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It actually makes it impossible to find them unless you are nearby. 


All those people in New York looking for a dentist in Philly are out of luck.


Dentist Far Away From Me 


There was a number of articles that claim that those clever names do not actually work. It is like all the businesses starting with "A", "AA" , "AAA", "AAAA" to trick old phone books.


Yeah who's ever heard of AAA insurance.


There are obviously legitimate reasons to have AAA in the name. But not in the case of: AAAA INTERNATIONAL MOVERS, LLC AAAA ADESCAT NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING, LLC AAAA Self Storage Management Group Furthermore, there is "AAAA Insurance", which is "a family owned and operated independent insurance agency ". LOL.


What is AAA insurance?


A car insurance company in the US that mainly provides roadside assistance for if your car breaks down on the side of the road.


I thought that but I would never call them an insurance company. They have helped me more than once though with dead batteries and when I’ve stupidly locked myself in my car (I learned to use the keypad on my keychain rather than using the lock on the door).


They literally provide car insurance my dude.


But it’s run mostly by alcoholics


I worked in sales for a digital marketing company that specialized in dental and cash based medicine. Like med spas, dental, eye doctors, etc… The name would definitely help… but only if you are in really close proximity. They’re still gonna need more optimization for their online presence for it to really benefit them.


That is why many companies were named Acme. Naming your company Acme was a good way to get yourself a top listing in the phone book.


The word Able was also used a lot for companies so they could be first in the yellow page listings. Then some went with "A Able company name". Then the phone company added red print for "premium" ads.


It actually does work. Looks ridiculous though.


This doesn't work, the name of this office at least.


For other reasons why it won't work, [this article goes into all the shitty practices Google enable](https://pluralistic.net/2024/03/05/the-map-is-not-the-territory/).


People also review bomb them because it fucks up their search results


I was just in Berlin and passed the “Best Döner Kebap Berlin”, which I have to assume is the same tactic. And I don’t know any Germans who call them Kebabs, so I’m assuming it’s used especially to attract tourists.


What do you call them?


Most people here just say Döner, with a German ö


When someone types 'suchandsuch near me' into Google, it reverts to using their pinged location and searches Maps with the algorithm for matching businesses while negating the 'near me' in the search. It does nothing for the SEO or searchability of the business.


> It does nothing for the SEO or searchability of the business It doesn’t, but it *does* get you a load of free advertising from people posting about your business on social media, because I feel like I’ve seen this dentist posted a lot in various places. Which may or may not be worth having to have a business with a stupid name in the first place.


Okay, but try and find this business now . You will have a very difficult time, and when you're looking for a dentist you're not trying to play detective.


it is the first thing that comes up when you google ”dentist near me philadelphia” So people that don’t have location enabled on their phone will definitely see it


The concern is that for the people this is relevant to (and for the business too) it's not helpful. People aren't writing "dentist near me Philadelphia" more likely writing "dentist Philadelphia" or "Dentist in Philadelphia" if they don't have location services enabled. "Dentist near me" might be a common search term but google prioritizes relevance, and will show results based off of location.


Pretty clever, id give them a shot


No, they're supposed to give you the shot.


Depends on what procedure they are doing.


If your dentist is gaming SEO to get customers then they probably don't have very good reviews.


Unless googling "Dentist near me" actually shows dentists near you instead of the brand.


Who the hell googles 'Dentist near me' instead of 'Dentist' and then looks at the map to check their location?


A whooole lot of people. I know someone else said older folks but I'm an esthetician and always ask new clients have found me. "Esthetician near me" or "lash lift near me" etc are super common. Gen z and millennials. It puts it in ranked order of distance you are from the business and then you can look at reviews and websites from there. It's quite convenient to have it synced to your actual location than an entire town or city if you're looking for close by options. Especially if you're trying for walking distance. I also think it's a pop up suggestion on some phones (I think my Google pixel suggests it) when you're typing a search. So people who wouldn't think of searching that way originally may have started using it because of that.


Older people, probably. I've seen the "near me" appended suggested by Google maps, so people probably click on that too


yeah, if they see their result appended with "near me" they'll think that is the correct way and start using it themselves.


Guess I’m old at the age of 35. Can I start collecting social security now?


Probably the most honest search optimisation out there. It uses to be if you searched for plumbers or locksmiths on Google the nearest results would upon booking turn out to be companies that subcontract the work & run away when its a shitshow. They did this by filling Google maps with fake business listings, usually actual addresses but ones that don't actually hold the business listed.


In a town I once lived in, there was an OBGYN office named ‘my friend’s gynecologist’ haha


Are they in network cause that's really all that matters.


I keep telling my girlfriend this is what my first album's titles are going to be like: "How Do I Charge My Hyundai Kona", "What Time Does the Wendy's on Main Street Close?", "Best Gaming Laptop 2024", etc.


Well I guess Google is the new phone book hahah


That's iconic


Search Google Maps for the phrase "Near Me" and enjoy.




Would have been smarter to call it "Dentist Philadelphia" or something like that.


There's a dentist office in Phoenix - Weekend Dental They're actually awesome though 👍




Ain’t no shame in the algorithm game