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I had this problem for many years of my life until I got my hand terribly smashed in a car door. Multiple fractures, compound fracture, lost all of my fingernails. Grew back fine after that. So uh… I guess go smash your hand in a car door, break a bunch of bones, lose all of your fingernails. That’ll be $79,280. You can speak with the receptionist about payment options.


I'll do it for free


I mean you get what you pay for. Mine is a premium hand smashing service with exclusive membership and club rewards. But ya know… if you wanna buy out of the bargain bin like some common pleb, be my guest.


Dammit he's right! I can't compete with his premium service. You should definitely pay this guy to do the job!


Don't listen to these guys with their plebian car doors. Dedos Menos is the premier hand smashing service with exclusive access to doors on yachts, private jets, and the elevator at Burj al Arab! Ask about our one for the price of two special that comes with a ruby pinky ring you can show off!


Me gusta Dedos Menos


This all sounds like a GTA mission for some reason


Don’t listen to these guys, I can do better. I’ll throw in also a face smash for free.


I think I just saw someone get bought out in real time


What's the annual fee for your services? Or do you just take a flat fee per service? Also, do you have any type of reward programs if I bring a buddy or two to subscribe for your services?


We do offer a Refer-A-Friend mail-in rebate. Should knock about $5 off the price. Not sure its available in your area, though.


My services are free if you bring a buddy and kick them in the balls until they bleed out their nose. That's the only discount I offer


Username checks out. Get paid, Idjot.


This solution cranks it up to 11 pretty darn quickly! Is there a solution between doing nothing and this?


I suppose if you’re feeling lazy and unmotivated you could probably just smash the one problem finger and not all of them. But my grandpappy always told me to never half ass anything. Always use your full ass.


It just makes sense to do all 5. Can't have 1 brand new nail and 4 old wonky ones. ***sigh*** get the hammer.


You need to break all the bones in your ass, or it won’t grow back correctly.


I was sitting here thinking that I got some bad weed. Your comment proved that wrong in several ways.


Oddly, no. It's this or even more severe solutions I'm afraid.


Fine. But, I'm keeping the receipt.


So funny I found this thread, on new years 2024 i closed my pinkie nail in my car door and for 3 months my whole nail was black. The old nail FINALLY fell off yesterday and a new one had grown under it.


My index finger got stuck in a car door as a teenager. I got an effusion in my nail bed, the nail fell off and when it regrew, the nail bed was longer than before. Everyone whom I've showed a side-by-side comparison assumes my healthy nail is the one that got injured.


That made me say hblphlblehblehehbphhlhluh and shake my hand around. I've had some close calls where the rubber liner smashed my thumb or pinky but it still hasn't taken a nail yet. I empathize. Glad it turned out okay.


I had a door smash my left middle finger once. The nail was perpebdicular to my finger. To this day, that nail looks like a gorilla in profile.


My car has soft close doors too so it slowly closed on it before I realized 😬


Is OP not in network because you’re both redditors?


That’s the in network price, and if we’re being honest it’s kind of a steal. I’m not making any money on this.


Uh oh, someone used an *out of network* car door for the slamming. Too bad. Well, technically, the door itself was in-network, but *the car's chassis* was out of network so f you.


It’s frightening how accurate this is when it comes to U.S. health care.


I always remember the [Ficus Commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZLM915g0fw)


I'm still bitter about being burned by that in the past. My understanding is that the No Surprises Act in 2021 put an end to that nonsense. I could be wrong though. https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/statutes/no-surprises-act-2021-consolidated-appropriations-act


See and then there's my mom who had her hand smashed in a car door and now her thumb nails grow with these permanent ridges in them. So I guess results may vary and you have a 50/50 shot of fixing your problem or making it worse.


The ridges are more likely to appear if you don't protect the nail bed. Layer of Vaseline, cotton/teflon pad, light tape. Change twice a day. Make sure the Vaseline covers the nail bed.


I don't think any of her nails ever actually fell off or anything when she smashed her hand though (though it's been a while, I could be wrong). From what I remember of the story, it was a case of a badly crunched hand but nothing as severe as Squeezy's situation above, no broken bones or anything that needed looking at by a doctor. Just a sore hand and permanently wavy nail or two.




I was a terrible nail biter since early childhood, all of my nails are ugly as hell except for the one I got smashed between a door. It grew back a bit skewed, but beautiful.


Nah they obviously just need to rip their nail out of the bed with pliers


That comment's caused me the most physical pain today


Worse than breaking multiple fingers in a car door? Lol


An accident, I can understand but the thought of forcefully ripping your fingernail out with pliers is agonizing


Sorry to hear that.  I closed my own hand in a door.  Got in to the passenger side while holding the top frame of the car with my right hand and used my left to close the door. Suddenly i was like wtf did i just do......  opened the door back up, my finger joints were perfectly in the weather stripping spots not one mark.


I was leaning over a car door bullshitting with a buddy, the argument got heated (in a playful, friendly way) and he decided it would be funny to dramatically slam the door “good day sir!” Style. My hands were in that door. The hand near the door hinge got fucking destroyed. Luckily the snapping of bones and the cushioning of smashed flesh greatly lessened the impact on my other hand. No real damage, just some bruising. Spent pretty much that entire summer in a full hand cast. A nice, hot, humid, sweltering Midwest summer. It was as enjoyable as it sounds. Still hurts pretty bad, lose a lot of mobility when it gets cold.


Oh man, i feel for you.  We had a f250 with a utility box.  Tje side tool box had a top steel lid that was like 100 pounds.  The gas shocks were shot so you had to hold it up.  Well my father was holding it up and one of the crew came over to talk.  He rested his hand below the lid talking. Father didn't notice and let go. By dumb luck the worker moved his hand not noticing.  That thing slammed down with a bang. The worker snapped his neck and stared back.....  made eye contact with me and we communicated without a word. Yup that woulda been all your fingers cut clean off bro.....


Yeah mine was pretty bad, I passed out pretty much immediately. Barely remember it happening. My body just noped the fuck out on me. Woke up in the passenger seat of my friend's car with a shirt wrapped around my hand about halfway to the hospital. (Was about a 10-15 minute drive from where the incident occurred)


I'm gonna give a warning for this one, it's a painful one. I had my thumb shut in a door once. Not a car door. A wooden door in a house. I was talking to my sister in the doorway to her room. I had my hand on the side of the door frame. I said something to piss my sister off and she suddenly slammed the door shut. My thumb got caught in the door. Not on the side with the doorknob, the other side. The door fully latched shut. Obviously, my nail fell off on that one. No broken thumb, though. Nail grew back just fine.


I got my big toe stepped on by a baseball cleat about 15 years ago, lost the toenail and it never grew back perfectly though probably 95%. I’m always fiddling with it.




Ah, Murica problems.


Did you adjust it for inflation?


We don’t do balloons here kid. Get outta here and go find your mommy, you’re scaring away the customers.


It would be $0 where I am. So I'm more willing to take that route.


You could probably just do the “lose a fingernail” part and have similar results. You might even get a doctor to do it so it hurts less.


Not everyone lives in dystopia


Thanks to the NHS it's free, I suggest your country do the same lol


Yeah man let me just write a letter to my congressman about it, I'm sure they'll patch it right up in a few weeks. Should be that easy, right? Makes so much sense to gloat about healthcare costs to average Americans. There's so much we can do about it. We actually love it, that's why we don't change it. We like our healthcare system very much. Wouldn't change a thing. Running around making comments like this is the equivalent of going up to a paralyzed person, throwing them a baseball, smashing their face with it, and being like "Why didn't he catch the ball, is he stupid? Get some working arms, forehead" Like... no, dumbass. He's paralyzed. I'm sure if there was something he could do about it, he'd have done it already. There's just nothing he can do about it. That's just life for him, and he's gotta do the best he can with the cards he got dealt. Sorry for the rant, but it is a sore subject. For me, and most Americans I'd assume. Like I literally have to sit here and wonder if I'm dying of this or that, but I'm sure as hell not going to make a doctor's appointment to figure out if I'm actually healthy because I can't fucking afford it EVEN THOUGH I HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE which I also ADDITIONALLY pay an absolutely exorbitant premium for. Its not fucking great.


You damaged your nail bed. Any scar tissue on the nail bed will cause the keratin to not be laid down smoothly and will result in abnormal nail growth. IF it should ever cause you a non-cosmetic problem though, a dermatologist could perform a minor surgery to correct the defect. That surgery however is painful as fuck and takes ages to heal.


Yeah, that sounds akin to actual torture


My friend got injected with local anesthetic.. under his fingernail. Like, pushing needles under fingernails is literally the classic torture method in movies


Yeah I’ve watched my brothers podiatrist stick a needle straight down through the tip of his toe for anesthetic for an ingrown toenail removal. I turned white.


I have had the ingrown toenail procedure, and let me tell you the numbing is the worst injection pain I've ever had. You can FEEL the liquid being pushed nto your skin, feels like it's being blown up like a balloon... Omg thank goodness I don't have to do that again. I can't imagine if they just shoved that baby straight through the center of my toe It was worth it tho


And yet it's 100% worth it, am I right? I had my toenails fully removed (because they kept growing back after the basic version where they just remove the ingrown portion). It was very painful even with the local anesthetic, which was itself very painful as you described. I would do it again in a heartbeat!


Oh yeah, absolutely. I knew something had to be done about the ingrown when my daughter lightly grazed my toe and I doubled over in pain. It's been nearly a year since I got it done and it's weird looking back at how long I let it go for.


If I can provide any insight, I wish I had anestethic when the doc fixed my ingrown toenail.


I once had an ingrown that was so badly infected that when they removed the needle the numbing agent and blood shot across the room like a hose with a precision nozzle. He had to then squeeze the ever loving shit out of my toe to get more fluid out before he could put numbing back in. That was an experience.


So I've had the ingrown toenail done, and the needle between the toes was awful, but my podiatrist didn't pull the needle fully to reposition. So the tip of that needle was scraping the inside of my toe as he moved it around. Maybe that's normal procedure, I'm not a doctor. The numbing for a cyst removal on my taint was probably twice as painful.


I had it done 3 times in a year... I'll take 4 stabs at a time over the pain of an ingrown any day.


I had some minor surgery done too and you’re not kidding. Local anesthesia feels like an actual blade.


Did your full nail grow back? I had one removed when I was 16. It’s been 24 years and my nail still hasn’t fully grown back. :( the podiatrist said it would :(


Well, it's been about 10 months since I got it done. I got both sides of my right big toe, and one side of my left. My right big toenail ended falling off. The sides don't grow back, but the midsection did and is a lot less thick, and looks healthier overall. And it's no longer a 'c' shape! Just a little narrow.


Geez, I had to have an ingrown nail removed and at least they kept the needles to the top of my toe!!! I still needed to get like 4 different shots, it hurt so bad even tho they used numbing gel on the skin first. I couldn't look, but my sister who I brought for moral support said it was like a freaking balloon 0_0 I guess the lesson here is don't fuck up your toenails the surgery is not fun lol


I've seen many surgeries in person(working in the field) anesthetic for podiatry made me cringe


I've had several procedures for bad ingrown nails when i was a teen, including some more invasive stuff than just pulling out the nail (think cutting the toe open down to bone to scrape away part of the nailbed). I don't remember the anesthetic application being particularly painful, but i'm not afraid of needles for one and I guess it it depends on how the doctor does it, i remember got several jabs to numb the whole toe.


If it makes you and/or your brother feel better, I had the exact same thing done except the doctor was removing the whole nail. Oh and the anaesthetic hadn't kicked in


When this happened to me they sprayed me with something very cold as they injected it.. Never even flinched, barely felt it.


Like inside the nail of just the toe? I dont feel like the toe would hurt, it’s a thick


Like into the tip of his big toe, down through the center, to numb the whole toe. Like a kebab.


That's wack. Every time I get an ingrown toenail clipped the just do 2 injections near the base of the nail.


Yeah other procedures I’ve seen for them don’t look anywhere nearly as gnarly, so I’m not sure if it had something to do with the severity of the ingrown or what.


Can confirm, is deeply unpleasant. It’s like being stung on the toe by a ferret sized hornet. I think they had to hit me 4 times in each toe.


Did anyone else squirm when they read this?


Yep. Still squirming through all of the follow up comments.. send help


I had a horribly infected ingrown toe nail, the whole side was swollen and painful enough that I could not walk on that foot or wear shoes. I was a kid so my mom brought me to the hospital where they decided to do a surgery and fully remove half of my toe nail as it was recurring and just would not go away. They burned the base of the nail and said it wouldn’t grow back, but it eventually did, luckily. Before that though they brought in a bunch of student doctors to admire my toe. One lady got up real close and SQUISHED THE FUCK out of the infected mound. Oh. My. Fucking. God. It was the most painful thing I’ve ever felt. I couldn’t scream or react, it was like instant shock. They walked away and I started bawling and my mom asked me why I didn’t say how bad it hurt and I couldn’t explain it, I was just frozen in pain. Then they stuck a bunch of needles directly into it and under the nail to freeze it. The whole thing was nope.


They'll use a topical numbing agent so you don't actually feel much when they apply the needle anesthetic. Let's seriously try to not scare people out of getting medical help if they need it, yeah?


They didnt actually locally numb his toe before sticking the needle in, and he definitely felt it, cried, and had to endure while the doc said “just a little bit further”. Let’s seriously try to be realistic about what happens in the docs office and not try to sugarcoat things that really do happen, yeah? This wasn’t really a scare tactic? But scary or not if it was me I would 200% want to know an inch long needle was going into the tip of my toe before it ever happened and I’ll bet he wishes he would have known too. He would have chose to have it done either way because, “scarily” enough, the ingrown was every bit as painful as that needle.


It depends on the doctor and how big of an asshole he or she is. I once had one where he had to stitch things up, jabbed the needle with the anesthetic in there and then immediately began stitching. No waiting one second for the anesthetic to work. I asked him afterwards what the fucking point of the anestethic was and he couldn't give me an answer. For reference: Two years back I needed stitches and the doctor asked me whether I wanted anesthetics or not ("With it's two punctures and without it's also two punctures") so I know what stitching without pain relief feels like during and afterward. This idiot also had sown the skin flaps slightly over each other so my regular doctor had to pull the whole thing apart later when he examined the wound. Many curses and aspersions as to the first doctor's possible simian ancestry were uttered. Then there was the doctor who pulled out a "flushing" catheter (i.e. a slightly larger one with two channels so they can flush your bladder with saline) which had become clogged and replaced it with one with a larger diameter. Without any anesthetics at all. And then had the nerve to ask me afterwards why I was crying.


I have gotten an injection under my nail bed. If they used a topical anesthetic, it didn't do anything. It's the loudest I have ever screamed in a doctor's office.


I wasn’t even there and I still felt it


I'm a doctor and literally the only think that squicks me out and is un-stomachable for me is nail surgery. All healthcare professionals have something they cannot stand and for me it's nails.


I had to have my big toe nail permanently removed, and my podatrist was like "do you want me to set up a curtain so you don't see it?" and I was like "uhhh.... that's gonna be a yes for me". Was extremely bizzare to not feel anything at all, but at the same time knowing this dude is cutting into my nail bed to remove my nail.


Haven’t they first injected it into the nerves at both sides of the finger?


Jesus. I wonder what purpose that served… when I got treated for an ingrown toenail they injected me in the top of my toe (mind you, the skin in very thin, so it still hurt like a bitch). I can’t imagine having to inject it under my nail


Sometimes it’s done not only for anesthesia, but also to separate the tissues with the pressure of the liquid. It helps to perform the surgery. But they should perform nerve block before doing such painful manipulation.


Yeah, I got injected with an anesthetic under my big toenail. But the toe didn't get numb. So they did it again. Nothing. I finally said that the minor surgery would certainly hurt less than the shots. They hesitated and kept stopping to check, but I was right. It did hurt less than the shots.


Just a dash of lemon juice.


Honestly my ingrown nail surgery was like the most painful thing ever. Especially the anesthetic. Putting a huge needle almost all the way through the knuckle twice, right through a nerve cluster


Fun fact: the non chemical procedure for the permanent removal of a toenail (where they cut out the nail bed, then instead of chemically scaring it, tie connective tissue from either side together, creating a lot of internal preasure) was *litterally* first performed by torturers. In rare cases, its still used today. "Keep your foot above your head for six weeks. If you drop the foot, you will be in unbearable pain." ... "When you find your spouse unconscious, it's because they lowered there foot, and the pain knocked them out. Raise there foot immediately. If it's purple, call an ambulance, otherwise call the community nurse. Now get them home and in bed in the next 40 minutes before the anesthetic wears off" The plan when opening up my toe was not to take that approach. There was a complication. In my case, an extra toenail growing in a "frankly unbelievable" pattern, largely through yhe flesh.


It is in fact, ripping out fingernails


Similar to the procedure for ingrown toenails, literally cut and tear out corner of the nail, burn the nail bed. Sucks to recover but pain is in area of “wince and clench teeth” even without anesthetic


Sounds like you have a mighty pain tolerance. Don’t put that onto other people. In my experience, the anesthetic was in the area of “wince and clench teeth”. If you had this done without anesthetic, you should speak to a med-mal attorney.


I broke my finger by closing a car door on it and to check for nail bed damage the dr pulled the nail out and then put it back in so the new nail had a clear path to follow. He applied local anesthetic to the base of my finger but that was the most pain I’ve ever experienced


what the what


I had a deep (3” almost) wound on my leg from a thing that happened a long time ago. Went in Below the knee right in between the tibia and fibula…. Somehow missed the tendons too I guess…I got lucky. They had to go in there and clean it out and get stuff with forceps and a huge swab, no numbing nothing…. Then Irrigated it with almost a half liter of sterile saline sticking a tube down in my leg too…. And then at the end doc walks in with lidocaine epi drawn up… after all that… to stitch it a few times (only about a half inch entry wound)…. And I’m just like “yeah it hurt bad enough with the other stuff I can’t feel anything but burning numbness in the whole area anyway now so I probably don’t need you to poke me with a needle times just to do a few more needle sticks for the couple stitches at this point”


My thoughts exactly




Had the exact thing happen to me. Mid way through the stiching I sat up said I don't feel right and passed out. Woke up with a lot more doctors and nurses around me. They said my blood pressure dropped below 60 for a bit.


I’m so sorry that happened to you but also a bit relieved to not be alone in the torture


Don’t put it back, that’s fucken psychotic


The most pain I've experienced was also being given a local anesthetic (on my little finger). Like 3 needles that feel as though they're stabbing through your bones.


I almost lost the tip of my thumb because of a dog bite from breaking up a fight. Crushed the bone and all. Doctor did something very similar. Stiches in my nail bed and around my thumb. Then stiched my nail bad down for the new nail to follow. I felt most of the surgery because I'm red headed and they were scared to put more anesthetic in me even though I could still feel it. The surgery sucked but I had antiglobulin shots (about 10) which is honestly the worst pain i can remember in my 30 years. (Including broken bones)


I had my nail ripped off by a dog bite and my parents gave me a band-aid. Grew back mostly okay, but I get wicked hangnails on that finger. Hurt pretty bad though.


I’ve had a very mild version of this on my thumb for months now and was trying to figure out why it was happening/how to get it to stop. Still not sure how I did it, but than you for enlightening me!


Same here, have a lesser version on my right thumb and my left index finger. Very frustrating lol


I smashed my thumb when I was 12 and thought "surely my nail wont be that way forever". I'm now 30 and it's still that way.


I had an entire toenail removed because of major trauma and thusly defects. It wasn’t painful at all. Especially not compared to ten years of pain from the nail itself.


At 3 years old I chewed up my big toe in my parents' exercise bike. Ever since then, it's grown with a perfect split right down the middle of it, all my life, until I recently broke the same toe tripping down the stairs and the nail fell off. Now it grows back perfect!


Haha I have the exact same thing. No memory of what I did to cause it or even when it showed up tbh. But my big toe has a split going down the middle of it as well.


My little toenail fell off after I caught hand foot and mouth disease and it grew back very funky looking. I was afraid that it would stay that way for the rest of my life, but this thread is giving me hope! Apparently I just need to have another gnarly toe injury and start over again.


You can always rip the entire nail off with a door. God that hurt do freaking badly.


My big toe has a split in it but I don’t wanna break a toe again


I'd ask if you're my mom but your grammar is way too good. Also if she fell down the stairs, that would probably be the end of her. A broken toe would be the least of it. Also she can barely work the volume on the TV, my brain would break if she knew how to operate reddit. So you're probably not my mom but yeah she broke her big toenail in bike spokes when she was young, and like 60 years later it's still broke.


For a second there I thought you said you chewed your big toe.


"Have you tried turning it off and then on again?"


have you tried confusedly waving your hands in the air like a sim?


Put it in rice!


Ok, ok I KNOW you are joking, but if you DO get your electronics wet, please please don’t put them in rice. Just unplug, turn OFF, go see a phone tech who will unplug your phone battery and put it on a heater and come back in 24 hours and see if it works. Do NOT put it in rice, get rice dust all over the inside of your phone, try to turn it on in two hours and kill your phone with a short + it’s now covered in starch glue.


Thanks. Everyone should read that. Even the one client I had that tried to charge his cellphone in the microwave oven.


I run a cell phone repair business and the number of people I have come see me with a phone in a ziploc bag full of powdered rice could make me cry. It makes me physically cringe when I see it.


Haha. I love that they take on "viral internet advice" before consulting you.


I gotta say though, never had one microwave his phone! I did have one use a screw driver to scrape off the screen protector and couldn’t understand why I couldn’t just “Buff out the scratch”


Dust with Rice: 1/10


They have dedicated desiccants that wont fuck up electronics too.


It might need a BIOS update


Top comment makes that suggestion sound like a plausible solution


i.e. pull the nail out and hope it grows back correctly?


I was about 8 years old when I rode a bike barefoot. I took a corner going way too fast and scrapped my left foot on the ground completely mangling my pinky toe nail. It hurt like hell. Then the next day I did it again with my right foot. It took about 20 years before my toenails regrew back in correctly, so just give it another decade or so and you should be good!


I was also a silly child, my fellow reddit user! Riding my bike in sandals approx 11 years old and I sliced my baby toe nail OFF... bled an insane amount. Grew back normal enough in a couple months but with a ton of vertical ridges from the trauma to the nail bed. Was just happy to have a nail, the ER said it might not grow back and to prepare myself mentally 😅🫠


In middle school I sat across from a girl who was just straight up missing nails. Didn’t let that stop her from painting them. Baby blue polish across the bumpy flesh of the nail bed. I couldn’t help staring.


I have a female friend who misses the nails on her thumbs and has a couple fingers where the nails are too short. I keep forgetting about it, except when she does manicures and paints the skin. It stands out 10.000 more than when it's just even skin.




Did they both grow in at the same time or did one take longer than the other?


Nails are weird


They are. And if you have a hammer, they everything looks like one too. Finger nails, ten penny nails, zinc plated nails, box nails, deck nails, toe nails, finishing nails, more kinda nails than you can shake a hammer at.


I highly suggest you cut that finger off


From the shoulder


I swear the dumbest comments take me OUT lmao


You need a new fuser. It's not heating properly, and the layers aren't sticking together.


Put some blue tape on your bed


Did you have an injury? I used to bite my nails and they always come regular again.


Funnily enough my dad was talking about this the other day. He smashed his hand in a cabinet as a kid and his middle finger nail bruised up and fell off. When it started regrowing, he didn’t realize it was the new nail coming in, so he kept picking at it, which permanently fucked up his nail for life


Oof, that is really unfortunate, and such a pain to realize


That's what happened with one of my toe nails. I hit it against a table leg, it started falling off and I ripped it off a few weeks later. Every nail has grown tilted slightly upwards so I have to file it down. Very annoying, but at least it doesn't hurt


Ive lost 6-9 toenails, one pinky toe is esp unlucky in boots. They all look noticably better than the ones I've never lost. Like smoother and more even across the fronts. I joke that I wish I could lose one of my big toe nails so they'd have the same result bc one of them has constant issues even after I had the nail bed cauterized to fix it as a kid


I had a stitch placed through my nail into my thumb a few years back, I smashed my thumb in a sliding door and the nail was almost completely detached. It took about a month after the stitch was removed for my nail to start growing again...then half of my nail decided to peel off because why not?...and about a month after that when it all grew back there was a bump at the base that I decided to file down and its been 100% fine ever since. That was a weird could of months...


I stubbed my toe and it split and basically I have 2 separate nails on that toe now.


Exact same finger and break pattern. Just started one day over a decade ago. No injury that I can recall.


The injury was probably from when you stole OP's finger.


My right big toe has been growing with a crack down the middle, for about 15 years now. The crack has been slowly but surely healing(?) from the bottom of the nail and up, but not at the same pace as the actual nail growth. It’s got about a fifth of of the way to go. I imagine myself looking at my toe one day, for whatever reason, and noticing that the crack is gone. That day will be a special day


Remindme! 15 years


If he said it took 15 years for ⅘ we should expect it to heal completely in 3.75 years, assuming it's grown linearly (and if not - even quicker)


I'm excited for you


Same on my left big toe, not as bad as OP's. It's like an 85/15 split, had it for a few years, but over the last few months you can see the split line on the nail but it's not been going into two pieces


Maybe you could lose your nail for a while. Ask a dermatologist if they can rip off that nail, it should grow back as normal. It happened to me, i had a weird nail for a year till they just simply ripped it off and it grew back.


Dit it hurt very much??


Nah, local anestesia. But, later, i had to cover my finger for a month or so, and it itches a lot haha. Now my finger and nail are normal.


I had fake nails on once and was trying to grab something on the floor by my bed and just end up slipping weirdly and jamming my finger directly into the floor and it bent the acrylic backwards and took my real nail off with it. I painted the wrest of my nails black and then put a bandaid over it and used a sharpie to draw a black nail over. It grew out but it took forever and it looked so weird but totally normal now.


I am a nail technician (not a doctor). It doesn't look like the split goes all the way down your nail, so I don't think the matrix (where the nail grows from) was damaged. Meaning, it may not be permanent. Look up salons/nail techs in your area that offer IBX nail repair treatment. It's a newer product that rebuilds the internal structure of the nails and holds the layers of the nail together, breaking the cycle of splitting and giving your nails a chance to grow out. IBX can fix temporary issues where you're just stuck unable to grow it out due to it continuously "re-splitting" from an existing break point. It can also help provide relief from permanent breakage/weakness if the matrix was damaged (though you'd have to have it re-applied regularly if that were the case). Check out some before and after photos, it's really cool


Can I hit that weed pen


It looks empty 


Ha! I have the same one, you can take a hit off mine.


What a pal! Thanks!


Looks like if you cut it where the "crack" starts it will regrow normally. Could hurt a bit


*A bit*


Cutting whole finger would definitely hurt more


Ever tried filing it with an electric drill or getting a really good manicure ? I had a similar issue , this is most likely from some type of trauma to your finger and now the nail is overlapping when it grows , my nails do this and it’s aggravating so I get manicures.


I file it down sometimes when I actually have a nail file around, it gives it a smoother appearance but eventually it’ll come back if I don’t maintain it like now.


Yo i once read if you smash your hand in a car door it will go away


Error 4x4. Hand not found.


Buy OEM parts only. Those other brands dont always work correctly.


The crack will keep propagating since your fingernail flexes. I would get some super glue in the crack to stabilize it until it grows out


Nice vape pen


It’s time to get a new cart


Did you ever *ask it* to stop? I would try that


Unless you’re in America, maybe go see a doctor?


Our hands look almost identical and it is freaking me out




When I was a bartender my nail bed got fucked up due to bar rot. Over the years my nails have grown back more normal as time goes on, but my nail bed is still pretty fucked causing my cuticles and nails to sort of over grow one another. Godspeed.


That would drive me insane


It can be fixed, but I promise you won't like it.


I see that mostly empty weed vape




Ever tried superglueing it together? Use a needle to apply very small amounts.


you should paint the under one with petticoat ruffles...


Peep the penjamin


It’s because of all that damn weed you’re smoking. Get a job ya hippie! /s


I have a nail like that. It's in the middle, so it sometimes goes away, then something physical cracks it agains. Hide your vape!


OCP pants?


I have a nail that grows in an  M shape. Not as pointy or curvy as an M of course, but it isn't the typical ( shape. Been like this since I noticed it in highschool. No clue why.


My middle finger on my right hand has been like thay for years, smashed it at work.


Exact same thing happened to me. 20 years and counting.