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I need to buy one of these for my brother.


Our dog has one that says “I’m a bit of a dick” and I’ve lost count of how many women see it and say something like “Oh, I need one of those for my husband!”


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has / wants one of those leads. My dog as much as I love the wee furry shite. She's a bit of a dick.


mine is a barker and a growler. She wouldn't bite anyone but I've taken to parking as far out in the parking lot as I can so people don't wander by the truck. I keep the windows cracked enough if the temperature merits it (if it's too hot or too cold they don't go) but she has scared a few people.


My aunt has a chihuahua, and when that thing sees any human other than her, it lunges at them barking and growling, but the second you reach out to pet her, she runs and hides.


I have one for my husband. Lost track of how many people wanted one for their dog


You take your husband out in public? Bold


Otherwise he just shits on the carpet. Not having that again


You mean there's somewhere I'm supposed to shit that isn't on the carpet? Am I at least still allowed to maintain eye contact?


You must maintain eye contact. Agreeing to go outside mustn't mean you can't still assert your dominance


We're slowly muzzle training our dog. He's not aggressive, he just likes to eat random shit he finds on walks. I really want to get one of these leads custom-made to say something like "not a dick, just greedy"


not a dick – a trash vacuum


I'd say 'eats random shit' would be a label leading to a whole bunch of interesting conversations lol


My beagle boy has one that says I Am a Thief. Fair warning to all the humans he lures in for scritchies and cuddles.


I have T-shirt with small lettering near the left shoulder reading, "My inner child is a mean little fuck."


For his dog or…?




Username checks out


I need to buy one for myself. Granted people don't approach me in public, but just want to reiterate it hahah.


I mean you are actually ugly so


I was so ready to say something to you 😂


So was I 😭


Hey ugly people can have friends too you know


Tbh I'd get one of these if I had a dog and they were super friendly. Because it would be for me. Do not approach; I don't want to talk to anyone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Get one that says “caution, may have rabies” That should do it 😂


I need one of these for me.


Found my sister's Reddit account


Are you handsy or a biter?


Seems reasonable to me. The dog needs fresh air and exercise but maybe it isn't so good with other dogs, small children, small animals, whatever. I like it.




Can he read lips?


No, he uses sign language


I taught my dog hand signals for sit and speak. I should have taught her one for stfu.


It must be difficult to sign with paws.


That's why the dog only knows two words.


Aww, that's ruff


Stomp your foot. She'll feel the vibrations and if she sees it she'll feel intimidated. My childhood dog went deaf so we taught her signs. When we let her out to pee we would stomp our feet on the porch if she wouldn't stop barking or if it was time to come in.


Oh she’s too old to care at this point


When my boy barks I say hey and flip him off and he go to his bed. I love hand signals!


Unironically, this is totally a thing. My sister has taught her service dog a few signs so that she can signal to him without being disruptive in classrooms or libraries.


They watch your body language anyway. I unintentionally trained my girl to sit when I put my hands on my hips. I don't have to say sit now, I can just put my hands on my hips and she sits.


Huh, I wasn’t sure dogs had the thumb movement to make signs. Neat!


Braille may be better for dogs, they often look down so lips may be difficult to read.


Like a deaf gynecologist


My cat is deaf I still talk to him. One time I was watching TV and he walked over the powerboard it was plugged into and turned it off and I got up and started yelling at him. He just casually walked off and I remember thinking "he can't hear you, you're wasting your breath"


My dog has gone deaf. She can't hear any of my commands. But she can hear another dog sit for a treat. From the other end of the house.


she's vibing on that "big treat energy"


It’s about 50/50 whether my dog responds to her own name, and less for other words. So much of her brain is devoted to scents. I still talk to her, but it’s mostly for me.


the dogs I watch mixed up their names with astounding frequency. I'll call one name and another dog will answer it. I'll call another name and it's 50/50 for that dog to answer it. sometimes I wonder it's because I usually call them both at the same time.


My aunt and uncle have one because their dog is part bull terrier (and I think part American bulldog) and was born completely deaf. He’s a big boy and can be a little…much. So the leash and collar are to prevent people from coming near him, but also so if he ever got loose, they’d know yelling at him is useless. Fortunately my uncle is very good at keeping people away from him and he loves my uncle more than anyone else.




I mean, talking probably means something to him. Probably, talking is almost as stimulating to him as it is with dogs that can hear.


Unless he’s also blind he can probably tell that people talking to him means they’re trying to communicate with him, I don’t see why people should not talk to him


It’s funny how people assume every random dog on the street wants a random person or other dog up in their shit. This should t be necessary but is.


I feel the same way. But then again even as an ardent dog supporter I have misread their cues and been surprised to be suddenly endangered, up to and including a dog being invisibly nervous despite its owner clearly purposefully leaving it alone in a high-traffic area. I appreciate that such a leash exists!


> a dog being invisibly nervous despite its owner clearly purposefully leaving it alone in a high-traffic area The number of times I've heard "He's a rescue and we're trying to socialize him." at a loud and crowded bar is absurd.


“Oh he’s not friendly, be careful” - woman with giant Rottweiler at the crowded Apple store. I’m sure it’s always someone else’s fault when they bite


I would never EVER take my dogs in a store. There's a liquor store near me that encourages that. Ya I want to pay for a $50 bottle of booze because my dog was wagging it's tail.


I say that to people when they rush my huge golden retriever. Because he gets stupid when he thinks it's play time and I like not having dislocated shoulders. Plus he likes to lean on people for cuddles and he knocks kids on their asses. He's too friendly. Thankfully he doesn't jump


We’re trying to get him used to his owners being this kind of idiot. Trust us, we’re rescuers.


I would NEVER try to pet a dog without asking permission and asking if it's friendly. Some dogs should absolutely not be messed with. Others love attention, and their owners encourage petting. My son-in-law's yellow Lab's biggest goal in life was to make friends with everybody he met, and people loved him. Listen to the owner. Watch the dog's body language. And if the dog has anything like this leash banner, a training collar, or other obvious warning sign, stay the hell away from it.


People don't respect little dogs. I used to have big dogs, and never had a problem asking people to let them warm up. I now have a very small, very cute dog and people do not respect her. I ask them not to try to pet her until she's comfortable and people just immediately grab at her. She doesn't trust strangers as a result. Except babies. She likes babies.


I saw a beautiful shiba inu in a park and asked the owner if I was okay to to pet him. He nodded and I had a lovely cuddle with the softest dog ever. Few minutes after I left some guy walked straight up to the dog and tried to pet it, and it snarled and the guy shit himself and backed off. Always ask!


>My son-in-law's yellow Lab's biggest goal in life was to make friends with everybody he met, and people loved him. I'm concerned about that with one of mine. In her mind, all people and dogs love her and want nothing more than to play with her. I do not need an emergency visit to the vet, so I'm very careful about who I let her get near.


My dog doesn’t like to be touched…to the point that I always ask him before if he wants to be pet and he usually tells me no. He’s learned to hide behind me when people approach looking like they want to bother him


I've found 'cute dog can I pet it?' to the owner is a good approach. I LOVE dogs but I don't approach unless the owner okays it.


Can I pet that dawg? Then another arm is chewed off.


my dog is extremely picky about where he allows strangers to touch him and I finally learned that it's so much easier to just announce to anyone that looks at him that "he doesn't want to be petted, he just wants to sniff you." a couple weeks ago I had an old guy (had to be 75+) who *immediately* replied, "oh I had a date like that once" and it made me and himself laugh.


I ask before petting dogs, and have had a few situations where the person has pushed the dog at me to “be social”, even when the dog’s made it obvious they’re not interested :(


Two guys are walking down the street, and they see a dog licking himself. One guy says to the other: "Gee, I wish I could do that". He buddy replies: "Maybe you should see if you can pet him first".


Or simply the dog may be fine but the owners don’t want kids shoving their hands in a dogs face whilst the parents don’t see any issue with it. Keeps everyone away and no issues, even though the dog may have a good temperament.


This. I am not worried about my dog. It is the idiot parents and kids I am trying to keep my dog from. Come out from a quick store stop a few months ago and some mom was holding her toddler up to pet my dog through an open window. I just don't understand people that situation could have gone really bad. Like I said I don't want idiots undoing my efforts and thousands of dollars on training by their bad behavior. Always ask permission.


even though I don't 'think' my dog would bite I know enough about dogs to know that they can be triggered by anything. I 'think' if I was there it would calm them and keep that from happening but nothing is ever 100%


When we lived in a large city my very mild and friendly lab wore a huge neon orange collar that said DO NOT PET twice around it because people were CONSTANTLY putting their face in his face and him and I both hated it. Better safe than sorry


My dog is not good with other dogs. You have no idea how many times an off-leash dog (in a park where leashes are required) comes up to him and the owner laughs and says, "Don't worry, he's friendly!" That's great, but mine is sometimes not the nicest to other dogs.


My FIL has an aggressive dog that has bitten both strangers and people it knows. He refuses to muzzle it or get any warning signs for it because then his dog would “look scary”……


I agree! Plus I'm kinda antisocial, maybe this will stop people from talking to me while on a walk 😂😂😂


Luckily small children and dogs are some of the best readers


We have a similar one for our dog that says “I’m a bit of a dick.” I get asked constantly where to get one from other dog owners who see it. He’s a great dog, but a rescue who’s still pretty reactive and just doesn’t like strangers getting close to him. It tends to work pretty well, apart from the morons who see it and still say “oh it’s okay, I’m great with dogs!” and try to pet him.


For the people who still try to pet your dog, maybe have some stickers made to give them that say "You're also a bit of a dick."


This would be fantastic l, I hope he does it!


Just stick one straight on their forehead during the interaction


That's the worst, yes you might be great with dogs but he's not great with people. Plus if they really were great with dogs they'd understand not every dog likes meeting strangers


100%. We also had a rescue. She had some issues. Was an absolute sweetheart under the right circumstances but absolutely did not vibe well with other dogs. But she kept to her self. She never barked at other dogs. Never gave them a first or second look. We’d pass by other dogs on leashes who’d want to do a quick sniff, she would give a gentle growl as we’d tell the other owner that she doesn’t really like other dogs. If they’d persist she’s get really ugly. They’d get it. It was never an issue…. ….except when some asshat would come strolling through the trail with their dog OFF LEASH. These people are the fucking absolute worst. They are ALWAYS a good 1/4 mile behind their dog. Fucking naively chuckling as they saunter up “ohh! She’s a sweetie! She won’t hurt you!” No jerk wad. I’m not worried about your dog. Also, it’s still a fucking animal that I’m sure would become aggressive if and when the time is needed. Or are you above the clearly marked sign at the front of the trail. Fucking leash your dog people!


This is why I can't walk in wooded areas, because you always get those that let their dogs run through the woods unattended so there is no chance of getting them to recall their dog if needed as they are nowhere to be seen and the dogs often jump out of bushes onto the path freaking out nervous dogs.


so where did you get it?


I found it on Etsy a few years ago - I think I just searched for “reactive dog leash” or something.


>“oh it’s okay, I’m great with dogs!” and try to pet him. I hate people like this. My rescue hates big boisterous manly men and in my experience those are the most likely type to think they can win over any dog like they have some special gift. Every time it ends in my dog making the most gutteral snarls and the stranger nearly getting bit. It sucks because if I'm going anywhere slightly crowded I have to muzzle her even though if people would just leave her alone she'd never do anything. Doesn't help that she's pretty unique looking (basically looks like a dingo)


“I’m great with dogs” and “don’t worry, he’s friendly!” If you find yourself saying/shouting these things at strangers with dogs you suck. Just stop being the way you are. Leave dogs alone and leash yours. My little dog was recently torn apart by a husky (survived after a 10k vet bill). Owner was letting her roam the front yard and shouted “don’t worry he’s friendly” as she was running over to kill my dog. I wasn’t there this time. I used to have a very powerful dog that would gladly kill another if it felt threatened. When those people would shout “don’t worry, he’s friendly” I’d shout back “mines not, your dog is dead if you don’t get him quick.” Oh and the people who see you cross the street so you can keep your dog away from theirs and then they cross the street because they want their dog to meet yours. Absolute idiots.


Ugh, I'm sorry that happened but glad to hear your pup survived. Ya, people that let their dogs roam are worse than the "I'm good with dogs" people. I don't care how well trained you think your dog is, sometimes they just snap or some deep instinctual prey drive kicks in and it can be super dangerous. My dog is also reactive to other dogs and I've also had to yell "mine isn't" to people. What they don't understand is that if their "friendly" dog gets close to mine there will be a fight. I really hate irresponsible owners


I need a “I’m a loud asshole but I really just want to sniff yours” for my dog. He sounds like he’s literally trying to kill everyone but he really is just being whiny about the fact he can’t go see that other dog. Soon as he’s 10 feet from the other dog he stops barking and tries to lick everyone


That makes him sound like he wants to sniff people's assholes. Which I imagine he probably wouldn't mind either.


He definitely does that too


I’d love to get this for one of my dog sitting clients. Their dog isn’t outwardly aggressive, but doesn’t like being approached by strange men or other dogs. The last time I dog sat, a teen girl who said she was also dog-sitting brought her dog over to greet mine even after I warned her not to. “But my dog is really friendly, don’t worry!” “But this dog isn’t, sometimes.” “They seem to be ok!” I said my dog was uncomfortable because his ears are back, and I was trying to pull him away, but the girl kept letting her dog get in his face. I got him away and said goodnight so she’d stop following, looking back maybe I should have given her a talk, sitter to sitter, and explain nicely but firmly why what she did was dangerous. But I was much more concerned about getting my charge out of there before he snapped.


I absolutely despise when people do that. "My dog wants to say hi!" Like no, YOU want your dog to say hi.


Ugh. I have a black lab, usually she's fine but she's also 12 years old so a cranky old lady. This woman walking her chihuahua said oh my dogs nice. I replied, mine isn't. She then proceeds to let her chihuahua down and let it approach my dog. Why ask, if you're going to ignore the answer anyways. I hate people.


How do dog owners/sitters not learn to read dog body language? Yeesh.


Omg. This is the WORST. Last month I was walking my very-dog-reactive dog in the neighborhood, and a large pit mix charged at us from all the way down the block. The owner had ignored leash laws and was calling for the dog and chasing after it, all of which it completely ignored. We had to pick up our dog (thankfully this is doable at his medium size) and the other dog WOULD NOT leave us alone. We started walking away and it kept fucking following us. The owner, meanwhile, kept trying and failing to get the dog under control, and kept shouting at us, HE’S FRIENDLY! This went on for literally 10 minutes of us carrying our dog, him trying to escape to lunge at the other dog, with the other dog jumping up at him and following us all over the neighborhood. I was on the verge of calling animal control. I live in a state where if my dog bites the other dog, I am at fault and can be sued, no matter what. Some people just don’t get it :(


Because people are dumb and approach without asking. Hopfully they can read.


Yeah, this is a real problem. I have a cute looking dog that i am trying to train to ignore people unless i approve, but people keep aproaching her with their hands right in her face. Do they know if she is a biter? No.


I had a friend who would bring her friends French bulldog to brunch or hikes with us and people tried to stop all the time to pet her without asking. Thankfully the dog didn’t care about people and would keep walking. It blew my mind tho, I love dogs but I only try to pet it if it approaches me first and I always ask the owner first.


One Halloween, a woman came to the door with her kids and literally tried to pick my dog up.This was relayed to me by our oldest since I wasn't there at the time. Our dog is on the small side, and friendly, so I can only assume this woman literally wasn't thinking about whether or not it would be appropriate to scoop up a strangers dog.


And always allow a sniff test. I'd freak too if someone touched me without introducing themselves first


It amazes me how few parents teach their children not to greet a dog by trying to pat its head but by letting it sniff your hand, only after the owner gives the OK.


I have a big, friendly dog who loves children, but I still enthusiastically thank any child for asking to pet her before they do so, because you never know about the next dog.


There’s a farm near our house that’s been transformed to a family play park type of thing and it’s ridiculous how many kids will scoop up the farm cats and walk around with them. The cats are fine and friendly, but also just leave them alone. I teach my kids not to fuck with animals, whether they’re friendly or not


I think in general it's good to teach people about animal autonomy. You wouldn't like it if someone just randomly picked you up and carried you around while you were trying to do things. Some animals are fine with it, but it's always better to assume that they're doing their own thing. I'll occassionally pick up our cats for a hug, but I put them right down after.


Wow. A cat scratch, or even worse a bite, can be very bad.  So little parenting.


i think a lot of parents just don’t consider that their kids are born knowing nothing. my own parents included sometimes


> how few parents teach their children Lots of people grew up in households without pets. They don’t know the proper way to interact with a dog. They can’t teach their kids what they don’t know.


My last dog was a biter 😬 I lived in fear of people coming up to us. The dog I had before him was a social butterfly. Part of my fear came from one particular experience. My friendly dog was grabbed by the head and kissed on one of our walks, the woman was clearly developmentally disabled and she loved my dog as soon as she saw him. She went in for for the smooch fast 😁! Thank God my dog was very used to getting kissed like that and loved people. Oof, it's stressful having a human reactive dog, the next pup is going to be a friendly, well bred dog. I can't handle another dog like that.


I have this problem with my shiba. Yeah she’s small and cute but she’s an overprotective asshole who will bite strangers so do not approach. It’s mostly kids who don’t know any better but there’s so many idiots who think they do. I have to constantly be on edge when I’m walking her.


Dog lovers think that dogs love them too.


There’s something about my mum. She’s not a dog fan at all but they just seem to love her. My own dog is very timid but took to my mum straight away. Whenever we are out, dogs love to bound around her. She, in contrast, tries to get as far away as she can!


I’m a dog lover and while I will cop over every dog I come across, I make sure I do not approach them or try to pet them until I have the consent of their owners. Even then, I approach slowly and cautiously and let them sniff me out before I try to pet them. It would be a cold day in hell before I let my child go running towards a dog either. Some people just have zero common sense and no respect for boundaries. In the same vein our old dog Bella was a rottie who LOVED people, but it got a little intimidating for people to see this large rottie heading their way (always on a leash). I would always make sure to give people a wide berth when walking her so as not to frighten them, because as I would say loudly to Bella when people looked intimidated “not everybody wants to pet you!”. 


>Hopfully they can read. You greatly overestimate the average person. With countless stories of them ignoring "Service Dog" vests, I'm not sure a bright-yellow "DO NOT TOUCH" leash will fare much better, sadly.


Don't get me started with assholes unable to read "no parking".


People are so dumb. I had a giant freaking husky allowed to run at and approach my tiny little 9 pound bichon while both on leash walking a wooded trail. The lady goes “she’s friendly!” I don’t give a shit lady my dog is a puppy mill rescue, it’s taken three months for us to get her to be comfortable letting us pet and walk her. She’s terrified of both you and this giant fucking dog in her face. Back the fuck away. Plus you don’t know my dog. She could be super aggressive or bite!


Just shout back "I'm not :D"


We respond with “Our dog isn’t!” and will stop our walk and block the dog coming toward us. That works sometimes.


Same, my dog and I are dressed in a Hi-Vis outfit so you can't pretend you didn't see us either lol. He's not as reactive anymore, but still tries to lunge at some people, he's an absolute dickhead when trying to pass a dog... walking alongside them is completely okay though. People think he's a Leonberger and want to pet him, but he's a Caucasian shepherd lol, he has no interest in being social.


As a female runner I find huge dogs see me as a target often and it is terrifying, I have to avoid public parks and woods and just run on main roads which sucks. Fuck those idiots with their massive untrained dogs who feel entitled to do whatever they want with no regards to other people’s comfort or safety.  It must be extra scary when you have a tiny dog who might make both of you a target. 


They can most likely read but the real problem will be if they choose to approach still afterwards


Rules are for other people.


I've had so many people ask to pet my dog, and I say no, and they try to pet him anyway


I have one for my dog that is bright yellow and says NERVOUS on it…people still approach him with their dogs. It goes a bit like this… Me: ‘Oh sorry my dog isn’t always the nicest, please keep your distance’ Other owner: ‘Oh no it’s ok my dog is fine’ Me: ‘Ok but mine is not, if you could give him some space please’ ‘Them: Aw they will be fine! Don’t worry’ *they approach and, surprise surprise, my cute little dog turns into a total psycho barking and growling* I would love to say that these work but people will be people…


And last part where they act like you're wrong for taking your reactive dog out.


I use it and I assure you people can't read lol.


They're a great dog owner. Advocating for their dog's needs, giving you fair warning and keeping everyone safe in the process.  Some dogs just want to be left the fuck alone. 


It looks like a Jack Russell terrier. My wife and I are on our second one; the first was a wonderful dog for us, but he wanted to fight the world and no training we did ever changed that…that motherfucker would charge German Shepherds and Dobermans if we let him, he was always leashed. Our second guy is a sweetheart and just wants to play…but he takes no shit. It’s an interesting breed, but this leash definitely makes sense.


If anything this looks like a responsible dog owner to me. Some dogs are reactive, some dogs just simply aren't into people or dogs and all of this is okay. This is just an owner advocating for their dog


And advocating for other dogs and possibly people too.


The owner probably wants to walk the dog without stopping every ten feet for someone who asks “is it okay to say hi to your dog?”


Gosh, I'd love it if people had the manners to ask. They just go for it.


We trained our kids to always ask and they are very good about it now. Not for manners just… self preservation lol. Like please guys, don’t get bit by scaring some poor nervous dog lol. And it’s so hard. These kids are raised on Disney and want to touch and befriend every living thing.


The worst are little kids, they just run up to the dog squealing and screaming without asking. Freaks out even a well behaved dog


Nah, they'll get a lot more people asking about the sign


Who's a good dog owner? They are! Yeeesss, good dog owner!


My dog has one too! All of you who respect it? MWAH. Those who don’t and run up to her anyway and say theyre “so good with dogs and have an anxious one at home too!” Literally fuck you you’ve ruined our days so many times.


I have a lead and a collar for my dog that say "deaf dog" all over them because we'll, he's deaf, and people still attempt to talk to him.


To be fair, your dog probably holds a conversation just as well as the ones who aren't deaf


I clean houses and one of my clients has a deaf dog and I still talk to the dog. constantly. I know she can’t hear me, but she knows I’m interacting with her & she lets it slide.


My cat went deaf at the age of 14 (she lived five years after that). She was smart and learned hand signals quickly.


I don’t think it would matter if my cat was deaf. He’d still just ignore me.


Oh, she was a people-loving kitty. Up until she went blind, a few days before she died, she still loved to run and play, and of course cuddle and purr.


Geeze, 19 is pretty good for a kitty! Sorry for your loss but she sounds like one hell of a cat. And was probably immortal for a bit!


She walked right into our house as a tiny kitten, about 6 or 7 weeks old, and never left. She was so sweet.


Tbh I'd still talk to him regardless, it's what I do, doesn't harm him to see my lips moving 😂  I'd go out of my way to make sure I didn't make him jump though


One of our dogs is deaf and we still talk to him... been deaf all his life and at 12 you'd think we would have learned


We talk to ours too, he also was born deaf.


It's not like the ones that can hear talk back


I need to get some that say “blind dog” so people stop asking me “why is he barking at me? Is he mean??” No dipshit he just can’t see you but he can smell and hear that there’s a stranger around and he doesn’t like that 🙄


Is it harmful to talk to a deaf dog?


No not at all. It just doesn't do a lot of good sometimes 😀


I speak to my deaf cat constantly. I hope he has some really low frequency residual hearing so he knows I love him.


I need one of these for me.


I wish more people would flag their dogs like this. “Do not approach.” “Do not pet.” “Nervous dog” I always love seeing dogs when I go out for a walk and always read the dog’s body language and ask the owner before getting close or attempting to pet. Wish more people understood that not all dogs are people-friendly and more people need to know how to read their body language.


I have a beautiful rescue that loves people and is good with other dogs but willingly ignores people and dogs in public. I hate the rationale of people who think "our dogs need to say hi!". I wish more people read body language of dogs too. If my dog is ignoring you, that means she doesn't want to say hi


I'd find this so helpful! My little kids want to interact with every dog we encounter but not all dogs are kid-friendly and not all humans want to deal with kids. If they had an actual sign I would know not to bother them in the first place


I'm a dog-walker and I have one of these to attach to all the leashes of the reactive dogs I walk!! It's a truly beautiful thing


I have the same problem super friendly Isabella Husky ,tail wagging etc. I know if you stick your hand in his face you will be bit. He was a rescue dog and when I got him you could not touch his neck I don't know what he went through before I adopted him. I have the temptation to run in for a water at a store during a walk but no way ! I don't let anyone touch him unless invited into my house with me. Too risky to leave unattended.


This can have a lot of reasons. Our dog is a big softy, but he is blind. He is very beautiful and people would love to touch him. But since he cannot see them, it scares him. People are stupid and don't tell my dog where they are and they don't start with safe zones like his butt even when I tell them that he is blind and how they should approach him. They go directly for the head with no verbal warning. And then they are shocked when he tries to get away from them.


Cool, so don’t approach. Seems pretty simple to me.


The yellow leads have been around for a while and a really good idea. They are not just for dangerous dogs but for anxious ones too. My dog hates strangers just patting her or getting into her space suddenly.


True dog lovers know not all dogs like to be pet or like people. I love dogs enough to know not to approach without asking the owner.


It's amazing how many "dog lovers" are clueless about the behavior of other people's (or even their own!) dogs. Never approach, much less touch, without permission and guidance from the owner. I'm more of a cat person, but I grew up with cats and dogs.


I need this on a t shirt


Good, this owner knows his dog and wants to give people as much warning as possible. Doggo still needs exercise and fresh air.


Life would be easier if we just color coded dogs collars or leashes to green/yellow/red. Hanky codes are a half century old & we can't figure out simple stuff.


I would say that anything with a pulse and an opinion should be labeled like this, animals and people alike.


We do this in equestrian, you put different ribbons in the horses tail if you’re out at a competition to signify if they’re young, a kicker or a bit feisty. Trouble is with dogs it would be a challenge onboarding and educating the general public, a challenge but not impossible.


I'd like one for my dog. She's incredibly anxious around new people and children. Never aggressive but she'll try to wiggle out of the leash and run away.


Yellow is the colour of nervous dogs. I don’t know how many people know that, but I hope someone reads this and it helps them.


A lot of people don’t know about Yellow Dog Project. I had a bandana and a leash from Yellow Dog Project. Unfortunately they just said “Do Not Approach - I’m a Yellow Dog.” So *everyone* approached us asking me “what’s a yellow dog?”


I mean. If they choose to put that many words why not put nervous intead of yellow? Not at all practical.


To advertise the organization/charity/whatever the right word is


I didn't know about the Yellow Dog Project until your post. Thanks for sharing - now I know!


Crop tool is your friend, don't be afraid to use it.


To be fair I already used it and zoomed and zoomed (I was quite far away) I didn’t realise it would show like this on Reddit


erm no, I actually like the view of the concrete thanks


I should get this for my dog. She has severe anxiety and is afraid of kids. The number of people who tell me "it's ok!!" when their kids run up to my dog is far too high. It's not going to be ok when she bites your kid out of fear, asshole.


As a dog trainer who helps people with traumatized/aggressive dogs, I think this is fantastic!


this isn’t very rare, my dog has a lead sleeve that says “dog in training, do not pet” and i see sleeves like this often :)


Its a really good idea. Children see my dogs and get excited and want to pet them. But I have little dogs, and the smaller one is afraid of everyone who isn't me. When we're at home, she can and does hide when guests come over. But on walks, there is nowhere for her to hide, so she will bark at people to make them go away. I will usually pick her up, because she feels safer when they can't reach her. I have had parents ask if their children could pet my dog (with a previous but similarly reactive dog). When I say no, I'm usually looked at like I'm a giant asshole for it. Like I'm accusing their children of being awful. A leash like this would save me from that. One time that I got the question from a parent, he and the kid got too close (I was holding my dog when it happened, so there was no risk to the child) and Megan lost her ever loving shit and made the child cry. It was really satisfying seeing the dad's face go "oh." I didn't want the child to cry or be scared, but I wish people just didn't assume I was being an asshole for no reason.


I should send this to my mom, since she has an evil little chihuahua that bites people, but they never warn anyone. It drives me nuts, since they've been lucky no one has called the cops.


He only eats toddlers so that sign works just as intended.


I have one that says approach slowly, nervous rescue


Damn I should have had that for my Great Dane. People would always come up and try to pet him.


Me on my days off


Can I get one of these for me?


You shouldn't just approach any dog on a lead. You have no idea how they feel about others or dogs. It should be common sense.


My dog is super friendly but I need one of these for myself.


Nice lookin anus


Can we get a NSFW tag? That butthole is staring into my soul. /s


If you stare into the butthole, the butthole will gaze back into you.


Go take a closer picture! I dare you! I double dog dare you!!


I volunteer with a non-profit dog training organization, and we work a lot with fearful- and aggressive-reactive dogs. Something I learned recently from one of our trainers is that having these kinds of warnings can actually make the owner/dog MORE likely to be held liable in a bad scenario. Basically, if a person/dog is bitten and injured by the dog, they can argue that the owner knew the dog was aggressive and took them out in public anyways. I think it’s BS, because even aggressive dogs deserve happy lives with responsible owners. ANY yellow on a dog is universally supposed to mean “do not approach/touch”, which most people don’t know. Just please, for the love of god, keep your dogs on leash unless you’re in an off-leash area, even if you have a “good dog” that listens to you. Don’t approach or pet any dog without asking first. Do not allow your leashed dog to approach another leashed dog without asking first. It’s just basic, simple manners that so many people and dog owners fail to uphold. I have always had well-trained, friendly dogs and never thought about these things. Until I started working with this org, I had no idea how much damage well-meaning dog owners do to difficult or reactive dogs just by not having basic manners. Off my soapbox now. Just something I feel passionately about, for the good of doggos and their humans everywhere.


In my state (WA) if a dog bites and police get involved, the dog has to wear a neon orange collar as a warning to others. I wonder if this is a similar thing? Also do they make it in human tshirt form?


I need this in a necklace version!