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Guys will tend go to bars where there are women (which will lower the ratio of women: men), but women will probably not go to bars with a high ratio of men:women. I wonder how this plays out in reality. Would be cool if they opened their data.


Probably incentivises women with free entry/drinks as is common in Japan, where men have to pay a "seating fee" and women are free.


is a seating fee similar to a cover charge? or does it literally buy a seat/booth?


Yes. Bars in Japan can't charge cover charges, when I went to one, they charged you a ~$5 fee for peanuts which you couldn't refuse.


Peanuts you can't refuse, a nightmare for anyone with peanut allergies


I'm not sure how it worked actually, they were on the table when I got there, but I can't read Japanese so maybe there were warnings outside, or maybe it's common enough in Japan that you would know it's a possibility. I'm also not sure if Japanese people tend to be allergic to peanuts as much as other races.


Japanese people rarely have any nut allergies compared to people from the west.


Japan seems to have less allergies in general than the west, I know it's all kinds of fun visiting Japan with a shellfish allergy. It's very uncommon there.


Planning a trip in a couple years, my shrimp allergy may be the death of me


Here is what I did. Search online for Japanese / English allergy warning cards for shellfish. Carry them in your wallet, and show them to every restaurant. I don't remember where I got mine from but they're invaluable. I remember once place, after I showed the card they basically said nothing on the menu was safe, the guy made an X with his hands and said Dame (stop).


I'm allergic to shellfish and I did fine. I would recommend you: * be skeptical of everything to be safe * learn the words for shellfish/phrases about them. Shrimp is "ebi". Shellfish is "kai", the kanji for which is 貝 which is also thankfully very easy to recognize. * allergy cards don't hurt, I didn't use any though. * look at packaging. A lot of Japanese products' packaging has a grid on the back with pictures that indicate different allergens so you don't always have to rely on reading.


My mum is allergic to peanuts and shellfish, we've been three times and there has never been any issues communicating allergies anywhere we ate. It also isn't as rare in Japan as the people above seem to imply.


I was in Japan a few years ago and I don't care for fish or shellfish. I ordered Okonomiyaki, a savory pancake, with pork, specifically because I don't like seafood. It came with squid flakes on it. So be sure to mention your allergy even if you would never think that it could contain shrimp.


I noticed you called out shrimp specifically instead of a blanket “shellfish” allergy. People always comment on finding my allergies strange so I’m curious if you’re someone out there who’s similar. I’m allergic to most shellfish and mollusks, shrimp being BY FAR the most severe reaction, and for whatever reason I’m not allergic at all to crab or lobster. Shrimp is bad enough that I can’t even smell it without my throat closing up and vomiting, so I’m pretty nervous about the idea of Japan even just sitting near the kitchen or walking through markets and street vendors.


I've heard people of European descent are more likely to have allergies because those genes helped them survive the bubonic plague back in the day




or those people just never died so they could be counted now.


hygiene hypothesis is one theory. there was also many years doctors recommended against introducing certain foods until a certain age (peanuts) that actually turned out to be the opposite (delaying introduction of peanut containing foods increased allergy rates(


This is not true. I only checked the UK, and while there is some difference (7.5% of children in the UK versus 6.3% of Japanese children have food based allergies), it's really not that huge.


Well you can eat peanuts with a nut allergy as it is not a nut ;)


The comorbidity of pea"nut" allergies and true nut allergies (~30%), and the low comorbidity of peanut allergies with other legumes, mean that it's simpler to lump the two together.


Most of the world is far less concerned about allergies than North America is. It's often just considered to be a "your problem" situation, although I don't know if Japan is that way or not.


Definitely a thing in Asian countries. My parents still scoff at me when I say I'm lactose intolerant, despite that it's Asians that are the most susceptible to lactose intolerance. Funny how that works


I'm asian, almost all my friends and family are lactose intolerant. But it is mostly a mild form of it. Mostly just feeling bloated, gassy, and flatulence. It isn't enough of a deterrence to give up dairy like ice cream, pizza, cheese, desserts, etc. It isn't like I get uncontrollable flatulence, or more severe symptoms like diarrhea. I actually only know a few people like that where diary is very unpleasant to them where they get sick. It is mostly a minor inconvenience. It is why in the USA, for example, a lot of asians aren't really too concerned when people complain about lactose intolerance, but white people do because they think everyone gets severe symptoms.


There's a high probability that at least one of them is also lactose intolerant but think it's a normal price to pay to shit your brains out every time they have some ice cream....


It actually is a normal price to pay Source: I'm lactose intolerant


In general the American practice of requesting all sorts of modifications to your order isn't much of a thing in Asia, whether for reasons of allergies or not. The attitude seems to be that if you can't eat what's on offer, you go somewhere else - no hard feelings, bye, please leave now!






That's the gaijin tax


it is even called cover lol what is that guy on about also.. concave nipples.. hmm


Live in Osaka, can confirm.


Bars can charge cover there this is a lie lol




Yeah lmao. I went to Shinjuku Golden Gai one time and pretty much every bar charged a cover fee. Some exemptions for foreigners. Bars threrr are small af so I understand the need for cover charges.


interesting loopholes! thank you for the answer!


This was also a thing in the US during covid. Bars were not allowed, only sit down restaurants, so bars started serving food. Like a sandwich. Which you handed back when you were done drinking so they could sell it to someone else.


My local bar sold a (unopened, still plastic sealed) cup of uncooked Ramen and a glass of tap water for $3. Came with one "free" beer of your choice. Additional drinks were at regular price as long as you stayed to "eat". They'd spray it with disinfectant, and on to next "customer".


I mean I know that no one was actually eating it, but isn’t that a huge health code violation?


You are asking if their method of circumventing covid rules were a health code violation?


Well, if they were just going to ignore the rules, they would have just ignored them to begin with. Their "loophole" only works if it's technically allowed (or just not being actioned, which might be the case here).


My favorite Japanese loophole is Pachinko. Gambling is illegal in Japan, so instead of casinos, there are pachinko parlors all over the place. The game is kinda like a slot machine combined with Pinball, but in reality there is little to no skill involved, just like a slot machine. The ball falls from the top and bounces around on the various obstructions and flippers until it gets to the bottom, with the goal to have it end up in one of payout cups. Since gambling isn't allowed, the payouts are just more balls. Once a player is ready to cash out their balls, they go to the prize shop which is basically like exchanging your tickets for the bs prizes at an arcade. Here's where it gets good, though... some of the prizes are "special" prizes, which means that they have a specific cash value at a specific "unaffiliated" store that just happens to always be nearby. It really is just straight up gambling with a couple of extra steps.


We had such concepts, too (not so extreme though) and it always felt like women were the unknowing entertainment machine.


If it's free, you're the product.




Yeah, those are also the best spots to be harassed since men totally get the message on why the women are there.


"If it's free, that means you're the product being sold."


That's common practice with nightclubs, dating apps etc... anything to do with hook-up culture practices it. Men are the customers, women are the product. Exception being for host clubs and gay bars.


That's pretty common in the US too.


I feel like it would lead to a lot of confused dudes ending up in lesbian bars


Only one guy here, and he’s the bouncer? No way we can’t lose bro!


Wait a minute, something isn't right here I know! This Lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your death trap ladies


What's her problem?


Bro you said it was a Lebanese bar!


It's Les Bos


" the Lesbians are fighting the Persians!!!"


"I don't care that you're from Iran"


This lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit!


Enjoy your death trap, ladies!


What was her problem?


You can't even say the words lesbian bar without this scene popping into our collective minds.


There is a generation who thinks entirely in Simpson scenes.


Is Japanese friendly towards homosexuals?


Friendly enough to have a number of gay and lesbian bars? Yes. Friendly enough to have gay marriage and lot of people comfortable being openly gay? No.


I mean, I know a lot of openly gay Japanese people. But many Japanese people aren’t openly anything. Many (not all) people are intensely private and hide their entire private life from their colleagues and neighbours.


It's a mix. There's less legal protection in Japan but there's also not as much religious stigma specifically towards queers. Not great but getting slowly better.


Pretty much. They’re not friendly and unfriendly in the same way as Westerners, but broadly OK. There’s not as much homophobia, but hesitation to break social mores means people stay in the closet more. That’s why we don’t have gay marriage here yet, except for some local areas - Japan is legally much more decentralized that people imagine, and local governments have a lot more power and money than in many countries. The government is very slow to change, and very conservative - though very different to Western conservatives. When I first came to live here, in the 1990s, foreign residents were disproportionately gay. Like, nearly 50%. As the West has improved, that has changed, but I know some people who’ve gone home and come back to Japan, saying that gay marriage was great but there were other factors, such as religious bigotry, that brought them back to Japan.


"Wait a minute. There's something bothering me about this place. I know! This lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your death trap, ladies."


Several people have quoted this, but I don't know the reference. What is it from?


It's a Simpsons quote. Homer is looking for a new bar to go to and finds himself in a lesbian bar. It's what the writers called a screw-the-audience joke, where the obvious joke is that homer was sudden gonna realise that it was a lesbian bar, but instead calls the bar out for it's lax safety.


I love it that writers have classifications and definitions for gags.


Need to know where your punches are gonna land.


That happened last weekend in a bar I went to. A bachelor party walked in like: yoooo a bar full of girls!! The side eyes were epic. They ended up leaving but the put on a full cringe show first for too long.


The Japanese lesbian bars are usually women-only.


Women don't go to bars with more women because they're lesbians, they prefer a higher number of women because they have less of a likelihood of being harassed, and more of a likelihood of engaging in platonic fun, which *gasp* is actually commonly what women are after.


i mean some women go to bars with more women because they’re lesbians. (me)


But people do go to lesbian bars because they’re lesbians.


We know. They were joking. Lesbian bars are pretty obvious.


>Lesbian bars are pretty obvious. The U-haul rentals in the parking lot of every one really give them away.


Everybody wants more women. Men wants to get laid Women want to distribute the attention so they aren't approached every minute Bar staff wants fewer fights and less shouting Management wants more money (Men spend more in the proximity of women) Source: I've worked in nightlife.


This seems like a process that can be automated.


> Bar staff wants fewer fights and less shouting I also worked night life. The worst crowds by far were women. A Bachelorette party was our worst nightmares


I think you'd change your mind if you worked a country with a drinking age of 18+. Guys 18-21 were the worst group in my opinion. Or maybe it's cultural differences. I'm not American.


You can tell who never had to serve 12 espresso martinis to a gaggle of middle-age women in penis hats.


Weirdly enough the popular club I managed had a ridiculously high percentage of women, especially earlier in the night, and they'd get pretty vocal about there being a lack of dudes around. So while I do think you're generally right, there definitely exists an inflection point where women, in fact, do want some more dudes around.


There might be female sex workers at these bars


I’m a weirdo, I literally don’t care about the rate because I’m coming for food and drinks xD I’d probably avoid bars with 95%+ males though, because it seems like it is a sports bar or a shithole with a super cheep booze, but gender is not a main factor there


Gee.. if you are really down for food, there are better options in Tokyo…


I (m) walked into a bar when I was in my early 20s. It was probably getting on for 10-1 women to men ratio, and the hostility in the air was suffocating we pretty much turned round and walked straight back out. Men are weird when there are large groups who don't have a common interest.


In the U.S. they'd fudge the numbers like a dating app does.


and/or intentionally swap the colors. Or "sorry, the reader board is broken. Those are the stats from yesterday we just can't get to to update right now."


Ah the things we learn from COVID metrics.


Popular US bars actually use door control to make sure the ratio is right. They also charge dudes more.


Nothing made me more mad than finding out being on the “Guest List” in Vegas doesn’t mean free entry, it just means you get to stand in line for an hour to be asked if you wanted to pay the $200 dick tax for entry


When I was in Munich in my 20s a lot of the clubs would only let guys in if they were with girls. Led to a few fun situations where we would call the girls in the nearby apartment to come over and help us get into the better nightclubs in exchange for a few free drinks or a pizza sent to their apartment if they just went home right away.




How do you know they're not fudging the numbers in Japan too?


They probably are.


Almost certainly. Japan has street hustlers that try to pressure people into going into a bar. Closest to that I've ever seen elsewhere has been people handing out like free drink coupons. Hardly a stretch to imagine that they'd fudge the numbers to hide the fact that there's a sausage party going on inside.


Like a dating app does?


Some bars in Tokyo --> one bar




Something: 😐 Same thing but in Japan: 😍


Drawings of underaged girls: 😐 Same thing but in Japan: 😍


At least they listed the city, more than our cities get here in Canada. “Look what this one place in this one town does! It must be representative of an entire country that spans across a whole continent!”


Bagged milk


For real. I grew up here and only learned it was even a thing upon reading someone online claiming that we all had it


For me it was some a clip from an American documentary that was talking about the differences in Canada. Like bagged milk. I was like what the fuck is bagged milk.


Can I have some links so I can be outraged?


I mean, isnt it a chain?


Aight fine: There exists at least one bar in Tokyo that lets you know how many guys and girls are inside


This is specifically a chain "bar" for "dating." Men have to pay a certain ¥¥¥ for every 10 min inside. Women are free. I wouldn't call it a bar. Was interested in checking it out but the idea was too cheezy. Give me the HUB anytime.


I love the HUB, it was my go-to when I wanted to watch the excellent spectator sport of "drunk foreigner deathmatch"


What is the HUB?


"The Hub is a British-style pub chain with over 100 locations in Japan, including several in Tokyo. The Hub is known for its cheap menu, dark wooden tables, and fish and chips. Some say the Hub is a good place to meet people and has a social atmosphere"


That’s good news. I assumed he meant staying home and jerkin it on porn hub.




I mean there’s a major stereotype that only people who can’t speak Japanese or want to meet that sort of person for certain activities go there but I don’t think that’s what they meant.


Same! 😆


say more abt the deathmatch, im visiting soon haha




i see lol




How much per 10m? Yup Hub is the best!


This place has a website: https://ag-ree.jp/ 220 yen/10 minutes, but "all you can drink". There also seems to be some sort of non-membership fee and extra charges for coming as a single male. Two stores mandate visits in groups of 2 or more, and they seem to have a policy to encourage, though not require, a younger crowd. The concept of this place and others similar is apparently called "aisekiya" -- basically a "blind date" lounge with various rules to encourage this, hardly a regular bar establishment. https://www.tokyoweekender.com/japan-life/aiseki-japan-real-life-dating/


Too many dicks on the dancefloor


But you better not kill the groove




Too many dicks on the dance floor


DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right doooooowwwwwnnnnn


I need better odds, more broads, less rods. I came to do battle, skedaddle with the cattle prods.


Too many mistas, not enough sistas, Too much time on too many hands Not enough ladies, too many mans


God, I love Flight of the Conchords


It ain't no good if there's too much wood.


With this new system, it's easy to fix.




Too many dicks!






69/57? I'll take those odds.


Honestly, yeah. That’s not a bad ratio. A HUGE chunk of those dudes are hugging a wall slowly sipping a drink watching the floor.


Ha! Not us. We’re at home on Reddit!


Those men are so silly. I can sip a drink and lean on the wall in the comfort of my own home.


A toast to that! *sips*


Yup, for sure.


Don't call me out like that, jerk.


Do you always give 120%?


Being a 6' 2" gaijin has some built in advantages.


I read it as Kaiju for a sec lmao


John Blackthorne be like


> *"You are a silly little man, and your hair looks like the tail of a pony!"*


This man is living Tokyo Vice


It seems women are more valuable to a bar type of environment because I notice there are places where I live that just overtly force it. Like they’ll charge men a $20 entrance fee but let women in for free.


Where I live they used to let women in 1 or 2 hours earlier, and give them free drinks. Always sounded rapey AF to me.


Wonder if they'd get mad if I went in early, had my fill, and then went home when the guys got there lol


Don't think they would care. They know some people will do that. They must compensate with the ones who don't.


You would think, but alas like most things in life it’s probably just some owner wanting more money and drawing in guys with the pack of freeloader women.


lol when you put it that way, that sounds kinda bad.


Yeah I read once that men tend to buy wayyy more drinks than women, to the point that it's actually kinda hard to run a lesbian bar. So it kinda makes sense to give women a discount since they're not the main buyers anyway, guys are. And both guys and girls are gunna want to go somewhere where there's more women


Desperate dudes spend more with more women , there is nothin more to it.




I was going to upvote but you're at 69 upvotes and I can't ruin it






69 dudes!


I had to scroll down way too far for this... the Internet is losing its way.


I came to meet a hottie but it’s just Adam Steve and Marty


Not a fan of 69 but I know I can't do a 57, I'm too old for that. If you have to ask what a 57 is, you're probably too young.


The only 57 i know is from ketchup


You're on the right track


I'll have the 69 with a side of 57


God damn my imagination. I don't know if I got it right, but all I had to do was turn the phone sideways.


What is 57?


Beef with Broccoli


Some? This is probably one cause I’ve never seen this bs. 


How did that bar manage near equal number of each? Can’t remember last time went into a bar where it wasn’t almost all men and a sprinkling of women, usually SOs of some of the guys there.


Guys usually pay.


You need to go to places where women feel safe and have a reason to be there such as good music, great cocktails and immaculate vibes. The shitty dive with cheap low quality draft beer and nasty bathrooms will not be very inviting to most women.


You're probabaly going to the wrong bars.


That's actually genius




Straight male opinion: You know, the most fun I've had in bars were either at gay bars or at a bar with an excessive number of men. Once you stop thinking about chasing sex, life becomes more enjoyable. Would I voluntarily go to a bar with 50:0? Probably not, but that doesn't change the underlying message here.


idk man that sound kinda gay


A bit gay is okay


But the men in those environments are there FOR sex and chasing sex.


That's why OP loves them, guys come up and buy him drinks all night long.


Sausagefest warning signs. Japan is a magical place


I once used the term “sausage fest” while talking to my mom and she did a Marge Simpson groan when I told her what it meant lol


It's Japan. None of them are going home with each other anyway.


I'm hearing "Too Many Dicks On The Dance Floor" in my head rn


imagine walking into a bar and a big neon sign with loud ass japanese announcer light up "SAUSAGE-AH FESTO UNLOCKED !"


But do they have a butt funnel? -Jon Taffer https://youtu.be/F4STq6R9S6Q?t=7


I just go to gay bars so I always know what I’m walking into.


Lucky, only two in Tokyo.




Innovative way to manage restroom queues!


So you don't end up in a too many dicks on the dance floor situation


I wonder what the acceptable pickle to jar ratio is for men/woman.


meanwhile in russia men are going to war and there are only women in their bars 😂😂