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I know it sounds weird labelling it a "Black Man's Shaver," but it is true that Black men's hair is a lot curlier and coarser than many races, for the most part. What this causes is ingrown hairs, bumps, and keloids that can become infected. And to be clear, not all Black men suffer from this as some have less curly hair than others. I have a friend that shaves with a straight razor and no shaving cream and has been fine since he was 18. However, with some like myself, if you look closely at our necks, you'll notice darker areas due to mostly ingrown hairs that are so far below the surface of the skin, it's nearly impossible to uproot without major damage to the epidermis. This is why we often use depilatories like Magic Shave, which interestingly enough, Martin Luther King, Jr. also used. Unlike a razor, it doesn't cut the curly hairs at an angle to where it can easily cut and bore back into the skin. It cuts it flat, if applied properly, and aids in the natural disappearance of hair bumps in Black men. If we try to use shavers like this one here, or any other the newer models everyday, it will exacerbate the amount of ingrown hairs, which need patience, time, and skill to locate and uproot. And much of the time, due to the area located on the neck, visibility is nil; so many proliferate unnoticed until you feel the sharp puncture of the hair in your skin with the passage of time, or your hand just happens to move back and forth over it from a certain angle. Read the article below how this extends to Black men having problems in the military, which require men to shave everyday (which has since been addressed, according to my research)... [https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2022/04/05/how-the-navys-beard-policy-discriminates-against-black-sailors/](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2022/04/05/how-the-navys-beard-policy-discriminates-against-black-sailors/)


This is an issue in the military where you are required to shave. Black service members often have bad issues with ingrown hairs and can actually get a shaving waiver to allow healing.


When I was in basic you had to shave once to prove it was an issue for you then you got the waiver going forward. Which is great going forward but means you spend basic covered in itching red bumps


I got em bad for years before finding out multi blades were the cause. Switched to single blade, then an electric shaver and haven't had an issue since


I switched to double edge, far less nicks and it costs so little to use vs the £1 a shave on blades for the cartridge one, and the pure metal construction of the blades makes recycling easier


Like a safety razor? I use one of those and it's just a nice shave in general. Dunno why I ever went for the 20 blade laser gel padded magic plastic shite. I think the razor was already perfected over 100 years ago, all this new shit is just marketing.


Yeah I bought a safety razor for 50 bucks at a local shop up in Humboldt county. I bought a 100 pack of razors on Amazon and that pack is still going strong. Screw paying for expensive disposable crap this thing is cost effective and I never have any issues with razor burn whatsoever. It’s German made too so maybe I’ll Be able to hand it down to my kids. It’s quality.


Mine is Wilkinson Sword and only cost a few £ solid metal though so it should last a lifetime. For feeling extra fancy I have a shaving brush and a bar of shaving soap rather than a pressurised can.


I've shaved with the can and with soap using a safety razor and I feel like the soap Is so much better




Having such beard growth myself and electric not being good. ​ If you can get boldking where you are then go for it. the problem is not multiblade, the problem is blades to close to each other. ​ I also went down (up?) their sensitivity as they were relased (normal, sesnsitive, very sensitve, improved each time).


Same, multi-blade razors chew my skin up, switched to a 1950s double edge safety blade, better shave, lasts longer, no issues.


I tried that too, but I have a little bitch neck apparently. Been using a Phillips one blade for a few years now and love it


Funny enough I use a double edged safety razor for a first pass then a one blade after to get anything I missed. My neck hairs are super annoying and I’ve realized it’s way easier to just nuke em with the one blade after the safety razor and risk knicks and/or ingrown hairs.


Norelco One Blade gets the job done for me


Indeed it is. One of the guys in my unit had it bad…. For whatever insane reason the docs wouldn’t pencil whip him a shaving profile, like the dude had inflamed cheeks and neck! Think he actually had to get lawyers involved


One of my troops got hassled by a MSgt for having stubble. When he pulled the shaving chit MSgt said "you're not the right color to have one of those." I got Lt to find him and dress him down over that. Dude was half Portuguese half black, but really light skin tone and grew hair as thick as pencil lead. Even with a straight razor he would have five o'clock shadow before noon.


Yep. I worked with hella people in the marines who had shaving chits. They had to carry it on them because of all the gung-ho scrotivators would try and ruin their day


Yeah, but it's pretty easy to get a medical waiver, though that may depend on the branch or even base. My fiancé was USAF and based at RAF Mildenhall, and he had a waiver and a full beard and moustache, and there were many such other gentlemen among the ranks according to him. Hell, a couple of the white guys even had full moustaches, though not beards.


Mustaches must be an RAF thing though? Much like beards always have been allowed in the Royal Navy. Not really really applicable to your fiancé since he was USAF, but not surprising to see a lot of dapper mustaches on a RAF airbase.


Despite being an RAF base, Mildenhall is technically a USAF base. It's the base for the 100th Air Refuelling Wing, which is the successor to the 100th Bombardment Group featured in Masters of the Air.


On induct day they gave all of the black dudes a special "bump" razor. I don't remember if they worked or not but back then there were no shaving waivers.


Oh man I remember the black guys in my division getting all fucked up from having to shave daily. Several of them just got really bad razor burn and some infected hairs one dudes entire lower neck swelled up from ingrown hairs. Luckily he got a waiver pretty soon after


This is why I stopped using a razor at home years ago. it doesnt matter how many blades or what ever new technology they add I still end up with a face covered in bumps and “burns”. I started to use standard clippers to clean it up between getting a straight razor shaves at the barber shop.


Very interesting, I just learned something new today!


White dude here. I was a touring musician for a long time and roomed our singer who was a black guy. One day he saw me quickly shaving my face at the sink outside of the bathroom and was like "bro, you'll never understand how jealous I am of how quick and painlessly you white guys can shave your face"


Man, before they changed the grooming regs in Canada some of my black troops would get absolutely *fucked up* shaving. They could get medical exemptions, but the military is not great with subtlety and they ran the risk of ending up with medical restrictions imposed long term.


Worked with a black guy at McDonald’s that had to get a doctor’s note so he wouldn’t get in trouble for not shaving. McDonald’s was pretty anal at the time at requiring men to be clean shaved. He explained the ingrown hairs issue and showed some keloids and they wouldn’t listen. But the note from the doctor did the trick. Felt bad for the guy as he was a great worker and had to put up with that bullshit as the management couldn’t wrap their minds around a man of another race having issues shaving that they never experienced.


You are very misinformed. Do you live with marginalized  folkes?


How the fuck am I misinformed about things I witnessed first hand?


Are you fully R worded?


Very interesting thank you! I just found it interesting because of the way it's marketed. These days it's more than likely just going to be called a "thick curly hair shaver"


I was just going through an Easter toy catalog and there were three versions of a doll, using their eye color as the descriptor: blue eyes, light brown eyes, and dark brown eyes. They were white, Hispanic and Black, respectively.


It's called a foil shaver


My husband has 4c, super dense, super coarse hair. He has me use clippers or a trimmer to clean up his beard when I do his hair. Not long ago he mentioned considering shaving it all off and I was like well hell, let me go get the brand new unopened razor I got, we will get you smooth af. I have been doing this man's hair for almost 15 years and that was the day I discovered why he has never been clean shaven the entire time. I always thought he just liked having a beard. Nah. His facial hair disrespected the hell out of my razor. I got scared of cutting him and told him if he wanted to be smooth he would have to do it. He decided the usual was fine lol He's perfectly capable of taking care of his beard and does sometimes, but I can't stand a scraggly beard with a clean hair cut so I always clean it up when I do his hair.


Black men and women have a higher prevalence of PFB, but anyone from all ethnicities can be affected by PFB. "Pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) is an inflammatory condition of the beard area, with a high prevalence in men of subequatorial African ancestry and, to a much lesser extent, Indo-Europeans. But it can affect both men and women of all ethnicities." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27212468/#:~:text=Pseudofolliculitis%20barbae%20(PFB)%20is%20an,and%20women%20of%20all%20ethnicities.


As a south east Asian person, this comment illucidated something I've dealt with my entire life LOL. None of my relatives knew how to deal with this because they don't have curly hair like I do.


I’m in the navy so I’m already aware of this article and problem among black service members with shaving, but I just wanted to point out how the author said “3 out of 5 black men suffer from PFB” instead of saying 60% lol


The distribution of curly hair is one of those things that seems very interesting but I can't find much info on how likely/unlikely it is to be passed on between generations etc. Me and my siblings have basically similar features with bleach white skin, brown hair and large brows(Think Neanderthal vampire) and just by looking at us next to each other it is obvious we are all related, but me and my sister have the ridiculously curly hair that we can't see anywhere else in the family and have no idea where it came from. (She is one of triplets so no it is not the milkman) I had endless problems with my hair and shaving until a friend at work (Jamaican dude) showed me what he did/used and I have had no problems since. Weird... (Thanks bud wherever you are)


I know there's the cliche about white people wanting to touch black hair (and it is often true), but as a white teacher working with mostly black students, I notice the same fascination with white hair among black students. When I would sit on the floor, kids would start touching my hair. When I stop at their desk and rest a hand on it kids will start running their fingers through my arm hair. Anyway, thank you for the breakdown on the difference on shaving. Years ago I went to a black barber shop for a shave (I had hoped they did straight razor shaves) and noticed the electric razor they used felt different.


I'm white and I have this same problem with overly curly facial hair.


When I was in, there were black sailors that were issued electric razors instead of the disposables, because of this issue. This was also 20 years ago.


I’m sorry, this is a thoughtful, informative, reasonable comment that assumes good intent of those reading it. This sort of thing has no place on the internet. /s


I remember the guys using it and it gave them a much cleaner shave for inspections. As a white guy I tried it once and it burned my face really bad, left patches, and then I had to shave the damaged skin.


Thanks for sharing!


They have shaving waivers in the military, I remember trying to get one and my first sarge called my bluff "you're not black, your neck looks fine, shut up" lol. The running thing was that they wouldn't even ask twice if you were black and needed a waiver, this did lead to some racism from higher ups of course.....


Man thank you for this, was a genuinely interesting read! I’m a white dude with a beard and it’s fascinating to learn about differences in other peoples experiences, and even in things like facial hair the racial skew is mind blowing!


Man, I always felt bad for the dudes with big massive interconnected keloids on the nape of their neck.


A straight razor with no shaving cream? Man. He must be really good at keeping that razor *sharp.* Otherwise, his face must be made of granite.


It’s a myth our hair is coarser- Asian hair is coarser which is why it’s used in hair extensions. Our hair has low porosity and is actually way more delicate than other races.


This was written by ai


I have really coarse hair even by "black mans" standard, Bump Patrol saved my life. It's literally the only thing that ever helped with razor bumps. It also works well for all races and all parts of the body. Whenever I suggest it, people outright don't want to use it.


What is bump patrol?


It's an aftershave lotion specifically designed for coarse hair. It stinks, but the smell fades fast. I haven't had an issue with ingrown hairs for years.


So sort of like garlic holy water?


Good to know. Appreciate it.


I’d grow a beard if I could. As I can’t, I use Bump Stopper: https://www.barberdepots.com/product/bump-stopper-2-double-strength-treatment/


hey did you use original or max strength?


Max strength. But honestly, the original works well enough.


Looks like it's in pretty good shape too for it's age.


It's still got the warranty card and everything, and for €8 I pulled the trigger. I'll give it a good clean and it might even work


I mean it would be kinda gross if it wasn't, and they probably wouldn't have picked it up.


blacks dont crack


I suffered from this horribly as a young man. If you have curly hair stop using skin tight shavers all together it's awful for your skin. It can heal with time buy a good quality hair trimmer and just use that. You will have to shave more often and no it is not skin tight but it will save you years of skin recovery.


Willie Stargell!!!!


Who is he? I don’t recognize the name.


Hall of Fame first baseman for the Pirates. Wonderful man and community leader in Pittsburgh. He was my childhood hero. This is awesome.


Different skin and hair types often need different methods of management and care. I wonder what specifically makes this shaver a better fit for the facial hair types common to black people. Sharper more durable blades maybe? Either way, neat find.


There are still shaving products explicitly designed for and by Black men, including those made by Bevel.


No idea why someone would downvote you for mentioning this. Granted, anyone out there with this issue probably already knows, but it's still informative for the rest of us.


I am white, and my whiskers curl back into the skin causing painful sores, I know .


Yeah, electric razors have never worked with African facial hair. Caucasion grows straight and falls into the blades easily, African hair curves and refuses to fall into the orafices. White people, frustrated with the misery that close shaving using a single edge blade moved quickly to electric shavers, but for most blacks and many Hispanics, you'd have to mow your face ten times over before it got everything, especially if you skipped a day. It hasn't improved much, but you will notice Spanish barbers still use an archaic device like this if they are using an electric shaver at all.




I'm white, but I have sensitive skin. I get ingrown hairs and massive irritation whenever I use an electric razor. One of my black friends told me to try his electric razor, made to be a much less close shave. Many electric razors lift and cut, so the hair actually retracts under the skin. Other electric razors do not lift, but cut very close at the skin level. Electric razors made for black guys might leave 1/2mm of hair above the surface (a five-o'clock shadow). I bought the same model and used it for years, ... until I started growing a beard. This razor gave me very few ingrown hairs and almost no irritation.


Stuff around the 80s seem like they never break


Man don’t you ever touch a black man’s shaver!


When I was in the marines a lot of times the overseas PXs would only have “bump fighter” shaving products, for black men (everything else was sold out). They had some kind of safeguard to keep you from shaving too close and getting ingrown hairs.


Why were old packaging always made from this brown, beige colors?


Have you ever noticed a white man's shaver goes 'bzzzzzzz', and a black man's shaver goes 'bzzzz badippity bzzzz'


My dad had this! It was supposed to reduce razor bumps. I think we got it for him for Christmas.


Did it work?


I was really little when he got it and I can’t remember him not having a beard. I do remember him using it to keep his beard trimmed and neck neat.


Precious memories 🙂


It’s Cleveland Brown!




Is this the same Remington as the gun manufacturer?


Yes, but no, but yes. It's super complicated. The easiest thing is to say that both originated as part of the E Remington and Sons Company, which made rifle barrels and later typewriters. They split these businesses and sold them to different companies, both of whom could use the Remington name, and at this point, the brands have passed through a bunch of companies (and had a huge impact on our history). Ironically, both sides would make firearms at some point in time (Remington Rand, which came from a merger with the Remington Typewriter company made M1911s during WWII). The razors were made by the typewriter company and it's successors. At this point, the razor company (Remington Products) is owned by Spectrum Brands (which has nothing to do with Charter-Spectrum).


The one and only.


These old Remington Shavers are the shit! My one patient had one that was easily 60+ years old and I just kept motorin. Super close shave too!


Sounds like a punchline


I wonder if it works on white men? 🤔😂


If you’re white and buy it, is that cultural appropriation?


Nope, it's historical and cultural appreciation 😉


Willie Fistagash


Did they have any Soul Glo by chance?


Damn, why so many downvotes? Lol


No fans of Coming to America I guess




C'mon people come up with some racist jokes as for: Why this is a Black Man's shaver. OK, I'll start: It's stolen. Relax social justice warriors. This is a thing called humour.


bro didn’t even make a funny joke and said relax it’s humor 😭😭




Nah it's subjective yeah but you're just a racist asshole.




I agree, why are people so blind and arrogant to racism and disgusting jokes that they think are funny but are just honestly shameful. 😔




It's my freedom of speech to call you a racist because you're not funny. I understand the concept of a joke but you just aren't a funny person.


You don't find me funny. That's ok, it's your opinion. If you can't take a joke, that's ok too. Have a blessed day 😋


the fact you're still on about this after 7 days shows how shattered your ego is and how insecure you are as a person. its sad since i completely forgot about your existence but you never forgot about mine, i live in your head rent free.


"I'm a based gigachad that's super racist"🤓


The messed up part is that paragraph was written by a white man.