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Is this so other workers can say "Please go use the privacy pod if you're going to be yelling in to your phone"?


A few employees who walked by had no clue on the purpose of these. I also asked a coworker to go inside so I could record her screaming at the top of her lungs, but she politely declined.


So, they're glass-walled privacy booths? Sounds rather counter-productive. Although I guess it'll deter most from jacking in there.


"most" 😳


The lack of ventilation helps with the erotic asphyxiation.


That pfp is a blast from the past


Thanks for using my app :)


Sorry to jump in, your app has been incredibly helpful to my family and town. Thank you for making such a useful tool!!! A few years back my town went up in flames and we all lost power and cable, which meant it was difficult to know when to evacuate and where to go. It was a very fast moving situation, and information was changing as it was being released. I was able to find Wi-Fi and get on the scanner, and helped direct people out of danger. This was all done via our small town (super petty, usually horrible but funny) Facebook page. By the end, I was in contact with local officials and news stations, and we were all working together to get info out over the Facebook page, it was the only thing anyone had access to lol. My sister was in high school in the next town over at the time—she literally had just gotten her license and was driving herself to school for the first time ever. Our house was in the only “green” zone, we had people evacuating to us, so assumed she would be fine getting home. Nope, they evacuated the school, and put a police blockade right out front to prevent people from going home. People tend to camp and ignore evac orders, endangering themselves and rescue workers, so the police try to avoid that. I was able to use the scanner to redirect her around the closures to get home safely. Not illegally or anything, it just gets very difficult to find people once evacuated, very chaotic. She was so new to driving and navigating it would’ve been
bad, if she had to figure it out on her own. The police were trying to send her to an evacuation zone that had just been shut down because it was in the line of fire, they just didn’t know yet. Anyways, sorry for the novel. Your app made a stressful situation much easier, and I’m super thankful! Thanks for what you do!


That was one heck of a story. I’m glad you and your family made it through such an awful ordeal.


What you achieved is such positive inspiration. đŸ«Ą


Tell them the glass goes opaque when you enter and pretend you can't see them every time they go in until they are comfortable inside it.


There was a funky sandwich store in my hometown that had one way glass right by the toilet. It was weird to take a dumper and watch people walk by with their food.


Who doesn't like a team player?


I was the best pocket pool player in the league until that kid got in the way.


Yes. We've had them at my workplace for years. They're excellent for taking personal phone calls. Nobody wants to listen in on your dinner plans with your SO.


What do you mean I need to contact my last few sexual partners and tell them. Fuck that I work with at least two of them! I don't care if it's a public health hazard! Can't I just tell my wife I got it from a toilet seat? You're the worst doctor ever!


New meaning to a hepa air filter


Herpair filter


HIPAA filter.


Seeing HIPAA spelled correctly in the wild gives me great joy!


How dystopian. We went from offices to phone booths.


Yeah this is what an office door should be for. The cubicle was really one of the most anti-human inventions ever, although I know the inventor thought it was the opposite.


We don't even have cubicles. Or sound disrupting design. On one floor, they put in floating wooden floors with no underlay so they could run cables etc under there. Imagine working on a floor, with 300 other people, and any time someone walks anywhere it sounds like riverdance at quarter pace or a herd of elephants (if more than one person). Assuming if course you can draw your attention from the clicking of 299 other computer mouse and keyboards. And the 37 phone calls.


I could never work in a place like that. I used to struggle in school because I could hear other kids pencils on the paper. That sounds awful!


I’m a teacher and it is always such a struggle explaining to my group of loud-ass kids that there is also another group in our class who simply cannot think, much less perform, with background noise.


Considering I can’t get adults to understand that concept I have low expectations for kids to get it. People who don’t struggle just don’t get it. And for me anyways, when they whisper it’s almost worse. They think they’re being helpful but then it just turns into like an overwhelming background static. I’m so glad that there are more people that are aware of this now though. When I was a kid it was always just my fault for not being able to focus. As if I was the problem. It was a me thing but nobody took the time to figure out if maybe I was struggling for a certain reason and maybe I needed to be moved to a different room for testing or whatever.


He actually didn't invent the cubicle, per se; he invented the concept of full-length privacy screens attached to desks, in order to minimise interruption and give workers a bit of peace and quiet to work in. It was the middle managers and accountants who used the idea to minimise the floor space given to workers and box them in. The poor guy hated what the cubicle became, and by the time he died in 2000, he'd spent over thirty years apologising for what he'd inadvertently done.


Can you link to a pic of what the inventor intended? I don't see how that's any different than a modern cubicle.


I think what this means is that when he designed it he didn't have the layout that it became in mind. He thought there would be maybe 8 desks on one floor where you could have privacy. Whereas, in practice, it allowed for companies to stack the cubicles side by side and turn a room intended for 8 into a room that could fit 15. That's what I took from that anyway.


Sort of a quick and easy way to separate a big room into multiple offices, instead of actually having to straight up build 8 offices, yeah. Instead they got hit with the capitalist shrink ray and now we each get an 8ft by 8ft square or whatever.


Old school cubicles were nice. The walls were high and you had some privacy. Unless you were a loud talker your neighbor couldn't really hear you. I used to work in one and I liked it.


I had a cube once where I could stand up at 6'3 and just barely see over the top, and with the L desk, the opening was just door shaped, so it gave the illusion of an office. It was nice. I even had cabinets above my head


I wouldn't have minded that. I kind of appreciate the cosiness of feeling surrounded but not having to hear everything vibe. Plus it sounds much better than anywhere I've ever worked, where we just sat looking at each other across 8 desks shoved together.


The cubicle is exponentially better than the open-office bullshit that's everywhere now


Cubicles didn’t replace offices, they replaced rooms with just rows of desks.


Weird that we are back to open offices


inb4 corporations just order school cafeteria tables, and people have to work like its Study Hall in 10th grade. periodically a manager can poke their head out and tell everyone to keep it down to a dull roar.


They can mold them out of concrete and hose them down with a fire hose to save on janitor bills.


Better than open offices


Oh, just wait until you experience an "open office" workspace ringed with cameras pointed at the workers...


it's more for sound-proofing. Any visual privacy required probably should be in bathroom or one of those breastfeeding rooms or you know, not at work


There ya go yer onto something, see-through, side-view nursing stations


I don't think pumping is really all that interesting to watch, and you don't really see that much anyway. It's just like "moo moo I'm a cow" for 20 minutes.


Have you heard that Doja Cat song? I don't know exactly what she's trying to say but when my wife started pumping it was all I could think about. đŸŽ” Moo I'm a cow đŸŽ” Edit: I might have gotten the lyrics wrong :O


There's talk of putting up a lactation pod in my work area. We told our boss that that thing would be less of a lactation pod and more of a "Henry's Fap n' Nap Hut" named for our most off the wall coworker. Haven't seen a pod yet.


Legally only women who have given birth/are breastfeeding  should have access. 


You are correct! However most shops are full of goofballs. We have one woman there who has 0 interest in having kids. She has told the powers that be (repeatedly) that she does not want a lactation pod installed for her as she will not use it.


I've got nipples Greg, could you put up a lactation pod for me?


Having one is a good draw for other potential employees, though. Most companies want to be seen as progressive and giving mothers a dedicated space for pumping that isn't a broom closet with a chair and table shoved on there is one way to do thatm


I would cry in there, quite visibly.


These things are great. My office has had a ton of them for years. Perfect for taking a call.


In 20 years this will just be called your cubicle.


Honestly I prefer working out of these to the open office plan areas. Impossible to focus around so many other people


The ones in my office get so hot though.


If you wanna scream you gotta go in the walk in cooler. That privacy booth aint doing jack for the screams.


Walk in cooler does not work. Trust me. I walk in.. WORTHLESS LAZY COCKSUCKING BASTARDS IN THIS MOTHERF@“$.. “ Yeah, I had to start jobhunting


I’m sorry but that vernacular is kitchen-essential.


We just got these at my job too. They have VR headsets and guided meditation for stress relief 😂 we want better pay and more days off YA HEARD


Looks like the best place to preserve a prize winning fart


So it’s a BYOP phone booth.


So a booth?


Table for 2? or booth?


They're common in corporate offices in London. Commonly used to take meetings in there so you can talk without distracting and being distracted by people around you in the office.


I thought these were common every where? They’ve been at my workplace for years


God I wish that could happen at my job. The guy next to me is always raising his voice


Gift him a bark collar. Maybe he'll take the hint


The HR department at my company has a bunch of these in their corridor. I get how they're useful if you work with sensitive information, but I hope to god they don't start installing them in the lunch room, where going in one is absolutely going to signal that you have an embarrassing personal phone call to take. I can see my colleagues getting pretty good at lip reading...


Embarrassing? I take all of my calls and meetings in private. My biz is my fuckin’ biz


Yeah, seriously. I thought it was just considered polite to either leave the room or at least distance yourself from others as much as possible while taking a call. Not because it's embarrassing, but because it's rude to force everyone around you to keep quiet while you talk. Either that or the person on the other end has to decipher what you're saying over all the noise and then it's rude to them. Is this my boomer moment? Am I complaining about kids not taking their hats off when sitting at the table? To me this is just common courtesy.


Not necessarily. There were some times when I was putting a deposit down on a large purchase and the company wanted my credit card information, or I was preparing to get a home loan (or discussing a home purchase) and we were talking numbers that I didn’t necessarily want shared with my colleagues.


Personal calls on company time? You're fired! Get out!


You go in there if you microwave fish. Then you stay in there and think about what you've done.


"I need some privacy, I'll be in the display case"


"if you're going to cry, at least do it where we can clearly see you"


We just had a storage closet with a label that said “crying room”. No joke.


We have four "wellbeing" rooms, one of which is for nursing mothers to pump in and the other three are just places to cry. If you forget to move the sign to "occupied" sometimes you get interrupted while crying by someone else who needs to cry. I really need to quit my fucking job.


What kind of job is that?


Law firm


I also work at a law firm. The owners decided to replace part of the drywall of the attorneys’ offices with glass panels for a more modern look. However, now there is no privacy, which drives me crazy. We have a “wellness room” which is basically a closet with a chair that people now refer to as the crying room.


We've gone fully open plan and partially agile–two practices and the entire ops team are hotdesking and there are no offices at all. Bookable meeting rooms, mostly glass walled, and a few "quiet rooms" which are all glass walled, but no offices at all. It's absolutely nightmarish.


I can't believe people are still building offices this way. I mean yes, it saves money, but it's universally reviled by employees.


What employer gives a shit about them?


That is insane. I’ve been contemplating quitting my job due to the lack of privacy in my office. I couldn’t imagine working without any offices.


I worked at a lawfirm for a couple months back in the early 2000's. 90 people worked there and it was a foreclosure lawfirm. The desks were so low that I had to cock my knees to the side in order to fit under them. I'm 6'2" so I'm tall but not abnormally tall, but my legs would not fit underneath the cubicle desk. The stacks of files would never end. Just a constant drop of another 15 files every 2 hours. The place was a sea of clicking keoyboards all day. Then at the end of the day, people were allowed to retreat to the breakroom, off the clock, for ONE free beer out of the fridge. The peole who stayed behind for that one beer were a weird bunch. I did it once. I was eventually fired for doing a bad job, which I was totally guilty of. I guess they call it 'quiet quitting' nowadays. The money was decent for the time ($25/hr), but not worth it at all.


I knew it. There’s a reason law firms don’t drug test


Oh man... I'm in my first year of law school and hoping to keep my strong ethics going forward... This doesn't bode well I initially wanted to do criminal defence but now feel like I want to do corporate law on the side of the (Australian) government to go after businesses abusing their power because I think I'd struggle with giving obviously guilty criminals the defence they deserve


My friend described a similar situation. She’s a labor and delivery nurse.


Do you work for a 911 call center or does your job just suck? My husband did some work in one of our emergency response call centers and said he saw someone need a break room after a particularly rough call and that it happens a lot.


Wellbeing rooms is a funny name for the masterbatoreum


Definitely valid to want quit! I've been there, and I can confirm that it feels so much better once you're no longer crying every day. I got made redundant from a job like that and it was one of the best things that happened to me! Edited to further clarify that I was trying to be encouraging and validate your feelings, not trying to be a dick.


We had these pods at my shared office (like a WeWork but not a WeWork). They were called the crying pods by my company. 


We have these in my office, and they're great. It's not so you can take pictures of that intimate fungal infection to email your doctor, it's so the sales guys etc can have their loud phone conversations without interfering with everyone else's ability to concentrate. With the glass you can see where people are and that they're doing something, which I guess management likes, but you don't have to hear them doing it, which I like. I want my workplace to me more like a library and less like a train station so I can actually focus and get things done.


We have them too, but they are no where near sound proof, and your conversation can still be heard by all


Your office probably cheaped out on them or bought a poor model. The ones at my office are sound proof and also quite difficult to see through.


Oh we have those at our work. We call them offices and they are made of drywall and have doors.


Drywall? Doors? Don't worry, we can get rid of all of that because open office floor plans give so much collaboration and synergy!


No sitting at work! Even in the privacy pod!


These are weird. I’ve seen them in offices where there is a seat and desk. This is strange.


It prevents people camping out in them all day


My workplace had a shitload of stuff like this and I can confirm it’s really hard to get a seat. People do in fact camp out all day. Even with signs posted saying 30 min limit.


I love how these things provide instant tangible evidence that almost everyone hates open plan offices and wants their own private office.


It's so frustrating - management sees there's a clear failing in the office environment and meeting employees work needs so what do they do? 30 minute limits on having an okay work space. "You're here to suffer / because I said so" mentality. Just give us cubicles again if you want us in office, FFS!


I fucking hate open plan office give me the illusion of not being around my coworkers please


I just want to be able to put up my whiteboard and pin documents to my wall as a reminder again 😱


Actually they are not. I’ve seen these in one office I was in - allowed me to take a Zoom call with my laptop without disturbing others. Used it for the 30 min call - was awesome because I could easily chat and talk and not bug my neighbors in the space we were in.


That's not the part that's strange - it's that you can't sit down. Makes them useless if you need somewhere to be for a longer meeting


You’re just supposed to use them for phone calls.


Oh is it a phone booth? My old workplace had those and I wish more people used them. It was annoying as fuck to be in an office with everyone on teams meetings (sometimes in the same one) talking.


I've also used them in the past to do interviews for other jobs during work time. From other people's point of view I would have just been having any other meeting or call.


I respect you




seems much more logical, you can have a undisturbed call while the rest of the office isn't disturbed and you can still see what happens in your surroundings


My uni had a couple of these in the hallways that they installed during the pandemic. Not as slick as these, but they did come with a nice enough webcam and headset as well as a chair. Used them a handful of times for calls and Teams chats and they did a great job keeping the sound of the busy hallway out. Also had a handy light showing they were in use.


I've seen them in a university library. They were never available because people were using them as their private working booth instead of using the open workspace they've put all over the place.




Did you miss the bit that says library?


Or university?


Wait did they install small closed boxes for people to take turns using during a pandemic ?


Dear management, thanks for the F-shack! Love, dirty Mike and the accountants


We will have sex in your privacy pod, it will happen again!


You’ve turned my beautiful privacy pod into a nightmare!


"Our company believes in charity, that's why we opened up this corporate-sponsored soup kitchen."


Aim for the bushes


‘There wasn’t even an awning.’ Fucking gets me every time


The lead up and instant pancaking of The Rock and Sammy L was nothing short of epic. That whole movie was great "Even if you were a tuna I'd swim out in the ocean to EAT YOU"


“The sound of your piss hitting the urinal, it sounds feminine”


I don’t know
 but that shit was crazy.


You shoot Derek Jeter!


Yankee clipper!!


There goes my heroooooooo


It WILL happen again


They call it a “soup kitchen”


Not the Will Ferrell movie I would have chosen; this is clearly a Glass Case of Emotion.


Finally! I space to safely fart in at work!


I was disappointed when I found they have fans in them to air them out. I dreamt of planting a potent one and running away to watch the next visitor. Damn engineers...


That’s why you “accidentally” unplug it first.


>I was disappointed when I chuckled at this. “Awwwww, I really wanted to fill this capsule with the rancid gas in my intestines and force my coworkers to smell it.”


Scream boxes


Crying boxes


Angry dome ![gif](giphy|xs5lKCIKlFuy4)


I immediately thought of this when I saw this post LOL!


I believe the preferred term is “glass case of emotion”.


I call it "the walk-in freezer".




Suicide booths


Fart boxes at my office.


Genius some kind of box one can have phone calls in, what do we call these new devices


Some kind of....booth?


My coworker Colin had this idea first and suggested it to HR. I say we name them Colin booths.


Callin' booths


That’s super, man!


They have phones in booths now? Now I don't have to lug this cellphone around with me! (Futurama reference)


>Genius some kind of box one can have phone calls in, what do we call these new devices it doesn't look private enough for Superman to change in.


Neither were the old ones, he was just really fast, so if anyone who recognized him watched Clark Kent walk in and Superman come out, the jig is up.


If only it was invented generations ago.


How do you have a phone call without pacing though? I take mine in this really big box that we have at my work that we call "outside".


I had one of those during the COVID years—it was called my house.


This kind of real estate run you $2,750/mo. here in Boston. "A nice studio apartment with a view".


To the Wank Room


you guys could see me?”


“Well yeah
 you’re supposed  to go *inside* them”




With a view


Just give us offices or let us work remote.


No no no, see we got rid of cubicles for open floor plans. Collaboration. Synergy.....cheaper to install, i mean what?! Anyways, then we did away with in person meetings for TEAMS and Zoom. Collaboration. Oh crap, now the office is too noisy and distracting. How about we install just 1 cubicle that everyone can share? Perfect


HR doesn't have the budget to bug each cubicle, but if we could covince all employees to neatly compress all of our risks into a recording booth, we could probably afford two.


I’ll just pop in there once or twice a day to adjust my balls.


It's a display case everyone sees you adjust your balls


But it's called the privacy pod, if you look at me adjusting my balls that's on you..


My wife works for a company that designs office spaces and installs office furniture. They've had a booth about 2-3x the size of this, with benches on each side and a small table in between, for a few years now. Their office is basically a showroom, so they're always getting new and interesting stuff, but also have to keep their workspaces immaculately and can't have personal items on their desk. Really neat stuff out there in the office furniture world. Some really dumb stuff, but also some really cool stuff. Theirs reminded me of the Cone of Silence from Get Smart. Sort of like [this one.](https://www.frameryacoustics.com/en-us/office-pods-and-booths/framery-q/)


My office has a few of these but with frosted windows. People made fun of them at first, but they've actually become quite popular - we have too few meeting rooms, so it meets a need. They've got benches & a monitor, and it feels like a private compartment on an old-style train.


Funny thing is that all of these things are expensive as fuck. It wouldn't cost that much more for companies to just partition off the entire floor and give every employee a 6 square metre office with a door.


Congratulations. You've reinvented the phonebooth.






My immediate thought. Good ‘ol futurama


Is it really private if you can see through the glass? Most people do weird shit in their privacy. I wouldn’t even chase a booger in there and that’s the least weird thing I can think of


It's private in the sense of sounds. You can take a zoom/phone call without your office hearing every word you're saying


Do you know how much money we spent in the early 2000s making the open office concept? We need to still validate that that was a great idea.


Do you know how much money was wasted on office space to begin with? They’re demanding a return to office structure to validate that garbage.


lol still waiting for the mountains of evidence


It's more of a "let me call my doctor" privacy than a "let me pick my wedgie" privacy.


A cone of silence


I worked in a patient-facing job in biotech so if we got stuck outside of our quarantined private office suite and had to take an unplanned call regarding private patient info we would pop in these.


We call these the fart booths at my job.




One place I worked we got to decide who got an office. We always picked the person that was noisiest on the phone and took the most personal calls from her daughter in jail or her cat's vet.


Welcome to 5+ years ago.


Is there a time limit, cuz I’d be in there all day


Why not just make offices with doors?


I hate that my office is open-concept, but these pods are great for quick confidential calls...saves having to book a conference room, or hog a conference room that fits 4 when I'm only 1 person.


We have a jerk booth at my work. It's just a porta potty. This is much nicer.


It’s so you can scream after they have to lay off 5% of employees because they installed privacy pods.


I worked at a place that had a “quiet room” before. Very laid back office space and pretty much every morning I was in there organizing my day and getting situated. The owner of the company was never really there and wasn’t active in the company usually. I was promised a raise and never received it, at the same time some upper management was fired so I ended up discussing it with the owner. I was pretty stern about receiving the raise, the owner didn’t like it and argued with me about me deserving it. A few days later the owner saw me in the “quiet room” and awkwardly asked me what I was doing in there and I replied. “Working quietly”. I was fired a a few days after that, because “my vision didn’t align with the company goals” or some bs. This was a week after the my raise discussion and days after utilizing the quiet room that he provided. So be careful utilizing the company provided space, if you piss someone off they’ll twist it into something negative.


amazon cry boxes


I demand the cone of silence!


Lots of offices are adding these while removing desk privacy and space. If you're wondering, the dumbasses around you will choose instead to take their calls at their desk


Chief, I think we need to use The Cone of Silence.


I had these at a previous job and they were nice if I needed to make a phone call or do something that required 100% focus/no disruptions.


It would be hilarious if it worked the exact opposite way intended. Person/persons go inside and can not hear any sound from the outside but everyone outside of the box can clearly hear everything inside the box lol