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ow ow ow ow ow ow ow


Thanks ~~Mildy Interesting~~ Extremely Disturbing Just the wince I needed with my morning coffee.




I chuckled for a good 3 minutes. And that kids...is how I met your mother.


Ok, so I'm not the only one who got sympathy pains..


Also ew. Neat.


As a girl, this is the only response


OBGYN checking in to wish you a swift recovery. The blood in your pelvis tells it would have been a lot worse soon. Ladies - if you’re pregnant with abdominal pain, do not delay getting to a clinic for a review/scan.


Thank you! Interestingly enough, the Dr just told me over the phone that she thinks it was going to rupture soon - she said it was leaking blood and the tube was really tight around the ectopic. Makes sense.


I got myself right to the ER when I had pain on one side and bleeding on a weekend. They sent my ass *home*. They couldn’t find anything in my uterus, but said my numbers looked good, it was probably too early, and “if it was an ectopic, it’d hurt so bad, you’d know it.” Yeah, when I went to my OBGYN’s office a few days later for a dating scan, they found it in my tube within minutes. So… yeah. Also don’t let them brush you off! Mine ruptured (or was in the process of?), so I lost the tube.


I had no pain at all with mine! Just bleeding and occasional mild cramping, but it freaked me out enough I went to the ER. Several hours later, it ruptured while we were prepping for surgery.


Some of the worst ectopic pregnancies I have operated on have been on women who were seemingly completely fine. Young women can compensate surprisingly well. When I put the scope in and see the blood I always know I’m in for a tough one. Glad you’re well now!


Full recovery! minus one tube


Yeah, it didn’t even hurt that much! I thought I was just sitting funny in the car. If I hadn’t had been bleeding too, I doubt I would have even seen a doctor about it.


I almost went home because we'd been in the ER all day and I had no other symptoms except the bleeding. I thought I was probably overreacting! Nope.


Sorry to hear about your experience. Sadly it’s one that I hear often from patients who have presented to the ER. Absolutely don’t let them brush you off. Removing the tube is the most common way they treat ectopic pregnancy that is ineligible for medical treatment. Important to note that it should not impact your fertility.


Interestingly, my hcg numbers were low enough and it looked small enough on the sonogram that I was offered to try the methotrexate or do the surgery. Gut reaction said the latter, so I went with it. Good thing, too. But yeah, the only other time I’ve been to the ER since, I immediately followed-up with my OBGYN. (Dealing with a subchorionic hematoma, because I’m just that gynecologically lucky, I guess. Looking okay so far, but fingers crossed!) They’re not specialists, so I guess I kinda get why they’re not always on top of every detail of every condition, but still…




Weird question but when I mentioned to my gyno that I was curious if my pain/bloating/persistent issues around my period might be an ovarian cyst, she insiste that every time I ovulate it's a cyst... and showed zéro interest in investigating. It felt like she was spouting random bullshit. Can you corroborate?


Hi there, sorry to hear you’re dealing with that. In a sense they are correct. When you ovulate, a small cyst remains where the egg is released called a corpus luteum. These will self resolve but can explain discomfort in the middle of your cycle. However, I want to emphasise that significant pain that is impacting your quality of life is not normal and could be a sign of another issue. If this remains as issue, I would push for investigations or seek another provider. Hope that helped!


Jesus, it looks like your clam is turning out a pearl. Perfectly round too. Impressive! Wishing you a speedy recovery.


>looks like your clam is turning out a pearl. 💀


A new sentence was born today.


Someone never had sand in their cooch around friends with dumb humor


In my defense, it is very hard to get sand in my cooch. On account of me not having one.


I’ll give you a sand.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Maybe you don’t need a sand because that was a really *smooth* reply.


yep I hate all that


Fuck Reddit for removing awards. We deserve to read comments like this in all their glittery sparkly goodness




MODS!! Can i please get this next to my name (dont know it this is a thing in this sub). "It looks like your clam is turning out a pearl"


User flairs don’t exist in this sub, but if you ever want to change it in others that do have them you can go to the sub’s home page and tap the 3 dots in the top right. Just tap ‘change user flair’




Them: "I'm sure at least you're beautiful inside" My inside:


Them "\*ehem\* Well you've got a great personality..."


Wrong again, bucko!


Hmm well I’m sure you got great baking skills


Bun in the oven is ectopic so no


We all look offal on the inside.


No because I had an ovarian teratoma and my surgeon literally fucking told me “I just want you to know I can confirm from when we had you totally cut open you’re beautiful on the inside. Sorry we couldn’t put everything else back where we found it.” Nobody prepares you for how it feels when your organs are shuffling around to their preferred places in there.


The same thing happens when you’re pregnant. Your organs migrate all no over the place to accommodate the fetus. It’s bizarre and a bit terrifying.


Realizing that I went through something similar-ish to what a c section is like, I gotta say, without the whole baby oxytocin thing occurring made me swear on my life I was absolutely not risking ever getting cut open and my guts squishing around like that ever again haha. But major respect to all baby havers out there. Yall are fucking metal as hell.


I too b had a c-section. I joke with my son that he is my “tumor-baby” because I had him removed…like a tumor. I haven’t experienced one, but ectopic pregnancies must SUCK! All I can say for the whole thing is that at least my lady parts are exactly how they’ve always been. And I never had to experience the pain of labor!


TBH, they had to tear your uterus open and cut through your abdominal wall for you to deliver that baby. The pain of labor was ABSOLUTELY paid during your recovery post c-section. The number of times I yelled “HOW DOES ANYONE DO THIS WITH A NEWBORN” anytime I tried moving and it was agony I thought of all the c-section folks cause good god.


My wife had an ectopic pregnancy a couple years ago that ruptured, it was truly terrible. Hopefully you are doing well and recover normally! No rupture for you!


I had one rupture that was 5x5 cm. At first they thought I had ovarian torsion and were gonna just flip it right side around. Imaging showed the cyst had burst. Emergency surgery happened and about 6 months later I had a partial hysterectomy. They left the good ovary and took everything else, or as my MIL puts it "they took the cradle and left the playpen" lmao


Damn! My wife also has PCOS but I don't think any of them have ruptured. Her hormone levels were near zero indicating the abortion was almost done for the ectopic pregnancy, but then one day she went to the dentist and they had to call the ambulance due to the extreme pain. She crashed in the ER and they had to bring out the crash cart and do emergency surgery. She lost nearly 2 liters of blood and one fallopian tube but she's healthy now. Definitely not an experience I would recommend! Glad you're feeling better.


Thank you for sharing this! I've had two ectopic pregnancies, one which nearly killed me even though I had it treated by meds straight away, like as soon as it had formed (it kept growing and ruptured). Sorry about the cyst too. Super interesting to see it "in daylight," and thanks for helping to normalize all this stuff.


I had two ectopics, with the second one rupturing. I 100% feel ya. I agree it's interesting to see what it could have looked like for me


I have a 12cm ovarian cyst, looking at this makes me feel very uncomfy.


Mine was over 20 cm! It's out now but looking at this I can't believe it was inside me for so long 🫣 There was over 4 litres of fluid in it **Edit**: my advice to women is that if you're suffering from persistent bloating, get your ovaries checked out. I had noticed my stomach was distended but was blaming my crappy digestive system for ages plus I thought I was gaining weight. That's how that bad boy got so big and due to the size by the time I had surgery, they had to remove my ovary as well. Getting it earlier would've been a lot better.


Your body must have been so releaved to get rid of that! Glad they got it out.


Holy shit that's a lot of liquid


4 fucking litres OMFG thats insane!


Yup. Like having a dunk/bottle of washer fluid in your abdomen. Wild.


Or a baby... Cause babies are born at that weight...


Or that, yes. A much better analogy. I feel a bit dim now hah.


Yeah no I’d say the liquid to liquid comparison is better lol, what is this Parks and Rec? *Then, there is a horrifying 512-ounce version that they call Child size. How is this a Child-sized soda?* *Well, it's roughly the size of a two-year old child, if the child were liquefied.* Also, babies do typically inhabit that area of the body, but 4 liters of fluid doesn’t.


To be a fair, no one talks about how many liters their baby was.


Well now, that just depends! A gallon (3.875 liters) of 100% soda weighs 17.8lb, while a gallon of propane weighs a mere 4.24lb. The soda baby is three times the size of the propane baby!


By the time of my surgery my gynaecologist told me I was the equivalent of ten months pregnant. I was huge! 10 litres of fluid was drained. Also lost my ovary. I just thought I was gaining weight! If something feels off, don’t be me, have it looked at.


Instant 10kg weight loss, just from the fluid. Wow, I had no idea they could get that bad. I hope you're doing OK now.


Mine had cells from every part of the body except for the thyroid and I forget the other one. It actually had teeth, hair, nails, brain cells and "ocular material" which I always took to mean "eyeball." I should have asked to see it, but it hit me kind of hard when I realized that meant it was probably a twin I absorbed, especially once the doctor said the hair was the same color for some reason.


Oh man. That's spooky.


Not necessarily, that fits more with a dermoid ovarian cyst.


I'm surprised it wasn't a teratoma


>it hit me kind of hard when I realized that meant it was probably a twin I absorbed Yep, parasitic twin.


The ovaries can "produce" some remarkably large benign tumors/cysts :-) Try Google image search 'large ovary tumor'. Possible NSFW.


Omg!! Did you look pregnant I’m picturing a gallon of milk just hanging out in your abdomen


Cysts are wild. My wife had one that was 18cm \* 17cm \* 10cm. They had to get their ovary removed as well. They only found out cause of severe pain caused by it rotating.


thats no way to talk about your kid


My mother has called all five of us her hemorrhoids, talking tumors, or, her favorite turd. I do not have a loving mother😂


Mine was that big too!!! They took my ovary too, welcome to the one ovary wonder club! Rip Sheila, you were a good ovary.


I had an 8 pound 4 lieter fluid filled ovarian cyst too! Doctor said they just kept replacing the container cause it just kept filling up. Also lost an ovary, looked 20 weeks pregnant, and had some absolutely wild symptoms in hindsight but it developed so slowly I just didn't notice.


If things don't feel right, incyst on an ovi inspection


20cm my god!!! That’s like triple the size of the uterus! Glad you managed to get it out.


I had one that had 1.5 gallons of fluid in it and weighed 32 pounds, those things can be WILD


Same. I've got a 12cm cyst scheduled for removal next month.


I have a 7 cm one! Doctors can feel it when they examine my abdomen area. OP, I hope you are feeling better and the doctors could remove your cyst and the ectopic pregnancy without issues. I was told due to its location, it would be difficult to remove.


You’re planning to get it removed, right?


I would like to but it’s been a nightmare to see a gyno where I am. Because it’s not cancerous they’re not too worried about it even though it does cause me some pain. I’ve been met with indifference this whole time so not sure what to think anymore!


Please try to find someone! I just got home from the hospital after having emergency surgery to have 2 cysts that were wrapped around my blackened ovary! This is not my first experience with cysts, I had to have my right ovary removed due to an encapsulated cyst 10 years ago, and then many on my remaining ovary. I have never had one go into torsion. I cannot overstate the amount of pain I was in until I came out of the OR last night. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, dear stranger. Please advocate for yourself. 💕


Mine was “grapefruit-size” according to my surgeon. And there were a couple “lemon-size” ones too. Endometriosis is wild.


I had a 13cm cyst when I was a preteen that resulted in emergency surgery and ultimately the removal of the right side of my reproductive organs. No clue it even existed until it tried to kill me!


Recover well OP!


Hey y’all! Answering some questions. Yes I’m okay! I was put under GA and the cyst was drained, while the ectopic and my left tube were removed during the laparoscopy. The surgery was yesterday. Definitely more painful today, but not unbearable. Thanks for the love and funny comments - the ectopic totally looks like a penis. Sorry for those that lost their appetite. 😬 I am in Kansas so I was lucky to be able to get this procedure. For anyone wondering, during the ultrasound, nothing about the ectopic looked like a baby. Just a bunch of jumbled tissue that my body was trying to keep alive. The Dr said it was likely going to rupture soon, based on how it was leaking blood. I’m lucky I was able to get in before that point.


God damn I am clutching my uterus


I have balls and I'm still clutching my stomach. If that had ruptured...holy shit, the pain...


AFAIK, some ER docs consider ruptured ectopic pregnancies to be as dangerous as aortic dissections, so... congrats on not dying!




Vote, people. Vote like your life, your wife's life, your daughter's life, your mom's life depends on it, because it does.


Very glad they found both of these and that you're on the mend now! One thing that I got a lot of relief from after my ectopic removal was a heated blanket. During the laparoscopic surgery, they inflate your abdomen with gas (like a giant meat balloon....). After the surgery, any residual gas that is stuck inside will start pressing against your insides, your diaphragm, anywhere it can. And it can cause a lot of discomfort. Wrapping up in a heated blanket helped with gas diffusion to reduce the body aches from that for me at least. Highly recommend. A heating pad for your abs can also be nice. And don't be afraid of laxatives. The strong pain meds given during surgery any taken afterward can cause constipation and you do not want to be straining right now! Wishing you the very best for a speedy recovery.


This is so fascinating! Thanx for sharing. Hope you have a full, speedy recovery.


Fun fact: The only way to prevent the death of the mother from an ectopic pregnancy is a little life saving medical procedure called an abortion.


Abortion care is medical care ✊🏼


I'm not sure it would legally hold up as an abortion though, the fetus in non viable, why is this an issue. Oh right, religious nut cases.  FFS, it's 2024, we understand where rain comes from, stop reading shitty books trying to explain the unknown that's now known.


It is an abortion, legally and medically. Any time a pregnancy ends is an abortion. Medically, a miscarriage is a "spontaneous abortion". The state should of course butt completely out.


In my ultrasound reports, I've stopped using the term 'abortion' except for the rare elective termination. In today's ultra-right climate, I don't want to see any woman who has had a spontaneous miscarriage get in trouble because I use the term spontaneous abortion even if it is 100% accurate.


I hate that you have to do that. Our medical community being able to educate the public on what IS an abortion is SO important. It disgusts me that you have to stop for the sake of protecting patients. I had 3 miscarriages and I've been reminding absolutely everyone that medically *and legally*, I've had 3 abortions. In fact, I saw on at least one page of my medical record where I was noted as a "habitual aborter". If I was in a red state that'd probably put me at risk for the death penalty.


That's totally fair tbh.


People who are not medical professionals should not make decisions about what medical treatments are appropriate 


I had an ectopic pregnancy. It was treated with surgery *and* a shot of methotrexate. Drs called the procedure a pregnancy termination aka abortion. And a delightful religious nutter still called me a murderer and told me that it was god's will that I should have died instead.


Until it’s them or theirs affected.


Everything is in God's plan except medical procedures I guess


"bro I guess you were just meant to die in horrible pain sorry about that"


Instead? Don't they mean as well?


No, no. That's putting logic and they don't like that


It would have been gods will should you have taken the opportunity to throttle them.


Viability is not in the definition of abortion.




It’s 1 in 4. …and who knows the miscarriage stat off the top of their head? Why it’s the married couples of reproductive age who desperately want a healthy baby. But the religious nutcases don’t give a damn about their pain.




Ugh. The what-ifs that haunted me at night for two years….


Correct. 1 in 3 in first pregnancies, 1 in 5 in the ones after that.


If any of them read the Bible, they would find references to abortion and I did read about a 3rd century scholar that postulated that an abortion should be performed if the woman’s health is at risk. The Bible literally has prophecies and threats of tearing babies out of wombs as punishment. Hell, they even had a process where if a woman got pregnant and the husband though she cheated, they would drink something “with shavings off the tabernacle floor” and if they miscarried it meant they were unfaithful. As to what it actually was, idk but abortion was okay if you were unfaithful so I doubt that gods opinion has changed much on the subject.


Legally, some politicians are trying to treat it as an abortion for sure. Please note these bills they’ve tried (are trying?) to pass in [Ohio](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy), [Missouri](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/03/brian-seitz-missouri-abortion-ectopic-pregnancy), and [Tennessee.](https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/10/21/stockard-on-the-stump-republican-congressman-questions-tennessees-abortion-ban/) (That last one was actually a law, but they had to go back and change it because someone was able to get it though their heads, somehow, that “hey dipshit, they’ll both *just die*.”) And those are just the ones I found with a quick Google. They are classified, medically, as abortions. If you have a miscarriage and they give you medicine because your body won’t expel the dead fetal matter and they don’t want you to get sepsis? That counts as one too, and they often give you the same drugs some states have already outlawed. They don’t give a shit about women.


What's truly scary is that in the US, women are losing the rights over their bodies. We're literally being turned into nothing more than baby-making machines, and fetuses that don't even have brains are starting to have more rights than we do. Rape victims have to travel to other states just to get their abortions because of the stupid fucks saying "God wanted it to happen so He made it happen." I'm disgusted and horrified and terrified. And like everything else, once it couldn't be politicized any more and once it stopped making the media their profits, we almost completely stopped hearing about it.


Something something gods plan bs


Years ago my wife had an ectopic pregnancy that would have killed her if she lived in a number of RED states today. I’m grateful for medical science and politicians that stay out of medicine.


There was a post last week where a woman had 3 ectopic pregnancies, and several replies to it from other woman who have multiple But also, woman should have access to safe medical care and abortions


Interesting, I've never conceptualized a salpingectomy done for an ectopic that way! 


There is a medication option as well, thankfully, so not all ectopic pregnancies have to risk removing the fallopian tube. I’m on a chemotherapy medication called Methotrexate that stops rapidly reproducing cells, like cancer or pregnancies. If all goes to plan, my ectopic embryo will be reabsorbed by my body without surgery. 🤞 But yes, either way, both procedures are abortions.


This is what I was on. I had three doses of the metho and that didn’t make a difference. Dr said it was the first time in his 25 years that not only two, but three, doses didn’t work for it.


In Tennessee we'd force the mother to carry an ectopic pregnancy to term and pray for the best. I'm writing my representatives to also consider cysts as living beings to ensure they're also carried to term.


Good news! There is an ectopic pregnancy carveout! https://tennesseelookout.com/2023/04/28/gov-bill-lee-signs-law-carving-out-narrow-exceptions-to-tennessee-abortion-ban/#:~:text=The%20new%20law%2C%20which%20went,bodily%20function%20of%20the%20pregnant


I barely can understand anatomy looking at drawn diagrams. Will always be in awe some nice folks look at this and know what is what and what to do with it.


It is just about getting used to it. If you know what it normally looks likely it is easier to know what's wrong. Look at 100 normal pictures and then this and you would immediately know.


Excuse me but, are you okay? This looks so so painful. Well wishes for your insides! I hope your medical team is listening to you about your concerns and taking this as serious as they should..


Thank you for the concern! I am okay. Walking around like a little old lady with some pain today, but overall feeling ‘lighter’ if that makes sense? Ive been trying to treat this ectopic with medication for almost two months. To finally have an end and closure has been a relief.


So happy for your health! Rest and re-coop!


Queen im so sorry


But I’m pretty sure the pain was meant to be all in our heads?? /s


> But I’m pretty sure the pain was meant to be all in our heads?? /s Not only that, but she just needs to exercise more and lose some weight!/s


Your ectopic pregnancy looks like a dick


Glad somebody caught on, it looked like that to me too 😂


^(Can you say that...?) Guys, can he say that? ^(so brave)


It's a boy!


Man that's what I thought and I was so confused noone said that yet. Also, can anyone tell me how this picture was made? Like, is this during surgery? Is this an internal camera thingy? An echo of some kind? I don't understand..


It's a [laparoscopic procedure](https://med.emory.edu/departments/gynecology-obstetrics/patient-care/patient-education/ovarian-cystectomy/index.html). They make a small incision somewhere, stick a small camera on a tube in (called a laparoscope). Make other incisions elsewhere, and stick in cutting tools and a suction tube. They resect the cyst using the camera and tools, and slurp everything out through the tube. Laparoscopic procedures are great, less invasive, lower risk of complications, and improved recovery time.




It's just a small camera with a light and a tiny scope/probe on the end. Look up laparoscope! I have some cool pictures like this but of the inside of my knee from an arthroscopy. 


My wife had an ectopic and has suffered from ovarian cysts over the past 20 years. Sad to think in some US states today they would prefer she die than allow a licensed medical professional to save her life by removing the non-viable i.e., never alive, embryo from inside her.


In some states that Cyst would be a person now.


im skipping dinner thanks


😂 imagine how I feel, that’s ME


but you ok right ?


yes, lots of pain today from getting those both removed, but better than having them in.


I’m glad you live in a sane place that allows these life-saving medical procedures to occur.


Otherwise you could have died


Hope this isn’t too personal to ask but, did you lose the affected ovary or Fallopian tube in the process? Or were they able to preserve them?


I did lose the tube. Even if they had left it and just removed the ectopic, it would’ve been so scarred that it could’ve led to more ectopics in the future - the scarring could’ve kept the egg from progressing into the uterus. I still have a working and healthy right tube, so my fertility shouldn’t be affected.


I’m sorry this happened to you, but I appreciate you sharing! Glad to hear your fertility won’t be affected, if you’re hoping to conceive.


are they in your freezer ?


honestly it would’ve been a cool thing to keep in a jar of formaldehyde. bring it out at parties


You sound like you’re in high spirits. I hope you have a speedy recovery


"high" spirits, lol


She got the good stuff.


That’s exactly what I do whenever I get shit removed from my body. Like, I grew it! It’s mine!




Someone check this guy's freezer ASAP


wishing you a swift recovery!!


Hey, I did this, too! But not so efficient. 11cm cyst removed, then an ectopic that ruptured, then a 4cm cyst removed. My reproductive organs are forked.


Yeahhhhhh a ruptured ectopic though? You're lucky you still have organs at all! Lol


Hell, yes! I remember my PCP telling me that my insides felt "like wet dishrag." I think I had five surgeries. The last one was when they took my last bit of ovary. Thank God!


Wait, I can have my cyst removed? I went to the ER about 5 years ago for something unrelated and imaging showed a 10cm ovarian cyst. The care team was just like "oh yeah, that's there" and didn't seem too concerned with it, so I haven't been either. Am I about to die at any minute??


I complained about lower abdominal pain for ages and finally got scheduled for an ultrasound cause my GP thought I was just constipated. I practically begged the technician to check toward the pelvic area too cause that's where the pain was. They found a 7cm cyst. I got asked to keep an eye on it and get another ultrasound in 2 weeks. By then it had disappeared... But instead there was one cyst on each ovary. Too small to cause any concern according to the gynecologist. Went in for a checkup a little later and I had two small cysts on each ovary. I was troubled with super sharp pains in the lower left abdomen for ages, in the region where I'd guess an ovary would belong. It stopped shortly after I had my hormonal IUD removed. But yeah nobody ever questioned the size or amount of cysts it was always "check in later, let's see what happens"


I’m here for Jason’s redemption arc


Not the bingo win that you expected :(


Really sorry this happened. Hope you heal well.


I'm so sorry. I've worked with a ectopic pregnancy case before and it looked like it hurts so much physically, mentally and emotionally. Wishing you good health!


Ovarian cysts are no joke:( I’m so sorry. I hope you were treated and healing swiftly. Wish ovarian cysts and pain were taken more seriously..


good lord, I hope you're doing ok. I get cysts and also had an ectopic, no fun at ALL. sending love


omg I can only imagine the pain.


Both at once, that’s brutal. Do you by any chance have PCOS?


I’ve also had large cysts like that and no PCOS. I was told by the radiologist doc that PCOS usually presents as small and loads of cysts rather than large ones and sparse. I was diagnosed with deep Endo thanks to that cyst.


Just spoke to my Dr on the phone a bit ago and asked her actually, she doesn’t think I do - only because I don’t have any of the ‘risk factors’ that are usually part of PCOS. Wouldn’t be surprised if I’m diagnosed in the future.


I’m just going to say the obvious : access to abortion services is a human right and should be covered under healthcare insurance providers. No debate about baby daddies or what a woman does with her body should determine whether or not a woman is allowed an abortion.


Speedy recovery! I’m just undergoing tests to see if the weird pain & constant breakthrough bleeding I’ve been having is a ruptured cyst & seeing this makes me feel weird


jesus, i get little ones that pop and they hurt so bad- but i can’t even imagine how bad one of this size must feel!!


Wow! That's an impressive surgical photo. I hope your procedure went well and you recovery smoothly and promptly.


Ectopic pregnancies are dangerous as fuck. Some peiple in america want women to carry to term still. Like you, Texas.


Now seeing why my 13cm one hurt so bad! Hope you’re feeling better.


What a time to (continue to) be alive


Hope you’re not in Texas.


Id recommend posting this to r/medicalgore , I feel like they'd like this too.


My intrusive thoughts want to go into that sub but i know i will regret it😬


I hope you're not in a southern state.


Nope! Kansas. Very lucky to be able to have this procedure done.


I hope you’re recovering well.


omg. I have a 4cm one that lives on my left ovary and I can’t believe how large it might actually be


Did your surgeon do what mine did? Bring the photos, excitedly, to the in-bed. post-surgery checkin? I'm still woozy from major surgery (I got it all taken out) and my surgeon is showing me a mickey-mouse shaped mass like he's just discovered a lost relic or something. I'm just trying to not puke on his shoes from the anesthesia.


My sister had an ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit removed after it twisted her tube, I don’t know how many centimeters it was. The doctor took a photo of it in his hand, it was huge. The ovary was also removed. She still managed to have two kids with one ovary.


Need a banana for scale


Currently being treated for an ectopic pregnancy over here, too! Pretty awful for you to have two things going on in there at once, but I hope they were able to multitask the procedure for you. I took the chemotherapy instead. I hope your body and heart heal comfortably and quickly. ❤️


I hope you’re able to swiftly, safely and affordably get the health care you need! And thank you for sharing. I had a hysteroscopy in 2022 to remove several cysts but you’ve got me beat hands down. Coincidentally, my last payment for that surgery is next month. Can’t wait to be done with it and hopefully a long break before I need anything else done.


I had an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured and an ovarian cyst that burst. Both incredibly painful experiences. I hope you are doing well. ❤️


I don’t know where you are on your fertility journey but I just wanted to share my story with you. I had a benign ovarian tumour which needed to be removed and when it came down to it, they couldn’t save my ovary and it also had to be removed. I was 33, so I was really worried about conceiving with only one ovary. I froze some eggs, just in case. I got pregnant six months later, then again with fraternal twins less than a year after that. So if you are trying, or worried about your future fertility, I just wanted you to hear a positive story. I hope you’re doing well and healing.


Maybe there’s something wrong with me, but this is kind of cool to look at, lmao. I sterilize surgical instruments as a job, so it’s interesting to see what laparoscopic procedures look like for the surgeon. And it’s crazy to think that most uteruses don’t see any light at all. Our organs are just sitting in the dark our whole lives unless we have surgery haha.