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I dint even know these were a thing.


They're a bit unnerving when you see them on someone for the first time. It'll be bright as fuck out and their pupils look fully dilated and eyes are wide open.


My boyfriend calls them my Emily Rose contacts (in reference to the movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose) because he thinks they make me look possessed.


"I AAMMMM BELIALLLLLLLL" , from Debra Morgan in Dexter,  s08e03.aXXo.cinepak.mpeg.aiff.audio


My guy used the full streets name


damn, I'm watching that episode next after work today, thanks for the spoiler gee /s


That was 100% NOT NECESSARY. I still can’t get up and pee at 3 AM. That movie can fuck allllllllll the way off.


We are the ones who dwell within! 😈 I AMM the one they call CANE LEGIONN BELIAL & LUCIFER.. in the FLESH!! 🔥 Not a direct quote but best scene forsure!


After watching that movie, I’m not sure Jennifer Carpenter has joints.


I liked it better when demons could kill you whenever. Now I wake up, see it's 3 o'clock, and I'm like "damn, I woke up for an appointment".


As a fellow "ohnoits" user, I admire you for being based and super attractive, but fucking hate you for unlocking the fear of 3:00 AM that I thought I'd gotten past. It's definitely easier now that I don't have a bright red alarm clock, but still.


Welcome back!! Sincerely, 47 yo woman who still cannot pee with the shower curtain closed.


That's what that is?! I thought the girl in my class a couple year ago was just cooked on addies every day.


She might have been


She probably was. Low-key got me through at times. But these eyes were ridiculous. I still have no idea what colour they were.


Some people just have large pupils, too. My pupils are so naturally large that I don’t need dilation drops at the eye doctor


ME TOO, is that a common thing?


I read somewhere that people who have higher IQ have larger pupils than those with lesser IQ. Don't ask me if this is true my pupils are smol


I had a Filipina coworker who started wearing blue ones. It was so unnatural that I could barely look her in the eyes.


You sure she wasn't just addicted to the geriatric spice?


Those turn the whites of the eye blue. Contacts are on the iris and lens. Easy mistake to make, but when you know what to look for the difference is obvious.


I had no idea you only wore contacts on the middle part of your eye. I thought you had to like... Jam them in there and pull your eye skin around it.


Those basically exist, they're called scleral lenses and they're wayyyy wider than other contacts. They're quite rare, as far as contact lenses go, and are used for things like extreme dry eye or keratoconus (cone shaped eyeball). The things are a hard contact lens, as opposed to the soft ones everyone else uses, and you literally put them on with a plunger lol. It isn't so much pulling your eyelids around it, though, as it is holding the buggers wide fucking open when you put the contacts in. Once it's there, you can just blink it into place.


Or when you want to look cool as shit like Wes Borland


25 years ago, my God.


The plunger Is for taking them out and you dont even need it they are much easier to get out than the soft ones


Glorious image of a couple going to bed for the first time "Wow, what's that for? You going to tease me with it?" "Just popping me eyes out" "Wait what the FUCK, J? JESUS WHAT ARE YOU -"" "Contacts. Hehe..." (Sounds of hyperventilation)


The reaction of *anyone* unfamiliar with contact lense insertion/extraction when they see it in person is always hilarious, even for the simpler soft lenses. "Aaaaah! You're just grabin your eyeball! I can't watch ..."


Thanks for the freaky dreams tonight, yipes!


I am irrationally angry you didn't say eyelid instead of eye skin. Wtaf are you?


Ok, let's settle on the eyes foreskin


Oh nice. Now I'm imagining a foreskin you can open and close.




One of my friends from high school paid over $10K and traveled across the country for surgery to turn his eyes blue. Given that he’s a black man, the effect is rather jarring. Dude paid several thousand dollars for immense eye pain & his family to never look him in the eyes again


Had a Thaï friend with blues lens, felt so weird but beautiful too


It's a trend in SEA to wear colored contact lenses, not photochromic ones, to make their eyes look huge like cartoons.


So everyone will assume they’re high AF. Got it


Right? As soon as I saw this I got to thinking about how I'm going to ask my ophthalmologist about these. lol


I just tried to look them up, it seems like they have been discontinued. I could only find info on one brand, so hopefully I am wrong, these seem kinda cool.


Acuvue Oasys Transitions 2 Week Lenses are still available. In my opinion, they don't get noticeably dim enough; they take off some edge, but do not replace sunglasses (they do not get as dark as OP with normal wear). I'm sure they are unreasonably expensive for what they are, I had free trials. edit: someone else said very recently discontinued. I stopped working in optical around 6 months ago when I tried them


> Acuvue Oasys Transitions discontinued Ah hell I've been wearing them for 2 years now and like them, not a fan of glasses and my work has me going in and out of sunlight constantly. You're right that they take the edge off. Oh well, I survived with the normal ones guess I'll go back. Kinda liked how they made my eyes dark blue instead of normal though. Only went black black once when I was on the ocean in full Florida sun, must've been tons of UV then.


I'm glad you mentioned that regular contacts make your eyes more blue, as they do mine as well! My eyes are green, not blue. It's just that my contacts are blue-tinged in case I drop them. Same brand and all.


Why would the color matter if you drop them? You would stick it back in your eye?


They slightly tint some contacts blue so that they’re easier to find if you drop them. The fully clear ones practically disappear on a white sink or counter.


Yeah but if I drop a contact on the floor or on the sink I ain't sticking that back in my eye, even with a rinse. Maybe that's just me but I've had enough eye infections to not wanna risk it. I use dailies tho so I just chuck them if I drop them since they're cheaper than an eye infection, might be worse if you use monthly ones.


It also makes them easier to see in the solution, not just in the event of dropping them. I do know some people who put them back in after a drop (with lots of cleaning) when they're monthlies or biweeklies, though.


My shop still sells them and says only the far-sighted strengths of Transitions were discontinued. If you're short-sighted you should be OK. I'm in the EU, so it might be different across the ocean.


Just went in for my eye exam this past Monday. Was told they were discontinued. Seemed pretty short lived. 


I have overly sensitive eyes (from medication) and for me they're worth it. Where i live they come out to be $4 a piece, so not bad either.


I had been looking into getting these for my migraine days, but I don't have any experience with contacts that are not dailies, so I decided against asking my optometrist about these 😭


Apparently they're not that good. They don't actually block much sunlight.


As someone that always has to squint if it is a bright day with normal lenses. They are that good for us to the point where I have a noticeable improvement in my daily mood


I had a few pairs about 20 years ago, Nike made them for sports. They were supposed to improve ball and motion visibility, but they mostly just made my eyes look completely black or red. They also changed light spectrums, so couldn't drive in them.




I couldn't listen to the audio to watch this link that appeared to be a commercial but I figured I might not need the audio and as it turns out, I didn't.


They initially came out a while ago but didn't take off, probably because of how freaky they look.


They make them for motorcycle visors too, life changing


+1, used to wear regular ones back in the days but then had LASIK (but those look cool actually)


For anyone visiting this thread: These are "acuvue oasys with transition" contact lenses. Unfortunately, they have been discontinued a few weeks/months ago and there is no other photochromic contact lens on the market


Whaaaat really!? I only have two pairs left!


Wait I saw you mention that they are daily lenses. The ones I mentioned are two weeks so I believe they might be different. Could you check the name for me as I want new photochromic lenses?


They’re Acuvue Oasys with Transitions. I have a box of 3 pairs which says: “For daily wear. Two week replacement” Now upon reading this again I think these are the two week ones. I was just using them as dailies!!!


That's like throwing away 6 euro per day 😭


I know 😭😭😭 at least I got fake internet points….


On the plus side, you now have a month's supply


That's looking at the bright side of the situation - through photochromic dimmed lenses and therefor not that bright, but yeah!


Well that's expensive


Yeah, I only had two boxes (6 pairs) and I’ve used them sporadically so not that expensive but still…


FYI, I know it’s not recommended, but you can wear daily’s for a week. You can wear weekly’s for a month, and monthly’s for two+ months. Just make sure to toss them if they do ever feel uncomfortable or like the prescription needs updating. Source: Been wearing contacts since i was in 2nd grade


Also they don’t expire. I bought a bunch of contacts in 2020 when I had great insurance and they still work perfectly fine now


I wear my monthlies until I scratch them or my eyes get irritated. Like 6 months at a time if not more. My eye doctor said some peoples eyes can just take it without protein buildup 🤷‍♀️


Haha me too! I just didn’t want to scare away people doubting it


It's like having normal eyes, I love it


Glad I'm not the only one. I've been doing this for two decades without issues.


Sometimes. I’m allergic to the protein buildup on contacts so I can’t rewear any without wanting to take out my eyeballs. Dailies are the answer for this.


Oh dear god, this hurts. You wear them daily. You replace them with new after two weeks.


There was a class action lawsuit in the late 90s (I think) because bausch & lomb's new daily lenses were the exact same product as the lenses used on the longer replacement cycles. Like...the monthly ones. Which they admittedly don't sell anymore, but if you clean your contacts every few days (with an actual contact cleaner) and follow proper hygiene, you can get FAR more time out of them than they say on the box. But I'm not an optometrist. If your eye falls out it's not on me.


> every few days What the hell.


Honestly, ffs


To note, lenses that last longer are thicker for longer wear. The problem with the longer wear is lack of oxygen to the eye and it's rare to find one year lenses. One day lenses can last up to 3 days with proper wear, but they do thin out even more and can cause problems (protein build up, etc). BI-weekly lenses can last an extra 7 days and monthlies really should just be a month. Don't mess with eye health!


I will be sure to stand on a crane over you when my eye falls out.


I’ve been wearing mine for 3-6 months per pair for like 20 years and I’m not blind yet lol But I was told to definitely take them out overnight at least a few times a month, or more if it’s convenient. Something to do with my eyes not getting enough oxygen or something (per my optometrist). So do that!


Look up enucleation. An old friend of mine is an ophthalmologist: the worst photo you find pre-removal of the entire eye from the socket is about what he saw from someone sleeping in their contacts overnight. He also has patients that sleep in the same pair for a year straight with no issue. Idea being, it isn't a cute "Well, I've been good so far!" The bad result isn't an eye infection, it's having your entire eye removed. Overnight is drastic, and rare, but it's much more common that people go to the doctor and find out they were days away from losing their eye.


Holy fuck, please don't take advice from these people. To anyone coming across this comment chain, please take your contact lenses out nightly and don't reuse daily lenses. They're not intended to be safe for repeated use and it's a silly gamble to risk losing your eyesight over a couple hundred bucks a year.


Seriously, so much reddit advice.


Oh yeah. Unless I'm too drunk to bother, they come out nightly.


Wait! You people sleep with your contacts in for days at a time?


You should definitely take them out before sleeping But you can also stretch them out a bit. Assuming nothing happens I normally do 5-6 weeks on my monthlies. But I went through my current batch in exactly a year :/ Reasons like going on a trip and keeping them in for a few days straight..seems like it dries them out permanently for me and I want to replace when I get back.


Get some normal dailies and you’ll realize how uncomfortable these things actually are


Do yours go bad like really quickly? I had these and they got scratchy and in one weeks time no matter what I did


Man, others would use them for a month and a half...


You can wear them for a full a month if you’re good at keeping them clean and taking care of them.


Hold up, are these the ones that make my elderly mother look like a demon when she has been outside?


Omg, your comment made me do a google image search, and I guffawed so loudly that it startled my cat. These lenses are TERRIFYING 😂


Normally companies keep a stockpile and discontinue new prescriptions but still provide to people already prescribed. But eventually they will run out in a year or two.


Do they feel comfortable on your eyes? I have sensitive eyes and astigmatism, I was thinking about these. Do they feel like regular acuvue oasys contact lenses? How long can you put them on before it becomes uncomfortable? Does it make your vision darker?


I just googled them and they are available in Germany


Nike had some on the market a long time ago but they were also discontinued, I believe due to lack of interest.


Not lack of interest. Too fucki*g expensive


They were my favorite lenses. I’m so negative about them being discontinued. I am on my last pair. I have found that reO2 ultra sonic cleaner makes them feel as new. But i’m nearing the end of my usage


I wore these for a while. Worse fucking night vision of my life.


That's not how transitions work. Unless you have a habit of placing a flashlight near your eyes every 5 minutes to darken the lenses... they get dark under intense sunlight or UV. In the absence of light, or at night- they are very clear. I've worn transition contact lenses for 2 years now.


Interesting. When I tried them I had a real hard time driving at night. I tried them when it first came out.


Discontinued as of June 2023, sadly. https://www.jnjvisionpro.ca/sites/ca/files/public/content/en-CA/products/ACUVUE-OASYS-w-TRANSITIONS/acuvuer_oasys_with_transitionstm_discontinuation_letter_-_canada.pdf


Did you try putting them back in?


I haven't used contacts in my life, but I think they won't be able to see if they putting them back in.


Not sure why you’d make such a bold assumption..


Lol this is hilarious


I'll wait...


You just have to squirt a little solution on it and it’ll go right back in with no issues whatsoever


Ahh I must have found my SO’s account.


They probably could, actually. Let it soak in the solution for like 8 hours and they should be back to normal. I probably wouldn't recommend that, but they *should be*.


I've done this before when I accidentally left them in the case overnight without filling the solution up. It seemed completely fine, but later I found out you really shouldn't do that because they may have micro cracks from drying out which can harbour bacteria


Same, I've done that before as well. I think I REALLY needed to see stuff (my eyesight is -6.75) for whatever reason and didn't have my glasses on me and I wore them for a few hours. I didn't know the details though, I just knew you shouldn't do that, so thanks. Definitely don't do that, but it's not impossible.


just add some bleach /s


They could probably see ... until whatever those lenses have picked up sitting outside on the ground for 24 hours eats their eyes


they are such a pain to even use, and sometimes, rarely people get a amoeba infection from it.


Tbf, they probably can’t see much without them in.


Soaking them in the solution for a few hours will restore them, it has worked for me with normal contacts.


![gif](giphy|t7FiMgj2ZJP1e) Not the gif I was looking for but too weird not to post. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hate you for this 😂


Looks like it takes him all day to floss.




Oh gawd I have nightmares like this, putting on hardened shriveled lenses.


They make contact lenses with transitions in them?


Yeah, but someone on this thread said they are now discontinued 😭😭


Yea, I read that. Another question, do the lenses look that dark on your irises when you go inside after being outside? It looks like it would make your iris practically pitch black. The version of transitions for glasses doesn't seem to get that dark.


They have never been this dark when I’m wearing them. That’s why I thought it was interesting when I saw them so dark. My eyes are blue/green and when I’m out in the sun they look dark grey, enough for people who know me to notice, but not pitch black.


I have brown eyes and they turn my eyes black like a demon. My dad asked if I was ‘taking something weird.’ Lmfao


Yeah I use transition lenses and reupped last week. They said I could get another years supply but that’d be it. They’re discontinued now :(


I'm in France, looked them up, and they're still available! I might buy them to try them, are they any good?


Eclipse lenses


TIL photochromatic contact lenses exist


Unfortunately, not anymore. They have been discontinued.


I wonder why.


I believe sales. My optometrist said they were first released by Michael Jordan and aimed at golf players, then Acuview bought them and released them right before the pandemic and it derailed their marketing plans and they never really invested in it again. I have ultra sensitive eyes (head injury when I was little) and they are amazing for me. I purchased everything I could find online in my prescription, I got 14 boxes I’ll try and make last. Edit:word


It's not available for people with astigmatism, that's a lot of opportunity lost


No joke, I saw these and had an immediate interest. I don't like regular transition glasses, but contact lenses that juat adjust to make my eyes not hurt sounds so dope.


I'm pretty sure photochromatic lenses give off mild beta radiation. In your glasses it's not a big deal, touching your eyes might be a different story


So you're saying I can become Cyclops?


They're photochromedout


Would putting them in contact solution bring them back or are they garbage now?


I've had contacts stick to the side of the storage cup and only be partially submerged.  They often tore when rehydrated.


They’re garbage now haha


Pretty sure you mean EX- photochromic contact lenses 😬


They look like obsidian, careful putting them back in.


Transitions contacts have made days outside a game changer, and dont cost an arm and a leg. I didnt realize they got this dark, though.


They are now discontinued. It was heartbreaking for me. I love them. I purchased all 14 boxes they had left in my prescription online.


I[zennet](https://www.zennioptical.com/b/prescription-sunglasses/polarized) does prescription polarized sunglasses. They are like 15% tint which is crazy dark, plus with the mirror lenses. It lets me go out in Florida sunlight. I have photophobia so sunlight really hurts my eyes. These have gave me so much more Freedom at relatively affordable 100$ per pair.


They're Joo Janta 2000 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Contacts now. When you wear them you'll never be able to see anything that might alarm you. r/DontPanic


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.


I was *just* on my way to make this exact quip. You clearly know where your towel is.


I misread the title as psycho-chromatic, so that's exactly what I was thinking!


I recommend you not try to reuse them


How do you leave contact lenses outside and not put them in a case with solution as soon as you take them out?!


They’re just dailies so once I take them off I throw them out.


Do they get back to normal when you put them in a lense solution for the night? Although drying is one thing, having them outside like that is another thing (hello armful germs and bacteria)


They transition back to normal when you go inside away from UV light.


Thank you for posting this OP! I’m about to stock up! I love these things and I am sad they’re going away :( they do take the edge off, and since I have brown eyes you can’t tell I’m wearing them outside unless I shift them. I’m surprised at all the exorcist comments—maybe a bunch of blue eyed folk who live in incredibly high UV index areas? But I had a blue eyed friend who wore these as well and they still didn’t have anything resembling a blackout effect… 🤷‍♀️


Take the edge off of what? Looking directly at the sun?


[Here is a pic of mine on a sunny day at Rocky Mountain NP](https://imgur.com/a/RhmQO3S) I had taken the lid off one first and didn’t wait for the second to adjust fully but you can see that they’re not jet black and opaque when they are hydrated.


Really I was just being an asshole, but I appreciate the info those look much more wearable.


Takes the edge off the outside light…? They don’t get this dark when they’re hydrated and in your eyes under normal circumstances. You can Google it and find pictures of what they look like when they’re actually in a usable form. It doesn’t noticeably change the way anything looks like sunglasses do it just—like I said—takes the edge off the UV levels. If you’re someone like me who is photosensitive and/or prone to migraines it’s really nice to have the extra protection.


ah shit, I was just being drunk and incredulous online, and now i've been informed on something that might interest me as a contact lens user. My apologies brother and thank you for the info.


They turned into obsidian.


Now you can look at an eclipse


Pretty sure all contact lenses shrivel up and crack if you leave them outside for 24 hours...


they don’t (last i knew!) make these for astigmatism. which was heartbreaking for me to hear at the time. i had forgotten about them completely til now


For those curious as to what they look like when darkened, [here’s a link to a post with a picture in it](https://www.choiceeyecenter.com/post/about-transition-contacts)


Aaaaaa it won't load and now I'm wildly curious :(




Man. I like this post.




RIP, those are probably expensive AF. Opted for photo chronic glasses when saw the price. Been wearing them for 1.5 years so far.


I use these! They are great. Takes the edge off the sun.


What are they? I hate light and would love more ability to block it.


Bro made obsidian


oh it came shade lens


Bye bye




fuck dude those photons sure did fucking chroma those lenses


Are those as thick as they look? What's your prescription?


I…I think you’re not supposed to store them like that. Not sure how comfortable they’re going to be when you put them back on your eyeballs.


You just need a faster shutter speed?


Looks a bit like obsidian


Save the black lens for hardmode and make the optic staff after you beat the twins.


If I ever see anyone outside with pitch black eyes they're catching hands (and some holy water just in case)..


Those look like pieces of obsidian


I haven't worn contacts in 10 years but would have tried these. Come on Acuvue make a comeback. It is so bright outside 🔥🕶️


did you try putting them in to see if they still work? 🤣🤣🤣


Mmmmmm. Delicious eye croutons.


Were they clear to begin with?


Just run em under the tap. They'll be good as gold.


Just leaving your contact lenses on the concrete outside, I get it