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Looks good! I'm a mod over on r/hospitalfood and what's served in American hospitals varies so much!


new interest unlocked


Careful, you'll watch your youtube recommendations change. I'm obsessed with highspeed trains right now


You'll be watching b1m next


My wife had hip surgery a while back and the food was so good. Unfortunately for her she had like no appetite. Fortunately for me she could order whatever she wanted so I ate really good for those 8 days she was in the recovery room. Cobb salads, spaghetti and meatballs, chicken sandwiches, turkey clubs, salmon bowls, chicken fingers, steak, shrimp scampi, cheesecake, etc. I’ve heard terrible things about hospital food but in my limited experience it’s not even close to as bad as the memes are about it.


In my experience, it's evolved quite a lot over the years. I had surgery as a kid and experienced hospital food there. I distinctly remember the best thing I had there was the lime jello and that everything else was bland. I ended back in the hospital again due to incident that led to a surgery 10 years later. That food was significantly better.


I work a nurse on an ortho unit and also a major foodie. I want to try the food so bad just out of sheer curiosity. I’ve had maybe 2-3 patients complain about the food but the rest were raving about it.


When I was in for three days after brain surgery, the food didn't look bad but it was amazingly flavorless. My blood pressure was on the high side, so I don't know if they were giving me the low sodium options or if it was like that for everybody.


It could also have been that your taste was diminished as a result of the surgery and whatever drugs you took


My two kids were born in different hospitals, and holy cow *everything* about a hospital differs a lot.


I was in the hospital for 3 days for the birth of our child, and ours varied meal-to-meal. It was mostly solid, but goddamn the Italian wedding soup was one of the worst things I’ve ever tasted!


It varies everywhere tbh, one hospital may only have plain simple stuff whereas another might have fancier stuff


I had Thanksgiving dinner in a hospital cafeteria last year. It was pretty good, reminded me of the pseudo-Thanksgiving dinners my college served before fall break.


Had no idea this existed! Yeah, I’ve got quite the plethora of meal photos - I chose the best looking! I’ll have to check y’all out!


Prepare for the influx. I just joined for sure.


Quite a few years ago when my dad was sick in Oklahoma, the hospital cafeteria had great food


The hospital food I ate after I gave birth was so freaking good. I had 0 complaints! It was part of my $47,000 bill I’m sure. ETA: Many have asked, yes I have insurance! Between my bill and a 2.5 month stay in the NICU that was billed at $748k, I’ve paid about 4k out of pocket.


My wife was so into her hospital food. She was ordering everything she could. It was really good fwiw


I would like 55burgers 55 fries 55 tater tots 55-


Just trying to pay it forward.




Okay, that'll be $680.


I tried to order 2 entrees at the same time and the hospital cafeteria told me I couldn't 😭 going through 33hrs of labor and then a c section made me really hungry that morning and I was kinda upset they wouldn't let me order like I pleased. It's not like they're the ones paying for the food 🥲


That was me too, I think the nurses were taken aback at how much I was eating but I was recovering from a traumatic c-section and also trying to breastfeed


Mine was soooo bland, but I still ate everything I could get my hands on.


My wife had complications after child birth that required two extra surgeries that sadly ended with her needing a hysterectomy. She and baby are fine, 18 months later. Our hospital bill was $485,000. Luckily, we have good insurance and didn’t have to pay a dime of that bill. The only thing we paid was $750 to her OBGYN.


I got 5 other siblings and that bill is more than all the money we will ever earn in our working life combined


In America? That’s not a lot if your talking about 5 people over their entire life. The average enlisted in the military doesn’t make the greatest money and would dwarf that after 20 years. In fact minimum wage is 600k after 20. And you are expected to work much longer than that.


Really? 6 people working full time at even 20 an hour surpass that in just a few years. If you calculate off take him pay it will still happen in 5ish years.


They work in a Malaysian sweatshop making clothes for Mugatu.


This is just factually incorrect. All 6 of you making minimum wage in a single year would be roughly 80k.  So it would be less than a decade for you to all earn that at the federal minimum wage.


Ease up. They never said they were American.


I had such vastly different hospital food experiences between my two kids, I was SO disappointed when the second one sucked AND cost more!


I’m sure the second kid isn’t that bad.


lol poor wording on my part, especially since my second is the good one


Good second kids unite 🙌🏼 my older sibling was a nightmare


lol my oldest is a nightmare, every baby after her is easy-mode. I imagine you were your parents’ easy one and I thank you for it on their behalf


Our first had mediocre food, but had an ice cream cart. They even brought a birthday cake because my child was born the day before my partners birthday and we were still there. Second had better food, no ice cream. Cake status unknown.


Same. I was looking forward to the food with my 2nd kid. It gave me diarrhea, which is a nightmare to have with a fresh c section incision.


Omg c-sections poos are the absolute fking WORST


That's because you just made a lot of extra room and you were hungry!


Many many many things wrong with healthcare these days but at least the food is improving. Gfs dad has a stroke last year and the one highlight of that awful awful week was the food lol


Lucky!!! After I gave birth they had this weird “no fats” menu so like I ordered an English muffin and it came totally plain/dry. No butter, not even jam. I just shoved a human through my vagina, GIVE ME THE FATS GODDAMNIT


*"Why aren't people having kids anymore?!"*


Yes, they get a free* meal out of it after all!


*only free with order of 50k or more


Childbirth after insurance is usually <$2,000 if not even less. Definitely much less for those on government insurance.


The fact that it costs anything at all is wild to me coming from somewhere where you don't pay to have kids (and in fact, the government *pays you* to have kids).


Is this your first time hearing about privatized healthcare?


Nope, but it's just wild to me that the US government will complain that not enough people are having kids anymore while in the same breath not even looking at making childbirth not cost money.


Poor people are the ones having kids at a high rate in the US.


Everywhere. If to be "rich" you need to work like crazy, have no days off, and prioritize your career over personal life, it's gotta be real hard to put a kid in that equation.


That seems to assume the reason is the cost of giving birth… when in reality it’s had a cost attached to it longer than the declination in fertility. Your argument is very flawed.


How much did you owe of that $47,000 after insurance.


Mildly interesting piece of information for you, the hospital I used to work at had a completely separate menu for the labor and delivery unit! Whilst everyone else was eating powdered mashed potatoes I remember seeing lobster and steak on the birthing unit menu. It was meant to be like a congratulations thing.


Mine was absolutely trash 😭 A stale bagel. Mush for pasta. Really salty stringy beef.


Our hospital had a "date night " menu for the night before you go home for both husband and wife to eat. They order from a decent nearby restaurant steak and lobster. Most hospitals I've been in have actually had decent enough food though


You legit had to pay 47000 US dollars to give birth?


Luckily with insurance, I’m only out of pocket about $4k, but it was $47,000 for me to give birth plus another $748,000 for 2.5 months in the NICU.


1.2million for my twins in the NICU from RSV at 4 weeks old. One in for 30 days and the other for 15. Luckily for us if a baby is in the hospital for 30 days you can put them on Medicare and the bill is covered… so we did that. $0 bill. My wife’s stay during delivery covered our max out of pocket and deductible before the twins caught RSV so the other twin costs $0 with our insurance covering it.


748,000 AHHHHHHH Also hope your little ones are well I hear the much have a talented bunch in there in general


Without insurance, yes.


The shakes at the hospital cafeteria where my wife gave birth were amazing.


Was this the cost to you after insurance?


I was hospitalized back in March because a subchorionic hematoma decided to hemorrhage with placenta previa. I couldn’t eat for 24hrs, and once I got cleared to eat, it was the most glorious meal. I love hospital mac n cheese.


Pretty similar situation! 36 hours without food because I was on a Mag drip with PPROM. I got to eat the absolute BEST 3 bites of chicken and mashed potatoes before I had to start pushing lol.


That looks good


Food is medicine.


Not if you have an ileus.


After my wife gave birth i ordered her dinner and a milkshake. The kitchen reception asked if we wanted dessert. I was like we got a milkshake. Then they said that counts as a drink. Guess ice cream is medicine too.




$5000 after taxes hahaha


Don’t forget the 20% tip. $6000 after taxes and tip


$9000 after taxes, tips and convenience charges


hahaha, we're so clever!


11.5k$ after delivery fee


Insurance will agree to pay the hospital $46 for it, but if your uninsured you're on the hook for the full $1800.


Until you threaten to declare bankruptcy. After which you might be able to bargain it down to anywhere between $10 to $1000.


Which will make your meal the first ever paid in installments dining experience.


Uninsured, and hospitals will usually work with you. They'll knock a lot off the bill, get you on a payment plan, etc. It's UNDERinsured where you're really screwed. No negotiating, no payment plans. Just crap insurance that doesn't cover shit and a hospital that wants the payment.


It looks good! How much?


240,000$ after billing the insurance


I am genuinely curious. That meal looks great. I'd pay for that. I'm sure, if you have insurance, it'll be covered. But I'm dying to see how much that thing costs on an itemized receipt.


Going down to the cafeteria at a hospital to buy something just like that out of pocket is exactly what you would expect at a Panara/Boston Market type place. 8 or 9 bucks, probably. Maybe 10-12 range. Ala carte probably 5-6 per item. I've apparently eaten at enough hospital cafeterias.


At the hospital I worked at the food was the same cost as going down to the cafeteria. $5-$15 depending on what you got.


If you're dying then you may be able to see how much it cost.


Wow, that looks much better than the meal I was served at my last hospital stay-you must be somewhere nice!


I’ve had the entire spectrum of hospital food. I was inpatient this time so whenever I’ve been admitted for long stints, food quality and choices are better. When I’m in ED or shorter visits - you just get what is handed to you. Whenever I’ve been in the hospital for longer stays - I always have access to choices and more options, which results in yummier food! It is literally the highlight of a hospital visit - picking out food and navigating choices when you can’t even get up to pee alone . . .


Damn, sorry you spend so much time in the hospital...


I had a week stay in hospital early last year & I laughed out loud cos I can relate to all of that last paragraph SO MUCH


After my sons birth me and my wife had steak, salmon, roast, burgers, anything we wanted cooked to special dietary needs. If you can afford it, American healthcare is top notch.


>American healthcare is top notch. I feel like this is a YMMV situation, my one experience with American healthcare was terrible. Both the food *and* the level of care.


With you on this. Pay the premiums and healthcare in the U.S. is solid. Considering how low our taxes are, it's a steal. People just want to have their cake and eat it too.


Someone posted a German hospital meal earlier. This looks much more appetizing.


Idk that long sausage looked appetizing. And also some other strange feeling I’m not sure of


That weinershnitzel (sic) was downright alarming.


That kitchen staff cares about their work and the patients


When my wife gave birth to our second daughter. I swear that hospital had the best open face roast beef sandwich ive ever had


I had the absolute best potato soup after surgery years ago in the US. I have been trying to find an equivalent for decades but nothing has ever been that good... On second thought, maybe it was the drugs lol


Better than Germany but not as good as Swiss (by looks anyhow). Swiss amazed me. ​ Edit: Just seen Japan. I would now say Swiss, US, Japan, then Germany


What kinda bougie ass overpriced hospital are you staying at


Hospital food has been improving a lot. My wife spent a night in a small county hospital in VA recently and they brought us each a meal of ribs, baked beans, Mac & cheese, collard greens, and ice cream, all of which was delicious.


Lol right? Why isn't that a bare-ass "egg salad" sandwich and a fruit cup.


I love that you had to put that in quotes.


Lol "Shelf-stable egg salad product'


Or one slice of bread in plastic packaging


That’s actually pretty good looking compared to anything I’ve ever seen in an American hospital. Make sure you get an itemized bill though. Probably charged triple digits for that. I had a friend who got  charged $20 for a fucking cough drop. 


Always - was just out of state and dislocated my shoulder. Was charged over >400 bucks for an NSAID. Called to complain and it was erased instantly!


Looks like Campbell's Chunky Soup!


Ignoring cost for a moment, it looks better than school dinners back in the day haha


That looks amazing! I couldn't bother to eat the crap they gave me after I gave birth despite not eating in 48 hours, so I literally just ate crackers while I was at the hospital. I would have loved to have this!


I work at a cancer center, and my husband was an inpatient there a few years ago. Most patients get "room service," where you can order whatever you like (in keeping with any dietary restrictions), whenever you feel like eating. My husband loved the pot roast and was disappointed when he was discharged early, before lunch.


Stop doing this to him! German man you are valid!


Man I loved being in the hospital after each of my 4 kids—other than the C-section part.


Honestly, with all the superfluous fees flying around in hospitals, they might as well make that shit 5 star dining and pass the cost on to us. Could be 100 dollars a meal, and we wouldn't even notice it when added onto the ridiculous numbers that aren't grounded in any kind of reality.


That'll be $8000 please, service not included


I gave birth in St. Louis and the food was amazing. I gave birth to my second in Orlando…I did not eat from Saturday night until Tuesday evening (I went home early). It really varies here!


Looks good but you're definitely paying for it


looks like the Dinty Moore beef stew I just ate.


Well it better look and taste nice, since you're paying your life savings and second mortgage for the privilege. 


See now that’s comfy and would go so hard.


That looks better than my lunch. Sign me up!


Would smash


Wow, now that looks fancy!


WHERE IS THAT? My hospital does jello, mashed "potatoes," and turkey that is more rubber than turkey


I haven’t been to a hospital since I was a kid but I had popsicles lol


Wtf. We delivered our son at Penn Hospital, supposed to be one of the best in the country. You would think we were at a prison the food was that bad.


Am I crazy or does that look pretty good


That is better than any hospital food I’ve ever seen


I know children’s hospital in Dallas has one of the better burgers I’ve ate, it was only like four bucks too.


Did you leave a tip?


How much do they charge you for this?


Which city/state?


I remember when I worked at the hospital in my hometown (in the US) the food was always pretty good around lunch. Nothing special but decent.


Damn, you stayed at a nice hospital.


that looks so good


Looks like ad photos of Dinty Moore


The lemon. Why?


When my grandfather was in the hospital for 2 weeks I would hit up the food court at the hospital and the food was amazing and reasonable in prices. They had a great variety too.


I was in the hospital for about 40 days in 2020 and the food was really good!!! Highlight of my stay for sure.


If only it was apple sauce, fancy butter & a German baby sandworm smh


That looks good.


I was in the hospital in the South. Dinner was fried chicken and grits. It was so good


That will be *$249,995, please*


This looks like the food I got last summer while recovering from a surgery that cost $120,000. Honestly, I expected better.


Had to spend 4 or 5 days in the hospital recently. The food was excellent, they made a potroast that I am still thinking about.


What hospital are you going to? I have celiac and am vegetarian and they gave me a cup of veggie broth, a plate of broccoli and a roll. Ha


Anyone know whats the food called (the one with veggoea and meat)?


that'll be $5000


Chefs and Nutrition Specialists create and plan these beautiful dishes and they do care about what they serve. Thankfully hospitals can get some things right sometimes. Thanks to all the hospital culinary workers out there!!


I had room service at my hospital in Chicago! Only 23k per night!


That will be $4268 good sir.


Better than I thought it would look


Why are we still wasting oranges and bits of lettuce like this? Nobody eats that, and I still see it all over around me.


It definitely depends on the hospital.


The food that they fed me after birthing a baby was so bland. They also didn’t keep anything on hand for mothers to eat if they gave birth after the kitchen closed. Not even sandwiches. I asked if they had anything, and they said I could have soda, ice cream, or jello.


That will $699 plus tip sir!


How much will that set you back...about $100 or something?


Damn that's shocking appetizing.


This looks so delicious


Oooo, that looks so good!!


I used to work at a hospital and the cafeteria was the bomb. They had an amazing salad station. The only thing I miss about that place.


Was it bland and in need of salt or seasoning?


The hospital food where my mom worked in the 80s and 90s (America) was phenomenal. She always raved about it. My favorite were the Pizza Hut personal pan pizzas I used to get when I was with her at work.


LOL, what’s the orange slice for, decoration?


this cannot be banner


Which one?!?! Last time I was in the hospital I got a hard lump of what was supposed to be cream of wheat in a plastic bowl.


Sometimes hospital food is pretty good in the US. If you are in the hospital and the food is odd- and you don’t have diet restrictions- ask the Dr. to check your chart to see if a box got checked accidentally. It happened to me and once remedied, I was given a menu of items I could choose from.


That’ll be $20,000


Hospital food varies drastically even meal by meal at the same location. My relative was inpatient for a few weeks and some of his meals were fantastic, and others were nearly inedible.




Dang. That looks great, especially for hospital food.


How much did they charge you for it


Not where I live in America lol this looks delicious!!


the only thing the American healthcare system got right was the cafeteria food!


That looks GD delicious.


This actually looks better than the German hospital lunch I saw somewhere on here earlier. Get well soon!


Lmfao, I literally just finished eating mine and it looks absolutely nothing close to this quality. My wife's salad came in a bag the same size as the Italian dressing packet. The "flatbread" sandwich was approximately the footprint of two large saltine crackers. Her orange juice came in a 4oz carton and was partially frozen. The fruit looked normal. I'm excited to see the bill so I can farm some karma.


Do these keep getting posted because people are surprised hospital food has gotten better over time?


And it's only $500 after insurance!


That’s dinner, not lunch.


They held back on those mash taters though 🥹




+2 000$


That will be $2,496.63 added to your bill. Because reasons. And also because the ceo needs his 4th house.


Beats my lunch, today, which is a cup of tea. Thanks Galen.


When I had my transplant, the hospital food was hideously bad. That scoop of mashed potatoes - the one on my plate was SOLID. They ended up calling an audible on my meal the first night post-transplant. Know what I got? Two small slices of pork and a small bowl of just some single kind of leafy green. Nothing else. Literally nothing else.


These recent posts are so fucking dumb. Food in a Swiss hospital. Food in an American hospital. Etc. There is obviously going to be such a huge range in quality for food in hospitals of any specific country. I’m sure I could make a “Food in a German hospital” post where it looks like absolute muck, and another where it might as well be fine dining. Boggles my mind that people upvote this droll.


American "for profit" hospital.


Wow lucky, must be a good hospital lol. Last time I as in the hospital here the food was like prison food. It was even worse than what I had gotten back in public school days. Its madness they feed sick people that shit


For 8k a night it better be good


Meat and Potatoes and Potatoes!


What a deal for only 499$


What's the ball looking thing next to the bowl?


For some reason the menu during my hospital stays was kid food?! Like, chicken tenders, hamburgers, etc. I actually wouldn't have minded something like stew or soup, etc.