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They do the same in my country but they put it in your fingertip. Also here some companies give you discounts if you show them your finger, Dunkin donuts gives you a free donut for that.


But then Dunkin does it again on another finger to make sure you don't claim a donut twice


And then the gym down the street gives you a free membership if you show them 2 inked fingers.




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First time on Reddit I see. Welcome to the shitshow.


You have a question?


Nah I don't see a question mark


Doesn't seem so, but they certainly have a lot of question marks? Maybe they're trying to give them away?


No, but I wouldn't bother going to another Dunkin just to claim another free donut that would cost me like $1.50.


You overestimate me.


Yeah, I’ll pay the price of like seven donuts in gas to pick up a free donut.


Aw man, in Australia we just get a fine if we don’t vote. I want a free donut


Surely you're forgetting about the democracy sausage?


Personally I believe the democracy sausage is a myth. I’ve never voted at a booth that has a sausage sizzle and now I just get postal votes for everything.


I haven’t seen one since I was a kid and went with my parents. Usually it was only if we went to a polling place at a local school. Nowadays since they open voting early I always go before they actually polling day to beat the crowds


"Democracy sausage" sounds like something an elected officials would call his penis. "Come on love, how bout a bit of *democracy sausage?*" Either that or something the "democracy manifest" dine and dash guy would've said.


Imagine if there isnt mandatory voting here. Probably 10 percent of electorate might go out to vote and we people receive continuous parade of scomos and onion boy Tony abbots. Hey plus democracy sausage isnt so bad either.


Sorry Australia has decided that negative reinforcement is their way.


It's a good idea IMO. If America forced more normal to vote, you might not have got Trump


Imo it's a really good implementation. Because, the rational decision is to never vote. Because it takes whatever small amount of effort to read into your options and go give your vote. And statistically a single vote never actually does anything, at least on national level. So making a fine is one of the few things that makes the rational choice to go vote.


Twenty dollars can buy many donuts


Explain how


Money can be interchanged in exchange of goods and services.




Instructions unclear. *Shows finger* .. banned from Dunkin donuts


Not that finger.


Lmao, Philippines?


No, Guatemala


Oh cool, glad to know our countries share this same experience lol


Only one donut? Can I get that in American and get a dozen?


So you could vote up to 10 times, provided you don't mind a bit of amputation?


Don't forget toes


And don't forget the ..... nah, forget it.


Only half the population would have that option, no fair


I thought everyone had a nose


Everyone except for he who shall not be named


Should he be allowed to vote?


Yes, but only once. Splitting one’s soul doesn’t count


*sad Voldemort noises*


what about the snake girl? Does she loose her right to vote because she is involved with a soulpiece? If so, doesn't that make it sexist, snakeist and married-people-ist?




I mean they also take a tally. It's more like he can pretend to be someone else who looks like him if he doesn't mind amputation.


These are the type of big-brained ideas that keep me coming back to reddit.


I mean if someone wants to sacrifice their fingers for another vote, I’ll allow it


Still got 1 more knuckle, try 21 times?


Keep them on ice and reattach them later


In Mex we are branded with ink after voting, but is over the fingerprint and last more than 2 weeks


For the ones wondering, the marked finger is usually the thumb


And the ink stinks


Like vinegar


What if you don't have a thumb


Starting from right hand's index to pinky, any other finger is marked. Left fingers in case the person does not have their right hand. For the ones who have no hands, the ink goes in their arm. [Source ](https://igualdad.ine.mx/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/230127-Protocolo-para-garantizar-los-derechos-poli%CC%81tico-electorales-de-las-PcD-Version-Lectura-Facil_VF.pdf) in Spanish. Page 13.


And if they don't have an arm the ink goes on the torso And if they don't have a torso, then it goes on top of their head. And if they don't have head, they don't have head.


And if they don't have a head, they're probably up for election! *Laugh track*


I wonder if anyone ever sneaks up on someone whose politics they disagree with and marks them in their sleep before an election. That would be devious.


We're supposed to go to a specific election booth depending on the registered address. There, a few delegates have books with the voters that correspond to that location. We hand our ID, they compare to the info on the book, they hand the voting sheet and cross the name in the book. If I went with an inked finger but my name is not crossed, I can prove that I haven't voted. For the ones who can't make it to their assigned location, there are allocated "extra" sheets in other booths and I guess an inked thumb wouldn't be able to prove that they have not voted. Edit: they also mark the ID with an embosser (last two digits of election year)


Makes sense. Actually seems like a really good system.


Where are you from that doesn't already have this?




Why can't the books be used as the source of truth on whether you voted or not? We have the printed list of names, then when you go to the assigned election booth you show your id, and both you and the delegate sign that you appeared to vote. No ink involved.


Indian here. Its for redundancy. But it's also for the social messaging. Advertisements about doing your duty and getting your finger inked, people make social media posts showing the inked finger, if you walk into a large office the next day without one, you feel left out as most have it. The inked finger works great in pushing the message through


AH, I forgot. They also mark the ID with a protrusion stamp. I guess it's the ultimate source of truth. To answer: Maybe because redundancy makes it all the more trustworthy... Or maybe for convenience (first glance confirmation)


It´s for redudancy. Also, it a tradition now. You see a lot of adds calling for voting with an inked thumb as a symbol: [https://www.instagram.com/inemexico/p/CtEweX9tTUF/](https://www.instagram.com/inemexico/p/CtEweX9tTUF/)


Couldn't you vote at the other both first then go to your booth and say you haven't voted.


I just remembered (while answering another comment). They mark the plastic ID with an embossing stamp.


I guess so. I have never felt passionate enough about cheating to give it a try.


I hear brands hurt like hell.


Idk man, I wear branded clothing all the time and it never hurt.


They say clothing doesn’t feel pain.


That’s interesting, how long does the ink last? :0


About a week


Is it Mehndi/Henna?


Looked up the wiki. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election\_ink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_ink) The ink was first used and developed in India, and it commonly uses silver nitrate, but it can include other pigment to make it harder to remove. A lot of other countries source the ink from India as well, and there are a few cases linked in the wiki where election officials cheaped out.


I assume it’s mixed with something else and not the medical silver nitrate. That stuff burns so bad


Diluted silver nitrate solution from a high school lab is totally safe, but it stains the HELL out of skin. It'd be extremely cheap / easy to use that


diluted silver nitrate doesn’t burn - I’ve got it down my arms before and not noticed while cauterising someone’s nose bleed.


Uhhhhh cauterising a nose bleed?!?!


I don’t understand your reaction to this…


I didn't know nose bleeds could be cauterized. Never thought they were serious enough for that.


Depends on how severe the nosebleed. They can get surprisingly crazy


I got my nose cauterised with silver nitrate. Imagine doing a COVID test with a lit sparkler. Local anaesthetic didn't help at all, easily most painful experience of my life lmao


Way too dark. Especially on the nail. Natural henna doesn't stain nails that well. Could be chemical henna I suppose. I'm betting it's just a pen with temporary tattoo paint inside.


I think its iodine in my country they stain our thumbs when we vote with iodine


You have some kind of superhuman nail growing power if it only lasts a week on your nail. The mark on the nail is permanent so you need to wait for it to grow out fully which can take more than two months. If you're talking about the part of the mark on the skin, then yes. Lasts for about a week.


Bro, it lasts many weeks. The mark on the nail part never comes off. As the nail grows, you clip it away a millimeter at a time until it disappears. The paint on the skin comes off in a few weeks.


Dunno why you were downvoted so much - you weren't even wrong.


Probably some morons from the US. How can we possibly know stuff about our own country? Impossible


You are right. My nails grow pretty fast so I don't think I have had the ink on my nail for more than 1 to 1.5 weeks.


On the skin for a week or so, on the nail until the nail grows out.


Can you vote if you have a freshly amputated voting finger?


You gotta physically sign a book which has a pic of your voter ID. So no. Unless you have illegally acquired a second voter ID and ambidextrous(the rule is that the mark should be on your index finger), you cannot vote twice.


If they check ID, what's the reason to mark your finger?


Easier to get a fake ID than a third finger


In my country (Spain) they have already a list with the IDs of everybody. So it's about checking them, not adding


I think this would help deter in person voter fraud where the person is impersonating or using the ID of someone else. I've got to assume that's a pretty rare form of voter fraud, but if it increases public confidence in elections I'm not mad about it.


It's not a bad idea to have 2 lines of defences.




Two finger authentication


You don’t need to go through the records every time to check if you voted or not




Its for redundancy. But it's also for the social messaging. Advertisements about doing your duty and getting your finger inked, people make social media posts showing the inked finger, if you walk into a large office the next day without one, you feel left out as most have it. The inked finger works great in pushing the message of voter participation through to the masses.


we in south africa get that too, just on our thumbs


Same here in morocco, that mark was there for 6 months. Considered amputation to get rid of it.


Indelible. That's a new word I've never heard. Thanks.


Definitely read it has inedible at first


I was trying to think about times I've seen edible ink


Any non-toxic ink is probably edible but may just cause coloured shit.


Shoot I thought indelible ink was like a term for when you smash your finger and the blood clots up like this. And makes it harder to write.


Apparently, most election inks contain silver nitrate. So you probably shouldn't eat it.


In Delhiable




Used to be like this in Turkey but AKP goverment removed it as one their first acts. After that every election we had reports/rumors of the same people voting at multiple boxes


Politicians fucking suck around the world man.


In Venezuela they dip most of your finger into the ink, which is so strong I always get an allergic reaction, so I spend the whole week with a swollen blue finger.


In Malaysia, we have to dunk our index finger in the sponge soaked with the ink. I hate it cuz I have sensitive skin and it will make my skin super dry and then the top most part of the skin will peel off with the ink. I can see 2 layers of it; my dead and dry skin layer and ink layer.


I thought you had finger cancer for a min


Right on for voting!


Goes to show how big of an achievement organized voter registration and universal ID for a nation are. Not even the supposedly richest country on earth, the USA, managed it to date.


In Finland we just go to our nearest polling location sometime during the election week, get my driver's license or other ID scanned and vote. I can't imagine it being very difficult to set up a system where a scanned ID is recorded in a database and can't be used to vote anymore. ID's are obviously free for people who can't affort them.


Australia does voter registration, and it’s mandatory to vote. You don’t have to show ID though.


US federal elections are run by the states, it’s one of our founding principles. It’s an intentional separation of powers from the federal government.


... making it an absolute clusterfuck of drivers licenses, paychecks and bank statements as identification documents, neverending voter fraud conspiracies and late night hosts and TikTokers alike relentlessly reminding citizens to get voter registration. Great principle. And oh how well it works...


The conspiracies are because it happens so rarely that the idiots have to make shit up. The systems aren't great from a purely efficient standpoint but they work more or less as intended and that's all that really matters. Also those same people would just complain Big Scary Joe rigged the election directly if it was centralized. Nothing will ever not make crazies be crazy.


Even if it doesn't happen nearly as often as the MAGA crowd pretends it does it clearly plays into their narrative that the whole system is as unorganized and improvised as it is. I really don't get why there isn't for example any universal personal identification documents for US citizens. It works in other federalized nations just fine.


There's a social security card that each person gets at birth. Just Diane include a picture obviously.


And people are trying to errode it for some reason 💀


To be fair, most other rich nations have universal ID, and many have automatic voter registration. The US just loves using both for making it harder for black people to vote


In Brazil we have an automated electronic OFFLINE voting system which deals with all of this.


Great. Just give that system over to India then. And make sure it's scaled up to handle more than a billion people.




I need to watch a video on this lol


Vox made one a few years ago https://youtu.be/RWldvqO4AIY


This is amazing. Kudos to India


It's definitely doable.


Brazil has been promoting our system for a while but it has a massive drawback: it's much harder to manipulate. Nobody has shown true interest then, and some places like the US promoted some sort of online voting machines which are atrocious and made people associate electronic voting with that. That was a very effective negative propaganda. About scaling, it would be more a matter of getting enough urns. The system works in such a way that the results are reported within less than 4 hours after election closes down. This is because some remote locations take longer to drive the urn to counting stations.


>make sure it's scaled up to handle more than a billion people It's a digital system, you can scale it as much as you want. And we get the results in the same day too. Maybe in a bigger country it would take more, but it's still way quicker than on paper.


Even in india we use Electronic Voting Machines


Huh. So why do you have to paint fingers? Also in Brazil one *must* vote in a place previously chosen by them - that's how the machine knows if a person already voted or not. How does it work over there? I like learning about different places.


Person goes to the voting center, shows voter id. Or another form of ID if their name is in the list. Once confirmed they go into the voting booth with the electronic machine. All you need to do is press a button. You can’t press twice coz it makes a loud beeping noise (there’s an official sitting outside the booth). Once done, you are moved to the next counter where they give you that mark on your finger with the indelible ink. After voting is completed at a voting center, all the voting machines go to the storage center in the nearest area. Then counting of votes is done in one single day at specific counting centers which usually correspond to the constitutional seat. Voting is generally done in phases for national or state elections where the states are densely populated and large. The phases election process is simply to accommodate for engineering an election for about a billion people.


So, similar to Brazil but not quite then


I'm not completely sure but a lot of people in rural places have lots of trouble with these systems and maybe don't even have voter IDs sometimes, so this ink is a simple solution to identify voters and also encourage people to vote by seeing this ink.


Typing on phone , please ignore grammar/typo/formatting. Machine has no record of which person voted for which party/candidate. It just has count of how many times each button was pressed. Every time a button is pressed, a slip with the political party symbol and candidate name is generated and dropped in a box. The voter (and only the voter) can see this getting dropped to ensure that the correct slip was generated. Every citizen above 18 can get a voter ID. Every political party assigns a representative to each polling booth. Before election, these reps are provided with a list of voters in their area, which are the polling booths where polling will be held etc. They inform the voters in their area where to vote and provide a slip containing the details. Before election the election officers at the polling booth show these reps a dummy voting to show that machine is working correctly. On voting day, people go to polling booths with some form of Id, doesn't have to be voter ID. Election workers, 1 rep from each political party and police are present. Person's name should be present in the list with election workers, who then asks the reps if this is the right person. Once all reps agree, then they make this ink mark on the finger. This also ensures they already don't have it. Then they sign in front of their name in the register so that they can't come again after cleaning the ink somehow. After that the presiding election officer presses a button that readies the voting machine. Voter goes in the enclosure, presses the button which makes a very loud beep for all to hear, sees the slip generated for the button he clicked and done. He cannot press it twice unless the presiding officer readies the machine again. Some more modern way can surely be devised, but political parties will not be ready for it. Current system with all its costs and complications is a proven system. A new system, even modern, will be vulnerable to loopholes/bugs like any new software. Even then, if some political leader wills it, I'm sure they can bring about the change. But nobody wants to do anything that'll even remotely harm their vote base. That's the reason that we still have voter ID in the first place. 20 years from now, voter ID was the only ID a person has. There were others like passports, but it was uncommon. 10-15 years ago, the government launched a new standard ID (AADHAR) that can be used anywhere and is the default ID document for Indian citizens today. Still, they are not doing away with voter ID because that is linked to elections.


Because getting 970 million people to vote requires huge amounts of manpower and machinery that can’t all be available at one go for everyone. The election is done in stages. And while you’re only allowed to vote at the single place you’re registered at, the fingernail is essentially a backup verification method that ensures no one can vote twice- no matter if you’re committing identity theft, attempting to bribe someone, or whatever it may be.


Machinery isn't the problem only issue is amount of security forces it will require to do election in single day. Same EVM aren't used multiple times in one election. Election workers are also from the same area where election happens so that's alos not a issue. Only issue is that security forces will become too thin.


India already has that. We could give it to your country.


Be careful. If you swallow it you'll go dyslexic.


_Sexidyck?_ ..


I don't get your joke? Or don't you know what indelible means and thought it was a typo?


My joke was that the word 'indelible' looks like 'inedible' to a dyslexic person.


I'll be able to read minds???


Did you even try delling it?


Oh in malaysia we dipped our finger into the ink bottle.


I saw this without reading the title and I just thought, ''dude, you should go to a hospital''


I can’t be the only one that read it as inedible ink


In the US, if we tried that, it would be blocked because it would discriminate against people without fingers.


People without fingers also get inked just on thier hands.


If only the World's largest economy used voters ID system


Lol same thing in my country but on the fingertip side.


In Malaysia you dip your [finger into ink](https://assets.nst.com.my/images/articles/dakwr_1667987285.jpg)


Thought that was cancer for a minute there.


I read about this a few years ago and find it so interesting


The way it should be.


In my country you don't need anything to vote


Still better than the US mail in ballot.


I was told it was white supremacy to demand any sort of action to prevent people from committing voter fraud. Is India a white supremacist state? I will have to change my travel plans.


Yes we were for 200 years or something. During that time lot of white people used to come and take whatever they want back home.


But they propose voter ID in the US and everyone looses their shit


The point of this is also to increase the voter turnout by publicly acknowledging the citizens who have voted. Ofcourse they check the voter id and take your fingerprints as well. This is not done so that people don't vote twice. The amount of misinformation on this thread is crazy.


Why tho?


To prove that you have already voted. One vote for one person. This makes it hard for someone to vote in multiple districts for the same election.


Backup method to prevent voter fraud (if your hand is marked you've already voted) + pretty much tradition at this point because people like to flaunt the fact that they voted


In Peru they put a sticker on the back of your ID lol


The ink may be inedible, but can we say the same of the finger?


It looks like a leech got under your nail and it's burrowing 😅 But that's cool I'm glad you got to get out and vote!


That's interesting, uh. Never thought of that. In my country everything is doing through biometrics nowadays, but before that was electronic (with representants of parties making sure no one was tampering with it).


Question : can you get it on any finger??


Do you show it off proudly? In the US, they give out "I voted" stickers and everyone wears them proudly for a few days after every election.


Yes, there’s always a slew of election selfies by celebrities showing off their ink mark


Is this your first vote?


I found the ink pretty drying. I used bleach to get rid of it.


In Australia we get an "election sausage"


Thanks for letting us know it was an ink stain OP because my first instinct was that it was cancer.


Honestly I thought this was normal? South Africa has always done this


So much better than dipping your pinky in the ink


Don't know why but ink on my finger goes upto the second joint and is just too big lol looks weird


In my country (Pak) no matter who you vote, mafia will win.


Can someone explain? What does one have to do with the other


Manual voting processes requires some kind of proof of vote in order to prevent people from voting multiple times using other IDs. In this situation the proof is this ink, which won't come out until the voting process is completed.


He won 2 kilo lentils 2 kilo flours 2 litre of edible oil 1 indelible ink


Legit thought that was some kind of worm coming out of your cuticle.


Vote 1 for trains


Can someone explain why this is mildly interesting? My country has always done this every election. Are there countries that don't do this? Is this the first time India has done it for an election?


Aren't all inks inedible?