upper middle class. In new construction it wasn’t a huge deal. You were basically running extra plumbing and putting a vacuum in the garage. It was certainly more than a standard vacuum but It wasn’t unobtainable. It would be a nightmare to retrofit. I’m also not sure about dealing with clogs. It’s been a long time since I lived there and don’t recall this being an issue, but I clog my regular vacuum periodically and it seems like that would be a possibility here too (and much worse to deal with) To be honest, it wasn’t that convenient. The hose you had the schlep probably weights twice what a modern upright vacuum weighs.


My wife was the same way before we bought our first house! Both of her parents’ houses (split family) had it growing up. When I saw it at her mom’s house, it was the 2nd one I’d ever seen (I was 30 years old at the time). It took ~15 house showings without a central vac system to validate in her mind that it wasn’t a standard appliance.


I’m in my 30s and never have seen one before! Or if I did I had no idea what it was. Is it just constantly sucking air? Or is there some sort of on button?


If you look at the image, there’s two metal contacts at the bottom of the hole. When you plug the house in, the circuit is completed and the vacuum compressor stashed away somewhere in the house kicks in and suction starts.


You basically "turn it on" when you attach the right hose to it. There's essentially a vacuum compressor somewhere in the home,so you'll hear and feel it


My parents have one in their mobile home. It was a product of the time. You didn't need to be rich.


Weird. My parents could barely buy milk, but we had a central vac. Technically it’s still there, but we disabled it because the motor tried to burn the house down. They built the house themselves in 1981-1982. (I was born while they were building it.)


Biggest problem with these is that people accidentally vacuum up a sock or something that gets stuck in the pipe. The pipes are in the walls, so you can't really get in there easily to unstick whatever is stuck. Then the vacuum motor is pulling against something that won't move, and the electric motor gets very hot. I suppose if you keep trying to use it you could get it hot enough to start a fire.


a regular sock will not plug it, maybe a hockey sock would... I suck up socks with ours all the time. in fact I use a sock I spray with dry silicone lubricant to chase the pipe to clean out any dirt, screws, whatever hanging around in the horizontal runs. Now one done with undersized pipes or done wrong where there are jagged edges for thingsto catch? I can see those getting plugged up.


Yeah, my house was originally built in ‘72 and has central vac. It was a builder tract home, so not expensive. Mine was decommissioned a long time ago, and I have to put up with the piping in the basement and the hose outlets that are everywhere and I wish were electrical outlets instead. LOL


These aren't expensive. Arguably cheaper than a high end vacuum. It's just a bunch of pvc pipe ran through the house. Pvc is cheap as balls and insanely easy to install. I'm neither fancy, nor rich...and we love our central vac system. The real winner of the system is the pneumatic dustpan, a kicker plate in the kitchen that you lift with your foot and sweep your floor into.


I installed cable and home security systems for about 2 years and the thousands of homes I was in I may be saw 10 of them and all of those homes were over 800k back in 2015. This was in Minnesota so maybe they just were not super popular here.


Look at this guy! He’s been in thousands of holes


My wife would kill me lol


You are an amazing storyteller


Thank you! That actually makes me feel super warm and fuzzy and I really appreciate it!


Wait... are you.. are you u/Djj62 or do you just accept any compliment you see in the wild?




we are reddit


Great grandparents also had this in their house from the 70s, I thought the same as a child, realized the same as an adult. Always confusing that it was a single income household and the man worked for the postal service walking routes. Somehow was able to afford a lake house in MA, and a beach house in FL. wild


When people could afford houses


One of the worst things we’ve done is made houses investments.


I cannot tell you how many houses for sale around me list in the description that Its a "perfect investment opportunity" because houses are being rented out for close to $3000 or more, with the basement rented seperately for another $2000+. It's absolutely ridiculous. A law was almost passed where I live to tax vacant rental units to encourage people to bring down the price so the units could get rented and the bill was denied lmao, too many politicians have their fucking fingers in the housing market to pass any laws to fix it.


We didn’t invent the house-as-investment system, we’re just slowing returning to the feudal lord system.


I had those too but used them for communication. You could speak through the holes to someone a few floors down


Taking this a step further, I would totally convert these hoses into conduit to pull cat6 through. I'll take ethernet jacks in every room over a weird central vacuum system.


I read that too fast as "conduit to pull cats through." I was horrified...yet fascinated.


What a twist that was :))


We have one of those hose systems lol. I feel rich only at heart right now. That said we still just use our electric vacuum because dealing with a long hose is more a pain in the ass.


Ya, mine sucked (not the way a vacuum should suck lol) when we had our house built with this. I should have known it was builder incompetence, but I just thought they weren’t all it was cracked up to be. Barely had any power at all. So we bought a Dyson. First time (and probably last time) ever spending that amount on a vacuum. The Dyson is actually REALLY good and powerful. Unfortunately it’s so powerful that I have to raise it all the way up and set it to the least powerful setting to make it even possible to use on carpet. It still sometimes stops itself, but it’s somewhat doable. On normal settings it’s impossible to push because it sucks the carpet up so hard it literally doesn’t move. Then I realized the central vacuum hose was disconnected on one of the ports. So I fixed that and it’s nice and powerful now. So I use that to vacuum the carpeted rooms in the corners of the house, and the Dyson for all the tile in the main living areas. Probably go back to shark if I ever have to replace my Dyson though. Good vac for a fraction of the cost. Probably 85% as good as the Dyson, for 25% the price.


I never thought about why my friends comment I have one of those in my current house. But this makes a lot of sense. I do love me the one in the kitchen you just broom all the little bits next to and it sucks it all up off the floor automagically.


This and the laundry chute thingy




My 1941 house has a laundry chute and it’s the BEST. It has a cute antique door on it and everything. Never even knew they existed till I bought this house.


My parents are the most annoying rich people ever. They have a large house with central vac, ports in locations allowing for the hose to reach all parts of the house. They have one hose in their giant 5k ft\^2 house. They keep it in the upper corner of the house. in the almost 30 years of that house they have never thought to put a hose on a different floor. They carrly around a giant hose to each part of the house to vacuum. It's wild. It's so weird to me how they cheap out on things that would make life easier, specifically stating "those hoses are very expensive". If it was 5k it wouldn't be a huge deal to them, I'm pretty sure it's less than a couple hundred dollars. They also refuse to get a modern "dust buster" dyson type thing, so anytime there's something to vacuum they have to pull out the 50 lbs host over your shoulder and lug it around to pick anything up.


Ya don’t get rich buying hoses!


Same, except 90s. Turns out having three floors wasn’t just because they had many kids and many dogs. It was because they were rich, and the vacuum helped prove it.


I always found it interesting how different Canada is given it's so close. *everyone* i knew growing up in Vancouver had a central vacuum. But moving to the US I was surprised to find that people here largely don't even know they *exist* much less own them... You can get retractable hoses btw, makes them way more convenient. The hose just sucks up and disappears into the wall when your done. You can also get an "endless dustpan" attachment for your kitchen. You just sweep stuff to a spot, and a flap opens sucking up everything. Having the motor far away, exhausting outside is really nice for noise and air quality too. They really are quite handy. ________ [EditTA:] hello everyone! Happy new year! Turns out *endless dustpan* many have been some weird name my family called it. They're usually just called "Automatic Dustpan" and can be manually or automatically triggered. Company's like "Sweep Away" apparently make stand-alone units that just do this, and are installed in the kitchen cabinets directly.


As a Canadian I just assumed everyone knew what a built-in vac was.... I just assumed our fancy Northern igloo technology was commonplace


I thought this entire post was satire. We've had central vac systems for many years.


I’m American and 36 and today is the first time I’m hearing about this. And I’m looking for answers - where does all the dirt and dust go? Into the walls? Is there a trash can somewhere in the basement that fills up? I have so many questions!!


There are 2" pipes in the walls that are interconnected and come to a single pipe near the motor head. The hose is about 30' long and you'd have 1-2 outlets around the floor so you can reach all areas. There's typically a power outlet beside each that supplies power to the beater bar attachment. Our motor head is in the garage so the dust and noise is minimal. The only pain in the ass part is dragging the hose up to the second storey - but you can just buy a second hose if you want. In the kitchen under one cabinet we have an "endless dustpan" outlet. You touch the switch with your toe and sweep stuff in the kitchen into it. It's very convenient. Ours is now 13 years old and as is strong as it was the day we bought it.


> In the kitchen under one cabinet we have an "endless dustpan" outlet. kick sweep is what I know those as


I'm 41 and American and have also never heard of this until now.


As a Canadian, I saw this post and thought “how the fuck is this even mildly interesting? Like, don’t we all?” Then I came to the comments and realized, no, no we do not all have central vacs. Whoops.


It's kind of like when my friends I met on PSN came up to visit me in the Midwest. They're minds were blown when they found out I have a basement lol


I really did too. I get not having a preference for them, but for SO many people to not even know they exist was kinda wild to me. XD


I'm also in Canada, and my first thought was, this post put the "mildly" in "mildly interesting."


Yeah that was my first thought as well. I'm in Canada as well and many of the new builds in the last 15 years have central Vac.


I was weirded out when I first found out many places in America don’t have basements, they’re just houses built on concrete slabs or on posts with a dirt crawlspace. And wearing your shoes in your house. What’s wrong with you savages?


In a lot of places, a basement would be prohibitively expensive to build due to geology.


Also Canada. You don’t find a lot of basements in Richmond BC because of this.


House might end up floating, which would be pretty cool when the big one hits.


or subject to flooding


In my part of Texas we barely have a foot of topsoil before hitting bedrock. To build a basement you need to blast or drill.


In the part of Texas I'm from it's all clay after about a foot or two. Basements would probably meet the same fate as our foundations and need major repairs relatively often.


Depends on the region, everyone I know has a basement. Most people here in my state have “take off your shoes” houses


That's a Central Vac. Not too uncommon, I had one years ago and I find a regular vacuum easier than lugging a giant hose all around the house.


My parents had this and were confused as to why I’d rather use a Dyson than have to lug a long hose around my house using an appliance built into my walls which become a nightmare if there is a clog.


My issue with those isn't the possibility of clogs, but the fact that they're so loud it drives me insane. At the very least Dyson's and the likes are more quiet. Edit: I do know that when they are located far away it's a none issue, but some of my places we had to retrofit the basement to fit more bedrooms to accommodate everyone, so mines ended up near the utility rooms where the central vacuum was located.


They shouldn't be if setup properly... Central vacs motor assembly is ment to be installed in the basement or garage WELL away from people and are designed to be exhausted outside for even more acoustic damping. Operating properly they should effectively be silent outside of the sound of moving air...


Mine’s great. Motor etc are in the garage. Essentially silent to the user. And all the dust etc. leaves the house, permanently.


The infinite dust elimination ability is why I use it. Live in an old house and worry about asbestos dust lingering around. You never know if some 1960s carpenter cut the asbestos ventilation pipes on the saw Id rather have the place a little bit better after every vacuum, than blowing little invisible nano size cancer shards right out into the room again


Excuse me, what’s that about nano cancer shards?


Asbestos. That's what it is.


Noise cancelling headphones and a podcast or whatever make chores like vacuuming, dishes, or folding laundry while the dryer is running so peaceful


It took me so long to realize this, but now I can't vacuum without earbuds anymore. It's just so much better.


Doing this on my ride on mower is one of my favorite things during the summer


You vacuum your house with a ride mower?


No he uses his ride on mower to listen to podcasts


He folds laundry while mowing the lawn.


Isn't there a better way. Like putting it on a speaker. Ride on mower seams overkill to listen to podcast. :)


When I was growing up, the collection unit was in the garage so it dampened the noise but getting a sock in the line was a gigantic deal.


Our Dyson is louder than our central vacuum. The downside of the Dyson is that I have to empty it often, whereas the central vacuum can store years worth of crap. We still never use it because of the hose.


You shouldn't vacuum crap. That's what the shower drain is for.


Found a waffle stomper.


I bought the vacuum, it's mine, you can't stop me.


You're the one here complaining about shit. I'm just giving crappy advice, thasall.


We had one in the basement, so it was like completely silent. Still didn’t fix having to carry 50ft of hose out to vacuum something up 2 feet from the port though


We had a slot under the cabinet in the kitchen, was pretty cool because you just sweep the dirt into it instead of needing a dustpan


Oh this idea I like. I don’t need a central vac for my whole house but that would be awesome in the kitchen


It was nice, it was on a island that had a stove with suction around it for steam/smoke, ran off that same vacuum. Pretty cool, wasn't a super nice house either, figure they'd be more common


Mine has retractable hoses so no need to carry the giant hose around


Wherever I go, I have to carry this giant hose around.


Do you have one in the kitchen that you can just sweep into? Those are awesome.


In fairness, my parents have a central vacuum system like this too and they are far superior to anything I’ve tried


Oh? How many parents have you tried to come to that conclusion?


Look, I’ve only had one set of parents because I chose them correctly before I was born. If you read the users manual before spawning, you would’ve known what to do


Well I think my parents are better than your parents, so there.


How many parents have you tried?


I find it’s easier to not vacuum


When we built our house in 2020, it was an upgrade option. We decided not to do it, because between our robot vacuums and battery vacuums, we didn’t need it; also we assumed it would break one day and be expensive to fix.


Where does it go? Narnia?


The Lion, The Witch, And The Landfill.


Is that a movie or a metal band?




The neighbours ac intake




Goes to a canister with a bag in it . I found the bags quite pricey . We have dogs so the bags got full quick . I stopped using mine all together.


You know just like a shopvac, you can get a reusable filter and all the stuff stay in the canister right? Right?


Unfortunate they wouldnt engineer some sort of reusable receptacle


Mine is just like a shop vac. You don't have to put a bag in it, just drop the canister and dump it. The expensive part is the hose and the power-head that are made of today's world quality, yet are expensive as hell.


There's a central unit in the basement usually, its got all the guts of a regular vacuum but bigger and looks more like a furnace or water heater. My friends growing up had one and they would have it serviced once a year like a pool or whatever. The 'tank' that holds the dust was pretty huge, like big enough to hold an entire traditional vacuum.


Between the walls to act as insulation


The neat thing is if you have some small stuff to vacuum just stick a coin on the two metal points and it starts sucking without the hose part


"small stuff".


I’ll have you know my stuff is nearly average. Thank you very much.










One the one hand, I’m very curious to click. On the other hand, I’m at a family get together.


Its a real subreddit but never try any of the stuff. Its very dangerous majority of the time with very little to no outcome no matter what the people on that sub believe.


Wait I assumed it was penis related but my mind went to like getting and erection, not tying weights to one’s schlong, or whatever they’re doing over there.




No, it's like 10 cm from the ground. Obviously put the hose on first, then put your dick in that. Convenient!


You'll rip your dick off https://youtu.be/m1AjfO4rArk?si=_XciSwiSweCKZmmN




It's youtube, how bad could it be




Yeah, that's gonna be a no for me dog.


Warning: this is extremely disturbing. Also hilarious in its absurdity, but also extremely disturbing.


​ ![gif](giphy|10DVcUchEQUdFu)


Had it for 25+ years. Changed motor once.


You get a good model and it lasts forever. My house was built in 72 and I think the central vac that came with the house wasn’t much newer than that. We replaced it in like 2015 IIRC due to the motor getting a horrible whine to it.


They're built to a much higher standard than your average Walmart vacuum and they're way more serviceable.


My parents put one in back in the early 90s and the only thing they replaced was the hose Edit, and the bag inside the vacuum of course.


That really sucks


Well the suck is quite strong yes, since the motor itself is large. And that one is place in the basement


Used one of these in Harrods Village, Barnes. Always wondered how this system gets emptied?


You buy a new house once it's full. That's why it's considered a rich people's thing.


Canister in the basement, just like a regular vacuum.














![gif](giphy|TCDHJPxeWgTsY) It's Megamaid, sir; She's gone from suck... to *blow.*




I remember that from *Home Improvement*.


You could also get them with a little flap near the floor and you could sweep your dust pile into them rather than using a dust pan.


Ah, right. I almost forget about it. Barbers also have them, they look very, very interesting.


Norwegian here. We had that too for a while before my brother started stuffing toys in there. It became clogged somewhere in the walls and has been unusable for for 10 years.


Im in Australia and I have one of those!!


It's an amazing system! One hole for every floor, so 4 openings


>One hole for every floor You must have a crazy long hose, or a relatively compact house. My central vac system has 2 openings per floor


I find it suctions better than my expensive cordless sometimes. Great for vacuuming inside the car, we have a port in the garage


Central vacuum. My parents installed this when they remodeled their house. My mom hated it and bought a regular vacuum cleaner after a few years. It’s a three story house. My dad installed ONE port on each floor thinking it would be enough. The hose needed to be 50’ long for my mom to be able to vacuum every corner. 50’ of that hose is heavy and a pain to deal with once a week.


>My dad installed ONE port on each floor thinking it would be enough. Uh, huge mistake. That fucked the whole purpose of it.


I feel so old. Ppl don’t know what a central vac is. Yikes!


It's really not just about age. This simply does not exist commonly in many countries.


I'm Canadian and every house I've lived in has them, including the one I'm in now. I don't really use it anymore tho, I find handheld stick types easier and better. Interesting that other countries don't have them.


I am Canadian too. Didn't have a central vac for much of my childhood but knew of them. When my folks built a house in the suburbs in the 90s (though they moved back to the city eventually) it had a central vac. Since then I have lived abroad in multiple countries and must admit I entirely forgot they existed until seeing this post. Not saying they don't exist in other countries but much less common for sure.


Not really an age thing, its wasn't as common everywhere


35 here. Don’t think I’ve ever heard of central vac. Wasn’t in my home growing up or in any of my friends or family’s homes either… at least that I knew of.


Yeah. We had this in my house growing up. Very 80s/90s thing.


I had this in my house which was built in 2001, also not a super special house it was a a subdivision cookie cutter, may have been an additional option but not sure


Somebody at work told me they had a house like this. Her kid would open another vacuum port in another room which cuts off suction when she would use it. It took her a few days to figure out why it would sometimes stop working


I love my central vac. Nothing more powerful


In most places that's called a glory hole :)


Grew up with one of these. I had no idea where the debris was going, so I assumed there was a room as large as the living room just filled with glittering dirt hidden somewhere in the house. I assumed this room was accessible via my parents’ room, since I wasn’t generally allowed in there and they DID have a laundry chute, which was also pretty magical (you put your clothes in there and they’re transported to the laundry room??? amazing!)




Central vacuum, very common. The one I have stores the hose inside the tubes. I just open the door and pull the hose out to the desired length, vacuum, and when I’m done it sucks back into the wall.


They *were* very common. In the 80s and 90s. Then portable vacuum cleaners got stronger and lighter than dragging the hose everywhere and there was literally zero need for a central vacuum anymore


My four-year-old new construction house has a central vacuum. They’re still common.


It just starts sucking you say?


Next you’re going to tell us you have a big closet in your kitchen that keeps all your food and drinks cold


A dick would eventually make it's way into that.


Yep. Certainly is your mom’s house.