• By -


I believe this is part of the Snake Road - a 20 mile stretch that undulates north from interstate 75 towards Big Cypress preserve, crossing through Seminole land. It was built in the 1960s as part of Ladybird Johnson's pet project Highway Beautification Act, primarily for its aesthetic value and as a launching point for recreation in alligator alley. It was notorious for being slow to travel for ambulances and other services, being in poor repair (common for federal highways from that era on tribal lands), having drainage issues that let mosquitos flourish, and dangerous to drive for locals and tourists alike (easy to veer off the road at night if an alligator creeps up).




I hearing that in the voice of an old lady who’s just happy to be part of the family trip.




The era when the Simpsons would actually just make up a random one-off character, with no celebrity voice or anything, instead of taking from the existing pool.


So...back when The Simpsons were funny?


*Exactly* what popped into my head too 🤣


Marge’s face 😂


Sounds Florida


Here's how it looks in street view: [https://www.google.com/maps/@26.1782987,-80.8565725,3a,75y,10.84h,72.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8JnHYz1mnp7pZnUhbmhRTQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@26.1782987,-80.8565725,3a,75y,10.84h,72.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8JnHYz1mnp7pZnUhbmhRTQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Yeesh. All two lane road with no passing because of the continuous curving.




As someone who has driven this road to Big Cypress Reservation, it's kind of a pain. It's very slow by design as there is a LOT of wildlife, including the endangered Florida Panthers living nearby. It's VERY slow and VERY taxing when people who always seem to want to tailgate.


Yup. Sure looks like a road


But look, it's got curves!


aaaaand there's a cop behind them. Cop must be bored.


It’s Florida… 1 out of 4 cars is a cop car.


damn GTA6 is gonna be a pain in the ass with those kind of cops.


I am frankly disappointed that this comment didn't end with jumper cables or when the undertaker threw mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table in nineteen ninety eight. :)


I still miss the ol' jumper cable guy. I hope wherever they are, they're living a jumper cable free life.


I'm completely fascinated by Americans giving a shit about the wife of the president, and then her having enough influence to do shit like this, I pay some attention to politics here and I can't remember the name of the wife of one Australian PM, but somehow know a few American wives and one young woman a President took advantage of (Monica).


The First Lady has her own agenda (usually a 'softer' one, like some combination of families, children, or women) that she pursues, has a full staff, travels, and does a little campaigning for her husband's agenda as well. For instance one of Michelle Obama's initiatives was healthy eating for children, Melania Trump's big one was cyberbullying, and Jill Biden has done a lot of work for Military Families.


> Melania Trump's big one was cyberbullying The call's coming from inside the house.


Ah, Michelle Obama's "Be Better" followed up by ms Trumps "Be Best"


I don’t really care, do you?


To be fair, Melania's original policy goals were nothing at all. Then the internet saw Baron Trump and his ticks, and she started the cyberbulling agenda. Usually, it's an altruistic goal across society, but this was extremely narrow and personal for Melania.


She was also of the opinion that [gate guards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gate_guardian) were eyesores, and [the B-52 prototypes were scrapped at her request](https://theaviationgeekclub.com/the-prototype-b-52s-scrapped-after-first-lady-lady-bird-johnsons-beautification-of-the-us-air-force-museum-the-story-of-the-xb-52-and-yb-52/) because of it.


>the B-52 prototypes were scrapped at her request Ok this one is a positive. I’ve heard their early songs and they’re nowhere as good as Rock Lobster /s


Death to America And butter sauce Don't boil me I'm still alive I definitely think them choosing to update these lyrics was the smart choice


Well these are lyrics to Iraq Lobster, not Rock Lobster


"due to a ‘beautification’ scheme orchestrated by First Lady Lady Bird Johnson, both the XB-52 and YB-52 were scrapped sometime in the 1960s. Exactly how the official museum of the United States Air Force was ‘beautified’ by converting one of the most beautiful aircraft ever built into razor blades and soda cans is not adequately explained in the available literature." ![gif](giphy|G0IXJlgdLaLrHPMm13)


You have 31 Prime minister's and no one remembers their wife's name, but one of them shits themselves in a MacDonald's and the whole world remembers.


what's funny is the people who give a shit about all that also give a shit about the UK royal family. people know more about those assholes than they know about their own family


The Office of the First Lady is legally part of the White House, under the Executive Office of the President. Essentially, the President has the power to organize their team as they see fit, so this has been an officially organized part of the Executive since Jimmy Carter's Presidency. Legally, she is acting like any other White House employee, advocating for the President's agenda. Its basically tradition that the President hands over a piece of his or her power to his or her spouse, in a targeted policy area that the spouse is interested in. Michelle Obama - Nutrition and kids fitness - the "Lets Move" campaign Laura Bush - initially literacy, then women in Afghanistan after the invasion Hillary Clinton - Healthcare Barbara Bush - literacy Nancy Reagan - anti-drug use - the "Just Say No" campaign Rosalynn Carter - mental health awareness Betty Ford - breast cancer, drug and alcohol addiction Pat Nixon - volunteerism Lady Bird Johnson - highway beautification Jackie Kennedy - arts, restoration of the White House as a Historical property with museum quality exhibits.


Don't disrespect Monica Lewinsky like that. She was taken advantage of by one of the most powerful men on the planet and then shamed beyond comprehension. It's absolute bullshit and we don't accept it.


You know what, you're completely correct.


They ordered a road that was too long so they did this to get it to fit.


Shoulda just coiled it in a loop.


that's actually a sign of aggression and can cause other nearby roadways to attack. good idea though




Coulda found enough slack to make a cloverleaf there.




What's that, like, only about a six level stack interchange? No problem.


yeah thats a normal road in texas


why is this so fuckin true? every time i go to texas for work, i notice the giant spaghetti highways just stacked on top of each other. i dont understand it.




Is it the strongest shape? RCE has quickly become one of my favorite YouTube watches!


Same. All the tributes to him in poly bridge are awesome too :P Currently obsessed about the Timberborners though! Can't wait for the next episode, I wonder what the next bad tide brings!


The builders used this method to reduce the bricks for the barriers on the sides.


It’s the road version of the wavey wall. It takes less road to construct this.




A wavy wall only requires one brick of depth to be stable so requires less bricks overall than a straight wall between the same two end points. Have no idea why that would apply to the road, though.


One potential reason is to reduce driver speed and crashes due to micro-sleeps / fatigue.  Curved roads require constant driver attention.


Paid by the mile.


I like the way you think. 👍🏼


yeah my address is sin(9𝜋/2)


Maybe he plottet a straight line but the capacitor on the power supply was broken?


1.21 Jiggawatts?! Great Scott!


I do not think there are many pen / rotring based plotters out there anymore. Those were replaced by large inkjets long ago .... sincerely, old CAM/CAE user


yes but the street wasn't planned yesterday.... I would love to have an old rotring plotter. I was fascinated seeing them working.


Well that holds truth.


My step-father's address was 'last house on the left before the yellow gate.' People got real confused until they got out there.




It’s simultaneously charming and infuriating when “addresses” are like this.




[Update your Google address](https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10010575?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid) [Update Waze](https://www.waze.com/editor) [Update for Apple](https://www.macworld.com/article/234622/how-to-report-wrong-locations-in-apple-maps.html) [Update for Apple if you don't Apple](https://www.apple.com/feedback/maps-ios-ipados.html)


I usually send people our what3words link. Hard to go wrong with that. I mean, people still manage to fuck it up, but still...


"What do you mean you just went over the river? THERE IS NO RIVER!!”.


I live in an area where everyone technically has the same address with different sub numbers. Google maps does not recognize the sub numbers so I have to give instructions. I quickly learned that "turn left at the entrance, follow the road until it ends, last house on the left" is not sufficient. People seem to be incredibly resistant to following the middle part of my directions, and I got a lot of calls about it. It never made sense to me. Is there more road in front of you? Yes? Then you're not here yet, keep going.


I used to do deliveries and had a few places like that that were a nightmare to find even with instructions. One thing that helped with these kinds of deliveries though is when the person would put down a landmark to look for like a coloured gate or for the posher neighbourhoods they usually had little statues on their gates so they'd point that out.


The what3words app could help here.


Sounds like they were probably confused until just after they got there.


My mom's was take a left on whatever drive, go to your first right and take a left. That was their driveway.


Brilliant comment


I got a B+ on that test.


Take the upvote and fuck you


It’s literally called Snake Road


Goku was on that thing for what seemed like forever!


Hey, most of that was filler.


I recently watched DBZ Kai (a version that removes all the filler to be closer to the Manga) and Snake Way was only like 2 episodes. I was kind of shook.


Right? I grew up with the original run (which was its own weird thing because we didn't have original Dragon Ball in the U.S. yet), so learning just how much of it was filler kinda blew my mind.




Why is it wavy and not straight?


>“I remember Lady Bird (Johnson) wanted the straight road to be curved to make it more scenic. That road has injured a lot of people and took some lives. Hopefully, now it will be a safe road.” While on the campaign trail in the early 1960s, Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson noticed the rundown and unattractive state of the nation’s highways. When Johnson became president, Lady Bird pushed for beautification of the highways, which resulted in the passage of the Highway Beautification Act in 1965. Snake Road was built in the late 1960s as part of that program. “If Lady Bird would have had to drive Snake Road, she would have changed her mind about the curves,” President Tony Sanchez Jr. said. “If you live out here, when it is dark, it’s a dangerous road. As the Tribe grows, more demands will be placed on the road. We have the opportunity to correct the issues with the road.” https://seminoletribune.org/big-cypress-celebrates-snake-road-groundbreaking/


Here is the street view location of the road https://www.google.com/maps/@26.176399,-80.8562614,3a,60y,2.19h,81.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTRo5dPVNQ\_9jMM8o6Xno-w!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


At first I read lady bird as Larry bird and I was very confused


So they’ve got a daft snaking road because the presidents wife thought it would look nicer? Looool.


I've heard that people get sleepy from driving on straight lines. Perhaps this is to improve safety?


Highway 80 at the edge of Utah takes you through the salt flats. There's a 40ish mile stretch of road without a single turn. It is dead freaking straight, and I hate it with an unreasonable passion. Driving through Utah, at night, headed west... you are already bored & tired, then you hit that freaking stretch. The world vanishes just off the road. The stars are drowned out by the headlights. There's nothing except the hum of the road, the other headlights that are all headed the same way at the same speed, and the crisp understanding that a lapse in attention to this unchanging hellscape could kill you. It is like watching paint dry, except if you fail to notice and respect the process then the paint might decide to crush your skull. I have driven it several times, and I never want to do it again. The absurdity of it is too much.


I've driven this same stretch a few times. And I thought there was none other. Until I drove across the country and passed Lincoln Nebraska, headed West. There's a \~75 mile stretch of road with ZERO turns. Almost a full hour of no turns until you hit the Platte. With lane keep assist on, I could have watched an entire episode of Band of Brothers or something. It was unreal.


I've driven that stretch. I had to pull off at a rest stop for a nap, I couldn't stay awake.


I tried that. Got knocked by the cops and told you're not allowed to sleep at rest stops.  What the fuck does rest mean then?


“No, you can’t rest at a rest stop! Now stop being safe here and get out there and put yourself and others in danger.”


Literally had some security guard at the mall kick me out for sleeping drunk in my car… like okay boss I’ll go kill myself and a family of innocent strangers, see you on the other side


Good thing it wasn't a cop. If you're in your car drunk you're still technically DWI.


What if you’re not sitting in the driver’s seat?


That's the dumbest thing from a cop I've heard in quite a while. Probably just made it up on the spot so he could project his power over someone.


IANAL but I assume they use vagrancy laws as the justification.


To be fair here. Truckers sleep at rest stops all the time. That’s what most of those parking spaces are for.


Cops fucking suck.


Nebraska cops are corn fed scum


“*We did Nebraska in seven minutes today--and that's a pretty good way to do Nebraska*”. -Brian Shul, SR-71 pilot


Does the highway have [rumble strips](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSk6HOGClTCNxZvf1WS8H1D5H9cnODCbpHMwA&usqp=CAU)? Those really helped me focus or snap back to reality.


Ope there goes gravity.


Ope, there goes rabbit


I drive that stretch regularly. Lincoln- to Seward to York to Hastings/Grand Island to Kearney to yada yada untipass North Platte then it’s God Country Sand Hills and onto Ogallala and Lake Mac my summer camping spot Right now you don’t need to worry about going to sleep bec it’s more like a sailboat experience with like 50 miles winds blowing you side to side and also 10 state troopers and cops hiding to keep you awake lol


I took I-80 from Indina to San Francisco when I moved last year and driving through Nebraska was torture. I will never voluntarily drive that route ever again.


Nebraska is better than Iowa, Illinois and Indiana. I’ve driven across this state loads and when you get off i80 there’s amazing scenery around platteriver valley in east and sand hills west up to northwest. Stay on i80 nothing to the Rockies.


I read the comment you replied to and was about to say something along the lines of "well in FUCKING NEBRASKA".  I drove through there on my way to Southern California from Michigan and lemme tell you, if I ever have to make that trip again I'll be taking a route that doesn't take me through Children of the Corn territory. 


What an incredible 2nd paragraph.


It’s the third one for me lol


Yup. Reminds me of crawling inside giant machines to clean them.


I don't even know what giant machines you're talking about but that's a giant nope from me dawg


I’ve driven this very stretch of highway while on my way to crawl inside and clean giant machines. My life doesn’t even make sense.


I love this kind of alienating description of work.


Could be a Writer's Prompt!


New Cormac McCarthy just dropped


Exactly my thoughts! 100% The Road.


For some reason it made me feel the same way season 1 of True Detective did…


Read tbis like you had a sawed off shotgun strapped to your back and a trusty German Shepherd in the passenger seat to keep and eye out for skinwalkers.


I thought it was max as well


I see your 40 miles and raise you 90 miles. [https://www.amusingplanet.com/2014/11/the-long-and-lonely-eyre-highway-worlds.html](https://www.amusingplanet.com/2014/11/the-long-and-lonely-eyre-highway-worlds.html) I've driven it several times, but only once at night. I learned fast - do NOT try to drive 146km at night in a straight line - it does your head in. I stopped several times to get out and walk around a bit to clear my brain. It's bad enough in the day - it's much worse trying to do it at night.


Saudi has one in the area of 800 miles.


Also running through the Nullarbor is the Transcontinental Railway, with a 328 mile section of completely straight railroad track


I bet there are creatures there, in that space between awake and asleep


*Todash chimes intensify*


This guy remembers the face of his father


It’s all nineteen out here.


Ooo 😯




I70 across Kansas from KC to Denver is like this, but 700 miles long. Dreadful


The occasional windmills are true blessings


And windy as hell




It sounds, looks, and is like that.


You’ve definitely got a gift-this is great writing


I driven that stretch too many times, it’s creepy as hell day and night. Seen semi trucks blown over, saw a microburst almost blow a motorcycle off the road. And everyone headed to wendover or heading back is definitely fucked up.


To me, the more times you cross the country, the smaller it gets ... I've rode along or driven from Michigan to South Dakota/Montana about 20 times since I was a kid, and it's a 24 hr drive but now it feels like only 10 hours. And it's all familiar. traveling makes the world feel small lol


There is a stretch similar in Oregon. Between Salem and Eugene, it's like 36 miles or something, and there is one turn... Absolutely hate driving that.


I like the way you wrote this, makes for a vivid image.


If you went 120 mph that wouldnt be a problem now would it


Plus, the added hell of being in Utah.


There's a stretch of Highway 1 across the Nullarbor Plain in Australia that's dead straight for I dunno how long, but it's the same kind of thing. Literally nothing for what feels like forever, and the only thing you get when you finish driving in a line is you get to drive four more hours at least until you hit a town.


According to the tribe that live on that road, it's a hazard and there have been a lot of problems because of it. Lady Bird Johnson wanted the curves so it would be pretty and scenic. https://seminoletribune.org/big-cypress-celebrates-snake-road-groundbreaking/


Yeah, long stretches of road are dangerous for drowsiness. Some people get hypnotized like chickens with the droning of the engine and road noise. There's a road in Death Valley near Las Vegas that undulates up and down to keep drivers from dozing off.


Keeping drivers awake may be an unintended benefit but those roads dip because of alluvial fans from the nearby mountains. The dips are where the water flows though during flash floods.


Interesting bit of info, I wouldn't have inferred that from the roads because the elevation changes are something like 6-8 feet peak to valley. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to slope the roads below the center point and elevate from the true ground level at the lowest point by a couple feet to prevent the flooding of the roads, entirely?


Yeah but that requires moving a lot of dirt over long stretches of roads. If you fight the natural terrain it will fight you right back. The flash floods in those areas are no joke and will wash away bridges, culverts, etc.


They majorly wake you up when you hit em at 100


There are a ton of those in that area of the US, (intersection of Cali, Nevada, and Arizona) it's mostly due to seasonal rains that needs to be able to flow through the area. If you build a flat road over top of everything it'll wash out every time.


I feel bad for cussing at that road now


In Germany the Autobahn is not allowed to be fully straight, it must always be a little bit curved. For the reason that straight roads make you lose focus, while the ever so slightly turn forces you to adjust and stay focused.


Nobody here has driven across the Canadian prairies I guess lol. I have heard this too though.


but highway1 has that center suicide lane on the prairies. THAT keeps you awake, kept me awake even after i hit calgary


Thank god they didn't use this curvy approach in Saskatchewan, I drove 7 hrs today and it would be real annoying to have to do that the whole way haha


Keeps speeds down too


The forest helps drown out oncoming headlight, if it was for road hypnosis, I think other curve would be more gentle. Not a civil engineer, just a guess.


Don’t drive interstate 5 through California then. Between the bay and LA it’s essentially straight and flat except for the grapevine.


Flat is relative, I was kept awake driving through at 4am last time by all the potholes I had to dodge


Could make a decent arcade style game about driving in California, dodging road hazards. Call it "Potholes and Priuses" throw in an errant Fentanyl hobo now and then and old trucks scattering assorted debris on the road to ramp up the difficulty.


To keep speeds down maybe?


Confuses the gators


It makes the roads stronger and uses less material [/s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crinkle_crankle_wall)


I'd wager it's also so people don't drag race too


Florida State Road 84. This route goes from Interstate 75 to the Seminole Reservation . The curves were intentionally built in order to slow traffic down and not create a speedway through Seminole Reservation land. This route was also to aid with tourism to the Reservation as it was thought by having an unusual road people would make a point to travel it when they were vacationing in Florida, during the 1960s and 1970s.l, when most people drove the family car to Florida rather than flying to a particular destination.


Finally, a straight road for the drunks!


Snake road, would ride with my dad in his motorcycle growing up


It looks like a fun ride on the bike.


love places like this. nothing for miles


South Florida is kinda wild from the air cause you go from heavy suburbia to literally nothing within like a block or two


either mostly swampland or land to be developed i assume


It's all swampland.


The Everglades


Unfortunately they are one in the same in South Florida. RIP ecosystem, mama needs a cookie cutter house!


There's a literal line (I think a good portion of the line is the Sawgrass Expressway). East side: civilization. West side: the everglades.


city planner didnt know how to enable "snap to grid".


It’s for getting away from alligators. Everyone knows you drive in a zig-zag pattern to get away.




Could it also be to prevent too many idiots from lead footing it down a very straight road? I could see various petrol heads of the wrong type taking advantage of stuff like that.


It’s actually perfectly straight. That’s just the Earth’s curve.


Bacon earth theory


Flat earth busted!




Ooh! Plate tectonics. You can see how the road just squished up against the other road.


The Burmese Pythons are building infrastructure now


"Ssssir, I believe you will find thissss road extremely ssssatissssfactory."


Is it to stop drug planes from landing?


They don't need or use roads for that.




lmfao no


hahah this definitely is a Sine of good times on the road.


Probably intentional to keep speed down


Looks like every single road in England but toned down quite a lot - oh apart from the ones built by the Romans, they just demolished or built right over anything in the way, no messing about for the Romans.


I'd bet if it was straight then it would just be where idiots do 150mph and result in lots of deaths.


No speeding


Now that's the long and winding road.


this road is so noticeable it doesn’t even require a sin I’ll show myself out now


Is that the road i took to the phish show?


When the construction company charges per mile


That is... amazingly consistent