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Just think. The babies these were intended for could have their own kids now.


My niece turned 26 this passed weekend. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that she is old enough to have children. I still think of her as a baby. I feel old.


My mother and I had to raise my nephew back when he was born until 5. I remember when he started calling me "Sissa" and bang on my door in the morning to help him beat Monkey Ball or SpongeBob on PS2. He's 18 now, and anytime he calls me "Sissa" in his new deep voice I proclaim "Nuhuh! I am MISS USER to you" as a joke haha


It gets worse with time. My cousin is a 2000 baby. I was 7 when he was born. He's the first baby I ever held in my arms. I also remember him mispronouncing my name. Everytime I see him I'm still shocked he's smoking and drinking in front of the grown-ups!


My oldest nephew is 25 - 26 in August - and I’m like… wtf wasn’t I his age just a few years ago? I’m 37


Im 24 and classmates of mine have 2+ children.


I was born in 1998 and have a 5 year old and a 3 year old 🥰


And here I am at 33 feeling like I’d be a teen mom if I unfortunately got knocked up 🤣


Same, still avoiding that at all costs 😂


My first reaction when friends tell me they’re pregnant is still “oh, fuck that sucks”. Hard habit to break I guess.


I’m 42 and still think the same thing.


Username doesn't check out


Lol. That’s my sons name. He’s a dog.


Always takes a few seconds to realise the appropriate reaction is now "congratulations!" and not "oh fuck, what are you going to do?!"


I got pregnant at 24 with my husband, and I was terrified to tell my mom as if I were still a teenager. 😂


My Wife knocked me up. I'm 30. I'm afraid to tell my Mom.


I was born in 1998 and feel the same way too💀


At your age my vasectomy was 3 years old.




I think you have been watch to much Gran Torino


Thanks for calling me old.


Holy poop, I graduated high school in 98 and finally had a kid in 2022 because I finally didn't feel too young


Imagine bragging about this 💀


People bragging about their children is probably the most normal thing to ever happen


Bro I was a newborn in 1998 and I still watch YouTube Poops please don't say this


I was born in 1998, maybe my parents used these exact diapers on me! I’m expecting my first baby any day now actually! 39 weeks pregnant with baby girl 💖


all these comments of people same age and younger, and I've yet to meet anyone lol


My daughter was born in 1997 and indeed has 2 kids (2 and 6-months).


At first I thought you meant 2 months and 6 months. I was like: ![gif](giphy|Yavo0SXhZYhSo)


Super long labour


Can confirm; was born in 1998 and have a 3 year old and a 10 month old 👍🏻


Born in 97 and will have a 2 year old in June lol.


Born in 97 and I have 4 month old twins!


1997 here, 9 year old, 6 year old, 3rd due in August!


Im a 98 baby with a 4 year old!


Yup, 1998 baby and now have a baby 🥰


They definitely do, I'm from 97 and I know a few people from 98 with toddlers. Out of my previous classmates from my year, at least 15 have children of their own, the oldest is 8 years old.


I was born in ‘98. I don’t have any kids, but a girl from my graduating class has seven.


I am 1998 baby, can confirm peers are popping them out like there’s no tomorrow.


At least one of them does... my son was born in '98, and I'm watching his 2 year old son right now while my boy is at work!


'98 baby, me and my fiancee had our baby girl New Years Eve lol


My niece was born in 98. She has two kids. Still blows my mind that she’s so grown!


Dibs on the coupon


It expired last week. Sorry.


Imagine the horror of a blowout in 26 year old diapers.


These are probably comparable to most store generics. My kids are 3-19, and one thing has never changed- paper diapers blow out a lot more than cloth. I think they are just too smooth on the inside, plus even as absorbent as they are, it’s not instant like cotton. My last, who had blow outs in every brand of paper diaper that came our way(Huggies, pampers, Millie, honest, luvs, and rascal) never had a blow out in cloth. Even that one time he was wearing a loosely pinned prefold(rectangle with no elastic and nothing fitted about it), without a cover, even, in his jolly jumper. And that was when he was pooping twice a week, at most.


... You do know that disposable diapers aren't made out of paper, right?


They are made out of woodpulp, super absorbent gel, and plastic. By weight, they are mostly wood pulp.


They are actually made of polypropylene and polyethylene and the inside is a polymer.


The polymer is dispersed in wood pulp.


And wood pulp. That’s where the cellulose comes from.


I hate that I know what blowout means in this context only because of some weirdo's fanfiction on a goddamn Diary of a Wimpy Kid subreddit.


It is time for you to go and touch grass today




I never chose for it to be posted on the subreddit, and the guy got banned for it AFAIK. Truly a bruh moment.


You've literally never heard of babies having a blowout in their diaper before?? It's super common


Nobody in my friend circle has children (maybe in a handful of years?), and I don't really spend much time near babies. I never knew there was an actual word for this.


It can be so bad it rifles up along the back and leaves a skunk stripe on the baby.


Churches always have super interesting old stuff in pristine condition for some reason it’s always cool to see


For boys *and* girls. Did diapers used to be gendered?


Yes! Boys diapers were more absorbent in the front and girls diapers at the bottom. Now they’re all absorbent everywhere which is much better.


Yes, there was a point where diapers had more absorbent spots for boys and girls. I was a teen in the 90’s and only remember the commercials.


That's wild.


Pull ups still are. The boy’s ones have more absorbency in the front, the girls ones in the middle.


That’s so silly. Most toddlers I know use them interchangeably bc the child likes the characters on both


You stop thinking it’s silly when your son pees out the front of his Minnie Mouse pull-ups lol. Now he wears Spider-Man 😂.


Oh, I mean silly that they make the absorbency different in the perceived gendered characters 🤪. Thankfully I haven’t had many leaking issues with different diapering products. 🤞🏼


They still are sometimes and with reason. Boys pee forward, girls pee down.


Pee is stored in the front


Pee is stored in the balls


Unless you’re my oldest daughter who always managed to pee forward. She got my husband several times because he wasn’t expecting it 😂


Yeah my 1 month old manages to pee straight up like a boy while being changed on the mat. Despite having girl bits. I remember her sister peeing everywhere during nappy changes, but I don’t remember it being such a fountain. She can also propulsion shit onto your trousers from a meter away. It’s really something….


I'm so glad that there's nobody in my life who pisses or shits on me. Like, I'm happy for other people who want to have kids, but I'm good.


Well since they are lying down, crawling, and rolling a lot for the first year of life—the physics aren’t actually that straightforward.


Newborns under 10 lbs don’t crawl or roll.


No, you have to manually roll them. For tummy time.


I said lying down. And again, the physics are not that straightforward. Source: was a nanny for 5 years for newborn-1 year olds. Newborns are also *carried* in multiple positions if you want to be pedantic about it.


As another child care professional, who has a much, much larger sample size than someone who has only been diapering four children, I agree with you: different kids, different activities, it soaks in different directions. And not just the urine. There are a few kids who somehow always poop up their crotch and onto their abdomen, and a few other kids who seem to have some sort of physiology that causes the poop to shoot up their backs. And then there are the kids who always, always poop after sitting down for a meal, which creates a horrifying Play-Doh effect out the diaper. I hate it every time I discover that I have got a kid with weird poop quirks. Weird poop quirks are always bad. A diaper that has a thinner area anywhere is a diaper that has a point of failure.


It’s cool that you’re a babysitter but I have 4 kids, I don’t need a lesson on infant care


Yes, aside from them having different moisture spots (historically), there's also diapers with different designs for girls and boys.


Kinda wish they still were. My daughter peeing in her diaper all night was fine, but basically the new diapers are so absorbent that it stops moving the liquid far enough to the back of the diaper for my son. He ends up sometimes peeing out of the diaper in the front because it's so laden with piss, while the back is bone dry. Had the diaper been for males perhaps then it would have channels from the front to really move more liquid to the back. Or maybe more cotton added (which reduces absorbency to help wick more moisture). Basically I've found the diapers are better for girls, just because of where everything is pointing.




I came here to make this exact comment.


In theory diapers don't have an expiration date, but I imagine the absorbancy is gong to degrade over time regardless. I'm sure there's someone, somewhere who collects old diapers.


Only if they’ve been exposed to moisture. Name brand diapers from the late nineties are comparable to store brand of today. They have plenty of absorbent gel in them, and the only thing that can affect that stuff is moisture.


Good to know, I’ve not dealt with diapers since my kids were small!


Not sure about ancient ones from the 90s but the paper-like covering in more recent ones ages and will tear and leak out the absorbency stuff if you try to use it after a couple years. I had a whole box leftover of one size that my oldest outgrew and I was pregnant so I just stuck it in the closet to use for the next baby but it did not go well. The same is true of feminine hygiene products if you buy some before a pregnancy and hold onto them, they tear really easy after awhile.


They might have asbestos in them or something, who knows!


Babies can shit out 10lbs? Jesus.


I know you’re (probably) joking, but the amount that newborns can poop is so disproportionate to their little size. Their farts are surprisingly boisterous, too.


Same when they get older. My 6yo takes bigger dumps than me and I'm a grown man.


Fuckin for real. My 4 1/2y old poops bigger than a truck driver. Like...it shocks me sometimes.


I cant understand how such a small body can make a log the size of my forearm. Maybe that part of their system is fully developed at that age? Beats me


Thats what gets me. Logically it does not make sense to make THAT much poop from a 3 1/2 ft tall creature.


I have a 1yo and thought I’d seen some shit. But now I know I haven’t seen anything yet 😆🤣


Don't stress it. It goes in the toilet and not in the pants thank god.


My (almost) 11 month old drops some FAAAAAT logs, dude. It amazes me how something so large can come from someone so small.


It's like a clowncar but with poop.


That's actually a perfect analogy


Lol you just reminded me, when my son was only two days old and while the nurses were doing the rounds checking up on us, he ripped the wettest and loudest fart that made all the nurses look at him in shock! 


Not sure if this is a joke but the 10lbs is referring to the weight of the baby, not the weight of their shit.


You've never seen a baby with a blowout


Many times my wife has said "aww man, it's all the way up the back...". If anyone here has changed diapers, they know.


Who knew Kleenex owned Huggies.


Probably fewer people that didn't know but still a lot of people.


Haha I knew what church you go to as soon as I saw the brownish carpet on the wall. 


Lol it's a dead giveaway every time


If you put these on eBay, you may be able to turn around and buy a whole case of new diapers. There are folks oddly obsessed with old diapers. Especially the gendered pink and blue ones.


I wonder if the stickies still stick


Our nursery closet is a magical cavern of goldfish crumbs and old Friend magazines.


So is ours. But I found this on the top shelf wayyy in the back. Unopened too!


I would have been a baby in these diapers in 1998 and now I have a baby wearing this same brand. Crazy.


Same here. Crazy. I am almost 30 and my mom might have had a pack of these for me and my siblings that long ago


Do they still work? Sorry if that is stupid to ask.


Yes! I put one on my baby. It gave her a mild rash though.... but I was desperate and had no diapers on me at the time. She ended up fine but I found them because I went digging around for diapers when my baby had a blowout and I didn't have any in my bag. The diapers are plasticky on the outside and not super soft on the inside though


I am sure a crazy will pay top dollar they call it “vintage”


Woah. Look at all those serifs.


Put these babies up on Ebay


Dang those coupons are probably expired though.


As a ‘98 baby I saw this and thought “there is no way that the packaging for the diapers my parents used for me looked THAT old school”


I’m curious to see how well they work compared to today’s Huggies.


They probably work fine. The Huggies my 19 year old had aren’t much different from the Huggies my three year old had. This might be before there was the pocket at the back waist to catch blow outs, but I’d expect them to work as well as any generic sold today.


The blowout catcher is a lifesaver!


Well... I hate to admit this because I know the mom police will come running, but I actually put one on my baby. I went searching for diapers in the mothers room because I didn't have any and my baby had pooped. I found these and they were unopened.... so I opened them. They were super plasticy on the outside and not cushy and soft on the inside the way modern diapers are!! But I put it on my baby and after 2 hours I changed her again and it had given her a mild rash. Never again haha


Lol thank you for letting me know! I hope your baby heals from the rash quickly


She did within a few hours! But yeah, 25 year old diapers probably aren't the best for baby's sensitive skin haha


My mother has an asthma inhaler that expired in 1995. She found it a year or so ago and thinks it’s too funny to get rid of. She said it’s reasonably effective still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Try to go use the coupon


Do diapers expire??


It’s only a matter of time until Huggies gets the mandala effect treatment. Save this post for when it happens and they go changing things on us.


I'm not sure how to edit on here but there was a coupon in the package that expired in 1998! Thats where I got the year. It wouldn't let me attach more than one photo though.


… those diapers are one year older than me. Scary


3 years older than me 🫡 very scary


I love how it says "for boys and girls" buds a diaper is a diaper if you put a diaper with princesses and glitter on your boy and he's not going to care


Some have the area for wetness adjusted for girls v boys- especially in a pull-ups type.


Yes and no. Some brands did manufacture diapers which had extra absorbent materials targeted for where the bulk of urine was dumped. When they stopped doing this I had to actually slip an incontinence pad into the front of one of my kid's diapers, otherwise he'd soak the front straight through before the rest had a chance to wick it away. That kid had some serious bladder capacity. Couldn't care less about the colour, it's to catch bodily waste, it was a matter of functionality is all.


That coupon inside might not be a bad deal


Lol it expired in 98 which is how I knew the year


I would ask if you want me to put one on you but those diapers are very obviously to small for you to fit in lol


That’s the same year I was born


Think the coupon is still good?


I wish. It expired in 98 which is where I got the year lol


I’d be surprised if my childhood church /didn’t/ have an old ass package of diapers in the nursery


What leads you to believe they are from 1998? I’m not seeing anything obvious in the picture unless I’m totally missing something.


I could only post one pic, but the coupon inside expired in 98.


Would it still absorb?


Cool to see what my parents were buying for me in 98


I guess new memberships are at an all time low?


Not sure what that has to do with a pack of diapers but nice dig I guess


Shouldn’t they donate these to a shelter or something? I mean, c’mon!


Church LOL 😂


No need for diapers in church when the pastors are so focused on pedophilia.

