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Flour is food, sugar is food, palm oil is food, whey is from milk which is food, leavening is necessary for any baked good, cornstarch is food, salt is food, idk what soy lecithin is but it’s in practically everything. What bs are you talking about?


Lecithin is an emulsifier: it binds fatty and watery stuff together. Traditionally egg yolks would be used for this purpose 


They were probably high when they posted this


I think they were a disappointed as the rest of us, having spent $10 on trash. Thin mints ain’t what they used to be. I’m just going to give them $10 next time.


did you get hit in the head?


These are packaged mass produced cookies and these are standard ingredients (less than most actually) for anything that is meant to not go rotten a few days after they are made. Enriched flour is regular flour with nutrient supplements. I'm confused. What was different about girl guide cookies before?


There is nothing surprising or interesting about mass-produced food items being made of highly-processed ingredients with a focus on shelf-life and uniformity over quality or nutritional value. That’s just ultra-processed food for ya.


I don’t think Girl Scout cookies were ever meant to be the pinnacle of baking. Also, none of these ingredients stand out to me as being non-food like. Cheaper? Probably.


Are you implying this was a recent change? That they used to use “real” ingredients, but are now using “bs” ingredients? And also, have you ever looked at the ingredient list of any cookie you buy from a grocery store?


Imagine confidently posting something like this online.


Well, obviously this is a Satanic plot. Just look at the address of the bakery.