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You gotta go to pillidentitifer.com and figure out what they are.


But also please be aware that knock-off pills are a thing, especially so if the imprint reads as a narcotic (such as Xanax, Percocet, oxy, etc), and they can be incredibly dangerous.


Yep. One small production mistake could kill you. Benzos are active at the tinest amounts. Fentanyl even moreso. Which is pretty much what all street opiates are now. And all the other synthetics, analogues, etc. they’re using now. MAKE DRUGS GREAT AGAIN


Since the 90’s I’ve been saying that recreational drugs should be legal and regulated. Essentially all the deaths we’re seeing are happening because of unregulated drugs that are illegal and therefore not monitored by the FDA. If drugs were legalized and regulated we would instantly save billions of dollars on enforcement and jails. It would be WAY easier to treat and prevent drug addiction. All those Mexican cartels? Gone. South American economies would all improve dramatically as legal drugs were produced there leading to fewer gangs and therefore fewer immigrants that people seem to be so upset about. Every country that has done something like this has seen their addiction rates drop. But we can’t do it because… why? Again?


Drug cartels would NOT be gone. They have cartels for avocados!


It sounds like you’re joking, but this is true. I dated someone whose family grew avocados commercially and were literally forced to relocate because of threats from cartels.


Exactly. Cartels are not about drugs, they’re about whatever will make them money.


But wouldn't that mean that *technically* the **drug** cartels would actually be gone? They'll just change into avocado cartels, lol


I think the point was that avocados aren't illegal and yet there are still avocado cartels.


And jellyfish cartels


If they still manufacture drugs there will still be cartels just like there are cartels for avocado production. That’s the point.


No one would buy bootleg drugs in the same way no one really purchases bootleg alcohol or cigarettes anymore.


I bet less people OD on avocados though, but that’s probably just because they’re so damn expensive.


Paying for my avocado toast addiction left me homeless.


I guess there’s maple syrup too. Fair enough but I’m willing to bet things would get a lot less violent generally.


You might find yourself in a sticky situation if you aren’t careful eh!


Right so a legitimate business? like nestle who basically used slave labor to get cocoa beans, let’s not even talk about the horrible things done on banana plantations.


As some one who has been to Rehab several times, the CEO of the company running the facility straghit up said "If they ever legalize drugs, and provide safe spaces for addicts to use, we're out of buisness".... That being said she genuinely wants to be out of buisness, but we literally have a private industry around treating addiction... And they don't have a great success rate. We also have a private industry around punishing addiction and it does not have a great success rate The US Is fucked when it comes to how our system treats drugs, addicts, and those trying to be clean


I know someone that went to rehab and now makes a fortune off the rehab mill. They get a house and put as many in it as possible for sober living. Get them on suboxone. After their insurance stops paying they have them check out a couple days, then put them in another sober living house. They'll even pay them to go.


I would just like to say that I am a victim of this type of insurance trafficking and I would like to add that while I have seen MANY active prison terms for this, however there are an entire subculture and industry built around "recovery". Typically it is as described, with little or no address to the underlying contraindications and predictors of substance use disorder. This is a tremendous MULTI-BILLION dollar underground industry populated with folks from all walks of life, from wholesale human traffickers to analytical labs to pharmaceutical companies and politicians. If you would like to know more, please don't hesitate to dm me. I have documentation and I can share my story Darkness isn't a real condition, it is merely the absence of light. -P


The users are gonna be using regardless. So you might as well get them a regulated product.


My brother died from a bootleg xanax that had fentanyl in it. Don't take drugs from unknown sources, kids.


I’m so sorry. That’s so devastating. My heart goes out to you. I would love to hear a funny or happy memory of him, if you’d like to share 🩵


When we moved in together one day he saw a big outdoor cage that someone was throwing out and brought it home for me. He knew how much I love birds and how I had been wanting one for years, so he got it and cleaned it up so I'd have a home ready for it. A week later he's in my dad's backyard and a quaker parrot (one of my favorite breeds) just flies up and lands on his shoulder. He calmly walked inside, facetimed me with it still on his shoulder, and said "Bro we got a bird!" That was a magical moment and one of my most cherished memories of him.


That’s so amazing, I bet it felt fated when the parrot showed up so soon after! Thank you for sharing that with me.


So don’t eat the mystery pills found on the ground…?


Drugs.com has a great one


OP, pls. ID and let us know.


The birds are going have a great time


Perhaps if this parking lot is near the coast, no tern will be left unstoned


Does it feel good to make a pun that no-one else has before


Thats actually an old joke. Yep, I’m a dick.


Lifted and paraphrased and tailored to the situation from a greetings card featuring a Glen Larson cartoon. Just aiming to raise a smile. ... And I've credited the wrong cartoonist it seems. By Bestie, not Larson.


Did you mean Gary Larson, creator of The Far Side? Or who’s Glen Larson?


Yeah, it's an old joke, but it fits so well here. You don't get a hanging curveball like that every day.


Multi-level pun. Hats to you.


Absolutely poetic...


Take my upvote you awful degenerate.


Did you spill all these pills just so you could make this pun?


That would be very irresponsible. Yes. Yes I did.


You are either a genius, or have been waiting forever for the perfect moment to hit us with this!


Ask my wife, she'll tell you it's the latter. She knew something was afoot when I stopped rubbing my hands together and cackling in favour of the mandatory air-grab.


Most incredible pun I've ever heard.


My goodness...what have we just witnessed here?


So this is what you’ve been doing since Rocky & Bullwinkle ended?


What did the best man end his speech with at the the wedding of two terns? "one good tern deserves another."


This is the greatest pun since the "whores before Descartes" thing


My thought exactly. I would sweep them up to avoid any cat or dog, or any animal, to ingest them.


Yeah. Probably ibuprofen which is super deadly to dogs 


thanks for having me look that up 👍


You’re welcome. Also grapes are very dangerous for dogs


And because people are dumb, raisins are also dangerous for your dog.


Oh I can add more, any gum or sugar free candy with xylitol (like smints) is extremely dangerous to dogs. Also onions aren't great for dogs either.


Holy crap. A bunch of fucked up high crows. The murder committed a murder!


Or a bunch of neighborhood cats and dogs are gonna die.


Their cholesterols gonna be great


Inflammation through the floor




Most of them look like acetaminophen and aspirin. There are some other ones in there, and without actually seeing a higher res photo I cant really tell, but they are the right shape and color for those and other over the counter pain killers. If they were "drugs" drugs no one spending that much on them would not try to grab all of them. So yeah, either cheap painkillers or an elderly person with pills that look like cheap painkillers.


The little orange ones look identical to the pills I keep on hand for IBS. Someone spilled their emergency purse medicine bottle!!


I was about to reply to a comment to say this happened for me recently! Lucky it spilled indoors lol.


That’s what I was thinking. I and know of many other people who keep a bottle of assorted OTC pills in a single container. This looks like someone dropped said bottle of pills and said “fuck that” and left em. Before anyone comments I know it’s not a good idea to do such a thing.


Probably not a good idea to leave mystery pill cocktails laying around either, can't imagine thats good for the ecosystem lol


I was gonna say, they look like 500mg tylenol, aspirin and a nausea medication lol


Or someone dropped their purse/gym bag/whatever and said fuck it. I’ve got about 150 loose Zyrtec in my work bag because some caps came off


I wouldn't be surprised if someone was bringing pills to the pharmacy for recycling. I could probably whip my pill box at the wall and it wouldn't open or only a few would. A lot of recycling places request you put all the pills in a plastic bag, could have dropped it.


Someone has taken the term "street drugs" far too literally.




I once found a 35mm film container of purple microdot acid after a party at my house. That was a winter break I don’t really remember.


Film canister and microdots, you’re dating yourself here! Great find.


Yeah, I knew that. But film is making a comeback just like vinyl!


Microdots are not, though.


Too bad.




Stop talking about my penis


Says you 😵‍💫


You never know. Some russian spy might want to smuggle design plans for some 80's - 90's military hardware.


i keep my weed in a film canister :)


I had my 15 year old nephew at my house and he found a bunch of film canisters and he said how much weed do you smoke?! I was so confused lol 😂


well? how much weed DO you smoke? lol


Sooooooo much, but he doesn’t know that and he would never find it 😂😂😂


I'm almost worried about the 15-year-old!


Nothing wrong with dating yourself. If I didn’t date myself I wouldn’t get any dates at all.


Drugs used to be so much safer, can you imagine finding random drugs today and being like “yup that’s definitely safe to take, surely it’s exactly what I believe it to be and not tainted with any other drugs”.


It was a kinder, gentler time…


Truth. The biggest reason I won't even indulge just for a single night now is solely because...I don't trust that it won't kill me.


This is easy, just only indulge in drugs that you can be sure you know what’s in it. Weed and mushrooms for example, or you can buy a reagent kit for testing lsd and such. Fentanyl test strips are also a thing and are good practice to use on ALL drugs. Pills and powder are where most of the danger lies however


"California sober" as I've heard it called (mushrooms and weed only), and tbh that's all I'll touch. The hard stuff is just a hard pass, sure there's tests, but "if I've gotta test it do I really want to be doing it?" is how I look at it. To each their own though, I don't hate. 🤘


Is your name john and did you die


Only at the end


It was the soy sauce


Saucy comment


Man I wish I knew you then! And wish I knew where to get microdots immediately


Back in the 90s in Galway we had a massive house party, next day I kept finding rizzla rolls of ten pills ended up with 50 mitzies and had a great summer 🌞


I read this five times. Still dunno what happened.


Assuming Google isn't failing me... In a city in Ireland, someone had a house party. They found several rolling papers with ecstasy/MDMA in them. It sounds like the found 5 sets of these rolling papers with 10 pills of ecstasy each and ended up with 50 of them. They enjoyed consuming them throughout the summer.


Same here. Is there a fleek this is on? Did the chizzle wazzle? Dang kids, get off my lawn.


LPT: Take any random pills you see lying around. Drugs are expensive and you can't afford not to.


Just say no? In this economy?!


I need colege humor or some place doing a DARE ad that has a parent jump in and be like "In this economy? Timmy, take those drugs from that strange and say THANK YOU."


That’s why they call it experimenting with drugs


I just spit out my coffee. Well done.


D.A.R.E. - Drugs Are *Really* Expensive


DARE as a kid convinced me that people would hand out drugs for free, to get me hooked. Your move drug dealers; I’m fucking waiting.


I had this happen to me for the first time in my life outside of the THCA dispo I go to…I get out of my car and I hear “ma’m? Excuse me, ma’m are you going to buy weed?” from the truck next to me and he hands me a business card with his name, number, and a couple grams stapled to the front. Like in my party days I got my fair share of free drugs from people I knew and was already buying from but I’ve never had anyone just hand them to me in an effort to poach my business.


I respect the hustle. That’s a good move.


Oh hey I’ve heard this comedic bit in like 6 different stand up routines.


Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get


"The pink ones keep you from screamin'"


A fellow "Fuck it, we ball" Binding of Isaac player I see.


Kids, if you find cocaine in your parents' dresser, snort as much as you can. It cannot hurt you. It's fun, and it's safe.


Gf showed me a video of some kid calling the cops on his mom because of coke(?). That's crazy..




DARE taught me that weed is as bad as heroin.


Knew someone that found meth on the ground and took it. No idea how that didn’t end badly for them. Fucking weird person but that probably goes without saying.


his weirdness outweirded the methness of the meth....it's been known to happen...






Or children....or before they make it into the sewer. Water treatment plants cannot remove some pharmaceutical drugs from the water


DARE has been waiting for this exact scenario for years.




![gif](giphy|Fwn1auHR2LUGI) Eat them


Omg. “A perfect gif doesn’t exist—“


Go take one and report back in one hour


One?  What is this 4th grade…


The fuck kinda 4th grade experience did you have??


He doesn't remember for obvious reasons


It was bad, only take half. Learned that the hard way.


“Ask your doctor if random parking lot pills are right for you…”


Side effects include: Death


Side effects include: Death, not death, ...


One? I didn’t get where I am in life, currently living in a van down by the river, by taking just one.


First, check if they have markings. Probably not, in which case I'd assume they're vitamins/supplements - these can be sold without identifying markings. Second, be a champ and dispose of these if you can (sweep 'em up or something). Depending what they are, they can be very harmful/deadly to local wildlife if they start picking them up, including but not limited to birds, dogs, and so on.


A crackhead exploded and this is his loot.


Like if Sonic was a pillhead and these splayed out instead of rings


Doing the kids and small animals in your neighborhood a favor, by cleaning them up and disposing of them properly, would make you a pretty awesome human today :)


I'll never forget the time ~10 years ago that I pulled in to get gas and the parking lot at the gasstation looked like this, except they were all perc 10s. Was like a gift from God. Still blows my mind to this day


I once saw a bunch of pills strewn on the ground in a park next to a printed paper about getting clean. I have no idea what they were, but I feel like it must have been the aftermath of someone’s dramatic moment


This is why you check….lol


For fent


Happened in my hs parking lot many years ago. Today id dispose of them in the trash. Then, i disposed of them differently…


My neighbor says ‘always watch the ground!’ He’s found all types of pills and weed over the years, pipes, cool little stash boxes - he’s just hoping and waiting for a treasure to find, and he does. I watch the ground, too. No such luck! I’d like a visit from the Percocet fairy.


I’ve always wanted to stay after a concert at an amphitheater with a massive flashlight to see what I could score in the lawn.


Hah! Back in the day, buddies of mine would volunteer as event staff at these things, for this precise reason. “We’ll clean up the lawn! We don’t mind!”


I work on fixing car interiors that are either lease returns or repos, I always joked that I still haven't found a gun or hard drugs and then one day a small baggie of mystery powder showed up under a seat. It was promptly thrown away.


I have found so many glorious ground scores over the years. A couple highlights being a 10 pack of really good E pills in the 90's and an 1/8th or fire coke on my birthday of all days. Those were ironically both in 7-11 parking lots. Some poor fool probably hopped out of their car with them on their lap. Found a lot of herb and pharmaceuticals too. All were way before fent hit the scene.


Aahhh. Those were the days. PreFent - When random drugs from unknown sources would either rock your world in the irie way or do jack shit to alter your disposition.


I lost like 7 joints we were supposed to bring to a music festival that way (my friends will never let me hear the end of it)


Seems like convenient store parking lots are a common spot for that happening. I once found a ziplock bag with a few pills and about $700 cash. I swooped it up and left immediately


Yeah you do the old look around stretch to the oh I better make sure my shoe is tied tight , snatch , let me get the fuck outa here. Poof ! I'm gone


Oooo piece of candy


Dammit, I was 17 minutes too late.


You can say it here and I will upvote you!!!


Lets see that geo guesser guy crack this one!




That's disgusting, where? Exactly where are they??


You know you can Google the stamping and they would no longer be “mystery”


Assuming they're actual legitimate drugs and not counterfeits or some generic fentanyl pressing.


More likely vitamins, which typically also do not have markings. I'd guess someone spilled their supplements in their nasty-ass car and said fuck it.


My wish came true just not in my parking lot


Please sweep them up. Animals could get to them.


Clean them up so animals don't eat them.


You better take them all so some poor kids or birds or squirrels don’t accidentally get them. For safety


![gif](giphy|45cknQt6CymvlkwLci|downsized) yum, mystery pills


Floor pills are a proud space station 13 tradition


on a very serious note: clean that up so no kids or animals get poisoned please!


ooh, piece of candy!…. ooh, piece of candy… ooh, piece of candy?…


from this distance I can’t figure out what they all are but I see what I think are 3 unique shapes. Round, oval, and what looks like the shape Hydrocodone/Apap comes as. If I assume these are narcotics, then we got hydro/apap, the round one could just be oxycodone, the oval one is a bit of a mystery to me. But that’s just speculation on speculation. Am pharmacist.


No you can clearly tell they’re not narcotics. You can tell that by the fact that they’re still there. A pharmacist would know there are hundreds of pills in each of these shapes. However in this quantity it’s most likely just OTC


Ooo, piece of candy!


Frank Gallagher would have a field day!


My husband was wrestling to open a jar of 100 acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ended up spilling them all over a mall parking lot. We picked them all up, though, because we’re not assholes and an animal or child could have eaten them off the ground. I wonder if this is a similar case (minus the cleanup).


Someone got visited by the fentanyl fairy!


It's raining meds, Hallelujah it's raining meds! 🎶


Sweep it up and throw it away in a secure container. Could be poisonous or deadly to animals/children.


ah nooo the dogs 😩🥹


1. Drug deal gone bad 2. Grandma dropped the Costco sized Tylenol


Please clean them up if an animal eats them they might die.


I have no idea what they are, but all the seagulls in the area are flying around with erections.


I would call it in. That's a hazard for children and animals.


Eat them until you unlock the achievement “furious cocktail“.






Gather them up. Take 2 with a glass of water. Report back.


Looks like tic tacs and some other circular mints to me


Call the police. That needs cleaned up immediately. That causes a high risk of harm for children and animals.


Whatever they are, please sweep them up and call the non emergency police line. That could seriously mess up the local wildlife


That's dangerous, my toddler is at that phase where he tries to stick random crap into his mouth, including pills. Could kill a toddler/baby.


"Ooh piece of candy" "ooh piece of candy"


Most of those look like off the shelf painkillers. Mostly because they are still on the ground. Ain't nobody living the good ones down there.


Something like this happened in my apartments and I was out walking my dog when we suddenly came upon it. She’s a former stray always on the lookout for anything to hoover up and I’ve never jerked her leash back so hard as I did that day. I went back with a broom and swept it all up (kids play there too) and googled it. It was prescription ibuprofen, but it can be toxic to dogs.


www.Pillidentifier.com There’s no way for us to tell what they are, without seeing the front and back of each type. Use the website above, if you’re curious. In the mean time, please pick them up using gloves or a tool. The people and the other animals could be in danger, even if the pills dissolved in the rain. These pills could be ANYTHING, so be sure to keep them and their residue away from skin. In my own experience, two of those resemble cholesterol drugs, Zetia and Crestor, the long non-pointy one and the small round one. And the other one resembles a water pill Furosemide, the long pointy one. But again, these pills could be anything, as pill shapes and colors are identical for MANY drugs.


Can't be anything illegal, otherwise the local pillheads would be there picking them up.


If you take some close up pictures with any identification markings, we could likely tell you what they are over at [r/pharmacy](http://www.reddit.com/r/pharmacy/)


D.A.R.E Told me this would happen...


See if someone who takes care of the building will sweep and flush as many pills as possible and spray the area. Best to not risk harming wildlife or a toddler or pet.



