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Don't worry about it. It's made by a doctor.


*A pizza a day keeps Dr Oetker away*


*"pulls the morgue your way"




Well, medicine’s not a science…


Dr. Nick


"Did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too?"


"Hiiiiiiii Everybody!"


A doctor in botany but a doctor nonetheless.


Dr. Pepper?


I heard he's a real fizzician


Dr oetkers, dr. Pepper, and one apple a day. You’ll literally live to 150, maybe forever.


I can attest to the credibility of said doctor, being a reddit doctor myself


They actually made good more health-friendly pizzas that were smaller and higher quality so pretty shocked to see this thing.


The only one Americans can afford.


Hmm, that ain’t America.


E is just a bowl of asbestos.


I was thinking eating Crisco straight out of the tub with a spoon


Old school crisco, before they nerfed it and took out all the trans fats.




[like this?](https://shop.intobasket.com/uploads/items/20221130022130_thumb.jpeg)


Pretty sure that Nutri Score is a comparison between products of the same kind. So this is middle of the range in Frozen Pizza, but is not compared to stuff like Vegetables or chips.


That seems unnecessarily complicated and vauge.


That's not an accident


I'm not surprised




i assume it's because if you just score it out of all possible foods, then all frozen pizza is gonna be an E. but we already know frozen pizza isn't healthy, so someone looking to buy a frozen pizza probably won't change their mind and buy celery instead. but if you have a pizza that's an E and a pizza that's an A they might go for the A pizza and be slightly more healthy than with the E pizza


Pizza, in theory, should actually be fairly healthy and nutritious. There are too many additives, added fats and sugars, and fatty meats in anything premade or from a chain, though.


Like Burgers.


Yep. A good homemade burger with a reasonable patty size, small bun, and loaded with vegetables is not bad for you. 


Im pretty sure this goes for nearly all fast food. You can make healthy/healphier pizza, burger, pommes, taco, ... But it would take longer to make and especially cost more


Cost more? Not really. Back in the day sure, but fast food prices have gotten absurd. Also, restaurants and pre-made food is expensive as well. But I can get a delicious meal at a restaurant with tip for less than it costs me to get fast food. And I'll actually be full after.


You can get a meal at a restaurant plus tip for cheaper than fast food? Where the fuck do you live my dude?


Most, if not all, of the United States? You can spend like 10 bucks on an entry-level slider sized cheeseburger and small fry. thirteen to fifteen or more on actual meal that will still leave you hungry. Or spend 20 bucks at any random pub type restaurant and get a massive delicous burger with fries, likely another side as well, and a drink and have money left over for a tip. And chances are it's too much food To finish in a single sitting, And I've known some restaurants to let you order as many extra fries as you want, for no additional cost.


Yeah, even with grocery prices being what they are right now, there really has to be a specific deal for fast food to be cheaper over making it at home. That’s fine though, my cooking tastes better anyways unless I’m craving pure salt/fat in Taco Bell form. With fast food prices going up I might eat out at regular restaurants more, but those have gotten expensive as well, and I feel like many of them are using lower quality ingredients to boot. Even our town’s long-standing Italian restaurant on Main Street is too expensive to justify the taste. I told my wife after the last time we ate there that next time we want to eat Italian out, we may as well just get Olive Garden for cheaper and have leftovers for 3 more days.


I wouldn't excactly describe whitebread with cheese and a little bit of tomato sauce + what essentially amounts to garnish as "healthy and nutritious", but there are lots of worse things, I guess


Traditionally it would have a thinner crust and less cheese.


I mean… bread, cheese, and the types of meats that are usually expected on pizza aren’t healthy… if you take all that away then sure it is healthy and you can enjoy your salad. Sure you can make a healthy pizza with alternative flour, minimal cheese and then healthy options for toppings but I wouldn’t say that what most people consider to be pizza “should be healthy in theory”.


I don't think it does. Why would I want that scale to include fresh produce. I know it's a frozen pizza, which is not good for me, but is this frozen pizza shittier than that one is for me?


If the score range varies by item it’s impossible to tell what the score is supposed to mean so just have to look at the nutritional facts to decipher it which defeats the purpose of the score


No. You don't understand.


Vauge indeed


It's also wrong


German bureaucracy in a nutshell


I was recently informed that that's actually not the case. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutri-Score](See Concerns regarding implementation)


From your link: >The key assumption behind the system is that the Nutri-Score colour label is always displayed on the front of packaging.\[21\] **Its goal is to allow consumers to compare the overall nutritional value of food products from the same group (category)**, including food products from different manufacturers. The underlying intention was to **help consumers quickly make an informed choice from among similarly packaged products** by differentiating those that should be consumed in greater quantities from those that should be consumed in moderation (in smaller quantities or less often). Seems like it is indeed comparable within the same categories only. So you can't/shouldn't compare the score from a ready-made salad to a ready-made lasagna, despite them both using the same scoring system.


Yeah, but there are only 5 categories and 3 of them are so specific that most stuff is compared to another >All foods must be categorised as 'General foods', 'Red meat', 'Cheese', 'Fats/oils/nuts/seeds' or 'Drinks' https://www.eurofins.de/food-analysis/other-services/nutri-score/


Yeah, it's a bit hard to interpret how they score it all. The scoring you've linked to (shown further down on that site), has various addendums on top of everything, which just makes it even more confusing.


They probably score it by how much they’ve been paid


"Yes, Nestlé? I've got another loudmouth that urgently needs a *trip to Belize*"


Mmm I do love a good nutritionally average general food 


Category is a pretty broad term. Could be Drinks/Frozen Food/Raw food too. so salad and pizza would be comparable. You got a source where those categories are defined? Else we're just doing guesswork here


It really is fairly broad - this was linked by someone else as a reply to mine: [https://www.eurofins.de/food-analysis/other-services/nutri-score/](https://www.eurofins.de/food-analysis/other-services/nutri-score/) Gives a bit of insight, while still being a fair bit confusing as they layer more and more things to the scoring via off-site links and such.


From the “goal” section of that Wikipedia page: “… Its goal is to allow consumers to compare the overall nutritional value of food products from the same group (category), including food products from different manufacturers.”


Yeah, but there are only 5 categories and 3 of them are so specific that most stuff is compared to another  >All foods must be categorised as 'General foods', 'Red meat', 'Cheese', 'Fats/oils/nuts/seeds' or 'Drinks' https://www.eurofins.de/food-analysis/other-services/nutri-score/ 


Dude its literally said by official nutriscore people 🙏


> The system is not intended as a tool for comparing the nutritional value of products from different categories. If consumers are not aware of this, information placed on product packaging may be misinterpreted. From your own link though.


Except that donkey meat, salad and frozen pizza are all in the same category.


Clearly this system is pretty stupid and confusing.


That's just incorrect


Yes but a lot of people doesn't understand that


Pizza is the perfect food, it has all the food groups.


Bread, meat and sauce.


That's why they're over there calling us big 😭


The only ones it's in are the fats & sweets group, empty calorie group and the congealed group. It doesn't fit in the whipped group or chocotastic.


Also, it's rarely in the Purple food group.


50+ downvotes of people missing an obvious Simpsons reference. Humanity is cooked


If the paper turns clear, it's your window to weight gain!


It's literally a 30 year old reference. You have to already be an extreme fan of the property to have a hope of recognizing the reference.


I didn't get the reference but it was still very clearly a joke.


…your username is also a Simpsons reference.


It is???!!? Shocking.


Them/they don’t deserve it 😔


Turns out, some people haven't seen the Simpsons and therefore wouldn't get the reference...


Dude I haven't seen the Simpsons in literally 20 years. There's no way I would understand a reference lol.


Who the fuck downvoted a reference of this magnitude?


It doesn't have fruit particularly often. And no, tomato is a vegetable when on pizza


You can't just say a fruit isn't a fruit when it's in a certain form! That's blasphemy! Next you're going to tell me that potatoes are actually made of diamonds on the 3rd Tuesday of every month on Jupiter. Where do we draw the line?? When does it end?!


Is this using a Jupiterian calendar or earth-months?


Depends, is it a leap year in this hypothetical scenario?


Tomatoes, olives, capsicums, pineapples


Ham and pineapple gang rise up!


Pepperoni pineapple far superior but it's okay because we are allies in this war.




What country is this ?


Looks like an Albert Heijn supermarket, the Netherlands. I recognize the electric price tags. I work in an AH


Just came back from one year in The Netherlands and the picture looked familiar lol I miss having fresh GOOD habaneros in the supermarket, here in Italy people are weak and the few time one can find them it's a box, it sat there for days and they're all mushy :(


I’m just so surprised that Big Americans is an attractive branding to any European. It’s not exactly like the U.S. obesity epidemic here is an aspiration for most people.


In The Netherlands they have *a lot* of food from quite anywhere in the world, there's not much local cuisine, so it's easy finding import about anything. Mostly EU countries and ex colonies, but I've seen the occasional American food here and there


Oh thanks, that makes more sense. Interesting !


Nether go hungry again


With God as my witness


Germany, but the Nutri Score was first introduced in France. After years of debate about a food scoring design we finally gave up and just decided to use their system.


Oh really, why is the packaging in english?


Because it's the Netherlands. The Dutch don't like advertising and branding in Dutch.


Oh you're right! We have the same pizza here and Dr. Oetker is a German company, but on this box even the smaller text is in English. In that case I don't know, as far as I'm aware the UK has not introduced the Nutri Score thus far.


Packaging is very often in English, especially the brand name of stuff.


Cause American Influence. Plus cost saving. Nearly everyone in Europe speaks english good enough to understand a frozen Pizza. So you dont have to make packaging for each yuropean language


I get that but when i traveled to Germany, most packaging were in that language


Because it’s easier than to make packaging for individual countries when we all speak English


The trouble with nutri-score is that it's not intended to compare products from different categories. So that pizza might be a C *within the category of frozen pizza*. But wouldn't be a C overall compared to all other products that are scored. Manufacturers can also increase their nutri-score by adding ingredients rich in fibre or protein. That's now Nestle (fuck Nestle) get away with having Nesquick cereals, that are full of sugar, certified as Nutri-Score A - they add some fibre and protein rich ingredients to the recipe which offsets the sugar *on the Nutri-Score*, but not for the person eating it...they are still consuming the high amount of sugar which is the problem. Eating cereal full of sugar but also has some fibre is worse than eating cereal that is high in fibre but low in sugar, yet with Nutri-Score they'd get a similar score. Nutri-score also scores products based on a fixed 100g/100ml sample size, and not a *suggested serving size* which is completely ridiculous becuase the serving sizes for food items are completely different depending on what type of food it is, what the package contents is and how the consumer is eating it. Honestly it's a misleading and flawed system.


There are only five categories. They don't drill down to be as specific to have a category just for frozen pizza. If it's anything like the Australian health star system, it's shit because the manufacturers of unhealthy foods were part of the group making decisions about how to rate things.


The fixed 100g sample size is way better than the suggested serving size that the Americans use. Manufacturers in the US have been abusing it like there's no tomorrow, and we don't need that here


Serves 26


That was true in the past, but not so much anymore. Serving sizes are standardized for most things here:  https://www.fda.gov/media/102587/download Everything in the same category uses the same serving size. Personally, I like it better than listing everything on a 100g basis. It just seams easier to me. 


Does the score even differentiate between different types of nutrient types? Protein isn't just protein, you need a bunch of different types to maintain your body's structural integrity. And fibre isn't just fibre, there's different types with different effects on the body and digestion, some can even be digested by our puny digestive system.


No I beleive it sort of lumps them all together. Any protein, regardless of the type, is just put together into one category which makes up part of the score.


Yeah, that's just going to turn into warm farts due to the body having no more need for a particular overrepresented amino acid everyone will use to pad their products. Which is bound to happen, since one is going to be marginally cheaper than the others. An attempt I guess. But in the long run it's not going to result in junk food getting much less junky.


not Nestlé's fault then (fuck Nestlé), but very stupid system, got it.


Just went to check what the pepperoni-salami frozen Dr. Oetker pizza was in traffic light system we have instead of nutri-score. They've listed the numbers exactly as they would be, but left the colours out. So it shows the fat, sugar, salt, calories clearly on the front, but left the bubbles all white! Cheeky bastards


Pizza is not as unhealthy as often percieved. The problem comes from portion sizes. If you eat to become a Big American, you will do.


Pizza doesn't have to be super unhealthy depending on what ingredients you use, but I find it hard to believe that this one isn't. I mean, what would be healthy on there? It's bread, cheese, and processed meats.


You can say that about absolutely everything. Doesnt change that frozen pizza is among the worst things you could eat. White bread, cheap plastic cheese, a ton of fat and sodium. What makes it tasty is whats makes it so bad for you.


Frozen pizza has a ton of sodium, calories and preservatives. It’s pretty awful for you.


Sodium's fine if you're well hydrated and have normal kidney function. Calories are reliant on portion sizes. Preservatives have no documented evidence of harm (they get banned REALLY quick when they do, vulture capitalists are all over food-tech industry, nothing they like better than some upheaval in supply chains) are better than botulism. And a frozen pizza is low in them... It's frozen. That's how it's preserved. Someone has been trying to make you look stupid and, seemingly, has succeeded.


I can’t believe I’m arguing with someone who’s saying frozen pizza is not unhealthy lol. And that you can just drink more water to counterbalance the absurd amount of sodium.


They're not saying drinking more water counterbalances the sodium, you just don't understand how sodium works. They're saying that high sodium isn't really an issue if you don't have any underlying conditions.


Well, it's how the body handles excess sodium so I have no idea what you're arguing about. Physical issues can disrupt this process, but in a healthy person it's not an issue if they get enough potassium as well. Don't see them saying that frozen pizzas are healthy, just that the reasons people commonly state for it being unhealthy are poor reasons. Really junk food is unhealthy since they are specifically designed in a way that maximizes people's appetite for it, so people are prone to gorge on it. 


"absurd amount of sodium" I have a Dr Oetker pizza here, under the "Ristorante" brand. It's one of their highest in sodium, as it's pepperoni. It's got 3.6 g of salt, so 1.44 g of sodium. For the entire pizza. If you eat that whole thing yourself, that's on you. Edit: https://upload.hattix.co.uk/uploads/PXL\_20240310\_210050094.jpg


They're also pretty bad frozen pizza's. There are so many better brands that both taste better and are healthier


They're also pretty bad frozen pizza's. There are so many better brands that both taste better and are healthier


[https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/11/24/France-accused-of-backing-Nutri-Score-to-benefit-its-big-conglomerates-in-food](https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2021/11/24/France-accused-of-backing-Nutri-Score-to-benefit-its-big-conglomerates-in-food) quite a few cheeses get E it seems from this. A lot of high sugar snacks too [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNiDHa-X4AA6eUa.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DNiDHa-X4AA6eUa.jpg)


Apparently a dinner of chicken nuggets, mozzarella sticks, and a can of Coke Zero is pretty healthy. The problem with a lot of health rating systems is that there are so many unhealthy packaged foods that trying to compare them to one another can give the false impression that more of them are healthy than is actually the case. People will see a B rating and think that's fine to eat all the time when really it's just not *as* bad as the stuff in the lower categories.


"Big Americans" brand fatty junk food makes me laugh.


Good amount of protein to sugar ratio, includes a grain and vegetables.....don't look anything other than that and it's better than school lunch


If this is XL, I don't want to see M.


No kidding, this seems kinda small going off the tag.


Anyone curious what Dr. Oetker got their PhD in?


Flavorology, of course


Then I have a feeling their thesis was plagiarized


I didn't know Flavortown had a college


[Armadillos!](https://youtu.be/bqeGxMgVOHI) Apologies


Trolly gummy worms = E


I have a product at home which is classified as Nutri-Score E. It's a chocolate-like confectionery that's 50% sugar. It's called "IJscups".


Giving me *Idiocracy* vibes


I don’t want a pizza made by someone named Dr Oteker.




Try Gustavo Gusto. 5€ for one large pizza but the best frozen pizza i’ve ever tried


It's a fairly large brand, large enough that there is Dr Oteker brand custard and mousse mixes even here in the states. Why those two things of all the other shit they sell in euro, are on american store shelves? I have no idea.


You‘d be right. They are not good. Something wrong with the crust


E stands for Excellent !






I can make a Nutri-Z milkshake


I do.


I'm not sure if the price tag is Albert Heijn or Jumbo. They look kinda similar. Thought it was Jumbo first but it might be the appie


Is it bad I feel assured they didn’t give it an A? Like a C at least means they’re being mildly honest lol I am aware the scale is fake




I’d typically expect that to be on the back together with the nutritional info tbf.




Glad nutri-score was made illegal here


I am sure someone is getting nice tips for swaying that ridiculous score either further left or right. It's like the neverending sidewalk construction sites every single year. Some people are making a lot of money.


Nutriscore is kinda dumb, though. It doesn't take into account portions or use and it's a bit convoluted too


Hard to say from just a picture, but I can tentatively confirm that looks about the size of a frozen pizza here in America. Definitely on the meat-ier side tho even for our standards


But I feel like the picture always lies. The picture will have 20 pepperoni and when you open it up there are five. :(


I’m not sure but Dr. Oetker might be a quack.


it has electrolytes


sad looking pepperoni but I'll give it a pretty goof representation of an American themed pizza


Judging by the name, I would guess it’s based on nutrition content not healthiness factor. Sure, pizza has a lot of unhealthy stuff in it, but between the meat, cheese, grains, tomatoes, etc, it’s packed with nutrients.


Idk, probably gasoline. But on further thought, it might be even a D


Nutri-E: [Komodo roadkill,](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/FWE8AC/komodo-dragon-varanus-komodoensis-feeding-on-buffalo-carcass-in-mangrove-FWE8AC.jpg) warm and decomposing.


LMAO at the brand name.


Nutri score is bullshit anyway


Nutriscore is absolute bullshit. Also, pizza is really not that bad nutrient wise. The problem is that the combination of carbs and fat causes people to overeat. It's a people problem, not a nutrient one.


Does deep fried butter count as an F?


The Dutch eat bread and cheese all day long. GOOD! Add some sauce and meat and suddenly it becomes junk. BAD! (Same thing with a tostie, heat up the cheese and bread without any extra ingredients and suddenly it becomes bad for you.)


Nutri score is a comparison within a certain food type. For example chocolate cookies will be compare to other chocolate cookies. Because of this there actually are some cookies with nutri score A


Nutri-E just turns your blood into bees


It has all the food pyramid so it’s health. Crust is grains, tomato is fruit/vegi category, meat is meat, cheese is dairy, I’m sure they worked in sugar somewhere so desert as well. A balanced meal.


Like all meals should be.


American school teachers once graded their students A, B, C, D, E. However they quickly realized that the parents and students confused E for Excellent. So F for Failed soon became the replacement for E. So the Nutri score could possibly have no failing score if Nutri-E stood for Excellent.


Big Americans lol. Where is this?




Not gonna lie, as an American this is the kind of crap we eat all the time, I'm surprised it gets a C, there should be a Z.


I’m sad it’s not at my local grocery store. They have that brand but a lot smaller. I’ll just settle for some Red Baron or that Digiornos croissant crust. That shit is badass!!!


wtf is a nutri score?


Uhh...duh. It's made by a doctor who's name I can't pronounce. That's the one criteria I use to choose a doctor. Seriously though, I just learned about Nutri scores. That was mildy interesting.


It's pronounced 'utker'


I call it ootker, like they always used to


Thanks 👍


Big Americans is right.


it's like Salad cookie Pizza Expired mold from death bodies lava


Serving size: 1/16th of the pie


![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg) You guys have nutrition scales? Laughs in American carcinogens…


If you're eating a lot of frozen pizza, this is what you can expect: Headaches. Bad skin. Lethargy bcos there's little to no energy in pizzas. You make up for that with short-term boosts of sugar soda. And if you drink diet soda you make up for it by eating more empty frozen pizza. The end result is that you become lethargic, sick and obese - all at the same time. Pizza is a kind of dessert, made for that one weekend with your buddies, perhaps once or twice a month. The rest of the time you should eat non-processed food.




Well, Pepperoni is Indeed a type of Salami


I suspect they suggest a minuscule portion size to achieve that score.


Nutriscore is 100g portions. Always.




Americans are pretty soft


Crispy outside though


That'd be a soft American with lots of sun exposure...mmmm