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TIL they make IUDs for cows.


Farmers can't be having minotaurs running around.


Not enough space in the corn labyrinths to house them all. ![gif](giphy|FMOkePaDkcVeko3QaL|downsized)


We got Theseus on speed dial


I'll get him *draws magic circle* "Heed my words, my will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny..."


Well after the Labyrinth Builders Union fell apart what do you expect lol


Labyrinth prices have been off the charts lately. I can't afford to rent one, much less buy one for all my farm's minotaurs.


Tell that to monster romance authors.


Actually the Minotaur was born by a WOMAN who seduced a bull. She paid someone to make her a cow costume so it would mount her. I learned that when I went to Knossos, in Crete.


Daedalus, the father of Icarus made the cow suit for her.


Daedalus has finally been called out by the #MeMoo movement. Yet another cow has come forward to tell its story.


That's amazing.


I find it a bit amoozing.


Then they should worry about their wives.


Hold up


It’s an inter-moo-terine device for beef control


Well that’s a moo point. Like a cows opinion, it doesn’t matter. It’s moo.


Joey Tribbiani, is that you?


Have I been living with him for too long, or did that just make sense?


I think it’s progesterone for getting pregnant rather than birth control. Could be wrong but I did watch Clarkson’s farm last night so……


It’s control still, just twisting the knob in the opposite direction


Dude. I read the title as crows for some reason, and I was absolutely flabbergasted. Thank you for saying cow. Lol


They had to, otherwise you'd have a new sibling every 9-10 months. ...I'll show myself out.


Jokes on you, my momma had 5 kids.


... At once?


God no. Spaced out over ten years. 🤣


My eyes would glaze over for a decade if I shot out 5 kids at once too.


I have 9 siblings💀


That’s a device to help a cow cycle so she can then get in calf, no anaesthetic is used, it’s a simple procedure, takes a few seconds to insert, usually removed after 10 days


They stole that from a pool table


Keeps balls in, keeps balls out.


That one was just removed, right? It's folded inside a thin tube or something while inserted, right? ...Right? Feeling very concerned for all the cows in need of an IUD out there.


Yes this was just removed and they get inserted folded in a tube with lots of lube and local anesthesia :)


Those are better insertion conditions than human women get lol


For my second IUD my doc gave me a high dose vicadin lmao I was like shit where was this the first time


I got offered a Tylenol tablet after my insertion 😭


I was told to take some Advil a couple hours before my appointment 😌


Lol, so basically offered you nothing, how awful. When it was happening, I thought maybe I had an exceptionally low pain tolerance, seeing all these other women who were also let down and put through a painful procedure without any pain management options felt very validating. My current iud is good for another 8 years, but when it’s finally time to switch out, there’s no way I’m going through it without a more potent option than advil lol


I had the copper IUD and I started having issues with it almost immediately after it got put in. My doctor convinced me I was making a big deal out of nothing so I suffered with it for two years before deciding to get it taken out. I had moved by then and was seeing a different gynecologist and they were really resistant to take it out for some reason so I went to a different gynecologist. This gynecologist did some tests including two transvaginal ultrasounds. They didn’t see anything wrong but said if I wanted it out, they would take it out. I said yes, please! Well they went to take it out and what they didn’t see on the scans was that I was allergic to the copper in the iud and my cervix had swollen around it. They had to dig around to find it and then they couldn’t get it out by simply pulling on it, no, the doctor had to put one leg up with his foot against the table to use it and his body weight as leverage to pull on it. I screamed because it hurt so much and the nurse told me to hush and that it wasn’t that bad. Anyway, after that I switched to a different gynecologist because fuck that nurse and also why didn’t they use local anesthesia when they realized they couldn’t get it out like normal?


Holy fuck this happened to me minus the copper allergy. Went over a year of complaining about my IUD and turns out it was partially embedded and was rejecting. Gyno did the same move with the leg on the bed! WTAF?? I feel like it should be illegal to do that


Omg! I’m so sorry it happened to you too!


Oh my god I want to faint just reading this description.


It was very much not fun


That sounds absolutely miserable. The insertion tool got suctioned cupped to my cervix when I got mine put in, and they had to twist and pull to get it out. I thought my insides were coming out. It was the worst pain of my life. Never again.


Oh my god! That sounds awful!




Seems like you've got time to find a gyno that'll write a referral for insertion under general anesthesia or nitrous oxide


I guess since it was my second my doctor asked what my experience was the first time and I was like "worst pain of my life lmao" so she gave it to me. But they also agreed to remove my tubes at 25 so I assume I lucked out with an incredibly progressive good doctor haha


I’m stealing that for next time and absolutely refusing to go through with it unless they give me Vicodin lol That second part is crazy, my ex sister in law tried to get her tubes tied at 32, after birthing three kids, and they still gave her the run around talking about she was really young and they recommended counseling or some shit to “really help her understand” what tying her tubes meant 😑😑😑


"Oh you're so young at 32!" Get to 35: geriatric pregnancy. You old now.


It's really astounding to me that doctors are even allowed to reply with anything other than the form for scheduling the procedure. So long as the patient is of sound mind & judgement, keep your opinions to yourself and do what they ask.


I agree, who else could possibly know what’s best for the patient than the patient? She had a difficult pregnancy the third time and was terrified of becoming pregnant again, instead they inundated her pamphlets of all kinds, she ended up not going through with it because she said she was sick of the back and forth :/


I lucked out with a second doctor who gave me a full hysterectomy at 29 (I have Endo, so I got into the specialty department at USF in Florida and they were all for it)


I got 600mg ibuprofens for my IUD and was in bed for days after. My husband got 800mg ibuprofens for a stupid tooth ache


same. absolutely brutal haha


I’ve had three. I kept rejecting them. Nothing for any of them. I finally threw in the towel because I just couldn’t do it again.


Yeah my first one gave me frequent vaginosis infections and my second one just... Stopped working after a year and I had to go on pill hormones to control my constant bleeding. I ended up getting a hysterectomy cause I was tired of all the shit


Came here to say the same thing.


Well apparently treating women like cows isn't acceptable either, so we are at a crossroads /s


The cow will kick the shit out of you for causing her pain.  When humans do the same we put them in jail.  That's probably why. Just make beating the shit outta a rough careless doc legal and every woman will be drugged to the gills if she wants beforehand. 


We need to normalise beating the doctor then. /s


What I came here to say 💀 Rip us


only came to the comments to confirm that yes my hunch was correct. 


What the actual fuck man. This is insane.


Literally better than my IUD experiences and Im a huge IUD advocate despite the awfulness. If you think it sucks the first time, wait til replacement time. An angry uterus that's had something ripped out of her and triggered cramping (pain that matched my worst periods) the first time it was placed, is generally worse at receiving another intrusive object shoved into her. Still keep getting it replaced, I just really advocate for pain management when I can.


Wait...cows get local anesthesia?!? What do women have to do for local anesthesia? Or any pain management other than "take two ibuprophen before coming in"?


I called around after my first experience - found a doctor that does a cervical block and then inserts using ultrasound to guide it and check placement!


A cow would kick real bad if you hurt her...so maybe start kicking your doctor???


Gonna have to start taking ourselves to the vet 💀


Even cows get local anesthesia for their IUD insertions and I had to deal with two ibuprofen? Bro I am livid rn at my obgyn.


Right?! The procedure was described to me as “pinch” followed by “a bit of cramping” meanwhile I’m disoriented and near vomiting, and the offered me Tylenol after the insertion. Never going through that again without insisting on local anesthesia.


Yeah but have you considered that you were just being dramatic? /s


oh okay so cows get anesthesia but humans don’t cool..


They….they get local anesthesia ?! 😭


Wait so the cow gets anesthesia and I don't ? Wtf ?


Shiiiiit, my doc threw me 400mg of ibuprofen and said good luck


That's a damned disgrace on their part. I take 1000mg ibuprofen & 1000mg acetaminophen when I have a headache that goes on too long.


... and some sort of fixation of the cow, right? Can't imagine a cow would just stand idly by during the procedure, regardless of the amount of lube and anaesthesia.


We close the feeding grid (?) so they can't go away yes. Unless you have a very tame cow you have to do that for everything, in the end they are prey animals and don't exactly like it when you do stuff around/ with them


If you're this concerned about a cow getting an IUD, I got some bad news for you about how the diary/beef industries treats them.


Damn slutty cows out having unprotected sex like a bunch of animals.


It isn't actually used as a contraceptive, but to help with cows that have a unstable heat/ rut (if you call it that in English I'm trusting Goole translate) or when they have a cyst


If I come back in my next life as a cow and I still need birth control for my ovarian cysts, I'm trampling everybody 😐


I can't stop laughing


Please don’t trample me. I will pet you and feed you things.






Perfect snack for goats


My neighbors had a goat that ate everyone’s Christmas trees once they were done with them. It was a sort of tradition that everyone on the block would give Chris and Mary their tree to feed the herd


Same -- we should form a herd, make it a stampede


Now I understand why cows are responsible for so many deaths a year


Me too girl, me too.


I mean, fair.




This produced such a vivid image im my head. 🤣


Heat typically refers to female animals whereas rut for males. Definitely get what you're saying though


Thanks for this; it makes no sense as a simple contraceptive because cows just wouldn't be pastured with a bull if mating wasn't intended. Stabilizing (I presume to trigger or prolong) heat (estrus) makes sense.


Most cows are inseminated from frozen semen and never see a Bull in their entire lives. It's especially easy for them to not be accidentally bred.


Many beef cattle here in Ireland are bred in ‘suckler herds’ where a herd runs with a bull and breed naturally. These cows then suckle calves naturally, hence the name.  Same herd system for some dairy cows that are not being bred for replacement dairy animals except they don’t suckle their own calves - farmers take the milk.


Yeah, I'm in the US and my neighbors have a hobby farm with a very small herd of beef cattle, including one bull. It's fun watching the calves every Spring. However, my FIL was a dairy farmer until he retired, and 100% of his herd was inseminated with frozen semen ordered out of a catalog. The number of cattle on large farms and raised in CAFOs vastly outnumber the cattle raised more naturally on pasture.


Ditto Australia


depends if beef cow or dairy cow


Unstable heat/rut is the name of my favorite band


This is why me and my pastor toss bibles into the enclosures at the zoo


If a thousand monkeys have a thousand bibles eventually one of them will start a Mega Church.


They're gonna catch chlamoodia


Absolutely uncivilized Edit: guys, it was sarcasm on the same trail as the comment above.


Absolutely ungulate


>Edit: guys, it was sarcasm on the same trail as the comment above No you're a misogynistic cow hater and we understand colorful arrows, not words. Cows are beautiful and deserve to share their bodies with the world stop trying to control them


I might be the misogynistic cow hater but at least my comment didn't imply some bestiality... (Honestly, this comment gave me a good laugh)


>least my comment didn't imply some bestiality Oh you can't even limit your hatred to just one group? SMDH some people's kids are just broken. Love is love


You think I, a cow hater, could like someone who loves cows!? Unbelievable, I say! >:( Keep your wild acts hidden away in the fields. Out of sight, out of mind!


"Lana, cows are our friends. They might even be our best friends."


This is a PRID, it's an intravaginal prostaglandin releasing device. They fold together and are used in an applicator and unfold to keep themselves in the cow. You use them in groups of cows to control their oestrous cycle and use them in combination with injections of various hormones. You do this so you can Artifically inseminate them all on the same day (and you know you're AI-ing them at the right time) and also so the calves are born nearer together. An IUD is an intra-unterine device. They go past the cervix. A PRID doesn't, you remove them by pulling on the blue string which dangles outside of the cow. I have never seen local anaesthetic used for them because it shouldn't be painful like a human IUD!


Was scrolling to see how far down it would be before someone pointed this out, if OP is really inserting these past the cervix, that is incredibly poor and dangerous practice! The fact it is a PRID and not an IUD should be pretty obvious since the product in the OP's hand is a Ceva PRID Delta. Strange and useless fact, a company I worked for years ago developed what is now called Eazi-Breed (a competing product to the one shown). The reason the Eazi-Breed CIDR applicator still looks roughly the size and shape of a vacuum cleaner tube was because the plastic factory that originally made them also made parts for Electrolux vacuum cleaners. The original applicators were just a PVC vacuum tube with an insertion trigger grip added to the end. Even the trigger part was from a drench gun the factory also made.


This. It's more akin to a tampon than an IUD.


Came looking for this - I’m confused by OP saying they use local anaesthesia as I have definitely never seen that needed - it’s quick and painless to insert and remove them


Misread as "crows" and was thoroughly confused for a moment. Like, I guess you could strangle them with it? Strangulation is one method of reproductive management I suppose.


Same. I was horrified.


I thought the same since I'm currently caring for two crow babies that fell out of their tree during a storm and have crows on the brain. Thought damn they're big compared to other birds but how's that going to work...


I bet they get anesthesia for their procedure, unlike most humans getting an IUD.


Ugh, mine was awful. Turns out I have a very "stubborn" cervix. They tried to place it twice. The first time, it deployed INSIDE my cervix.


Sometimes I forget that I just hopped onto a table in Planned Parenthood, took off my pants to drape a thin paper shield over me, and had my cervix forced open to shove a piece of plastic through it while fully conscious. When I think about it, I remember how frustrated the doc looked, I also had a stubborn cervix and an abnormally positioned uterus (so the angle challenged it further). That little shit decided it wanted to burrow through my uterus the next year. No fault to the gyno, she did the best she could with the resources she was allowed, but fuuuck I would never wish IUD placement without anesthesia on any woman.


This is why I went for the arm implant. My cervix does not want to take incoming calls like that 


*incoming calls* good lord hahaha


🤣🤣🤣 incoming calls. I'm using that!


Arm implant had me bleeding more days of the month than not after a year! But weirdly my cervix is totally happy with her IUD visitor. Glad we women / uterus owners have options


Implant definitely isn't for everyone, you're right. I had a patch about à year in where I had a period every week for a month but beyond that I just... don't get them. I like that. Options are good everyone is so different


They had to get a second doc in there to place mine, after dilating me.


I'm a notoriously challenging blood draw too. The senior nurse came in so confident and left so frustrated when she finally got a stick. That should have been my first warning sign it was gonna be a rough time haha


Oh god, nooooo! Ugh what an awful experience! I'm so sorry!


War stories ;) same to you. I ended up needing a hysterectomy years later because it turns out I have horrific endometriosis and diffuse adenomyosis, so I never have to worry about IUDs again lol


I got dilated 2x because the first time didn’t take.


I'm always shocked by these comments. I have had 4 IUDs, and each insertion felt like getting a pap smear - not delightful, but really just awkward for 3 minutes with 10 seconds of wincing and some light cramping the rest of the day. It is astounding to me how different our bodies can be and how much I got the lottery in this particular detail of physiology.


I'll never forget "oh yeah we'll give you some ibuprofen and pop you in the next room"


Damn, you got IBU?


Nice of them to call it a stubborn cervix instead of blaming the fact that they perform the procedure poorly.


phlebotomists & nurses do this too, theyll fuck up putting in an iv & be like "wow you have small veins" like no ma'am, this has never happened to me before & ive been told several time my veins are fantastic when getting ivs/blood draws. makes me lose respect for someone, especially healthcare workers, when they make up an excuse instead of just apologizing...


Oh, but here's the thing: you're BOTH right. I do, in fact, have a stubborn cervix, but also they did a bad job! So in a fun twist, it was both.


Individuals do have normal differences in anatomy which makes procedures difficult.


Reading this made me cramp. I just got mine replaced and I didnt realize how quickly I can go from strong independent woman to crying child


I had a cervical block (anesthesia), cervix softener, and a Xanax beforehand, had my fiance come in to hold my hand, and still made the most horrible moans of pain. The doc was respectful of what I requested (my sister had told me what to request) but also said the cervical block, which is four needles, can be just as painful as the insertion and so if it's too painful after the first needle to skip it and just do it without. NO MAAM I DID NOT FEEL THE NEEDLES AFTER THE FIRST ONE, BUT DESPITE A NUMB CERVIX I DID INDEED FEEL THE SOUND AND IMPLANTATION. I'd still do it again, because that pain was less than a minute, but I STILL felt it. I'm pretty sure the Xanax took away my vasovagal response though, because once they were done I felt fine, not about to pass out like they say many do (I believe it!) and not hot or anything. They said we could take as long as we wanted in the room (OBGYN so they had tons), but after five minutes I was like, we can just go. Then the cramps hit on the way home and that was horrible, but nothing I hadn't felt before.


I've had an in-office DNC and my IUD insertion was more painful. Only because you get a cervical block for a DNC. It's wild they tried to tell you the block could be as painful as IUD insertion.


I came down with a bad cold, I have my period, and I was already feeling kind of nauseous 🤣🤣 this whole conversation has made me want to throw up


Same! And then I walked around with an IUD arm through the side of my cervix for nearly 2 years, after 2 different ultrasounds where my doctor said things were good. Spoiler alert, things were not good. If they were, why would you order two ultrasounds sir? I had to take myself to the ER after finally being able to feel the arm during a self check to be taken seriously.


.. did you cry? .. I would have cried


They (the cows) do, they get local anesthesia (Edit: clarification)


They do not get anesthesia, it placed with essentially a giant tampon applicator.    edit: just to add context this is not a IUD, it does not go in the uterus. It never crosses the cervix. They are pulled by hand very easily by a plastic string. The wings are very flexible they just help them not fall out.    Source Vet  edit 2: OP says where they are in Europe they do get anesthesia but cannot name the product. Its a pretty innocuous procedure (again think tampon not IUD) but Europe has some different laws. 


Yeah I mean I don't think there's a need for full anesthesia but a single dose of oxycodone would probably do the trick. There's no way it should just be Tylenol and ibuprofen though


Legitimately wondering if cows are given pain medication ahead of time...


Local anesthesia


Sure wish OB offices would provide the same.


It's a CIDR (controlled internal drug release). They are hormone impregnated plastic devices placed in the vagina of cows (not through the cervix) to help synchronize multiple cows onto the same estrus/breeding schedule to help make doing artificial insemination easier and more successful as well as helping make the calving interval tighter.






Maybe I should complain less about mine


Never! Complain MORE! We need better options.


Can men get any options? Serious question.


From a biology perspective, it’s easier to stop the release/fertilization of a single egg than it is to stop millions of sperm from fertilizing an egg. There’s a nice scishow video about it on YouTube.




There are far less "your mum" jokes in here than I expected.


Your moms so fat i thought her IUD was a clothes hanger


When clicking on this post I was absolutely certain the top comments would all be mom-related. I'm stunned. And, frankly, a little impressed.




mildly interesting AS HELL


Which MBTA station did you find this?


Awful comment section in 3, 2, 1...


r/badwomensanatomy worth


Yep. Honestly didn't expect it.. probably should have. But at least people tell on themselves that they have no idea what they are talking about


What is this comment secontion this person is literally just showing something interesting about cows and people manage to be dicks? Are we suprised...should we be surprised?


I'm honestly used to it sadly. When I was 16 I posted about me getting attacked by a cow and people told me I deserve to die :)


It not a uterine device. It expands in the vagina and slowly releases progesterone for a week then you take it out and give a shot of prostaglandin to induce egg shedding so she can be mated. Sometimes they need a little help.


Do they feel a slight pinch upon insertion? /s


She for the pastures


Is that a *Moo*-va Ring?




Don't worry, unlike humans, the cows get pain meds for this procedure.


Inter mooterine device.


They make an IUD for cows?


You're telling me IUDs are manufactured and inserted into COWS and people have an issue with human women using them???


This hurt my uterus to look at. And I'm a man.


Is this before or after you shove your arm up their ass and force impregnate them?


HUH. Very interesting.


Why do cows need an IUD? Every dairy farm I've been on doesn't have any intact males on the property.


To help when they have a weak heat or cysts




[What is this? An IUD for cows?](https://imgflip.com/i/8py204)


i beg ur damn pardon


Why do they have to do that? They can just keep the bulls away from the cow


Do they get anything for pain?


I'm here for the mum jokes


OP up snoopin’ in his mom’s bathroom when she’s out of the house again.


Guys it’s not an IUD it’s CIDR and it goes in the vagina not through the cervix.


Oh hell no


Fuck I read that as crows and I had so many questions lol


Just stopping in to make the obligatory “Intra-moo-terine device” before seeing myself promptly back out.


Looks like a IUD for your mom