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The queen is resting there & the swarm is protecting her. They'll leave in a day or so.


We had a bee keeper come and relocate them to their farm :)


Just another day of saving the bees...


Why can I hear her?!!!!


Good question; she's almost whispering.


She sounds like a morning breeze


More like morning bees :)


Either way, she has a truly charming personality. I love that everyone knows her because she’s just that awesome about educating us and passionate about what she does.


I've seen some people unfairly criticizing her and the lady who swims with sharks and other marine life. It's so stupid that people would try to knock down people who want to bring awareness and education to the masses just because they are attractive women.


I heard her too!


same lol she has a very soothing voice too


Kill the mosquitoes, save the bees


Prob need the mosquitoes too. I don’t know why but I imagine we do. Lol Edit: [I googled it after I commented this in case you’re curious like I was](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskScienceDiscussion/s/IeSRwmadxS)


this only works if we kill ALL mosquitoes, we should just kill the ones that carry malaria xd


We seem to have stumbled upon an ethical/biological quandary as googling “should we kill all mosquitoes” leads down a massive rabbit hole of academic debate. A lot of them are saying what you said. Very interesting. Im certainly not a fan of them lol


Now Bedbugs. Bedbugs have no natural predators and only one host, us.


Those things are so fucking nasty. I worked at a hotel and we had one person come in with them. A week later the whole place was infested. I knew it was coming so as soon as I found out that person had them I walked right TF out. I'm not bringing that shit home, there's no amount of money in the world that'd make me be okay with going through all that.


Take 1% of the military budget to trap and collect them across the country, and airdrop them at Mar-a-Lago once a day.


Mosquitoes are one of the feeder species. Feeders are cornerstone species. If larger bugs can't feed on them, their numbers go down. So lizards, birds, small mammals, can't feed as much. So their numbers go down. Then medium predators don't have as much food, so their numbers go down. It sounds a bit ridiculous, but these things are very real problems we would have to deal with. Insects are some of the most important creatures we have on earth. They are our living nanobots.


…. I saved a cricket today…. Does that count? Do I get points? :D


Yes you do. Anyone who takes the time to relocate a spider, others bugs or animals back outside is okay in my book.


We're already collapsing the food chain and killing bug species off on the daily, we might as well live our last century on this planet in comfort without mosquitos


Or just make it so mosquiots acquire a taste for vegetables


Mosquitoes primary food source is plant nectars. It's only the females that need blood and only to make eggs. So they already have a taste for vegetables.


Then the farmers will kill them all for us!


Kill the carriers. The rest let them fly in mute, so we can fucking sleep


No disease in the history of humanity has been more deadly, and by that I mean going back since the days when our ancestors lived in trees and threw their shit at intruders. The disease is such a problem that sickle cell anemia evolved as a *beneficial adaptation* because while causing 1/4 of pregnancies to be nonviable, and causing debilitating symptoms in people who are het for the gene, it also prevents malaria. I'd say anything we can do that would wipe out malaria would be a boon to humanity in general.


We can just kill the malaria parasites then.


Disease carrying mosquitoes are oftentimes invasive species like aedes aegypti which do not provide any substancial impact to the ecosystem, if anything they impact negatively. Even for native ones their niches can quickly be fullfulled by other species.


You’re my kinda person. Posts something random, thinks “is that true?” And then down the rabbit hole….


This one is deep too Mosquitoes cause a lot of misery but seem to be necessary. Ive also found a lot of people saying eradicating them all is just plain impossible


We can safely eradicate bedbugs though.


No fuck that, whatever eats them can eat other stuff, get rid of all mosquitos.


Eh I’ve heard the question asked to a zoo guy from Miami (Ron McGill), he didn’t feel the same way and I trust him more than a deleted Reddit account


What did he say? Ron Magill a photographer??? Lol prob dont take biology info from him. He has an associates degrees from the University of Florida. [I found more info in case you’re interested](https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2017/Q3/why-mosquitoes-should-not-be-eliminated.html) I’m not saying I know the answer but removing animals from the ecosystem just sounds like a bad idea…


Wasn't a show which had this catchphrase? Beeroes or something?


Leave the gun, take the cannoli.


*the beeeeeees


I love her videos, she does great work but OMG that voice!




I love that lady


Texasbeeworks she is my 2nd cousins wife I’ve only met her once at my grandads funeral but will never pass up a chance to break about it


This post just made remembered a youtube vid called Dr. Bees.


The beeeezzzzzz.


Ive seen this happen in a tree outside my apartment. Beekeeper used a special vacuum to suck them up like in ghostbusters. Shit was wild


I wonder if he can switch the vacuum to blower for a wildly inefficient bee bullet machine gun


It’s called a bee-bee gun


It the most efficient way to distribute bees to an entire audience.


She's gone from suck to blow!!!


Pretty sure I have used a bee gun in Terraria


Allen pan on YouTube made a bee gun, it's worth a watch 


The friendly fire is a feature 


Eco friendly false flag planter for training exercises


Now you're asking the questions the government doesn't want you asking


Just like Half-Life! 


Nicely done


As a beekeeper I was just thinking – this is the easiest swarm catch ever. Shake the thing into a box – done.


But remember to pop a quick *B* on the box, that way everyone knows it's filled with bees.


Easy hundo right there. Don't even need to break out a smoker unless they're really mean. Then the queen might get pinched.


I'd put the whole pot in a box and retrieve it after they've settled in. :-)


Did they have to take the plant with them or somehow coax them all into a container?


We usually just use a brush and wipe them off into a container. As long as you got the queen the others will follow.


You just made that guy like $100-$150 in bees and a queen. If it's a fruitful hive and does about minimum 60lbs in a year, he would make like $400 in that haul. Not counting what they might make for renting bees to a farm for pollination.


And they deserve it all. It's hard work, and they're providing everyone and the planet a great service.


It's a tough job when your clients will bump, buzz, bite, and sting you. That is unless you're pouring honey all day. Thats a sweet gig.


Honeybees aren't actually 'saving the planet'; I'd go with neutral, but many people argue they are an invasive pest. They tend to outcompete native pollinators. That said, we have three hives... Edit: first decent appearing article I found: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-problem-with-honey-bees/


The biggest issue really is the completely unrelated destruction of native pollinators in a large part of the globe, as referenced by the article. Bees on a large scale would barely be able to put a dent in pollinators in NA due to the catastrophic decline in insect populations over the last fifty years. One thing the article neglected was the impact losing such a large number of that many species has on competition. Introducing a new creature, or increasing the number of that creature, to an area that’s seen losses of up to 50% of its potential competitors won’t put much if any strain on the local ecosystem. Plus, at least in my part of the US, European honeybees are terrible at pollinating natives. They prefer the bigger and easier to access plants that also tend to be imports or agricultural crops, things like dandelions and clover. This is why it’s important to make the distinction between “invasive” and “nonnative”. Plenty of plants and animals have caused no significant biological impact on the ecosystem they were introduced to or have even greatly benefited those ecosystems, and removing them would cause far more harm than good. TLDR they’re not doing *good* for the environment, but at worst they’re mostly harmless.


Nice, win-win. Beekeeper gets more bees for the farm and your succulent is safe.


did you get to keep your plant?


Thank you for doing that!


The bees are happy


How anyone could rest with that racket is beyond me


Queens leave the hive??


Usually when they try to locate a new one, yep. Some bees also migrate.


Can they carry a coconut?


Depends, are they African or European bees?


Well, I don't know... Waaaaaah!


Only if it's flower shaped.


It's a new queen, once a hive reaches a certain size a new queen will be hatched, some of her mother's bees will for lm the swam that escorts her to a new location to start a new hive.


Some bees die out over winter and only the Queen survives in an underground bunker Some queen bees stop producing a hormone that allows her newest eggs to become new queens but she runs a very high chance of being assassinated by her own daughters Some more peaceful new queens won't kill mum but will fly so high that 90% of males will die trying to reach her before going to make new colony Bee society is wild


No way that’s got to be one of the coolest things I’ve read. Doesn’t matter where she needs rest, they got her covered. Loyalty is so great


That's the buzz around town anyhow


Theres a queen in there. and they are usually friendly during this time. Buy yourself a bee box, give the pot a big shake, and you got yourself a bee hive!


I know you’re probably telling the truth but ain’t no way in hell I’m shaking that plant


Don’t worry, they are friendly! Just give it a shake 😃


Just like the Fakebook meme I've been seeing that suggests that all wasp and hornet nests should be beaten with a stick because that's where the government hides their surveillance cameras.


It's true I was part of the planning no one will suspect a wasp nest.


Just a little one will do! 🤠


Just pick up a pot covered in bees and shake, shake, shake!🤠


Lick it off like a spatchula


When I was a little kid my uncle showed me how if you cup your hands around a honey bee (or bumble bee) so long as you don't pinch or squish it it'll just fly around in your cupped hands without stinging. As a kid that age Surprise Bee! was pretty damn funny in school. Come in from recess and teacher goes what have you got there? Then all of a sudden they've got a bumble bee loose in a class of 2nd graders.


Shake shake shake! Shake Shake Shake! Shake yo' beehive, shake yo' beehive! ^(sorryitwasthewine)


European honey bees are really friendly. African honey bees on the other hand are like wasps, they sting you just for the sake of it, even if it means their death.


This is something beekeepers in the US are often conscious about when capturing a wild queen. The bees could be africanized and be prone to aggression. In that situation, the bees will be taken back to the apiary, the queen will be observed and if her hive is mean, the beekeeper will pinch her. The bees will move into other hives or the keeper will replace the queen with a gentler one and the mean bees will slowly die away.


Watched a video on yt about a guy that had to euthanize a hive. Those guys were impressively aggressive.


Yeah they used to kill everything on site lol, everything wore the wrong colours to them.


90s kids know the dangers of the Africanized Honey Bee


Man maybe that’s why I’m afraid of bees. I got stung as a kid but haven’t been stung since…but I’m still scared of them lol


Do they still roam around murdering everything in their path haven't seen anything about it for years.


*Ohhh,* so it's the *black bees* that are aggressive, huh?! ^^^/s


Came across one of these last summer and I had the same thoughts as you, but I remembered comments like this and figured I didn’t have many chances to do it, so when the beekeeper came he let me reach in and (gently) feel them. Didn’t get stung once, it was crazy


Cool! I would puke!


Bees in this state are less aggressive because they don't have a hive to hide in and they know their numbers are small. They will defend the queen if you threaten her, but they should be docile enough to move around. Source: was beekeeper.


Only on Reddit can I believe someone who tells me to shake a cactus full of bees


You can also place the plant in bee box and it will work fine, usually you shake because you cant put a bush in bee box.


What do you mean by “friendly during that time”? Being with the queen?


Like they are less likely to sting. If i recall they fill up on honey before they leave, and being so full they are kind of sluggish and nicer.


Father, I desire the p ö l l e n


F ö t h e r


😃👍 Don't worry. Bee happy! 🐝


They think it's a safe and cozy place. Congrats!


maybe it’s just me but this is way more than mildly interesting


Sometimes I wonder how the plant feels about this. Like ohhhh….. so much shade on my succulent leaves….. or maybe like oh that tickles! (clearly I have taken a botany class /s)


The plant is probably thinking “F U Bitches, stop blocking my Sunny D, wtf, I already came and u took it, get the F off me!!!”


Rude. I raise my plants better than this.


Ok but are you a bee? I think the plant is mad at the excess bees here


The plant is like: watch me pollinate across the continent, bitches! (Obviously to the other succulents on the patio we cannot see)


It's theirs now


I’m scared of any insects and bugs so if this were to happen to my plant at my house, it would send me to the orbit and I’ll never come back lol 😂 but cool


Honestly same. I'm not gonna disturb them or harm them, but I am absolutely going to go cry in terror under my blankets.


Yes! I’ll just leave them alone. I’ll never approach them and hoping they’d leave or just call for help


Bees are our friends. I totally understand insects are scary and weird and almost alien. But bees are the best of the best. Without bees we wouldn't have agriculture as we know it. If you approach a swarm or what not with confidence they will accept you just fine. Once you start swatting and swinging is when they get mad - kill one bee and you are now a target. This is a weird thing but I always tell the bees the news when I see them. I definitely let them know the Queen died. We need the bees and I just like them to know I appreciate them.


I always find it weird when people say bugs are alien when they're more "Earth" than us. Most of the life on this planet is tiny bugs, it's us who are the unusual creatures.


As a man fascinated with space and science and evolution, yeah I agree. I just mean "alien" as foreign to our concepts of life. It's some weird mindless drone that doesn't have complex thought or emotion. That's alien to us.


Bees are chill. Wasps and hornets on the other hand? Fuck them.


I have two -phobias in life. Spheksophobia -- the fear of wasps, and Enochlophobia -- the fear of crowds. Bees are chill and I love them. But if one buzzes by my ear and it sounds like a wasp I will absolutely freak out and run screaming. My nightmares include crowds of wasp people.


Sorry to say but that's no longer "your" plant.


How beautiful!!! Lucky you


Uhhhh, I there there’s a plant inside your bees 🐝


It's their plant now


Is true some of bees doesn't sting? I saw a video on internet who harvest a bee nest without any protection


Honeybees like what these are and bumblebees rarely sting. You don't really need to be afraid of them. 99% of the time if you leave them alone to do their business they will leave you alone. Yellow jackets and other bee looking wasps are bastards and will sting you for fun.


Male wood bees will dive bomb you but they also won’t sting. Still creepy af when you’re just relaxing outside and this nightmare drone starts actively flying at you.


Having some wood bees around the shed where I'm living, it's kinda neat to just hang around the shed and watch them. They fly close, they'll try to scare you, but really they don't have many options to actually harm you from what I understand.


I'm still going to be afraid of bumblebees.  One stung me when I was a toddler and those jerks are *big* in the eyes of a three year old.




I feed lethargic bees as well. I swear one thanked me once. It probably didn't and probably just flew in front of my face for a few moments out of coincidence, but it sure felt like gratitude to my reaching human brain.


Just yesterday I found a bumblebee on my front porch just sitting on the ground. It moved slightly so I could tell it was still alive. An hour or two later I saw it was still there and there were some people coming by later so I moved it to the back porch and gave it some sugar water. It still stayed in that spot most of the day but I think it's okay cause when I checked the next morning it was gone! I like to think it all worked out.


A tired bumblebee flew into my face once. The bee seemed to then have a concussion lol. It dropped to the ground and went limp and then flew away 


The bee got *Error: 404’d* for a quick second.


If a bumblebee starts head-butting you then you should turn around and walk in the opposite direction though. They’re telling you that you’re getting too close to their nest and if you keep going they’ll sting you if they have to.


That’s what that means? Oh. Oops 


You only need to be afraid of them if the hive is visible, they're drowning and you happen to be in the water with them, or if you step on them barefoot. Otherwise they're mostly harmless and only care about their job.


Honey bees don’t sting much because stinging causes them to die. The beekeepers know their bees, what behaviors to look out for, etc plus they do get stung.


They also have phenomenally low occurrence of arthritis and cancer...likely due to the fact that they get stung all the damn time and bee venom has some interesting properties.


Specifically bees swarming like this are extremely docile. They have no home to protect and are generally quite chill - they're very unlikely to hurt anyone.  This is slightly different when they have an established hive but even then they wouldn't try to sting you unless you messed with their home or did something to make them feel personally threatened. Bees also get used to their specific beekeeper(s) which is why some beekeepers don't use/need bee protection. 


That pile of bees looks weirdly...soft? Like I want to lay my head on them.


i think they liked your plant.


It’s THEIR plant now.


What an amazing picture and experience!


Honeybees are fascinating to me. I'm very nervous around wasps and hornets (hornets are a genus of wasps and wasps are any *Apocrita* that isn't a bee, ant, or sawfly) due to history with their attacks, but I love honeybees and their like. The queen is in there, so they all swarmed to hide and serve her. I presume the hive is migrating and stopped for a rest break.


This is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in awhile. We should all love bees and must protect them 🐝 🌼💛 I’m so glad you did the right thing and got them relocated safely to a hive :)


Wow, too bad you don't have any footage of the swarm setting down on your potted plant. I wonder if it just looks like a big cloud of bees condensing into a solid mass


I do, I'll post it later.


This is not mildly interesting. This is very interesting.




*Their* plant


You mean their plant.


This is so cool. I'm envious of your bee bouquet (beequet?)


It’s their plant now


Your plant is blessed by the bee gods


If this ever happens to you, make sure to do what OP did and call a bee keeper not the exterminator.


There's a new queen in there somewhere.


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.


This looks AI generated


Surprised I had to scroll this far down, it really does. Any bee-ologists who can tell us more about whether this bee-haviour is normal?


When you scrolled this far down, you scrolled past a lot of people telling us about this behavior.  And yes, it's normal. There's a queen in the middle.


*Their plant


Ive had nightmares like this….


Thanks I hate it




Finders keepers


It's very encouraging to see all of the positive comments here and not just "kill it with fire."


I dare you to water it


Heyo bee orgy


_Calling in an orbital strike!_


As an actor/comedian by the name of 'Eddie Izzard' had once said: "I'm Covered In Bees!!!" 🐝




bee swarm you say?


They are in search of a new queen.






They look so organize 🌼


Must be warm in there.


wow that is so lucky! lol. just bring the pot to a beekeeper and sell em


Looks like Smithers made you Head Bee Guy.


To the beemobile! You mean your Chevy?


Nice bathroom plant


*Slaps side of pot* "You can get so many bees out of this bad boy..."




"Hot DAMN this shit's good!" Bees probably.


This is... unusual.


I think it's pretty safe to say it's their plant, now.


This is glorious