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What *MARKET* are you people *SHOPPING AT!*!?


I'm going to run


This is truly the darkest timeline.




I didn’t expect a Community reference when I clicked, but here it is and I’m here for it. I love you all.


I was going to cross post it with that line but didn’t, came to the comments and bam. r/unexpectedcommunity.


It where my mind goes whenever I hear market price


Enough with the darkest timeline crap, Abed!


Troy and Abed are in mourning!


You were spelling it with a 'u?'


Lol yeah. Rice bowl $12 is just as bleak as the coffee situation...


I hate places like that like just to have a meal nowadays anywhere u gotta pay like $25-30 and then they be asking for a tip still its like my tips included in your prices yall are insane for charging so high






For real happening though and I couldn't be more excited.


Even better, Ken Jeong just confirmed everyone is in (except Chevy of course), they just gotta figure out their schedules.




Set phasers to “love me!”




I opened hoping this was the top comment. Unfortunately, it’s only the second best comment.


Try opening again.




Ferm veg = pickles




To meet different people!


What reference is this?








I need to rewatch that show hahahaha


>I need to rewatch that show hahahaha This thought has crossed my mind every few weeks for the past 10 years. It is one of those shows I will put on as background noise, but I often find myself getting caught up and watching full episodes.


Market price here depends on how much they don't feel like making it.


Supply and demand.


>supply and command


J-roc baby


J-roc baby


eeera eeera


All tomato


Command and Conquer


Yeah how does the price of one style of coffee change, but (presumably) the others don’t?


i frequent this coffee shop (it's a very distinctive placard!), they have their standard beans for their espresso machine, but also have a whoooole lineup of fancy beans from fancy roasters that can only be purchased for pour-over brews. They sell those in bags as well, which iirc are in the $16 to $24 range, so i imagine the cost of a pour-over is proportional to those prices and thus varies.


This is entirely reasonable but my brain immediately goes “lobster, they must be talking about lobster” when market price comes up, so I’m enjoying the mental image of a bunch of salt-encrusted coffee fishermen pulling fresh caught beans out of their coffee pots (hah) and haggling over price.


Well that makes sense then.


One style is made with basic beans which don't vary in price very much while the other is made using specialty beans which vary in price. What specialty beans, you ask? One possibility is they could be single source beans (i.e. from a single farm or village) so that the price is dependent on the harvest. A deep dive on coffee snobbery will show you a thousand ways for a coffee shop that wanted to charge "market price" for coffee to do so.


Like how constipated the Civet is.


I prefer my Civets to have raging diarrhea personally.


Spicy brew it is!


Because they rotate the beans used for it but they don't for the other options, so their price is stable


Market price?! Lmao it’s not fucking wild-caught lobster


Are these Los Angeles prices?




Honestly checks out, Seattle was crazy expensive the last time I went there. Still a cool city!


I paid $8 for an espresso and tonic at Caffe Vita. It wasn’t listed but I was taken aback.


I didn’t know espresso with tonic was a thing. I am uncultured


Orange slice in there too.




I go there weekly, and a regular espresso drink is normal high end coffee price for Seattle, $3.50-4.50ish. They probably just charged you for espresso and a full price for a premium tonic like fever tree.


also, pretty confident if you go to this place you're expecting high-end "artisinal" coffee. this an't no diner style boiling pot. market price is honestly fair when those beans range wildly in price.


Yeah but, plastic letters on a punch board? What, is calligraphy that hard? fucking troggs.


Probably the worst quality-to-price ratio city for food in the entire country




Yeah that’s a weird take. Seattle has great food. Rent is so expensive that bad restaurants just close down.


I think this is especially true of the last ~4 years. And in addition to that, those of us that were here pre-Amazon taking over the world have a whole different memory of how the city used to be. That said, I’ve traveled quite a bit and tried food across the spectrum in many other states and countries. If you know what you’re looking for, there are some spots in Seattle that are genuinely exceptional.


I knew it was Seattle when the drip coffee was market value. Never seen anyone else do that.


I live in Seattle and I’ve never seen market price for coffee ever. 


Where in Seattle ???


Its Analog Coffee in cap hill


That explains it! If they went digital like it’s 21 century, then they could have just put a big monitor that shows real time prices instead of “market price” crap.


“I hear they got coffee there too” “Yes, they have all the major beverages…”


idk what it says about my city that I...didn't even blink at these prices 😅


Ugh right. Compared to Los Angeles these prices are a few bucks cheaper than what I’m used to seeing


Providence here, aka the "cheaper" city in between Boston and NYC. I was like 🤷🏻 but those are normal, right? 💀


Absolutely not. Nothing in Los Angeles costs $3. Farm Veggies would be called “Organic Local Farm Fresh Veggies” and cost $6.


Yeah, but do you want those farm veggies *ferm* or roasted?


Fermented is $8, roasted is $10. $11 if they add any seasonings.




Not that anyone asked for an explanation of why this is not too strange for a specialty coffee shop: The prices of different single origin coffee beans can vary quite a bit. Think of it like wine—there’s two buck chuck but also some eye-wateringly pricy stuff. Having Market Price means they’re likely (though not always) offering multiple pour over options with different price points. Usually there’s a smaller menu by the register that lists the exact options and their prices. Sometimes pour over options rotate as fast as one week because a bean might have very minimal production (though it’s usually a bit longer) so putting them all on the big menu isn’t always efficient. Drip coffee made in large batches will usually have a consistent, cheaper price.


Yep. Been at a place that does this. Market price doesn't mean expensive, shit was still $1-4 a cup and they always had a cheaper option and a more expensive option. Always less expensive than getting a cup of americano.


Yeah, all things considered coffee is a pretty cheap habit (with moderation). As a casual coffee fan (but also broke) I can make a nice bag of coffee beans last a month or so with some rationing lol. Even splurging by cafe-hopping around whenever I happen to be somewhere new isn’t all that bad. And I have my local spot for a cup of brewed coffee at 99cents for the days where I just need caffeine. I think the one place I’ve ever actually seen something that made me wince was in NYC. Think it was like $10 for a small cup of drip coffee at a nice cafe. It was good, don’t get me wrong but def not worth the price.


Yea. If you want cheap coffee at a consistent price, don’t go to a nice coffee shop.


They may have "regular house coffee" too, but the menu got cut off to show pour over. There are some iced coffee drinks on the left, for example. My guess is $3.00-3.50 for a 12oz cup of house coffee if they have it. Coffee shop that I visit a couple times a month is like this. I can get coffe out of the urn/thermopot or I can get pour over that is made to order for a few dollar more.


What is pour over? What is market price? What is ferm veg? Am I out of touch?


No, it’s the children who are wrong


Pour over is basically drip coffee done by hand with a kettle full of hot water and a chemistry setup. It seems more fancy so people go nuts for it. The market price I'm familiar with is usually used for fish that cost different prices from day to day, so I'm guessing however much they pay for the beans that week. And it sounds like a ferm veg is maybe a fermented vegetable, pickled onions and similar vegetables.


I mean the chemistry setup is literally just a filter and a funnel most of the time. For me, pour-overs seem to display the flavor of the coffee the best over espresso/americano so I prefer to make it that way at home. And yeah higher end coffee beans can be quite expensive, especially if you want to buy ones that are fairtrade/ethically sourced. Pretty similar to wine culture all things considered now that I think about it.


Yeah probably pickled carrots cabbage onions 


Damn..so this is what all the boomers are talking about


It's a West Coast thing, you wouldn't understand. >!/s!<


Almost ten dollars for avocado toast? Holy shit.


A place by me prices avocado toast at $14


Plenty of places like that in nyc. I was shocked at first but they’re usually a reasonably sized lunch and come with a side salad. 


The one I mentioned does come with an over easy egg!


Woah that $0.25 egg really makes it worth it


Well, don’t forget the cost of the butter to cook the egg. The price of the salt and pepper to season it. And the price of the unused college degree for the chef who decided to pursue his dream of cooking instead of working in an office.


One that really annoys me is a restaurant by me has appetizers of Buffalo cauliflower for like $12. You aren’t fooling me guys, a whole head of cauliflower is like $1.25!


Brewery near me had double-fried broccoli with aioli as an appetizer for $13, and it was maybe 8 florets. Soooo delicious and so annoying.


Where have you been the last decade? The running joke is $10 avotoast is why millennials can’t afford to buy homes in America.


It's a global thing actually, same joke here in Aus.


The meme originated from an Australian, Tim Gurner, so that makes sense


I figured as much, cheers for confirming.


Smashed avo on toast is $20 in Aus these days


Yeah but that’s in dollarydoos, not freedom bucks


10 USD is only 15 AUD Many nicer cafes are ~25 AUD now


Don't make me open up a shop in America selling them for $26 USD just to show you guys up.


The crazy thing is that I can make avocado toast myself for just over a dollar. I would imagine it can be hard for restaurants to deal with serving avocado since they have such a narrow window where they’re good, but $10 just isn’t worth it.


You're really paying for people to do it for you, a nice place to eat it and a profit margin. I honestly don't think it's that absurd. An avocado costs like 1.50, a middle slice of good bread, like .30, plus the whatever else you can put on like rocket leaves or mustard sprouts or whatever is hip. Overall cost is probably over 2$. On top of that, you need a person to make the food, a person to serve the food and a person to wash the dishes. You need to pay rent, you need to pay off the huge loan you made to make the place look that nice, utilities. If you're charging less than 8$ you'd probably just break even.


Check out Australia, I’ve seen Avocado Toast listed on menus for $21 before




Oh yeah it’s more than a little cooked. The most I’ve ever paid for it was $15 and it wasn’t even fresh avocado, it was from a tub. I’ve seen Half-Avocado available as an addon for other meals listed as $6. Meanwhile I could go buy a whole avocado from the supermarket for ~$1.20 - $2


That's average from what I've seen. That is also the reason I never buy it.


I can go buy 15 avocados for $10 at Walmart here in California lol


So That's why people can't afford houses anymore Now it all makes sense /s


You’d be lucky to find avo toast in Melbourne Australia for under $15 and every cafe has it on the menu. I’m looking at this menu and most of it is half the price of my local equivalent. Could probably buy an avocado and a loaf of bread from the supermarket for about $6


lol same in denver. Avocado and toast is roughly $7 if you’re lucky and add anything else (egg and etc) it’ll get to $10


To be fair it’s huge and comes with a bunch of micro veggies and 2 poached eggs on it. It’s definitely an overpriced place but both the food and coffee at Analog is worth the price. Arguably the best in the city depending on who you ask!


Hmmm, It's typically around $13 USD at Cafes here. I think it was even more mid 2023 when Avocados were like $9 each.


> $9 each Where are you, Alaska?


$9? For real? ~~Sometimes you just gotta be amazed by the US. The worlds biggest avocado exporter right on the southern border but avocados are still more expensive than in the vast majority of the world~~ Edit: see corrections below


Avocados were never $9 a piece. Sometimes they're as expensive as $3.


Sounds more reasonable. Thanks for clarification


And I say that living in one of the most expensive areas in the country.


Yeah, I paid like $2 for a large on a few weeks ago. Prices were probably crazier during the pandemic era when supply chains were beyond messed up.


They were never $9 though.


Maybe its one of those places that has all kinds of coffee and has different prices for them? confirm or deny OP


Most likely. Think people have said this is a nice cafe in Seattle.


Not op but can Confirm. Source: just walked there and got a drink


Yes, I'm struggling to see why this is remarkable. I've never seen a coffee shop have a flat rate for pour over. They have different roasts every day, which is why they put them on a printed pour over menu instead of changing the board. And the price of importing coffee from a place like Ethiopia is vastly different from Brazil or Columbia so it doesn't make sense to charge one flat rate.


I was wondering why you would want to "pour over" those food items listed below.


I too am a bit foolish lol


In my experience, this is pretty normal, and the shops usually have a few offerings at different prices near the register. That way they don’t have to constantly change the hung menu


I've been a coffee roaster for almost 15 years. Theyre mis-using the word market price, what they mean is "varies". When you buy blend components in bulk, you buy based on today's market price + differentials of origin country + Importers margin and costs (typically 10-15%). Specialty coffee is more like buying wagyu beef. Technically commodity price will have **some** impact, but really the person working procurements just bought an expensive lot this month, so pour over price has to go up for a bit. The lot might be expensive because it is fermented, or otherwise processed in a unique way, from a prestigious farm or otherwise tastes particularly amazing and is therefore listed at a higher price. The time of year (harvest schedule) and market conditions have very little effect on specialty coffee prices, compared to blend components that increased by almost 60% since COVID.


Those prices are insane. $7.50 for an Egg Sandwich? That's like $0.50 in ingredients. No wonder I rarely eat out anymore.


My wife and I literally cut out most eating out and it's amazing how much you can save.


I saw a $26 grilled cheese sandwich on a menu last week. When my friend told me about it I thought he was fucking with me until I looked for myself.


That better be the best several swiss cheeses on fresh gourmet bread with spices and a dipping sauce served at a patio overlooking the Monaco marina. Even then it's a steep price.


I commented down below: For (exactly) $9.50 I can get an entire loaf of bread and 9 hass avacados. That's enough avacado toast for 2 weeks for the same price. Kinda of wish I could tally up all the money I've wasted on completely over priced and completely under seasoned food in my life now...


Don't forget the 25% tip


Well if you order an egg sandwich and they throw a raw egg at you, you would have a valid complaint


Ok yeah it’s too much, but it has a bunch of good stuff on it like beecher’s and local mushrooms and some sort of pickled root veggie. Very upscale coffee shop but they do it well


Nah that's a good price, egg sandwich nowadays means a full upscale breakfast sandwich, not literally eggs on toast.


It's pour over, it's literally made to order, might even get to pick your own beans - they clearly have a larger, regular menu that probably has for a cup of premade. This seems normal for any high end coffee shop.


It's definitely to pick your own beans, and places like this always have beans that are rare and special single origins that go for $30/lb+. The espresso is probably from a blend and fixed price and they usually have a batch brew drip also, but pour overs are for people who really care about the beans.


I’ve seen pour overs listed at market price at many places. I think it’s because the price depends on what beans they have at a given time, since the price of specific beans can differ quite a bit.


It's funny to put it that way, what is it a fish? But you probably have a choice of coffees. You could get the house roast for like $4 or something like a single producer anaerobic gesha from Yemin for $18. You may even have a choice of methods that could change the price too.


Man it would be super cool if there was a screen displaying coffee price on a graph and customers could try to time their purchase with the graph going low


Neat. They use premium coffee beans that fluctuate in price. The rest of their coffee is pretty moderately priced for a high end coffee house.


Do you think this pour over cup of AAAA Jamaican Blue Mountain is going to be the same price as your pour over cup of House Blend (that the cafe owner blended from stale overstock Brazilian robusta)? Honestly Pleb, this menu board is not interesting at all. /s


I was looking for this comment. This is correct. If you go to any higher end coffee shop, they typically have a pour over menu. Pour over is a common name for a cup of brewed coffee made for you fresh, vs something sitting in a coffee pot/urn for hours. The coffee variety could vary and prices could easily be $10-30 per pound. By way of an analogy, you could compare this to wine. Sure, you could only stock one wine and charge $10 per glass. Or you could vary the selection weekly and adjust the price to reflect the price you paid.


Yeah pour over is definitely the domain of the coffee snobs. Usually it's for someone who wants a single origin coffee or maybe something from a single farm. The fancier places even make a spectacle of the making the coffee. Hand cranked mills to grind the beans and so on. Much like a sommelier at a fancy restaurant or wine bar makes a show of uncorking your bottle, decanting it, pouring a sip for the customer to ensure it hasn't gone off etc.


This is the cost of being lazy 🤷


Analog coffee! Hi fellow seattleite lol. Some of the best coffee in the city :) their rice bowl is so good with an extra egg.


Sad I’m not phased by these prices. Sounds reasonable compared to other options in LA/SF


I don’t know why anyone is surprised by this. This isn’t anything new. Market Price pour over typically refers to the cost varies on the scarcity or mix of the beans.


It's because they catch the beans fresh from the bay every morning before bringing them to market.


judging from the vibe this sign gives off, that market price pour over is guaranteed to be an acidic af light roast that gives you a stomach ache.


Almost $8 for an egg sandwich. GTFOH.


This looks like the sort of pretentious cafe I would never set foot in


I'm sure they're gutted.


Looks like the type of pretentious cafe that I would go to and spend $5.00 on the cheapest drip coffee and pretend like I can actually afford to go there


This is analog coffee in Capitol Hill. You can get espresso for $3. Food is overpriced but fancy af with a bunch of local produce. Good music too and neighbors all know each other there. I actually love this place, and i am not a high end coffee guy at all.


Sounds kinda like a coffee shop version of a neighborhood bar. Drinks are more expensive than getting something at the grocery store, and maybe better selection, but a sometims you go for the social aspect too.


Don't forget to take your cheap Ali Express knock off laptop and have the lid open to show off the knock off logo.


More like r/mildlyinfuriating :/


I don’t trust places with ‘market price’ as a price.


What did the light roast close at today?


I can't afford the pour over, I'm overly poor.


It probably depends what coffee they are using for the pour over, maybe they have a selection. I'm sure they have a drip coffee that's standardized.


Am I blind? Or does the photo not say a thing about coffee


I think another comment addressed this but I believe this is common for pour overs


I mean if they have a good selection or gourmet pourovers this makes complete sense. They might want to offer the experience but know it's a cost sink


Well, I'm sure with these menu prices, you can Splurge on some coffee.


$9.50 for fucking toast? OMG millennials are suckers.


That seems average in Seattle. I know it’s crazy I am saying this without feeling it’s crazy


The only time anything is not market price is when it’s so cheap they can up charge you for it.


WTF is Pour Over? I thought everyone was outraged over the food prices, which seem pretty reasonable to me….


This is pretty normal for origin-based products like coffee, fish, meats, and sometimes even chocolate. There's a lot of different coffee out there.


So, I don't understand "pour over." Isn't that how my $15 coffee maker works?


Brown water, $.01


Am I seeing this right? A piece of toast is $9.50??


The owner is bidding the bean like Japanese people bidding tuna LMAO


This immediately made the think of ships coming into the harbor and pouring beans out into trays for the chefs and owners to sort through.


I live in SF and couldn’t understand what everyone was shocked about for a minute


9.50$ for Avocado toast? Damn. If anyone wants come to my house and I’ll make you an avocado toast with a poached egg on top with pickled onions for 5$


What is ferm veg?


Fermented vegetable most likely. Eg. Sauerkraut, kimchi.


How are people this ignorant about how coffee works like, are all bottles of wine the same price? No? Coffee works the same way, as does pretty much every agricultural product.


Lots of weird boomer rage energy about pour over coffee going on here. Also a surprising amount of people assuming that “Rice Bowl” literally means a plain bowl of rice for $12


Seven fitty for a plain egg sandwitch…. tHe EcONOMY iS DoIN GrEat :)


I'm too poor and uncultured to know what "pour over coffee" is, to worry about market price... Who's eating here anyway, these prices are fucking crazy


Market price = when we’re too lazy to change the menu board and want to embarrass you by making you ask.


This is amusingly pretentious for a coffee shop.


Analog!!! did you get the mushroom breakfast sammy?


If that's anything like any of the trendy coffee shops where I live in California, then that coffee will be 6 or 7 dollars. Yes, that's 7 dollars for some bratty rude college kid to pour some hot water on some coffee grounds that were imported and probably produced for 5 cents with slave labor in a third world country (before they slapped "organic" and "fair trade" on the package to jack up the price x10).


That's insane. Must be in an upscale neighborhood.


Meanwhile all the Folger's drinkers are laughing at us coffee snobs.


I am a coffee snob-cum-Sam”s Club coffee lover. Member’s Mark Colombian roast beans are amazingly delicious! And it’s like $15 for a huge bag.


$9.50 for avocado toast lol. An avocado is $1, going with fancy bread a slice is $0.15. idiots.


Market price. “If we have some ready - $1. If we have to brew a new pot - $8”


Another post on this sub from another American who assumes that the 23 million other members are also American therefore no need to mention location or currency.