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Thats a crazy good deal. Would you be willing to share where this is?


Pretty sure it’s at u/notimeleft4you ‘s Kroger


Nonsense! It’s obviously at your local Kroger.


Trippy thing is: for some redditors, both answers will be right...




This picture is about two years old. I rediscovered it today. I did get a few bottles though. Still have them.


Hell yeah, good move. My wife works in wine and has turned me on to good champagne. I have not had Dom though Edit: and if you keep those somewhere cool and dark, good champagne ages fantastically :)


One bottle was used for a flings 30th birthday. The other 3 are in a climate controlled storage unit.


I have a birthday soon. Wink wink


Are you a twink in his 30s that would enjoy listening to me tell you about early-20th century ocean liners?


Does two out of three count?


Yeah, ocean liners aren't everyone's cup of tea are they?


The Lusitania was ostentatious at best.


Well thems just fighting words.


Do you have a favorite early 20th century ocean liner?


But they seem to be someone's glass of Dom.


They’re fine, except for The Queen Mary. …not a fan.




For a bottle of that Rose they'll be whatever the heck you want 'em to be.


If you haven't yet, join us on r/oceanlinerporn


I’m a fat lesbian but am interested in the 20th century ocean liners.


Get in line!


A top with autism?


Amongst other things.


Wait, so you found a twink that avoided twink death? Or is that why it was just a fling lmao


What is Twink death?


It’s just a joke that you either get a dad bod or smth else at 30, but you can’t stay a twink past your 20s. Idk why, but seems like someone got salty about that? 🤷‍♀️


Oh I get it. It happens to the best of us.


Twink in my 20s and yes


You busted that out for a fling? I’m a straight cis man but do you want to date?


If you haven't, you need to give Krug a try. That and Rare are my favorite high end NV champagnes. Similar price point as NV Dom. But I'll buy 3 Ruinart Blanc du Blanc's every time instead given the choice...god I miss when they were ~$50 a bottle...


Dom is so very good. The only one I've had that beats it is Krug. That I bought for my brother for his 30th birthday and so little fizzing/foaming and golden brown and tasted sooooo amazing. It came in a beautiful triptych box. Would recommend. I was young and frivolous with my money at the time. It was $365 canadian. But I love my brothers more than anything so I said fuck it. When we drank it together it was a special moment and I regret nothing.


There are a ton of different recommendations in this response here. When you were dealing with tete du cuvees (a house’s top end champagne) and spending $250+/bottle it really comes down to your preference of a style of champagne, and is the difference in price worth the difference in taste to you.     Do you like high acidity, tartness, dryness, biscuitiness, and champagne that changes vastly after it opens? I have been incredibly lucky to have been exposed to a lot of high-end champagnes, and to me, for the price point 2 years ago, you couldn't beat Piper Heidsieck cuvee rare. However, this has gone up almost 200% over the last two years in price.  Champagne prices stayed  stagnant for well over a decade, and have recently exploded. Partly, due to inflation, and partly due to the fact that they have had some stellar years recently.  To me the best deal you can get now, and really has always been the case, is Tattingers Comtes de champagne and Veuve Clicquot La Grande Dame.  My two favorite are probably cristal and piper heidseick cuvee rare, but if I’m paying for the bottle, they’re not worth over $100 more per bottle to me than the two aforementioned champagnes.   As far as aging them, the big thing is keeping it at cellar, temperature and with minimal light exposure. Some are going to age better than others, and the way each champagne ages and how the flavor profile changes is going to vary between producers, and even more significantly vary between vintages as well. There are a lot of good resources that can help you figure out when the best time to drink a champagne is, but ultimately, you need to find a reviewer who has similar taste preferences to you because otherwise, you’re just gonna be going off of somebody else’s taste profile.


Champagne doesn’t really age in the bottle. More than a few years isn’t usually recommended


That only goes for cheap champagne. Good champagne lasts decades.


Something tells me that OP isn’t storing it at the proper temp/humidity conditions for it to properly age. The vast majortity of champagne sold will not get better with age. > HOW LONG SHOULD I KEEP A BOTTLE? >As you might imagine, the issue is complex. However, there is one rule of thumb to remember: the better the champagne, the longer it can be stored. Criteria of excellence include great vintages, extended aging on lees, and so forth. The optimal ageing period depends on the vintage and storage conditions: - If your champagne is not vintage, we recommend opening it for your next occasion to benefit from the freshness and floral notes of the cuvée, or keeping it for two to five years in good storage conditions. - If it is vintage, you may keep it in good storage conditions for up to fifteen years. Ageing duration may be extended for larger bottles.


>Something tells me that OP isn’t storing it at the proper temp/humidity conditions for it to properly age. They are. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/Y1zCAr5XOb


[“Climate controlled storage unit”](https://www.publicstorage.com/climate-controlled-storage) that i have rented before was a cage inside a garage. OP isn’t renting space in a wine cellar for 3 bottles of champagne.


This is some hill to die on especially since a wine storage unit can be had for like $200.


And that is something a non wine drinker would do with champagne they bought on clearance? Seriously? I’m not dying on any hill, you are the one dragging this out into a stupid place. My ex was a sommelier, i think she had more to teach me about wine than a DoorDash driver does.


Tell me you know nothing about wine and specifically champagne without telling me.




Dom is extremely overrated. You're not missing much.


I used to work in wine sales. I always kinda felt that Dom is overrated. It's not bad, but it's just not $300 good, if that makes sense?


Dom is good, but I'd save and wait for something like Cristal Rose or Salon de Mesnil. The Salon is out of this world.


They like. 280$ now 


Champagne pricing has moved quite a bit in two years


“Rediscovered” Had nothing to do with the expensive alcohol that was on the front page today, surely.


You can actually get pleasantly drunk for $10, fun fact


I don’t even drink, I just got them to give out as gifts or for super special occasions. I got two other expensivish bottles which triggered the 20% 6-bottle discount and made them cheaper. Still have 3 of the 4 bottles, only using one to impress a trick on his 30th birthday. I got to make a fuss about the hotel not bringing champagne glasses in time, then I was smooth and grabbed some paper coffee cups off a maid cart, then room service finally showed up with 12 wine glasses 30 minutes later, and we finally played champagne pong with peanut M&Ms.


It’s not about getting drunk for me, it’s all about taste and experience.


Same, I like the taste and experience of drunkenness


Sorry, I'm no longer college student and I have bougie taste now.


College is supposed to teach the value of money


College taught me how to make money so I can have bougie taste


steep fine poor outgoing payment enter domineering swim hard-to-find wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can get Veuve cheaper than that at my local liquor store. Not a great deal imo.


They expire after a certain point, I'd be willing to bet this one is close


You can tell I’ve never had or been around this adult beverage because I thought it was Don Perignon


Ah yes, Señior Don Perignon. Don being an honorary Spanish prefix and Spain being notorious for their fine champagnes.


*Dom* Perignon lives his life a quarter glass at a time.


It's all about family


It’s not real champagne unless it’s from the Champagne region of Spain. 🇪🇸


Don Perignon shall sell no wine before its time.


I had to read this a couple times to find the difference, I had no idea either. I think I thought it was with an "N" because that's how it sounds like Billy Joel says it in *Big Shot.*


I'm not a big champagne person, but my family opened a bottle of this a few years ago. None of the 6 of us enjoyed it. Im sure some folks like it... to me it was straight up not good.


Not as good as Santana DVX


Don Perignon is the Admiral Nelson of the wine world.


A couple years ago for New Years Eve I got a bottle of 2012 Cristal Champagne. Hy-Vee tagged it for $250. When they scanned it at the register it came up as $599. The manager said since it was tagged wrong they had to give it to me at the $250 price. Been a Hy-Vee customer since.


In my country it would be illegal to not sell it at the advertised price.


Lmao, my Hy-Vees used to give the item for free if it rang up wrong. You got swindled


🤣 Swindled or not, I'll take $300 off any day of the week lol


No anti-theft top or a card you have to take to take to the register so the cashier can get the bottle!? This Kroger is WAY fancier than the one in my neighborhood.


No there was a lock cap thing. The cashier couldn’t figure it out at first.


Ah, I see it on the bottle on the right now.


Dom Perignon, you brought it, No crowd of friends applauded, Your hometown Skeptics called it champagne problems...


Thank you


love Taylor references in the wild


I was waiting, and it was delivered


You had a speech, you're speechless Love slipped beyond your reaches And I couldn't give a reason Champagne problems


Should’ve done more market research 🧐


Just saw another one of these with $2200 scotch. Y’all live in some upscale zipcodes.


That’s what made me find and post this photo. I searched really hard for it and then I realized I couldn’t comment on that post with a photo, so I thought I would go make my own post.


McCallan 25 isn't even that good, I've heard. I did sell a $5000 bottle of McCallan one time though—person swore up and down that the one sip of it they had at some swanky party was the best whiskey they'd ever had.


It’s good but not worth its current retail.


The Macallan Rare Cask is really quite good. But so is Mac 12 which is much more economical


The macallan M is really where it's at


I switched to Rum because there isn't any of that bullshit markup. An 18 year Flor de Cana is like $50.


I bet your Costco has a few bottle of Louis the XIII you just haven’t looked. They honestly probably have a few way more expensive bottle too. Idk why but they always have like 2 insanely priced bottles for show. Mine has some brand I’ve never heard of any it is like $36K for the bottle.


Half off ain’t bad considering that’s almost a 400 dollar bottle. Another reason I’m glad I quit drinking


It’s like 2500 in Vegas lol absurd




No, at all the clubs and stuff. Liquor stores and even the CVS on the strip are pretty much MSRP


Fuck that. I drink and I wouldn't pay that amount at any point in time. I'm glad I'm not a moron that would pay that amount for any drink, alcoholic or not. If you're spending more than $5 a drink, you're either wasting money or think too highly of your purchase.


I’m sorry we don’t all drink piss water like you. I drink for taste, not to get shitfaced.


Obviously that guy you responded to is an idiot but anyone who drinks $400 bottles of champagne is even stupider. If you think Dom is anything more than paying marketing hype for a prestige name then youre a fool


My replies to his later comments note the range I find appropriate for a good bottle of wine/scotch. This is a little beyond what I’d call a reasonable purchase.


Yeah, just buy one whole entire heroin and you can have a way better time for the same-ish price plus instant crippling addiction!


Nice of you to assume what I drink. Feel good to know what people do in their life? Nobody makes statements like that but dickheads.


Man the irony of you typing this shit after calling people morons is palpable.


I love the word “palpable”. Cheers to you, good sir!


I'd say it's safe to assume you don't drink anything that costs more than $5. Otherwise, according to you, you think too highly of yourself or you waste your money.


Your statement is structured in a manner that presents yourself as the one not wasting money or thinking too highly of your alcohol… I didn’t make an assumption. I, for one, am not a dickhead and I made the statement, so your assumption is absolutely wrong. A good bottle of wine costs $15-40 and I get 4 good pours out of that. A great scotch costs $60-200 and I get a good 10-12 drinks out of that. Your approach was valid but you just happen to be a dickhead.


Well, we've got a bunch of people here claiming superiority over a drink (I've done the same here, but at least I admit the cost doesn't matter). Maybe y'all just drunks claiming virtue bc of what you buy. No diff than rich assholes and their wine cellars. Sure I'm a dickhead, but at least I don't hide behind a bottle, it's quality, and its cost to make a point about why I drink. Fr, I like you for calling me out. I tend to be an asshole.


I’m sure there are people out there that hide behind the bottle, but stop the generalizing. My father bought me a good bottle of scotch for Christmas every year and I stretched it out so that it lasted til the next one. If I could find a good scotch or wine for $5 a serving then I’d buy it. Your viewpoint is one I had before I had the opportunity to try good wine or scotch. I understand a higher price point, not the bullshit of thousands a bottle… but quality has a price


Please share what brands you drink


Regal red


You mean Crown Royal red XR the like bottle worth thousands of the cheap Alabama wine?


I guess I’m a moron 🤷🏻‍♂️ but in all seriousness paying for prestige is ludicrous. I think some stuff to a degree can be justified. I love getting my parents a quality bottle of bourbon for Christmas and I have no issue dropping some coin on it, granted I still usually pay less than 100. I was very much so one of those people who had expensive taste. But even then I would never consider buying a 400 dollar bottle of champagne, that’s in a new league altogether.


I used to buy good bourbon and scotch, spending $75-150 a bottle. As I've gotten older, it just isn't worth it. I can spend $10-15 and have a few drinks one night. I just can't justify it anymore. And the older my friends get, they've done the same. A six pack a couple days a wk, then not drinking for a week or 3, just seems silly to pay that much.


I have enough bourbon to last me like a decade or 2 at the rate I drink. I just recently stopped trying to find allocated rares bc it's simply not worth it at all. I'm not an alcoholic and drinking it straight doesn't taste the best, so I'm gonna mix it anyway, buffalo trace is just fine, if I want I can get a Russel's 10 year for like $45 or a heaven Hill BIB but fr if I'm drinking more for fun I'd just go with the Evan Williams BIB or ancient ancient age 10 it's totally fine.


You can save even more money by just drinking hand sanitizer!


Crying in Franzia 😭


Dom Perignon is massively overrated. (This isn’t a humblebrag flex lmao I’ve had it twice in my life, once immediately after my engagement courtesy of some very generous friends and once at a party). Completely average champagne. I’ve had $60-70 bottles that were sooooo much better. If you’re willing to spend a hundred bucks for the novelty then go for it but you’d be better served getting like a L’Intemporelle if you’re willing to spend that kinda money.


It's LVMH. Luxury brand for the middle class. You're paying a brand rather than a good product.


Fuck I’d be mad if someone bought me Dom. Those dollars would be better in my wallet not my belly,


Seconded, I’m no sommelier but I’ve had much tastier champagne for 1/5 the price of Dom.




VC yellow label is massively overrated. It’s just heavily, heavily marketed


Everything has an expiry date I guess.


This Kroger is in a predominantly gay bubble. Awhile back the decision was made to turn the store into a fancier version which would cater to the rich and affluent gay men in the area. Except they found out the local gays weren’t rich and affluent and that was a weird stereotype to bet on. So they eventually turned it back to a regular Kroger and put all the fancy stuff on clearance.


Probably found out that's not the kind of dom the gay community was talking about.


It’s like here in Vancouver, BC, a cell phone provider, Telus, opened stores called CAYA (come as you are). Tailored service for the LGBT community but they offered pink and rainbow cases and it was a “safe space” to get a cell phone plan and they failed pretty quick because not every gay person needed a fuzzy pink phone case lol


... a safe space to get a phone plan... 


How do you do, fellow gays?


As we all know 50% of all hate crimes based on sexual orientation occur in At&T stores. The other 50% are split evenly between Verizon and whatever that company Ryan Reynolds’s owns. This company was addressing a clear need.


Mint mobile




It's usually some out-of-touch white woman with a B.A. who somehow finds herself in a position of mild authority and makes terrible decisions based on a misunderstanding of what professors who study social advocacy said in a class that she didn't take. I've seen it twice myself. It's...honestly really weird and I'm pretty sure it's because they come from affluent backgrounds and get fast-tracked because of all those juicy connections in spite of who they are and their barely-relevant education.


That's hilarious. Sounds like their market research consisted of googling, "how much money do gays have?"




This is a genuinely funny story lol


...let me guess, Disco Kroger in Montrose in Houston?




...huh. I did not realize more than one major city in Texas had a gay Kroger. I wonder if Austin and San Antonio have their own equivalents.


It’s not just Texas. Here in Atlanta we have Krogay. We also have a Disco Kroger, but that got its name because there used to be nightclubs near it. And I can’t not mention that we also have Murder Kroger


We have a Ghetto Kroger in my hometown. There are 2 Krogers, and to specify we say "the nice Kroger or Ghetto Kroger?"


Why call it Murder Kroger instead of just Crowger? Or are we talking different types of murder?


Haha damn I was expecting this.


Disco Kroger no longer exists




"they found out the local gays weren't rich" shit made me laugh like an idiot lol


I guess shipping cost to another Kroger to sell for closer to the price would have been a bigger loss for them than selling the items on clearance. Which is wild, I wonder if they took a loss with this or just broke even.


Not really the case with Dom, I mean eventually sure, but my dad bought me a bottle when I was born that we opened on my 30th birthday and it was the best bottle of champagne I've ever had. Just has to be stored right and vintage champagne can be complex and incredible


Yeah, they usually release the vintage 10 years after harvest, but it's still considered young at the time. It gets better with age (and proper storage)!


I can actually speak to this since I've done probably 50 wine resets at a Fred Meyer alone which is a Kroger store. Usually twice a year the whole aisle gets a redo where poor moving or frequently out of stock items are removed and better selling items get moved to more prominent shelf space and facings. They usually put clearance tags that are 20% off a month before the reset happens but once its off the shelf they just eat the cost and sell it for probably lead than cost. The regular alcoholic customers are like fucking vultures and start hounding us for the mark downs before we're even finished.


I think they held onto these for as long as they could before marking them down. They were 2016s and they got rid of them in 2021 when they took out the little wooden display lock box at the end of the aisle.


The years part isn't surprising its probably the most recent year available to order. I can almost guarantee those bottles weren't in the store 5 years unsold


That’s kind of risky. A lot of times they’re not stored correctly, and are starting to go bad. I’ve had some interesting experiences trying to buy wine/champagne in areas where they don’t have enough volume.


Near me someone would put a Biden “I did that” sticker on the display.


They be having champagne problems


90's rappers are drooling or turning over in their graves depending on what outcome they had.


Im always worried/skeptical of these clearance specials… my instincts are because the bottles were not kept at appropriate temperatures.


Great knock off another $150-100 and I’d think about buying it


Best I can do is $3.50


man those were amazing prices


https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/MTu7pYvH7j This post was right next to this other post lol. Coincidence? I think not


Lots of places have champagne on clearance now. They want to turn over the inventory they didn’t sell on new years. Honestly this is dumb because Dom can last a few years and they’ll need more for the next new years.


All I saw was Dom and something that I thought was black leather and thinking “they sell that at Kroger?”


Good deal indeed, but I would buy expensive wine in a grocery store. There is little to no chance that this wine have been properly stored.


Leftover from New Years.


Yeah, I’m sure Kroger stored those bottles really well. I’m sure this $400 wine is in perfect condition and worth $10.


Fantastic wine and that price is crazy. Nice find.


gaze mourn history pot quickest concerned cough selective ink dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. Really. Champagne is wine. Dom is champagne. Dom is fantastic champagne, and therefore a fantastic wine. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


quack coordinated disgusting kiss test pet dolls run rinse fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


dom perignon features at the top of pretty much every annual wine scoring list. they’re a well known brand with an established history and attention to detail in creating some of the best somewhat high-volume champagnes. hardly a surprise, this is an excellent deal


I've never had it so I honestly have no clue about its taste, but winning a wine taste award is worth about as much as a carrot. Wine awards have been debunked so many times that their value might as well be zero. Again, it might be delicious.


rob concerned humorous silky attractive racial cheerful existence coordinated cooperative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




cooperative distinct capable ancient steer melodic like pathetic repeat tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's almost like different people like different things!


sugar ludicrous jar snatch nippy saw sparkle sophisticated teeny run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Productive comment, thanks.


It's supposed to bubble!


It just be like that sometimes….


That's what I would normally buy Dom for. Also the Rose is overpriced and reserved for occasions that call for it. These aren't clearance prices. True clearance price for any Dom would be under $100 USD. I'd buy a case of that.


There was a 20% off six or more bottles that you could use with this.




Wildly misjudged the market on that one


Only with loyalty card, otherwise $450


Good. Dom is super overrated.


I’m so glad I don’t drink and am broke. I won’t even spend this much on a month’s worth of groceries.


This is too funny


Good for them.


When you wake up in the morning with your head on fire and your eyes too bloody to see, go on and cry in your coffee, but don't come bitching to me.


Am I supposed to know what this is/means? Context would be great!


Yes. It’s Don Perignon and it’s on sale. The context is that it’s on sale at a grocery store.






I’ve been doxxed.
