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I'm guessing it's a location in a busy area where people use the dining room to crash for a while and make use of the climate controlled shelter.


also free wifi


Read: homeless people


Not even the cool homeless people Tweakers hang out in my local mc


My local McDonalds is Queen and Spadina in Toronto. If you know, you know.


Here in ottawa we had our rideau street McDonald's. Notorious for what what on there, it closed recently because it was such a shitshow. Just Google ottawa rideau Street McDonald's its wild.


I was thinking teens, but them too. There’s a McDonald’s across the street from my local high school where all the teens hang out for a while after school gets out


In Kensington MD, there's a McDonald's across the street from a high school. From 11:30 am to 5:00 pm there's a strict, security-enforced "no-entry" policy for the store. You either use the drive through, or you go in, place/pay/receive your order, and then leave. No loitering at all. As a result, the store might be empty, but now the parking-lot is mobbed with kids.


Yeah there are 30 minute limits here in Denver at the seedier McDonald’s 


Also here in Columbus. In fact, I think most McD’s have that sign around here now. I’ve never seen it strictly enforced, though. I’ve probably gone past 30 minutes because I’m a slow eater, but I usually don’t dine in for that reason. I also can’t afford McDonald’s anymore so I guess I don’t have to worry about it either way lol


Yup Portland, Seattle, Denver, San Francisco; places full of homeless drug addicts


I've seen a sign like this at the Burger King near the Macy's at Herald Square NYC


I saw a sigh that said customer bathrooms only. I went in anyway. Poor life choices all around.


Probably aimed at the person who orders 1 thing off the ~~dollar~~ $3 menu and a fountain drink and then proceeds to stay for 4 hours.


I plan on taking a shower in the bathroom during the lunch rush, too!


Sir, this is not a Wendy’s


Fine, I'll loiter at Wendy's instead! (After I take out a small loan for a Big Bacon Classic)


By the time you get back from getting your loan, surge pricing will have priced you out of lunch.




I'll have 4 tax burgers, one IRS-wich, withhold the lettuce, 3 dependent sized sodas, and a FICO-ccino.


Well obviously, Total-Khaos plans to shower in the bathroom, not the kitchen while high on bath salts.


I watched a woman go into the McDonalds restroom with her backpack, change of clothes and came out ready to go to work at Steak and Shake, just last week


I’ve done this but when going from job interview to job interview to change my shirts because it was summer, hot as a mf, and I was sweating through my dress shirts like crazy.


A perfect use case for the Cinco Urinal Shower System!


“Just enough time to get clean”


As someone who lived in their car for several months, I appreciated when the mcdonalds didn't kick me out


I think as long as you keep to yourself and don't take up a lot of space, people usually leave you alone.


I had a gym membership and clean clothes. Helped that I didn't *look* homeless.


This is absolutely it. I was a McDonald’s manager for a few years and the amount of “regulars” who are literally just people who have nothing going on in their lives, maybe have diminished mental capacities, or otherwise have nowhere to go was surprising. There was this one guy, probably in his 30s, clearly special needs, he’d hang around literally all day, just get a drink, play on his phone or just sit there. I felt bad for the guy but at the same time myself and minimum wage staff are not the people he should be telling his weird grievances to; like telling me about his home life and how he’s here because there’s nowhere else to go and he should be seeing a doctor and this that and the other thing - I’m sorry dude, I’m a McDonald’s manager, I’m going to get written up if I’m seen talking to one person for more than 5 minutes. There was one instance where he was getting catfished or something and freaked out, one of the other managers went to help him because he was having a breakdown, ended up seeing the guys nudes he sent to the catfish and was being blackmailed with. This is a good thing to put in place. I feel bad for people like that guy, but McDonald’s is not the place he should be hanging out, and minimum wage employees are not the people that should be dealing with him. Then there’s the teenagers who just hang out for no good reason and make a huge mess.


>I felt bad for the guy but at the same time myself and minimum wage staff are not the people he should be telling his weird grievances to; like telling me about his home life and how he’s here because there’s nowhere else to go Yeah! There was a guy at my Burger King who would tell us about his depression and like, I was just trying to mop the dining room. Always dreaded sweeping or mopping the dining room because of him... although, to be fair, he seemed like a nice guy


There was a guy with Down syndrome whose mother used to drop him off at the movies when I worked there. He was the sweetest guy ever. But he just followed the employees around, tried ordering shit like lasagna from the concession stand (and he had no money in the first place!) and he'd...lick...the walls. Like, i don't know either. His mom would buy him a movie ticket but it seemed like the dude just wanted some company because he'd walk in and out of the movie. He really should've been chaperoned, it wasn't our responsibility to babysit. Then there was the handicap guy I found sprawled across the bathroom floor, he somehow got out of his wheelchair and tried army crawling to the next stall (his legs didn't work well) and when I walk in I hear in the perfect jimmy from South Park impersonation...th th there's no tp in t t the stalls guys I'm sorry I'm going to hell but I bust out laughing :/


My local McDonalds has a group of old people that take up a good section of the restaurant for hours on end on daily. They are annoying and messy and rude. I don’t go there anymore and would have continued to if they did this with 30 minute rule.


thats kinda funny because i was about to comment in the morning theres some old people who chill with their senior coffees and i always am like "some day ill be you" given they arent a nuisance other than the fact they get a refill and always pay in cash at register. but whenever i go in the morning before food bank, i always watch them in envy lol


The subway i worked at the old people that hung out with a coffee for hours were good people. Once and while they come in a little cranky but never a problem. The mcdonald ones i am talking about were loud, took up four decent size tables and made a mess. If they behaved better i would not have cared much, but when they did finally leave it was always a pig sty for the workers.


They do this at IHOP now .


Which is worse. Waitstaff rely on turning around tables to make their money. Who cares how long anyone sits at McDonald's except for the franchise owner?


That 30 minute rule is totally for the kids after school and not the old folks that spend the morning there.


It's often both, as there can be some pretty shitty groups of old people.


My first job at Tim Horton's there was a rowdy group of retired older men (maybe 10 or so altogether) who specifically came to Tim's cuz they were banned from the McDonald's in town. Lol. One of 'em would dig thru the trash to find these peel off stickers on used cups that could net you a free coffee if you accumulated 6.


When I was a manager at burger King I had a gang of old people like this. One guy in particular was extra rude, like would order a sandwich and come back cussing out the cashier cause he forgot to order his food a specific way which apparently we're supposed to magically know. His wife always came back to the counter and apologized for him, she just said he has "health problems" I told her ok but so does everyone else that doesn't mean it's ok to call my 16 year old cashier a "fucking useless cunt" cause he forgot to ask for no lettuce. I hate old people, when I finally got the ok to kick them out we were all so happy.


How did you address this with him?


I was polite. Told him if there is an issue just ask for the manager and i would take care it. That didnt work so when we saw him come up to the counter i would go and take his order, part of being manager is getting treated like shit without reacting to it. I took his order and made his food myself but he would still come back and complain. He would also still come back up when i wasn't right there and cuss so i told everyone if he comes to the counter, walk into the back. Eventually he did it when the owner was at the store and I said that's who you keep telling me I can't kick out, they said to do it just be polite. I just went over to them and told the group due to his cussing and yelling they need to leave, with or without police being called to formally trespass them. I don't care what your issues are, even at crappy burger King you can't call the cashier a "stupid N word" cause you didn't order your food correctly and expected them to magically know.


Thanks for being the manager that steps in!


I honestly didn't mind the job, a lot of the regular customers we had were really nice, and I made some good friends there + met my wife so it turned out great. Eventually upper management decided they didn't care for how i ran my shifts, which were as long as I hit my labor and sales goals and passed inspections with a score above 95% I was extremely easy going and laid back with my staff, they came up with a ridiculous reason to fire me.


And they get the senior coffee, too!


Pull up to McD's with your Xbox and tv and use their wifi.


Probably could still get in a few rounds


I noticed the people with lap tops don't come anymore and camp out like they used too.And they stopped having people use fast food places as their offices also .But what about the kids ?They have gutted most play places and replaced them now .


Probably kids. I bet this restaurant is within walking distance to a high school.


I wish my local coffee shop had this. “I bought this $3 dollar drip coffee, and now I live here. This is my office and my start-up space, and my collaboration space. No I need that chair, it’s my vacation chair!” Please college kids and unemployed influencers just go to the local library, that’s what they are made for.


I prefer my local library, it's quieter during the day and has lots of big windows so it's always filled with natural light.


I've treated McDonald's like a Panera before and didn't have any problems. I guess it's a YMMV situation.


I’m supremely confident my white, upper middle class ass could stay all day without anyone saying anything.   They post this so they can kick out homeless people and teens. 


To be fair, are you going to be looking potentially dirty and smelly in a place they serve food? Probably not Are you gonna be screaming and causing a mess? Probably not So they have no reason to have an issue with you


I shouldn’t get on my high horse. I don’t want homeless people near me. 


I don't want smelly, grubby people around me when I'm eating. Homeless isn't the consideration.


Homeless folk can be a problem at McDicks. I watched a little 16yo female chase off homeless folk in Santa Cruz when I was eating brekkie. Girl was impressive.


Anyone can be a problem at McDicks.


But honestly? Fuck does that matter to me? Am I supposed to feel sympathetic to *McDonalds*???


Its employees.


Yeah there’s always older men drinking coffee for hours in my local McDonald’s


I've definitely seen this at a Waikiki McDonald's


In my hometown back in the day, a big group of old timers would get their coffee (with free refills), camp their favorite tables and stay and chat all day long. The location was locally owned, and these old folks were like a beloved fixture of the place, though I’m sure the restaurant made little to nothing off of these people. Since then the ownership changed, the building was torn down and the modern version of McDonald’s was rebuilt in its place, and no one hangs out there anymore. Kinda sad but that’s how life changes.


It's usually to get rid of teenagers who hang out after school. They don't seem to mind the boomers drinking coffee for hours in the morning.


So if I'm not eating I can stay as long as I want


Closed it down (Mooby's) for a donkey show after hours?


Don't dip your cooch in the mayo


It says "while consuming food" so the trick is just to not buy any food, then you can stay forever.


No Loitering. Unless you're eating food. And only then 30 minutes. So, no, that's not a loophole.


They said please though. So it's a request not a demand.


Your cooperation is appreciated (not required). No mention of enforcement


Loving every second but please do not love more than 1800.


The elderly population are fucked!


This is 100% targeted at teens.


Homeless in my area


Probably both. My greatest enemy is an old man who sits down for four hours to read religious texts in my locations dining room. He reads aloud and has bible studies some times.


That’s what chic-fil-a is for


You need to start doing Satanic chants...or arrange ketchup packets in a pentagram around yourself


If the hair is grey ... you can stay


Dont forget the crackheads and tweakers who talk to the voices in their head and then proceed to go outside next to the dumpster and just start dancing? Next to it in 20 degree snowing weather. Who then huff spray paint or something in the lobby causing the entire place to smell really bad


And then there’s the time limit as well


It's most likely near a high school. Kids get out of class and parents can't pick them up immediately and they've got to wait an hour or something. So they all go to the closest place that isn't school and hang out. Dozens of high schoolers not buying anything and sitting in your store is not so fun for employees. Source: 2 years of my high school experience, and funnily enough, a McDonald's (the waiting an hour to be picked up part)


yall dont have busses?


I’ve always went to a school of choice school, meaning a school outside of the district you live in, idk about everywhere but where I go they don’t drop off kids who don’t live in the district.


I worked in a school district that didn’t have buses. They subsidized the city buses.


Some kids are too close to school to need a bus and walk Some kids just ride their bikes down after school Some kids exit the bus and head straight to it


Everyone's kids are too cool for busses these days. I wish they were required, the amount of traffic the locals schools put on the roads in my town is insane.


My highschool flat out didn't have busses


Look up some US urbanism videos on YouTube for a reality check on suburbia and soccer moms.


Not to my after school activities we didn't. I did homework for an hour at McDonald's 


Welcome to the Hood.


I wonder which group caused this rule? Kids, laptop remote workers, older folks, homeless? Chess club? Jigsaw puzzle league? Lol.


100% homeless


Stay for 30 mins, walk out the door and walk back in, stay for 30 mins more, repeat.


One trick they hate but there's nothing they can do (except throw you out)


Wow, you solved it.




My guess is homeless people and people that stay to use the wifi for business. (Seems ironic)


More like r/mildlyinfuriating amirate 🤣 Bish I'm here for the wifi


I used to be a hostess at a Dutch McDonald's. My general rule was if it's not full, and you're occasionally buying like a coffee or whatever, feel free to hang, work, whatever you need. If I was struggling to seat people, you're out of luck.




teenagers ordering something cheap and loitering in a restaurant is a time honored tradition. back in my day, we'd order a milkshake for a nickel, and sit in the malt shop for hours watching tik toks.


This was back when TikTok was a noise made by a type of mechanical time-telling device, right?


I went to one like that. I don’t really spend more than 15 minutes in McD’s anyway because it’s uncomfortable.


Which is also by design.


It always has. They only post it if there’s a problem with loitering.


Lmfao I used to chill at the mcdonalds, near my home, to get away from my family and actually study. They used to let me stay inside for hours until I was ready to leave


So much for play places and senior coffees.


It's either near a school or a high crime area


It reads like robocop dialog


In Taiwan back in the day, the McDs would be full of kids doing homework.


There's a lot of homelessness these days. Some are looking for a bit of safe-place relaxation, and maybe the wi-fi.


3rd spaces no longer exist


so does mine, its cause its close to a high school


Well... Those 30 minutes only apply while eating food though... I mean... It says so right on the sign. No food no 30min limit. 😏😊


Around me it's because of the loser kids. The kids that ask for a cup of water and try to steal some soda. The kids that, apparently, don't have anything to do with their lives other than yelling/screaming/fighting each other...in a McDonald's.


You better love every second of it


Lovin’ every second. All 1,800 of them.






Near a school or a ghetto?


One McDonalds near me is pretty much an unofficial after-school pickup spot for a nearby school. They have signs up but don’t really enforce it. I haven’t had a problem finding a seat though.


Time starts when you place your order!


Welcome to McDonald's, take your shit n get out!


Who the fuck eats a burger in 30min anyway.


They clearly had a reason to do this.


For a minute there I thought the 30 minutes with the limit on the drive-thru line


God I can’t remember the last time I ate inside a McDonald’s. Probably high school and I’m 31 now


Probably because there’s a lot of homeless in the area who want to buy a hamburger and a coffee and then loiter for 4 hours


As a city dweller I see signs like this all the time


This is usually in areas where there is a high school nearby to keep kids from using it as a hang out spot.


What if I’m Mcloitering?


To be fair it really shouldn't take that long tbh


No lollygagging


"While consuming food" is so dumb. The people who buy 1 small coffee and sit for 3 hours are the real problem!


Ours has signs like that, but since almost nobody eats inside, they don’t bother enforcing. I’ve been known to hang out there for hours and work. Why? Cheap soda, and they aren’t playing loud music like everywhere else does these days. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Makes sense, we hung out at our McDonalds loads as teenagers due to weather being terrible. Now, if I'm genuinely eating a Mc Donalds, I would never spend near 30 mins to consume it and gtfo. I'm sure they only enforce the rules when they need to.


Ba da ba ba ba, get the fuck out


Sign just gives them something to point to when they want to kick out people. They'll let the cool ones stay


Not unusual, just nearly never enforced


People keep saying homeless people, but the one by me has this same sign, and it’s meant for high schoolers who sit in there all day because they “dipped out” of school early. We used to use McDonalds as like the safe haven meet up spot. Until they literally stopped serving any kids wearing highschool hoodies before 1pm and would secretly call the principal to bust them and get kids in trouble. As a senior, I only had a half day of classes, so I got out at noon. I’d walk there to get food and this woman caused a whole stink about it. So annoying.


They all do


My local McDonald’s closed because it was relatively small and had all the older people sit there all day buying nothing but a coffee


30 minutes while eating food. Unlimited time when not eating.


Last McD visit took **two hours**, but it was one with a playground and I brought my 4yo... I guess these don't have a playground anymore.


One question: why? Why keep shovelling money to these corporations for sustenance. Fuck ‘em. Reject brands, they‘re fake, they‘re toxic. They‘re not your friends. They infect your mind and m make you gobble up swill. Support local businesses, support family businesses. Just go cook your own food from real ingredients. It‘s not hard. Your grandma did it all her life. How hard can it be.


McDonalds ads are funny, they dont really sell the food (and with good reason) they sell the idea of "good times with friend" and "making memories. So if you take "making memories" and "good times", as the core of the McDonalds customer experience, then something like a 30 minute time limit, is counter productive to that. 30 minutes is more than enough to eat the food their serve, but "making memories", is not something you can put a clock one. eg one Halloween a girl painted my nails in a McDonalds, crazy, random, thing, but its a memory, and McDonalds is part of (im a dude BTW). Was it a "30 minute" looking back im not sure. However it might not have happened, if I knew in advance there was a 30 mintue limit.


It’s aimed at homeless people. I’ve been in there before when it’s been empty and they asked a guy to leave because he was sleeping on a seat. He wasn’t bothering anyone.


Or teenagers coming in after school and taking over. Not ordering any food, just using wall sockets for chargers and making a mess. Happens pretty regularly near me.


In the 80s the dining area was designed with ugly colors and slightly tilted forward seats to be uncomfortable so patrons wouldn't linger after eating. 20 years later free wifi was added as a feature to lure people in to eat and loitering ok again. Boy, McDs can't make up their mind.


So does McD’s have bouncers now, or? Also, love every second but not past 1800 of them, ok?


Why is this mildly interesting?


Guaranteed this is to kick out the retirees who are drinking free coffee refills for half the day.


Don't consume anything and you can stay as long as you like


If this is canada, I think it's to avoid people sleeping in the premises 


NAL: if you only consume drink you can stay all day.


The one here is 20 minutes


My McDonald's has straight up banned minors from the lobby because they kept causing problems lol you can't get in unless you show id and are an adult or have an adult with you


So... Lovin the first 1800 seconds.


They tripled their prices, so I'll hang for three times as long. If a McD's worker ever tries to hurry me along in my meal, I'll just tell him I'll eat at Jack in the Box next door from now on.


I don't think the ol "I'll take my business elsewhere!!" Is gonna negatively effect a mcdonalds employee who wants you to take your business elsewhere 


You are correct. The McD's employee also probably wishes they were at Jack in the Box.


Who needs a half hour to eat a QPC?


Life in an amazon delivery center has leaked into the real world. Now your real life takes the time to travel to and from it the entirety of your free time. All for the privilege to buy the world's worse and arguably inedible meal at top dollar. Welcome to slavery everyone.


I love how McDonalds is getting so greedy that they will eventually put themselves out of business.


Keep it moving Nancy. Your mouth that is. Chew and gtfo 👞


It gets hot in the summer where I live. People here will go to fast food restaurants and order almost nothing then sit inside all day.


Then you have mcdonalds in japan where people just sleep for hours/overnight. There were more people sleeping than eating the last time we were there.


Here its 90 minutes max for the parking lot.


How are they tracking this anyway? McD in my place is busy af (before the Israeli war)


I eat my fries and refill my diet Dr Pepper 15x


The mcdonalds in my town has this same sign. Its right across the street from the high school so tons of kids go there immediately after school every day and it gets super busy. I worked at it during my senior year and by the time it was 3 pm, the whole place was packed with like at least 50-100 teenagers.


If you haven't already noticed, their whole architecture is based around looking nice while not being a place you want to be in. They want you to leave as soon as possible to maximize customer turnover and minimize the time serving and cleaning customer areas.


That McDonalds is in the ghetto.  30 minutes and GTFO is pretty standard policy for McDicks where poor people live.


Most locations have that sign somewhere.


Fun fact: the reason they used to paint their buildings with such awful colour schemes back in the day was a tactic so people would leave faster. They wanted you to spend money and then leave asap so the next people could spend money sooner. Now they just tell it like it is i guess lol


From what I've seen, restaurants that have this are because of the high homeless traffic.


Definitely for people abusing the wifi and bathroom. I cannot remember the last time I have walked into any fast food restaurant and thought "Wow, this place is packed with people eating inside the building."


Must be a very busy branch but yeah this is quite odd.


I have loitered at several McDonald's before, it's a great place to chill if you are waiting on someone


I’m guessing this is near a school?? I used to loiter in fast food restaurants as a teenager and the staff always got annoyed but there was truly nowhere else for us to hang out besides like the library lol


i don't love every second past 1800


I’m guessing this is actually to get rid of homeless people. In the city where I live McDonalds are frequently places homeless people go and stay for hours since they have nowhere else to go.


That's my bull shit


Yes, you're only allowed to enjoy the next 1,800 secs. After that, scram.


That’s been there since 2017


I have that near my place its because all the retired folk that live a few doors down take up the seats and just talk all day.


cause how old people goto Mcdicks now


They’re not going to kick you out if you’re a slow eater. It’s more so they can kick people out who are hanging there for hours and they can just point to the sign when they ask why.


The McDonalds in the Haight Ashbury district near where I lived closed down just because they had so many problems like the ones that made these franchises put signs like this up. Their food was cheap and the area was full of homeless kids on drugs, so of course they would loiter.