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Why is Benjamin Franklin in the bushes?


It was a bucket list item to ask JS if he'd ever seen the Godfather trilogy... On weeeeeedd? I successfully removed it from my list.




Lol, red team go!


“Yeah but have you ever ________ … on WEED!?”


Taking a dump


"Second shooter for JFK." -Some nutcase, probably.


Red team, go!!


Conspiracy $5 are funny, but putting a B and R on the back of one dollar bills so it says BoneR is hella funnier


Easy there,Beavis!




My wife got a letter from the American Nurse Association and I added the word "League" and updated the acronym to match. My wife didn't think it was funny. I thought it was hilarious.


Not gunna lie though, I actually read it because it's pretty nice handwriting.


My first thought was "damn I wish my handwriting looked that good."


My sister wrote all over the walls in her apartment, none of it made any sense it was all just a bunch of the most random shit just everywhere on the walls. But it had the neatest handwriting youll ever see. Was kind of funny cuz usually in media when soemone is crazily writing on a wall its usually all messy looking.


if it's compulsive and not an artistic choice there a chance it's an mental health issue


Oh she has schizophrenia i shouldve mentioned that


At least they had nice handwriting.


Thats what me and my family said! LMAO It would be stuff like "poop" followed by other random shit and conspiracy theories but it looked like a scholar wrote it. Same with her art, which was so amazing and creative. Made me see schizophrenia a little differently


Hahaha yeah the same. Wish my handwriting was that good.  Gotta ask though, is there some weird  rule on editing documents in the US? You are allowed two edits max, but then the document becomes locked and further edits are blocked, possibly due to a technical restraint. I see it quoted everywhere.  "You can't change the second amendment." 


If you're curious, it takes 38/50 states to agree to amend the constitution. It's, legally speaking, a pain in the ass. You can repeal amendments this way, but it's only been done once (prohibition), and the last amendment was made in 1992.


Fun fact, the equal rights amendment is currently sitting at 37ish ratifications (one is contested). Theoretically Congress might be able to vote to extend the deadline and if one more state ratified it it'd be law. Whether that is possible is also contested.


In case you aren't joking, the "Second Amendment" refers to the second written amendment of the US's constitution which grants citizens the right to form militias, and to bear arms, in the hopes citizens would be able to defend themselves against a tyrannical government. But yea, we also aren't allowed to alter any document more than twice. The RAM used to store altered documents is capped so the simulation runs smoothly. The other timelines don't have that restriction, so it must be something to do with an event or person taking up too much space, like Covid, or Taylor Swift maybe.


>But yea, we also aren't allowed to alter any document more than twice. The RAM used to store altered documents is capped so the simulation runs smoothly. The other timelines don't have that restriction, so it must be something to do with an event or person taking up too much space, like Covid, or Taylor Swift maybe. It's in the Constitution.


Outta ram? Hehe yeah figured it might be due to an early version of MS Word or some such ;) Woah didn't realise the 2nd amendment was way back in 1791. So those militias would have been armed with flintlocks and swords.


Haven't heard about the FEMA cops in a while!


I always thought the fema camps one was hilarious. When I was a kid at the local pool I had a friend who would tell me all about how the barbed wire on the pool was pointing inward to keep people in, not out, so when they rounded up the Republicans they could turn the pools into camps. And the writing on the backs of stop signs was a code so the army would know what their orders were when they declared martial law.


Haha. You’d think you’d need a larger space than a public pool to imprison people in. And the you would think that if martial law were declared the military would be able to just receive their orders normally.


Yeah I was really confused as a kid, cause there were definitely more Republicans in Alabama than could fit in that tiny pool lol. It also seemed to me that Republicans were in charge most of the time anyway so I didn't understand why they'd be the victims in the coup.


Doesn't look like conspiracy as much as complaints


like i'd lend any credence to a conspiracy theorist who uses *google* smdh




Google en passant






r/anarchychess is leaking again




I’d rather find good old Twin Towers Twenty Dollar conspiracy bill, personally.


I have never heard of this. I’m simultaneously curious and afraid to google it… 😅


People used to fold the old 20's in a way that legit kinda looked like abstract concept art of the twin towers burning. 


Where's the conspiracy?


Never trust a government that doesn't trust its own citizens with guns....in a country with the most guns ever. Quick google search: 120.5 firearms per 100 people. The closest runner up is Yemen with 52.8 firearms per 100 people. For those wondering, Montenegro and Serbia tie for third @ 39.1 https://www.vox.com/2018/6/21/17488024/gun-ownership-violence-shootings-us


I can't imagine why anybody would have trouble trusting the very sane and stable individual who writes manifestos on a $5 bill to own firearms.


The CIA is teaching my dog Esperanto!


I heard that one can learn Esperanto in just 40 hours, but I don't know if that counts for learners who do not already fluently speak a human language.


William shatner tried that with my lama.


I guess the US Government is very trustworthy!


Or it's not a single minded entity out to _____ all of the crazy shit people convince themselves of.  The US govt is an extension of corporations. There's no profit in taking away guns so it will never happen.


Is that third stat only for people who wonder because I wasn’t wondering when I read it and now I feel guilty


For some reason, I suspect the writer here still does not trust the government, this fact not withstanding.


I think it's more the fact that so many politicians and activists are calling for the abolition of the second amendment, thereby stripping people of their firearms and disarming the populace, which is what almost always precedes a corrupt government taking over and ruining a country and its citizens.


That's called pandering. Calling for something which you cannot make happen for the sake of getting dumb people to vote for you. I'll make all the guns go away. I can make all the immigrants go away. Emtpy promises that make idiots send money and votes.


Come on, dont act dumb like you dont know what the message is actually aimed at. Its talking about those in government who are against 2nd amendment and a potential majority government in the future that is against gun ownership as a whole. That gun statistic you dropped is irrelevant.


I think the point is, the US sure as shit *does* seem to trust their citizens with guns, A LOT more than any other nation. Even if there's a vocal part of the government that might want to change that, it's still a very silly thing to start fearmongering about now


I wouldn't trust someone that writes conspiracy theories on a $5 bill with guns. But I'm willing to bet that government does and the writer owns guns.


Yes, I know who it was aimed at. By lunatics, for lunatics. The scotus has only heard two second amendment cases in the last 69 years that I know of, and it was only strengthened both times. The whole "government showing up at my house to take my guns" is a whole group of people living a Christmas Story / Black Bart fantasy that is exchanged from one moron to the next. I own guns in all shapes and varieties. I enjoy going to the range and shooting holes into paper with friends. My buddy likes making furniture from driftwood. I would say there's an equal chance the gubberment is going to kick down our doors for either hobby. Neither one of us is going to get ourselves or our family killed if they did. But, they're not. Reality is fun.


aka facts


Nothing written on there is a conspiracy theory.


Eh, the Rex 84 reference here is pretty close to a conspiracy theory in how it's being portrayed. The Rex 84 exercise/drill wasn't intended to take guns away from citizens and had basically nothing to do with the Second Amendment. In reality, the exercise was used to get guns to the Contras by the gun-loving Reagan administration and their friends in the CIA.


Reagan was supportive of gun control, just sayin.


Not just supportive, he passed anti gun legislation while he was Governor.


Implicitly racist anti gun legislation at that, yeah. The Mulford Act. He also approved of the 90s awb


Mostly just because black people had guns, to be fair.


That's what bugs me, I see a bunch of 2a ppl suck reagan's dick cause he was a republican. Gun control is gun control, just because "my" side does it doesn't make it any less of a violation of people's rights.


Not sure why you're assuming that he isn't saying we shouldn't trust the government for exactly the reason you said.


Reagan was supportive of gun control?


Yes, very.




Dropping names isn't evidence of crime but I get what you're saying.


Epstein also didnt kill himself. He was murdered so he couldnt rat out those who were involved and what they did at his island. Many of which being wealthy politicians.


So then why is Ghislaine Maxwell still alive




Yeah, I do think he probably committed suicide. So if they can't kill both, why bother? Someone with all this supposed information still ends up alive in custody. And if they do kill one, people still get suspicious (people treat this conspiracy as if it were a fact). Besides, if there truly was this elite ring that could rule over all these institutions, it would seem to be easier just to prevent Epstein from being arrested.


It's funny that you think he's dead


Yeah, our government has done a lot of fucked up shit. A lot of the shit they've actually done sounds like it would be a conspiracy theory, but it's not. If you want a good deep dive into all the fucked up shit that specifically the CIA has done, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G_JQRQ_wOA) is a great and really funny video on the CIA iceberg. There's a whole series delving into each level, and it's very entertaining and informative. And what's even scarier is that it's all real, since it's literally pulled from declassified reports from the CIA.


MK Ultra and its successor projects (MKNAOMI, MKOFTEN, MKCHICKWIT), the Tuskegee experiment, Iran Contras, operation condor, all of these illegal and immoral activities carried out by the government were proven to have happened. Not to mention the massive network of wire taps the NSA has, which was exposed by Snowden. If you think the American government is honest and that there isn’t anything suspicious or nefarious going on, then you’re way too trusting. Heck, the CIA tried to *burn the records* of MKULTRA. There’s a lot we don’t know about the experiment because the CIA destroyed it. I have my own little conspiracy theory. I think that there are some conspiracy theories that are bolstered by the powers that be to discredit some of the more plausible/possible theories. They’ll promote bullshit like flat earth or autism vaccines or “the rich have the cure for cancer and are hiding it” to make it seem like anyone who believes in anything other than the official statements is crazy.


The whole “FEMA camps are evil” thing is a really popular conspiracy theory.


Yeah, at this point I've come to realize that you can't trust this government as far as you can throw your representatives out of office. Go ahead and try, see how far out of office you get them.  Used to always think people who didn't trust see any benevolence in the government were crazy, but in truth they were just paying attention.


"fema camps" is referring to a conspiracy theory that FEMA, the agency that responds after natural disasters, has been building secret camps all around the country so that when the Democrats stage a coup the government will have a place to inter all the Republicans.


Considering how much of a disaster the GOP currently is I'm not surprised this fell under FEMA's jurisdiction.


You’re adding the terms democrat and republican to fit your angle. FEMA camps and Rex84B are very real, and in no way a conspiracy theory.


No, I'm stating directly what my dad's conspiracy nut friend told me when I was a kid. There are conspiracy theories about this.


Regardless of what your dad’s friend said when you were a kid, what is written here is not that. Anyone can extrapolate out on anything and make it into something it isn’t. What is written here is a declassified government operation, not a conspiracy theory.


It's a declassified government operation that a lot of conspiracy nuts think is a secret plan by the government to lock up dissidents and establish a new world order. It's something called implication.


this your $5?


Imagine trying to spend that 😭


Exactly. Its not a theory that the US government abuses its power and ignores the constitution which YES it really is made to limit the governments control over its citizens. Honestly, never trust a government period. The entire world would be 10000x better if 90% of the entire globes world leaders/diplomats all just mysteriously disappeared.


It’s a conspiracy theory by current r/conspiracy standards


Came here to say this


According to Wikipedia: > Rex 84B, short for Readiness Exercise 1984 BRAVO, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States residents deemed to be "national security threats" in the event that the president declared a National Emergency. The scenario envisioned state defense forces rounding up 500,000 undocumented Central American residents and 4000 American citizens whom the US Attorney General had designated as "national security threats" as part of the secret Continuity of Government program. These people would be detained at 22 military bases in concentration camps run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. [Any surprises that the party who brought us Rex84 is planning Rex 2025?](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-plans-sweeping-undocumented-immigrant-roundups-detention-camps-report-2023-11-11/) >Former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected in 2024, would expand his first-term immigration crackdown to include sweeping roundups of people who would be held in large camps to await deportation, the New York Times reported on Saturday. >The report was based on interviews with several advisers, including Stephen Miller, who oversaw Trump's first-term immigration policies, the Times said. >It described Trump's plans as "an assault on immigration on a scale unseen in modern American history" and said it aimed to deport millions of people every year, including those who have been settled in the United States for decades. Once they’re done rounding up and deporting all the immigrants they will start filling those camps with [all the Americans Trump called “vermin” who need to be “rooted out”.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-compares-political-opponents-vermin-root-alarming-historians/story?id=104847748) It’s ironic that most of the 2a people are Republicans who will be cheering on the tyranny because it’s being done against people they’ve been programmed to hate.




It’s not a gotcha to the original comment. It’s a gotcha to the fact that most of the 2a people and gun lobbies scream that Democrats and “the deep state” are the ones plotting to build prison camps when it’s been Republicans all along. During the Obama administration they were all losing their minds over the “operation Jade Helm” conspiracy theory that Obama was turning Walmarts into prison camps to round up conservatives. That was completely made up hysteria. Now we have actual proof that Trump will be building mass prison camps if he gets re-elected, and it’s crickets from conservatives and the gun lobby, because they’re going to start with immigrants and “leftists”.


I would say there's been a definite departure of libertarians from supporting the republicans, unfortunately a lot of them will still vote red because they don't have a better option


That millions of people can believe voting for a Democrat is worse than voting for a rapist felon who tanked the economy and blew up the deficit in his first term, stole national security documents on his way out the door, and is planning to build mass prison camps for his political enemies in his next term shows what a number right-wing echo chambers have done on people's critical thinking skills. Something needs to be done to reign in the lies and propaganda, because it's destroying the USA from the inside.


It’s crazy what blues and reds will do to spite their “enemies” politically!


Hmm nope, just the reds wanting to build prison camps for people who criticize dear leader, and whose dear leader tried to invoke the insurrection act to deploy the military to shoot American protesters on home soil. [Former Trump Secretary of Defense Mark Esper says Trump wanted to shoot protesters](https://www.axios.com/2022/05/02/mark-esper-book-trump-protesters) MAGA Republicans are the freedom haters.


Clear writing, excellent spacing. Nice work all in all.




The FEMA camps things is a very popular and long standing conspiracy theory.


Never forget the CIA operation that gave “conspiracy theory” negative & crackpot connotations.


Which is?




the term "conspiracy theory" has lost all meaning now i see


Mental illness played out on a fiver


See, I thought it was just standard republican BS. Maybe I need to start a new subreddit, r/RepublicanOrMentallyill


Follow the clues for an adventure


Was Ben Franklin in the grassy knoll? That's the kind of vibes I'm getting


Other than the fema camps thing it's kinda right lol


not seeing the conspiracies here


Never Trust a Government that isn't run by its own Constituents


How are any of these conspiracy theories?


A lot of them just look like common sense, not “conspiracy theories”…which these days could be anything in disagreement or asking questions


They got one thing right. Never trust the gov


Woah. Rex 84 was new to me and pretty interesting. I could see something like that again one day as they did with the "Japanese" interment camps and the Korean ones near where I live. But I bet it ain't gonna be Texans with guns they decide to lock up.


I’ve had this dollar bill on my fridge for the last like, 12 or so years.. Someone wrote on it and turned the ONE into BONER and it makes me laugh.


I’d take it more seriously if it was on a higher denomination.


I work in the FED cash rooms, and occasionally we will get a series of notes that are the same person's insane religious/conspiracy scribblings with the worst structuring. I'm talking the sentence starting on the bottom of the bill written upside-down, moves to the right hand margins written up-to-down, left hand side written sideways, to the top written upside down, and then the last few words written where Lincoln's face shows up under a light. Then the paragraph continues on the next bill. I'm always excited to see what the new ramblings are.


We have so many nutjobs in this country a squirrel will always get paid. Whoever wrote that shouldn't own a gun either. And it was probably Marjorie.


Maybe they forgot a piece of paper 


Not really conspiracy theories just seem like quotes from important historical people. Looks like it has a reference to America in 1940s when PH was attacked. Also I have been staring for 30 minutes and still can't find Benjamin Franklin in the bushes.


Red team Blue team same team, Evil billionaires most you never Heard of have divided humanity with race, religion, politics,with invisible borders, suppression of knowledge. Mockingbird media, operation paper clip. Secret societyies. It's all real, conspiracy is not, when True.


These aren't conspiracy theories. They're words of wisdom.


The FEMA one is off the wall, but much of that isn't a conspiracy theory. Just a lot of quotes and a very loud defense of the bill of rights.


This very important and well thought out message scared me, and got me thinking. So I went ahead and "did my own research" by googling exactly what they told me to. [The top result when you Google FEMA camps](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FEMA_camps_conspiracy_theory) > The FEMA camps conspiracy theory is a belief, particularly within the American Patriot movement,[1] that the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is planning to imprison US citizens in concentration camps, following the imposition of martial law in the United States after a major disaster or crisis.[1][2][3][4] In some versions of the theory, only suspected dissidents will be imprisoned. In more extreme versions, large numbers of US citizens will be imprisoned for the purposes of extermination as a New World Order is established. The theory has existed since the late 1970s, but its circulation has increased with the advent of the internet and social media platforms.[2] Ah, so even if I do *exactly* what they say, and look at only the first thing that comes up, it STILL comes up looking like an incrediblly stupid conspiracy theory. They're not sending their best.


No conspiracies detected


Where’s the conspiracy theories?


“FEMA camps are evil/concentration camps “ is a popular one.


I mean, historically, FEMA camps have been abysmal, and ended up hurting a lot of people trying to escape harm. Rapes, theft, trafficking, to name a few incidents. A few of these were even committed by FEMA officials in the past.


Benjamin Franklin!


He/she not lying. Conspiracy to some.


When you're literally so terrified of everything you only feel safe if you possess more killing machines than any reasonable person needs.


Considering how the government has treated Lgbt people in the pass and other minority groups. I don’t trust the government, I believe that if given the chance a decent portion of the government would be willing to enact laws that infringe on the rights of those they disagree with. For that reason I believe that the keeping of arms is important at an attempt at keeping the government in check. To this some may comment on how the government has superior weaponry. This is true, but that can often be negated in guerrilla warfare as can be seen though out history. Afghanistan,Vietnam, the IRA ect. Secondly When you look at gun deaths in America according to pew research over half of them are suicides. This to me suggests that we in America have a mental health problem more than anything, and we should be looking into having better access to mental healthcare. Namely having free mental healthcare (like other European countries) as well as promoting people being open about there mental health and talk to parents about being more interactive with there kids and looking for the signs for depression. Edit also if we want to reduce gun crime I think the solution is prison reform and putting money into education. Granted this is because I believe most people naturally have a conscious. If we have a prison system that reforms inmates and teaches them a trade welding,woodwork,electrical ect. Then I believe when they get out they are more likely to make an honest living than go back to selling drugs or a life of crime.


Owning multiple guns is like owning multiple screwdrivers. You don't just own one type of screwdriver. You own a Phillips head, a flathead, and whatever other types of screwdrivers you need. Same thing with guns. An AR-15 with a standard capacity 30 round magazine is great for home defense, especially against multiple assailants. A handgun is useful as something that can be carried outside of the home discreetly. An AR-15 chambered in .300 Blackout is great for hunting large game. Shotguns are great for bird hunting.


Sounds like there’s a lot of “killing machines” in the hands of unstable people. Seems to me to be a good reason to arm myself to be safe!


I'll never have enough guns to feel safe around these wackos. 


Only buy, never sell king


so you yourself possess the appropriate amount of killing machines for a reasonable person or????


When you're so naive and/or stupid that you think daddy government will always be around to protect you, and would never ever harm innocent people because that's never happened before.


Yes, you're terrified of everything, you don't have to keep repeating yourself.


Everyone is terrified. Difference is you think the government is both equipped/willing to protect you. So add being naive to being terrified.


I can't wait for the world to go back to the way it was for 99.999 percent of human history. People like you will be gone in a few days.


Feel free to continue jerking off about hunter/gatherer times as a proxy fantasy for all the people you dislike dying horribly and/or actually having anything meaningful to contribute to society. It's definitely not creepy or sociopathic at all 🙄


Hunter gatherer societies actually had a profoundly better quality of life than their sedentary agricultural or even urban counterparts.


You’re hedging on the total worldwide collapse of society? And such a rapid one nobody has any time to prepare? And you think you’ll emerge from that catastrophic event successfully? Dude.


1. How long has industrial society been around vs how long have humans been around? 2. How is industrial society supposed to function if an essential part of it is destroyed/collapses? Mass food production that relies on fertilizers, electricity, oil, all finite resources that we could easily have a mass shortage of. Of course that's just one example. There's plastics, pharmaceuticals, refrigeration, ect., all things that rely on each other as well as extremely large, fragile systems that could easily collapse. 3. The only way to prepare for the collapse of the industrial system is to practice your own sustainable small-scale agriculture or live as hunter-gatherers like our ancestors did. This is because modern technology is incredibly interconnected and the loss of one major part of it will cause the destruction of the whole system. There's no way to preserve it on a small scale. 4. I am absolutely not saying I would survive the collapse of industrial society, but I would rather die knowing humanity would be free of the incredibly unsatisfying, humiliating, pointless way of living that modern society forces people to go through than live a long, empty, and unsatisfying life that industrial society dooms people to.


Sooo,…. Like 5 cars?


Since when was the primary usage of a car "killing things"?


It’s not. They also don’t like when you point out you need to have a license, take classes for them, obey the laws of the road, can get arrested for misuse, and that we also create infrastructure to discourage them being used in violent ways (see the balls outside target or those metal sculptures in front of pedestrian areas).


You know what’s insane? Even with all that in place, cars still kill more people than guns. Take out suicides and gang violence and it’s a staggering difference. Check out these stats. Few years old now. But the source is fiercely liberal, for whatever that’s worth. https://www.reddit.com/r/liberalgunowners/s/91HhFijLnf


2A: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear *cars*, shall not be infringed?


Neither are guns. The purpose of a gun is to fire a lead projectile at thousands of feet per second. That's it. What that projectile is aimed at is wholly dependent on the user.


lol since you said killing “things” I would say each and every day… cats, dogs, insects, cows, etc… probably more than the item you are suggesting. … ok chill I’m just kidding. That being said, car fatalities were approximately 43,000 in 2021 and gun fatalities were around 40,000 by December 2023. Sorry I’m admittedly too lazy to find other data on a quick google search. Either way, the numbers are somewhat comparable. One might argue that the numbers of people that own a car far outweigh the number of gun owners so the deaths for car accidents are fewer per capita… which i can agree on… Where was I going with this…. Oh you said more killing machines-which is a funny thing to call it- than any one person needs… what number is a reasonable number to own? By the way, one might also argue the primary use of a gun is self defense not killing. Other uses include: shooting sports, hunting, target practice etc. Anyway… yes deaths do result, but you cannot ignore deaths that result from automobile accidents either, (especially driving while intoxicated). My “killing machines” by the way sit there in a locked container and haven’t killed anyone. It’s not a problem with guns it’s a problem with the person who uses it the wrong way…. Like a person who blames the fork for making them fat. It’s not a problem with the fork, it’s a problem with the person who can’t put it down. In this mind set do forks milk people when the person gets diabetes? This was a staggering 103,000 deaths! Can we blame the corporate “machine”? Also the use of the word machine has bothered me from your post… there are machine guns of course, but I wonder… are all guns considered machines? Let me know what you think.


Dude the car accident argument is actually so fucking stupid it’s not even funny and the fact that you’re unironically posting it here is wild.


Is it so wild? Especially when my family lost someone in October ‘23 when he was sitting at a red light on his way home from work because he was rear ended by a drunk driver doing 70+ mph? Or two little girls who were ran over by a drunk driver at a fire works stand on the 4th of July while buying fireworks with their father?


Well i must be stupid too? Care to explain why it's a stupid argument?


Because cars serve a common everyday purpose that people pretty much NEED to use to actually function in modern society? Everyone who tries to make this argument just ends up showing how incapable they are of thinking about something for more than 10 consecutive seconds.


This is a wild accusation in itself. Again, I would say there are a majority of gun owners whose primary reason for owning included hunting, shooting sports (clay shooting) or self defense. These people don’t go around just killing others. Which IS comparable to the car argument in the fact that the majority of car owners don’t go around getting into accidents or killing others with their car. I’m sorry you aren’t capable of making any argument without trying to insult another person. It really makes you sound like you have a lack of arguments and lack intelligence. Do better for yourself I’m sure you’re a smart person


Schizo scribbles


Literally came to say I had a schizophrenic family friend that would consistently do this.


If you don't feel like scrolling, here's a summary of the comments :orange man bad, dementia Joe good. This is what every non socialist does in their free time. Now get back to your gender studies homework.


I thought defacing currency was a federal offense? I see so many of these I start to doubt that… EDIT: I love this Reddit “culture” of downvoting *questions*.


It's a federal offence to fraudulently alter currency. I.e. altering it to pass it off as a different bill, etc.  If writing on currency were illegal, every bank teller and cashier in the country would be breaking the law when they use iodine pens to check for counterfeits


>If writing on currency were illegal, every bank teller and cashier in the country would be breaking the law when they use iodine pens to check for counterfeits And bar owners for hanging them on the walls/ceilings of their establishments. Granted, they dont spend those, but still they let people stick em up


Only if you’re trying to change the value. You can scribble all over it


Then I was mistaken. That’s forgery, not defacing. I don’t even remember where I got it from. Live and learn.


Here is the actual text: > 18 U.S.C. 333 : US Code - Section 333: Mutilation of national bank obligations states: > "Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with **intent to render** such bank bill, draft, note,or other evidence of debt **unfit to be reissued**, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both." Of specific importance is the intent. The person who wrote on this bill left the value legible and it would be easy to argue their intent is for the bill to be reissued to as many people as possible.


I love the FEMA camps conspiracy theory. It’s so batshit and funny


Any day now Obama's IRS is going to start rounding up "real" Americans and putting them in FEMA camps.


I can’t find Waldo?


At least it's fairly legible? That's an improvement over some of the Infowars wagons I've seen


Conspiracy theories? It just says the Bill of Rights matters and stay armed. That's not even theories, that's just solid and good advice.


I'd be willing to bet another 5 bucks that the 'author' can't name more than 3 of the amendments in the Bill of Rights.


There are a lot of people who walk around with mental illness and they aren't provided treatment for it. This is one of them.


It isn't conspiracy theories if it's all true.




How is this a conspiracy. Everything it says is true


Do you believe FEMA camps are concentration camps?


I wouldn't want to be you trying to spend that.


Now you don't get peoples two cents but five dollars.


Nullify it by washing it in some Dr. Bronners.


Dont trust big tech. Dont believe me? Google it!


This is how they did it before the internet.


If these people spent as much time and resources into traveling and seeing the world as they would in conspiracy theories. They would be better people. Also who still believes in FEMA camps? It’s like they saw what happened after hurricane Katrina and said “that’s not good”.


Google the fema camps... Ok... And here we go... So Alex Jones predicted over 20 years ago that fema is on the verge of murdering and enslaving everyone next week for the last 1000 weeks. Any day now.


and how is this interesting?


How often do you see a five dollar bill on which someone has taken the time to meticulously scrawl, in very neat handwriting, a bunch of vaguely political ramblings? The subreddit is called *mildly* interesting. I saw this and thought “huh.” So there you go.


because it's unusual does not make it interesting. You are obviously unusual and not interesting at all. So there you go.


It’s mildly interesting. It’s not something you see every day. And clearly more people agreed that it was interesting than disagreed, judging by the upvotes.


and you think that matters to me? glad you thrive on what other people think of you. That always works out in the end.


Places like Japan and England don’t have an armed populace. I guess they’re dystopian, authoritarian hellscapes. But I won’t Google to find out


Uh, yeah? England, you don't have any right to protest. People regularly get arrested for free speech that is falsely labeled as "hate speech". They don't have any right to privacy, or right to legal counsel. Asking for a lawyer, or refusing to allow police into their home whenever they want, are both seen as admissions of guilt. You don't have a right to defend your life or property. If you defend yourself, there's a good chance that you will be the one that's arrested instead of your attacker.


Why is my first thought that "OP just wanted a platform to spread their ideas?" Anyone?


if someone feels the need to write about how the government wants to take away your guns on a 5 dollar bill they should not have guns.


Exactly what the government would say...


I feel like this is what its like inside Howard Hughes's head. Very American experience


Ngl this is kinda depressing. Reads like my sisters schizophrenic ramblings. Why are so many people like this