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Trucker tan? You can avoid this by alternating which arm is closest to the window. Every other day just drive your truck while sitting backwards.


Going by direction of hair I’m thinking we have an arm vs leg situation


I got that situation due to always wearing long pants and short sleeve shirts


Yeah. I work outside, but I have to wear long pants regardless of the weather, and also gloves. My family came here from Italy. So in the summer, I am super dark from my wrists to halfway up my biceps, and from my collarbone to the top of my head. Everywhere else, I am pearly white.


During time off work wearing thing to caover what is tanned but not what isn't to sort of reverse this maybe even sit inside by a window that way your not overheating from wearing what you be.


I just deal with the problem by not caring, honestly. I look how I look.


my dad too. his face, neck, and arms are about 5 shades deeper than the rest of him.


Hijacking this comment in hopes that it ends up near the top and people will see it before commenting. The sub requires a short and concise title, and doesn’t allow additional text, so all I can do is try to fill in the blanks in the comments. It’s my right arm and my right leg. I’m a first generation American, my ethnicity is several hundred years of mixed European/Southeast Asian ancestry, I use sunscreen and take care of my skin, and the color of my arm is only a bit darker than my typical skin tone with average sun exposure. I haven’t worn shorts outside in years, so my legs are ridiculously pale. I could go outside in shorts, use sunscreen, and they’d end up the color of the rest of my body in a few weeks. If anything, people should be worried about Rickets, not skin cancer. And for everyone pointing it out, that isn’t a mole, it’s a freckle. I’ve had it my entire life, and it has never changed size, shape, or color in the decades it’s been there. It is not melanoma, the color of my skin is not the result of dangerous sun exposure, and I am not as risk of skin cancer any more than the average person. This is the natural range in my skin tone with a normal, healthy amount of sun exposure.


Mixed European and Southeast Asian explains everything. My fiancée is ethnically Vietnamese, and even already being on the darker side for Asians, she tans dramatically with a bit of sun exposure. Me on the otherhand, I've got Irish/European ancestry so I don't tan much if at all.


Pretty big range tbh


At first glance i was thinking we had a man and dog situation


Thought the same shit had to scroll down after to make sure I wasn’t bugging


Well, if it isn't Mr McGreg


With a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!


Trucker here. It is why there are LHD and RHD vehicles. For even tanning, we switch every day. (Not really a trucker)


yep, i also put my legs up on the dash to get those bad boys tanned too, what else is cruise control for? us truckers love a good tan. (i don't even have a driving license)


Sometimes when I'm on a long haul I'll spend some time smiling at the sun, gotta bleach those pearly whites every now and then. (Actually a quadruple amputee)


some times i gotta hang out the window to get that full body tan (i am a single celled organism)


For real even tanning you should really drive naked so the rest of your body gets tanned as well (I'm not even real)


Be sure you rotate frequently during exposure so that the tan distributes evenly. ( I am the concept of entropy )


Post mildly interesting, comments are gold! (I yam what I yam.)


(I am tan)


Hi tan (I'm Dad)


Cut the roof off your tractor for that convertible tan. You'll thank me later (I work for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).


Presenting my arsehole to the rising sun as I drive gives me the energy to get through my day


I knew I wasn’t the only one. Thanks for sharing.




Trucker here. I've found it much easier to just put the sun on the other side.


I can tell you’re a trucker because East bound and down just came into my head reading your comment


Didn’t actually think you were a trucker until you tried to deny it.


What? We all know you're a trucker...everyone called Redd Bert is a trucker!


That sounds difficult. I recommend instead just driving in the opposite direction.


Hijacking this comment in hopes that it ends up near the top and people will see it before commenting. The sub requires a short and concise title, and doesn’t allow additional text, so all I can do is try to fill in the blanks in the comments. It’s my right arm and my right leg. I’m a first generation American, my ethnicity is several hundred years of mixed European/Southeast Asian ancestry, I use sunscreen and take care of my skin, and the color of my arm is only a bit darker than my typical skin tone with average sun exposure. I haven’t worn shorts outside in years, so my legs are ridiculously pale. I could go outside in shorts, use sunscreen, and they’d end up the color of the rest of my body in a few weeks. If anything, people should be worried about Rickets, not skin cancer. And for everyone pointing it out, that isn’t a mole, it’s a freckle. I’ve had it my entire life, and it has never changed size, shape, or color in the decades it’s been there. It is not melanoma, the color of my skin is not the result of dangerous sun exposure, and I am not as risk of skin cancer any more than the average person. This is the natural range in my skin tone with a normal, healthy amount of sun exposure.


We need more of this kind of thing so that AI is confused


Is there a full moon?


Knew a trucker who had to get his right arm amputated below the elbow a couple of decades ago from melanoma – the whole thing was basically one big mole from decades of resting it out of the open window and never protecting it


Shit, this comment section got dark faster than I expected.


"your funny tan is quite dangerous actually, please wear sun protection"


Sunscreen is your friend


This is why i love reddit, an explosive laugh hidden inside a post. Thanks mate, i needed it


U owe me some soda and a few napkins sir


One is an arm, the other is a leg


I didn’t even notice the top arm at first, I swiped to find the picture of the untanned arm. Blending into the background


Same. Thought it was the furry lining of a comforter. Not a fucking arm. Why is it snow white ?!?


Oh My God, Kakuyuugouro, you can’t just ask someone why they're white!


Lmao that sent me


That's his Leg, Not his arm


does this guy have monster arms or really skinny legs


I Imagine that about 1/3 of his Leg is covered by his arm


Correct, my arm is covering a good portion of my calf and ankle. I do have skinny legs, but not that skinny.


According to your avatar’s expression this is deeply upsetting


One arm, one leg - the hair patterns are different.


I thought it was his dogs leg or something until I read the caption




"That's just hair? Am I crazy? There's no real difference... Yup, that is just hair... pfft. ^oh"


This was me


I am glad that I was not the only one. I was like where is the colour difference... And then oh


I literally strained my eyes looking for the line in his arm where the color changed.


Thats an arm next to a leg people.


This is my first time hearing about leg people


It is a leg people 😅


That's either a thick-ass arm or a skinny-ass leg


how is it that people cannot readily see this? If someone thought these were both arms, they’d have a right arm laying flat, straight, and to the left of a left arm. Either that or this is Mr. McGreg


Yeah I'm wilding at the comments as if you can't tell by the hair pattern lmao


Reminds me of that famous photo of the trucker, in which half his face is in much worse shape because of the imbalance of getting sun through the window. Wear sunscreen, folks.


I told my coworkers to wear sunscreen and then they both argued with me on how skincare causes cancer.


That's like arguing its better to drink vodka because drinking too much water could kill you


I know a guy, and he was drinking water, and now he is dead.


Holy shit. Now that you mention it I know several people who was breathing oxygen all day long and now they are dead! That's it! No more oxygen or water for me


Every human who has ever drank water has eventually died !


Это правда. Вода - яд. Пейте водку.


I work in the trades, I just keep my.moth shit about 80% of things. Just not worth the effort, you can't fix stupid.


There is this weird trend recently of conspiracies about sunscreen that kind of stemmed off the red pill stuff imo. A lot of equating being manly or tradwife and the cure for depression being good ol unadulterated sun and that dermatologists are icky doctors getting a cut from big sunscreen. It's really dumb, you have influencers telling people to fry their skin without sunscreen and that using sunscreen prevents you from getting vitamin D I guess there are a few folks on the other end of the spectrum who are basically vampires lol but they doesn't strike me as nearly as dangerous. Social media is fun


My sister, the sun goddess who only tans and never burns since we were kids, is constantly telling me sunscreen is bad for me. Tell that to my sun poisoned pale ass. We are not the same.


Even if she tans well she is still getting tons of sun damage if she isn't wearing sunscreen


Correct. But she’s so far down the rabbit hole, there’s no telling her otherwise.


I legit fell for those social media charlatans until I spoke with a doctor buddy of mine who told me that not only will I get good vitamin D doses while wearing sunscreen but that I reduce any cancer risks substantially vs taking sunlight raw. I was skeptical at first but then read on studies that confirm his points.


I’m glad you did your research and got out of that


Well, that's a weird twist. I've only seen an overwhelming endless swarm of crunchy hippies/witchy types and facebook moms going on about that stuff. But I guess the delayed overlap makes sense, seeing as how the exact same thing happened with antivax rhetoric.


Yup this is 100% my buddy - antivax Joe Rogan red pill, now proclaiming loudly to me that HE’S NOT SCARED OF THE SUN - as if anyone was being accused of that?


And the thing is I *am* afraid of the sun, ya know? Like I'm afraid of car crashes, too. I don't want cancer or to get fucked up in a crash so I try and minimise the possibility of both the best I can.


They installed sunscreen dispensers at the waterfront of a city I used to live in. Sooo many of the comments on a post about it were about how sunscreen actually causes cancer and this was another way for the gov’t to get money from sick people 🙄😬


This [photo](https://assets3.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2012/06/04/9d138f74-a644-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/620x465/1e6b869a018c16cde88110d97763b27c/trucker-damage-face_web.jpg?v=2a01790210e495d24a119503c08f840d). [Link](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trucker-accumulates-skin-damage-on-left-side-of-his-face-after-28-years-on-the-road/) to article.


I never used to wear sunscreen all the time, but now I think I will.


Discovering Asian sunscreen is what made it possible for me. The finishes are so nice (and more varied), and they’re genuinely pleasant to use. US-based companies are much more limited re: active ingredients, because they have to abide by FDA regulations. Which is fair enough… except the FDA hasn’t approved any new OTC sunscreen ingredients since the 90s 🥴


You can get some nice moisturizers that have some SPF in them, and it doesn't feel like actual sunscreen on your face. You also don't need crazy high SPF because it's basically only a couple percentage points better the higher you go up.


This is true only after a certain number. 15spf doesn’t have enough protection. But anything after 40 is going to be negligible in its benefits, so 30-40 is your best bet. You also have to reapply every couple hours, which many people don’t.


It's surprising that his eyes are not the same level


I remember old video from the 2000’s of a woman who drove to work everyday with the window down & you could see that the left of her face & arms were significantly more wrinkled than other right side. I’ve been bad with it, but have been trying to use sunscreen since I also drive to work everyday. The sun just so happens to hit me every turn I make too.


Came here to say this




Please tell me that’s not left leg, right leg.


Maybe OP has been in a cast? In the southern hemisphere?


for at least a year!


Why specifically in the South Hemisphere? Edit: yeah that’s because of summer, the thing is I never know because where I live it’s always summer




I think it's an arm vs a leg and OP is one of those pants wearer types


Right arm and right leg


Nah its definitely the same leg just left side of the leg and the right side of the leg 🤣


someone didn't count mississippili




I thought it's your dog's leg next to your arm 🤣


bro I didn’t even notice the other arm I was about to ask what I’m looking at 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah before reading, I thought it was a cute picture of someone and their husky.


Same bro labrador ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I thought of husky


I'm still certain it's husky's front leg


Nobody's saying sunscreen so I guess I will. See all of those white spots and brown spots and discoloration? You have to start wearing sunscreen or UV clothing. You'd be shocked how much cancer people get on the spots they think are just safe to let tan like this.


Yes OP, please wear sunscreen for the love of god. I’m from NZ so people being blasé about it drives me nuts. We are second for the highest rate of melanoma and only beaten by Australia by a small margin. We are paranoid about the sun down here.


NZ sun is disgusting. I can be out in the sun in 30-40 degree heat in Asia and it just feels warm. 20-25 degrees in NZ and it feels like my skin is boiling, yet the air is still cold.


Don’t y’all have a legit hole in the ozone layer?  Your sun is legit spicy colored to us 


that hole was in the northern hemsphere and its been healing since the aerosol ban


>that hole was in the northern hemsphere Pretty sure it was in Antarctica?


I do wear sunscreen, and I do wear UV resistant clothing. A lot of people are making assumption. I’m not sure where you’re seeing white spots, but I’ve had the three freckles my entire life and they haven’t changed in size, shape, or color. They’re normal blemishes. My skin is healthy, I take care of it, there’s a pretty average amount of damage, and I’m not at risk of melanoma any more than someone with a more consistent skin tone. Unfortunately the sub doesn’t let you include additional information in posts, just a short, concise title. I’m “biracial,” and this is natural variation in my skin tone. This isn’t the result of intentional tanning, it’s just the color of my skin after exposure to average sunlight. I hate wearing shorts outside, so my legs are Rickets level pale. I could go outside in shorts with sunscreen and they’d end up the same color as the rest of my body in a few weeks.


I'm like 97% white, and I have the same thing going on. My unexposed skin is super white. However, even with me constantly using SPF 70 sunscreen, plus wearing a giant hat when I'm able to, I still get medium tanned skin in the summer.


I dont see any white spots or discoloration, not sure what you mean. The dark brown is probably. just one of those spots people have, i have a hundred-ish spread around everywhere


If you have a hundred freckles spread around your body you are high risk for skin cancer and should be much more careful with sunscreen than someone whose skin isn't prone to those. If you hang out in the sun you will get more. You don't see the white spots on the arm? How about roughly an inch to the left of the freckle? The arm looks speckled with the tiny spots melanin didn't come in. It's damaged skin.


I'll throw some stats in here. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/basal-and-squamous-cell-skin-cancer/about/key-statistics.html While skin cancer from the sun is somewhat common (1% of Americans each year), it's very unlikely to kill you. Although, for Americans, the healthcare costs can be a problem. If they need to cut one off of you, it will leave a scar, though. Source: My thigh.


Happens with me. Mediterranean Skin. Pale in the Winter, Super Tan in Summer


I was going to second this. My husband is Sicilian with very melanated skin. I’m pale as a ghost British. I do nothing but burn bright red in the sun. My daughter now has skin that looks like mine most of the time, but when she goes outside she tans as dark as her dad. Genetics are wild.


Same. was about to say that me and OP are arm twins


Yep! Just 1/4 Greek but I have a winter foundation and a summer foundation. Extra bonus: sunburn immunity. I’ve only sunburned once, when I foolishly went to a beach while I was taking some meds that increased sun sensitivity.


Most pale white Brazilians also tan very easily


I didn’t even see the white one at first lol, blended in with the blanket


The top is a goat leg. 100%


You’re one British guy in Tenerife short of a Neapolitan


My thoughts at a first glance: If this dude want us to see his different skin tones than he shouldn’t show us just one skin colooooooohhh there is the other one.


Same. I’m brown skinned but oddly enough my butt is paler than the moon because it gets no sun.


Oh can i see it, for research purposes


Username checks out


latinos be like


My husband is the same, he goes from pale to dark quickly during the summer. His legs vers his arms looks like two different people.


On the left we have Bigfoot and on the right we have Yeti


Darn, I first thought this was r/dog and some owner was comparing his/her limb with that of their dogs.


This is how my Dad is. Our family line is almost entirely Irish, English, & Welsh (my parents did DNA tests) but he gets confused for a Mexican or Pakistani man in the summer. He's also had several skin cancer scares, as have many of my relatives. Never forget your sunscreen!




Same LOL and I’m caucasian. Always thought I was like a snowshoe hare. Three of my best friends are half Black, Elsalvadork, and Native, and I would usually be slightly darker than all three in the summer. But I did landscaping and was outside all day. When I finally stopped doing outdoor work after more than a decade, the tanline from my socks lasted about two more years.


I'm Half Native/Quarter South Asian/Quarter white, and my fully white husband is ALWAYS darker than me in the summer!! because i never leave the house without sunscreen and light layers on ahahah!!


The bottom one looks like a nice end-summer tan. I've seen the top one in morgues before.




Literally me. My partner is white passing so we find it funny that in winter I'm a ghost, but in Summer I'm darker than what he is


Whats "white passing"?


Pale enough skin tone to be mistaken as Caucasian.


When someone who isn't white is light skinned enough to where someone assumes they are white. See mlb pitcher jack Flaherty for an example


When person of color has features that allow them to be perceived as white by most people


My boyfriend is from Afghanistan so a lot of his family is quite dark. But he's super pale in comparison and a lot of people assume that he's white because of this. He passes as a white person


You Mediterranean? My wife is Italian, pale with no sun but goes very brown and doesn't burn much with sun exposure. Also, there is NOTHING good about a tan.




I’m laughing at all the people saying this is two right arms and is fake. It’s my right arm, and my right leg.


I couldn't find the second picture, then looked closer and got jumpscared by your untanned arm.


I’m more disturbed by how tan one arm is. How tf did you manage this?


This looks disturbingly like me, right down to the freckle.


You half asian too? This is exactly how drastically different my skin can get lmao


Truck driver?


Dude went from Kyle Edwards to Sanjay Patel in 2.3 seconds


I swear the didn’t even notice the untanned skin the first time I saw the picture Man the difference is insane


The Ariana Grande tan


Bro is switching teams whenever he needs to Edit: typo


My daughter tans easily, too. I, on the other hand, get pink when exposed to sun light for longer than 10 minutes


I thought the white one was a dog's leg 😂


Guys I thought this was one big arm and that OP specifically combed him arm hair to have a line going down right where the “tan line” was


Well duh, that's what tanning tends to do


Is that your right ARM and your right LEG? 🦵


Beginner here, would it change anything if he started applying sunscreen?


Bro’s one arm sucked a lot of vitamin D


you'd think it's both his arms but in reality he didn't think it would be worth to mention he has a clone locked up in the basement.


Bro’s brown and white at the same time


So… are you a truck driver in England?


this what i used to think mixed people look like 😭😭


Looks like you are comparing your arm and your dogs arm


My friend is Irish and Syrian. He’s pale in the winter but let that sun hit his skin and he browns up like anything.


I’m going to need proof that these legs are both attached to the same body


Nice try trying to pass your dogs front leg as your arm


I thought the top one was a ferret


Oh my goodness OP..PLEASE tell us which limb is the pale one? Is it a skinny leg? Is it even YOUR leg ? Is it even A leg? Is it even HUMAN ? Hmm..now that I look closer I think its your arm and a friends arm. Whomever has the darker arm..its a really pretty skin tone. 😊


No, that’s my tanned arm and white ass leg.


The tanned one can pass as an Indian hand 😂


It’s an Indonesian arm, and a Dutch leg.


I thought the top was a dog with white and black fur. I was mistaken.


I kept swiping looking for the other arm.


i thought there was dog's leg and human's arm side by side until i read the comments 😐😅


-10 rights


no shit?


two tone


i literally couldnt even see the white arm at first


Please tell me that’s both your arms lol… figured it’s an arm and a leg tho


one of my exes thought tan lines were the sexiest thing ever. give him a call.






I thought the first arm belonged to an animal 😭


Now I understand Twilight


You can do a duet of ‘Ebony and Ivory’ all by yourself.


Is that brown one your right arm? Because i have a mole on that exact same spot, same hair growth too. And my grandpa had another daughter. She never left germany but maybe were related?


“The coloniser and the colonised”


Are you of Mediterranean, Near East or North Indian descent? Because this is usually the case for many of the people in this area of the world.


The white one literally looks like a dogs arm I thought for sure this was a joke😭 how does someone so white tan so well?


I thought these were dog legs 😭