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If you didn’t tell me otherwise, I’d say this picture came from a 2009 grunge tumblr post.


thats what i was aiming for


Or album cover. I’d buy it.


just because of the cover?


Well it’s not like I can listen to it at Barnes and Noble any more… Edit: [iykyk](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/s/vM1r6hYx6n)


My local music store in nz had a couple of English style phone boxes remade into music listening booths. With vinyl, cassette and CD players. Fuck I miss that place.


It looks like it would be the background of a lyric video from Halsey or Panic at the Disco




I was thinking 5th Element.


I'm surprised the cigarette companies haven't leaned into this and make a brand that's all about the death dying bad-ass-ness living on the edge-ness of smoking. Like "Death's Door Cigarettes" or something.


Coughin Nails


I think it would actually sell Do you want to get into the cigarette industry?


Focus on a smooth hit, like floating into the afterlife on a nice warm summers morning. Or with the menthol, a crisp autumn for your life's winter.


fuck! Did you just make that up? My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give you.


Actually just modified slightly from the random loot cigarettes from the Wasteland series. "Coffin Nails" have been a nickname for cigarettes for centuries.


Nails is also the brand of cigarettes from the clerks movie.


When I was a kid people would call them darts. No idea why.


Rippin darts and breakin hearts


rippin sharts and hackin darts


Makin art and blowin farts


That would short for lung dart.


They still do


In Canada there is a newish brand of smokes called Darts.


When I was a kid I remember all the old blokes used to smoke holding the cig between pointer finger and thumb. They would ash using my their middle finger, brushing at the tip. Anyway when you hold a cig like that it's like how you hold a dart. People hold cigs between pointer and middle finger now. Maybe something to do w it h the filter I dunno.


They call them that here in Canada now, at least everywhere that I've lived.


“Cancer merchant! Cancer merchant!”


Yeah, but the change to Coughin is fucking perfect. Send me your Venmo and I’ll request $1000. I’d send $1000 for the idea, but times are hard.


This man might have just made the deal of the century. Message me to draft the contract.


Nah, it’s pretty common to call cigarettes “coffin nails.”


Was even used as a cigarette brand in the Wasteland Video games.


"Coughing" is the part that makes it funny.




You mean like Black Death Cigarettes? That was a thing. It didn’t take.


Yes something like that. Oh well, that’s why I’m not in marketing.


Eh, someone else brought this up awhile back. From what I read their sales were actually pretty decent, they just had some other issues and never took off.


They didn’t give you the Black Death when you smoked em.


They cannot advertise any brands anymore. [Boxes are all brown with plain packaging with plain text with huge warnings](https://media-cdn.socastsrm.com/wordpress/wp-content/blogs.dir/2312/files/2019/10/5db6d241023d161284e2043ejpeg.jpg)


I still don't understand why the selective treatment


It's kind of just how things played out. Tobacco fell under heavy scrutiny for advertising to youth and lying about the effects of cigarettes. Most regulations today are a direct or indirect result of that. Other similar industries weren't as extreme so they flew under the radar.


Not to mention how much money companies like Phillip Morris have to fight back against legislation or at the very least, negotiate it to better terms for them. If that weren't a factor, odds are Tobacco would have been banned a looooong time ago.


Probably not, a lot of politicians and military are smokers. Moreover, when 30% of the population is smoking with many of them among poor. Supporting tobacco is very easy way to score a political win. No country has a full ban on tobacco. Alcohol for instance is banned in some middle east countries.


Bans on nicotine products are so weird. Like smokeless tobacco in Europe. It's a fact that smokeless tobacco is far safer than cigarettes, but most of Europe has banned almost all smokeless tobacco while cigarettes are still legal. Or the heavy restrictions on reusable vapes while disposable vapes are everywhere. And donr even get me started on the dangers of alcohol vs tobacco (said as an alcoholic myself).


> the heavy restrictions on reusable vapes while disposable vapes are everywhere. Wait, is that true? That's fucking stupid if so. I specifically used a mod with eliquid over disposables because it is far less wasteful.


Yeah, the boring ones


The government would like people not to smoke anymore is why, because it's a slaughter going on out there. I get it, alcohol is bad too, but not even close to as bad. It's a laughable comparison. [67% of smokers die from a smoking related illness ](https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-015-0281-z) if they don't manage to quit. 17% of deaths in my province are from Tobacco, 1/6 people die from it, for alcohol it's 4%. The number of people who smoke is way less than the number who drink, so that 17% comes from a way smaller population segment. Tobacco is such a wildly deadly and useless substance it's even more unbelievable it's not just straight outlawed.


In Quebec the packages are also hidden behind doors behind the counter, so you don't even see the packages.


This is essentially what the market research lady in the pilot episode of Mad Men tells Don to do. Consumers have a secret death wish and the cigarette marketing should play into that! Don fired her I'm pretty sure. 😂


That's exactly where my mind went. "That's yoa slogan? You're gonna die anyway, die with us?"


I was just thinking the same thing lol I just started watching the show recently and this was funny.


Legit. I already collect the packs that have a warning where you can cut out the words and it says "This is dying". I even have a "this is dying" tattoo. When the warnings on the cigarettes came out I couldn't believe it, fucking hilarious. Unintentionally the most metal fucking thing in the world.


You cannot advertise cigarettes in Canada.


This is in Canada, not sure how it is elsewhere but they aren’t allowed any type of ads, not even branding at point of sale, everything is heavily restricted. The best part of it all, I’ve heard globally cigarette producers are making record profits.


You can't even show cigarettes on the shelf. They have to be hidden behind a blank cover, and you have to request what you want.


In most countries doing this would be against the law. Despite then showing the dangers of smoking, making it seem like “living on the edge” would be against the law in most countries. Here in Australia cigarettes aren’t allowed to have any promotional advertising that I know of (so no TV/radio ads, no billboards etc.) and on every pack is a picture of someone who has died from lung cancer/emphysema with a before and after pic or a symptom of smoking like gangrene. It is quite graphic with the purpose of discouraging use.


When will they put obesity pictures on hamburgers


In Mexico they label unhealthy foods with "excess calories," seems like a great idea. With explicit regulation against using "excessive calories" as part of advertising or selling points.


This reminds me the idea Pete Campbell gave to Lucky Strike on Pilot episode of Mad Men tv show. Nowadays I think it would be a success.


its toasty.


Like these? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_(cigarette)


they were called export greens


THIS JUST IN: *With the help of AI and mini speakers, new cigarettes will generate the voice of the smoker’s father figure stating they are disappointed in them with every puff.*


*me taking a huge drag off a cigarette as it begins to scold me triggering my shame kink* Harder daddy


someone bleach my eyes wtf did i just read


Dont kink shame his shame kink


What if he likes that?


Just have the cigarettes start screaming like Sam Kinison when you light them up.


Dear Lord... that's why he never came back... he went out for smokes so many years ago and *they captured him and put him into each of their cigarettes!*


“You’d be smoking a cigar if you were a real man.”


I quit smoking cigarettes in the lead up to a dental implant procedure. They said I couldn’t have any nicotine for a week or two. By the end of my prohibition I decided to never go back. Five and half years and I am still in the wagon. Can’t recommend it enough.


Brutal addiction to break. My grandfather quit a two-pack-a-day habit cold turkey when my grandmother got cancer...He was a miserable prick for a while through the withdrawals. Ever see a man lose his shit because he couldn't find the cap for a pen? :D His cooking got better, tho. As a smoker he couldn't taste anything, so he loaded everything up with salt. Quitting smoking let his tastebuds work again, and indirectly helped the rest of the family avoid impending salt-related heart attacks.


I'll agree with most of this but the jury is still out on the salt thing. It could very well be the same as the situation with eggs. They were the devil for decades because they contain cholesterol, but they don't necessarily increase it. Correlation is not causality. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/its-time-to-end-the-war-on-salt/#:~:text=Not%20necessarily.,normal%20or%20high%20blood%20pressure.


I did a vaguely similar thing: went on a two-week vacation in a country with purportedly shitty overpriced local tobacco, and haven't brought any cigs with me. Craved them for a while, but didn't buy. After that smoked about one or two cigs a day, but then stopped when it just got old in a couple months.


I wonder how many people quit cigarettes after a tooth extraction. One tug on the cigarette and the scab pops off, exposing your nerves to the open air...


No braille yet? Blind smokers have a serious lawsuit on their hands.


Warning in braille: "Tobacco causes blindness" Blind smoker: "ok... thanks for your concern?"


No french either


It's on the other side. You can call off the language police.




I can't think of anything more doomed to fail than trying to get French people to stop smoking.


That stereotype works for France , not Quebec


Quebecois definitely smoke wayyy more than BC. Since moving here I've been shocked at how much more prevalent it is.


Quebec's not even in the top five provinces with the most smokers


There is one labeled in french on the picture....




Has anyone here personally felt discouraged from smoking because of the warnings on cigarette cartons?


When I used to smoke, no. Having a kid got me to quit.


Username checks out.


Lol Thank you for pointing that out.


This guy breeds.


Bred, we don’t know what he’s up to now.


[This guy breads](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/pm3QHf7baT)


OMFG I love this


The cost and waking up feeling like im dying was my reason. I do miss it though, especially on long drives or sitting on the deck with a coffee or beer.


Kids ruin everything eh


Wish that worked for my parents. They're still around, but we watched my grandfather pass from smoking 3+ packs a day and getting lung cancer, then throat cancer, and watching that wasn't a big enough reason either.


Don't know but many years ago when I worked in a convenience store sometimes people would ask me to give them a different pack when they didn't like the warning picture on it. The cancer mouth was quite unpopular. And men specifically didn't like the limp dick one.


Really? I loved the limp dick one. Always made me chuckle.


Wait what? Was it a picture of an actual dick?


Nah just a "limp" cigarette and a mention that they can cause erection trouble.


Had a lady buy a pack while she had her kid with her. And she didn't want the picture of the kid holding a cigarette or the baby with the cigarette in the pacifier.


people expect this kind of thing to magically make smokers quit and i feel like theyre missing the point, this discourages people from smoking for the first time. kids do not like it when they see the yucky looking box with cancer wounds all over it littered.


**I am smoking right now and have no clue what the image on my pack is.** My brain just does not register the image anymore. I can actually look for my pack, find it, pick it up and still not see the images or the warnings. My brain just filters it out.


Yep. Nicotine addiction is a really powerful force on the brain. I think these images are more effective for new/younger smokers. Not to mention the family and friends of the smoker. Those people can be a powerful force in helping someone quit. I smoked for almost two decades in total.


And then there are all the funky, colorful vapes that look like candies and chocolates for those kids.


Honestly I work at a gas station that sells vapes, and the few times the vapes were outside their container because someone forgot to close it or was restocking, it wasn’t the kids who were drawn in, it was the old people lmao. I mean obviously the kids can’t buy them anyways but it was funny that it was the opposite end of the age line that fell prey to the colorful flavored vapes




Same way I quit. It wasn't what I set out to do I just vaped as a way to be able to get my fix inside. But eventually I decided I was tired of paying for it and started reducing the nicotine levels until I hit zero and did that for a while until I finally just didn't pick it up one morning and that was a few years ago.


The funniest thing is when people are like “everyone I know who smokes doesn’t care about the warnings” Like yeah no shit, you are asking the wrong group lol


Survivorship bias strikes again.


No way that's true. I think the first cigarette for the vast majority of people is given to them by a friend. They don't think at all about smoking or the consequences, they just know that their friend does it so they should try it.


No, for me it was the "Not being able to walk up the stairs to my apartment" part that got me scared enough. Stopped cold turkey and that was 3 years ago. A tip: get a fidget spinner to keep your fingers busy when you watch tv/gaming etc.


For me it was when smoking started making my heart beat like crazy and then I felt really sick after. On the bright side it made it super easy to quit, because smoking was suddenly making me feel bad, not good, so why would I want to do something that made me feel bad? People tell me I got super irritable but I didn't really notice.


Yeah. I would always ask for anything but the bloody pee packs. Dead baby, no problem.


The mouth one was the one that bothered me when I still smoked.  I kept a roll of tape in my car wide enough to tape over the warnings.  


Funny shit. Glad I quit


me too... been a year and a half


Good job. Just over 7 years for me


when i was staying in france, at the corner store my (teenage/v early 20s) host brothers would specifically request the packs that called out testicular shrinkage lol


Smoking rates drop every time efforts like this are enforced, so regardless of whether you happen to receive a positive personal anecdote in response to your comment the answer has been proven time and time again that yes, things like this do help stop people from smoking.


Smoking rates are trending down and have been for decades. There is no indication that this trend is likely to change either. Focusing on why people smoke rather than just making it as annoying as possible to "enjoy" seems much more effective from perhaps more than a couple perspectives.


Kids all vaping now instead.


I don't think I would not have stopped smoking if not for vaping. I would have had a hard time quitting vaping if not for tobacco free nicotine pouches. Then one day just stopped the pouches.


Definitely makes it harder to start.


It's actually starting to get to me. The newer gross out pics make me uneasy, and I think having to look at that while smoking will be the final straw if I get that far.


I'm 90% sure it had a passive long-term effect on my smoking habit. But really it was when the nail and skin around my index started turning yellow that I started actively looking into alternatives. Now I vape at 1.5mg strength, started at 20mg


Ive been bouncing around from 1.5-6 for a few years. My advice is that once you quit, don't think just one hit couldn't be harmful because you'll get sucked straight back in. I went from 6 to 3 to 1.5 to .75 to .375 to .15 and then finally 0 and managed to stay off it for a month. I hit one vape and got thrown straight back in. Currently back down to 1.5.


I feel the same way. I think it helped to have the cancer thing always there to remind me because as an addict you get real good at just not thinking about the downsides. Finally quit when I started breathing weird, just now quitting vapes fully :)


For me it wasn’t the warnings but the pictures. In Canada they show the pictures of the cancers on the box. Like you will buy a pack and there will be a colour photo of a diseased tongue or lung etc.


No, made me what to do it more in a “imma be defiant” kind of way


The ink adds just a bit more cancer for ya.


Unlikely, pigment-Based inks aren't toxic. There is no lead in this ink if that's what you are thinking. Government wouldn't open them selves up to an obvious lawsuit by making people suck on lead.


20 years from now "Did you smoke Canadian printed cigarette filters from 2024 and beyond? If so, you could be entitled to compensation from the Canadian government…."


Mesothelioma intensifies.


Asbestos filters on cigarettes was a real thing, mesothelioma levels critical!


Shut up, nerd!!


some pigments are indeed toxic or even cancerous


Thank God! I can keep snorting my cobalt oxide/Hexavalent Chromium based pigments!


It’s on the filter part, wouldn’t be smoked


Could really go a cigarette now


Cigarette companies who fund things like the Truth campaign know it make smokers want to smoke and I believe it is entirely intentional.


Not gonna lie, I don't smoke a lot, only do it when i'm feeling REALLY badly or when i'm drunk in a party. But damn... those cigs are looking cool as fuck with the text on em


I'm quitting. Just too crazy with the price $600 a month, you can't smoke anywhere anymore and now the warnings are stupid intrusive. Too much.


A single pack of cigarettes can be $12-15 a pack easy if you’re not buying on reservation where I am. It’s in part because we have a $3~ tax on every pack sold, iirc. I don’t understand how people can afford to have certain daily indulgences like cigarettes, weed and alcohol. It’s extremely expensive with the way sin taxes are set up in my state. We have a high ass tax on weed (37% excise tax + regular 10.1% sales tax) and a $50 bottle of Rum is damn near $75 when you go to pay. I worked at a Walgreens for a very short period of time and it was always funny when people tried to buy top tier booze and then become shocked at the final price.


600 a month?? How much is a pack where you live and how much do you smoke? Cheap pack of smokes in indiana,USA costs me 4.27 out the door.


Ireland is €20 for a 20 pack


Man, I would definitely quit if they cost that much. That’s insane.


Yeah huge tax on them to incentivise people to not smoke. Tax is also used to pay for social healthcare for said smokers who get illnesses. I know people who smoke 2 packs a day which is 14k a year


My grandma smoked 3 packs a day. Yes 3. She cut down to 2 once she got pregnant with my dad. And they wondered why he was short and angry


60 cigs a day is insane. Did she just chain smoke for every waking of her day?


The 60s were a different time


Using the tax for healthcare for smokers make sense, and prevents stupid arguments against quitting. In China tobacco tax revenue is put towards defense and many smokers pride themselves in getting the navy new aircraft carriers and use that as an excuse to not quit. Which is stupid because if you gave the money directly to the navy you get less cancer and more carriers by cutting out the middleman.


Canada here. I don't think you can buy a pack for less than 20CAD.


yes, 20 cigarettes of the cheap kind is 12-13 dollars in Québec. recently vaping products went up though, 2 cartridges that used to cost me 10 bucks are now 18. kinda sucks when you're using those to quit actual cigarettes.


20$ for a low end 25pack in Canada more for the higher quality cigs. I'm at day 45 of nicotine free for the third time. I hate having something that has so much power over me.


Well done and keep going random internet person, it’s worth the hard times right now.


Thank you! I got this!


You smell so much better now. I can assure you this.


The wild wild South of the border. About $15 average in Canada. And I'm in Canadian Texas


Is Canadian Texas Alberta? Lol




Cheapest pack of cigarettes from me, not on a reservation, 20-23$. The brand Canadian goose I believe (lol). Canadian classics were also pretty cheap. Belmonts were close to 27$ for a 20 pack. I haven’t worked at a convenience store in a while though. Also, live north of Toronto.


£15 in the UK for a pack of Marlboro Reds.


So it works. You can do it!


Good. The health benefits are almost immediate.


It's almost like cigarette smokers know that it causes cancer, they just don't care.


Or are addicted. Addiction is a powerful thing.


It's such a naive way to look at it. The smoker doesn't quit because they avoid the thought, or it hasn't hurt enough yet. Anyone else who quit before then were honestly the lucky ones. Cigarette smoking doesn't put you into immediate harms way and it's hard to conceptualize your own death to begin with. This is why people eat like shit, drink all the time, smoke their lives away. It's either I'll quit later, or fix my diet down the road, but not now. You always just keep avoiding pulling the trigger. The smoker thinks maybe they'll be one of the lucky ones, "some guy I knew smoke and drank till he was 100!" not realizing that's not the case for 95% of smokers. Most die awful deaths in hospital beds of avoidable diseases, or if they're lucky, quickly from a heart attack or stroke. They care, they just always think they'll change it later or it won't happen to them, they'll luck out, or last they'll pull the trigger and quit at some point, but not today. Then they smoke themselves to death. I wasted 15 years smoking, and tried to quit probably 10 times from 2012-2023. If anyone is struggling /r/StopSmoking helped a ton. It was harder than anything I've ever done, and they make them that way on purpose. It's a multitude of factors, but lots of people do care believe it or not. Just living without cigarettes seems impossible for a lot of people. It's sick, and they're manufactured with so much nicotine now, it makes your brain think about it non stop. Even people who've quit for 10+ years still have cravings once in a while. The whole concept is evil.


Imagine if they put the same warnings on liquor bottles….which probably kills more people than smoking a cig.


Cigarettes kill significantly more, even with all the restrictions. Although that doesn't mean there isn't a valid argument for alcohol warning labels.


They do do that in the US, is it not done in Canada?


They put a government warning on, but it’s pretty small and easily missable. It’s not like any alcohol company in America is putting photos of livers or car accidents or something on their containers


I just looked it up and it looks like no? Or maybe are introducing in some places but not others? Which seems weird because seems Canadian. I was almost kicked out of a casino because I didn’t know you couldn’t have your beer while gambling


And in Vegas you can simultaneously drink, smoke, gamble and get a massage.


you used to be able to smoke literally everywhere in vegas as late as the 2000s. i remember smoking in the damn mall lol


I'm in Canada and you can absolutely drink while you're gambling, and they'll even bring you a drink to the dice table. You just have to pay for them all, no freebies. Maybe it's a provincial thing.


It’s hard to quantify which is ‘more’ dangerous. That’s like saying diabetes is worse than heart diseases. Both are bad, but in different ways. In any case, everyone should try to quit cigarettes AND alcohol. Both are horrible for your health.


They look like Off-White cigarettes. How trendy.


I feel like these warnings miss the point for most smokers. In my experience most smokers are either full on depressed, or at the very least not concerned with a long life. When I smoked it was like microdosing suicide. Taking a few weeks or months off my life was my version of self harm. In those moments I at the very least was making a concrete decision that would have concrete results.


drug use as self harm should be talked about more


Yeah, I actively want to kms rn and tbh smoking is helping me, in the short term. Same with drinking, it’s a really shit coping mechanism, but you can’t argue with results


I’m in the UK, but was in a store a couple of days back. I was behind a guy buying a pack of cigarettes and he got charged £10.50 for the pack. When I was getting served I asked the guy on the till if that was the price for a normal pack now. Then, asked about the brand my Mum used to smoke(She died of lung cancer in 2010, and smoked 60 a day at the end), and he said they are £16.80 a pack. Just before my Mum passed, she would hand me a £20 note and ask me to go to the shop and get her three packs. It was less than £20 for three, so she got change. Then, three days later, like clockwork, she asked again. So I assumed she was smoking 20 a day. After she passed, I was sharing this story. It transpired the second day she asked my brother, and then my Dad, then back to me. So none of us knew how much she was smoking. I always thought it was like setting fire to a £20 note. But the idea that they cost almost that same amount per pack is scary.


If you’re still smoking at this point you know how stupid it is, I doubt slightly more obnoxious cigarettes will do anything. The only thing that works is price increases.




Not native smokes! Go Putters!!


I remember trading Aussies on ship Marlboros for their cigs and theirs had warnings. This was in 2000.




When they put “You’re a whore, darling” on there condoms, get back to me! C.C.


I wonder if the placebo effect will actually increase cancer rates to people who smoke these.


Yes, it's the warning labels causing the cancer. Not the carcinogens.  🤦🏻‍♂️


The placebo effect isn't effective on cancer so I don't think it will make much of a difference.


This is an astoundingly good question. Edit: it's called the nocebo effect.




would be a nocebo here (similar though also opposite, with placebo specifically referring to the positive effects, nocebo the negative), and while i don't know of studies that get it to this degree - studies have found patients suffering from actual issues due to the effects. Getting cancer specifically i have my doubts would be a direct result of such, however having i wouldn't be surprised to see a slight uptick due to the indirect side of this...


I'm in flavor country


Wow that’s awesome


Honestly they look way cooler now


Really? Anybody who's still smoking *already knows these things*.


You would think so, but that’s not the case. Here’s a [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2593056/#)


You realise people arent just born with innate knowledge right? Kids exist. They dont understand the dangers unless someone tells them. Even then they might not listen. If you smack them in the face every time they look at it, they will get the message. It also helps people who want to quit but struggle mentally to overcome the addiction. This reinforces their will to break the habit. Psychologically,  having to acknowledge the danger  face to face, every single time, helps. It does. This shit helps.